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I Use This Whenever The Other Princes Come Anywhere Near Me (unfortunately 4 Hours Isnt Long Enough)
I use this whenever the other Princes come anywhere near me (unfortunately 4 hours isn’t long enough)

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More Posts from Eldrichlibrarian
If you were to rank the daedric princes in terms of power, who would fall where?
This is a tricky question, because we have one clear objective answer, and according to Google, 355,687,428,096,000 subjective lists. That’s a fairly big number, but it gets worse because we don’t necessarily know how many Daedric Princes exist.
The objective answer is “it depends on the writer”. As a few examples of this, sometimes Clavicus Vile is so weak that he can hardly interact with the world around him, other times he’s casually eradicating villages for fun. We’ve seen Hircine casually hijack reality for his own amusement multiple times, but he can also be beaten in a standup fight at the same time, and we’ve been told that he was originally the “weakest” of the bunch. Peryite is sometimes depicted as being the “weakest” Prince, other times he’s treated as the archdemon of Tamriel. Molag Bal is somehow able to go toe to toe with the power of the combined Aedra, and at other points has trouble doing much more than pranking some priest with a haunted house. They are going to be as strong or weak as the story requires, basically.
So instead of trying to open that can of worms today, we’re going to open an entirely different can of worms, and judge them based on their fashion sense.
#17 -- Azura (DISQUALIFIED)

Azura is immediately disqualified from this contest for cheating, because of COURSE she would. Her fashion sense is essentially just the Dunmer fashion sense. This is mostly because she expresses her will through possession often enough, so her “chosen” outfit is usually just whatever that person chose to wear that day. Honestly this might be the worst thing she has ever done, and she cursed the entire population of Morrowind to die because of the actions of three people.
#16 -- Hermaeus Mora

You have to play the game if you want points, and Mora doesn’t play the game. Hermaeus Mora, a terrifying monstrosity from beyond the void, doesn’t play dress up. His commitment to himself is respectable, but this contest is about their fashion sense.
#15 -- Jyggalag

Jyggalag is the kind of person we could have told about this contest in advance, given him plenty of time to prepare, only to have him show up wearing the same armor as always. It’s not that he doesn’t care, he cares FAR too much, but he has about the same imagination capacity as the rest of this metaphor when we compare him to “someone without much imagination at all”.
#14 -- Molag Bal

Molag Bal’s relationship with clothing can be best described as “generally opposed”, and his fashion sense suffers from that. He is much more interested in tearing clothing off over finding something that matches his complexion. Molag Bal is an awful person.
#13 -- Meridia

Meridia is powerful enough to hijack the sun for her own purposes, and she still dresses like she shoplifts from Goodwill. Meridia, you’re supposed to oppose the undead, stop dressing like you are one.
#12 -- Malacath

Malacath was never going to win this contest, something he’s very fine with. Malacath may not even make it to the top half of the list, but he earns a small amount of personal respect for literally not caring about that fact at all.
#11 -- Namira

What the hell Namira? Sincerely, you may be in the back half of the contest but only SLIGHTLY. Of all the Princes who would have taken a dive to lose this thing, it really should have been you. Namira places on our eleventh spot, but she SHOULD have been at last place. She dresses adequately. Nothing overly fancy, but nothing truly ragged as expected from NAMIRA. I can’t believe you let Azura take last place from you.
#10 -- Peryite

Peryite has a small collection of forms. His favorite outfit is his dragon appearance, but he has also been known to use various foul creatures to appear. He understands his gimmicks well, throws some variety in there, and even has “formal wear”. A generally competent performance, and all we can expect from the only Prince with a real job. Bravo!
#9 -- Mehrunes Dagon

Mehrunes Dagon breaks through the pack of back half thanks to one thing and one thing only... he works it. He knows the poses, how to make an entrance, how to hold himself. It really is unfortunate he is in the triumvirate of Princes who only really wear loincloths if anything at all, alongside Molag Bal and Malacath. If he worked in some capes, some armor, he could have been a fierce contender for a top spot.
#8 -- Clavicus Vile

As we head into the top half of our list we start running into difficulties. Everyone after this point REALLY does try. At least usually. Which takes us to Clavicus Vile, and we really need to ask, what’s going on? Clavicus has a degree of style to him, but it’s just missing... je ne sais quoi. It’s hard to put your finger on it exactly. So really, this spot is going to Barbas, because he’s a good boy!
#7 -- Vaermina

Vaermina’s appearance does get the notion of “Dream Demon” across, so she scores highly with consistency and just a degree of variety. I feel like she could have won this, but she just doesn’t get the limelight enough for the Daedra who literally interacts with every person on an almost nightly basis. Vaermina loses, but from no fault of her own.
#6 -- Sanguine

Sanguine gets points for variety, which is exactly what he’s about. There’s a lot of forms of pleasure out there, and Sanguine definitely experiments with his wardrobe. I’m going with the Skyrim appearance, but that’s due to the platform. Sanguine would prefer to be strutting with his golden staff of a naked lady, but Tumblr has a problem with that apparently.
#5 -- Sheogorath

Sheogorath, smart dresser, true to himself... and barely lost this. Sheogorath seemed to forget something very important about himself, and that is that he dresses smart to lead people down the Golden Path. Instead, he’s been mostly lounging in some variety of his robes from the Shivering Isles for the last thirteen years, with very few exceptions. Sheogorath may have thrown this contest away, but he still gets the fifth spot.
#4 -- Mephala

This is a painful one, which is appropriate considering we’re dealing with Mephala. Mephala has some fantastic appearances that have been just absolutely impressive, she knows who she is and how to present herself. She even had her own fashion line. She did not podium, though. Mephala ranks at #4 instead of higher for two reasons. She keeps forgetting to do stuff, for one. Mephala is “around”, but just not enough. It feels like her best showing is still to come. Secondly, there have been some “off” appearances where it really just seems like she wasn’t into it. A bit more flair, and she would have been competing for a top spot.
#3 -- Nocturnal

Nocturnal gets the bronze because she basically hits every point we can ask her too. She is consistent but still a degree of variety, she has a fairly strong presence in the series, and she knows how to steal a scene. Nocturnal is coming into her own, but she just didn’t have enough of a presence in the earlier installments of the series to win outright.
#2 -- Boethiah

Boethiah earned a top spot just for the wardrobe. Just an absolute ton of variety, Boethiah has fun appearing in new and interesting ways. Really knows how to make an appearance too, usually extremely memorable and just all around fun. Boethiah just barely lost outright to our number one spot, because of a lack of lengthier appearances. A one scene wonder, but a great one.
#1 -- Hircine

Hircine is the winner for most stylish Daedric Prince, and with a safe margin! Hircine uses different appearances to make each scene memorable, and adjusts it to match the occasion. He even usually morphs reality to better fit the tone he’s going for. He really knows how to hold himself, he steals each scene with the atmosphere he oozes. And most of all, he is OUR PRINCE. Hircine has made time for us again and again, he’s even fought us before and made it a fair fight to keep things interesting! He praises us when we ignore his orders, but respects our cooperation when we provide it. Hircine is a class act of a Prince, and one stylish fellow.
I was wondering about your thoughts on familiars? 🐍🦍🐆🐺🦉🐈🦚🦔🐇😁
*Cracks knuckles…prepares for the shit storm* brace yourselves…loooong fucking post.
95% of people I’ve seen talk about familiars, post pictures of their familiars and talk about how their *insert animal companion* helps them with their spell work…aren’t familiars. They are animal companions, aka pets. They also insist that because they are a witch with and animal who sits on their tarot cards, that it’s automatically a familiar.
Familiars can come in different forms (not talking about cat vs dog vs snake) but it must be reminded that familiar is shortened of “spirit familiar”. It’s not that pets can’t be familiars, it’s that the people who talk about their pets as familiars take inspiration from pop culture of what a familiar is. It’s not just an animal that follows the witch around. A familiar actively assists with the witch’s work.
Familiars that come in the shape of animals have been around for ages, and across cultures, but the things that ties them together is they appear of their own volition or in specific ways. They aren’t purchased from a pet store, they aren’t adopted from the shelter…is it possible? Sure I guess? Pet stores weren’t really around when most of the accounts of familiar came from. Oof. I need to organize my thoughts a bit.

Familiars Spirits are traditionally intangible/supernatural entities that may or may not choose to appear in physical form whether animal, entity’s “True Form”, or even under disguise, whether as something else or even as another person. Spirit familiars may also inhabit inanimate objects such as statues, spirit vessels (fetiche) such as roots, clay or earthen figures, empty boxes etc.

Familiars as Gifts
In some accounts, a familiar is given to a witch or cunning folk by another person.
In these cases it’s usually given by a teacher or mentor, or a family member to assist the practitioner in their path. Traditionally it’s someone with a hand in the recipients magical practice.
The spirit passed down may be the witch (or cunningfolk, but for the remainder of this post, I will refer to them interchangeably) indefinitely. The implication there is that the familiar not only is connected to the witch, but to their specific practice and thus can be viewed as a guardian of the path with the assumption that eventually, the witch will pass the familiar onto the next generation.
It may also be a personal familiar that is passed down. Personal as in this is the first time the familiar is passed on, and could become the type mentioned above (guardian style of either the path or family line) or it may be a temporary contract. The familiar may be with the witch to protect it, and assist in place of the original practitioner and may leave/disappear/die when they are able to conjure their own and enter into a pact with a new familiar (or create a pact with the old familiar).
In the case of being passed on, the relationship between witch and familiar, in lieu of a teacher, may impart certain secrets of the path. IT may also not even give the option to continue the relationship if the previous witch only extended the contract to get the new practitioner to a certain point or through hardship.
It should also be pointed out that specifically in european traditions and some north american lore, that the spirit familiar is given to the witch or magical practitioner by yet another spirit or entity who is more powerful. This could be a spirit mentor, Faery, or as a pact with “The Man in Black” Ol Scratch, or some iteration that has been interpreted as the devil or satan. In these cases, it is both a symbol of the relationship, a representative of the pact, a gift, and a tool.

Familiars as Animals
As mentioned and popularized both in folklore and in pop culture, familiar spirits may appear in the form of animals.
In the overly popular example of the Salem Witch trials, we see through trial records the purported importance of a “Witch’s Mark”. The mark is some bodily anomaly that supposedly was where the witch could suckle their familiar. It could be a mole, a birthmark, skintag, and was instrumental in the conviction of the accused.
Certain animals are more likely to be the form of a familiar, and that also depends on the geography of the witch as well as the culture. Example, in the US, black cats are inherently associated with witches, but in Scottland, Britain and other countries, you’re may be more likely to find a connection through hares, toads, and ravens more commonly than the black cat.
One reason that they appear as more common animals is to maintain the secrecy that envelopes the witch.
In pop culture, it’s always obvious when a familiar is a familiar because the animal is represented in stark contrast between the other animals. You will notice if a black crow flies to the same person’s house day in and day out when there are no other crows around. You would also notice if you were in the dessert, and a toad is always standing guard outside a home. The animal forms match the surroundings so it would be conceivable for the witch to deny the familiar as what it is “I found this toad in the scullery, it’s so pesky living near that damnable pond. Please wait a moment while I put this outside.”
There is also a connection and interpretation of familiars as being body doubles, or as having room for 2 spirits. Many stories about the folkloric witch hold that the animal appears throughout the town, or visits neighbors etc and is in fact the witch. Some versions hold that the familiar takes the form of the specific animal because that’s the form the witch can assume (conversely, the familiar teaches the witch to transform into a copy of it). This again maintains the witch’s anonymity because if you see the same animal around for a long time, it’s less likely to raise suspicion. It has also been alluded to that the witch enters the body of the familiar or projects their conscious into the familiar to see what need be seen and do what need be done remotely.
Animal familiar spirits in other accounts assume that shape to better serve the witch whether as lookout, intelligence gatherer or collector of needed ingredients.
Familiars also can assume the shape of multiple animals at once, but usually will be the same one, and smaller such as a cloud of flies, grouping of spiders, several small frogs, and even flocks of birds such as starlings, magpies and sparrows. Again, this depends on both the area and the witch.

Familiar Pets
This is one exception that can easily fall into the category of mundane pets and animals being considered familiars (Please note I said this is the easy exception. There may be others, but those are individual cases.)
Some animals are kept as divinatory familiars. This falls under the branch of Zoomancy - divination done through interpretation of movements actions and reaction of animals.
Ailuromancy, coming from the greek ailouros meaning “cat” is divination through…cats. How this is done varies depending on the culture and time, but it’s done by interpreting the movements, and actions of cats. Noticing how cats jump, where they land, what they do with their tales, whiskers, how they curl up, wash their faces, intonations of their meows.
Alectromancy is the process of using hens and or roosters for divination. Sometimes its observing their movements naturally, other times it’s done by placing the chicken in a circle with different symbols and placing feed on all the symbols, interpreting the actions and choices of the chicken as the answer to the question.
Arachnomancy is the process of divining knowledge past present and future through spiders. It’s been done in multiple cultures from the Inca who kept spiders to answer questions by placing them in bowls and reading how they moved the leaves around. In China, women would collect spiders at fortuitous times in incense boxes and determine events based on if they made webs or didn’t over night. In other cultures, the keeping of spiders was done to read their webs and habits. In other parts of the world, different type of leaves, or cards were moved by kept spiders to interpret omens and fortune.
The reason that these are considered familiars is because they are used directly in the witch’s work. They are kept and fed and cared for, but they have a separate purpose from just existing, and that is as a tool.
I have nothing against pets, I’ve got three myself. I love them, I care for them, they comfort me when I am sick, or tired, or stressed, but they are mundane animals. They were adopted, they were raised, and they do dog things. I joke when I refer to my black dog Arlo as a familiar because he brings me avocados. I don’t use avocados that often in my craft and there’s a tree in my backyard so it’s nothing spiritually enriching, just adorable.
Is it possible that your pet is a familiar? Yes. But most likely it’s just a treasured animal, and familiar in this definition: One who is often seen, and well known; synonym: Companion. Alt.: in close friendship; intimate. Synonyms: Casual, friendly, comfortable, informal.
The term “familiar”, the noun in regards to witches is a different definition: a spirit often embodied in an animal and held to attend and serve or guard a person.
There is precedent to referring to pets as familiars when it comes to having animals that are integral to your craft.
While it may not do anything inherently magical, if used for magic then it is sometimes referred to as a familiar.
Using an animal/pet for a working can also be referred to as using a familiar. Some people use their pets as a conduit or even as a spell holder to deliver the spell to someone else.
Paul Huson refers to these types of animals/familiars/magistelli as a power object
Yes, I mean you can put a hex on someone through your dog. Yes I also mean you can deliver a hex to someone by them petting your dog. or a blessing…that too
Additional note…If you’ve pissed off another witch and go to their home ask if they’ve read my blog before petting their dog. They may be using it to hex you…or bless you.
What does this mean?
If your pet doesn’t attend and serve you in your magical workings, or used in your magical workings on purpose it’s not a traditional witch’s spirit familiar.
If your pet gives you attention and happiness it is familiar to you.
A witch doesn’t need to have a familiar to be a witch. Yes, the 1648 law in Massachusetts defined a witch as one who “hath or consulteth with a familiar spirit.” But even that denotation of what makes a witch was repealed in 1682, ten years before the Salem witch trials. Even the puritans recognized that not all witches have familiars, and sometimes an animal is just an animal.

Familiar Spirits additionally
Some familiar spirits may appear and be subservient or loyal immediately. No pact or contract needs to be done, it’s more just…there.
Familiar spirits may be other spirits who enter into a pact with the witch. Either appearing spontaneously, or through a summons and communication.
This pact may be for a week, a month, several years, or a lifetime…even longer (see above, Familiars as gifts).
Familiars may not always be present. Some may have a resting place the witch must go to, some reside in a different realm, plane, dimension or whatever and need to be called forth to do work. Some may be around the witch at all times, but there is still the function of the familiar.
Familiars do what witches cannot. If that’s going out, gathering items, retrieving lost things, there is an air of purpose that familiars fulfill in assisting the witch in a real way.
This real way is often either physical or spiritual, and with the exception of popculture, most times it is not in an emotional sense like pets fulfill.
Familiars are spirits, and their forms may change, but they are spirits none the less.
Plant familiars are a thing. Most famous is the Alraune/Alrune/Alruna made from a mandrake. Other plant familiars are grouped under the title of Magistellius Flora.
Magistelli is one title for familiars, and some historians denote that the term “familiar” was passed on from the church to further pass judgement on witches for becoming familiar with the devil (through demonic servants).
As mentioned previously, spirit familiars may inhabit objects and go forth from there. The physical tether is usually cared for and attended to by the witch.
Even though the vessel isn’t living, it is fed and tended to usually as part of the pact made with the spirit.

Familiars in Pop Culture That are More Accurate than Others…
The VVitch (Movie)- the hare that appear numerous times throughout the film is a familiar. It’s not made clear if it is there as a watcher for the witch either holding the witch’s conscious, or as the witch herself. Another possibility is that the hare is a harbinger, delivering an enchantment on behalf of the witch to go unnoticed (The musket backfiring while the hare is watching). Another iteration or possibility is that the familiar is taking on the stance of protector or guard. When deep in the woods the hare is seen, and as the location of where the witch(es) live in the woods, it could be implied that it stands guard to repel interlopers, or notify the witch(es) of the presence of the puritans. The hare also, while not as widely associated with witches in the United States currently, must be recognized as still being very intensely connected to witches during the time period. The puritans immigrated to the colonies from England, and it can be inferred that the witch(es) who are at work in the woods also came from England or another European country.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV) - Sabrina actively seeks a familiar and goes into the woods asking for a (hob)goblin to attend her as a partner. Though it’s also acknowledged that familiars can be subservient and chosen that way. Numerous times, the cat (Salem) acts as a protector for Sabrina. As mentioned above, familiars are sometimes called forth to guide and protect witches through trying times, or to be near the witch to assist with workings when other witches cannot. You also see the spirit form of the goblin before it chooses what shape to inhabit. It’s usual for the true nature of the familiar to only be visible by the witch it has a contract with, but accounts (and experience) of others being able to see flits of the spirit if not discernable details is exhibited by Salem only showing his true form to Sabrina when they enter into the pact.
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (TV) - Being a prime example of the British and Scottish interpretations of Spirit familiars being Fae, Faery, or the Good Neighbors, the story line includes a Faery referred to as “The Gentleman” (Further example of the relationship between fae and witches relating to the importance of names) who wishes to be the assistant, teacher, mentor of Mr. Norrell. A “common” occurence in scottish witch lore is that either the faery that the witch/cunning folk learns from in some cases is a familiar, but in other accounts bestows a familiar (lesser faery, animal spirit etc) unto the practitioner. This also is a fair representation both of the care needed when working with the fae, but also with working with spirits in general as they have autonomy, and a familiar gained through a pact, needs to be respected.
Harry Potter (Movie And Book Series) - While there are plenty of animals, fantastic beasts and witches throughout the story lines, there are only 2 (kinda 3) animals that fulfill the traditional sense of the word “Familiar”. Mrs. Norris the cat and Argus Filch have a relationship that is a parody of who people would assume is a witch (the irony being that he has no magical powers, but lives among those who do). A curmudgeonly man with a bad attitude, snarl and distaste for interacting with the general populous and a craving for torturing children with a cat (reads like a stereotypical witch). Mrs. Norris is described as having an uncanny ability to find rule breakers and an unexplainable connection to her owner. Being able to notify him when there’s rukebreaking afoot with a yowl and also being able to recognize and see through enchantments (Harry’s cloak). Nagini also fits the bill as being an animal with whom only the witch/wizard can communicate who also is able to act independently of them. Also being sent out both as scout, guard and having a connection the owner can use to see through their eyes/inhabit (Voldemort in Nagini/ the department of mysteries. Also the shapeshifting into Bathilda Bagshot and notifying her owner of Harry’s prescience.) **BEFORE YALL TRY AND GO OFF. I realize that as of the newest film, nagini can’t be considered a familiar as she’s a cursed witch blah blah blah. Before it came out, the books representation of Nagini is textbook Familiar.** Speaking of Fantastic Beasts, the Matagat are described as familiar spirits and it’s a little nod to folklore. They appear for like 3 minutes.
Bell, Book, and Candle (movie)- this film is full of tropes. It lays on some pretty thick liberties loosely based on lore surrounding traditional witches mixing it with fairy tale lore about them, namely witches being unable to love etc. But, the cat familiar Pyewacket is an accurate representation of how a familiar can act and be used. Touching on the subject of working magic through the familiar who is more cat with magic, than imp/goblin/demon/fairy/brownie in animal form, the main character uses Pyewacket as both a conduit for her spells as well as sending it forth for her bidding. It also represents the familiars ability to have autonomy and choose whether or not to listen if the pact is broken (this is shown by Pyewacket’s rejection to the main character after she rejects her powers).
Salem(TV) - Another example of familiars, with the additional Witch’s Mark lore incorporated.
Pan’s Labyrinth (Movie) - The mandrake is a textbook magistellus flora root familiar alrune piece of delicious representation.
There are others too but this post is long enough.
So….there are some of my thoughts. Also keep in mind that this is focusing on familiars in North America and European lore. There’s additional context to be had and differences when including South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. Also keep in mind, this is my view and opinions, if you call your parakeet a familiar, I don’t really care. That’s your choice and your practice and as the world adjusts so do practices, but as a traditional witch and folkloric witch myself……I could go on and on and had to stop myself from talking about Greek Genius spirits, Animism, accounts and trial records of witches and familiars, the Allegory of the Cave and more.
TLDR: Familiars are real, I work with them and they are not my pet dogs. If the only reason you call a pet a familiar is because it’s in the room while you light incense and you’re a witch…it’s probably not a traditional familiar. You can call it that sure, but it’s a different definition than is widely accepted and assumed when you say Witch’s familiar. If you do include your pet for workings then that falls in line with some of the iterations of the classical familiar.
🦇Cheers, Barberwitch
The White Things of West Virginia

Strange sightings are not uncommon in West Virginia, there seems to be an abundance of strange or unexplained creatures. One of these creatures has so many sightings and so many variations, you wonder if it’s a new species or dedicated hoax.
These are the White Things of West Virginia.
Keep reading