eli-kittim - Eli of Kittim
Eli of Kittim

Author of “The Little Book of Revelation.” Get your copy now!!https://www.xlibris.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/597424-the-little-book-of-revelation

447 posts

Now At That Time Michael ['who Is Like God'], The Great Prince Who Stands Guard Over The Sons Of Your

Now at that time Michael ['who is like God'], the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise [from the dead]. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; … and many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake … and those who have insight will shine brightly … and knowledge will increase.

Daniel 12:1-4

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10 years ago

The Greek New Testament substantiates that the death of Christ occurs "In the End of the World."

By Author Eli Kittim

According to the original Greek New Testament (Hebrews 9:26b), Christ will be manifested once and for all "in the end of the world" to die for the sins of the world. It reads:

νυνϊ δε απαξ επι ϲυντελεια των αιωνων ειϲ αθετηϲιν τηϲ αμαρτιαϲ δια τηϲ θυϲιαϲ αυτου πεφανερωται.

Translation (King James Version):

"Once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself" (Hebrews 9:26).

Biblical scholars translate the Greek phrase "ϲυντελεια των αιωνων" to mean "in the end of the world." A similar phrase, "ϲυντελειαϲ του αιωvos,” can be found in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 28 and verse 20:

διδαϲκοντεϲ αυτουϲ τηριν παντα οϲα ενετιλαμην ϋμιν και ϊδου εγω ειμι μεθ υμων παϲαϲ ταϲ ημεραϲ εωϲ τηϲ ϲυντελειαϲ του αιωvos.

Translation (American Standard Version):

"teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

Therefore, it is unquestionable that the Greek phrase "ϲυντελειαϲ του αιωvos" (Matthew 28:20) means "in the end of the world." And if that's the case, and it is, then the reference to Jesus being manifested once "επι ϲυντελεια των αιωνων" to die for the sins of the world (Hebrews 9:26) would certainly mean that his death occurs "Once in the end of the world," and not 2,000 years ago as is currently assumed!

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10 years ago

Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.

Albert Einstein, The World As I See It

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10 years ago

God became man so that man might become a god.

Athanasius of Alexandria, The Incarnation

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10 years ago

The difference between a theist and an atheist is the degree to which God has revealed himself to them.

Eli of Kittim - Author of The Little Book of Revelation

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10 years ago

On the day when the Kittim fall [dies] there shall be a battle and horrible carnage …, for it is a day appointed by Him [God] from ancient times as a battle of annihilation for the Sons of Darkness.

War Scroll, Column 1, Lines 9-10

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