We Are Only Seven - Chapter 5
We Are Only Seven - Chapter 5

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Slight swearing, panic attack. Word Count: 1.3k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

At first, it started as a joke. Jungkook took pride in the fact that he was immune to the bullets. Being a vampire, his only weakness was wood. So, the OHA had to find an alternative for the vampires and they had trained themselves in archery; all these trouble just to hunt the vampires and no other creatures.
That’s why, Jungkook’s mates would go around calling him ‘Bulletproof’. It turned out to be a nickname eventually. But when the question of naming their team of seven members came, Namjoon suggested it should be called ‘Bulletproof’ instead as a symbol of their courage at adversaries.
It had been almost a month now. They were training themselves for the future battle they had to face. Even though Yoongi had presented some kind of draft of their plan before them, it was Namjoon who could give detailed direction about how to execute them. So, they all decided to put Namjoon as their leader. Even Yoongi was okay with that.
Meanwhile, their bond grew stronger. Some of them wouldn’t even hesitate to call the others their friends. They got used to be jam-packed at Yoongi’s small basement of an abandoned building too. They started to live as if it were their home. They became much closer to that of a family they never had.

The night before their first mission, Yoongi called Jimin to talk about some important issues. When Taehyung was about to follow them, Yoongi stopped him and said, “Perhaps, it would be better if you go to sleep early. We have some shits to be done by tomorrow.”
“It’s okay!” Taehyung pushed aside the proposal, “Let’s hear what you have to say first.”
Hesitantly Yoongi said, “Umm…Actually I want to talk with Jimin in private.”
“Oh!” Taehyung frowned at him but didn’t complain. He went back to the room.
Yoongi took Jimin outside to the unused garage. Jimin kept wondering what it could be that he was trying to conceal from the others.
“I know that the Gumihos can see through time into the future.” Yoongi said flatly.
“Yes!” Jimin said, with a doubt still lingering on his mind.
“I want you to do me a favor.” Yoongi’s voice was rather soft now, “Tell me what you can see about the OHA’s demise.”
“Yoongi,” Jimin called, “I don’t think you understand. It doesn’t work like that. I can’t see whatever I wish to.”
“But if you try hard…” Yoongi couldn’t finish the sentence in excitement.
Jimin sighed, “Even if I could, there is a huge possibility of messing it up. Trying to change an already bad future can turn it worse.”
“I know, I know.” Yoongi said desperately, “I promise I won’t try to change it. I won’t mess up.”
“Then, what is even the point of knowing it beforehand?” Jimin asked.
Yoongi didn’t answer.
Then, Jimin said, “It would be better if we leave this to the destiny.”
Yoongi shook his head, his eyes closed. Thinking for a while, he said carefully, “All the same, you would let me know if you see something, won’t you?”
Jimin nodded without knowing what to do otherwise, “I will.” Then, he was about to leave.
But Yoongi called him again, “Jimin-ah.” Jimin looked back. Yoongi said, “Please, don’t tell the others about our conversation here.”

Their first mission was to capture the leader of the wizards of the OHA called the ‘Master of Shadow”. He was the secretary of Kim Joon-Hwi and the mastermind behind all the evil the organization had been doing so far.
Their plan was to do the job as smoothly as they could without any bloody fight. All the ‘Bulletproof’ boys had planned to go. But then on the appointed day, Yoongi refused to join them.
“I’ve decided someone has to stay behind.” Yoongi said, “As I’m the only one who can use magic to prepare a room, so that he can’t escape from it, I think it should be me.” Nobody seemed to have any complain about that.
But Yoongi also added, “And Hoseok will stay with me as well.” This time, they started to protest.
“But we need as many as possible.” Seokjin argued, “And you said it yourself, that an angel is a must on the team.”
“I think you have enough people already…” Yoongi was about to say something more but Jimin interrupted him.
“Maybe our leader can decide upon the matter.” Jimin said. He was not going to leave the matter at Yoongi’s hand anymore.
Namjoon thought for a moment. It occurred to him that Yoongi was being overprotective toward Hoseok. Namjoon didn’t want Hoseok to get hurt as well. After all, he used to be a fellow angel, even though Hoseok didn’t remember anything about Namjoon now.
“I think Yoongi’s right.” He said finally, “Let them stay. The five of us are enough to fight a single wizard.”

They set off for the mission without the two and reached the OHA facility. They were to keep a watch at it secretly and wait till the wizard was seen alone. The more time started to pass the more anxious they were getting.
Taehyung suddenly said, “I can’t do this.”
“What are you talking about? You can’t back away now.” Seokjin groaned in annoyance.
“Are you okay?” Namjoon asked Taehyung, noticing that he was breathing heavily.
Taehyung shook his head violently and kept muttering, “I can’t go back there. I can’t go back.”
Jimin went to sit beside Taehyung and started to calm him down, “It’s okay, dear. We are all here with you. This time, you’re not alone.”
“I think he’s having a panic attack.” Seokjin said, now aware about the matter.
“What if they catch me and lock me up again?” Taehyung was close to tearing up.
‘Again?’ Everyone was surprised at the word.
Finally, Jimin had to explain what the matter was about Taehyung. Some years ago, Taehyung was caught and taken to the facility. He had some really bad experiences in there. But fortunately he was able to escape. Jimin had found him and taken care of him ever since.
Namjoon was really upset about it. He told Jimin that he should have told them about it earlier and it wasn’t a good idea to force Taehyung into something like this when he wasn’t ready to face it.
“I’m sorry!” Jimin apologized, “I didn’t realize that the old memories might come back and haunt him.”
Everyone remained quiet, allowing Taehyung to have some time to relax. Jungkook was patting him slowly on the back. After a while, Taehyung seemed to have come to his senses.
He, himself, said, “Alright, guys!” the same old box smile returned to his pretty face, “I’m ready. Let’s do this.”

Back at Yoongi’s basement, Hoseok kept asking Yoongi the same question again and again, “Maybe you’re trying to escape a fight. But why didn’t you allow me to go?”
“Why were you even waiting for my permission anyway?” Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“Well, it’s better to avoid a fight if you have the chance.” Hoseok said, “But I can’t think of a benefit of yours in letting me stay.”
“Please, do me a favor.” Yoongi said, getting more annoyed by the time, “Don’t even try to think about it.”
Hoseok started to laugh. But it sounded more like he had been repeating the letter ‘k’ over and over again.
“Please stay here until I come.” Yoongi requested, “I have to go fix a room to lock up the wizard before they arrive.”
“You mean, one of those abandoned rooms upstairs?” Hoseok asked.
“Yeah! Where else can I take him?”
“Oh my Gods!” Hoseok said, “Those are some really nasty places. C’mon, now. Let’s get moving.”
“What do you mean? Are you coming with me?”
“I ain’t letting you do those dirty works alone.” Hoseok was already picking up the broomstick.
“Will you ever let me be alone for a while?” Yoongi sighed.
“Yeah!” Hoseok said, “The day you actually smile.”
And Hoseok was already on the move. What he didn’t see was that Yoongi was actually smiling behind his back.

My Masterlist
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Our Moon (Jimin x Female reader x Taehyung)
Parallel (Jungkook x Female reader x Yoongi)
We Are Only Seven - Chapter 2

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Fighting, killing, spilling blood, mention of suicide, slight swearing. Word Count: 2k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

Jungkook couldn’t recall when the last time he got out of his huge mansion was. It would get really lonely sometimes, living all alone. It wasn’t like this all the time. He was used to travelling around the world a lot. But now, even roaming around his neighboring woods seemed dangerous.
Today, Jungkook had built up his courage and stepped out in to the woods. He could sense that his body was growing weaker. He needed blood. So, he searched for a suitable prey.
He could smell blood ahead of him. “What is it again?” he thought. The smell wasn’t foreign but it was a distant memory to him. He stood there, puzzling over the smell.
“Humans!” as soon as the thought occurred to him a bullet went straight through his side.
“Not bullets!” someone shouted, “use those wooden arrows, idiots. He’s a vampire.”
Jungkook turned back and wanted to run. But someone had already shoot an arrow through one of his legs. He fell on his knees in pain.
“So, this is the end of me.” He thought, “They are going to lock me up in their lab and God knew whatever they are going to do to me.”
They started to come closer, pointing their weapons at him. There were too many of them for Jungkook to fight alone with his weak body. He started wondering whether he should lay still and let them take him or fight back and risk being killed on the process.
“Not today, fellas!” Someone shouted from behind them. All the humans’ attention went straight to the direction at once. In that brief moment of confusion, Jungkook hid himself behind a large tree nearby.
He could sense there was a fight; the bullets were fired and the arrows were thrown in every direction. The humans’ were panicking. Whatever their secret attacker was, it was really swift at its job.
Jungkook was trying to understand what it was. But with all the fuss, and too many humans around, he couldn’t make out the smell. The fight continued for some time. Some of the humans were killed. Jungkook could tell by the smell of their fresh blood in the air. The remaining accepted their defeat and fled.
It was quiet for some time. A sweet voice spoke, “You can come out, now. They are gone.”
Jungkook couldn’t trust the stranger immediately. He was still traumatized because of the sudden attack. Then, a face appeared in front of him. He was startled and moved back in fear.
The face smiled, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid.”
Jungkook was looking at the stranger with wide eyes, trying to make up his mind whether to trust him or not. The stranger gasped at the sight of his injury, “Oh dear, you’re hurt. Come out. Let me help you.”
He held up his hand. Jungkook hesitantly took it and came out in to the open. A huge black wolf suddenly jumped at him and started to lick his face.
“Taehyung!” The gentle stranger spoke, “Stop it. You’re scaring him.”
The wolf got down and whined at him. He laughed, “I know he’s cute. But let him get used to us first.” He turned to Jungkook and said, “He’s just very excited to meet you.”
The wolf nudged its head softly on Jungkook’s arm. For the first time in many years, a smile grew on his face.

“No, no, no!” Yoongi kept muttering for the millionth time as he went through his papers again and again, “This can’t go wrong.”
“Apparently, it has.” Said Seokjin while filing his nails.
“What went wrong?” Yoongi was too frustrated to hear him, “I did it all right. Everything’s to the point; the potions, the signs, the spells.”
“Maybe you somehow pronounced it wrong?” Seokjin further suggested, “With that forever pout on your mouth, it is not surprising.”
Namjoon was looking at those men in front of him. He was not scared even though he was locked up inside a cell. Instead, he was amused by the never ending bickering of the two.
“As I made it pretty clear,” Namjoon cleared his throat to gain their attentions, “I think you are wasting my time and yours, locking me up like this.”
“Then, what do you suggest?” Yoongi asked, his voice dead serious, “Let you go? Just like that? After months of spending sleepless nights to work for this, you think I will let you go that easily?”
Namjoon sighed, “I can’t come to your aid, either. You said it yourself, what you need specifically is an angel. And I’m not one. At least, not anymore.”
The last words he spoke was almost in a whisper. But it was loud enough for Seokjin to catch. “What do you mean by that?” He rose up from his seat and gasped, “Are you a fallen angel, then? Oh my Gods! He is the devil. The devil!”
Yoongi let out a frustrated cry, “Will you please shut up making a fuss about everything?"
“I’m sorry,” Seokjin continued, “but I think, you were the one making a fuss around all this time. Why can’t you just do all these weird rituals again and call up an angel. This time, it might actually show up. After all, there are more angels than devils.”
“Because,” Yoongi slammed his hand on the table, “It can only be done once.”
“Maybe,” Namjoon interrupted their silly arguments again, “if you tell me the true motive behind your doings, I can help you find a real angel.”
“Well, no thanks.” Yoongi dismissed his proposal, “I don’t think my motive is evil enough for a devil’s fancy.”
Namjoon’s voice turned really serious this time, “Why don’t you give it a try?”

The boy named Jimin, who had saved Jungkook earlier, had bound a handkerchief on his injured leg. He said, “The wound should not last long. But since you’re too weak and who knows when the last time you had taken blood, I think it might take some time to heal.”
“Umm… four months.” Jungkook mumbled.
“Pardon?” Jimin asked.
Jungkook said hesitantly, “It’s been four months since I last fed on blood.”
“No way!” he gasped, “How did you manage to survive all alone like that?”
Taehyung came back in his human form with a box smile on his face. Jungkook couldn’t help noticing how incredibly young and handsome he looked.
“I’ve hunted a stag.” He announced, “You can have the blood while we feast on its meat.”
“That’s settle then.” Jimin stood up and urged Jungkook to follow them.
After they were done with their dinner, Jimin and Taehyung introduced themselves. Jungkook found out that Jimin was a Gumiho, a nine tailed fox and Taehyung was a werewolf.
“My name is Jeon Jungkook. I’m a vampire.”
Jimin laughed out at his introduction, “Of course, we know that, silly. We also know a lot more about you.”
Jungkook looked puzzled, “How?”
“For instants, we know that you’ve been living in that mansion for quite a long time and there is a legend about you in town. Since the formation of OHA, when all the supernatural beings were forced into hiding, you had faked your death to the OHA people to escape being captured. But nobody from town dared to come to your mansion yet. So far, you had hidden well, my friend.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Jungkook said, “But since you brought up this matter…” He didn’t finish his sentence.
“What about it?” Jimin asked.
“I don’t think I can go back to the mansion again. They might come back looking for me. The Humans!”
Jimin and Taehyung exchanged worried looks which made Jungkook very nervous. He was afraid they would refuse him to join their group.
Finally, Taehyung said with the same old box smile, “Don’t you worry about it, little friend. You, me, Jimin, we are a set now.”

Kim Joon-Hwi, the founder and CEO of the ‘Organization for Human Aids’, in short OHA, had been very upset lately. Because the progress on his works were getting slower by the day.
Once, there used to be a lot of super natural beings around. They could be easily caught and locked up. The research was blooming at the time. But slowly their numbers declined. Whatever left were now more careful than ever before.
The lab rats they had caught since the last 5 years were dying away fast. Some of them wouldn’t cooperate and even attempted suicide to escape being tested by the scientists and wizards. There were even a small numbers to have escaped the facility.
“We have found out that the ancient vampire called Jeon Jungkook is still alive and thriving in the woods, sir.” One of the guards came to inform him.
Kim Joon-Hwi turned to him, “So, what now? Have you been able to catch him?”
“Unfortunately not, sir!” the guard said, “But we have found out that there are other beings in that woods as well.”
“Other beings?” He was curious now, “What do you mean?”
“A werewolf and perhaps a Gumiho, sir, though we are not absolutely sure about it. He was in human form.”
“A Gumiho!” Kim Joon-Hwi exclaimed, “Come on, prepare all the guards immediately. Their location cannot be lost. Send the wizards too, if necessary.”
The guard bowed and left. Kim Joon-Hwi was really excited. The one and only Gumiho they had caught in 5 years died last year. It was the rarest of species to exist on earth that most people believed it had gone extinct.
“Finally some good news!” he thought.

“Alright,” Yoongi said, “I’ve decided to trust you with my secret.”
“Ah…” Seokjin interrupted, “So, you’re trusting a devil, now. Didn’t I ask you first about that motive of yours?”
“The thing is,” Yoongi continued as if no one had interrupted him, “I’m planning to take down OHA.”
Namjoon and Seokjin looked at each other. They stared intensely for quite a long time.
“They are definitely judging me right now.” Yoongi thought. The next moment, they both burst into laughter.
“I thought you were serious.” Namjoon said, “Which I still think you are. But your plan is an impossible dream. Can’t you tell that? I mean, what gave you the notion that it could actually be done?”
Seokjin was still laughing, “Oh God! Look at this kid. Who does he think he is?”
“Look!” Yoongi said, “I’m not in the mood to explain it all to you, guys. You’ve asked me to tell you my true motive and I did. Whether you believe it or not, that’s up to you.”
After hours of mocking and shouting at each other, Yoongi was finally able to make them see his true vision. Half-heartedly they all agreed upon to pursue the goal of Yoongi.
Namjoon took them with him to meet the angel he had promised. Before he went inside, he turned to them one last time and said, “I want you both to remember that, in my thousand and one years on earth, this is the very first angel I had met a few days ago. If I had any other options, I would have probably taken you to the other ones. So, keep it in mind. He is our only Hope.”
As soon as Namjoon opened the door to the Arcade zone, someone came running to hug him.
“Namjoon-ah…” he called in excitement, “You’ve finally come to meet me.” He was jumping like a five year old while still hugging Namjoon awkwardly.
He was covered with garments and fancy accessories from his head to toe. Colors of all kinds seemed to have been splashed all over him. Starting from bucket hats, chains, bracelets, sunglass, there was also a very weird looking pouch hanging by his pants. Overall he looked like a homeless picking up clothes from wherever he can to make up a messy outfit.
“Guys,” Namjoon gave them an apologetic look, “This is Hoseok, the brightest angel to ever exist.”
“What the actual fuck?” Yoongi said.

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We Are Only Seven - Chapter 10 (Final)

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Battle, death, injury, murder, suicide, slight swearing, angst, a little cheesy, betrayal etc. Word Count: 2.8k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

They had escaped to the wood, made fire to keep themselves warm and hunted down animals to prepare for supper. Hoseok was lying on the ground, his head rested on Yoongi’s lap. Namjoon and Seokjin sat silently with them. The other ‘Bulletproof’ boys were spending time with the escaped prisoners. There were two vampires, a werewolf, three demigods, two elves and a satyr.
Taehyung was found to be alright and not badly hurt. He had recognized the werewolf from when he was a prisoner himself and they started a conversation. Jungkook talked with the vampires to learn about his servants; those who had been caught. He found out that they had been killed during the experiments. Jimin stayed quiet the whole time.
Meanwhile, Yoongi kept muttering a spell in an attempt to heal his unconscious friend of the wound that had been left on his back. But it didn’t seem to be working properly. Namjoon came closer and Yoongi noticed the tears on his cheeks.
Namjoon gently wiped them away with his hand and placed it on Hoseok’s back. Light sparkled through Hoseok’s wound for a moment. Then, it healed completely. Yoongi gasped in shock.
“I almost forgot,” Yoongi said, “You were an angel once.”
Namjoon nodded but remained silent. It was a common knowledge that an angel’s tears can heal any wound. Yoongi being an educated wizard, should have known that.
Seokjin stood up and announced, “I think, this is the time I part. I had caused enough trouble to you all. I know I’ve done something terrible and it’s beyond forgiveness. But if you can, please forget my mistakes and remember only the good parts of our journey together. Do this for the old time’s sake.”
“But you can’t just go away that easily.” Namjoon said boldly.
Seokjin was taken aback. Namjoon never sounded this serious before. Not even at the worst time possible.
Namjoon stood in front of him, arms crossed, and said, “Did you forget the iconic ‘Once you Jim-in, you can’t Jim-out’ line?”
Yoongi let out a small laugh. Seokjin couldn’t believe it. Namjoon was not mad at him. In fact, he was making jokes. He was even okay with him being on the team.
The golden trio had come towards them. Hearing Seokjin wanting to leave, Jungkook whined, "Hyung, you can’t leave us like that.”
“Especially, not after saving us like a hero.” Jimin said, while hanging a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder. “We are not gonna let you be the main character of the story.”
Yoongi pleaded, “Just let us know the truth. When did you go against us exactly? Don’t say it was since the beginning.”
Seokjin shook his head. Tears were threatening to come out of his eyes at the surprisingly kind reactions from the others. But he told them the truth anyway.
He told them, how he was once a normal boy living with his Goddess mother and mortal father. Until one day, Aphrodite decided to take him away to the Mount Olympus. Being a kid, he always wondered what the reason could be. He was sure of one thing; his mother was indifferent to him. She never showed love or affection towards him.
As he grew up, the longing for his father, who once used to love the boy so much, became stronger. Then, one day, Seokjin decided to escape Mount Olympus with the help of some other Gods. By his own wits, he was able to come down to the earth. He had been searching for his father since then.
“But then, I met Yoongi.” Seokjin said, “When I heard about his plan of bringing down the OHA, I decided to stay with the team in hope of finding my father. But I swear, I didn’t know he was the CEO of this fucked up institution. I don’t know what got into me when I agreed to help him. I believed him to be a good man. I never imagined he could be so cruel.”
“Everyone believes their father is a good man.” Taehyung sighed.
Suddenly, one of the elves came to interrupt them, “Don’t you think it would be wiser to leave the wood and go to a safe place?”
They exchanged some worried looks. Even though the OHA facility was being destroyed, all thanks to Seokjin’s explosion, they couldn’t be sure if their enemies were really gone or not. They couldn’t go back to their abandoned building and risk being attacked.
The elf continued, “I know a place. It’s the safest of places for beings like us. We should go to the ‘ARMY’.”
“ARMY?” The ‘Bulletproof’ boys asked in union.

Aid and Refuge for Mortals by Youths, in short ARMY, was a secret society formed by young people who believed in equality among humans and other intelligent beings. The members of this organization called themselves ARMY too. Being less in number and power, they ran their rescue missions of saving the non-humans from the OHA secretly. And these secret missions were the reason behind the OHA’s failures at the recent times.
The elf knew their hideout very well. He was on his way to seek help from them when he was caught by the wizards almost a year ago. Now, he led his rescuers and the fellow prisoners to the only safe place there was on earth.
There were minutes of confusion among the ARMY seeing a large number of non-humans gathering outside. Soon after Namjoon explained the situation clearly, the ARMY let themselves in.
They were then taken to the leader of the organization. Her name was Linha. Despite her tall figure and intimidating face, she was quite friendly and kind. She welcomed them with overwhelming joy and learned about each of them individually. Her eyes got teary as she learned how they had managed to escape the OHA and exploded their laboratories before coming to them.
“You did the impossible.” Linha exclaimed. It was her usual way of talking. “I can’t believe you did something in such a short time which we had been planning for so long.”
“All thanks to Seokjin.” Namjoon said, “He did almost everything.”
“Yeah,” Seokjin scoffed at himself, still not over the guilt he was feeling for betraying his friends, “after ruining our original plan completely.”
There were so many ARMY and other non-humans inside the pretty huge hideout. The ‘Bulletproof’ boys almost couldn’t believe the fact that so many humans were on their side and they were willing to fight for their freedom. They had spent most of their lives being afraid of the humans that accepting them as their friends was something they found difficult.
They learned that there were more humans out there on earth who believed in the equality too but couldn’t voice out their opinion in fear of the OHA. Some of them were even helping the ARMY with whatever they could offer, ranging from shelter for some beings to providing medical supports.
In order to celebrate the official downfall of the OHA, they arranged a huge feast for themselves along with the new comers. Everyone ate and drank to the fullest. The music was turned on and they danced and sang out their hearts.
Then, Linha made a great announcement, “From now on, we won’t hide anymore. We will declare our victory over the OHA. We will reveal it to the whole world that from today, we all live in unity. Humans, vampires, werewolves, elves, satyrs, centaurs, demigods,” she glanced at Hoseok for a while and added, “angels and many more. We all live in harmony and without fear.”
They all cried out with full of enthusiasm. But suddenly there was a blast. It made their whole ceiling crash. When they looked up, they could make out a figure with huge wings flying down towards them.

“What happened to the others?” Kim Joon-Hwi inquired about his guards and wizards.
“They’re all dead, sir.” The Master of shadow informed.
The Master was the only one to have escaped the OHA facility after the explosion. He, then, went straight to Kim Joon-Hwi, who had already made his escape after getting his most desired thing, an angel’s wings.
“Are you telling me that you have lost the Gumiho?” Kim Joon-Hwi asked, his tone deep and serious. When the Master looked down without replying, Kim Joon-Hwi let out a terrible laugh, “How will I survive after attaching the wings on myself if I failed to kill the Gumiho?”
The real reason for his desperation for the Gumiho was that, a Gumiho was the most powerful being to exist on earth. And if he had to attach the angel wings on himself in order to be as powerful as the Gods, he needed to kill someone powerful first.
“Sir,” The master spoke, “I think we should wait. I promise to find that Gumiho as soon as I can.”
“No!” Kim Joon-Hwi said rather calmly this time, “I have waited long enough.” The Master was about to interrupt but he held his hand up to silence him, “You have done enough all these years. In fact, it’s the result of your research that I am now going to be the most powerful.”
He went closer and rested his hand on the Master’s shoulder. The Master bowed in gratitude for the appreciation. But the next moment, he felt a sharp pain on his back. He fell to the ground with a loud groan when he realized that he had been stabbed.
“You think I didn’t know who killed the last Gumiho on our laboratory?” Kim Joon-Hwi stated to the dying man before him. “I know why you had joined the company in the first place. You wanted power.” Then, he laughed manically and added, “Killing a powerful wizard like you will serve my purpose.”
The Master of Shadow struggled to say his last words, “Yoongi. Was. Right.”
But Kim Joon-Hwi didn’t pay any heed to it. He kneeled down to whisper, “Goodbye to you! From now on, you can rest all you want.”

Kim Joon-Hwi looked deadly with the wings on his back. The veins on his body had popped up within his skin. His eyes were red and they glowed when he shouted or showed any excitement. The wind he created by flapping his wings can overthrow Jimin’s old hut in a second.
“Father?” Seokjin whispered in disbelief.
“Everyone, grab your weapons!” Linha shouted her instructions at others. Then, they all were busy getting hold onto a weapon they could find.
“Fools!” Kim Joon-Hwi screamed, “I am inevitable now. Accept me as your new God if you don’t wish to die.”
Seokjin tried to step forward to speak to him. But Yoongi held him back and said, “Not now! He’s more dangerous than ever before.”
“But…” Seokjin was interrupted by a sudden explosion. An Army had thrown a bomb at the monster. But he soon came out of the smoke, laughing gigantically, proving his statement earlier.
The ARMY knew that it was too late. There was no way they could win against this monster. But they were not going to give up. They would rather die fighting. And with that mindset, they jumped.
No explosion, bullets or arrows could penetrate his skin. On the other hand, the ARMYs and the supernaturals were badly hurt. Some of them were already dead. Seokjin looked around the miseries. His heart clenched inside when he noticed one of his friend taking a flight to fight his monstrous father face to face.
“Namjoon!” Seokjin called to stop him.
“Why don’t you fight someone your equal, instead?” Namjoon yelled at Kim Joon-Hwi, who was pointing at a satyr with a gun on his hand.
He looked back at Namjoon and snarled at him, “Did you just compared me with yourself, you pathetic devil?”
“Why?” Namjoon smirked, “Are you scared?”
Without a delay, Kim Joon-Hwi launched himself on him and they flew away from the sight of the rest.
“No!” Seokjin screamed, “Namjoon, please come back.”
But they were nowhere to be seen. All around, the only sounds were of the burning and wailing of the injured. Everyone got busy helping out the wounded. Some of them were even grateful that the monster had spared them some time. Some were mourning for the death of their closed ones.
Hoseok collected the ‘Bulletproof’ boys from the crowd one by one and made sure none of them were hurt. They reached Seokjin last. Taehyung called, “Thank God, you’re here.”
“Where’s Namjoon?” Jimin asked. But Seokjin didn’t answer. Jungkook and Taehyung gasped as they realized Namjoon was the one who had driven away that monster.
Suddenly, Jimin sat on the ground. All of their attentions shot to him. “I think… I see something.” He said. He shut his eyes closed tightly, his brows furrowed.
Yoongi went closer to sit beside him, “Is it a vision?”
Jimin nodded violently and said, “He’s dead. Kim Joon-Hwi’s dead. And…” He stopped for a while. He looked as if he were concentrating on a scene with his eyes closed.
“Who killed him?” Yoongi asked. Everyone paid more attention.
“I can see wings.”
“An angel?” Yoongi asked in disbelief, glancing at Hoseok for a while.
Jimin opened his eyes abruptly and gasped, “Namjoon.” He declared, “Namjoon’s the angel who was supposed to bring the demise of the OHA.”

Namjoon stood at the entrance door, Hoseok’s formal wings hanging on his hands. He looked exhausted, which was rarely visible on his face. Jungkook ran to hug him without a delay.
Namjoon spoke to the others after Jungkook released him, “Kim Joon-Hwi’s dead. We have nothing to fear anymore.”
Everyone cheered and shouted in excitement. Some of them patted Namjoon on his back and thanked him. After minutes of celebrating the good news, everyone went back to their business; fixing the aftermath of the short but terrible battle.
The dawn had broken. Seokjin sat at the edge of the lake and gazed at the rising sun. Namjoon came to sit beside him. Seokjin glanced at him and looked back at the sun again. He said, “You’re the true hero. You’ve saved everyone.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.” Namjoon said in a low voice.
Seokjin let out a fake laugh and said, “Don’t apologize. You did the right thing. If I had done it earlier, Hoseok still would have his wings. Not to mention how many people could have been saved.”
“Do you want to know what happened exactly?” Namjoon hesitantly asked.
“Surprisingly, yes!” Seokjin turned to face him, “I’m still stupid enough to care to know how my father died.”
Namjoon nodded understandingly and said, “I gave him a chance to save himself, you know, for your sake. But he said, he would rather die than live with the pity of a devil.” Namjoon let out a painful laughter.
A tear escaped Seokjin’s eyes as he spoke, “He would definitely choose his pride over me. And I’m not even surprised. After all, it wasn’t the first time.”
“I’m sorry you couldn’t have the happily ever after with your family.” Namjoon said.
The other ‘Bulletproof’ boys joined the couple. They sat down quietly and enjoyed the sun rise. At a point, Taehyung asked Seokjin, “Are you going back to your mother now?”
Seokjin didn’t reply. Instead, he asked Hoseok, “Why aren’t you going back to the heaven?”
Hoseok shrugged and said, “There’s nothing to go back to. I’ve already found my true family here on earth.” He rested his head on Yoongi’s shoulder.
Seokjin looked back at Taehyung and smiled. “Exactly.” He whispered, which brought out the best box smile on Taehyung’s face.
“I want to say something.” Jungkook mumbled, “I don’t know if I can ever say this if not today.”
Everyone looked up at him as he slowly rose up to stand. He continued with a heavy voice, “As far as I can remember, I was just a vampire with thirst for blood only. I didn’t have a family or even friends. The only thing I cared about was surviving. I never knew how much I was missing out on life until… Until I met Jimin and Taehyung. They took me in as their own. Then, you guys showed up. I learned what it is to actually live and not just survive. I am eternally grateful to you for that.” He paused for a moment before adding, “I… I love you, guys.”
They looked at him in admiration. They had never heard Jungkook opening up about his feelings to them at any time throughout their times together. Hearing him speaking such words melted their hearts.
Jimin went straight to hug him, “I’m glad I’ve found you that night.” Taehyung joined from behind. Hoseok stood up and said, “Guys, my eyes are sweating. Help!” before going for the hug too. Yoongi tailed him from behind as well. Namjoon gestured Seokjin to join the group hug. Seokjin smiled and did as he was asked to.
Finally, it was Namjoon to join them last. As he did, he slowly spread out his huge black wings to shelter the members on the inside.

Note: Thank you to everyone for sticking with me till the end. Thank you for taking your precious time to read my story. Thank you for all the little feedbacks you had left. It means a lot to me. By the way, it was my first proper series. I finished it in a hurry due to an upcoming exam. And I am a little disappointed coz it didn’t come out as I’ve expected. But I hope to improve my writings in the future.
My Masterlist
Tag List: @bts-ruu,
World Expo 2030 Busan Korea Concert

It was my first time streaming a live concert. And the experience was something I'll never forget.
I had been planning to watch it live; making my to do list for the day where I spared enough time so that I can easily enjoy it without any disturbance.
I woke up from my nap one hour ahead for I couldn't sleep. I can't tell if it was because of my sickness or over excitement. However, I turned on my laptop first, then decided to go for the TV to have a better experience.
The concert began, sending chills all over my body. The stadium, the lights, the fireworks, thousands of Army's scream and the Army bombs glittering like stars. It was such a sight. No wonder it gave me goosebumps.
The music started (played by live band), confirming that it was one of my favorites of all time, both for the coreo and the song itself, 'Mic Drop'. They looked dashing in their bold outfits, dancing away passionately. And I was like, "Woah! Calm down! Save your energies for God's sake. There's still a lot more to go."
Then came the most anticipated song I'd been dying to watch them perform live, 'Run BTS'. Oh God! It was so good. As much as I could watch, the fresh coreo of it was promising. But unfortunately, my mother kept bringing me works to do and I couldn't concentrate on it wholly.
As soon as the next song, 'Run', started to play, we all know what happened. The Weverse app crashed, making me want to scream at the screen.
But the most annoying part was when I had to go out for an urgent work. All that time, I kept wondering what songs I had been missing. And as soon as I came back, I turned on the TV again and waited for a while.
Loosing my hope, as the app hadn't been fixed yet, I came here to my safe haven, to rant about my misery. Thanks to whoever posted a link for another website. So, I was able to get back to it again.
Namjoon was singing. "Why can't I recall what song it is?" I thought when my elder sister swore in exasperation, "Damn!" It was her favorite one, 'Boy With Luv' and it was also ending.
The network went off once again and came back after a while. "Ooh, when I look in the mirror..." Jimin sang. So, I had missed half of 'Butter' already.
That was the reality of it. I was worried about my internet connection failing me again and again. But it stayed stable afterwards. And I was grateful for it.
'Ma City', 'Dope', 'Fire', 'Idol'; was sang one by one. I saw them and my heart filled with admiration. How hard they worked! I could see they were sweating like crazy. Then, there was Jimin. Something was clearly wrong with him. He looked as if it pained him to deliver those performances. But he had given his voice to us. He had given his best.
It was time for 'Epilogue: Young Forever'. I stopped abruptly in the middle of the conversation with my sister, when I heard Namjoon. I felt as if my heart had sunk into my stomach. 'Young Forever' automatically came out of my mouth in a whisper. My eyes got wet for some unknown emotion I was feeling. I pretended to look for the phone to avoid my sister's attention. The Armys' started to sing as soon as the boys stopped. And I joined them too; "Forever, we are young."
Immediately, they started to perform 'For Youth'. And I was glad they didn't spare any time for us, Armys, to burst into tears. For I didn't know how I would have explained to my sisters why I was acting like a child.
'Spring Day' started after a short break. It was a good take to start the song from inside the train. Me and my sister started to cut jokes on how Jin almost looked at the camera and how the other members were trying really hard not to. For some reason, we found it quite hilarious. And I was relieved to see Jimin coming back to his cheerful self and smiling occasionally at unreasonable times.
My damn internet kept going up and down again. So, the last things, I could watch were them, talking and greeting the Armys goodbyes. I hope it was not a goodbye forever. Also, my last thought was, "Shit! I've missed 'Yet to Come'."
To sum up the experience, I can say one word with full of honesty, 'Love'. I was in love with them. And I hope I will continue to love them till the end.
Also, I am grateful to both of my sisters who had been there with me in this. At first, reluctant to join me, my elder sister eventually gave in her idea of studying for the test. I mean, why not? And for my little one, I can't even express in words just how much happy it made me every time she sang along with the boys. But I missed my cousin, the eldest of the pack, throughout the live.
As soon as it ended, I was feeling a huge emptiness inside me. "Well, post concert depression is a real thing, love." one of my tumblr friends said to me and I think it's 100% accurate.