Suga Imagine - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

4 Days…

You finally arrive. The flight was long but you’re hoping it’s going to be worth it. It’s 9:30am in Seoul.

You text Hobi to let him know you’ve arrived safe and are just coming out of arrivals. He calls you to give instructions on where he and Jimin are parked. Jimin starts flashing his lights when you are near. You can hear their laughter coming from the car feet away.

Once you’re inside Hobi is squealing with excitement, squeezing and hugging you tightly. He’s then pushed out of the way as you get a hug and a kiss from Jimin, you all clap your hands in giddy excitement. “Ok” you say… “that’s enough. I stink and I’m tired! Halp me!” As you flop down on the back seat dramatically. You feel sick to your stomach, a mixture of nerves, hunger and desperation to surprise Yoongi.

The boys have helped you plan it, they had just finished their latest tour and were back home. The plan was to get to Hobi’s, so you could get yourself changed and freshened up. The boys faked a meeting at HQ as they knew that Yoongi would already be there. Telling him they had some adjustments to make to their albums and they needed his help. Hobi’s plan was to tell Yoongi that there was a parcel he needed to sign for in reception and instead it would be you.

While Jimin made his way to HQ after dropping you both off, Hobi had you fed, watered and after you’d refreshed yourself with a hot shower you were ready to go. Hobi blasted music on the drive over as you were both far too quiet. He had a call from Jimin confirming Yoongi was in the building as he had slept in the studio the night before.

Just as you arrive in the car park your phone buzzes with a text from Yoongi “Sorry I didn’t reply it’s been a bit hectic, can I FaceTime you before you go to sleep?, I miss your face. Please?”


You text him back asking him to give you 10-15 mins.

You head into reception wearing a black cap, face mask and long black padded coat. Hobi hugs you tightly and tells you it will all be ok and he’ll see you soon and leaves you in reception for what is the longest 10mins of your life. You finally get a nod from the reception staff that Yoongi is on his way down…

You hear the ping of the elevators.

You can feel your pulse pounding in your ears.

You feel like your legs are going to give way.

Your heart is literally in your throat.

You turn your back to him as he walks down the corridor.

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You hear his footsteps getting closer as he mumbles the words “fucking FaceTime” to himself, he then asks the staff what he needs to sign for, sounding a little moody. That voice though… how you’ve missed that voice.

You slowly turn around to face him, pulling your mask off and ask “Are you free to FaceTime now?”

“What the fuuh?!”

He steps back eyes wide scanning you up and down, not sure if it is your voice he heard?

He moves closer, slowly lifting your cap and peaking under it.

He gasps… pulling it back down over your face as he runs away back up the corridor to the elevators.

“Yoongi!” you shout laughing at him. You can hear Hobi clapping/laughing in the background while filming it all on his phone.

You take your cap off as he runs back to you… your arms open, ready to be whisked off your feet. Instead he grabs your wrist and pulls you to the elevator frantically pressing at the call button.

“Yoongi?” You say a little worried as you can’t see his face. The staff and Hobi pile in the elevator quickly after you. Yoongi is standing protectively in front of you. Desperately wanting to kiss you and hold you but too scared of his emotions in front of everyone.

Your back is to the wall of the elevator in the corner, he has a tight grip of your hand holding it to his side.

You rest your forehead on the back of his shoulder completely overwhelmed you let out a heavy sigh, you still don’t know if he’s happy to see you?

A tear falls down your cheek and he feels your breathing change as you let out a quiet sob.

Still holding your hand, he pulls it up to his chest squeezing it tightly to him. You can feel his heart pounding through his chest.

You discreetly put your free hand on the other side of his waist and pull him to you a little. Desperate for him to turn around and kiss you like you’ve dreamt of for months.

Hobi can see the shift in mood and nods to the staff saying “Erm guys come with me I’ve just remembered there’s fresh donuts in the meeting room level 5” they all get off at the next floor. Hobi shouts “Love you guys!” As he exits.

Yoongi doesn’t react he just continues to stare straight ahead… the elevator doors ping closed.

“Yoongi I’m sor…” He turns around grabbing your face in his hands and smashes his lips into yours, kissing you with total desperation, pressing you up against the elevator wall. Your hands go straight to his ass as you pull him in to you, quickly moving them up to his shoulders then cupping his face. You feel wet on your hands as you open your eyes and see tears in his and down his cheek.

You panic. “Yoongi I’m sorry I thought it would be a good idea to surprise you I didn’t mean to upset you…”

“Shut up dickhead and kiss me, I’ve missed you so fucking much!” He grabs your coat collar and pulls you in to him as you wrap yourself around him, just as the elevator doors ping open, he takes you by the hand to his studio.

You’re barely in the door when he flings your cap off and takes your coat from you tossing them to one side.

“I can’t believe it, are you really here?”

His arms outstretched with both hands on your shoulders, he’s staring you up and down and gently turns you around grabbing a hold of your ass “Ahhh yes, you’re real!” He smiles pulling you in to him as he wraps his arms around you, lightly brushing over your breasts and gently kisses your neck.

He pulls you over to his couch and sits himself down, you straddle him as he pulls you down to him.

“How the hell did you pull this off?” He says with a muffled voice as his face is buried into your breasts.

You lean back, combing your fingers through his hair. You tell him how Hobi helped you plan it, that you knew he had the next 4 days free so you planned on spending them with him.

“Wait!… just 4 days?!”

“Well yes…”

“But I have 2 weeks R&R!” He interrupts

“I know but we didn’t have access to your whole schedule, or know if you had anything planned and I don’t want you cancelling any ready made plans with friends or family and so I just grabbed the 4 days and…”

“No! I’m not happy, cancel the return ticket, change the date… stay with me!” He demands

“I can’t cancel it’s too expensive” you laugh.

“No, please just cancel it, 4 days isn’t enough. No, I’ll give you the money, let me buy it please?” He whines

“But I can’t let you do that, plus I have to be back at work, I have a business to run”

He flings himself back on the sofa completely deflated “I’ve just got to hold you, I’ll blink and you’ll be gone!”

“Well don’t blink and don’t waste the time we have in a huff!” You tease.

“Please?” he pleads

“Shhhhh… kiss me Yoongi!”

God how you’ve missed his lips, his smell the feel of his hands on you but most of all you just desperately missed… him.

The kiss is endless, with his hands on your ass he starts to thrust himself against you and you slowly roll your hips grinding on him. You feel a burning in the pit of your stomach, his hands are all over you as you both pick up the pace. He scatters kisses and nibbles on your neck down to your chest as you let out a moan of pleasure. You’ve dreamt about this.

He can’t get enough of you as he kisses you hard, his hands are in your hair then moving swiftly to the tie of your trousers, sliding his hand between your underwear he gently slides two fingers into you. A loud moan escapes you as you gently rock against him while he works his magic, sliding them in and out while his thumb rubs delicately against your clit.

His eyes wide as he drinks the vision of you fucking his fingers in. He leans into you, his fingers moving faster as he feels you tighten around them. You can barely speak everytime you try, you let out another breathy moan which only encourages him.

With his free hand he slides it under your t shirt, massaging your breast and gently tweaking your nipple. You start fucking against him hard calling out his name as you feel you’re about to cum.

“Kiss me Y/N” he asks. His eyes wide with lust.

With one hand on his shoulder you use the other to pull him into you, moaning as you kiss him.

His other hand now in your hair as he holds you in place while you cum. “Fuck me!, fuuck Yoongi, ffuck me…” you moan loudly almost into his mouth.

The smile on his face says it all (if not a little smug). You slowly rock against his fingers as he slides them from you as you come down from your high.

“Well fuck” he laughs “I’ve definitely missed that sound…”

You jump as you hear a loud banging on the studio wall… coming from a room next door.

Yoongi’s phone starts pinging with messages.

“What the fuck, something must be up” he says

You tell him to check incase it’s important.

He leans over grabbing his phone as you unsteadily move off him and sit next to him on the sofa fixing your trousers.

“Oh shiiiit… erm…” his face blushing red

“What? What is it?”

“It appears we have had an audience”

“Shut up! No way!, who’s the perv?” You gasp.

“Oh just a few billion people watching/listening to Jimin, V and JK next door on Live”

“Nooooooo!” You fall back on the sofa cringing, pulling your t-shirt over your head.

The boys had heard your first moan but just started talking louder once they put 2 and 2 together and realised you and Yoongi were “catching up”. Then as you got louder they had to play music to drown it out incase it could be heard on Live as Army never misses a thing. JK and V took it in turns to go off camera to text Yoongi…

“Hey Bro! Happy for you but could you not of used the soundproof booth instead!”

Then V… “I assume you are now finished based on the crescendo? Can I stop singing loudly and turn the music down now?”

Yoongi laughs hard leaning over you to pull your t shirt back down from your face, scattering kisses over your cheeks as he lies down flat on top of you with his head resting on your chest. It feels so good feeling the weight of his body on top of you. You comb your fingers through his hair as he tucks his hands underneath you and snuggles in, before you know it you’ve both drifted off to sleep.

You’re woken by a knocking on his door, he gets up rubbing his eyes and smiles at you stretching. He opens the door to JK standing there with a big bowl of noodles and a big smirk on his face “I figured you two would be hungry?!”

Smiling peaking through the door he shouts “Hi Y/N!!” “Hi JK!” You shout as you get up and walk to the door giving him a peck on his cheek “Thank you for the food” you quickly scurry back before the embarrassment kicks in. “It’s nice to hear you… I mean see you!” He jokes as Yoongi pushes him to leave saying “Thank you, now go” in his still half asleep tone.

You sit together eating the food, not realising how hungry you both were. “Ok!… how much longer do we have left together now then?”

4 days seemed like such a great idea at the time, you know how busy Yoongi is. It would be enough time for you to be with him for you to get your fix, without putting him under any pressure to change his plans and still have his well deserved break. Now sitting with him, you felt like every minute was being robbed from you. You already felt sick at the thought of going home.

Finishing the noodles Yoongi decides “Let’s go home”

You pick up your luggage from reception and He takes the scenic route back home, knowing how much you love to see the blossom trees but he only has eyes for you. He sees your face change as you look a little sad. The reality of just 4 days was kicking in.

“Are you ok sweets?” He asks?

“4 Days isn’t long enough!” You sob

“Don’t.. please don’t cry, please. Wait let me pull over”

“4 Days, 2 weeks…” he says taking your face in his hands “1 month, or 2. It’s never going to be long enough, I’m always going to want you with me no matter how long”

He kisses your tears, you feel better but still shit.

“Let’s make the most of what time we do have then”

You nod wiping your face.

The next few days together go by in a flash. Yoongi wakes you early each morning so he can make love to you as the sun comes up, that’s after he’s fucked you senseless the night before.

You’ve had walks along the Han River, then back to bed. Cooked food for each other, then back to bed. He’s driven you to some of his favourite secluded spots. Danced in the kitchen to Andy Williams “I love you Baby” serenading each other singing into a spatula. You’ve lounged on the sofa wrapped up in each other watching TV. There was no chill with your Netflix. There was hot and sweaty but no chill!

All the while you’ve both had this little clock counting down to your inevitable departure and today is your last full day together.

You’re both up early, showered and ready for the day, you don’t have any set plans, apart from just being with each other.

“Would it be ok if we head to the studio real quick, before we go for food? It should only take half hour, depending on how well it goes?”

“You don’t have to explain we can go no problem”

“Ok, are you good to go now or do you need more time”

“Nope!… let’s go! let’s go!”

You spend the drive to studio gazing at him the whole way there your fingers running through his hair, while he serenaded you with a power ballad playing on the radio. He pulls your hand from his hair and kisses your palm before putting it back in his hair. You feel a lump in your throat but take a deep breath and look out the window, through fear you may cry. Yoongi knows, so sings louder to make you smile.

You get to the studio and he directs you to the office chair… “Sit” he says gently pushing you into it. He seems a little nervous… he must just really need to get his work finished you think to yourself.

“It’s ok you know, I like spending…”

“Shhh” he interrupts putting his finger to his lips.

If he didn’t look so cute you’d probably punch him!

He’s busily clicking and tapping away and a little while later he turns to you gently placing a pair of headphones over your ears. “Just listen” he asks.

He sits on the sofa in front of you pulling you closer to him so you’re now facing each other. He presses play on his tablet.

You hear Yoongi clearing his throat… then…

“Y/N this is everything that I’ve been trying to say to you but haven’t been able to as I stumble over my words when I look into your eyes” you put your hand to your lips as your chin starts to tremble… “Yoo…” he interrupts you with a kiss.

His words are beautiful, amongst other things when he talks he reminds you of the time you’ve spent together, telling you he would rather go through the happiness and despair of seeing you for 4 days or 4 mins than never.

He tells you when he woke you early each morning to watch the sunrise, that he had been lying awake for at least half an hour before you so he could watch you sleep. He told you how he wanted to cancel your return ticket and set you up with a cake business here in Seoul, just so he could see you every day but he knew you would kill him.

You are a blubbering mess, a mixture of tears and Mascara streaked down your face. You look up at him laugh/crying, his eyes are filled with a mixture of anxiety and an urge to kiss you.

Then his voice returns in the headphones.

“There are six words I will never stumble over when I say them to you Y/N… I’am so in love with you”

You let out a heaving sob, as if you weren’t already emotional enough. You grab hold of his face as he pulls you from the chair over to him on the sofa.

“I love you so fucking much Yoongi” you cry.

He clamps himself to you with barely any space between you, one hand gripped round your waist and the other in your hair he’s kissing you hard and with such need you can barely take it.

You start pulling at his sweater lifting it up to get to his pants, unbuttoning them and pulling them down enough to free his perfect erection. You have never needed him inside of you more, you are literally burning inside out.

He doesn’t hesitate as he whips your sweater up and off in one swoop, he lets out a moan at the sight of your burgundy lace underwear his favourite colour on you. You may have been wearing one of his giant black sweaters for your comfort but the underwear was all for him.

He starts pulling at the tie on your pants, getting a little angry when he can’t loosen it. “Ayesh!” He whines.

“It’s a false tie” you whisper in his ear and laugh.

“Aaaaagh! He whines. “Please take them off” he demands with an epic pout.

You stand as he tucks his hands into either side of your pants and slowly pushes them down, dropping delicate kisses on your hips as you run your fingers through his hair.

As you step back out of them he pulls you to him guiding you down on to his perfectly erect cock and slides himself into you, you let out a sigh of relief. You take a few seconds to savour the feel of him inside of you before you start rocking back and forth onto him, his hands on your ass pushing himself in deeper.

He grabs hold of you and flips you down onto the sofa, he needs to fuck you and he does, so fucking well. He’s hammering away at an unforgiving pace, his moans in your ear make you call out his name.

His lips are hovering over yours as he pounds away at your hips, “Kiss me” he pleads. You feel like you’re going to explode. You kiss him, tongues gliding over each other’s, he gently sucks at your bottom lip then kisses down your neck while he fucks you so good, so hard and so fucking deep.

He feels you tighten around him as you moan out his name, “Yoongi!… fuck! fuuck! fuck me hard Yoongi, please, please don’t stop!” He doesn’t he fucks you with all he has a you cum crying out his name.

He’s not far behind you as he sucks in a deep breath through his teeth then moans out your name as he as cums. You wrap yourself round him kissing him hard both slowly rocking into each other as you come down from your high. He slowly eases himself out of you and sits back on the sofa looking at the beautiful mess he has made of you. He conveniently has tissues and wipes to the side of the sofa and you clean yourselves up.

“Ok!” He claps “Shall we go for food now?” he laughs!

“You’re insatiable Min Yoongi!”

You freshen yourselves up grab a quick drink of water and then head on out for food. Yoongi has reserved a more secluded area of the restaurant so you didn’t have to be worrying about prying eyes while you ate together.

It goes by in a flash, you don’t remember what most of the conversations were about but you know every facial expression he used as he gets real cute when he talks passionately about something.

He takes a slow drive back to his apartment, while he’s at his door searching for his key card you lean into his back holding onto him. He holds your hands to his chest while he scans the key and continues to hold you as he pulls you inside and you plod behind him. He turns, pecking you on the lips and cuddles you in tight as you both take in a deep breath. You have less than 5 hours before you have to check in. It fucking hurts.

After taking a shower together, you change in to one of his t shirts and lay on the bed. He slides over to you and pulls you in to him. “Can we just stay like this till I have to go?” You cry into his chest. “Yes, just what I wanted” he says as he squeezes you a little tighter.

Mature Content

You talk about plans for when you can next meet up. He already has FaceTime calls booked in for you in his schedule for the next few months. Even during his R&R time he still has personal projects he needs to work on but he promised he will make sure to call when he can. It’s worked fine for you both in the past but now your closer to leaving it all feels a little more desperate.

The final hour together flies by not helped by you dry humping each other and having a full make out session for most of it but now it’s time to go. He has his arm wrapped round you till you get to the car. On the drive he serenades you again. He’ll do anything to make you smile but it doesn’t work.

Yoongi can only drive you to the airport and say his goodbyes in the car. He pulls up to the airport car park, leans over to you pulling you in and kisses you passionately. “I really don’t want to but I’m going to go head in, I think it’s only going to be harder the longer I stay, I’ll be texting you till I’m in the air anyway” you say crying.

“Ok” he says as he tries to quickly wipe a tear away from his face.

“I love you so hard Yoongi, do you know?.”

You lean in to kiss him as he pulls you in by your collar. “Text me when you’ve checked in”

He’s holding onto your hand tightly as he pulls it to him and kisses your palm.

“Yoongi I…” you swallow hard.

“It’s ok, I know…” he says as he wipes away another tear. You lean in for one last kiss then slowly pull away backing out of the car.

You walk to the entrance not looking back through fear you’ll run back to him. When you get to the check in desk you find your ticket has been upgraded, you bawl your eyes at the customer service team when you try to explain that your boyfriend upgraded you as a surprise but the sounds you make are illegible as they slowly push a box of tissues in your direction with an awkward smile.

You text him to let him know you’ve checked in and to thank him for the upgrading your ticket, he replies letting you know it took all of his strength to not cancel it completely! You tell him to not text and drive but he replies letting you know he’s still sat in the car park not wanting to leave. “Please go home and be safe, I love you” you tell him.

He replies “I will, when you are up in the air and I know I can’t drag you back to me!”

You start boarding, doing your best to smile as you’re greeted by the attendants. Your phone pings as you’re getting yourself seated, you’re not used to the fancy premier 1st class but you’re enjoying it. Getting yourself comfortable you check your messages.

His texts reads “check your email”

You check and there’s a audio file attached. You load the file putting your headphones in and it’s his recording reminiscing of the past 4 days together. Your throat is sore from trying to hold in your cry, you listen to it on repeat as you drift in and out of sleep while his voice plays in your ears. You watch some TV to pass the time but all you’re thinking about is him.

You arrive in London the wait for your connecting flight back home to Newcastle is short thankfully. You eventually get back to your apartment, kick off your shoes and coat and throw yourself in your bed and cry your eyes out, totally overwhelmed you fall asleep.

You wake nearly 3 hours later to your phone vibrating. You’ve missed calls from your family checking in and calls and texts from Yoongi also checking in.

You try to call him but it goes to voicemail, you know he’ll reply when he can. You text him “Just woke up, sorry. Speak to you when you’re free, I love you”

You potter around sorting your laundry, catch up on work emails and get emotional when making a bowl of noodles! You try to keep yourself busy then your phone vibrates it’s Yoongi calling.

“Hello Lover… are you ok?” He asks.

“Yeah I’m good, missing you though”

“I have a package on its way to you so I wanted to make sure you were up to receive it, the tracker says it’s minutes away”

“What is it, I’ve told you to not waste your money. Save it for when you buy me a house” you laugh.

“Not telling, it’s a surprise, hopefully you can have some fun with it though” he laughs

Just then there’s a loud knock on the door.

“Oooooh this might be it now! Hold on while I get it Yoongi”

Another loud knock. Holding the phone to your ear with one hand you unlock your door with the other…

“Hi… I missed you”

“What the fuck?!” You slam the door in shock.

“Fuck! Sorry!” You say scrambling to open it again still with the phone to your ear. He’s laughing so hard as you open it to him. Standing there looking so fucking perfect.

Mature Content

“I’m sor…” you start to say as he slams himself into you, pushing you through your door, picking you up as you wrap yourself around him sloppily kissing each other.

“When did you?”

“I was in the car park waiting for you to get up in the air and thought, fuck it. So I booked the tickets while I waited, I drove back home packed some clothes and got the next flight out, I was only a few hours behind you!”

“How long do I have you for?” You ask

“4 days…” he quips

“Whaat!? Just 4 days?!” You whine

“Nah you’ve got me for two weeks I just wanted to show you how it felt!”

“Dick head!” You laugh as you pull him by his belt buckle to your bedroom…

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Track List…

Mature Content

Leaning over the counter you gaze adoringly at your boyfriend, watching as he cooks up another no doubt delicious meal.

“Taste this please…”

Yoongi holds out a spoon to your lips

“Tell me what you think?”

“Yes Chef!” You take a taste “Ooh… That That I Like It” you smirk

He rolls his eyes and continues cooking.

“Should I make some rice to go with it?” He asks

“No, not today!” You grin

He tips his head back and let’s out a groan.

You slide round the work top moving closer to him.

He’s playing it cool giving you the side eye but you spot the corner of his mouth raise ever so slightly. Which only encourages you to aggravate him more.

You start bopping your head and shaking your hips, moving closer towards him as you bump your hips against his.

“Stop iiiit!” He laughs.

“Hey! I don’t need Permission to Dance!”

“Aaaaaaggh!… please Y/N!” Still laughing.

Mature Content

Standing behind him you wrap your arms around his waist, kissing his shoulders.

He lifts his arm up and over getting you in a gentle head lock and pulling you up to him as he plants a kiss firmly on your lips.

“Now do you regret teasing me because I couldn’t remember a couple of your hundred song titles?” You ask.

“No, no I don’t… not if it means you’ll grind your hips up against me just to tease me. Can I make one request though… please can we do it again but with our clothes off?”

Your mouth wide open, you gasp…

“Aaaaah” he says “Finally! no more witty comebacks eh, are you struggling to find an answer?” He teases.

“No…” you say as you scoot yourself up on the counter, legs wide open. “You guys just never wrote a song titled… Please stop talking and fuck me over this kitchen counter now”

He flicks the hobs off, flings the utensils in the sink as he moves over to you and positions himself between your legs. Grabbing your hips pulling you to him, he kisses you hard and whispers in your ear “You’re My Universe”.

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Keep Off…

Mature Content

“Everyone assumes I just sit in here all day or that they can’t speak to me, I can’t be disturbed if I’m in the studio… I don’t know how that started. I mean obviously if I’m busy and have a deadline to meet then I’m more focused on the task but I do take breaks. I do do other things than just stay in here. People can come and see me, I must come across as pretty boring if they think that’s all I do?”

“Oh ok, does that mean I can come and sit in with you while you work then?”

“No” he laughs

“Dickhead!” You smile

“I wouldn’t get anything done…”

“That’s not fair you know I wouldn’t make a sound”

“That’s the thing, anyone else I can cope with but you don’t have to make a sound to distract me, you alone are distraction enough!”

You huff… “so anyone can be with you in your studio except for me… your girlfriend?”

“Pretty much…” he smiles


“Wait, are you upset?”

“Nope, it’s all good. Thank you for clarifying”

He reaches his hand over to your thigh. You quickly stand “ok well I’m going in the shower, I’ll let you get on, I don’t want to keep you from your work”

You know you’re being petty but you can’t help it, your favourite thing to do is watch him work. You get so turned on by him just being himself, his little expressions and mannerisms as well as his hands.

Those fucking hands, even watching him prepping food turns you on and now he’s stopping you from getting your fix.

You head to the shower. 10mins later you hear the door to the bathroom click open, Yoongi walks up to the shower door pressing himself against it as he watches you lathering yourself up. “Can I join you?” He asks.

Mature Content

“No… sorry… I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on getting myself clean, I mean if it were anybody else wanting to join it would be fine but I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on washing myself if…”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Sorry… I just really need to focus” you say rubbing the soapy bubbles across your breasts, staring straight at him tweaking your nipples as you go.

He presses himself up harder against the shower door, his mouth open as he watches you bend over lathering up your legs making sure he has full view of your ass.

His forehead flush against the door he lets out a frustrated moan.

You straighten up and start rubbing the soap over your stomach, swirling it around moving your hands up to your breasts lathering the soap around them.

You move your hand slowly down to your pussy. He bites his lip “Please Y/N…” he pleads. You can see his erection pushing against the shower door.

You’re so turned on by the pleading look on his face, you slide two fingers slowly inside, you moan “Suugaa”.

He can’t take it. He bursts through the door fully clothed his arm instantly round your waist as the other grabs the back of your neck gripping your hair, he kisses you hard pushing you up against the tiled wall.

Your hands move immediately to his hair, you hitch your leg up against his hip, he slides his fingers into you as you start to slowly fuck against them.

“Please fu…” you begin to say. Before you even finish he’s desperately trying to rid himself of his soaking wet pj bottoms while you pull at his wet t shirt.

“Aaaagh! I’ve never had to fight this hard with my clothes before!!” As you both laugh

“Your underwear isn’t this hard to take off when it’s wet!” He laughs. Slapping his chest you tell him “Hurry the fuck up… please!”

He’s frantically stamping himself out of them…

“Ok… where were we” he smiles

“In me…” you moan

He flips you round as you steady yourself with your hands against the wall, he grabs your hips pulling them towards him. He slides himself slowly into you as you savour every inch of him, you both let out a satisfied moan. He starts fucking away, slamming into you and taking his frustrations out on your hips.

You’re pleading for him to “Fuck me Yoongi!” He has one hand on your shoulder and the other squeezing your ass as he hammers away. He pulls you back to him as he starts kissing hard down your neck

“Fuuuck Y/N” he moans. You reach round grabbing a hold of his ass digging your nails in as he continues to pound away at you.

You can barely get your breath as you feel a ping in the pit of your stomach and you tighten yourself around him.

“Fuck please, please… wait oh god I’m going to cum” you cry out.

“Me too lover” he whispers with his deep voice in your ear, seconds later you peak together. He lets out a satisfied “Aaaaggghh!” as he holds you tightly to him.

Your legs are weak as he eases himself from you, gently turning you round and kisses you sloppily.

You pull the shower head over to you both and freshen yourselves up. Handing you a towel he takes you by the hand over to the bed.

You lay there cheeks flushed as you watch him dry himself down and put on some dry pj bottoms.

His perfectly toned body and long wet hair making you clench your thighs together as you bite your lip, you put your face in your hands and let out a little scream.

“What?… what is it” he asks confused by your reaction. “You can come in the studio, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset…”

“No, no it’s ok… I’ve come to realise that I would continue to be a distraction… I can’t be in the same room as you and not want to touch you or have you touch me” you blush.

“I would only want to cum in your studio”

“Yeah?… well I can focus on that too” he smirks.

Mature Content

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Call It…

“Bullshit…” You yell


“I call bullshit!… there’s no way you don’t know what a simple gesture from you can do to a woman?”

“What do you mean!” He asks

“Don’t be so naive Yoongi” you moan

“There are cameras on you constantly, you can’t drink water without someone thinking it’s hot. You can’t pout without someone wanting to jump you! I should know!! I’m that someone!” You poke at your chest, a little too hard.

“So don’t play fucking coy thinking that licking your lips as a waitress brings your meal over isn’t going to get a reaction. The reaction will be me walking out and leaving you both to it!”

He leans in trying to take hold of your hand but you pull away.

“FUUUCK ME Y/N… I can’t make an innocent gesture without it being construed as being seductive or suggestive. I have no clue what the waitress even looked like… I know that my food looked good, I know my lips were dry… I licked my fucking lips Y/N, I just licked them” he sighs.

“Why are we doing this now? Who’s planted the seed of doubt, what’s making you think I want anyone but you?!”

“Here’s the seed of doubt… who’s that?!” Angry tears well in your eyes. You show him the article titled “BTS’s Suga - In Dating Scandal” with a very blurry photo attached.

It’s clearly him with his favourite embroidered bomber jacket, the picture was cropped from security footage so you could only see the two of them walking in what looked like an alleyway, with his hand on the girls arse.

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“What the fuck?!” He exclaims “Well that’s obviously me but who the fuck is that” he squints at the picture.

“You tell me, she has long dark hair and you’re keeping her arse warm!”

“But I’ve never even… Wait, when and where is this supposed to have been taken?”

“2 Weeks ago near your HQ”

He scrunches his face and pouts taking a closer look.

“Is this a joke…” he asks

You can feel yourself getting more frustrated, you down your Soju.

“That’s you dickhead!” he laughs

“Don’t you dare..” You’re ready to flip your shit.

“Wait! Let me explain…” he holds up his hands in protest.

“WE! you and I… went to the cafe round the corner, you met me for lunch. WE ended up there for the rest of the day! That’s you drunk on Soju pretending to be Jimin with your cardigan over your head! Not some girl with black hair!… it’s you! He exclaims

“You were drunk and you said I had to take you out the back door because you didn’t want YOUR fans to see you like that!” He has a massive smile forming.

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You snatch your phone out of his hand pinching and zooming in. Fuck! Sure enough it’s you, you can see that now, that’s your hair poking out the side of the cardigan, that’s your wrist tattoos and that’s your bag Yoongi’s carrying over his shoulder!

“Fuuuuuck” you feel your face flushing red. Your ears are burning. You fucking fool. You’ve done it again, you’ve let your own insecurities fuck you over.

He leans in to you wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him.

You slope back and slowly try to slide down under the table to hide your face from the embarrassment. He stops you, laughing as he pulls you up to him. With one hand round your waist and the other in your hair and softly kisses your pout.

“When” he kisses your bottom lip

“Will you” he kisses your top lip

“Understand” he sucks at your bottom lip

“That I only” he pecks at your mouth

“Want you, nobody else” he kisses you hard, you grab hold of his face and kiss him passionately, your tongues brushing against each others. You move your fingers to his hair while his hand moves to your arse, grabbing it tight as your kisses get more fervent.

You come up for air “I’m sorry, I’m such an arsehole and I’m never drinking again”

“I call bullshit”… he smiles as he leans in kissing you harder.

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader


You slowly stretch under the covers letting out a satisfied moan…

You turn and see Yoongi sat on the edge of the bed, gazing at you adoringly, smiling as he watches you stretch and trying his best to control himself after hearing you moan.

“Good morning lover…” He says planting a kiss firmly on your lips

“Mmmmmm” you moan as you stretch out again

“Please stop doing that”

“Eh? Doing what?” You say while stroking your fingers slowly up and down his back.

“Doing what…?” he laughs leaning in to you. “As if you don’t know, you sound so fucking sexy when you moan, I’ve been sat here at the edge of the bed for the past 10 minutes listening to you and trying to contain my erection”. You laugh “You should have woke me”

“I couldn’t because I’d be even later than I already am and when I want you, I’m not rushing my time with you” he smirks.

You clench your thighs together, his voice, his words, he could be reading out an instruction booklet for a toaster and you’d still be turned on.

“You need to get going then, you can’t be late because of me… the boys will be mad if you keep them waiting” you gently nudge him.

“Ok but when I get back tonight”… he smooches on your lips hard “I’ll help you make those noises again but not because you’re tired”

“Is that a promise?”

“Yes it most definitely is” he kisses you on the cheek, then the other, your nose, your forehead then lastly he sucks hard on your bottom lip making you moan.

“Aaaagggh! Ok, I’m going!” he jumps up grabs his keys and bag turns to look back at you, biting his lip. He runs back to you and kisses you quickly.

“Aaagggh” he stamps his foot then darts out the door.

“Mmmmmmmmm Bye My Love!” You tease as the door closes behind him.

You turn over to Yoongi’s side of the bed, you still have half an hour before you need to start getting ready for work.

You hear the door unlock “What did you forget now!?” You call out, turning back over to see Yoongi hopping on one foot struggling to take his other shoe off, he runs towards you and jumps on the bed, you squeal with excitement.

“5 more minutes” he smirks while you wrap your legs around his waist and he starts kissing you slowly and passionately.

“Yoongi…” you whisper as he kisses down your neck “Mmmh” he responds

“You’ll get in trouble with the boys”

“Ssshhhh don’t you worry… I still have 1:38 minutes left” You haven’t made out like this in a while, kissing each other sloppily as your tongues brush against each other’s, your hands all over each other. You let out a little moan instantly apologising as it escapes. “Sorry, sorry. Ok now you have to go” you say lightly pushing him from you.

“Ok, ok!” He laughs, grabbing one more kiss

He opens the door pouting while he backs away.

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“Love you” you both say in unison.

After a busy day at work you get home, it’s late and Yoongi still isn’t home.

As you change into your comfy clothes you get a text from him “My love I’m going to be late, I’m sorry but if I get this finished tonight we can have the weekend together. Please have something to eat, don’t wait up. Love you xx”

You let out a moan of frustration… it’s not unusual for Yoongi to be late getting home but you were looking forward to him keeping his promise, still at least you’ll have time together over the weekend.

You wake early the following morning. Looking over you see Yoongi sleeping peacefully next to you, he has one hand cupping your boob, one leg wrapped round you and the cutest little sleepy pout on his face. You didn’t hear him come home but you know he will be tired, you do your best to not disturb him so you slide out of his grip as he stirs and lets out a little moan. Now you understand why he sat on the bed listening to you make the same noises the morning before. He sounds so fucking hot.

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You lean in and softly kiss his pout then turn to leave, his arm reaches out grabbing you round the waist, moaning “Good morning” he pulls you in close to him. You back yourself into him and he wraps himself around you.

“Aren’t you tired” you ask

“Yes but I need this more” he squeezes you in a little tighter

“Are you ok? Did work go ok?”

“Yes and no, work is good but busy… I’m feeling a little overwhelmed to be honest” he says quietly.

You turn yourself around to face him and comb your fingers through his hair, you kiss his cheek. “You’ve got a lot on, I need you to look after yourself please, is there anything I can do to help?” He pulls you in tighter and nuzzles his head into your neck kissing it softly.

“This helps” he says wrapping his leg over you.

You hold him tightly and continue to stroke your fingers through his hair while he dozes back off to sleep, moaning slightly as he drifts off, you bite your lip thinking about his promise.

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You wake a couple of hours or so later to find him in the kitchen making coffee, a big smile spreads across his face as you walk towards him.

“Good afternoon lover” he shouts. You grab a hold of his face and kiss him hard, he leans in for more and you happily oblige. You can’t help but put your hands straight in his hair and pull him into you kissing each other slowly and passionately. He has his hand cradling your neck and the other on your arse, pulling you in to close what little gap there was between you.

Your kisses get more desperate as he sucks gently on your bottom lip (he knows what this does to you) and you can’t help but moan out.

“There you go again Y/N, I don’t think you know what it does to me”

“Trust me after this morning, I do” you laugh as you lean in to continue the kiss.

“I have a promise to keep…” he whispers

“I was worried you’d forgot”

“Never, I always keep my promise” he whispers pulling your underwear down, caressing your arse and kissing you harder. You continue to moan when you feel his crotch rub against you and he slides his hands underneath your t shirt, slowly massaging your breasts.

He lifts you and places you up on the counter top, you ease back while he kisses your breast then slowly moving his hand down to your pussy, he gently slides two fingers into you and you thrust against them. You take in a breath and almost forget to let it out, “You feel so good” you moan as he picks up the pace. You watch him bite his lip as you hold his wrist and start to thrust against him harder.

“Fuck Y/N” he moans

“Please Yoongi… I need more”

He doesn’t hesitate… he swaps his fingers for his perfectly erect cock, sliding into you gently while taking a few seconds so he can feel himself inside you. He sucks a breath in through his teeth as he starts to fuck you slowly but the more noise you make the harder he goes.

“Yoongi… I… I can’t take it. You feel so fucking good, yes right there… Oh god… please right there… mmmmm yes, yes!” His hands grip your arse tighter as he rams his hips against you. You feel so good when you tighten around him and he feels you arch yourself into him, you cry out again and he can barely contain himself. You both frantically fuck each other “Yoongi!” you cry out as you cum, he tips his head back as he follows you. You both slowly rock into each other and ride out the high of your orgasm together.

He has his head resting on your chest as he catches his breath. “Fuck Y/N… that was so fucking good” he sighs

“I’m so glad you always keep your promises” you laugh as you comb his hair back from his sweaty brow and run your fingers through his hair.

“Can I make another promise to you in advance… for tonight, tomorrow morning and the day after please?”

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader


It was a rare day off for Yoongi, so you made the most of it and filled it with his favourite things.

Lying on the sofa, flicking between Netflix and basketball, only moving for food/refreshments, toilet breaks and kisses.

You sat either end of the sofa with your legs resting on each other’s.

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If he thought you weren’t paying enough attention he would prod your butt cheek with his toe.

You take out your chap stick and run it over your lips. Yoongi notices and asks “My lips are a little dry can I try some of that too!?”

“Yeah, here you go” you hold your arm outstretched to him.

He leans into you, he continues getting closer till he is eventually on all fours on top of you. Leaning in he smooshes his lips against yours, rubbing the chap stick you’d just applied on his lips while laughing.

“Hey!” You whine

You reapply it. He quickly smooshes his lips on yours again. “Sir… this is harassment” you joke

He leans in again… “Wait!” You say putting your finger to his lips.

You reapply the chap stick to his lips “Ok, now you’re ready” you smile as he rubs his lips together.

“Thank you” he sits back down with a smirk

“Hey!… you’re such a tease! Where’s my kiss?”

“I thought it was harassment?” He raises an eyebrow

“Well I want you to harass me!” You whine

“Come here then…”

“You’re not playing fair Yoongi!”

He grabs a hold of your ankles and pulls you in to him, giggling you move in closer and straddle his lap.

“Harass me… please” he asks, his hands slowly move under your t shirt stroking either side of your waist.

You stroke his hair back with your fingers then hold his head in your hands as you kiss him slowly and passionately.

He leans further back on the sofa moaning into your kiss, tipping you forward onto him, his hands firmly on your hips then he slides them to your arse.

You slowly rock into him, kissing from his cheek to the nape of his neck and then seductively suck on his ear.

“Yoongi” you whisper

“Mmmm my love”

“Do you really want to be harassed on your day off, when you could be relaxing?” You ask continuing to kiss him slowly.

“I have never been happier to be harassed” he laughs as he puts his hand in the back of your hair and pulls you to him, kissing you sloppily.

“Can I harass your top off?” He smiles

You whip it off without hesitation. He smiles as he cups your boobs. He gently massages them alternating between licking and sucking at your nipples, nipping them a little. You let out a moan as you grab his hands and start to thrust slow and hard onto him.

He grabs hold of you laying you back on the sofa pulling your trousers and underwear off, he whips his t-shirt off while you pull at his trousers exposing his peach like arse, he’s already perfectly erect and ready to go.

He leans in and kisses you hard as you run your fingers up and down his back eventually resting on his arse, you dig your nails in and say “Harass me really fucking good and hard Yoongi”

He doesn’t wait… he slides himself into you, you both take a little time to savour the feel of each other before his hips harass the life out of you.

“Fuuck, that feels so good” he moans as you tighten around him, he pounds into you harder.

Then he slowly pulls himself out of you

“Yoongi, please…”

“Shhh I want you on all fours… please”

You happily assume the position under his watchful gaze.

He pulls your arse to him, sliding his fingers into you moving them in and out as you push against them, he rubs delicate circles round your clit making you moan his name. He slowly stops… leaning in and kissing the back of your neck.

“How badly do you want me to harass you?” He whispers.

“So fucking bad, please don’t tease”

He pulls you into him and starts pounding like fuck, taking your breath away as his thrusts get deeper. It’s not long before you’re both a hot sweaty mess, you climax almost screaming his name while he growled through gritted teeth as he came. You end up wrapped in each other, out of breath on the sofa.

You pull your t shirt on as he strokes his fingers down your back.

Finding your chapstick under his arm, you brush it over your lips. He quickly leans up and smooshes his lips against yours. Plucking the tube out of your hand. “Hey!” You shout.

“Pucker up sweet cheeks” he says waiting to apply the chap stick on you

You pucker your lips, he laughs as he swipes it across your cheek instead.

“Yoongi ah! Stob it!” You laugh as he smooshes his lips across your cheek.

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“I’m sorry, here come closer” he pulls you in closer

You pucker your lips again, he dabs it on your nose!

“Oh you dick!” he laughs then smooshes your nose!

“Excuse me sir!… This is most definitely harassment”

“No it’s not but this is” He grabs your thighs pulling you down to him as he lifts up your t shirt and strokes the chap stick across your boobs. Sticking his head under your t shirt he seductively and sloppily slides his lips and tongue over your nipple while he tweaks the other.

You run your fingers through his hair sighing “I really do love your days off Yoongi”

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader


“Ok I get it… you’re busy!”

“There’s no need to be such a dick about it” you whisper under your breath as you turn and leave his office.

You head to the kitchen, blast your Beastie Boys playlist and carry on baking as you shimmy round the kitchen.

Yoongi stomps into the kitchen ready to continue the argument and complain about the music but as soon as he sees you carefree and dancing, he leans against the door frame and watches you with a huge smile on his face. You’re oblivious to him as you shake your butt dancing while whisking your eggs.

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You forget yourself and start recounting the brief argument you had with Yoongi “I have deadlines… I’m busy… you don’t understand” you say mocking his voice. “I only wanted to make sure he had something to eat and drink, but nooo! I’ll walk in one day and he’ll be collapsed over his desk. The dickhead!” You mumble to yourself.

“Hey! Dickhead!” He yells

You spin round nearly shitting yourself…

“Who are you calling dickhead?” You shout

“I should ask you the same question?!” He laughs

He moves closer “One day you’ll find me collapsed over my desk eh?!”

You start moving back… as he keeps walking closer to you.

“I’m a dickhead eh!” He steps forward…

“You only wanted to make sure I’d ate and drank huh?” He steps closer again, you’re backed up against the sink.

He reaches out hooking his finger on the loop of your jeans, yanking you to him. One hand firmly on your waist and the other tucking your hair back behind your ear.

“I’m sorry I was mean, I never want to take my stresses out on you but I fucked up” he leans in and kisses you softly.

“Im sorry too” you say “I’m just being sensitive but I do need you to eat something… and you are a dickhead” You kiss him quickly and run over to the fridge laughing.

“Come here” He walks towards you.. “Aaah stop right there! Don’t come any closer… you’re a busy man!” You grab a plate of food from the fridge and put it in his hand “Eat this please”.

You turn him round, slap his butt and point him in the direction of his studio. He laughs and follows his orders. You hear his door click shut.

“Ooh he’s so fucking cute” you squeal.

You’ve busied yourself the best part of the day, desperately wanting to disturb him and see his face. It’s been too long without speaking to him. “Fuck it” you tell yourself.

You knock on the door opening it a little “Yoongi?… I just want to check in…”

He’s flat out on his desk… “Yoongi?… are you sleeping?” you walk closer “Are you taking the piss?” You shove him but he doesn’t flinch.

You panic a little and shake him calling his name. No response “Yoongi please!” You see a slight smirk form at the side of his mouth. “What a shit” you think to yourself… two can play this game.

You walk away towards the door “Oh what a shame… at least now I’ll be able to find a new cooler boyfriend… I wonder if Namjoon is still single?” You say as you open the door slightly.

You hear a clatter and a scramble behind you as he rushes to the door pushing it closed “Yah!… That’s not fair!” He moans.

“Oh look… what a relief… he has risen!” You raise your hands and smile.

“Ooooh you…” he says through gritted teeth grabbing your cheeks, he squashes them making your lips pout as he kisses them hard, pushing you up against the door.

“I’ve been fake collapsed at my desk waiting for you for the past half an hour” he laughs, stamping his foot a little. “You dick!.. I’ve been pacing round the house waiting for you to finish your work!”

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He leans in kissing you softly, paying extra attention to your bottom lip sucking it gently, you lean into him kissing him back harder. Your hand resting on his chest you ask “Are you still busy?”

“Erm Yeah” You frown at his reply.

“Busy working out how quickly I can get you on the couch and my pants off… I want you… so bad”

“Well let me help speed it up…” you say while you unbutton his jeans.

“Let’s get busy” you whisper.

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader


You’re sitting cosy on the sofa after a busy day at work, happily winding down getting your k drama fix.

You hear keys rattle as the door to your apartment opens and your boyfriend sighs heavily as he drops his bag and heads over to you on the sofa.

Standing behind you he whispers “Hello Lover” he leans over you searching for your lips. You tip your head back and pucker up “Hello my Love” you say as he plants a sloppy kiss, his lips covering yours.

“Mmmm I’ve missed you, come love me please” you pat the sofa next to you. He climbs over it from behind instead of walking around. Clambering on top of you and straddling your lap.

You laugh “I think there’s been a mix up, shouldn’t this be the other way round!”

“Nope, I have you where I want you” he tucks your hands under his knees, putting his hands either side of your face he kisses you softly. You try to move your hands but he won’t let you, he just kisses you harder.

“Let me touch you please?”

“Nope” he continues to kiss you.

“Aww stop it…” you whine.

He leans back, slowly stops kissing you as you lean into him to chase his lips.

“What are you watching?”

“A very frustrating KDrama” you pout

“Why’s it frustrating?”

“Well on this one there’s been 13 episodes of pure sexual tension, then when they’re eventually left alone together” you try wriggling your hands free “all he does is kiss her on the fucking forehead” He laughs at your frustration.

“Will you stop teasing and just let me touch you?” You complain

“I’m sorry” he laughs leaning in he plants a kiss on your forehead then heads into the kitchen.

“Are you kidding me!” you flop back on the sofa watching him smile at you from the kitchen. You stick your face in the sofa and let out a frustrated moan.

After a little while he comes back from the kitchen with some food for you both and sits down next to you. “Why do you watch them if they frustrate you so much?”

“I guess I’m just a sucker for a happy ending… well that and some of the kisses are worth the wait” you smile.

“What do mean?”

“Well theres Kim Soo-hyun he looks like a really good kisser… he doesn’t just press his lips to the female lead, he makes it look so passionate, it gave me butterflies”

You turn to look at Yoongi his mouth is open and his noodle laden chopsticks are hovering in front of him.

“What? What’s wrong?” You smile

“Sounds like you’ve been paying a lot of attention to Kim Soo-hyun scenes huh?!”

“Well yeah not just him though Park Hyung-sik looks like he’s a really good kisser too!” You run your fingers against your lips as Yoongi drops his chop sticks in his bowl in disgust.


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You’re startled then laugh nervously at his facial expression.

“This is what you’ve been doing? Perving on these guys when I’m not here!?, I thought you said the plot was good?”

You laugh “the plot is really good for this one but to be fair if there wasn’t a plot I’d still watch it with him in it!”

He turns to face you, a streak of jealousy in his eyes.

“Ok put one of these kisses on then? Let me see what all the fuss is about!”

“I’m just messing with you, you know how much I love kissing and I hate it when there isn’t a good kiss scene especially when there’s been such a big build up to it”

“No… lm not having it. Put it on, I need to see my competition”

“I can assure you there is No competition, I only have to think about kissing you and I’m turned on. Your kisses are the only ones I want”

He folds his arms in a huff…

“Ok, here watch this clip. I’m sure you’ll appreciate it too the female lead is stunning.” You hand him your phone

“Don’t care” he huffs

You play one of your many favourite scenes from Its Ok To Not Be Ok Ep 11.

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You turn to watch Yoongi for his reaction. He’s watching it with the same concentration he has when reviewing one of his performances.

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A whole 2:50 minutes pass by, you smile as he locks eyes with you and within a split second he pounces on you.

He kisses you hard, pushing you down into the sofa as he lays on top of you, pressing himself against you. He has one hand running up your thigh as his kisses get more intense.

You’re so turned on, you don’t know where to touch him first but you want him, all of him. You kiss him hard one hands under his t shirt and the other in his long hair, you pull him closer into you.

He can’t get enough of you, he kisses you deeper, your tongues gently brushing against each other’s. He sucks hard on your bottom lip, you whisper “Yoongi”

Then you both come up for air…

“Shit I needed that” he whispers

“See!” You shout “see what I mean?” That’s what these K Dramas do to you!” You laugh.

“I think I need to start paying more attention to the programmes you’re watching”

He leans in, you move your lips towards him craving another of his kisses, he gently caresses your cheek then kisses your forehead.

“Wait, what the?! Oh my god!… you are the worst tease!” You let out another frustrated moan.

“Never kiss me on my forehead again… unless you’re going to fuck me straight after”

“Ok”… he laughs as he takes the dishes back into the kitchen. He then turns and heads back to you, leaning in again he takes a hold of your face in his hands and softly kisses your forehead…

You let out a sigh and just as you’re about to complain, he holds his hand out to you and says “Come on then” biting his lip as he leads you to the bedroom.

Mature Content

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader


Lounging on the sofa you scroll though your app’s while you wait for your boyfriend to finish work. Non of them particularly interesting until you scroll on to insta and your page of recommended posts pops up. It basically consists of post about BTS, Yoongi and the occasional recipe clips.

You jump as you hear a voice over your shoulder. “Why are you looking at pictures of me when I’m right here?”

“Hey, I didn’t hear you come in.” You turn to search for his kiss… he leans over and puckers his lips waiting for yours. You kiss him softly and gently lick his lip teasing him a little. “Mmmh… Hello” He whispers into your lips.

“Hello my love, have you had a good day?”

“Yeah but I’ll ask again… why are you looking at posts when I’m right here?”

“You’re here now yes but… I don’t know I just like looking at you. I like to see the slow mo videos Army loads, especially your Silver Spoon routine” you smile. “I save them for when I’m missing you”

“Let me see?” He asks

“Wait I have them in a saved folder”

“A folder! How many are there?”

“I don’t know, I just bookmark them as soon as see the ones I love”


“Well… if I’m feeling a little lonely or thirsty” you laugh nervously “They’re good “reading” material for me!”

“Whaaaat!” His mouth agape

“Don’t tell me you haven’t saved posts that turned you on… ever?”

“I have… they’re all of you!” He laughs

“Awww” You smile kissing his cheek as you hand him your phone.

He’s smiling as he scrolls through your saved posts.“There’s so many!” He laughs “Why this one?”

“Why have I saved you thrusting in slo motion?… Hmm let me think” you say sarcastically

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“Oh Shit! Why this one?” He asks a laughing.

“It makes me laugh hard, your face is covered in red lipstick!” You explain.

“And this one?…”

“Oh you have to turn the sound on for that one. It’s you speaking in English, your voice is so deep and your wearing all black aaaaand your hair is ginger… Mmmmm Tick, Tick, Tick” You laugh ticking your imaginary checklist.

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“Oh my god you’re a pervert!”

“Just for you my love”

His facial expression quickly changes and he hands your phone back to you turning away.

“I guess I wasn’t supposed to see that one”

“Eh? What one?”

You pick your phone back up and check. It’s a close up video of JK on stage. Yoongi gets up from the sofa and heads to the kitchen


“No I shouldn’t have asked”

“No it’s not like that” you laugh

“It’s not like what? It’s not like you’ve got a video of a handsome muscular man saved on your phone to, as you say “read later”.

“Woah there! If you let me explain”

“There’s nothing to explain it’s fine I get it, it just took me by surprise”

You move closer “Yoongi please…” He ignores you and moves to random parts of the kitchen to avoid eye contact with you.

“I’m going to take a nap”


“No, please just let me be”

You know not to push it, he’s clearly upset but it’s going to be embarrassing for you both when you get the chance to explain why you saved the video.

You pace around the living room resisting the urge to go in the room and speak to him but you decide to text him instead…

“Can you please watch the clip till the end? Then you’ll see why I’ve saved it.” You forward the clip on to him.

The clip is JK rehearsing but in the background Yoongi is wiggling his butt with such enthusiasm combined with his gummy smile, it makes you smile so hard when you watch it and cheers you up if you’re feeling down.

“Please don’t be mad/upset, you and your arse are the only clips I need or save to “read later” when I don’t have you next to me. So can you please finish your nap and actually BE next to me!”

Total silence from his room, then you hear the sound of the clip playing followed by silence again.

This is torture… you let out a frustrated moan and flop down on the sofa.

Then you hear a fumbling sound coming from his room. Now you’re getting pissed off. Just as you’re planning to head into his room you hear the door click open and a very red flushed faced Yoongi appears.

“I’m sorry...” he says scratching his head.

You walk over to him and kiss him hard, he pulls you closer to him. “Don’t be sorry, just let me explain next time, I’ll delete the clip though”

“I didn’t think I was the jealous type”

“Your face is still flushed, you don’t have to be embarrassed” you assure him.

“No, it’s not from that” he says laughing

“I erm… made you a new video, kind of an apology. I nearly fell off the bed”

Your phone pings and you load the message.

It’s a shaky video of Yoongi standing on his bed and frantically shaking his arse in the direction of the camera. You burst out laughing almost tearing up a little. “You’re such a dork”

He grabs hold of your face and kisses you passionately, his hands running through your hair. “But I’m your dork”

You kiss him harder slapping your hands on his arse cheeks. He wriggles his butt in your hands as he pushes you to the bedroom… to wriggle it a little more for you just minus your clothes.

Mature Content

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Doors Closing…

“What?! I don’t understand. I’m just supposed to stop, stop seeing you, stop loving you, stop texting, calling, just stop having any feelings for you…”.

Your voice breaks as you swallow hard. “I just have to forget about you, hate you… is that what you want?”

“No please… please don’t hate me?” He pleads.

“Then what the fuck am I supposed to do… where has this come from?!”

Total silence… why does he look so sad if he’s so sure that we need to break up?

“I love you. But you’re pushing me away!” You cry out. “What have I done? am I so hard to love is that it?!”

“God no!…” he moves towards you his arms reaching for you, then he clasps his hands together. It’s like he’s stopping himself from moving closer.

He stutters “I… I’ve… I’ve never been happier… but you…”

“But me what? Why do you want to break up, I’ve been here a week, what have I done that was so wrong…?!”

He opens his mouth but no words come out.

“For fuck sake!, oh fuck you! Fuck off and leave me then, I don’t want to hear your bullshit! I honestly can’t take this! Just go!”

“Fuuuck!” He shouts as he leaves, slamming the door behind him.

You put your head in your hands in total disbelief but anger quickly creeps in… “Fuck him!” You grab your bag and jacket and storm out the office to the elevators, you practically punch the call button until the elevator dings, the doors open and you head in.

Angrily wiping tears from your face you look up and see Yoongi running down the corridor towards you wiping tears from his eyes. You hit the door close button hard as he’s just feet away.

He shouts out “Wait!” As the doors close.

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“Fuck Him” you say to yourself. You can barely catch your breath. You run through reception and out onto the street. Looking around, you have no clue where to go, you’re staying with Yoongi at his place, you have no where else to go.

You see a bus pull up at a nearby stop, you run to it and get on. You just need to get away from the HQ and Yoongi as quickly as possible.

Taking your seat you wipe your tears, take a deep breath and check your phone. You have 20 missed calls, multiple text messages and voicemails. You switch it off.

After about 20 mins you spot a little cafe opposite a play park coming up so you get off at the next stop.

You head in to the cafe, the waitress guides you over to a seat by the window. She takes your order, then gently pats your shoulder as she hands you a packet of tissues. You smile and thank her, her kindness sets you off crying again.

You take out your phone to check your makeup in the screen, you look a mess… No!… you look like the love of your life has just broken up with you, completely out of the blue.

You try to rack your brain to figure out what you could have done to push him away, were you too clingy, too needy?… you literally had no clue.

You switch your phone back on and it buzzes like mad. You leave it a little while as the waitress hands you your tea and water. She gives you a steamed bun, you didn’t order it but she’s not taking no for an answer. Your stomach grumbles and you thank her again, doing your best not to cry at her kindness.

You scroll through your messages all but one of them is from Yoongi. You don’t want to read his yet but there’s one from Hobi.

“Hi Y/N, it’s none of my business what has happened but please let me know where you are, are you safe? Yoongi is frantic, I’ve not seen him like this before. He’s panicking, he’s ready to call the police. You don’t have to speak but please just let me know you’re ok xx”

You text him to say “I’m ok xx”

He replies straight away “Where are you? I can come pick you up, you can come stay with me”

“Thank you, I just need a little space/time. I’ll text you in a little while, thank you x”

He replies “Ok. Love You x”

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You let out a little sigh… take a sip of your tea and sit back watching the people pass by and the kids playing in the park across the road.

You can’t understand why Yoongi has acted the way he has, every time he spoke it was like he didn’t want the words to come out but each time they did they’d cut deeper. You were in the building to meet him for lunch… how did it turn so bad so quick… and why was he crying if he’s wanting to break up so badly?

A couple of teas and another steamed bun later, you feel calm enough to text Hobi. You can stay at his and try to exchange your ticket back home. You burst into tears again… “some fucking vacation this has turned out to be!”

You text Hobi “are you ok to pick me up still?”

“Yes, yes of course. Just let me know where you are?”

You haven’t got a clue!… you open google maps and work it out from there. You send him a screen shot of the cafe.

“Please don’t rush, drive safe” you text back.

You thank the waitress for her kindness being sure to leave a generous tip and you head out across the road to the park and wait for Hobi.

You sit on the swings, in a world of your own. You don’t want to have to go back home to the UK but you don’t want to be a burden and you can’t afford a hotel for the next 5 weeks! You’re screwed.

A little time passes as you sit on the swing and try to distract yourself listening to music. You see a car speed round the bend and pull up to the cafe scattering the gravel everywhere.

“What a dick” you think to yourself.

You hear the door slam and see Yoongi franticly run round the side to the cafe entrance, talking to the waitress, she points to you across the road. They both look over at your direction.

“Fuuuck!” You call out

He’s the last fucking person you want to see and “Hobi! That little Shit.” You panic standing up from the swing fumbling for your bag.

He runs across the lanes, a car blares it’s horn at him. He’s focused only on you…

“Is he crying?” You ask yourself

“No stop!… don’t come any closer!” Damn it, you start to cry again.

“Please… Y/N!” His hands clasped together as he walks towards you “Please” he says almost begging.

“I’m sorry” he cries, “I’m so sorry”

He continues to get closer as you back away, eventually falling back into the seat of the swing.

“Please let me try to explain!” He quickly wipes a tear from his cheek.

“I thought it was the right thing to do, I was worried about you and couldn’t bare to see you dragged into this lifestyle, the trolling, watching you second guess yourself because of comments or false scandals about me. We don’t see each other as much as a regular couple does. I feel like I’m stopping you from being truly happy but selfishly I can’t bare to be without you.

I spoke to some of the management and they said that it was unfair to you, for me to expect you to always be waiting for me. I thought breaking up would be the right thing, all I want is your happiness. I want you to be happy 365 days of the year”

You stand up again “Firstly, no person can be truly happy 365 days of the year. Secondly, Why did you ask for advice from management when they don’t know what we have together? Talk to me!… ask me!

I could probably handle it if you naturally fell out of love with me but this isn’t right Yoongi… I know what I signed up for from our very first date. I have never been happier in my entire life… even when we aren’t together I would rather miss you from miles away than not have you in my life. You don’t make my decisions for me!”

He’s devastated he’s hurt you, he hates himself for doing this but all he wants to do is protect you from the life he has chosen.

“Please tell me that I haven’t completely ruined everything?” He holds out his hand to pull you to him.

You hesitate “Don’t ever do this to me again.” You say angrily wiping your tears.

“I, I won’t… I’m sorry, I thought I was protecting you… but I need you, I fucking adore you.”

He takes hold of your hands and pulls you to him, he lightly kisses your lips… unsure if you’ll kiss him back or slap him. “I love you Y/N” he kisses you harder “Please say you love me back?”.

He runs his hands through your hair, he kisses you passionately and deeper. “I can’t believe I thought that I was doing the right thing”

“You’re an idiot…” you kiss him desperately, standing on your tip toes as he holds you tightly round your waist, holding you to him so you can’t leave him again.

He breaks the kiss by gently kissing your neck and cuddling you into him with his fingers running through the back of your hair. He takes you by your hand and walks you over to his car, the little lady from the cafe excitedly gives you the thumbs up through the window as Yoongi holds the car door open for you and you get in.

You sit and close your eyes, taking a deep breath as you rest your head back against the seat. You’re totally overwhelmed by the day. You move to fasten your seatbelt, Yoongi leans over to you pulling you to him by your collar, he kisses you hard his lips lingering on your bottom lip as he sucks it gently.

“I love you” he whispers “But next time I ask you to hold the elevator for me… Will you?…” he asks.

“Too soon dickhead” you smile. “Take me home”

Tags :
2 years ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader


You’re growing impatient waiting for your boyfriend to get home from his not so secret trip to the tattoo parlour with Jimin.

He’s been gone a while, a little too long you’re desperate to see him.

“Where are you? Will you be much longer?” You text

“I’ve just pulled in to the garage”

“Hurry Up!”

“I’m literally 5 minutes away woman!”

“I hope you’re walking and texting!”

You reply while running to your front the door, flinging it open to make your way to the elevator, only to find Yoongi standing in front of you with his classic trademark smile!

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“Ahh! 5 minutes away huh?!”

He heads through the door grabbing hold of you and almost carrying you in. He kisses you lovingly.

“Hi!” He whispers closing the door.

“Ok where is it? Where did you decide to get it?”

“I’m not telling… you’ll have to find it”

You slap his chest “Aww but come on… tell me?”

“Do you want some coffee?” He asks heading to the kitchen.

“Aww stop teasing me! Show me!”

“No, come and find it” Without hesitation you unzip his hoodie and peel it from him, tossing it to one side.

You slowly run your hand up his arm, checking his shoulder, wrist and in between his fingers on one side and then move to the other side and do the same.

All the while Yoongi is using his free hand to brush his hand round your waist, you gently bat his hand away.

“There’s nothing on either arm” you frown.

He walks you over to the living room holding your hand and pulling you on to his lap as he sits.

“You’re getting closer” he teases

“And you’re getting annoying!” You laugh.

You brush your fingers through his hair tucking it back from his neck as you move in closer to check behind his ear. You feel his breath on your neck as he leans in to you softly kissing your neck and ear lobe.

“Stop distracting me… I’m on a mission!”

You take his head in your hands tilting it slightly so you can check the other side. You cant help but scan his face, his lips look so inviting. You brush your fingers through his hair.

You catch his gaze “You look cute when you’re concentrating Y/N” he smiles

You kiss him softly on the lips, he moves his hands to your waist and then slides them under your T-shirt and up your back, pulling you in close as he kisses you a little harder. You slowly grind yourself against him.

“Can’t you just tell me?”

“No… this is more fun!” he kisses your neck

“For you yes!”

“Aren’t you enjoying it too?”

“Take off your t shirt and I might” you wink

“Take off yours and we definitely will… I’ll make sure of it” he winks

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“No… we are looking for your tattoo, you know where all mine are” you smile

You ease his T shirt from out of his belt

“Arms up!” You command. He does as he’s told.

You let out a moan at the sight of his naked torso, sliding your hands gently down his shoulders then over his chest and down to his toned abs. You unbuckle his belt and undo his trousers.

“Wait, do you think I’d get a tattoo down there?” He laughs

“No… I don’t really care about your tattoo now” you say as you bite your lip.

He can see only lust in your eyes, he grabs hold of you and crashes his lips into yours, you kiss each other desperately.

Before you know it your on your back and he’s fucking you so good “Yoongi-ah, baby…” you moan.

He loves to hear you call out his name and it only encourages him to bang you harder and deeper when he feels you tighten around him. He moves his mouth from your lips to your neck as he sucks down hard.

You cry out his name as you cum, your fingers tugging on his hair. He lets out a satisfied groan as he cums seconds later.

He gently eases himself from you and lays next to you pulling his trouser back up leaving them loosely open and you pull your t shirt back down barely covering your arse.

Pulling you in close he has his hand round your waist and the other brushing your hair back from your face as he kisses you sloppily.

“Can’t you just tell me where it is and stop teasing me?”

“OK my love”

You jump up and and sit facing him.

He kisses your cheek and smiles as he says

“I couldn’t decide where to get it… so I waited while Jimin got his. I go back tomorrow for mine!”

“Oh you absolute shit!” you huff as you slap his arm. He laughs as he pulls you in hugging you tight.

“Well at least tell me where you’re getting it!” You huff.

“And miss the chance of having you do this again tomorrow?… no way my love!”

Mature Content

Tags :
1 year ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Yoongi x Reader

First Kiss…

You’re standing in Yoongi’s kitchen as he makes you both coffee.

“You have a lovely home…” you say sliding your hand across the dark stained work top, admiring your surroundings… and your barista.

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“I’ll be honest with you, I was hoping you wouldn’t be so perfect… like you’d have at least one flaw that would help me like you less but I’m struggling to find one” You smile

“Really?” He blushes, with his trade mark grin



“Because I like you so much… maybe a little too much” now you’re blushing.

“Well I can’t think of anything I could do or would want to do to make you like me less but I definitely have something that I really want to do and hopefully, make you like me a little more?”

“Impossible!” you gasp jokingly

“Really… do you think so?” He steps a little closer

“Yes” you say as you look down at the floor, a little embarrassed at how fixed his gaze is on you.

You slowly look up just as he is tilting his head and leaning in closer to you. He doesn’t break his gaze, looking right into your eyes as his lips hover centimetres away from yours.

You can feel the warmth of his breath on you as he moves closer again and gently kisses your bottom lip, then the top and slowly sliding his tongue in teasing your lips open a little more.

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You slide your fingers up the back of his neck running them through his hair, you pull him into you passionately kissing him back. Your tongues sloppily brushing against each others. Then it’s almost like he knows it’s your weakness he slowly sucks on your bottom lip, alternating between gently sucking then softly biting it.

You feel butterflies in the pit of your stomach, it’s not long before he has one hand in your hair and the other has a firm hold of your arse and you’re kissing each other desperately.

He slowly pushes you against the worktop as your kisses get more fervent. You haven’t been kissed like this in a long time, he almost takes your breath away and you let out a little moan. He smiles breaking away from your kiss, still holding you close to him he whispers “Did it work?”

“Did it what?” You say in a total daze, brushing your fingers across your lips.

“Do you like me a little more than you did before?”

“Oh… I erm can’t be sure… I think I may need you to try again just to make sure?” You smile

You laugh as he jokingly licks his lips while grabbing hold of your face and pulling you in to him, he happily obliges kissing you passionately.

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“Please let this be the first of many” you say to yourself.

Tags :
1 year ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Track List…

Mature Content

Leaning over the counter you gaze adoringly at your boyfriend, watching as he cooks up another no doubt delicious meal.

“Taste this please…”

Yoongi holds out a spoon to your lips

“Tell me what you think?”

“Yes Chef!” You take a taste “Ooh… That That I Like It” you smirk

He rolls his eyes and continues cooking.

“Should I make some rice to go with it?” He asks

“No, not today!” You grin

He tips his head back and let’s out a groan.

You slide round the work top moving closer to him.

He’s playing it cool giving you the side eye but you spot the corner of his mouth raise ever so slightly. Which only encourages you to aggravate him more.

You start bopping your head and shaking your hips, moving closer towards him as you bump your hips against his.

“Stop iiiit!” He laughs.

“Hey! I don’t need Permission to Dance!”

“Aaaaaaggh!… please Y/N!” Still laughing.

Mature Content

Standing behind him you wrap your arms around his waist, kissing his shoulders.

He lifts his arm up and over getting you in a gentle head lock and pulling you up to him as he plants a kiss firmly on your lips.

“Now do you regret teasing me because I couldn’t remember a couple of your hundred song titles?” You ask.

“No, no I don’t… not if it means you’ll grind your hips up against me just to tease me. Can I make one request though… please can we do it again but with our clothes off?”

Your mouth wide open, you gasp…

“Aaaaah” he says “Finally! no more witty comebacks eh, are you struggling to find an answer?” He teases.

“No…” you say as you scoot yourself up on the counter, legs wide open. “You guys just never wrote a song titled… Please stop talking and fuck me over this kitchen counter now”

He flicks the hobs off, flings the utensils in the sink as he moves over to you and positions himself between your legs. Grabbing your hips pulling you to him, he kisses you hard and whispers in your ear “You’re My Universe”.

Tags :
1 year ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Seven T’s…

“Aaaaaah my lover hath returned!” You declare loudly as you dramatically bow while opening the door to greet him…

You look up wondering why he’s so silent…

That’s because it’s the mailman with a stash of mail and not your boyfriend!

Red faced you laugh awkwardly “I’m so sorry, I thought you were…”

“Your lover?…” he laughs “I should be so lucky!”

“What’s going on here?” a deep voice interrupts.

“This must be him” laughs the mailman. “Can you sign for this one please? Ok, see you guys tomorrow… nice t-shirt by the way!”

“Erm should I be worried?” He asks grabbing your waist and pushing you through the door with him.

“About what?”

“You and the mailman? I hope you’re wearing something under that t shirt?”

“I have shorts on Grandpa!” You roll your eyes.

“Wait… what does it say on your t shirt?”

He turns you round and stretches your shirt out to see “Yoongi Marry Me!” in all its pink bedazzled glory!

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“Ha ha! Yah!… what!?… wait is this your way of asking me?”

“No” you laugh “But… what would your answer be if I was?” you ask coyly

“Should I put my answer on a t shirt?” He leans in closer to you… stroking your hair behind your ear he whispers “I think you know exactly what my answer would be”.

He slowly kisses down your neck, then softly kisses your lips.

“It would be No!” he quickly grabs his bags and keys from the worktop and runs away down the hallway laughing.

“You fucker!” You laugh. “Fine!… Well next time I’m answering the door naked to the mail man!… Maybe he’ll love me!” You yell.

You hear footsteps thundering back down the hallway, with barely anytime to register he’s behind you, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you to him. His mouth pressed hard against your ear “I never said I didn’t love you…” he growls.

He flips you round to face him “Don’t make eye contact with that mail man ever again” he kisses you hard “You’re mine!”

“I’ll have you know, no one owns me!… I am a strong independ…. Oh fuck me…”. He’s interrupting you by gently sucking on your ear lobe, kissing down your neck then moving on to your lips…

“Mine” he whispers before kissing you passionately.

Then he leaves you and saunters back down the hallway yelling “MINE!”

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“Holy shit… that man!“ you sigh. He has you frazzled. You can’t remember what it was you were doing before the knock at the door? You take a deep breath, pull yourself together and get back to preparing dinner. Your lips still tingling from his touch.

A little while later you shout “Dinners ready Yoongs!”

“Oooh looks good! Thank you for the food my love. Wait has it changed colour?”


“The t-shirt?… it was pink before and now it’s blue!”

“Oh… no I’d slopped food on it so just changed it.”

“Jesus how many of them do you have?”

“One for every day of the week and in different colours!”

“Yah!” He yells

“Hush! Just let me be! They’re my comfort t-shirts. Shut up and eat your food.” You say eating your noodles.

He suddenly leans over to you, you offer your noodle laden chop sticks to him but he shakes his head no, then softly swipes his thumb across the corner of your mouth to remove some sauce and settles back down sucking his thumb clean.

You catch yourself gazing adoringly at him, wondering how did you get so lucky?

He catches your gaze…

“Wait, don’t move…” he says softly

“What?! Why? Have I got more food on my face?” You pat at your cheeks.


“Then what is it?”

“Just let me look at you”

You blush “Oh stop Yoongi!”

“How did I get so lucky?” he asks

“Shut up!… I was literally just thinking the same thing about you!” He leans over and kisses you hard, you drop your chop sticks in the bowl moving them to one side as he pulls you over on to his lap.

“I love you you know?…”

“I know” you say in between kisses.

“Please don’t flirt with the mailman anymore though” he mumbles laughing into your boobs.

“Shut up!” you laugh! “He’s about 70 years old!… although he does look good in uniform” you wink.

“Yah!” He grabs your waist, tickling and pulling you into him “Mine remember?” he whispers.

“All yours my love… all yours” you assure him.

“Let’s clean up and watch some TV”

“Sounds good” you agree.

It’s not long before you both dose off on the sofa, wrapped in each other instead of watching TV.


Weeks have passed and you have successfully resisted flirting with the mailman and you’re home after a busy and late day at work, fortunately it’s Yoongi’s turn to cook and you’re famished.

You start to enter the pin on the keypad but the door is quickly pulled open and Yoongi greets you, abruptly taking your coat and bag from you.

“Hi… is everything ok?” you ask.

“Yes fine, you’ve had a long day and your dinner is ready” he rushes you in.

“Good I’m starving!”

He walks behind you, his hands either side of your waist guiding you to the direction of the living room.

You turn to face him “What’s going on?”

He gently pushes you through the door. Your eyes scan the room and the floor, it’s covered with red and black rose petals scattered amongst giant lit candles.

You turn to him “I don’t understand?” You look down he’s on one knee, holding a ring in his hand outstretched to you. He puffs out his chest so you can see that he’s wearing a t-shirt bedazzled with “Y/N Marry Me?” across his chest.

You burst into tears “Is this really real?” You sob “Is it? Oh please let it be real?” You cry.

“It’s real my love” he wipes a tear from his cheek. “Will you be mine… for forever?”

You fall to your knees, grabbing his face you kiss him desperately “Oh Yoongi… you’ve made me so happy!” You cry.

“I love you Y/N” he cries scattering kisses all over your face. He slides the ring on your finger fitting perfectly.

“It’s beautiful Yoongi” you start to cry again. You stroke his chest with the “Y/N marry me?” across it “I love it!” You laugh.

“Here… these are for you…” he hands you a black box with a giant black ribbon. “They’re for when you’re officially my wife” he smiles.

There’s seven t-shirts all in different colours with the words “Yoongi Married Me!” across the chest.

“I can’t wait to wear them” you smile.

Tags :
1 year ago

Mature content

Over 18’s Only

Min Yoongi x Reader


“Baby?…Babe?” you hear that gorgeous deep voice call out to you.

“Come to bed?… please?” He holds out his hand to you.

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“I just want to catch the end of this. Go back to bed I won’t be long”

He never has to ask you twice on any other occasion but when you’ve waited all week for the next episode of your favourite drama and need to wind down from work… this is your spot and you’re not budging for anyone. Not even your handsome, sleepy, husky voiced, bed haired love.

“Come to bed” he pouts “Can’t you watch it tomorrow?”

“I won’t have time tomorrow, just go to bed I won’t be long baby, I promise.”

“No…” he huffs. He stumbles through the hallway clambering over the sofa, he flops down by your side. He lifts your arm and tucks himself under you while wrapping his arm and leg over you…

“I can’t sleep, I keep waking up to cuddle into you but you’re not there” he mumbles into your boob and squeezing you tighter.

“Ok, Ok… shhhh” you cuddle him into you, gently stroking your fingers through his hair which usually helps him relax. You make the mistake of watching him dose back off, you take in a deep breath at the beauty of him.

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“God you’re too cute you know… it would be so funny if people saw this side of you…”

“What do you mean?” He mumbles.

“That hard exterior people think you have but you’re just my soft, clingy boy” you gently squeeze him into you again.

“Yah!” He jumps up, yanks you by your hips and pulls you down so you’re now flat on the sofa underneath him and he straddles over you.

“I’m Soft… “ he kisses you hard.

“I’m Clingy!” He moans as he nibbles down your neck.

“Boy!?” He kisses you again, while his hand slowly wanders from your boob, to your hips then he grabs a firm hold of your arse and presses himself closer to you.

“I’ll have you know I’m hard…” he grinds himself slowly against you. You let out a little moan.

“Tough” he kisses you passionately “and a man” he grins.

“Baby I know… I can feel it” you smile as you lean in and kiss his neck, while grabbing a firm hold of his arse with both hands.

“Wait… what are you watching?” a sound from the TV catches his attention.

“Erm… All of us are dead… why?”

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He quickly jumps up from the sofa “Yeah… nope!. I’ll let you catch up and come to bed when you’re ready! Goodnight, I love you…” he pecks at your lips then rushes down the hallway back to bed.

“What the fuck!” You laugh. “Wait! Where’s my hard, tough man gone?!”

“To bed! and you should follow him!” He yells.

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You can’t help but smile to yourself at the fact you have to watch horror films on your own because your boyfriend point blank refuses to!

You finish the last 15 minutes and tip toe into your room, it’s pitch black. “Yoongs… are you awake?” you whisper.

“Babe… I can’t see a thing… Ooff!” You stumble near the bed. Total silence.

“Baby?… are you taking the piss?”

You lean down to turn your bedside light on.

Just then there’s an almighty bang and the door flings open from the en suite and Yoongi’s rushing towards you.

“FuckShit!… you fucking dick!” You scream as he grabs hold of you and flings you on the bed. “My heart is pounding you fucking dick!” You cry out.

“Let me feel?” He laughs.

“That’s not my heart!” He has his hand clamped on to your boob, smiling at you before kissing you softly on either cheek then pecking at your pouting lips.

“You scared the crap out of me…”

“I’m sorry my love”

“You’re awfully cocky, scaring me like that for someone who wont even watch a Zombie Tv show… my hard, tough man” you smile.

“Mhuh” he mumbles as he leans in and kisses you hard and slow, he grips either side of your pj bottoms and pulls them off, tossing them to one side.

He gently grinds himself against you and whispers “Let me show you how hard I am”.

“Oh fuck…” you moan.

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1 year ago

Mature Content

Over 18’s Only

Yoongi x Reader


“Hey what do you think I should I wear?” Your boyfriend asks.

“It doesn’t have to be anything too fancy it’s just a catch up with the boys make sure you’re comfortable”

He pulls out his black turtleneck.

“Nooope not that!” You laugh

“What, why? But you like this one…”

“There is no like with this turtleneck… there is only lust! I won’t get through the evening if I’m sitting next to you and you’re wearing that!” You explain.

“I don’t get it?” He pouts

“Oh my sweet sweet Yoongi!!… let’s just say it distracts me… it makes me hot, really hot… like it makes me want to rip your clothes off hot and do inappropriate things to you regardless of where we are kinda hot. It’s like I’m possessed!” you laugh.

“Ooh!… so you’re saying… I shouldn’t wear it?” He moves in closer and smooches your cheek.

“No, please… oh god… see I’m already sweating thinking about it and the cab will be here in 5mins”

“Have you got your outfit sorted?”

“Yeah, just wide leg trousers and my black shirt, the one that used to be yours” you wink.


“Ok keep an eye out for the cab, I’ll just go get changed”

“It’s here!” he shouts while putting his coat on.

“Ok, ok” you rush round grabbing your bag hopping on one foot nearly tripping over your laces.

Fortunately it’s only a short cab ride to the restaurant so you’re only a couple of minutes late to meet the boys.

“Hiiiiii guys… is everyone ok?” you ask

“Here come sit by me y/n” Hobi taps the seat next to him. You sit and give him a peck on the cheek.

Yoongi takes the seat opposite you and flashes his trademark grin while sliding his coat off.

You gasp.

“You little shit!…” you whisper to him.

He laughs.

You blush.

“What’s with you guys?” asks Hobi.

“Oh nothing… I’m just a bit hot” you smile, fanning your cheeks with your hand.

He reaches his hand out to you from across the table… “I couldn’t resist… I’m sorry” he whispers while stroking the palm of your hand with his thumb.

“You will be…” you exclaim.

Mature Content

“Heeey can you guys not for like 5 mins” Hobi laughs...

You blush again…. “I need a drink”

You can’t take your eyes off of him and he knows it.

He takes a sip from his drink all the while his eyes are on you. He strokes his fingers round the collar of his jumper, rubbing his hands up and down his chest, smiling while he does it. He runs his fingers through his hair and adjusts his sweater all while staring straight at you.

It’s all too much for you.

“Excuse me guys I’m just going to the toilet”

You splash some water on your neck to cool off a little. Looking in the mirror you laugh to yourself at the fact that a simple turtleneck sweater has you so completely frazzled. You take in a deep breath, fix your shirt and re-apply your lip gloss.

“I have too many buttons fastened on this shirt” you think to yourself. “Two can play this game Min Yoongi!” You undo a couple of buttons and make your way back to your table.

“You ok my love?” Yoongi asks smiling up at you.

“Yeah I’m good, just feeling a little hot under the collar if you know what I mean?” You smile brushing your hand across his shoulder as you pass.

“Did you order for us?” You ask.

“Yeah I got us a mixture, some side dishes are here now, taste this kimchi”

You lean over to him making sure he has full view of your cleavage while you take a bite.

“Mmmmh that’s tasty” you sigh licking your lips.

You watch as his eyes move from your mouth slowly down to your chest.

“Ayysh!” he quietly moans. He sucks in a breath through his teeth, then bites down on his knuckle in frustration.

“Sorry… I couldn’t resist” you whisper to him.

You pour a shot of soju for you both and clink his glass, smiling while you down it. He takes in a deep breath before he downs his, he can’t work out where to look.

The drinks are flowing a little too well and the guys have you in stitches updating everyone on their latest shenanigans but you can feel his eyes on you constantly.

You look over at him and smile. You notice a spot of sauce on his lips.

“Here come closer, you have some sauce on your lip” you reach your hand out to him.

You lean in to him making sure he enjoys the view again and gently wipe the corner of his mouth with your thumb.

He takes hold of your wrist pulling it back towards him and sucks the sauce from your thumb.

“Fuuuuuuck” you whisper to yourself. You genuinely believe he will be the death of you.

The sound of Hobi’s voice snaps you out of it “You guys think you’re so subtle, you haven’t taken your eyes off each other the whole time. I bet you don’t even know what we’ve been talking about most of the time?” He whispers.

“I’m sorry Hobi, you know what he’s like. He’s such a tease.” You smile.

“I’m just going to the toilet” Yoongi stands and adjusts his sweater.

“Good it’ll give Y/N chance to breathe” Hobi laughs.

Within a couple of minutes your phone buzzes with a text from Yoongi.

“Come to the back door now” quickly followed by “please?”.

“I’m being summoned” you smile to Hobi, barely hiding your excitement.

You head outside to the dimly lit yard, looking around you call out

“Yoongs?… where are y…?”

“Here!” he grabs you by the waist from behind pulling you to him. You feel the warmth of his breath on your neck, his hand slides slowly into your shirt and gently grabs on to your boob, teasing your nipple. While the other hand is snaking round your hips.

He kisses down your neck and you melt into him. “Yoongi” you moan slowly sliding your hand across his crotch, caressing his growing erection. He turns you round to face him and kisses you passionately.

You end up against the wall, your hands in his hair and your kisses only getting more desperate. He’s grabbing at your waist and grinding himself up against you.

His hands are everywhere eventually sliding under your shirt and wrapped around you again.

You break from his kiss to take in a breath but he continues his attack.

“Fuck baby” you moan into his ear. “Yoong’s… I’m supposed to be the one who can’t control herself with you in that sweater!… We have to go back in… let’s not get arrested for indecent exposure!”

“I don’t want to” he protests.

“We have to, come on!” You pull him by the hand back to the door, he grabs you by the waist and whispers “I can’t wait to get you home” then makes his way back to his seat as if nothing happened.

“You guys get enough fresh air?” Asks Jimin with a cheeky grin.

You blush and take your seat. You can’t think of anything else but his voice and words in your ear.

Not long after everyone starts preparing to leave.

“Hey we’re going to JK’s for drinks… you guys coming?” asks RM

“No… erm I’ve got some things I need to finish… for work. So we’ll be heading home. Maybe another time?”

Your cab arrives. You blow kisses to the boys and take a seat in the back while you wait for Yoongi to finish his goodbyes before joining you.

You try to avoid eye contact with him and play with the buttons on your shirt but he’s not hiding the fact that he only has eyes for you. You quickly glance over to him and catch his smile forming.

The cab pulls up to your door and you quickly hop out while Yoongi takes care of the fare.

You run to the door and try to input the code.

You feel his warmth on your back while he stands behind you. He doesn’t say a word, just stands there with his lips centimetres from your neck.

After two failed attempts you eventually input the right passcode. He follows you in and shuts it behind him, leaning back he watches as you take off your coat and slowly turning to face him.

“Hmmm… we’re home now… oh I wonder what should we do?” You smile as you playfully twiddle your thumbs.

Smiling his gummy smile, without breaking his gaze, he kicks his shoes off, throws his coat on the floor and rushes towards you sweeping you off your feet.

You squeal with excitement and he silences you with his lips.

He takes you into the living room and holding you by the waist he unbuttons your trousers, slides his hands into your underwear and pulls them both down.

You start to unbutton your shirt but he grabs your hand stopping you “Could we maybe keep this on a little longer?” He smiles. You have one button left holding it in place, barely covering your boobs and hanging off one shoulder.

He pulls you down to him so you’re straddling his lap. You unbuckle his belt and tease his jeans down enough to reveal his perfect erection.

You hover back over him then slowly guide him inside “Oh fuck Yoongi” you moan, savouring every inch of him.

He takes in a breath “Damn… you feel fucking amazing” he takes your face in his hands and kisses you desperately.

Within minutes you’re frantically fucking each other, neither one of you can get enough. He lifts you and moves you so you’re flat on the sofa and he continues to pound away, taking all his frustrations out on your hips. It’s not long before you’ve climax crying out his name, and end up wrapped in each other.

“Oh my god Yoongi!” You laugh!

He leans over popping the last button on your shirt and kisses down your chest.

“I know what you mean now… I get it”

“Get what?” You ask.

“You can’t wear this shirt out in public ever again, it makes me hot” he laughs… “You’ve possessed me!”

The feelings mutual.

Mature Content

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3 years ago

Suga | Cuddles


Summary: You and Yoongi just moved into your new house, and now he’s super sleepy.

Pairing: Reader X Yoongi

Genre: Fluff, Fluff, and even more FLUFF

Word Count: 1k

Warnings: None

You ran your fingers through your hair, washing the shampoo off. Facing the shower with closed eyes, you let your muscles relax under the warm water. After making sure that your hair is throughly washed, you turned off the water. You stepped out of the bath and wrapped yourself in your fluffy towel.

Sighing at the cozy feeling around you, you just stood there for a minute, leaning against the counter. You had had a tough day. Finally moving in with your boyfriend of three years was a dream come true, but you being you, you had insisted on helping him carry the boxes to your new home.

So while you weren't sleepy at all, your muscles did need some relaxing because of the sudden workout. You hurried up while wearing clothes, a picture of your very sleepy boyfriend coming to your mind.

He hadn't slept the previous day, and had been sleepy all through the evening. It was just because you were so hyperactive all day that he didn't go to sleep. He thought he was hiding it well, but you had known him since the past seven years, which was enough for you to know when he was hiding a secret or when he was hiding his emotions.

Getting out, you saw him snuggled up in his favourite blanket in the corner of the bed. His face was lit up by the screen of his phone. You could tell he had been trying to stay awake just because of you. He didn't want to go to sleep alone the first day in his new house.

"Babe." You sang slowly and climbed on the bed, advancing towards him. He looked up and gave you a tired smile. You felt bad that he hadn't had any rest because of you. You opened up one side of his covering and went in, cuddling him. "Let's go to sleep, yeah?"

He hummed and kept his head on top of yours, hugging you tighter. "You're hair is really soft after you wash it." You internally cooed. He was half asleep and was being so cute. He relaxed further into you. "You smell really nice."

"Aw baby. Come on, let's go to sleep properly. If we sleep like this, we'll have back ache in the morning."

He disorientedly moved as you guided him. You laid down and pulled him towards you. As soon as his head touched the pillow, and pulled himself towards you. "I think I love you." You moved your head to look at him properly. "No, I do love you." You stifled a chuckle. Sleepy Yoongi really was cute. You both had long passed over the love stage. You were the one who said it first, and it had been a little more than a year since it happened.

"You're cute." He mumbled against your neck. "Very cute."

"No babe, you're cute."

He raised his head and opened his eyes very slightly. "Really?" He tilted his head. His behaviour was increasingly reminding you of a cat. A very cute, very adorable cat. You hummed and turned to hug him properly. He moved and laid his head just below your collarbone. "You're my pillow now."

You simply started stroking his hair. His breaths started getting slower and more even, indicating that he was finally falling asleep. After five minutes, he was fully in a deep slumber. You pressed a kiss on his head.

And then you tried going to sleep yourself. But you just couldn't. You just laid there for a hour or so, even going ahead and making weird stories on your head. Finally giving up, you extended your arm towards the bedside drawer, searching for your phone which you had kept there before going to take a bath.

'Voila!'  Your hand touched the cold screen of your device, and you took it. You knew exactly what would make you sleep in no time; cute cat compilations on YouTube. Now, you were a sucker for cats, especially those cute little baby kittens with big puppy dog eyes (which you always thought was a bit ironic).

Fully determined on finding the perfect video, you opened YouTube. You scrolled through the recommendations just because you were curious, and almost squealed out loud. One of those videos had a cute picture of your boyfriend for the thumbnail. The title said 'Yoongi Being Smol'.

Not able to resist, you turned down the volume and clicked on it.


The video ended. It had been an hour when you started watching videos on YouTube, and finally you completed the last cute Yoongi video you could find at the moment. You yawned and kept your phone back from where you had picked it up.

You froze when you felt Yoongi move. He opened his eyes. "Y/n?" He cutely asked. "Go to sleep, baby. It's nothing."

"No, no, if you have a problem, I'll stay up with you." He tried sitting up, but before he could do so, you held his arm and looked at him fondly. "As endearing as you are when half-asleep, you really should go to sleep," you pulled him down and cuddled him, "I don't have a problem. I was just about to go to sleep too."

It was true. You were very sleepy now. It took less than five minutes for him to fall asleep. "My sleepy kitty." You internally giggled, remembering the comparisons A.R.M.Y.s made between him and cats, even nicknaming him Lil Meow Meow.

After a while, your eyes started getting heavy too. The last thing you remember before falling into your dreamland was "You're comfy."

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7 years ago

BTS as things I’ve said to my friends

jin: let’s bake cookies, actually i’ll bake the cookies and you just watch because every time you try, you burn them

jimin: i feel like i can communicate with aliens with how much tin foil is on my head

taehyung: im like halfway there, who wants the coleslaw

yoongi: i almost started crying, cats are misunderstood

hoseok: i am triggered by got7, too many body rolls, i am now pregnant

namjoon: *sends a video of my mom and brother talking about a lost pillow*

friend: wtf is happening

me: a damn pillow investigation

jungkook: fuck me up in that mic drop remix, i’m gay for him. i now have a penis and i am gay.

Should I do more like this, like little imagines too and for other groups?

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2 years ago

marry me, yoongi | myg


⏤ pairing: yoongi x female reader

⏤ genre: established relationship, fluff, and smut.  

⏤ rating: 18+

⏤ warnings: swearing, petnames, some jealousy, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, and creampie

⏤ words: 2,126

⏤ summary: when yoongi decides to get married in vegas after all the fan’s comments on the vlives.  

⏤ author’s note: do i even need to explain why i’m posting this? the thought of yoongi getting married is driving me crazy 🥴 so here you have this little fic & i hope you’ll enjoy it, angels 💛



Yoongi is sitting on a chair, his fingers easily peeling a tangerine. Your eyes hungrily watch his hands, his hot hands with his popping veins. Those same hands that have driven you crazy enough and that have made you cum countless times.

Although he seems pretty okay on the outside, you know he’s sad to not have won a grammy tonight. He’s been dying to win at least one with BTS, but it always seems something out of reach. No matter what you say right now, you’re aware that it can’t push away the disappointment in his heart. But you know that all the upcoming scheduled shows will ease him. There’s nothing more important to him than being with his fans.

As you think back on the vlive they had a couple of minutes ago, a silly smile appears on your face. The boys always bring out the comments of fans asking yoongi in marriage. It has always made you smile and you have teased your boyfriend tremendous times about it. He’s never been up to the idea of getting married, and you’ve been totally fine about it since you don’t want to get married as well.

Both your parents have been asking for years when you’ll get married because you’ve been dating this vigorous tangerine eater for seven solid years. Of course, it has never been a secret to anyone that a wedding isn’t on your plans but your parents don’t care, they keep asking when you’ll ‘officially’ make Yoongi their son-in-law.    

“I saw the vlive,” you start saying. “ARMYs are desperate to get married to you.”

His eyes move from the tangerine that he’s eating to you. The man has been dating you for long enough to know that you’re about to tease him, and he’s eager to hear what you’re going to say.

“There are comments like that about all members, not just me,” he nonchalantly replies.

While staring deep into your eyes, he brings a portion of the tangerine to his mouth to eat it. Tonight, with still his black outfit from the grammys on, everything he does makes him look hot as fuck. Even after all those years with him, you can still find him extremely attractive. Well, for the past seven years, you’ve been doing your utmost to keep the flame between you very much alive. So yeah, Yoongi still looks as handsome as he used to at the beginning of your relationship, or maybe even more.    

“But the comments ‘Suga, marry me’ always pop out,” you purposely say while you readjust yourself in the king-size bed of his hotel bedroom.  

A little smirk grows on his face as you speak.  

“Are you jealous?” he raises an eyebrow with that devilish smirk plastered on his face.

“Me, jealous?” you point a finger to yourself while you shake your head. “Why would I be jealous?”

Obviously, at first, you were jealous of all the other girls in his fanbase, and sometimes, you still are, even though, you perfectly know that you have nothing to fear. Yoongi loves you, you’re sure about it and he also made it very clear. But sometimes, you’re simply jealous of the fact that the fans get to see him more often than you do.

However, right now, you’re far from being jealous. You got to come with him to Vegas to be around for the grammys and their four shows, and you get to spend a lot of time with him for several days. So, you absolutely have no reason to be jealous.  

“You tell me,” he replies.

Yoongi eats the last part of his tangerine, his eyes devouring you while he waits for your answer. You roll your eyes, annoyed by his words and actions.

“I’m not jealous of fans begging to get married to you,” you tell him. “I know I wouldn’t have to beg to have you walking down the aisle,” you add.

At your words, he almost chokes with the piece of tangerine in his mouth. That was very daring of you, he wasn’t expecting those words to come out of your mouth, but he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t like.

“Come here, honey,” Yoongi says, patting his lap.

Without any hesitation, you stand up from the bed and quickly walk to him before sitting on his lap.

“Let’s get married then,” he whispers in your ear. “We’re in Vegas, we can get married in a drive-thru and divorce tomorrow if we regret it.”

Your body completely freezes at his words. You weren’t expecting him to actually suggest getting married because between you two, he was the one making him very clear that marriage was out of the question. Plus, he knows how little you want to get married.

“Are you okay?” you ask with concern.

He nods before pressing his lips against yours for a passionate kiss. Yoongi has been craving to tell you how these constant comments have slowly changed his mind about marriage. Yes, he didn’t want it because, since day one, he knew he’d spend the rest of his life with you, and marriage would never change anything about it. But now, that the comments have been coming out a lot, he’s been thinking more and more about it.

Nothing would ever bring more happiness to him that hearing people calling you “Mrs. Min”. The idea of calling you his wifey has been haunting him more than a bit for the past few days. Everything about being married to you has been enchanting him more than he’d like to admit.

“I’ve changed my mind about marriage,” he says when he breaks the kiss, “and I want to be your husband.”

You cup his face in your hands, your eyes roaming his face to find anything that could scream the opposite of what he’s saying right now. But all you can find in his eyes is a little sparkle, one that appears on certain occasions. It’s the kind of sparkle that lets you know how deep the words he’s saying mean to him.

There’s no doubt to you that he definitely wants to get married, and since you’re in Vegas, a place where you can easily get divorced tomorrow, you want to do this crazy thing with him. Plus, it could be a fun memory to get married in Vegas.

“Then, marry me, Yoongi,” you say with the brightest smile on your face.

The man smiles back at you before smashing his lips against yours. Right now, nothing else can bring more happiness to him. BTS didn’t win any award but man, his girlfriend wants to marry him in Vegas, the last place on earth where he ever would think he’d do that. He always envisioned getting married in Korea with his entire family with him.

While you kiss, you start grinding on his lap, making it extremely clear to your boyfriend that you definitely want more. A moan escapes his lips, a proud smile appearing on your face, but you never stop moving your hips against his.

“When will we do this marriage?” he asks while he holds back as much as possible his moans.

“Whenever you want,” you reply.

If he wants to get married now, you’ll do it without any hesitation.  

“Let’s have sex now, and then, get married,” he suggests, and you simply nod.

Before you even comprehend what is happening, Yoongi is pushing down his pants and underwear, and your dress is pulled up. His long fingers put aside your panties while his other hand strokes his cock. Your hungry eyes are glued to his mouthwatering dick and what he’s doing is definitely turning you on.

The mere thought that after this steamy sex session, you’ll get married is completely wild. Out of all the people, you were sure you’d be the one who would never get married because it was never a thing you were attracted to. On top of that, your boyfriend didn’t want it to so in your mind, everything was settled. You’d grow old with Yoongi without ever getting married.

However today, you’re getting married.

A desperate whine leaves your lips because you badly want to feel him inside you. Seeing his cock and imagining all the dirty things he can do to you is enough to have you craving for him.

“Always so needy for my cock,” he whispers in your ear.

A flirtatious smirk arises on his face as you place one hand on his shoulder to steady yourself while he holds his cock still.

“Always,” you smile as you sink down on him, eyes rolling back into your head as he fills you up.

The two of you moan together when you push yourself down on his cock, Yoongi loving the warmth of your walls around him while you enjoy the stretch. Sex with him was pretty wild at the beginning, you both couldn’t keep your hands to yourselves, but with time, things naturally slow down. He has a pretty busy schedule, you work also a lot, and when you’re finally together, you don’t think first to have sex. You simply enjoy the moment and discuss your lives.

However, when you’re in the mood for it, it gets pretty intense and hot because it always feels like the last time you shared such an intimate moment was years ago. It’s a very dirty moment where the two of you connect again. But today, this moment is about sharing a last steamy session as boyfriend and girlfriend, but it’s also about celebrating this new chapter that you’re about to start.  

“You feel so fucking good!” he groans. “You could make me come just with this feeling.”

Never leaving his dark orbs, you move your hips, starting to ride him. This time, there’s definitely something in his eyes that you can’t quite explain, but he seems happier than ever.  

“You ride me so well, honey,” he groans.  

His words make you grin, proud of all the delight you’re giving him. You buck your hips faster, wanting to make the both of you come as soon as possible. Although you really want to enjoy this moment with your boyfriend, you’re actually pretty excited about what is going to happen next.

“You’re the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life,” Yoongi whispers in your ear while he watches you humping on his cock.

The sound of slapping skins combined with your moans quickly fills the hotel room, and you’re pretty much convinced that the boys know by now that you’re having the ride of your life. But you honestly don’t give two shits about it since all you desire is to have an amazing moment with your soon-to-be husband.

To savor this moment, you close your eyes while you enjoy riding his cock. Unintentionally, you clench your walls around him, his eyes rolling back at the action. He loves it when you squeeze him with your tight walls. When you slowly grow tired of bouncing on him, he starts to thrust up at you.

“Oh my god, Yoongi,” you moan loudly.  

Quickly, the pace of his thrusts quickens, his cock shoving deeper inside you, and your boyfriend shows you absolutely no mercy while thrusting into you. But it feels so damn good. Your walls clench around him again to snatch a hot moan out of him. Sooner than you thought, you feel a familiar wave of pleasure building inside of you.

“Inside you?” Yoongi asks when he’s about to come, and you nod, wanting to have his cum inside you.

His dick twitches inside you while he keeps thrusting into you at an erratic pace. You clench around him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge, and your boyfriend keeps growling when your pussy clenches around him.  

“Come for me, Yoongi,” you whisper in his ear.

Your sweet words are what he needs to have him coming inside you. A lewd moan escapes your mouth when he pumps his hot cum inside you, pushing it as deep as possible. Your nails dig on his shoulders, biting down your lower lip while you stare into his darkened eyes.

This feeling of his hot cum filling you is incredible and it makes you see stars. You can feel the stickiness he’s creating inside you. You quickly follow him when you reach your own orgasm. Yoongi keeps grinding your ass on his cock to fill every part of your walls with his warm semen.

You bury your face on his neck and nuzzle his strong scent while panting hard as you calm yourself. His huge hands stroke your back as you both try to come down from your high.

“Now, let’s get married, Yn,” he whispers in your ear.


⏤ tag list: @moonchild1 @nglmrk @taestrwbrry @jellybearo @gorechoi-main @marcoazz2 @shina913 @amourtae @linofiltr @soblavk @vhopeisdope @seokjennieee @taepiper @tea4sykes @ppeachyttae @downtonbabyah @yoongissluv @satorinnie @emeraldpotatoes​ @fan-ati--c @casspirit0705 @phasedkth @bbl32 @novilara @swinterr @joonbuggy @amortentiaaaa @mwitsmejk @parkdatjimin @bruisedscrewedandtattooed @koosluvrgirl @marilo11 @berryonasummerevening @i-dont-give-a-fok @doublebunnykoo @askjdsimayaa @werewolfbanshee-love @vantxx95 @hrts4kook @yoontaethings @joonbuggy @bri-mal @dollhobigem @popcornlover1234 @knjkitten @hoseoksluv89 @nctwayvyoyo @xpeachesncream @bloopkook @evie-mae7438​ @minttssugaa @phasedkth @seokjinkismet @soeur-de-ame @staytiny2745 @curedblues @slut-formattsun @yoonqki @yoonglesbae @sweetonkookieandtae @cursedcursives @imjustreadingig @pb-n-juju @joy-yuri

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1 year ago

Oᵤᵣ Bᵢg Bₐby / BTS OT7


O Bg Bby / BTS OT7

➭genre: little space, age regression, fluff, caregivers bts, little reader, maybe some of the members can be littles to idk, sfw, hurt/comfort, mostly no plot

➭warnings: mentions of baby supplies, lots of pet names, mentions of pee, really if you don’t like little space just don’t bother

➭note: this is mostly gonna be drabbles and requests so if you like my writing style and want to see something don’t hesitate to ask♡

O Bg Bby / BTS OT7

comfort blanket

someone bothers you

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