Nest - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
A Bird's Nest Nestled Quietly On The Branches Of A Bare Tree. A Powerful Reminder Of The Resilience Of

A bird's nest nestled quietly on the branches of a bare tree. A powerful reminder of the resilience of life amidst the winter's chill.

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I'd bet any money that Tony put one of these in Clint's room in Stark Tower

I Would Give Anything For This Omg Its So Cool Just Omg Omg Yes.

I would give anything for this omg it’s so cool just omg omg yes. 

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2 years ago
Day 9 #inktober2022: #nest #ink #drawing #art @inktober @prosensip Https://

Day 9 #inktober2022: #nest #ink #drawing #art @inktober @prosensip

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And The Little Birds Also.

And the little birdés also.

I Have To Assume That In The Fullness Of Time, At Least Once, A Mouse Has Used A Mushroom As An Umbrella.

I have to assume that in the fullness of time, at least once, a mouse has used a mushroom as an umbrella.

That’s enough to keep me going.

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1 year ago
Today, Ghostie Goes On An Animal Expedition!That Whale Pose Looks Familiar... As Does That Horse's Color.
Today, Ghostie Goes On An Animal Expedition!That Whale Pose Looks Familiar... As Does That Horse's Color.
Today, Ghostie Goes On An Animal Expedition!That Whale Pose Looks Familiar... As Does That Horse's Color.
Today, Ghostie Goes On An Animal Expedition!That Whale Pose Looks Familiar... As Does That Horse's Color.

Today, Ghostie goes on an animal expedition! That whale pose looks familiar... as does that horse's color.

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4 years ago

In the last chapter of Lil'Bit I felt really sorry for our Aj... everyone tries to help her without really understand how. It was a fantastic chapter, however. Great job as always, @thesarcasticknightblr!

In The Last Chapter Of Lil'Bit I Felt Really Sorry For Our Aj... Everyone Tries To Help Her Without Really

Soooo... yes. Once again. I love drawing and with this story I always find the inspiration to do it. So here an Aj with her super-cool suit! (I may take some ideas from Kai'sa by LOL, but shh, don't tell to Riot...)

In The Last Chapter Of Lil'Bit I Felt Really Sorry For Our Aj... Everyone Tries To Help Her Without Really

Have a nice day and stay safe!

Baci e abbracci!

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1 year ago
Modern Deck - DeckDesign Of A Medium-sized Minimalist Backyard Deck With A Fire Pit And A Roof Extension,

Modern Deck - Deck Design of a medium-sized minimalist backyard deck with a fire pit and a roof extension, as an example.

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2 years ago



Day 9: Nest


The Hoop Snake is a cryptid first reported in 1784 in Stoke County, North Carolina. The creature rolls after its prey before straightening out at the last second, skewering its victim with its venomous tail.

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5 years ago
Yesterday I Stumbled On A Bird's Nest Laying There On The Ground. It Had Surely Fallen From A Tree Due
Yesterday I Stumbled On A Bird's Nest Laying There On The Ground. It Had Surely Fallen From A Tree Due

Yesterday I stumbled on a bird's nest laying there on the ground. It had surely fallen from a tree due to bad weather. The nesting season is over now so no one has been hurt for sure. As we can see, with these kind of feathers, it was probably built by a couple of House Finch.

Completely without any damage. I'll find a place for it inside my glass-door feathers cabinet.

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4 years ago


A young Northern Flicker has begun clinging the cavity wall of the family nest and probably is about to take is first flight.

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4 years ago


This afternoon I stumbled on a bird's nest laying there on the ground. It ain't the first one found at my feet. It had surely fallen from a tree due to bad weather. The nesting season is over now and no one has been hurt for sure. It was probably built by a couple of House Finch or Black-capped Chickadees who have the habit to build their nests low above the ground.

It is completely without any damage and like the others, I'll find a nice place for it inside my glass-door feathers cabinet.

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1 year ago


A new nest has been located about 2 km from here by observing activities nearby. And that nest has been built on an approximately 60° sidewall at about 50' from the ground on the far West mountain range.

At this moment the nest is completely uncovered and can easily be spotted by predators but for Ravens, it's part of the game. I've been observing Raven's nests for years now and I know that Ravens around here prefer to build in deciduous trees. Eventually growing leaves will produce fresh air while protecting the nest against bad weather. Also youngsters don't have much feathers and sunshine will keep them warm while parents are away looking for food. Coniferous trees would simply create too much heat with no air while sap would damaged their feathers that later would not be useful for their first flight lesson.

Anyway, their nesting period has started in mid-March which now makes more than 21 days of brooding so far; meaning eggs have hatched and we're about to see some serious activities up there. Also meaning 4 to 7 new Ravens in the valley.

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8 months ago
April 2024

April 2024

I always liked the idea that last year's nests of birds rarely empty.

As a child, a nest of crows could be seen from the window. And every spring they repaired it, updated it and had chicks.

Всегда нравилась мысль, что прошлогодние гнезда у птиц редко пустуют.

В детстве из окна было видно воронье гнездо. И каждую весну вороны чинили его, обновляли, и у них появлялись птенцы.

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2 years ago

9. Nest

9. Nest

Squirrel nest :)

Those... are squirrels... right?

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