drarryshipperr - DrarryShipperđŸ„°

she/her slytherin obsessed with harry potter and drarry

731 posts

I Saw This On Instagram Now I Dont Know If This Is Actual Facts About Him Or Headcannon Facts Made Up

I Saw This On Instagram Now I Dont Know If This Is Actual Facts About Him Or Headcannon Facts Made Up

i saw this on instagram now i don’t know if this is actual facts about him or headcannon facts made up by fans so here is some facts about him that i agree with btw i agree with all of the facts😂 draco can have another favorite color but his first favorite color is green because he is a slytherin his favorite fruit is green apples and he loves green because of harry’s eyes:) i agree draco is scared of storms but harry is there to comfort him i don’t know if draco hates yellow because he feared he was gonna be a hufflepuff is true or not but okayđŸ€·â€â™€ïž yes this is cannon draco actually liked the weasley twins it is cannon that draco went to fred funeral and george saw draco crying😱 i love this fact true or not i do love the snape is draco godfather like i believe lucius did made snape draco godfather i love that fact/theory yes i don’t think draco loved or proud of being a death eater so having to wear long sleeves to cover and hide his mark i see him doing that yes draco is scared of the dark but again harry is there to comfort himâ˜ș do i agree with draco being the 2 smartest on his year? yea i do he is smart and lastly does draco really have a little sister and his parents gave her away? well i did headcannon a theory that luna lovegood is draco malfoy cousin but now that i think about it what if she’s is his sister? i mean she was born in february 1981 while he was born in june 1980 yes while they are only a year apart but she would still be considered as his little sister i mean wow forget the cousin theory luna is not draco cousin she is his sister and i saw a youtube video about harry potter theories and in that video one of the theory was luna was draco long lost sister so what if it’s actually true? i think so i think luna is actually the daughter of lucius and narcissa and they gave her up for ïżŒadoption and xenophilius and pandora lovegood adopted her i had to go to luna lovegood wiki to find out her mother name don’t judge me😂 so anyways i do agree that luna is draco sister so if i see any post about anyone shipping luna and draco together i will be disgusted just saying

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More Posts from Drarryshipperr

3 years ago

i don’t get why shipping drarry aka draco and harry bothers some people so much? like don’t ship them? fine but if you gonna be rude about it maybe just keep that to yourself so if you ever see drarry content on your feed whatever it’s on tumblr twitter or instagram instead of harassing the people who ship them just block them and get over it fictional ships shouldn’t bother people that’s why fiction exist if it was fiction and not fictional then that’s something that is bothering you supposed to have fun with something that is fictional whatever if it’s shipping fictional characters together or headcannoning characters if you ship real people together or head cannon real people then that’s what is bothering and something you shouldn’t do but with fictional you can and have fun you shouldn’t be getting harassed and shame for it so again don’t like drarry keep your mouth shut and block simple easy

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3 years ago

my favorite drarry inncorrect quotes part 2

My Favorite Drarry Inncorrect Quotes Part 2
My Favorite Drarry Inncorrect Quotes Part 2
My Favorite Drarry Inncorrect Quotes Part 2
My Favorite Drarry Inncorrect Quotes Part 2

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3 years ago

why are you lying to yourselfđŸ€Ł

I Dont Understand Why Some People Are So Fascinated With Draco Malfoy. He Is Perhaps The Least Interesting

I don’t understand why some people are so fascinated with Draco Malfoy. He is perhaps the least interesting character in the whole series.

3 years ago

i want to rant something about dramione shippers aka draco and hermione i think it’s dumb but hilarious when dramione shippers hate on drarry shippers basically i know they are thinking drarry is a toxic ship while dramione isn’t? draco and hermione relationship isn’t toxic if they are just friends but a romantic relationship yes i mean hermione never became obsessed with draco from the movies or books they barely had scenes together she was more fixated on ron ship what you want but i just hate dramione with a passion if it’s romantic i don’t care if y’all headcannon them being friends because i do agree on them being friends they have no romantic chemistry or tension at all now with drarry they do just watch the scenes between them drarry have more scenes together then hinny does aka ginny and harry if you look up draco and harry scenes together and draco and ginny scenes together draco and harry have more scenes then harry and ginny and that’s another ship i don’t agree on i don’t hate ginny i just don’t like her and and harry together she should have stayed single or be lgbtq and been in a relationship with a girl or another guy her and harry just be friends in my opinion okay now back to drarry they are the most potential believable and better enemies to lovers harry became obsessed with draco that sounds like someone you into in harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 when harry face was swollen up draco never told belïżŒlatrix that it was him even though he knew it was him non drarry shippers say it wasn’t because he loves him but us drarry shippers say otherwise i mean come one did you see the way draco was staring at harry i knew he felt guilt and sad and sorry for harry you could see it i saw it he didn’t tell bellatrix that it was him because he loved him and ïżŒno one can’t prove me wrong there’s a scene it’s a blink you will miss it moment but in harry potter and the goblet of fire when harry is walking down down the hall with his date at the yule ball in that scene you can see draco staring at harry and that stare screams omg he looks so good i’m so in love with him i wish i was his date you can see that if you rewatch that movie or there’s screenshots on it online you can look it up in harry potter deathly hallows part 2 when goyle set the room of requirement on fire that he ended up dying in and draco and blaise are holding on some furniture trying to survive and harry said we can’t leave them and harry went to save draco while ron saved blaise and the ending of deathly hallows when harry revealed to voldemort and everyone else that he wasn’t really dead he was alive draco ran and tossed harry his wand so harry can kill and defeat voldemort this isn’t in the film it was cut it’s a deleted scene but you can watch that scenes on youtube just look up harry potter deleted scenes or harry potter deleted scene draco tossed harry his wand and you can see it on there so yea draco and harry were enemies but were they really? did draco and harry really hated each other? if draco really did hate harry he would of have given harry up in the deathly hallows and told bellatrix it was him draco wouldn’t be relieved to found out harry was actually alive and wouldn’t given harry his wand so he can defeat voldemort he wouldn’t have stared at harry like that in the yule ball scene i mean that look he gave him was the look everyone gives when they see someone their in love with if harry did really hate draco he wouldn’t have became obsessed with him now non drarry shippers will say the reason harry became obsessed with draco because he was trying to prove draco was a death eater say what you want but harry obsession with draco screams to me a obsessed schoolboy crush and if harry really did hated draco he wouldn’t gone back and save draco from that fire in the room of requirement he wanted to save him while ron and hermione like really? you want to save them? like drarry has more chemistry and tension then harry does with ginny and draco does with any one else but ship what you wantïżŒïżŒïżŒïżŒïżŒïżŒ but drarry is cannon😊

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3 years ago

clearly also harry became obsessed with draco that sounds like i want to date that person to me if harry wasn’t interested in draco he wouldn’t be obsessed with him

I Know There Are A Lot Of Drarry Shippers Out There, And Yet Seeing As Some Of Their Hating On Other

I know there are a lot of Drarry shippers out there, and yet seeing as some of their hating on other ships is supported by the fact that one character would never date another because one treated the other very badly (ex. Dramione, Snily, etc), they’re completely ignoring the fact that Harry would never date Draco because of how badly Draco had treated him and his friends. While I don’t deny that I have a headcanon that Harry is bisexual, Drarry is just not reasonable.