Writing, creativity, plenty of issues. Likes Tony Stark a lot. Commonly nicknamed either Eir or Lys. You can find my fics on Ao3 as well.
396 posts
Soft Asks For Soft Lys!!! 7, 8, 10, 18, 20
soft asks for soft Lys!!! 7, 8, 10, 18, 20
đ Thank youuuuuu đ
7. what color brings you peace?
Blue, mostly. Itâs a color that I like seeing, so that gives me a good feeling.
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good.
@journeythroughtherain @weethreequarter @somystark for asking me these lovely questions and making me think about positive things. @winterirondiscord for all the lovely people it contains that make every day a little better and brighter.
10. whatâs something youâre excited for?
Thatâs kinda difficult since thereâs nothing currently on my agenda which is a big âomg yesâ-moment. I still have hopes that my boyfriend will propose at some point, so thatâd be something đ
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
I do. I very much do. Thereâs two currently actually in my bed, though I have loads more - my rabbit, which was given to me when I was born and is my oldest stuffed animal, and a red panda plush that I got myself last year. I love soft things, and stuffed animals are definitely included (to, occasionally, my boyfriendâs exasperation).
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
A couple of things that are mostly tied together. Overall, I think a) money would make a difference. Which I would get if I could get b) a job. Which would help me gain some c) self-confidence and peace of mind.
Thanks again for the ask, and I hope you liked the answers! đ
somystark liked this · 5 years ago
weethreequarter liked this · 5 years ago
More Posts from Eirlyssa

Tony wasn't supposed to be involved.
As much as it had started out as trying to help out, and as much as Bucky still believed he was doing the right thing, he knew he'd made enemies. People that wanted him hurt, wanted him out.
People that would go through others to get what they wanted.
He couldn't believe he'd thought they wouldn't find out. Of course they would. He should've just ignored his stupid attraction, should've walked away from Tony. Should have kept him safe.
Now he was missing, and Bucky had no clue where he was. And as he searched for Tony, he worried. If he was hurt, if he was even still alive.
Bucky would find him, though. He would find Tony, and he'd make whoever had taken him regret it.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
A fill for SFW Wednesday: Trope/AU - Mafia/Mob AU for the @winterironmonth. Hope you enjoy!!
When Tony comes to see Bucky, it's easy to tell that something is very wrong.
A fill for SFW Thursday: Dialogue/Sentence - âWhere did that bruise come from?â for the @winterironmonth that is also inspired by this post from @whumpster-dumpster. Also a fill for my @tonystarkbingo (card 3022):
Square Filled: A3 - Free space Ship/Main Pairing: pre-WinterIron Rating: Teen and up Major Tags: Mentions of abuse, mentions of child abuse, hurt/comfort, hurt Tony Stark, protective Bucky Barnes, Sunset Bain/Tony Stark (bad relationship), Howard Stark's A+ Parenting Word Count: 1234
I hope you like it!
There wasn't much Tony had that was truly his, but this was one of them. Until he noticed Bucky struggling and decided to help.
A fill for SFW Tuesday: Word - Flowers for the @winterironmonth, as well as a fill for the @tonystarkbingo:
Square: A4 - Gardening Card Number: 3022 Ship/Main Pairing: WinterIron Rating: General Audiences Major Tags: Getting together, Tony Stark has a heart, Bucky Barnes has issues, gardening, Howard Stark's A+ parenting Word Count: 1392
I hope you enjoy it! đ
A short ficlet for @winterironmonth, filling SFW Friday - Word: Homesick and Dialogue/Sentence: âJust shut up and kiss me, you idiot.â. Hope you enjoy!
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Tony's homesickness had always been more about the people than the places. At seven, he'd missed Jarvis terribly, to the point of silently crying himself to sleep. At nineteen, despite the fact that Rhodey had been the one to leave for the Air Force, he'd drowned his loneliness in alcohol and people who didn't care for him at all.
He'd thought he'd gotten better at it since then. Thought he'd gotten over the nausea and the restlessness and the feeling of desolation.
And then he'd gotten into a relationship with Bucky, and it had started happening again. When he'd have to go on a business trip, or when Bucky was off doing missions, the loneliness returned again. It made it near impossible to sleep properly, leaving him exhausted and even more miserable.
Which, overall, was doable. Tony's schedule had never been the most consistent, and with enough coffee he could hide it very well.
But there had been a business trip, and Bucky had been called on a mission before he'd returned, and it had been over a week without a proper night's rest. And even for Tony, that was... too much.
So he was near-delirious when Bucky finally did return, manic and bouncing on far too many cups of coffee.
"You're home!" He just about jumped into Bucky's arms, and it was a good thing Bucky was prepared for him or he'd have fallen flat on the floor due to miscalculating the distance just a little. "I missed you! Just a healthy amount, of course, nothing to worry about at all, it's just weird when you're not here but I'm fine and just don't ask JARVIS how much I've slept because I'm pretty sure you'd be worried about that and I don't want you to be worried, because you just got home..."
Bucky, smiling down at him fondly, pressed a single finger to his lips. "Just shut up and kiss me, you idiot."
That was a brilliant idea, and Tony happily brushed his lips against Bucky's. And once more. And again. And with every kiss, he felt the tension ease a little more, until he was just leaning against his partner.
"Yeah, let's go for a nap," Bucky murmured, but it hardly even registered anymore.
Sighing happily, Tony let himself fall asleep in Buckyâs arms.
Finally, he was home.

Tony: You said you wanted a pet.
Bucky: Cat. I said I wanted a cat.
@tonystarkbingo Square: A5 - Adopting a Pet Card # 3087