Daedric Prince - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

blah blah Bethesda bad anyway

my favorite thing about Elder Scrolls is how goddamn fuckin weird it is

like on surface it's just some dnd game but like even a cursory glance shows tis fucking insane like:

The moons is the corpse of a god

the stars are actually holes in reality when alot of primordial spirits hated that mortals were becoming a thing and fucked off

The demon lord of forbidden knowledge/resident Cthulhu stand-in might also be the beta version of the entire fucking universe made sentient when it wasn't chosen to be the used reality

there are cat ppl that take the form of furrys, lions, or regular cats, so you can have a cursing Pirate legend whose an alcoholic & wanted in 5 countries but is also a like basic tabby cat

the wood elves are so pro-nature they're cannibals and also they murder vegetarians

Vampires came from the Lord of Rape doing well ya know

Werewolves came to exist bc the lord of hunt got bored and is a furry

sex is treated like a fucking ip copyright contract on what aspect of sex is happening and what god it's under. There's been many religious wars about this

The lizard ppl are part tree

the Dwarves all fucked off somewhere and disappeared bc they were so atheist they did math to break relativity and literally no one has any idea where they went God or mortal (except maybe Cthulhu and hes not telling)

Said Cthulhu stand-in treats hiding your grandma's secret cookie recipe & hiding a spell that would end the universe and slay a god the exact same and he will murder you for either

Everyone wants to fuck the Orcs but will never admit it and they got so bent out of shape that a demon god killed the og orc god, ate him, and shat him out bc she couldn't deal with everyone complimenting them all the time so now all Orcs are cursed to be hated but they're all still sexy & so is their god

And all this isnt even the tip of the iceberg

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1 year ago
I Just Realized Something. The Nine Coruscations. 9. 7 Spectral Colors (violet, Blue, Cyan, Green, Yellow,

I just realized something. The Nine Coruscations. 9. 7 spectral colors (violet, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red), black and white.

Ithelia is the Prime Archon. The White Star. White is what we see when all wavelengths of light are reflected off an object. Like a prism, or a crystal.

I Just Realized Something. The Nine Coruscations. 9. 7 Spectral Colors (violet, Blue, Cyan, Green, Yellow,

ā€¦ that contained starlight and endless possibility beyond cosmic interplay. He named her ā€¦ the Colors of Light ā€¦ - The Nine Coruscations

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4 years ago

i will refer to the daedra by nicnames ive known them for freekn 7 years

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3 years ago

Hircine a.k.a That Little Shit. I swear that this. Piece. Of. Shitty. Art. Took me hours to finish. And now I'm going to ramble about how I am not satisfied with result. And yes, the hand is TOO SMALL EVEN THOUGH I RE-made it two times.

Hircine A.k.a That Little Shit. I Swear That This. Piece. Of. Shitty. Art. Took Me Hours To Finish. And

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7 years ago
Azura, Dusk And Dawn - Redesign

Azura, Dusk and Dawn - redesign

I redraw her in the Daggerfall style (I donā€™t like her Morrowind style) with some details of Morrowind.

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7 years ago

Holy Akatosh! This is amazing ā¤

Holy Fuck This Is Beautiful And I Need It In My House Pronto. Divines, Daedric Princes And Dragons!

Holy fuck this is beautiful and I need it in my house pronto. Divines, Daedric princes and Dragons! šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•

From u/phantom-scribbler.

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It all makes sense now

Meridia is a strategy game player

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3 years ago

If you were to rank the daedric princes in terms of power, who would fall where?

This is a tricky question, because we have one clear objective answer, and according to Google, 355,687,428,096,000 subjective lists. Thatā€™s a fairly big number, but it gets worse because we donā€™t necessarily know how many Daedric Princes exist.Ā 

The objective answer is ā€œit depends on the writerā€. As a few examples of this, sometimes Clavicus Vile is so weak that he can hardly interact with the world around him, other times heā€™s casually eradicating villages for fun. Weā€™ve seen Hircine casually hijack reality for his own amusement multiple times, but he can also be beaten in a standup fight at the same time, and weā€™ve been told that he was originally the ā€œweakestā€ of the bunch. Peryite is sometimes depicted as being the ā€œweakestā€ Prince, other times heā€™s treated as the archdemon of Tamriel. Molag Bal is somehow able to go toe to toe with the power of the combined Aedra, and at other points has trouble doing much more than pranking some priest with a haunted house. They are going to be as strong or weak as the story requires, basically.

So instead of trying to open that can of worms today, weā€™re going to open an entirely different can of worms, and judge them based on their fashion sense.

#17 -- Azura (DISQUALIFIED)


Azura is immediately disqualified from this contest for cheating, because of COURSE she would. Her fashion sense is essentially just the Dunmer fashion sense. This is mostly because she expresses her will through possession often enough, so her ā€œchosenā€ outfit is usually just whatever that person chose to wear that day. Honestly this might be the worst thing she has ever done, and she cursed the entire population of Morrowind to die because of the actions of three people.

#16 -- Hermaeus Mora


You have to play the game if you want points, and Mora doesnā€™t play the game. Hermaeus Mora, a terrifying monstrosity from beyond the void, doesnā€™t play dress up. His commitment to himself is respectable, but this contest is about their fashion sense.

#15 -- Jyggalag


Jyggalag is the kind of person we could have told about this contest in advance, given him plenty of time to prepare, only to have him show up wearing the same armor as always. Itā€™s not that he doesnā€™t care, he cares FAR too much, but he has about the same imagination capacity as the rest of this metaphor when we compare him to ā€œsomeone without much imagination at allā€.

#14 -- Molag BalĀ 


Molag Balā€™s relationship with clothing can be best described as ā€œgenerally opposedā€, and his fashion sense suffers from that. He is much more interested in tearing clothing off over finding something that matches his complexion. Molag Bal is an awful person.

#13 -- Meridia


Meridia is powerful enough to hijack the sun for her own purposes, and she still dresses like she shoplifts from Goodwill. Meridia, youā€™re supposed to oppose the undead, stop dressing like you are one.

#12 -- Malacath


Malacath was never going to win this contest, something heā€™s very fine with. Malacath may not even make it to the top half of the list, but he earns a small amount of personal respect for literally not caring about that fact at all.

#11 -- Namira


What the hell Namira? Sincerely, you may be in the back half of the contest but only SLIGHTLY. Of all the Princes who would have taken a dive to lose this thing, it really should have been you. Namira places on our eleventh spot, but she SHOULD have been at last place. She dresses adequately. Nothing overly fancy, but nothing truly ragged as expected from NAMIRA. I canā€™t believe you let Azura take last place from you.

#10 -- Peryite


Peryite has a small collection of forms. His favorite outfit is his dragon appearance, but he has also been known to use various foul creatures to appear. He understands his gimmicks well, throws some variety in there, and even has ā€œformal wearā€. A generally competent performance, and all we can expect from the only Prince with a real job. Bravo!

#9 -- Mehrunes Dagon


Mehrunes Dagon breaks through the pack of back half thanks to one thing and one thing only... he works it. He knows the poses, how to make an entrance, how to hold himself. It really is unfortunate he is in the triumvirate of Princes who only really wear loincloths if anything at all, alongside Molag Bal and Malacath. If he worked in some capes, some armor, he could have been a fierce contender for a top spot.

#8 -- Clavicus Vile


As we head into the top half of our list we start running into difficulties. Everyone after this point REALLY does try. At least usually. Which takes us to Clavicus Vile, and we really need to ask, whatā€™s going on? Clavicus has a degree of style to him, but itā€™s just missing... je ne sais quoi. Itā€™s hard to put your finger on it exactly. So really, this spot is going to Barbas, because heā€™s a good boy!

#7 -- Vaermina


Vaerminaā€™s appearance does get the notion of ā€œDream Demonā€ across, so she scores highly with consistency and just a degree of variety. I feel like she could have won this, but she just doesnā€™t get the limelight enough for the Daedra who literally interacts with every person on an almost nightly basis. Vaermina loses, but from no fault of her own.

#6 -- Sanguine


Sanguine gets points for variety, which is exactly what heā€™s about. Thereā€™s a lot of forms of pleasure out there, and Sanguine definitely experiments with his wardrobe. Iā€™m going with the Skyrim appearance, but thatā€™s due to the platform. Sanguine would prefer to be strutting with his golden staff of a naked lady, but Tumblr has a problem with that apparently.

#5 -- Sheogorath


Sheogorath, smart dresser, true to himself... and barely lost this. Sheogorath seemed to forget something very important about himself, and that is that he dresses smart to lead people down the Golden Path. Instead, heā€™s been mostly lounging in some variety of his robes from the Shivering Isles for the last thirteen years, with very few exceptions. Sheogorath may have thrown this contest away, but he still gets the fifth spot.

#4 -- Mephala


This is a painful one, which is appropriate considering weā€™re dealing with Mephala. Mephala has some fantastic appearances that have been just absolutely impressive, she knows who she is and how to present herself. She even had her own fashion line. She did not podium, though. Mephala ranks at #4 instead of higher for two reasons. She keeps forgetting to do stuff, for one. Mephala is ā€œaroundā€, but just not enough. It feels like her best showing is still to come. Secondly, there have been some ā€œoffā€ appearances where it really just seems like she wasnā€™t into it. A bit more flair, and she would have been competing for a top spot.

#3 -- Nocturnal


Nocturnal gets the bronze because she basically hits every point we can ask her too. She is consistent but still a degree of variety, she has a fairly strong presence in the series, and she knows how to steal a scene. Nocturnal is coming into her own, but she just didnā€™t have enough of a presence in the earlier installments of the series to win outright.

#2 -- Boethiah


Boethiah earned a top spot just for the wardrobe. Just an absolute ton of variety, Boethiah has fun appearing in new and interesting ways. Really knows how to make an appearance too, usually extremely memorable and just all around fun. Boethiah just barely lost outright to our number one spot, because of a lack of lengthier appearances. A one scene wonder, but a great one.

#1 -- Hircine


Hircine is the winner for most stylish Daedric Prince, and with a safe margin! Hircine uses different appearances to make each scene memorable, and adjusts it to match the occasion. He even usually morphs reality to better fit the tone heā€™s going for. He really knows how to hold himself, he steals each scene with the atmosphere he oozes. And most of all, he is OUR PRINCE. Hircine has made time for us again and again, heā€™s even fought us before and made it a fair fight to keep things interesting! He praises us when we ignore his orders, but respects our cooperation when we provide it. Hircine is a class act of a Prince, and one stylish fellow.

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3 years ago

I use this whenever the other Princes come anywhere near me (unfortunately 4 hours isnā€™t long enough)

I Use This Whenever The Other Princes Come Anywhere Near Me (unfortunately 4 Hours Isnt Long Enough)

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3 years ago

Time is an artificial construct. An arbitrary system based on the idea that events occur in a linear direction at all times. Always forward, never back. Is the concept of time correct? Is time relevant? It matters not.

Sheogorath, TES4: Shivering Isles add-on

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5 months ago

I'm not an artist

I'm Not An Artist

Got bored in Algebra today so me and my friends drew on the whiteboard table. I tried drawing tentacle dadd- I mean hermaeus mora. It's not that good bc im not an artist and all I had was 20 minutes, an expo marker, and a fictional crush

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5 months ago

Any Skyrim mod creators out there, please, PLEASE make a mod that let's the dragonborn date Hermaeus Mora. I'm begging you, PLEASE make this. Even if it's not a dating mod, just make mods that involve more Hermaeus Mora content, even if it's not his normal voice (which is the hottest part), I still need this

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3 years ago

Hermaeus Mora Headcanons

-Hermaeus Mora has a distinct scent, as if someone left a rotten fish on a musty old book for several hours before removing it. Incidentally, this is also the smell of Apocrypha.

-One way to instantly get on his bad side is to call him Hermie. Sheogorath does this on occasion just to watch his reaction.

-Most of the books used to build the library itself are in some stage of decay. On occasion, the Seekers will become desperate enough to find a certain piece of knowledge that theyā€™ll attempt pulling newer additions out of the columns, bringing entire swathes of library down around them.

-Each of Hermaeus Moraā€™s eyes sees differently. Some are far-sighted, some are near-sighted, and some see in other light spectrums entirely. He can create new eyes at will, which is handy if attempting to peer into tight spaces.

-As powerful as the daedric princes are, thereā€™s a reason they keep to their own universe. If youā€™re feeling especially brave, ask Hermaeus about the time another eldritch horror thought he was seafood. (Or, ask Sheogorath. Heā€™ll tell you all about it.)

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3 years ago
Decided To Publish A Long Forgotten Drawing.
Decided To Publish A Long Forgotten Drawing.

Decided to publish a long forgotten drawing.

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