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Red Hope! - Part 1

Specially requested by @lelewright1234. Hope you enjoy!
Note: This work is totally fictional and has nothing to do with BTS in real life. I mean no hate toward any person in particular. This plotline was requested. Though I personally hate bullies, I still believe there is hope for everyone.
Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 × OC (Leah) Warning: Bullies, swearing, drinking, car accident, blood, etc. Genre: Angst Summary: When Leah saves the boys from a car accident, despite them bullying her in the past, they reconsider their actions...
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 (Complete)
The night was freezing cold. I remembered rubbing my hands to generate some heat while I walked down the road. I was coming back to my home from my best friend, Nina’s house. It was already past midnight and though she insisted me to stay at her place for the night, I still refused. Walking through the chilly night, I was regretting that decision.
There was some shouting coming from a group of boys in the middle of the road. They looked too drunk to even understand what they were doing. I got closer, being annoyed and worried at the same time that they might run into some accidents.
"Yoongi, you little freak!" One of them shouted.
I froze. It was no other than the boy named Jungkook from my class with his pack of boys he called his hyungs. The group who called themselves "Bangtan Boys". The boys who had been bullying me for the past 8 years for fun.
"Look who's here to keep us company?" Jin, the oldest of them shouted. It was too late. They'd already seen me.
Jin came toward me, putted one of his hands around my neck and leaned on me, "Why? It's our wife, Leah."
I was standing stiff on my place. But his whole body mass seemed to work against mine and my legs gave up. I was being pushed towards the group.
The laughter from the boys were still ringing on my ears when I noticed the speedy car, honking its horn, coming towards us. I had to think fast. They were too drunk to make it to the side of the road. I made the decision.
I pushed two of the boys standing in front of me with all of my might causing them to push the ones in front of them. I saw some of them tripped and fell.
And then, I was hit.
The boys were all standing still, too shocked to react. The car that hit Leah was a bit further. A man on his 40’s got down from it. He was talking on his phone frantically and swearing occasionally.
Taehyung quietly walked toward Leah and sat down beside her, “Leah,” he called, hoping against hope that she was fine, that it was all just a prank she was playing to get back at them. But Leah laid motionless.
Taehyung hold her head up and took it on his lap. Then he noticed the blood on his hands. “Shit” he swore too loudly to make the others come to their senses.
“Is she…” Jimin’s voice cracked. He couldn’t finish the sentence.
Jin sat down beside Taehyung. He touched her side of the neck to feel the pulse, “She’s alive. I can feel her pulse.” A sigh of relief left from some of the boys.
“But” Taehyung stammered to form the right words, “the blood… I…she…too much…what if…” he broke down, crying. Jin took Leah’s head on his lap while Jimin embraced Taehyung, trying to calm him down.
A siren was heard. Everything happened in a blur. Leah was carried to the ambulance. There were people checking on the boys if they were hurt. The police man was interrogating them about the accident. Taehyung kept crying despite everyone reassuring him that it was going to be okay.
But above all, the guilt they were all feeling deep inside was something very new to the boys.

Next >
My Masterlist
Red Hope! - Part 3

Specially requested by @lelewright1234. Hope you enjoy!
Note: This work is totally fictional and has nothing to do with BTS on real life. I mean no hate toward any person in particular. This plotline was requested. Though I personally hate bullies, I still believe there is hope for everyone.
Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 × OC (Leah) Warning: Bullies, hospital, drinking, swearing, recurring nightmares, car accidents, blood etc. Genre: Angst Summary: Since Leah is in coma for months, the guilty consciences of the boys are eating them up...
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 (Complete)
“Which one do you want this time?” the florist asked his regular customer.
Jimin looked around for a moment, “Those pink ones over there.”
Jimin had been visiting Leah regularly. Whenever he was done with his dance class every day, he would go to the flower shop to buy new flowers for her.
“She can’t even see those flowers you give her.” Hoseok once told him.
“I don’t care.” Jimin had said, “As long as I’m capable of, I’ll do it. So that whenever she wakes up, the first thing she would see are the beautiful flowers by her bedside.”
Hoseok didn’t argue further. Jimin had been bringing flowers to Leah for the past three weeks. He had also asked Hoseok many times to go with him. But Hoseok never visited her, not even once.
When Jimin went inside Leah’s room, he found Nina sitting beside her.
“Oh! It’s you.” Nina said, “new flowers again?”
Jimin nodded. He went to change the flowers that he had brought yesterday from the vase. Though they were still fresh as new, Jimin would still change them every day.
Nina sighed, “What are the uses of them now? You had never cared about her when she was healthy.”
Jimin didn’t answer. He had asked the same question to himself too. He had been regretting it every day. Only if he knew how much it would hurt him once she was gone, he would have never been terrible to her.
“What are they called?” Nina finally asked.
“Garden Primrose.”

It had been more than two months since Leah had saved them from the accident. She was still in a coma. Nobody knew when she was going to come back or if she would ever come back or not.
Hoseok had thought about her quite a lot. Every time Jimin had asked him to go with him, he had refused. Seeing her still body would be too overwhelming for him.
Today, Hoseok had got up his courage to finally visit her in the hospital. As he looked at her motionless body lying on the bed, his eyes filled with tears. At that precise moment, he had a flashback.
Leah was dancing to her favorite music that day. Hoseok had been watching her secretly. He was awed by her skill. “How smooth her moves are!” he had thought.
Before she had ended her dance, Jimin came to stand beside him. Hoseok felt uncomfortable. For some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to compliment her. Instead of encouraging her for the performance, the boys had joked and laughed at her that day.
Remembering that painful memory, Hoseok couldn’t control his tears. He let them fall. He leaned toward Leah.
“I’m sorry for not appreciating you enough.” Hoseok whispered, “You are truly a gem.”

Min Yoongi had been drinking a lot lately. His mind was racing. He had never felt so helpless before. The only easy way to calm his messy brain was drinking.
He was the worst among the boys. That was what Leah had once told him. He had laughed and said that he was proud about it, that it was rather a compliment.
He remembered how innocent he used to be once. How he had hated all the bullies in his elementary school. He had been scared of the world and hated everyone. But since he had friends, he started to feel more confident.
“How did this happen?” Yoongi questioned himself, “since when did I turn into such a monster?”
He knew he couldn’t undone the damage he had already caused her. He couldn’t even apologize. Seemed like God had taken away that chance from him.
He stroked the piano keys really hard. “Shit,” he swore when his hand banged on a key and it hurt.
He took the bottle beside him and drank. “Guess I’ll just have to drink away all the pain.” He thought.

“Shit” Taehyung had another nightmare, “shit, shit, shit.” He swore while kicking his bed sheets and throwing away his pillow.
Namjoon woke up with a start. “Taehyung,” he called, holding him firmly on his grip. Taehyung opened his eyes wide with full of terror.
“It’s just a dream.” Namjoon reassured him, “You’re alright.”
Taehyung looked confused for a while, trying to process his surroundings, his breathing heavy. As the reality kicked in, he buried his face on his hands. Then he started to sob.
Namjoon brought a glass of water and stood beside Taehyung. He didn’t know what to say. The nightmares were getting more frequent. Maybe he should suggest Taehyung to visit a psychiatrist. Maybe they all should see a psychiatrist. But he wouldn’t dare mention it now to Taehyung. Not when he was in this state.
When he calmed down, Taehyung took the glass and gulped down the water. Then he stood up and walked toward the door.
“Are you going out for fresh air?” Namjoon asked. Taehyung nodded and went out.
On his mind, he was replaying the recurring nightmares he was having since the accident. The contents of the dreams were always similar: The car hitting Leah, her motionless body, the blood coming out of her head. But the thing that terrified Taehyung the most was the blood on his own hands.
Taehyung shivered at the thought of it. It felt like a punishment he was suffering for his past actions.

Namjoon was worried. He worried about himself. He worried about the boys. But mostly, he worried about Leah. Given the chance, he would have gladly taken the place of Leah, saving her and the boys that night. He could have easily given his own life to save theirs.
But karma was a bitch. He knew that they deserved the suffering. They had troubled her enough. Now it was her time to rest while they endured all the pain their guilty conscience had to offer.
It was getting unbearable for Namjoon to see Taehyung waking up from yet another nightmare. Yoongi had started drinking again, the only solution he seemed to have found. Jungkook had stopped going to the school. Even though others were trying hard to act as if everything was fine, he knew deep down they were all hurting.
Namjoon had hard time accepting the situation at first too. But the more he had thought about it, the clearer it became. They had been terrible to Leah. It was only natural for a kind hearted girl like her to smack some sense into them.
Namjoon sat on his table. He took out a pen and a paper. Then, he started to write.
This song was different. He didn’t need to think hard about the rhythm and the lyrics. It was all coming naturally to him. He wrote and wrote until it was done. He was satisfied with the result. The song had everything he wanted to say to Leah. It was a perfect apology.
“If only we could ever sing to her.” Namjoon whispered to himself.

Jungkook hadn’t gone to school for the past two months. Jin had called his teachers to let them know that Jungkook was having a really hard time since the accident. They understood. Or at least that was what they said.
Jungkook spent most of his time on his room. He wouldn’t even come out to eat. Either of his hyungs would bring him whatever was necessary. Without necessity, he wouldn’t even talk to them.
Jungkook felt anger within himself. Some parts of it was directed toward himself. But there was another part of him who had been blaming the other boys.
He remembered the first day Leah had joined during their elementary years. She had been very friendly and kind towards all of them. But all she had ever received from everyone was laughter and teasing.
She had even helped Jungkook with his homework. She had defended him when the teacher had mistaken him for another naughty student in class. Jungkook had liked her a lot. He really wanted to be her friend.
He felt like it was a mistake, bringing her to meet his hyungs. They had teased her and laughed at her that day. Jungkook was being a coward. He couldn’t defend his friend the way she had done him. Instead he had taken his hyungs’ side and bullied her along with them.
Jungkook was angry with himself and the boys.

Jin had been taking care of the boys. Whether they were aware about it or not, he didn’t care. He had been doing it since the very beginning. Being the oldest, he felt like that was his fate.
He had taken Jungkook to school every day when all of them had moved on to the high school. Jungkook was the only one left in the elementary school. He had been cooking for every one with Yoongi’s help. He had never shown his struggle. He had been strong for his boys.
Even now, during this difficult time, he had kept his pain within himself. He was still trying to show his positive side so that the boys would not break down. He was doing everything he was capable of.
He remembered why the bullying had begun in the first place. Jungkook had told them about his new friend in school. He was very excited for them to meet her. But that scared Jin.
Leah, being a black girl, was being bullied by everyone. Jin feared that they would start bullying Jungkook too, once he became friend with her. Jin felt like he had to protect the youngest. It was him who gave the idea of teasing her for fun. The boys had agreed since he was the oldest. What could he do anyway? After all, he was only 14 years old back then.
But now, Jin felt the opposite. He felt like he had lead the boys into doing something terrible. He felt like he was to blame for everything they were going through. He felt like Leah would never forgive him.

< Previous || Next >
My Masterlist
Red Hope! - Part 4

Specially requested by @lelewright1234. Hope you enjoy!
Note: This work is totally fictional and has nothing to do with BTS on real life. I mean no hate toward any person in particular. This plotline was requested. Though I personally hate bullies, I still believe there is hope for everyone.
Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 × OC (Leah) Warning: Bullies, OC suffering from amnesia, etc. Genre: Angst Summary: Finally Leah woke up from her coma. But she had suffered from amnesia and can’t recognize anyone. Could the boys use it as a privilege to get closer to her?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 (Complete)
Other than Jungkook, the boys were having lunch together, when Jimin’s phone rang. It was Nina. Jimin’s heart skipped a bit. “Could it be about Leah?” he thought.
Jimin received the call even though there was a grunt heard from Jin. There was a pause. He asked, “Really?” Another pause. “What do you mean?” Then after a moment he hanged up. His eyes were twinkling.
“Who was it?” Namjoon asked eagerly.
“Nina.” All the boys’ attention came to Jimin now. “Leah’s awake.” Jimin finally broke the silence.
There were sigh of reliefs from some of them while the others sat in disbelief. “No way!” Hoseok rose from his seat, “are you serious?”
Within a moment, they were all cheering to each other. Jin was already making a toast to celebrate the good news. Jimin thought, “Should I tell them about the bad one now?”
Yoongi noticed the change in Jimin’s expression, “What happened?” he asked, “is there something more?”
“Yes, actually.” Jimin said, “Leah seemed to have suffered from amnesia. She can’t recognize anyone precisely nor can she recall any past memories.”
The boys felt silent again, thinking. Finally, Namjoon had an idea, “Why don’t we use it to our advantage?”
“Huh?” was the only thing that came out of Jimin.
“Think about it this way,” Namjoon started to explain, “she would have hated us all if she could remember what we had done to her in the past. But now, we can get our redemptions that we’ve been wanting so badly these past months. Let’s work together to help her get better. We can finally be real friends.”
Namjoon’s idea sounded great. All the boys agreed. They really felt like they had been given a second chance.
“So, who’s gonna break the news to Jungkook, huh?” Taehyung asked with a smirk on his face.
Jungkook had never been this happy in his entire life, not even when he came first in every school race. In excitement he forgot about all his rage and hugged Taehyung. They both were laughing like idiots now.

The first thing that caught my attention as soon as I woke up was the bright yellow sunflowers. I was trying to absorb my surroundings. I realized I was lying on a hospital bed beside which was a table where the flowers were put on a vase.
A nurse came in and then everything started to happen at once. A doctor came, followed by a young girl. Questions were asked. How was I feeling? How much could I remember about the accident? Could I recall my name? Did I recognize the girl?
That was when I noticed that I couldn’t recall any precise memory. I could not remember the reason why I ended up in the hospital. All I could remember were some facts like my name and age. I could form an image of my mother in my mind but I couldn’t remember anything about her either.
I was afraid. I asked the doctor what was happening to me. The doctor didn’t give an exact answer. Rather he suggested me to take some rest and went away, along with the girl, outside.
Afterwards, I learned that I had been in coma for more than two months and had suffered an amnesia. The girl I saw earlier was my best friend, Nina. We had been friends for almost eight years. My mother and step father also came to visit me. The meetings were really awkward. I didn’t know what to say. But I recognized my mother and lied to her that I had remembered something about us so that she wouldn’t be very upset.
The group of boys came in the evening. For some reason, Nina didn’t seem to be happy about their arrival. She didn’t talk to them, but remain beside me the whole time.
One of the boys approached me with yellow roses on his hand. “Welcome back!” He smiled at me, “We’ve missed you.”
I smiled back. Though I couldn’t seem to recognize them, they had a familiar scent about them. I felt like I knew them for a long time.
They stayed with me for some time, introducing themselves one at a time. I found out the boy who brought me flowers and had been bringing them every day while I was in a coma, was named Jimin. He was the sweetest.
I felt comfortable throughout the evening. They assured me that they would help me with my school works since I had missed two months of classes. I also learned that Jungkook, a boy in my class, had also stopped going to the school since I was in a coma. I felt that we might had been really close.
At a point, we were already close enough to cut jokes. Though Nina was not joining in our conversation at first, she eventually gave in.
We were laughing at something Jin had said, when I suddenly had a flashback; there were the boys and me, laughing just like today. But for a reason, I felt like they were rather laughing at me.
Jin noticed something in my face. He carefully asked, “Are you alright, dear?” I shook my head and said that I was feeling dizzy and that I needed to rest. Nina asked the boys to leave so that I could rest. Reluctantly they left.

< Previous || Next >
My Masterlist
Red Hope! - Part 5

Specially requested by @lelewright1234. Hope you enjoy!
Note: This work is totally fictional and has nothing to do with BTS on real life. I mean no hate toward any person in particular. This plotline was requested. Though I personally hate bullies, I still believe there is hope for everyone.
Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 × OC (Leah) Warning: Bullies, allergy attack, OC suffering from amnesia, flashbacks etc. Genre: Fluff and Angst Summary: The boys plan to meet Leah one at a time for her to get to know them better...
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 (Complete)
The doctor had suggested me to stay in the hospital for three more days and to take rest for the whole week even when I go home. The seven boys had made a schedule to meet me one at a time throughout the week. That sounded alright to me since I wanted to know them individually and talking in a group did not allow much opportunities.
Day 1: Hoseok knew the steps too…
I was lying on my hospital bed. Hoseok had been sitting next to me on a chair while humming a song that sounded familiar to me. “What is this song?” I asked.
“Tightrope by Michelle Williams” he replied, “do you remember it? It was your favorite song to do ballet on.”
“It rings a bell.” I said.
He smiled at me and said, “I can’t wait to see you do ballet again.” I smiled back. I couldn’t wait to do it too. I wanted to know the feeling of dancing again.
“Oh, don’t make that face.” Hoseok pouted.
“What face?”
“That Smile-through-the-pain face. It hurts right here.” He put his hands on the left side of his chest to indicate his heart. The cute faces he was making were enough to melt my heart away and I laughed. This time it was genuine.
“Get up.” He said, “I don’t think anyone’s coming to check on you now.”
I did as he asked me to. He turned on the song I knew so well on his phone and came toward me. He took my hands in his. Then, we started to move along the music. We danced and danced. I closed my eyes to feel every beat. Hoseok didn’t need to lead me. I already knew every step of it.
The song ended. I opened my eyes and stared into his, breathing heavily. We were standing too close to hear each other’s heart beating, fast but rhythmic.

Day 2: Jungkook spilled the truth...
Jungkook was complaining an awful lot about how he had missed half of the day because his hyungs had made him go to the school.
“It’s okay.” I said, “We still have enough time.”
“We have time, though,” he said in an annoyed voice, “but not enough.”
I had been pondering over the fact that Jungkook had stopped going to the school since I was in a coma. That sounded like we were very close. Hesitantly I finally asked him about it.
Jungkook’s face turned red as he shook his head slowly.
“No?” I asked, “Then why would you stop going to the school?”
“Don’t you know about the accident?” he asked in a serious voice.
What could the accident had to do with it? I was told that I was hit by a car and ended up being in a coma. But nobody gave me any details about it.
“What about it?” I asked.
“It was supposed to be us.” He said, his voice sad, “me and the boys.”
“Supposed to be?” I was confused.
Jungkook explained how they had been drunk that night. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have ended up the way I did. Jungkook’s eyes were filling up with tears.
“Come on, Jungkookie!” I tried to cheer him up, “I must have cared for you enough to have save you like that.”
“Yes, you did.” A tear fell from his eye, “Only we didn’t do the same.”

Day 3: Namjoon defended the boys...
I woke up hearing a rather loud conversation in the hospital corridor. It sounded like Nina was arguing with someone. I went closer to the door and I could hear what the other parties were saying.
“I can allow some of you,” Nina was saying, “But never Jin and Yoongi. I bet they’re still planning to prank her the way they always did.”
“Nina!” It was one of the boys, but I couldn’t recognize the voice, “We’ve talked about this. I promise you, nothing’s going to happen to her. We’ve learned our lessons.”
“I don’t trust you.” Nina snapped back, “You guys are capable of anything.”
“Alright!” he sounded exhausted, “How about we talk about it later, this evening? Does that sound good?”
There was no reply from Nina. I could hear footsteps approaching my door. So, I quickly ran toward my bed, grabbed a book from the table and sat there pretending I was reading.
Namjoon opened the door and as soon as he met my eyes, his grim face broke into a smile. I smiled back at him, not knowing what to do otherwise.
“Are you done with that one?” he pointed at the book I was holding.
“Just a little bit left.” I lied, though I had already finished reading it yesterday.
“Here,” he handed me the book he bought with him, “I hope you’ll like this one.” It was ‘Me Before You’ by Jojo Moyes. I took the book and thanked him.
I didn’t want to talk to him. I was too confused about the conversation that I just overheard. Somehow, hearing Nina not being able to trust them made me question their behaviors. Why were these boys being so good to me?
To avoid Namjoon, I pretended to read my book. He seemed to have understood that I was not in a mood to talk. He patiently waited for me quietly. After an hour, when I was still not paying any attention to him, he rose up.
“I’ll get going, then. Enjoy the book while you’re still here. They’re gonna release you tomorrow. So, good luck!”

Day 4: Jin made a promise...
I felt really bad the whole day once Namjoon was gone. I felt bad for suspecting him. He was such a gentleman. There was no way, he would try to hurt me. I thought of taking a chance to meet the boys and get to know them by myself. I was not going to judge them just because of something I overheard.
The next day, I was released from the hospital. My mother, stepfather, Nina and Jin came to take me home. As expected, Nina was not comfortable about Jin being there. It was visible on her facial expression.
When we reached home, everyone was busy making me feel comfortable, asking me if I needed anything. I said I wanted to stay at my room if that was okay. My mother nodded.
Nina and Jin followed me to my room. It was evident that Nina was not going to let me be alone with Jin today. I did not make any complaints either.
When Jin failed to get any attention from the two of us, he announced, “Leah, do you remember that I am a great cook? Master chef actually. Just wait and see how I’m going to surprise you.” Saying that he went to the kitchen while Nina rolled her eyes.
Jin came back with two bowls of hot ramen. “Oops!” he said, “I forgot that Nina’s with us.” And then he started to giggle like an idiot which made me laugh too.
“Very funny!” Nina said in an annoyed voice. Then she bought a pair of chopstick for herself and shared the ramen with mine.
As I slurped the ramen I remembered something from the past. I had an allergic reaction from ramen in the school cafeteria. Someone had mixed MSG with my ramen.
“Was it you?” I asked Jin.
He was confused but seemed to have understood the graveness of the matter. “What is it, dear?” he asked.
“Did you ever prank me by putting MSG in my ramen?”
He was startled as if he didn’t expected me to remember that. Nina sighed but stayed silent, wanting him to explain it himself.
“I…” he hesitated, “Yeah. But I didn’t know you would have such a violent attack. It was meant to be a joke.”
“Thank you but I’m not eating that.” I pushed the bowl away from me, “Can you guys please leave? I’m tired.”
Nina nodded and walked out of my room. Jin sat there for a while, his expression unreadable. Then, he slowly walked to the door. He turned to me and said, “I’m sorry, Leah. I promise we will make it up to you.”

Day 5: Jimin had cuteness in his bag…
The doorbell rang. I knew it was one of the boys. I stayed in my room and heard my mother open the door. There was a few minutes of greeting. Then came a knock on my door.
“Come in” I said.
Jimin peaked his head first. “Hello!” he called with a smile. He had bought flowers again. This time it was orange tulips. He handed me those.
“Are you a florist?” I asked. In reply, Jimin just laughed.
I was still not over yesterday. I had a feeling that I had shared a somewhat bitter-sweet relationship with the boys. Nina had told me that the boys were trying their best to be better. I asked her what that meant. She just shrugged her shoulders and told me that she would let me figure it out eventually.
“Are you still mad?” Jimin asked pouting his lip. He looked too cute for me to remain mad at him.
“Jimin,” I said, “will you tell me something honestly?” Jimin sat beside me and said, “Ask away.”
“Why are you guys being so nice to me?”
“Because we care for you.” Jimin said. Before I could say anything further, he added, “I know, you might be having some doubts. But trust me, we really do.”
I felt like I could trust him. I pushed my suspicions away and said, “So tell me, what we are going to do?”
Jimin grinned, “Just wait and see what I have in my mind.”
It was true. There weren’t any fun games left that we didn’t play. Starting from painting old stuffs, we played video games, card games and board games, we even played a little hide and seek around the neighborhood. Finally at night, we watched a movie together.
Jimin really had a charm about him. It was hard not being happy around him. Unexpectedly the day went too good. Even my mother noticed that I was happy. And when I went to sleep at night, I was already missing Jimin.

Day 6: Taehyung made a valid point…
I waited for the next Bangtan boy to arrive. I really had fun with Jimin that I was regretting being rude with Namjoon and Jin. I told myself that these boys were probably very fun loving and made jokes without thinking about the consequences. I let Nina’s words assure me that they were trying their best to be better.
The sun had already sat when Taehyung showed up in my house. I was getting a little angry at that time.
“Why bother coming at all?” I asked him first thing once we met.
Taehyung said, “eeeh” to show me his teeth.
“What was that for?”
“I had a sudden toothache” he said, “had to see a dentist. It was really scary.” Then he started massaging his cheeks.
“Aww!” I said, “I’m so sorry, dear. Does it still hurt?” Taehyung pouted his lips and nodded.
“Since its already dark,” I continued, “wanna go sky gazing?”
“Yes! Let’s do that.”
We were lying down on our back in the backyard. There were not much stars to be seen. But staring at the empty sky was somewhat peaceful. I was thinking about how my life had turned out, how little I knew about myself and others. It was really overwhelming.
“I’m scared for the first time since I woke up.” I said to Taehyung.
Taehyung looked at me and asked, “Why are you scared of me?”
“I’m not scared of you, silly!” I chuckled, “I’m just scared about the fact that I’m all empty inside.”
“You’re not.” Taehyung’s voice suddenly sounded very serious, “You’re still the same you. It’s just the memories that’s gone.”
“But aren’t memories what make us who we are?” I asked, turning to face him.
“I don’t know. But hey! We can always make new memories.” Taehyung tried to cheer me up, “Why don’t you take it as a fresh start; a new chapter of your life?”
“A new chapter” I whispered, “at least I’m glad I have you guys.”

Day 7: Yoongi showed his humorous side…
“I can’t believe it’s raining at this time of the season.” Yoongi said. He was a little grumpy today. He had planned to surprise me by taking me to see the local basketball match. But due to bad weather and the fact that the match was to be played in the open, it was cancelled.
“It’s alright, Yoongi!” I put my hand on his shoulder, “take me there some other time. You should be happy that it’s raining or else Nina would have showed up.”
Yoongi gave a fake smile, “Oh yeah! Thank God that Nina is not here today.”
Since we couldn’t find anything interesting to do, we tried to solve an extremely hard puzzle, which exhausted us both. We couldn’t even find any interesting topic to talk about. We were getting bored at a point when Yoongi suggested to make a bucket list each for the next 10 years to come.
I said, “Tae told me last night that it was a new chapter of my life. Making a bucket list sound like a good place to start.”
“So without further ado, let’s get started.” Yoongi bought two pieces of papers and pens for us and we both started to write whatever came to our minds.
“Number one: Go see the Egyptian Pyramid.” I said aloud while writing.
“Number one for me would be going to the city, Barcelona” Yoongi wrote.
So we kept writing. What food we wanted to taste? What classics we wanted to read? How many pets we wanted to own? What our future home would be like? Etc. etc.
“Number 27” I said, “Experience a burning and passionate love.”
Yoongi paused to think his number 27. Then with a smirk, he said, “Help you experience a burning and passionate love.”
We both broke out into laughter. It was rather hilarious hearing a grumpy boy like Yoongi saying something so silly.

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My Masterlist
Red Hope! - Part 6

Specially requested by @lelewright1234. Hope you enjoy!
Note: This work is totally fictional and has nothing to do with BTS on real life. I mean no hate toward any person in particular. This plotline was requested. Though I personally hate bullies, I still believe there is hope for everyone.
Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 × OC (Leah) Warning: Bullies, OC suffering from amnesia, racist comments etc. Genre: Fluff and Angst Summary: Leah’s having her best moments with the boys. But would their relationship stay the same once the whispers and rumors start?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 (Complete)
It had been some months. I was getting used to the new life without my old memories. I still had some flashbacks. But most of them were confusing and I couldn’t make any sense out of them. So, avoiding them were better. So far, everything seemed to be okay.
I was showered with love and affection from my family. My step father would bring me chocolates, ice creams and other snacks every day when he returned from the office. My mother would often ask me what I wished for dinner.
But the boys were a little too extra. They had been pampering me with flowers, gifts and attention. It was cute but embarrassing at the same time. I would put a few words on their behaviors.
Jungkook would not let me sit with Nina in the class. He would always save a seat for me beside him and Nina had to sit behind us. He would follow us everywhere from the cafeteria to the playground. Slowly Nina started to like him too and now we were kind of a golden trio of our class.
After school I had dance classes at evening where I would meet Hoseok and Jimin regularly. They would come to watch me perform whenever they were free. As I was always late to leave they would wait for me after their practices were over and walk me to my house every day.
Jin would frequently send me special foods that he cooked with his master-chef quality. I would sometimes go over to their house with Nina for dinner. He would also teach me how to cook different items. But cooking with Jin mostly ended up with both of us being frustrated; him, for not being able to teach me and me, for being too clumsy to do it.
Namjoon would lend me his favorite books. We would often sit together and read. Those times we wouldn’t really talk much, but being around him was somehow comforting.
Whenever I was looking forward to having some fun, I would always go to Taehyung. On the contrary, whenever I was feeling down and didn’t want anyone being too loud, Yoongi would be my comfort zone.
Somehow, the boys had grown on me by the time. Now I felt like I wouldn’t be able to be apart from them at any cost. I knew, I would gladly sacrifice myself to save them again just like I did before.

I was aware about the fact that some of the students didn’t like me and they talked behind my back. Nina had suggested me to avoid them and so I did.
But one thing didn’t go unnoticed. Almost everyone would call me and the Bangtan Boys ‘Snow White and the seven dwarfs’. I knew they were probably teasing me because the boys were giving me a lot of attention than needed. But one day I heard a group discussing the matter. “Think about the irony,” one of them said, “a black girl being the Snow White.” Then they started to giggle.
I wouldn’t say that I didn’t care at all because I actually did. By the end of the day, I would sometimes cry myself to sleep thinking about how mean they were toward me.
I told Yoongi about the matter. He remained silent for some time. At last, he said, “They don’t really know you. Don’t let them put you down.”
There was something which was confusing me. And that was the fact that whenever Jungkook tried to defend me they would say stuff like, “Since when are you taking her side?” Jungkook would go red in the face and won’t say anything else.
Jin always gave me a ride home from school since he was in charge of taking Jungkook back home. So, Jungkook and I would always wait for him to arrive. On such an occasion, one day, one boy from our class approached us and started to cut jokes about how I was such a drama queen and that I was just pretending to have an amnesia to get special treatment from the boys. When Jin came to rescue us, the boy asked him, “Are you guys worshipping her as a superhero now?”
That made Jin really angry and he started to scream at the boy. He warned him not to do the same mistake again. Otherwise he would have to say goodbye to his dear legs. That scared the boy off.
I was trying to put the pieces together. Everything seemed to point to the fact that the Bangtan Boys used to be one of them. They had also made fun of me before the accident. But it was hard for me to imagine that. These boys were too kind to me. How could I believe that they were also capable of such cruelty?
I decided I would ask Nina. I had to know the truth. THE WHOLE TRUTH...

I sat motionless on my bed, tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn’t believe what I had learned from Nina earlier today.
I practically begged Nina to tell me exactly what kind of relationship I was in with the boys before my accident. She told me that the truth might hurt me. But I was determined to know it anyway. And so she told me everything.
I was being bullied by the entire school. When Nina joined, it was reduced a little though not wholly. By the time, people got bored as I kept avoiding them. But the Bangtan Boys had been especially mean toward me and their teasing never stopped until the accident. They had been regretting their acts since then.
Nina told me, “I personally hated them too. But I think they have really changed a lot. That’s why I kept the truth away from you thinking they might deserve a chance.”
I didn’t say anything further to Nina about the matter. I came back home. I couldn’t sleep as I kept thinking about the boys all night. Then, it suddenly clicked. All the memories seemed to be poured down to my brain all at once.
I sat up on my bed, my eyes closed. The last thing I remembered was the scene of the accident.
< Previous || Next >
My Masterlist
Red Hope! - Part 7 (Final)

Specially requested by @lelewright1234. Hope you enjoy!
Note: This work is totally fictional and has nothing to do with BTS on real life. I mean no hate toward any person in particular. This plotline was requested. Though I personally hate bullies, I still believe there is hope for everyone.
Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 × OC (Leah) Warning: Bullies, clingy behavior, heartbreak etc. Genre: Angst and Fluff Summary: Now that Leah knows the truth, will she end their new found friendship or forgive them for the good times sake?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 (Complete)
I confessed to my mother about getting back most of my past memories. Some of them were still blurry. But I was remembering everything eventually. I told mother I wanted to take a break from school for the day. I was still not prepared to face Jungkook or any of them.
After the school was over, both Jin and Jungkook stopped by my house. My mother told them how overwhelmed I felt as my memories came back and that I didn’t want to meet anyone just then.
I had been getting calls after calls from the boys. Some of them even texted me, asking if what my mother said were true. I neither picked up the calls nor replied to them. I had decided it was better to avoid them. I didn’t need any fake friends in my life. Nina was enough.
But I knew, deep inside, I was hurting. It pained me to even think about not talking to the boys anymore. All I knew for the past few months were the boys. They had been in everything I was doing. Without them, I wouldn’t even be able to recover as fast as I did.
I stayed in my room the whole day and cried. I felt like I was broken into pieces and I would never be able to put them together. Every beautiful experience I had with the boys felt like a lie.
Since Taehyung kept calling me non-stop, I thought it would be better to let them know how I felt about them now.
Taehyung: Finally you’ve answered. What happened, Leah? Are you okay?
Leah: I’ll get straight to the point, Taehyung. It’s true that I’ve got my memories back.
*A pause*
Taehyung: So, you remember everything?
Leah: Everything.
Taehyung: Are you mad at us?
Leah: What do you think, Taehyung? Should I?
Taehyung: Listen, Leah. We’re all really sorry for everything, okay?
Leah: Stop it! I don’t need your apologies. I just want you to convey the message to the rest of the boys. I don’t want you guys near me anymore. Our so called friendship ends here.

The next day in school, I sat with Nina avoiding Jungkook. But he came to sit behind us and started to say how sorry he was for his past actions and that he deeply regretted them now and other stuffs like that.
I said, “You have apologized and I took it. But I still don’t want to talk to you anymore.”
Jungkook still followed me to the cafeteria at lunch break. I was really annoyed at the way he was acting. “Could you please stop following me?” I almost shouted at his face.
“Please, Leah…”Jungkook tried to say something more when I turned to go. Then, he grabbed my hand.
I looked him dead in the eyes and said boldly, “This is the last time I’m going to tell you this, leave me alone.”
Instead of letting go of my hand, Jungkook took a step toward me. That was when I slapped him, really hard on his face. As soon as I did, I regretted it. Some of the students were staring at us by then.
“Leah,” Jungkook’s voice trembled as he looked at me in disbelieve, “You hate me so much, don’t you?”

Jimin had texted me to meet him even if it was the last time I did. I was very upset about the whole school affair. To ease my unsettling brain, I thought it would be better to talk it out.
As I waited for Jimin in the nearby park, I kept replaying in my mind how Jungkook had looked at me after I had hit him. I knew I would never forget that look.
I saw Jimin approaching me from a distance. He brought flowers for me again. He came to me and smiled. Even with the smile on his face, he still looked sad. It was hard to be mad at Jimin. I took the purple flowers from his hand.
“I know how you’re feeling, Leah.” he said and it sounded like he really did.
I started to cry, “Why did you have to be so cruel to me?”
“We’re really sorry, Leah.” Jimin’s voice broke as he struggled to say the right words. “We were stupid. Trust me, if only we knew just how much you would mean to us, we would have never done that.”
“You said you care for me!”
“And we do.” Jimin stepped forward and hugged me. There was a feeling of comfort in his arms. I buried my face on his chest as he gently stroked my hair. “Just trust us this one time and we wouldn’t let you down.”
I nodded. There was no way I could stay away from them. They had become a part of me. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew I loved them.

The boys had arranged a special dinner for me. The reason was obviously to apologize to me officially. I called Nina to ask if she was coming. She said that the dinner was meant for me and she’d better not intrude.
I was having mixed feelings toward the dinner. I kept worrying whether I had made the right decision or not. I felt like I really didn’t have any choice. I loved the boys too much to break off the friendship that was so precious to me.
Even if I could now remember everything, most part of my life I had felt empty. These past few months I had spent with the boys were the most exciting part of my life. No matter how terrible they had been to me before the accident, they had been double nice to me afterwards.
I had put on my best dress to go to the dinner party. When my mother saw me, she literally gasped and said that I looked so pretty. Before I got out of the house, she told me that she was glad that I had finally found the friends I deserved and that she had never seen me so happy before.
Jin came to pick me up since I still didn’t have the driving license. He was awestricken when he saw me. “Leah,” he said, “you look beautiful.” Then immediately he added, “even though that’s nothing compared to me.” I punched him in the arm and got in to the car.
Once I got down from the car, I ran straight to Jungkook and hugged him. "I'm really sorry, Kookie. I didn't mean to hurt you." I said after releasing him from my arms.
Jungkook shook his head and said, "No, Leah. It should be me apologizing to you instead. I AM SORRY!"
"Can we please skip this part?" Yoongi poked his head in between us and gave me his huge gummy smile, melting me right at the spot.
As soon as the other boys saw me they started to shower me with compliments. None of them could deny the fact that I looked beautiful in that dress. I was blushing really hard and told them to stop it.
After some times of talking and fooling around just like the old times, I almost forgot about all the worries I had earlier. Hoseok stood up and declared, "It is now time for the special performance that we've arranged for our precious friend, Leah."
The boys arranged their position to sit facing me. Namjoon said, "This is the song I wrote just for you when you were in the coma."
Then, they started to sing, one by one. It was so beautiful. The music was really soothing. It calmed me right away. And what could I say about the lyrics. It was so heart-warming.
They had admitted their fault of not being good friends to me. They had failed to realize my worth. They had regretted their actions once I was gone. There was nothing in this world that they could ask for other than my forgiveness and the promise of our friendship.
They said those words in the most poetic way and it made me tear up. Once the song was over I hugged them all, one by one. I said that I was so lucky to have them in my life, that I had already forgiven them and that I wished to continue our friendship till death.
We sat at the dinner table and made a toast to our friendship. We ate and drank till our stomachs could no longer take it anymore.
Then, the disco lights were turned on and we danced to the loud music. It was the best night I had spent in my entire life.
Being exhausted, I went to sit beside Jin, who had already given up dancing at that point. We laughed at the other boys doing stupid dance moves.
I rested my head on Jin’s shoulder. "See," Jin said, "I promised, we'd make it up to you, didn't I?"

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My Masterlist
We Are Only Seven - Chapter 1

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Nothing so far... Word Count: 2k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

The year 1021:
“When will it take place?” Namjoon asked his friend who came to visit him on his cell.
“Tomorrow, during the sunset.” His angel friend replied.
Namjoon slowly nodded. He couldn’t see her face properly due to the lack of light inside the cell. After all, there were no windows. It’s just the fire outside which casted a little light through the door.
“There is still time.” The angel came near him, “You only have to make an official apology. They will let it slide this time.”
“Did the Guardian angel ordered you to say that?” Namjoon asked rather boldly.
The angel cleared her throat, “Yes, she did. But I would have asked you to do the same.”
Namjoon let out a chuckle, “Really? You, of all people?”
“Namjoon,” she came to sit beside him and held his hands, which felt surprisingly cold against her warm skin, “Please, do this for my sake. I can’t bear to lose you.”
Namjoon caressed the back of her hands, “Don’t worry, it will be less hard for you all. They are going to erase all of me from your memories. You will not even remember who I was.”
“Do you think I want that?”
“It wouldn’t matter anyway.”
“But you will remember everything, won’t you? How will you live without us, without all of this?”
Namjoon kept silent. He tried to swallow down the growing lump in his throat. There was nothing he could do about the punishment. It was inevitable, unless he decided to step away from what he strongly believed. It was something impossible for him to do. He was a man, slave of his conscience.
The angel stood up and walked slowly towards the door. She stopped there and glanced back. At that moment, Namjoon desperately wanted to confess his love to her. He thought, “she wouldn’t remember me anyway.”
“Do you have anything left to tell me?” she asked.
Namjoon said, “I love you.”
The angel gave a painful laughter and nodded her head, “I know. I always did.”

Present day:
The sound of the heavy rain seemed to have muted the surrounding. A man in a rather large cloak was walking along the side of the street. The hood was covering most of his face. He kept glancing back every now and then as if he was afraid someone might follow him.
He bumped into someone as he took a turn. “Sorry!” he mumbled.
“Have you gone blind?” the person said, his voice irritated, “Look, what you have done?”
It was only that some parts of his shirt got wet with the rain as his umbrella fell down. It would have been no big deal to an ordinary man. But he was no ordinary man. He was Kim Seokjin, son of the most beautiful being to ever exist, the goddess of love, Aphrodite.
“Sorry,” the man in the cloak said once again and hurried towards his destination. But Seokjin grabbed him by his hand.
“Where do you think you are going, young man? I’m not finished with you yet.”
“Sir,” the cloak man called, “Don’t block my path. I can’t deal with you now. I have an urgent work at hand.”
“What if I do block your path?”
“You might regret it.”
“Make me!” Seokjin scoffed.
Then the cloak man did something unexpected. He took out a small bottle filled with some purple liquid from under his cloak and threw its content at Seokjin’s face.
“What the…” before he could finish his sentence the cloak man jerked away from him and started to walk.
“Hey!” he called as his vision started to get blurry, “What did you do to me?” He was completely in the dark by the time he finished his question.
“Don’t worry, sir!” the cloak man yelled back at him, “It’ll only last for a day.”

The year 1021:
Namjoon appeared before the anticipated crowd. His punishment was finally going to be announced and executed. He felt relieved. After days of being tormented and forced to step back from the decision he had made, it felt like a peaceful moment to be finally discharged, even if that meant he was to be banished to the earth.
All the heavenly figures looked at him, some with curiosity in their eyes, some with hatred and despise, while some with grief, even some with pride and admiration. It occurred to him then, why the devil was the first to be casted away from the heaven. There were more fallen angels after him that nobody knew of or simply didn’t care about.
Namjoon stood straight in front of the Guardian angel. His posture showed that he wasn’t afraid. He was ready to accept the punishment for declining the Gods’ order. The only thing that bothered him was losing his wings. The wings, which he was born with. The pain was equivalent to someone losing their arms or legs, perhaps even more
“Kim Namjoon,” The Guardian called, “You were one of the best angels we had. How did it come to this?”
Namjoon remained silent. He kept pondering over the word, ‘were’.
“We will ask you once again.” The Guardian further said, “Do you accept your mistake and apologize to the whole angel community and the Gods and the Goddesses above?”
“I do apologize to the whole community for not being able to be a better leader. For if I was, I’m sure they would have followed me to the path I chose for myself. But alas! Not a single angel accepted my proposal.”
Hearing this, the crowd broke into a loud protest. The Guardian angel gestured them to remain quiet. Then, she added, with a loud and clear voice, “If it is so, we are afraid you will be banished from the heaven and send to the earth down below."
“I accept my punishment gladly.” Namjoon said, his voice sharp.
The Guardian sighed. There was a hint of pain visible on her face. “Do you have any last wish to make?” she finally asked.
“I wish to keep my wings. This is the only request I make to the majesty. And if your majesty refuses, I would make no protest neither any more requests.”
Another shout broke out from the crowd. Someone yelled, “Wings are the sign of angels. How can you wish to keep it, you devil?”
“Silence.” The guardian rose from her seat. The crowd grew silent once again.
She turned to Namjoon and declared, “Kim Namjoon, I officially give you the permission to keep your wings. But there is a condition. Once on earth, your wings will bear the color pitch black as a mark of disgrace.”
Namjoon bowed his head with his white wings opened wide. He had accepted the condition.

Present day:
The man in the cloak proceeded to his basement. He had found everything he needed, every answer to his questions. What was left to be done was building up his courage to finally do the task.
“Well, well,” someone spoke up from behind him, “if it isn’t the wizard in disguise.”
Before the man could move, he was pulled back by a rope. He sat down on a chair with a thump and the intruder immediately tied him up in a flash. He recognized the stranger at once. It was no other than Kim Seokjin.
“Who are you?” he asked, “How did you find me?”
“Wait!” Seokjin held up a hand in front of him, “I think it’s my turn to ask you questions.”
“You’re underestimating my power, whoever you are.” The man said it like a threat.
Seokjin started to laugh, “You sound a lot more confident than in the state you are in.”
When he was about to say something more Seokjin held up his hand once again and said, “First, hear me out. This is not just an ordinary rope. It’s called the rope of Hestia. I believe you’ve heard about it.”
The man nodded and said as a matter of fact, “I see.” he seemed to think for a while. Then, he added, “Since you’ve recovered from my spell sooner than any ordinary man and carrying one of the most important items of a Goddess, you are definitely no mortal. Now tell me what you are? A God? Perhaps a Demigod?”
“You’re quick, I see.” Seokjin said, impressed.
The man scoffed at this remark, “How did you get hold of that rope?”
Seokjin thought for a moment, “Let’s say, Hestia was really impressed by me.”
“Let’s say, you actually stole it.”
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter now. Since you’re unable to tell any lie, I ask you to reveal your true identity at once.”
The man sighed and answered, “My name’s Min Yoongi. I am 24 years of age. I am a wizard by profession…”
“Wait, what?” Seokjin interrupted him, “You’re a year younger than me? No way, you look like a father of two already.” He started to laugh again.
Yoongi was getting really annoyed by his jokes, “Can we please get to the point? What do you want from me?”
“The truth.” Seokjin replied flatly, “I know you’re up to something. Tell me what it is.”
Yoongi replied, “I’m trying to summon up an angel.”
Both of them gasped at once; Seokjin, for the shocking revelation and Yoongi, to have found out that the rope of Hestia actually worked on him.

Present day:
Namjoon sat by the corner in a bench. It was his usual place. He loved it here because it was peaceful and somewhat relaxing. The children could be seen playing at a distance, their chattering could be heard.
Someone came to sit beside him, “If you don’t mind, may I sit in here?”
Namjoon nodded his head in affirmation. The lady tried to make a small conversation. But since Namjoon didn’t sound very enthusiastic in his replies, she didn’t continue any further.
Namjoon had no other option but to follow this rule he had made for his safety in this dangerous world. If anyone found out about his true identity, he would get caught. Then, Gods knew what would be his final fate.
A Frisbee was thrown at his direction. A kid was gesturing him to throw it back to them. Namjoon stood up and walked towards it to pick it up.
Suddenly, his head started to spin. First, it seemed like his surroundings were vibrating. As he looked towards the ground, he felt it to be shaking rather violently.
Namjoon panicked. “What’s happening to me?” he thought.
He started to lose his sight as everything started to get blurry. The lady asking him if he was okay sounded very distant to him. Then, something exploded in his head.
“Ugh,” he growled in pain. The back of his shirt was torn. The large black wings, which was by then invisible to the mortal eyes, appeared in his back.
The children started to cry and scream in fear. The lady started to take a few steps back, “What is this thing?” she yelled, “Oh my God! Someone call the emergency.”
Then, his knees gave up and he fell to the ground. But what was expected to be a grassland, turned out to be a hard floor beneath him. His head started to feel normal again and the visions slowly came back to him. He knew by his surrounding that he was at a very different place now. He could hear a conversation before him distinctively.
“Does it look like an angel to you?” someone asked.
“Well, I don’t know.” Another replied in annoyance, “You are the one who’s supposed to have seen angels in real life.”
“And I did.” The first one said, “But trust me, never in my life had I seen an angel with black wings, fully dressed in black from his head to toe.”

My Masterlist
We Are Only Seven - Chapter 2

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Fighting, killing, spilling blood, mention of suicide, slight swearing. Word Count: 2k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

Jungkook couldn’t recall when the last time he got out of his huge mansion was. It would get really lonely sometimes, living all alone. It wasn’t like this all the time. He was used to travelling around the world a lot. But now, even roaming around his neighboring woods seemed dangerous.
Today, Jungkook had built up his courage and stepped out in to the woods. He could sense that his body was growing weaker. He needed blood. So, he searched for a suitable prey.
He could smell blood ahead of him. “What is it again?” he thought. The smell wasn’t foreign but it was a distant memory to him. He stood there, puzzling over the smell.
“Humans!” as soon as the thought occurred to him a bullet went straight through his side.
“Not bullets!” someone shouted, “use those wooden arrows, idiots. He’s a vampire.”
Jungkook turned back and wanted to run. But someone had already shoot an arrow through one of his legs. He fell on his knees in pain.
“So, this is the end of me.” He thought, “They are going to lock me up in their lab and God knew whatever they are going to do to me.”
They started to come closer, pointing their weapons at him. There were too many of them for Jungkook to fight alone with his weak body. He started wondering whether he should lay still and let them take him or fight back and risk being killed on the process.
“Not today, fellas!” Someone shouted from behind them. All the humans’ attention went straight to the direction at once. In that brief moment of confusion, Jungkook hid himself behind a large tree nearby.
He could sense there was a fight; the bullets were fired and the arrows were thrown in every direction. The humans’ were panicking. Whatever their secret attacker was, it was really swift at its job.
Jungkook was trying to understand what it was. But with all the fuss, and too many humans around, he couldn’t make out the smell. The fight continued for some time. Some of the humans were killed. Jungkook could tell by the smell of their fresh blood in the air. The remaining accepted their defeat and fled.
It was quiet for some time. A sweet voice spoke, “You can come out, now. They are gone.”
Jungkook couldn’t trust the stranger immediately. He was still traumatized because of the sudden attack. Then, a face appeared in front of him. He was startled and moved back in fear.
The face smiled, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid.”
Jungkook was looking at the stranger with wide eyes, trying to make up his mind whether to trust him or not. The stranger gasped at the sight of his injury, “Oh dear, you’re hurt. Come out. Let me help you.”
He held up his hand. Jungkook hesitantly took it and came out in to the open. A huge black wolf suddenly jumped at him and started to lick his face.
“Taehyung!” The gentle stranger spoke, “Stop it. You’re scaring him.”
The wolf got down and whined at him. He laughed, “I know he’s cute. But let him get used to us first.” He turned to Jungkook and said, “He’s just very excited to meet you.”
The wolf nudged its head softly on Jungkook’s arm. For the first time in many years, a smile grew on his face.

“No, no, no!” Yoongi kept muttering for the millionth time as he went through his papers again and again, “This can’t go wrong.”
“Apparently, it has.” Said Seokjin while filing his nails.
“What went wrong?” Yoongi was too frustrated to hear him, “I did it all right. Everything’s to the point; the potions, the signs, the spells.”
“Maybe you somehow pronounced it wrong?” Seokjin further suggested, “With that forever pout on your mouth, it is not surprising.”
Namjoon was looking at those men in front of him. He was not scared even though he was locked up inside a cell. Instead, he was amused by the never ending bickering of the two.
“As I made it pretty clear,” Namjoon cleared his throat to gain their attentions, “I think you are wasting my time and yours, locking me up like this.”
“Then, what do you suggest?” Yoongi asked, his voice dead serious, “Let you go? Just like that? After months of spending sleepless nights to work for this, you think I will let you go that easily?”
Namjoon sighed, “I can’t come to your aid, either. You said it yourself, what you need specifically is an angel. And I’m not one. At least, not anymore.”
The last words he spoke was almost in a whisper. But it was loud enough for Seokjin to catch. “What do you mean by that?” He rose up from his seat and gasped, “Are you a fallen angel, then? Oh my Gods! He is the devil. The devil!”
Yoongi let out a frustrated cry, “Will you please shut up making a fuss about everything?"
“I’m sorry,” Seokjin continued, “but I think, you were the one making a fuss around all this time. Why can’t you just do all these weird rituals again and call up an angel. This time, it might actually show up. After all, there are more angels than devils.”
“Because,” Yoongi slammed his hand on the table, “It can only be done once.”
“Maybe,” Namjoon interrupted their silly arguments again, “if you tell me the true motive behind your doings, I can help you find a real angel.”
“Well, no thanks.” Yoongi dismissed his proposal, “I don’t think my motive is evil enough for a devil’s fancy.”
Namjoon’s voice turned really serious this time, “Why don’t you give it a try?”

The boy named Jimin, who had saved Jungkook earlier, had bound a handkerchief on his injured leg. He said, “The wound should not last long. But since you’re too weak and who knows when the last time you had taken blood, I think it might take some time to heal.”
“Umm… four months.” Jungkook mumbled.
“Pardon?” Jimin asked.
Jungkook said hesitantly, “It’s been four months since I last fed on blood.”
“No way!” he gasped, “How did you manage to survive all alone like that?”
Taehyung came back in his human form with a box smile on his face. Jungkook couldn’t help noticing how incredibly young and handsome he looked.
“I’ve hunted a stag.” He announced, “You can have the blood while we feast on its meat.”
“That’s settle then.” Jimin stood up and urged Jungkook to follow them.
After they were done with their dinner, Jimin and Taehyung introduced themselves. Jungkook found out that Jimin was a Gumiho, a nine tailed fox and Taehyung was a werewolf.
“My name is Jeon Jungkook. I’m a vampire.”
Jimin laughed out at his introduction, “Of course, we know that, silly. We also know a lot more about you.”
Jungkook looked puzzled, “How?”
“For instants, we know that you’ve been living in that mansion for quite a long time and there is a legend about you in town. Since the formation of OHA, when all the supernatural beings were forced into hiding, you had faked your death to the OHA people to escape being captured. But nobody from town dared to come to your mansion yet. So far, you had hidden well, my friend.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Jungkook said, “But since you brought up this matter…” He didn’t finish his sentence.
“What about it?” Jimin asked.
“I don’t think I can go back to the mansion again. They might come back looking for me. The Humans!”
Jimin and Taehyung exchanged worried looks which made Jungkook very nervous. He was afraid they would refuse him to join their group.
Finally, Taehyung said with the same old box smile, “Don’t you worry about it, little friend. You, me, Jimin, we are a set now.”

Kim Joon-Hwi, the founder and CEO of the ‘Organization for Human Aids’, in short OHA, had been very upset lately. Because the progress on his works were getting slower by the day.
Once, there used to be a lot of super natural beings around. They could be easily caught and locked up. The research was blooming at the time. But slowly their numbers declined. Whatever left were now more careful than ever before.
The lab rats they had caught since the last 5 years were dying away fast. Some of them wouldn’t cooperate and even attempted suicide to escape being tested by the scientists and wizards. There were even a small numbers to have escaped the facility.
“We have found out that the ancient vampire called Jeon Jungkook is still alive and thriving in the woods, sir.” One of the guards came to inform him.
Kim Joon-Hwi turned to him, “So, what now? Have you been able to catch him?”
“Unfortunately not, sir!” the guard said, “But we have found out that there are other beings in that woods as well.”
“Other beings?” He was curious now, “What do you mean?”
“A werewolf and perhaps a Gumiho, sir, though we are not absolutely sure about it. He was in human form.”
“A Gumiho!” Kim Joon-Hwi exclaimed, “Come on, prepare all the guards immediately. Their location cannot be lost. Send the wizards too, if necessary.”
The guard bowed and left. Kim Joon-Hwi was really excited. The one and only Gumiho they had caught in 5 years died last year. It was the rarest of species to exist on earth that most people believed it had gone extinct.
“Finally some good news!” he thought.

“Alright,” Yoongi said, “I’ve decided to trust you with my secret.”
“Ah…” Seokjin interrupted, “So, you’re trusting a devil, now. Didn’t I ask you first about that motive of yours?”
“The thing is,” Yoongi continued as if no one had interrupted him, “I’m planning to take down OHA.”
Namjoon and Seokjin looked at each other. They stared intensely for quite a long time.
“They are definitely judging me right now.” Yoongi thought. The next moment, they both burst into laughter.
“I thought you were serious.” Namjoon said, “Which I still think you are. But your plan is an impossible dream. Can’t you tell that? I mean, what gave you the notion that it could actually be done?”
Seokjin was still laughing, “Oh God! Look at this kid. Who does he think he is?”
“Look!” Yoongi said, “I’m not in the mood to explain it all to you, guys. You’ve asked me to tell you my true motive and I did. Whether you believe it or not, that’s up to you.”
After hours of mocking and shouting at each other, Yoongi was finally able to make them see his true vision. Half-heartedly they all agreed upon to pursue the goal of Yoongi.
Namjoon took them with him to meet the angel he had promised. Before he went inside, he turned to them one last time and said, “I want you both to remember that, in my thousand and one years on earth, this is the very first angel I had met a few days ago. If I had any other options, I would have probably taken you to the other ones. So, keep it in mind. He is our only Hope.”
As soon as Namjoon opened the door to the Arcade zone, someone came running to hug him.
“Namjoon-ah…” he called in excitement, “You’ve finally come to meet me.” He was jumping like a five year old while still hugging Namjoon awkwardly.
He was covered with garments and fancy accessories from his head to toe. Colors of all kinds seemed to have been splashed all over him. Starting from bucket hats, chains, bracelets, sunglass, there was also a very weird looking pouch hanging by his pants. Overall he looked like a homeless picking up clothes from wherever he can to make up a messy outfit.
“Guys,” Namjoon gave them an apologetic look, “This is Hoseok, the brightest angel to ever exist.”
“What the actual fuck?” Yoongi said.

My Masterlist
We Are Only Seven - Chapter 3

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Slight swearing, spying, mention of death, guilt, implication of battle. Word Count: 1.5k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

“Hmm…” Hoseok said thoughtfully, “So, you want me to help you bring the OHA down. Is that right?”
“Yes!” Yoongi said, wishing desperately that this angel was not as stupid and useless as it appeared to be.
“What’s in here for me?” he asked.
“Huh?” Yoongi was shocked. He had never gave it a thought that the angel might ask for a reward in return. “Well, why would you ask for anything anyway? You are literally bringing down a system that is hunting your kind and many others for 5 years.”
“Oh, I see…” Hoseok turned to Namjoon, “What do you think? Should I abandon my duty to do this guy’s job here?”
“I think, working with this guy will take you closer to your own mission.” Namjoon answered.
Yoongi interrupted, “Actually my name’s Min Yoongi. I would very much appreciate it if you call me by that name.”
“Seriously?” this time, Seokjin sounded annoyed with Yoongi, “Namjoon literally said Hoseok is here on earth for a mission and what you’re worried about is what they are calling you?”
“I accept.” Hoseok said.
“Really?” Yoongi asked hopefully, “You’re going to do this?”
“Even if there’s too much danger involved?”
“Yes!” Hoseok nodded, looking quite happy for someone joining a suicide mission.
“I think,” Namjoon said, “my work here is done. Good luck to you guys, on your way to bring down the most influential and powerful organization on earth.”
“I don’t think I’m feeling very confident at his words of encouragement. Does anyone else feel like me?” Seokjin looked around.
Hoseok raised his hand while Yoongi said to Namjoon, “No, stay!”
Namjoon raised an eyebrow, “excuse me?”
“Please,” Yoongi pleaded, “Trust me, I have a plan. The more we are in number, the more it is likely to succeed.”
“Yeah, Namjoon-ah.” Hoseok stood up and suddenly started to talk with an authority. “I think friends should stand together at times like this.”
“I didn’t know an angel could be a friend with the devil.” Seokjin mocked.
“Well, it can happen, you see.” Hoseok replied, “Don’t you know, having mutual enemies make people friends? So, we’re all basically friends here.”
“We are?” Seokjin asked in a rather surprised tone.
Hoseok reassured, “We are!”

Jimin and Taehyung took Jungkook to the little hut they called their home. It was out of town, in the middle of the woods. Jungkook noticed that though the hut was not very big, it was very neat and clean, looking like a pleasant place for a family. He remembered how messy his mansion got after all of his servants were being caught by the OHA.
“So, this is a little home I had built for myself.” Jimin announced, looking very proud about it, “I’ve been living here all alone until Taehyung joined me.”
“Yeah,” Taehyung said, a smile never leaving his face, “There’s only two beds. The two of you can take one each. I am happy to squeeze in with any one of you.”
“Thanks.” Jungkook said, “But I don’t sleep.”
“Oh,” Taehyung was taken aback, “I almost forgot that you’re a vampire. Don’t be offended, little friend. I sometimes forget that I’m a werewolf too.”
“Don’t go around calling him ‘little’, Tae.” Jimin said, “He’s been alive for over a century, I believe.”
“Really?” Taehyung asked, “How old are you exactly?”
“Umm…” Jungkook thought for a while, “I don’t know for sure. I can remember being living, umm… being an undead since the 17th century.”
“Don’t you remember your life as a human?” Jimin asked.
Jungkook shook his head. He didn’t remember what his true identity was, who his parents were, how he was as a boy. He didn’t remember what it felt like to be a human with hunger and fatigue. All he remembered was his everlasting thirst for blood.
Jimin kept silent. He felt sorry for Jungkook, who didn’t have any friends or family and who had been surviving all alone for a long time. Jimin knew the feeling of loneliness all too well. That’s why, he had made a promise to himself to keep Taehyung safe. Now, he felt the same responsibility towards Jungkook as well.
“Whatever, it is.” Taehyung broke the silence, “Since, you’re the last one to join the pack, you’re our little one from now on.”
Jungkook tilted his head in affirmation. He didn’t mind being taken care of as a little one.
“Aww…” Taehyung pouted, “Isn’t he so cute?” which made Jimin laugh.

OHA had been keeping a watch at the hut of the new formed trio. It wouldn’t be very clever to attack them right away. The guards and the wizards were waiting for the right time.
Catching a nine tailed fox was not too easy. Because they were swift in their movements and can keep up with a long fight. They can manipulate the weather to go against their enemies. The only thing worse than fighting a Gumiho was fighting a Gumiho along with a vampire and a werewolf.
It was an order from Kim Joon-Hwi, himself. There was no option of losing the Gumiho. It had to be caught. Even if it caused them the lives of the other two species. Because, the Gumiho was the real target.
So, the enemies were patient. They were waiting…

Yoongi had bought all of them to his place to stay. He needed time to explain his plan. But that was not the real reason for this invitation. Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to trust them just yet. They had agreed to join him on a suicide mission so easily, which made Yoongi suspicious. But he didn’t know that each of them had a good reason to have done it.
“Your place is a so small,” Seokjin commented, “that it’s making me claustrophobic.”
“As if you’ve gotten a better place.” Yoongi muttered. It wasn’t easy for beings like them to stay at a nice place among nice people without being noticed. In fact, it was more dangerous than staying out in the street. Because nobody really cared about homeless people.
“You’re right!” Seokjin said, hearing his remark, “Earth has some really shitty places. I miss home.”
“Where is it?” Hoseok asked enthusiastically.
“At the mount Olympus, of course.” He said with pride, “Mother would keep me at the best place possible. After all, I’m her only child.”
“How are you so sure about that?” Yoongi muttered under his breath again.
“What was that?” Seokjin asked, with a frown clearly visible on his forehead.
“I asked, what are you doing here on earth then? Especially at this time?” Yoongi asked, “Doesn’t Aphrodite know how dangerous the earth was for her only son?”
“That’s none of your business.” Seokjin went straight to the only bedroom available. But Yoongi didn’t complain. He was really satisfied to have pissed Seokjin off.
Namjoon looked around the whole apartment, if it could be called one, to make sure there weren’t anyone spying them from outside a window or something. He also looked around at stuffs Yoongi used to practice wizardry. Judging by those and all the old books lying around, Namjoon believed Yoongi had been practicing them since he was very young.
“Don’t worry about me.” Hoseok said to Yoongi, “I’m used to sleeping on the floor since I came to the earth. At least, I’m glad I don’t have to hide my wings here. So that I can be curled up inside them while I sleep.”
Hoseok was smiling. Yoongi’s heart suddenly felt heavy. He thought how innocent the angel was that he could stay positive even at times like this. Hoseok reminded him of someone he used to know. Someone who had called him his friend. Someone who was now dead and for this, Yoongi was to blame.

Taehyung woke up from a sudden loud noise, “Jiminie!” he called out loud.
“It’s okay!” Jimin confirmed, “It’s just a plate.”
Jungkook immediately started to apologize, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…”
Jimin cut him out, “You need to stop apologizing for every minor inconvenience.”
Taehyung stood up, rubbing his eyes. “What’s for breakfast?” he asked.
“I’m still trying to figure that out.” Jimin said, “We’re out of meat. We need to go to the supermarket.”
“Maybe the woods would be better.” Taehyung suggested, “We need to find something for Jungkook as well.”
“It’s alright!” Jungkook assured them, “I can go without blood for a week without any hassle.”
All of a sudden, there was a gunshot nearby. This time, they were all alert at once. “Did you hear that?” Taehyung asked.
“Boys,” Jimin commanded, “stay inside. I’ll go check.” Another gunshot.
“I’m coming with you.” Taehyung said while Jungkook nodded.
Before Jimin could say anything, the noises started to grow as if there was a battle going on outside. The trio waited inside, trying to figure out just what was going on.
“I can smell Humans.” Jungkook sat down on a chair, his voice shaking, “They had followed me here. They are going to take me away.”
Jimin went to stand beside him, carefully caressing his head, “Don’t worry, dear. They can’t harm you. Not on my watch!”
Eventually everything was quiet again. Still they didn’t dare to move just then. After what seemed like hours of waiting in fear of something might going wrong, their front door sprang open, causing them to jump in fright. The four strangers stood outside.
“So tell me,” The one wearing a cloak with a hood on stepped inside, “which one of you is the Gumiho?”

My Masterlist
Tag List: @bts-ruu,
We Are Only Seven - Chapter 4

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Mention of battle, blood. Word Count: 1.7k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

“Give me a good reason to trust you.” Jimin asked defensively.
Yoongi and his new partners had brought the trio in his place. At first, Jimin was reluctant to have come with them. But when he saw what the OHA had in their mind and if it weren’t for them, Jimin would have probably ended up in their laboratory, he finally agreed to go with them.
“Trust requires time.” Yoongi said, “And all I’m asking from you is to give me that time. I swear, everything will make sense at the end. It will all go well according to the plan.”
“Well, your first plan was to summon an angel.” Seokjin said, always ready to contradict Yoongi at any given time, “And look, whom you’ve brought instead.” He gave Namjoon a disgusted look.
“Yeah,” Yoongi said as a matter of fact, “someone who brought the said angel to me at least.”
“Yah, Jimin-ah!” Taehyung called, “Look at this angel, here. His wings are so soft. Oh my God! I want to wrap myself in them.”
Jimin gave a faint smile. Taehyung and Jungkook were busy playing with Hoseok as Jimin was having some serious discussion with the rest. They looked surprisingly happy to have joined the new team. They were trusting the new people so easily. It made Jimin worry a lot.
“Oh my God!” Hoseok imitated Taehyung, “And I want to wrap you in my wings as well. Haha…” They were laughing like kids at this point.
Namjoon shook his head, “Are you sure about the sanity of the members of this team?”
Yoongi sighed, unable to answer. He, himself was losing hope the more time he had been spending with these incompatible group of beings he had collected.

Whatever the reason might be for each of them, they collectively agreed to do whatever it took them to bring the demise of the organization that had been terrorizing their kinds for years. Apart from Seokjin, everyone seemed to have liked Yoongi too, despite of his cold nature. Little by little Yoongi started to explain the complicated, but not wholly impossible, plan to them all.
First, came the question of participations from the members. How and who would perform which tasks were brought into light. Yoongi would definitely serve as the mastermind of the team. Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook would be the strength while Hoseok and Jimin would give the team whatever supernatural skills they had to offer.
“What about Seokjin?” Namjoon asked sarcastically.
“What about me?” Seokjin asked, “Ya’ll definitely need a son of Aphrodite on the team. Someone, whose beauty can distract the enemies at dire times.”
“Who needs to be Aphrodite’s child to look beautiful?” said Taehyung, fixing the collar of his shirt.
Hoseok cracked up at this, “No offense, but that was so true.”
“It’s about number.” Yoongi came to his aid, “We need more people in the team.”
“But that doesn’t mean we can allow about anyone.” Jimin said, afraid that they might end up having a spy among them.
“Anyway,” Namjoon said, his voice suddenly serious now, “I think you are not giving us enough information.” The accusation was directed to Yoongi. “Answer this first, if it was about numbers, why were you so keen at finding specifically an angel and a Gumiho?”
All of their attentions were now at Yoongi. “I…” Yoongi stammered, “it’s because…Well, you see. We need some of the superpowers to fight such a horribly powerful Organization as OHA.” Yoongi’s voice rose as he asked the others, “Does any of you have them as good as these guys?” he pointed at Jimin and Hoseok.
Taehyung shook his head, “Even the OHA would agree to the fact that angels and Gumihos are their most desirable preys.”
Even though everyone seemed to be satisfied by the explanation, Namjoon was feeling a hunch. “This guy is definitely keeping some real secrets to himself.” He thought. But he didn’t let his suspicion be known to anyone else.

“You’ve failed again.” Kim Joon-Hwi raged at the guards and the wizards those who were able to have escaped the last fight with the supernatural beings.
“Sir,” one of the guards informed, “They were more in number than we had anticipated.”
Kim Joon-Hwi shook his head. He had been putting up with enough excuses. They were failing him again and again. He was getting impatient now. He wanted to take the matter at his own hands.
“Two years at best.” He screamed at the leader of the wizards, “That’s how much time you had asked from me. And now, 5 years had already passed and you’re progress is getting slower.”
The wizard lowered his head and said, “But we’ve found something more valuable this time, sir.”
“Tell me more about it.” Kim Joon-Hwi relaxed and sat down on his chair.
“There were four more members in their team, sir.” The wizard informed, “Among them was Yoongi.”
“The wizard Min Yoongi?” He asked.
“Yes, sir.” The wizard answered, “There was an angel too.”
“An angel?” Kim Joon-Hwi again rose from his chair in excitement.
“An angel and another being with black wings; which we couldn’t identify yet.”
Kim Joon-Hwi didn’t show any interest at the other creatures. He said, more to himself than anyone, “That means, Yoongi had finally found the angel.”
There was a moment of silent. Hesitantly, the wizard asked his boss, “Sir, what do we do next?”
“We don’t.” Kim Joon-Hwi replied. There was a faint smirk visible on his face, “They come to us.”

After hours of discussion on their upcoming mission, they all settled down to have a dinner on the floor, since there was no table available. Jungkook wasn’t eating anything. Instead he kept looking at Hoseok with his big doe eyes full of wonder.
“What are you looking at?” Hoseok asked while chewing on a buttered bun.
Jungkook hesitated, “I’ve always imagined angels wearing white clothes.”
“And we do.” Hoseok responded, “In heaven we wear nothing but white; which goes pretty well with our white wings. But since I came to earth, I’ve discovered all these colorful stuffs people wear. And I absolutely love them. So, I tried them on since my wings are invisible most of the times here.”
Jungkook nodded his head while Namjoon remarked, “Well, you should have been more careful in choosing what colors go well together. Splashing random colors aimlessly at a canvas doesn’t create art.”
“I think they do. People here call them ‘abstract arts’” Seokjin said, “Anyway, I like Hoseok’s style of clothing more than yours. Your aesthetic goes with Yoongi, I believe.” Both Namjoon and Yoongi ignored his attempt at insulting them.
Taehyung asked Hoseok, “So, what are you doing on earth? Mommy told me that angels live in heaven.”
“She’s right!” Hoseok answered. He’s more than happy to explain about his home, “Most of our lives, we live there in heaven. But every now and then, we are send down to earth for a purpose.”
“What’s that?” Taehyung asked, listening attentively.
“Well, one of my friends, an angel, came here before me.” His voice doesn’t sound very happy anymore, “But we’ve lost all contacts of him. So, I’ve volunteered to look at the matter. Hence, they allowed me to come on earth.”
“Did you find him?” Taehyung asked once again.
“Nope!” Hoseok said, “I’ve been searching for him for months. At this point, I believe, he had been taken away by OHA. But I didn’t dare fight them alone. I know how much power they hold over all the people here. That’s why, I agreed to join this team. So that I can finally go back home with my friend.”
“I think we should decide upon where to sleep at night.” Yoongi interrupted when Taehyung was about say something more.

Yoongi woke up early to make breakfast for them all. He was struggling as it was his first time preparing meals for seven very different species at once. He had managed to steal blood for Jungkook from a nearby clinic last night while everyone slept. It was now time to prepare some nutritious protein meals for the rest.
Seokjin came in the kitchen after sometime, “Why didn’t you wake me up? I told you, I’m a very good cook, didn’t I?”
“Please, just go back.” Yoongi said, “I can’t deal with you now.”
Seokjin understood how stressed Yoongi was. He secretly admired him for his attempt to care for the people he had collected for the mission, but barely knew them all. “He is not as cold as he wanted us to believe.” Seokjin thought.
Then, he joined quietly and started to help Yoongi. At first, Yoongi was sulking at his presence. But by the time, they both got comfortable enough to work together smoothly.
“Where’s Hoseok?” Seokjin asked, “I didn’t see him anywhere this morning.”
“Probably sleeping in the couch.” Yoongi said, stirring the soup he was making for Seokjin and himself.
“Namjoon’s in the couch.” Seokjin said.
“Maybe he’s in the bedroom.” Yoongi suggested.
“I slept in the bedroom last night.” Seokjin informed, his voice alarming at this point, “The newbies had joined me too. But not Hoseok. I thought he was sleeping on the floor next to your desk last night.”
Yoongi stopped stirring, his eyes wide, “Yes, he did. Oh my God! Why didn’t I see him when I woke up? Did he escape?”
“We’re not in a prison. Why would I escape?” Hoseok said as he entered the kitchen. He was holding a grocery bag.
“Did you go out?” Yoongi asked earnestly, “All alone? What if something wrong happened? Don’t you know, they had seen us? They know how we look like. They are out there hunting us.”
“Calm down!” Seokjin hold Yoongi by his shoulders as his voice started to raise in panic.
“I’m so sorry. I just thought there wasn’t enough food for everyone. So, I wanted to help.” Hoseok said.
“Is everything okay?” Jungkook came inside hearing all the fuss.
“Nobody has to help me, okay?” Yoongi suddenly burst out, “This is my house. I’ll do whatever is necessary. I don’t need anyone’s help.”
Jungkook got out of the kitchen immediately. Seokjin said, “Oh shut up! We all know that’s not true.”

My Masterlist
Tag List: @bts-ruu,
We Are Only Seven - Chapter 5

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Slight swearing, panic attack. Word Count: 1.3k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

At first, it started as a joke. Jungkook took pride in the fact that he was immune to the bullets. Being a vampire, his only weakness was wood. So, the OHA had to find an alternative for the vampires and they had trained themselves in archery; all these trouble just to hunt the vampires and no other creatures.
That’s why, Jungkook’s mates would go around calling him ‘Bulletproof’. It turned out to be a nickname eventually. But when the question of naming their team of seven members came, Namjoon suggested it should be called ‘Bulletproof’ instead as a symbol of their courage at adversaries.
It had been almost a month now. They were training themselves for the future battle they had to face. Even though Yoongi had presented some kind of draft of their plan before them, it was Namjoon who could give detailed direction about how to execute them. So, they all decided to put Namjoon as their leader. Even Yoongi was okay with that.
Meanwhile, their bond grew stronger. Some of them wouldn’t even hesitate to call the others their friends. They got used to be jam-packed at Yoongi’s small basement of an abandoned building too. They started to live as if it were their home. They became much closer to that of a family they never had.

The night before their first mission, Yoongi called Jimin to talk about some important issues. When Taehyung was about to follow them, Yoongi stopped him and said, “Perhaps, it would be better if you go to sleep early. We have some shits to be done by tomorrow.”
“It’s okay!” Taehyung pushed aside the proposal, “Let’s hear what you have to say first.”
Hesitantly Yoongi said, “Umm…Actually I want to talk with Jimin in private.”
“Oh!” Taehyung frowned at him but didn’t complain. He went back to the room.
Yoongi took Jimin outside to the unused garage. Jimin kept wondering what it could be that he was trying to conceal from the others.
“I know that the Gumihos can see through time into the future.” Yoongi said flatly.
“Yes!” Jimin said, with a doubt still lingering on his mind.
“I want you to do me a favor.” Yoongi’s voice was rather soft now, “Tell me what you can see about the OHA’s demise.”
“Yoongi,” Jimin called, “I don’t think you understand. It doesn’t work like that. I can’t see whatever I wish to.”
“But if you try hard…” Yoongi couldn’t finish the sentence in excitement.
Jimin sighed, “Even if I could, there is a huge possibility of messing it up. Trying to change an already bad future can turn it worse.”
“I know, I know.” Yoongi said desperately, “I promise I won’t try to change it. I won’t mess up.”
“Then, what is even the point of knowing it beforehand?” Jimin asked.
Yoongi didn’t answer.
Then, Jimin said, “It would be better if we leave this to the destiny.”
Yoongi shook his head, his eyes closed. Thinking for a while, he said carefully, “All the same, you would let me know if you see something, won’t you?”
Jimin nodded without knowing what to do otherwise, “I will.” Then, he was about to leave.
But Yoongi called him again, “Jimin-ah.” Jimin looked back. Yoongi said, “Please, don’t tell the others about our conversation here.”

Their first mission was to capture the leader of the wizards of the OHA called the ‘Master of Shadow”. He was the secretary of Kim Joon-Hwi and the mastermind behind all the evil the organization had been doing so far.
Their plan was to do the job as smoothly as they could without any bloody fight. All the ‘Bulletproof’ boys had planned to go. But then on the appointed day, Yoongi refused to join them.
“I’ve decided someone has to stay behind.” Yoongi said, “As I’m the only one who can use magic to prepare a room, so that he can’t escape from it, I think it should be me.” Nobody seemed to have any complain about that.
But Yoongi also added, “And Hoseok will stay with me as well.” This time, they started to protest.
“But we need as many as possible.” Seokjin argued, “And you said it yourself, that an angel is a must on the team.”
“I think you have enough people already…” Yoongi was about to say something more but Jimin interrupted him.
“Maybe our leader can decide upon the matter.” Jimin said. He was not going to leave the matter at Yoongi’s hand anymore.
Namjoon thought for a moment. It occurred to him that Yoongi was being overprotective toward Hoseok. Namjoon didn’t want Hoseok to get hurt as well. After all, he used to be a fellow angel, even though Hoseok didn’t remember anything about Namjoon now.
“I think Yoongi’s right.” He said finally, “Let them stay. The five of us are enough to fight a single wizard.”

They set off for the mission without the two and reached the OHA facility. They were to keep a watch at it secretly and wait till the wizard was seen alone. The more time started to pass the more anxious they were getting.
Taehyung suddenly said, “I can’t do this.”
“What are you talking about? You can’t back away now.” Seokjin groaned in annoyance.
“Are you okay?” Namjoon asked Taehyung, noticing that he was breathing heavily.
Taehyung shook his head violently and kept muttering, “I can’t go back there. I can’t go back.”
Jimin went to sit beside Taehyung and started to calm him down, “It’s okay, dear. We are all here with you. This time, you’re not alone.”
“I think he’s having a panic attack.” Seokjin said, now aware about the matter.
“What if they catch me and lock me up again?” Taehyung was close to tearing up.
‘Again?’ Everyone was surprised at the word.
Finally, Jimin had to explain what the matter was about Taehyung. Some years ago, Taehyung was caught and taken to the facility. He had some really bad experiences in there. But fortunately he was able to escape. Jimin had found him and taken care of him ever since.
Namjoon was really upset about it. He told Jimin that he should have told them about it earlier and it wasn’t a good idea to force Taehyung into something like this when he wasn’t ready to face it.
“I’m sorry!” Jimin apologized, “I didn’t realize that the old memories might come back and haunt him.”
Everyone remained quiet, allowing Taehyung to have some time to relax. Jungkook was patting him slowly on the back. After a while, Taehyung seemed to have come to his senses.
He, himself, said, “Alright, guys!” the same old box smile returned to his pretty face, “I’m ready. Let’s do this.”

Back at Yoongi’s basement, Hoseok kept asking Yoongi the same question again and again, “Maybe you’re trying to escape a fight. But why didn’t you allow me to go?”
“Why were you even waiting for my permission anyway?” Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“Well, it’s better to avoid a fight if you have the chance.” Hoseok said, “But I can’t think of a benefit of yours in letting me stay.”
“Please, do me a favor.” Yoongi said, getting more annoyed by the time, “Don’t even try to think about it.”
Hoseok started to laugh. But it sounded more like he had been repeating the letter ‘k’ over and over again.
“Please stay here until I come.” Yoongi requested, “I have to go fix a room to lock up the wizard before they arrive.”
“You mean, one of those abandoned rooms upstairs?” Hoseok asked.
“Yeah! Where else can I take him?”
“Oh my Gods!” Hoseok said, “Those are some really nasty places. C’mon, now. Let’s get moving.”
“What do you mean? Are you coming with me?”
“I ain’t letting you do those dirty works alone.” Hoseok was already picking up the broomstick.
“Will you ever let me be alone for a while?” Yoongi sighed.
“Yeah!” Hoseok said, “The day you actually smile.”
And Hoseok was already on the move. What he didn’t see was that Yoongi was actually smiling behind his back.

My Masterlist
Tag List: @bts-ruu,
We Are Only Seven - Chapter 6

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Mention of battle, minor injury, drinking, angst. Word Count: 1.9k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

Finally, the moment they were waiting for had arrived. The ‘Master of Shadow’ had left the facility and went for his car.
Taehyung pointed at him, “It’s him! Did you see the mark?”
There was a clear mark of a flower being encircled on his forehead. Everybody knew what that mark meant. It was a mark seen on the body of every wizard who worked for OHA. Though most of them would get the mark in an area where it could be concealed by garments, this wizard had decided to get it on his forehead instead. It was clear that he was proud to be a part of this nasty organization.
“Remember, what we have to do?” Namjoon asked one last time. Everyone nodded in union. Then, they attacked.
Though the wizard was momentarily shocked at their sudden approach, he soon regained his senses and attacked them back with his years of knowledge in magic. Though he was old, it was evident in his moves that he was a really powerful being. No wonder, he was considered the ‘Master of Shadow’.
The boys had targeted to blind his eyes first with the potion Yoongi had given them. Then they would force him to go to sleep playing the kithara of Apollo; which was again a stolen item Seokjin had provided them with.
They could have handled it easily as they had already out numbered him by four. But a guard suddenly appeared on the scene. He was unarmed. So, he soon turned back to go back to the facility to inform others.
Seokjin ran after him. Their mission could get difficult if more people joined the opposition. They had only managed to blind the wizard. Making him lose his senses completely would take some more time. Jimin was still playing the kithara fervently.
“Don’t worry!” Seokjin shouted back at them, “I’ll buy you some time.” And he was already gone inside the facility.
Soon afterwards, the wizard’s huge body fell to the ground, announcing that he was out. They tied him up as quickly as possible.
“Why isn’t Seokjin coming back?” Jungkook asked anxiously.
“We don’t have much time.” Jimin announced, “He might wake up any time.”
“Alright!” Jungkook said, “I’ll go find Seokjin. You guys take him home.”
“No!” Jimin was about to argue.
“There’s no time.” Namjoon urged him, “Let’s go back.” Then, he looked at Jungkook and said, “We’ll come back for you.”

Master of Shadow; the most powerful wizard the earth had ever seen, now sat powerless in front of Yoongi. He couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. No wizard had ever dared to pick up a fight with the Master. He was the most ancient wizard alive.
“Welcome back!” Yoongi called as the huge wizard opened his eyes.
“I was hoping to meet you soon, Yoongi.” The wizard said. There wasn’t any sign of fear or hesitation in those old eyes, which made Yoongi nervous. “I don’t see your friends around. Are you afraid I might spill the tea?” The wizard started to laugh in a gigantic way.
“I am not afraid of your useless threats.” Yoongi said, sounding a lot more confident than he felt.
The wizard shook his head slowly, “I pity you, Min Yoongi. You had so much potential in you.” The wizard started to cough. Yoongi waited for him to finish whatever it was he was trying to say. “I remember how proud your grandfather was of you.”
“Don’t speak of him.” Yoongi scoffed.
There was a moment of silence. Then, the wizard said, “You didn’t hope that I would provide you any information about the company, did you?”
“I can’t even dream about it.” Yoongi said, rolling his eyes, “And for the record, I don’t wish for any kind of help from you. I know enough about the company myself.”
Yoongi cleared his throat and continued, “It is not unknown to anyone how powerful of a being you are. My true intention is to keep you away from everything to make our mission easier.”
Yoongi was about to leave when the wizard called him, “I only have one question to you.” As Yoongi turned back, he asked, “Why, Yoongi? Why would you choose those inferior creatures over us, humans?”
Yoongi let out a chuckle, “You’ll never change.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” This time, he sounded as if he was curious and not mocking anyone.
So, Yoongi decided to be honest, “Because, they are more human than any human I’ve ever known.”

Jungkook kept going around the building, searching for Seokjin. He couldn’t go inside and risk getting caught. But it had been hours. All kinds of scary thoughts were surrounding his mind. “What if they had locked him up?” he thought.
Just when Jungkook was about to lose hope, Seokjin showed up. He was limping as he walked but looked completely fine otherwise.
“Hyung!” Jungkook went straight for a hug.
Seokjin looked surprised for a moment. “You’ve waited?” he asked.
“Of course, I did.” Jungkook said, still hugging him tightly. Seokjin nodded and hugged him back. Quite some time had already passed when they let go of each other.
“Let’s go back.” Jungkook said, “They must be worried about us.” Jungkook took one of his hands over his shoulder and helped support Seokjin while they walked.
“What was that you called me, earlier?” Seokjin asked suddenly.
“Huh?” Jungkook said.
Seokjin let out a chuckle, “You’re probably hundreds of years older than me. But I’ll allow it since you’re cute.”
The others were seen at a distance. As soon as they saw them, they came running.
“Thank Gods!” Hoseok exclaimed, “You’re both safe.”
“Wow!” Seokjin said sarcastically, “All of you came back for me?” He seemed to be counting heads. Then, he added, “I don’t see Yoongi.”
“Someone has to stay with the wizard.” Namjoon informed. Then, he took Seokjin’s arm from Jungkook and put it around his shoulder. “Now, tell me, did you get hurt?” Namjoon pointed at his limping leg.
Seokjin shook his head, “It’s nothing.”
“Let’s go back home.” Taehyung suggested, “It had been a long day. I’m starving.”
Seokjin nodded and muttered under his breath, “Yeah, let’s go back…home.”

Their first mission was a success. And surprisingly no one was badly hurt. Jimin suggested they should celebrate this victory. Nothing more was needed to be said.
They took out all the huge bottles of alcohol that Yoongi had brewed over the months. They drank and drank until they couldn’t anymore. Other than Jungkook, most of the supernaturals got drunk pretty fast, even before Yoongi, himself.
But there was a minor inconvenience. One of them had to go check on the wizard every now and then. Even though he was sleeping like a baby, nobody trusted him to be left alone for too long. Who knew, what he was up to?
“I can’t even remember when the last time was that I got drunk.” Taehyung said.
“Yeah, me too.” Jimin sat beside him. Then, Taehyung started to play with Jimin’s smooth hair like a puppy.
Jungkook sighed, “Wish I could know that feeling!” He gulped down the whole content of his glass in one go.
“Alright, guys!” Seokjin announced, “I’m going to sleep, now. Who will join me?”
“Wish I could!” another huge sigh left Jungkook’s mouth.
“Jungkook-ah!” Seokjin called, “Come lie with me. Hyung knows a way for Jungkook to get the closest feeling to that of sleeping.”
Jungkook climbed on to the bed beside Seokjin. Then, Seokjin started to hum a lullaby. Everybody grew quiet, taking in the beautiful music coming out of him. The low hum grew into a complete song.
Jungkook’s eyes started to get wet. He had a vague memory of his mother humming a lullaby to him when he was just a human child. But no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t recall her face. Jungkook buried his face in Seokjin’s chest, while he softly stroked his hair.
“He sings like an angel.” Hoseok whispered to Yoongi. Though Yoongi didn’t know how an angel sang, he still nodded in agreement.

Yoongi was looking at Hoseok fondly as he tucked in each of the sleeping member with blanket one by one. Apparently, Seokjin’s sweet lullaby was strong enough to put everyone to sleep.
“Are you going to stay like that?” Hoseok asked Jungkook, who was still burying his face on Seokjin’s chest while hugging him tightly. Jungkook nodded and mumbled something inaudible to indicate that he was alright that way.
Hoseok placed a soft goodnight kiss on Jungkook’s head and stood up to see Yoongi staring at him. Hoseok smiled, making a twist inside Yoongi’s stomach. Then, Hoseok signaled him to get out for some fresh air.
Both of them sat on the railing of the roof in their abandoned building with their feet hanging outside. There was a bottle of whiskey Yoongi had brought to share with Hoseok. Every now and then, lightning were striking in the sky suggesting that it might rain anytime.
“Thank you for doing all this.” Hoseok said, “Even if I can’t see how you benefit from OHA’s downfall, thank you all the same.” Yoongi nodded and took a sip from the whiskey bottle.
Then, Hoseok added, “I can’t believe I’m so close to finally meeting my friend. When I first came down to earth, among all the chaos, I had lost hopes of ever reuniting with him. Thanks to you, my hopes came back.”
Hoseok looked at Yoongi and smiled. Yoongi remained silent once again.
“Do you even smile?” Hoseok sighed heavily.
“Umm…Hoseok?” Yoongi called.
“It’s a hypothetical question, okay? I mean, it’s just a supposition.”
“What is it?” Hoseok asked, curious at Yoongi’s hesitation.
“Suppose we get to the OHA. But… But your friend isn’t there?”
Hoseok laughed, “What do you mean? Where will he be then?”
“What if he’s…he’s dead?”
“Oh!” Hoseok was taken aback. They both remained silent for a while. Finally, Hoseok said, “It’s funny how I’ve never thought about it.”
Starting from small drops, it started to rain wholly. Hoseok stood up to get back. But Yoongi hold his hand, “Please, stay.”
As Yoongi wasn’t the type to make requests often, Hoseok decided to stay a little more.
“Does it rain in heaven?” Yoongi asked
Hoseok shook his head, “It never does.”
Yoongi closed his eyes and faced the sky, thinking how far he had come. He kept pondering over future possibilities. “Will we really succeed?” he thought. He knew very well, what awaited them if they were to fail.
“No, it can’t be.” Suddenly Yoongi heard Hoseok whispering, “You…How?”
Yoongi looked at Hoseok in confusion. “What happened?” he asked.
“You’re one of them.” Hoseok said. He looked terrified of Yoongi.
At that very moment, it finally occurred to Yoongi what Hoseok was trying to say. He looked down on to his chest. The mark was visible through the white wet shirt on his skin. The mark of the OHA wizards, the encircled flower.
Hoseok stood up and pulled away as Yoongi tried to reach for his hand.
“You lied to us. You are going to sell us off to those monsters, aren’t you?” Hoseok almost screamed. Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to say anything. He only kept shaking his head.
“Oh Gods! I’m such a fool.” Then, Hoseok grabbed his own head as it started to get dizzy by all those drinking he had done earlier. Then, he turned away from Yoongi and let out his wings wide open.
“No, Hoseok!” Yoongi called as Hoseok took a flight out into the storming sky.

My Masterlist
Tag List: @bts-ruu,
We Are Only Seven - Chapter 7

Fandom: BTS Characters: OT7 (Devil!Namjoon, Demigod!Seokjin, Wizard!Yoongi, Angel!Hoseok, Werewolf!Taehyung, Gumiho!Jimin, Vampire!Jungkook) For a visual representation check these >>> VMinKook & NamJinSope Warning: Heart break, crying, mention of battle, killing, death, suicide, panic attack. Word Count: 1.9k Words
Summary: In a world ruled by humans, the other worldly, non-humans are in hiding. But how long will it last this way?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 [Complete]

Yoongi stood in the rain, unable to move a muscle. He had been looking at the sky until Hoseok’s figure disappeared in the darkness of the night. He couldn’t believe he had been caught when he was so close to achieve his goal.
“How dare you dreamt of a bright future?” He felt his conscience asking him, “After everything you had done, did you really think you could turn back from your sins?”
“Why? Were my mistakes too ugly to be forgiven?” Yoongi asked back.
“You are a monster. You’re true place is to dwell in the darkness.”
Yoongi closed his eyes shut. He felt like he had stabbed his friends in their backs. But he was feeling all the pain instead. This pain in his heart was something worse than that of any physical one.
Yoongi looked at his wet white shirt. He laughed at the irony of it. The day he decided to wear white, was the day it revealed the blackest part of himself.
Slowly he walked back to his basement. The place that had been used just for experiments were turned into a home to Yoongi by the most unexpected people. But now, it suddenly felt just like a basement once again.
He looked around it. Things were just the way he had left them a few hours ago. But everything inside Yoongi seemed to have changed. He felt a sudden urge to change his clothes into his older ones. As if wearing something dark again would undone the damage and bring Hoseok back.
Even so, he got changed into one of his black outfits. Then, he went to sit at the very corner of the room where his desk was. The floor was freezing. But Yoongi didn’t seem to mind.
Yoongi buried his face in between his knees. Tears began to fall abruptly. He couldn’t stop them. For the first time since his grandfather died, Yoongi let himself cry.

Namjoon woke up in the middle of the night as he heard something. When he listened carefully, he found out that someone was sobbing. Namjoon walked towards it and saw Yoongi sitting at a corner with his head buried in his knees. His whole body was shaking.
Namjoon hesitated but decided to ask him instead, “Is everything… Is everything alright?”
Yoongi’s head slowly rose from his knees. He looked at Namjoon and shook his head. Namjoon noticed that Yoongi’s hair was wet and his eyes were puffy and red, suggesting that he was out in the rain and had been crying for quite a long time.
Namjoon sat beside him. But he didn’t ask Yoongi anything. After a few minutes, Yoongi, himself, broke the silence, “Can I ask you something very personal?”
“Why were you casted out of heaven?”
Namjoon was surprised by this sudden approach towards his deepest, darkest secret. But for some reason, he wanted to share it with Yoongi. Yoongi was the kind of person who would understand.
“Well, it’s because I had rebelled against the Gods and Goddesses’ order.”
“But why? What did they ask you to do?”
Namjoon exhaled out a heavy breath. Then, he began to tell it from the beginning, while Yoongi listened like an attentive student learning from his master.
“The world and everything within were practically created just for Humans. But you see, Gods and Goddesses aren’t always right. They make mistakes too. The difference is that they can erase them easily.
“One of those mistakes was creating the giants. The huge creatures with so much strength but a little to no brain at all. They had been a huge obstacle to the humanity since the beginning of time. So, Zeus decided to eliminate them all.
“That’s what the order was exactly. We, angels, were to kill them off from the surface of the earth. That time, I was made the leader to complete this task with my fellow angels. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
“How could I? They wanted me to kill the whole race of giants just for the convenience of the humans. But in my eyes, they were just as important as humans were to this earth.”
Namjoon stopped there. He couldn’t go any further.
Yoongi nodded, “So the Gods favor them too?” By ‘them’, he basically meant the OHA.
Then, Yoongi slowly unbuttoned two of his shirt buttons and showed Namjoon what he had been hiding there all this time. Namjoon couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of that cursed mark.

“I’m going to reveal something about me which you might find surprising.” Yoongi began in front of the boys.
“I used to…” Yoongi hesitated. He glanced at Namjoon for assurance. Namjoon nodded for him to continue.
Yoongi cleared his throat, “I used to work for the OHA once.” There were some shouts of disbelieve. But nobody complained. They seemed rather curious to know more of the story.
Yoongi got the confidence to continue. Everyone believed everything he told them. In short, what Yoongi said were these:
Yoongi was an orphan raised by his wizard grandfather, who had taught him how to control magic. But he, too, died early, leaving Yoongi all alone in this cruel world. The ‘Master of Shadow’ used to be a close friend to his grandfather. So, after his death, the Master took all of Yoongi’s responsibility.
Since then, all Yoongi knew was hard work. He was never allowed to rest, never allowed to fail and most importantly, never allowed to give up. Yoongi grew up to dislike the ‘Master’, but didn’t dared challenge him.
After the formation of the OHA, the ‘Master of Shadow’ willingly joined the company to work on the Supernatural beings and expand his power. Yoongi had to join with him as well.
At first, Yoongi willingly worked for them too, doing all the research works and even hunting some species occasionally. At a point, he was appointed to experiment on an angel. And this angel was Hoseok’s friend, for whom Hoseok had come down to earth.
After some days of regular meeting with the angel, Yoongi started to take a liking for him. They eventually got close and became friends. When Yoongi learned that the angel’s wings were the last ingredient the OHA needed to acquire whatever their evil target was, Yoongi decided to help the angel escape.
Meanwhile, there was a rumor circulating throughout the facility that the only Gumiho they had been experimenting on had died. And before death, that Gumiho had foreseen a future. It was such that the downfall of the OHA would come by an angel’s hand.
So, instead of running away, the angel decided to tear the company apart so that it could not hurt any more creatures. But the OHA was wicked. They found out about their plan.
Unfortunately, the angel had to take his own life to stop the OHA from using his wings. And Yoongi had no other option but to flee.
Yoongi finished the narration of his story and sat down on his chair. The mood of the room grew much more depressing. Namjoon walked up to Yoongi and patted his shoulders with both hands.
“Since then, I dedicated my life on this mission. That’s why, I was so desperate to find an angel and a Gumiho. That’s why, I asked Jimin to look into the future.” Yoongi said, his eyes ready to tear up any moment, “I’m sorry for keeping this away from you, guys. It was a mistake. And now, Hoseok has left.”
Yoongi buried his face on his hands and once again started to sob. Jimin quickly came to give him a hug, while Namjoon kept patting on his shoulders.
“Don’t worry!” Jimin said, “I’m sure Hoseok will come back to us again.”

Momentary silence, everyone was thinking; Yoongi was still questioning his past, Jimin was getting ready to protect the members, Jungkook was missing Hoseok and Namjoon was making a plan.
Suddenly, there was a howling of a wolf from above the building. Jimin’s heart skipped a bit, “Taehyung!” he called.
Not a moment was lost. All of them went to check on Taehyung, who had gone to check on the wizard a while ago. What they found there was surprising and horrifying at the same time.
The door to the prisoner’s room was wide opened. A big black wolf lied in the corner of the room being curled up and shivering. The ‘Master of Shadow’ was nowhere to be seen.
Jungkook and Jimin went straight to the wolf. Jimin tried to calm Taehyung down saying all the comforting words he could come up with while Jungkook ran his hand on his black fur. It took much time to finally bring Taehyung back to himself again. He, then, returned to his human form.
“I’m sorry.” Taehyung wiped a tear from his face, “I couldn’t stop the wizard.”
“Oh dear!” Jimin exclaimed, “Did he hurt you?”
Taehyung nodded like a little child and added, “The door was already opened when I came here. When I tried to stop the wizard, he did something crazy to my brain.”
“Mind control!” Yoongi informed, “He’s a master at that work.”
Taehyung nodded again, “Yes, you’re right. I was under some kind of mind control thing. I felt like I…I was back at the laboratory again. I was chained up to their walls. I…I was locked up.”
“Ssh, baby.” Jimin whispered as Taehyung grew agitated. “You’re not at the facility anymore. You’re here, with us.”
“I’m so sorry.” Taehyung said once again, “I wish I could… I could change my mind. I always feel trapped inside it. It’s suffocating.”
“Don’t apologize.” Namjoon said, “It’s not something you did on purpose.”
“But one thing doesn’t make sense.” Yoongi said, “How was the door opened? The spell I put in there, it couldn’t be broken by anyone from the inside.”
“Maybe the ‘Master’ bewitched Taehyung to do it?” Seokjin suggested.
“But…” Yoongi was about to say something when Namjoon called everyone, “There is a note.”

Namjoon read out the note left by the ‘Master’ aloud, “All thanks to you, Min Yoongi, for doing the hardest job of locating an angel and pushing it away into our trap on your own. I hope you don’t regret the decision that you had made two years ago of betraying and working against the company.”
“No!” Yoongi let out a cry of agony.
“They caught Hoseok, didn’t they?” Jungkook’s voice cracked.
Jimin asked, “What do we do now?” while Taehyung kept shaking his head in refusal.
“We need to make a solid plan to rescue Hoseok.” Namjoon said.
Everyone kept suggesting whatever they thought right that should be done. But none of the plan seemed reliable enough. They could never fight hundreds of guards and wizards of the OHA all alone. They needed more people and strength.
“We can’t lose time.” Yoongi said finally, “If the OHA has his wings they will grow more powerful and defeating them will be impossible.”
“Then, what do you suggest we do?” Namjoon asked.
“I’ll go alone.” Yoongi said.
“That’s stupid.” Jungkook said, “We can’t even imagine facing them all together and you’re talking about fighting them alone?”
“I’m the one who’s responsible for this. So, it has to be me.” Yoongi further argued.
“But we can’t let you go without a plan.” Namjoon said rather boldly.
Yoongi nodded at him, “I think, I have one.”

My Masterlist
Tag List: @bts-ruu,
Christmas Special Fluffs

Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 x Female Reader Genre: Fluff Notes: It’s a collection of Christmas special one shots of each member in different situation with the reader (not poly). I know, I’m late. A lot of things were going on and I couldn’t manage to write. Sorry about that. Anyway, a very late Merry Christmas to you all...

Sweet Sorry - Kim Namjoon

My already messy apartment now looked messier than ever. As I looked at my tired boyfriend on the couch, I regretted to have agreed to his plan of decorating my place for the Christmas.
“Ugh” Namjoon groaned, “my back hurts so much.”
“Don’t forget that it was all your idea.” I reminded him.
Namjoon shook his head, “I didn’t think your place was such a trash.”
“Well, you can’t blame me.” I shrugged my shoulders, “At least, I warned you.”
I sat down beside him and put my head on his lap. I could feel that my body ached too. Namjoon started to play with my hair. It was one of his favorite things to do.
I looked up at him, “Or we could stop if you want.”
“No, darling!” Namjoon smiled, “Like I had promised, we’re going to make this place look like a heaven.”
And we were back at work; dusting and cleaning the floors, walls, ceilings, windows, arranging the misplaced items, collecting the dirty laundry from different corners of the house, putting the books back to the shelves etc.
A short break. Then, we started to work on the decorations. It was my first time decorating a house for Christmas and my excitement was too much. We made the bed with white and red bed sheets, put different flowers and wreaths all around the place and hung special items on the wall.
Finally, it was time for the best thing among all, decorating the Christmas tree. We put on the fairy lights around it, hung little gingerbread men and other cute items on it and lastly, we needed to put the biggest star on top of it.
“It’s too high. I can’t reach it.” I said, “And also, I don’t have a ladder.”
“But you have me.” Namjoon said with a smile.
I thought he meant to do the job himself as he was much taller than me. But instead, he lifted me up, holding me firmly by my waist. His cheesiness was making me blush. I still managed to set the star in the perfect place.
Taking a look around the place, I was really satisfied with the result. My place had turned to a whole different one. It looked like a heaven indeed. But as soon as my eyes rested on the tree, I frowned.
“Something’s missing.” I said.
Namjoon looked at it’s direction, “What?”
“Of course,” I gasped, “the glass baubles.” I facepalmed myself to have forgotten about my favorite piece of decoration. I looked at Namjoon, “Could you please bring it for me? It’s in my closet.”
Namjoon went straight to the bedroom. As he was returning with the box full of red and white glass baubles on his hands with a smile that showed his dimples, I remembered just how much I loved him.
But the next thing he did was tripping and falling to the floor along with the box full of red and white glass baubles. The smile that had grown on my face earlier disappeared within a second as I heard the glasses being shattered inside. I remembered just how much I hated his clumsiness sometimes.
“I’m so...” Namjoon began but I cut him off.
“Don’t speak.” I said boldly. “It’s done anyway.”
I raged out of the living room and sat down on my bed. I realized I was very exhausted by all the works I had done this evening and I just wanted to sleep. I tried to clear my head. I didn’t want to think of the disaster that just happened.
I could hear Namjoon cleaning up the mess outside. It sort of broke my heart. Minutes later, he peaked into my room. I still couldn’t bring myself to say anything. He came to sit beside me and said, “I’m sorry.”
“I know.” I answered.
He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and said again, “I’m sorry.” It was one of my favorite things that he did. I still didn’t budge.
He kissed me once again and said, “I’m really sorry, darling.” He was whining like a little child at this point. And I couldn’t help but laugh. Namjoon’s worried face beamed with relief.
“Alright!” I said, “I think we can go one Christmas without glass baubles.”
Grandma’s Special Recipe - Kim Seokjin

I was weeping for the past few minutes as the nostalgia of my childhood hit really hard. Earlier I had found an old diary of my grandma while cleaning the house. There weren’t much personal but more like important business stuffs written on it.
But among them, I had found my grandma’s recipe for making the famous gingerbread house we used to make every Christmas. Reading that reminded me of my late grandma and our memories together. I couldn’t help but cry at the sudden overwhelming feeling in my heart.
My fiancé, Jin, came back from work at that time. As soon as he saw me he called, “Jagi!” I quickly wiped away the tears and tried to smile at him. I didn’t mean for him to see me like that.
He held me in his arms and asked, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah!” I sniffed, “I’m fine.”
“What is it, jagi?” He looked at me again, trying to read my face. Then he suddenly gasped, “Oh my God!”
I looked up at him in confusion. He beamed with sudden joy and asked the dumbest possible question, “Are we going to have a baby? Are you pregnant?”
“What? NO!” I was shocked at his stupidity, “It’s just that I found my grandma’s diary and it reminded me of her.”
Jin just replied with an “Oh!”
I went back to my bed and held up the page of the recipe for him to see. He took the diary from me and checked it. The recipe was cut out from an old newspaper and there were hand written notes of my grandma everywhere, making changes where she had thought was necessary.
Jin let out a chuckle and said, “Jagi, this sounds like a lot of fun. We should try it this Christmas.”
I was so glad to hear that. “Really?” I asked, “Do you think you can do that?”
“Of course!” Jin said with confidence, “Though I won’t say it will be exactly like your grandma’s one. But I will do my best.”
Even though I wasn’t very good at baking, I still tried to help Jin in every possible way. I bought the groceries myself and prepared all the necessary utensils needed for the procedure. I also promised Jin that I would do the dishes once everything was done.
Jin started to work, yelling me orders in between. But my mood was too good to be ruined by his little insults. I worked rather enthusiastically. I stirred the mixture on the stove, batted the dough, cut the little doors and windows, even helped Jin with the icing.
After hours of much works, it was done. The house had been decorated perfectly. It looked almost like my grandma’s. I clicked a picture before cutting the gingerbread house. At first bite, the smell instantly reminded me of older times, though the taste wasn’t exactly the same.
“What do you think?” Jin asked curiously.
“It’s great.” I nodded, “Thank you so much for doing this.” I wrapped my hands around his neck. “Tell me what can I offer you in return?”
“You know exactly what I want.” Jin smirked at me.
I gasped, “You mean, a baby?”
Jin gave me a warm smile and spoke, “Nope. I want you to do the dishes, instead.”
Peppermint Love - Min Yoongi

“So tell me, why am I finding it out just now and that too, from Hoba?” I could hear Yoongi from the other side of the phone call. His voice suggested that he was really annoyed.
Basically what happened was this; Yoongi was delaying his Christmas plan, which was to be with his family, because I had no one for my Christmas celebration this year. Since, it was our first Christmas after getting together, Yoongi wasn’t very happy leaving me alone. But I had forced him to go because his family had been planning for a special party and it wouldn’t look nice if their youngest son was absent there.
But the worst happened. I fell sick the day before Christmas. It was a seasonal sickness for me but still pretty bad, as always, to handle. The fever and the blocked nose wasn’t making me feel very Christmas in my lonely hours. Still, I didn’t want to spoil Yoongi’s mood. So naturally, I kept my mouth shut.
“I thought I could trust Hobi for once.” I said, equally annoyed.
Yoongi sighed. “Is it too bad?” his voice was soft now.
“No!” It was definitely a lie since I could feel that a headache was also added to my list of discomforts.
“You shouldn’t have forced me to come to this party.” Yoongi said, “I would rather be with you.” Before I could say anything he already hung up.
As the hours ticked by I realized how terribly lonely I felt. Yoongi was in a whole different city and my own family was at the opposite side of the continent. I was also hungry but wasn't in a shape to make anything for myself. So, I called the Pizza place near my house and ordered my favorite one, the pepperoni.
The bell rang. I had to get up from the bed and slowly head towards the door. My whole body ached even at the slightest effort. But behind the door, I didn’t meet the delivery guy but my boyfriend instead.
“Yoongi?” I was surprised.
He shook his head in mere annoyance and hold up the huge bags he was carrying on both of his hands. “Let me put this things down first.”
He went straight to the dining room and put the bags on the table. I still couldn’t believe it. Yoongi had driven more than a hundred kilometers road on the Christmas Eve and he left his family to be with me instead.
Yoongi turned to me and said. “Let’s eat the food before it gets cold.”
That was when I hugged him right away. Yoongi let out a sigh and a few seconds later, he embraced me into his arms.
I was overwhelmed by his presence in my lonely state. I took in the warmth and his familiar soothing scent. The smell of his perfume mixed with the after-shave was intoxicating.
I finally let go and informed, “But I’ve already ordered Pizza.”
Yoongi smiled, “A little more food during Christmas won’t hurt.”
The table was set and the hot food served. We ate and talked and laughed and cried out of too much laughter. It was such a merry time that I almost forgot I was sick.
But my fever rose at the end of the night and I was curled up in my bed, shivering. Yoongi touched my forehead to detect the amount of heat and frowned. Then, he went to the kitchen to prepare something special.
Peppermint tea, something I never quite liked. But as I had a cold and the tea was warm, I accepted it rather gratefully. A soft ‘thank you’ left my mouth as I took the cup from his hands. Yoongi sat beside me and watched quietly as I sipped my tea. I wondered what I had ever done to deserve this.
Wrapped - Jung Hoseok

Shopping for all of them who were coming to our Christmas party was exhausting. But the worse was wrapping them in gift papers by ourselves. Since it was our first Christmas together after we had moved in together, my boyfriend Hoseok wanted it to be a special one. And hand-wrapped gifts sounded special indeed.
“Do you have any idea how long we’ve been doing this, Hobi?” I asked, a little annoyance in my voice.
“C’mon, goldie!” Hoseok said in the cutest tone, “Don’t talk like that. We should be doing this with joy.”
“Joy, my foot.” I muttered.
“Uh-uh.” Hobi did another cute sound effect while moving his index finger side to side, indicating I shouldn’t have said that.
I didn’t respond. Instead, I walked out of the living room to my bedroom. I waited for a moment to see if Hobi followed me. When I was sure he had gone back to work, I did what I had been planning the whole evening to do.
I hid Hobi’s Christmas gift, a fancy watch, which I had bought secretly from the shop today, in his closet. So that, next morning he would find them himself while I’d be fast asleep.
Then, I went back to work along with my hard working boyfriend. We finished them all by midnight and arranged them neatly under the Christmas tree. Wishing each other merry Christmas and kissing goodbye, we went to bed.
“Holly Molly!” Hobi exclaimed in the morning and I woke up with a start. “What did my little bumble bee bought without me knowing, huh?”
I sat on the bed and smiled, “Check it yourself, my little sunflower.”
Hobi opened up the present, giggling like a little child. His eyes were shining when he saw what was inside.
“Did you like it?” I asked.
Hobi beamed at me and said, “What are you talking about? It’s fabulous.”
Everyone was busy searching for their gift and opening them. There was a lot of chaos among our family and friends. Watching them liking what we had got them, made me feel like it was all worth it.
“Hey!” Taehyung called me, “Here’s one addressed to you too.”
“For me?” I asked. At first, I was a little confused. But then, I realized that Hobi had planned to hid my gift among all the others. I took the small box from Taehyung.
Hobi hugged me before I could open it and whispered in my ears, “Merry Christmas, honey!” Inside the box was a ring. My head stopped working for a while. Looking back at Hobi, I almost teared up.
He was on his knees.
Sexy, Cutie, Lovely - Park Jimin

Christmas this year was full of snow. And there was no way we could step out of our house in this weather. So, Jimin and I had planed for a movie marathon night. Being the movie freak as I was, the job of selecting the best movies came to me.
You could imagine how pissed I was when Jimin started to act uninterested through the second movie. At first, he tried talking in between scenes. When I refused to join his unfitting conversation, he started to complain about how all the movies I chose were so boring, even though it was ‘Home Alone’ which we were watching at that time.
“You can go and sleep.” I said, “I’m gonna finish my boring marathon alone tonight. And I’m perfectly happy to do away with you.”
“What?” Jimin pretended to look cute while being shocked, “you’re abandoning me for these movies?” I gave a stiff nod and he started to whine and threw a tantrum like a child.
“Acting cute will take you nowhere, Park Jimin.” I stated flatly.
He put his head on my lap and said with a smirk, “But it took me to your heart.”
“Stop being a cringe and move out of the way.” I pushed his head.
After minutes of doing puppy eyes and pouty faces, when I still didn’t budge, Jimin walked away from me. But he was back within a minute wearing his night gown which I had commented he looked sexy in ages ago.
“What does it suppose to mean?” I raised one of my eyebrows.
“It means,” Jimin threw himself on the couch next to me dramatically and said, “I’m getting ready for bed.” The last word, he said in a whisper, clearly indicating the obvious.
I scoffed in reply and kept my eyes fixed on the TV. Jimin moved on the couch in a certain way to get closer and carefully snaked his hands around my waist. I knew what he was capable of doing to me. But I refused to give in.
I slapped his hand and said, “Stop bothering me.”
Jimin took away his hands, a frown growing on his forehead. Then, he walked away stomping his feet, muttering “Stop this! Stop that!” I almost laughed out loud.
After half an hour of watching the movie alone, I realized it was indeed boring. No offense to my all time favorite ‘Home Alone’ but I was missing Jimin beside me. I sighed and turned off the TV.
Jimin was already fast asleep. He looked like an angel in this innocent state of unconsciousness. I could look at him for the whole night and still wouldn’t get bored. I smiled to myself.
“My lovely Jiminie!”
You’re My Boy - Kim Taehyung

Apparently, five layers of clothes weren’t enough to keep you comfortable on a snowy night out on the street. I wasn’t foolish enough to have come out into the open at this time either. But unfortunately I had a boyfriend who was extremely stubborn. I knew, I wouldn’t be able to lift his mood up the whole Christmas if I didn’t come out to play with him in the snow just now.
So, here I was, struggling to throw a single snow ball at my childish boyfriend, who had been continuously throwing enough of them at me by which I could have built a huge snowman.
“Please!” I begged him as another ball hit my shoulder, “Stop it already. I’m so tired.”
Taehyung came running at me with a smile on his face. “You’re not fun to play with.” he tried to mock me.
“I know!” I huffed out, “Can we do something else? Something fun?”
Taehyung thought for a moment. Just before I could offer him to play a nice game of monopoly inside our warm room, he yelled in excitement, “Let’s make a snowman!”
“What?” I asked in disbelieve, “No way!”
But Taehyung always had his way. So, we were rather doing what he had suggested instead of what I had thought of even if mine was a rational decision anyone would have agreed upon.
Building a snowman was harder than it looked. I remembered to have done it when I was just a kid. Those times, I always had my sisters and parents to help me. The shapes were never right. Taehyung wasn’t satisfied with them at all and we had to rebuild it from the base every time.
Finally, we managed to make the perfectly symmetrical balls, the upper one half the size of it’s base. Taehyung nodded his approval and I sighed in relief. I was grateful that Taehyung let me do the most interesting works; putting the buttons, eyes, mouth and the carrot for a nose. I finished the final task perfectly and looked back at my boyfriend.
And there it was. The boxy smile. When my eyes stopped at his perfectly wide grinning face, I felt like the time had slowed down. The snow was falling rather dramatically. My surrounding suddenly looked more romantic than it did even a few minutes ago.
Taehyung looked at me and tilted his head in confusion. “Baby?” he called, “Why are you staring at me like that?”
I suddenly realized what I was doing. I chuckled and shook my head to let out those romantic thoughts away. I decided that the romance could wait. Instead, I let his inner child enjoy this rare moment for now.
First Mistletoe Kiss - Jeon Jungkook

Finally, the party was over and all the boring people left the house. When I had done my share of cleaning up, my mother allowed me to go to bed. I picked up my phone as soon as I reached my room and locked the door.
“Oh shit!” I swore. Five missed calls and a text! And all of them were from the same person; Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook was my neighbor and I had known him for a year. I had liked him since day one. Little did I know that he had liked me as well until last week when he had asked me to be his girlfriend. Naturally, I said yes. But over the week, I got to know the Jungkook behind those doe eyes and bunny smile. He was quite stubborn and possessive in nature.
Five missed calls on Christmas Eve from him could mean disaster. I hastily checked the text.
“I don’t want to be that clingy boyfriend asking for attention when you’re having fun. So, I’m texting you instead. Merry Christmas.”
I got the tone of the message. Jungkook had a habit of always ending a text with calling me love. But he hadn’t done that here. Especially when it was supposed to be a merry Christmas text. That was not a good sign.
Since I had a pretty strict family, the fact that I had a boyfriend before I graduated high school was a secret. So, I checked whether my parents had already gone to bed or not before calling Jungkook right away.
“Wow!” I heard Jungkook speak, “You remembered me!”
“I’m so sorry. kookie!” I pleaded in a half whisper. “There were so many people. And you know my mother. She doesn’t allow phones in front of the guests.”
Jungkook remained silent for a while. Then he spoke again, “I wanna meet.”
“What?” I raised my voice unexpectedly, “You mean, now?”
“Yes!” Jungkook said, “Don’t you dare say no! I’m not going to bed without seeing you.”
I thought for a moment. Everyone was tired as hell. There was no way my mother would come to check on me at this time. I decided I would take this risk. “C’mon!” I told myself, “It’s Christmas!”
“Love?” Jungkook called.
“Meet me at the store.” I said, “And don’t forget to buy me Cheetos.”
Jungkook was waiting with a packet of Cheetos by the store door. A big smile spread across his face when he saw me. I gave him a quick hug and started complaining about how bored I was during the whole party and how much I had thought of him.
Jungkook kept on smiling and feeding me the Cheetos in between as I was too busy ranting about my misery. I stopped when I realized that Jungkook hadn’t spoken at all.
“Don’t keep staring at me like that.” I said.
Jungkook chuckled and said, “I can spend a whole lifetime hearing you talk.”
“That was cringey!” I said as I felt heat rushing to my cheeks.
“Look!” Jungkook pointed up to a mistletoe hanging above the store door. “It’s not every Christmas you get to stand under the mistletoe with your boyfriend by your side.”
I knew exactly what he meant. I was rather doubting if it was a coincidence at this point. The thought of Jungkook wanting a kiss from me sent a shiver down my spine. I looked down in embarrassment.
“Wait a minute!” Jungkook said, “Haven’t you ever kissed under a mistletoe before?”
“Actually,” I mumbled, “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
A visible shocking expression spread on Jungkook’s face. When recovered, he cleared his throat, “Let me be your first, then.”
Carefully, he closed the distance between us. Then, he cupped my face on his hands and asked, “May I?”
When I nodded my ‘yes’, he gently kissed my lips. He let go and whispered softly, “Merry Christmas, love.”

My Masterlist
Noona! Please! Help! - Part 2

Fandom: BTS Characters: Younger Brothers BTS and Elder Sister Narrator Genre: A Little Dramatic and A Little Comedic Word Count: 1.3K Words Warning: Mention of other idols such as Lisa and Ryujin, tearing down clothes, breakdown, crying etc. Note: It’s a siblings AU story of BTS with the narrator as their elder sister. I tried to write something different from what I usually write about. I had fun making this. Hope it makes you feel good too. Happy Reading Everyone :)
Summary: Her little brothers can’t attend to a single task without her help. Be it a dance competition or asking out a girl for a date, they always seem to be finding everything too hard to go through without her by their side. ‘Our lucky charm’; that’s what they like to call her. But what if she turns out to be a misfortune in different situations in one single day?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - More to come

Not Really the Best Dancer:
06:45 a.m. 1st September, 2015
I still have more than an hour before Hobi’s aka Hoseok’s dance starts. So, I decided to take a shower and apply some light makeup that would suit all the occasions I am to participate in. I had taken a day off work today. Because, I’m about to meet my seven little brothers, that too, at different times in one single day.
I make a mental note of my schedule and get out of my house (Sorry, it’s actually my granma's house) 10 minutes prior to Hobi’s dance. He is going to participate in the finale of the dance competition he had been practicing for for the last three years. Though a little nervous, I’m pretty positive he is going to win. I mean, why not? He’s the best dancer I have ever seen.
“Come here!” Hobi waves his hand while talking to me on the phone. I go straight to him pushing the crowd ahead of me.
“You should have hurried, Noona!” Hobi says with a pout, “I have to go change. The show’s starting.”
“Alright!” I tell him, “Go on, then. I’ll be cheering you on from the crowd. Are you nervous?”
“Nah!” Hobi dismisses the question with a slight wave of his hand and by putting a bright smile on his face, “Why would I be? I’ve got you.”
I take his hands in mine, clearly noticing the sweaty palms, “Fighting!”
“Fighting!” with a little shake of the hands he disappears inside the dressing room.

Lisa starts her performance with a loud applause from the crowd. I had watched some of the previous dance performances of others in the videos Hoseok brought home for me to see. But I don’t remember watching any of her. Watching her perform live in front of me makes me a little nervous. She has one of the best body controls. And it is definitely something to worry about.
The next participant gets as much cheers from the crowd as her previous competitor. Her name’s Ryujin and I had seen her collaborating with Hobi before. I liked that dance so much at the time. Now, I’m not really sure I’m liking her moves. Of course, she can dance. And that is exactly my problem.
Finally, Hoseok takes the stage as ‘J-Hope’ and the crowd bursts into loud screams from the enthusiasts. All my anxieties take some rest. But as soon as he starts to move along the beat, I feel like I’m holding my breath. As if that would ensure his perfect performance.
Everything goes smoothly until at a point Hoseok rips off his shirt; earning more screams from the audience. I’m shocked at the revelation. Is it a mistake? I mean, Hoseok would never do that. Once he had told me himself that he doesn’t like showing much skin. It’s the choreography that matters more to him.
But it seems like I’m the only one who’s confused. Others around me seem to be enjoying the dance along with that little distraction that he made. However, I gather myself just before the end so that I don’t forget to cheer and clap the loudest for my little Hobi.

There’s a thirty minute break before they announce the winner of the long one month competition. I check my phone and gasp.
Three missed calls from Yoongi.
I check the time. It’s already 8:48 a.m. Yoongi’s game starts at 8:30 a.m. I was supposed to be with him now. I look out for Hobi.
“You did great!” I compliment him hurriedly.
“Thanks but…” Hobi frowns.
“What’s the matter?” I take a closer look at his sweaty face.
“It’s just that” Hobi continues, “I feel like I made a mistake.”
My phone rings before I could tell him anything. It’s Yoongi again.
“Umm…” I hesitate before speaking, “I still believe you’re going to win. Hobi… Please don’t mind but… I really have to be somewhere now.”
“What?” Hobi looks up, “No way! Wait for the announcement at least. Please, Noona! You promised!”
“I promised I will watch you perform. And I did that. Besides, you didn’t mention the results will take that long to be announced. I have to meet Yoongi. Apparently he has an important match too.”
Hobi scoffs, “As if he’s the one playing.”
I can sense the anger rising within him. First of all, he’s upset about some mistakes that he made. Now that I’ve mentioned Yoongi, he’s definitely pissed. Hoseok never liked the fact that Yoongi bets money on basketball matches. According to him, “It’s a waste of money if you lose. And a waste of character if you win.”
“You can go if you want.” Hobi says finally, “It’s not even a huge deal.”
I know he doesn’t mean that. It is in fact a huge deal for him. My common sense tells me it is better to deal with an angry Yoongi than with an angry Hoseok.
I smile and pull him into a hug. He’s surprised by my sudden action. “What’re you doing?”
“Don’t worry!” I say, “Noona will stay so that you win.”
“Oh yeah!” Hobi hugs me back, “Then, I’ll definitely win.”

“I’ll be there as soon as it ends.” I yell at Yoongi through my phone because of the loud audience around me.
“Yeah, take your time.” Yoongi says bitterly, “Looks like Hoba is in need of some luck more than I do today. ‘Cause we’re already winning.” Then, he cuts the line.
I don’t have the time to think about his last remark. The three participants walk to the stage and the crowd cheers louder, as if it is even possible. I cheer for Hobi too, mentally praying to God that my little brother gets the fruit that he’s been nurturing for so long.
With some dramatic speeches and hearts beating up to our throats, the result is finally revealed. And J-Hope is not the winner.
Looks like Ryujin outdid the others this time and she is as shocked as I am to find it out. Both Lisa and Hobi are clapping with bright smiles on their faces. They are both bowing to Ryujin, who in turn is bowing to them. The flower bouquet is presented to her and the rest of the celebration goes on in blur.
I went backstage to meet Hobi. But I only see two girls hugging and complimenting each other. Hobi is nowhere to be seen. I look through the dressing room and he’s not there.
I decide to peek at the boy’s bathroom to check and I sigh in relief. Hobi is bending towards the basin, his hands covering the face while the faucet runs beneath.
“Hobi!” I call him softly.
“Please, Noona!” His voice cracks as he tries to speak, “Just give me some time. I promise I’ll be okay. Just some time is all I need.”
Contemplating on why it is hard for me to believe that he is crying out of failure, I find that it is because I had never experienced Hoseok openly displaying sadness before. He was always the ray of sunshine, the restless butterfly or the sweet smelling flower of our family. As if it is what’s expected of him.
Even right now, in such a vulnerable state of mind, he doesn’t seem to be trusting me enough to have confided in me. Instead, he’s willing to go through a breakdown all alone until he’s ready to smile brightly again.
I am dumbfounded. I feel like I need to tell him something, comfort him and let him know that he’s not here alone. I want to make him feel that it's okay to fail. That he’s still loved and that’s what should matter the most.
My phone rings in my pocket once again and Hoseok looks up from the sink. With teary red eyes he says, “It must be Yoongi Hyung. Don’t make him wait any longer. Just go. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” I ask, confused.
“I guess,” he sniffs, “I accept my defeat. Maybe, I’m not really the best dancer that you used to think I am.”

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My Masterlist
Tag List: @sophiatcha, @lalavione1309, @jwirecs, @missmayaarmy, @sarai-ibn-la-ahad, @ayalies, @karougirl123, @juju-227592, @coffeepurpleu, @dreamerwasfound, @wetfeline, @phthao2406, @hoshi-is-ult-bbg, @bestloverstan, @quixoticbittersweet, @jwirecs-main, @singukieee, @l3aecon, @bangtandoll20, @gabcats5, @latina-girl-18, @kyuupidwrites
Noona! Please! Help! - Part 3

Fandom: BTS Characters: Younger Brothers BTS and Elder Sister Narrator Genre: A Little Dramatic and A Little Comedic Word Count: 1.1K Words Warning: Angsty (It’s me), mention of child abuse, self doubt, did I mention angst? Note: It’s a siblings AU story of BTS with the narrator as their elder sister. I tried to write something different from what I usually write about. I had fun making this. Hope it makes you feel good too. Happy Reading Everyone :)
Summary: Her little brothers can’t attend to a single task without her help. Be it a dance competition or asking out a girl for a date, they always seem to be finding everything too hard to go through without her by their side. ‘Our lucky charm’; that’s what they like to call her. But what if she turns out to be a misfortune in different situations in one single day?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - More to come

Who Will Pay the Rent?
9:24 a.m. 1st September, 2015
“Just a few more minutes left.” Yoongi sighs heavily, “you could have easily saved the bother to come here, today.”
“What happened?” I ask, taking the empty seat beside him. “I thought you said that we’re winning today. What’s up with that long face?”
“It seemed like that at the first half.” Yoongi nods towards the field, “as you can see, the tables took a 180 degree turn.”
Honestly, I don’t understand a thing about basketball. It is better to just take Yoongi’s words as they are. I ask him the important question now, “how much do you owe them?”
Yoongi intentionally avoids eye contact and keeps looking at the match without a reply. I notice that he is sweating like crazy. I understand now that it is not just about the game.
“Don’t tell me you have to sell a kidney to pay them.” I jokingly say to which he doesn’t budge. I grow agitated. “Yoongi! C’mon, tell me what it is?”
He sighs and says, “It’s just worth my rent, that’s all.”
“Your rent?” I ask, “like for the month?”
Yoongi nods and stays silent. We both remain silent for the rest of the game. I wish I could offer to help him. It is most likely that he will not accept anything directly from me. I, on the other hand, am not in a place to help him either.
My phone vibrates in my pocket and I quickly take a look at Jimin’s message saying he’s going inside the exam hall right now. I write a small “good luck” reply and put my phone back inside the pocket.
Yoongi starts to stand up from his seat, “Let’s get out of here! It’s not like anything can change in the last few minutes.”
I nod and follow him out of the stadium. He asks me if I want something to eat to which I shake my head.
“Noona!” Yoongi says, “Stop worrying about me. It’s not like I’m going bankrupt or something. It’s just some stupid amount of money, that’s all.”
“So,” I start hesitantly, “who will pay the rent?”
“I’ll manage that somehow, Noona. I always do.”
Yoongi’s the one among us who’s the most desperate to make a lot of money. That’s why he goes into these betting games and all. I once heard from Jin that he had found Yoongi starving himself because he lost all his money on some games and Jin had helped him that one time even though Yoongi refused to be helped. I don’t really approve of his ways but who am I to stop him? I did not raise him. I don’t even understand his ways of thinking.
I still feel like I should advise him to stop this nonsense and try something else. Something permanent. He is a genius and I know he will be able to figure something out if he wants. But I also feel like today is not the time to lecture him on life. Not when he’s already so stressed about it.
I decide to head to my next destination. I am not going to leave Yoongi in this state. So, I ask him, “If you don’t have to be anywhere, will you come with me?”
“I can manage some time. Where will you take me, Noona?”
“We’re going to meet Jimin.”

Jimin’s exam will be finished at around 11 a.m. So, Yoongi and I wait for him outside the hall where there seems to be a huge crowd of the guardians of the other students. I mentally pray that Jimin will be able to outsmart them on his test today.
“I never understand Jimin’s appeal for education.” Yoongi says.
“I think it’s the same one as yours.” I offer an explanation, “Come to think of it. At the end of the day you both want to win at life. By elevating your status. Either with education or with money.”
“You know what, Noona?”
“I hate it so much that you’re always right!” There is a faint line of smile on his face as he says the last sentence.
“Yoongi” I suddenly feel an urge to talk to him seriously. Yoongi barely talks about his real issues.
“I’m asking this because I’m really worried about you, okay?”
Yoongi frowns, “I think I know what you’re going to say. I’m sorry for making you feel that way. I really am. I’m sorry, Noona!”
“Oh no, dear!” I quickly add, “You don’t have to apologize. I understand that you’re going through tough times.”
“Noona!” Yoongi looks at a distance as he speaks, “Do you remember ma’s face? Like, not the one as we see in her pictures. The face of her when she was sick. That face she had before she could finally rest after years of pain she went through.”
I don’t know why Yoongi is suddenly bringing this topic. Is he really missing ma all of a sudden or just trying to change the topic? Yoongi glances at me for a second and I can see his eyes glistening.
“If only I had the money, I would have taken a bus from school to come to see you.” Yoongi sniffs, “he wouldn’t let me go no matter how much I begged him to. Said it was a ‘waste of good money seeing some sick people’. I don’t think I can ever move on from the fact that I never saw ma and pa again after I left that house.”
“Yoongi!” I can barely make myself audible.
Yoongi never talked about the times he spent with our uncle who took him in when ma fell sick. Yoongi was only four at that time and he was the only one who never came to visit us occasionally during the five years when ma and pa were still alive. When I used to ask pa about it, he would always say that Yoongi was too busy with his school. I only got to see him first at their funeral. Only after Yoongi left uncle’s place for good when he was finally eighteen, we started meeting almost regularly.
“I’m sorry, Noona, I turned up this way.” Yoongi looks at me, his eyes bloodshot, “I didn’t really have an opportunity to be any better than this. Of course, I won’t use this as an excuse. I’m all grown up now and I’m trying to be more responsible. I swear, Noona, you will be proud of me like all the rest of our brothers one day. I will make that happen.”
“But I am proud of you!” I say, “I am proud of how strong you are. I am proud that after all those shits you went through, you still grew up to be such a kind and sweet soul.”
“Thank you, Noona! But you don’t really have to cheer me up.” Yoongi shrugs his shoulders, “I know me.”
“And I know you too.” I slowly move towards him and pull him into a hug, “I see you, Yoongi. I see you!” I slowly pat him on his back as I can sense him fighting the urge to hug me back.

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Tag List: @sophiatcha, @lalavione1309, @jwirecs, @missmayaarmy, @sarai-ibn-la-ahad, @ayalies, @karougirl123, @juju-227592, @coffeepurpleu, @dreamerwasfound, @wetfeline, @phthao2406, @hoshi-is-ult-bbg, @bestloverstan, @quixoticbittersweet, @jwirecs-main, @singukieee, @l3aecon, @bangtandoll20, @gabcats5, @latina-girl-18, @kyuupidwrites
Noona! Please! Help! - Part 4

Fandom: BTS Characters: Younger Brothers BTS and Elder Sister Narrator Genre: A Little Dramatic and A Little Comedic Word Count: 900+ Words Warning: Academic stress, despair etc. Note: It’s a siblings AU story of BTS with the narrator as their elder sister. I tried to write something different from what I usually write about. I had fun making this. Hope it makes you feel good too. Happy Reading Everyone :)
Summary: Her little brothers can’t attend to a single task without her help. Be it a dance competition or asking out a girl for a date, they always seem to be finding everything too hard to go through without her by their side. ‘Our lucky charm’; that’s what they like to call her. But what if she turns out to be a misfortune in different situations in one single day?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - More to come

Goodbye, SNU...:
11:17 a.m. 1st September, 2015
Almost all the students seem to have gotten out of the exam hall already but there is no sign of Jimin. What can that mean?
"I don't think his exam went well, noona!" Yoongi quietly puts my thoughts into words.
I shake my head, "He must be talking to a friend. Jimin’s exam must go well. He prepared for it for months."
"Accidents happen, you know!" Yoongi shrugs.
Finally I see Jimin, slouching, coming out of that building all alone. My heart feels heavy. Jimin will not recover from this any time soon if something goes wrong.
Yoongi calls out, "Jiminah! Here!"
There is a moment of confusion in his face at first. Then it fades to recognition. He slowly walks towards us and gives a weak smile.
"Was it that bad?" I ask.
Jimin nods. His smile turns upside down. And the next thing we know is his eyes are wet. Jimin is crying.

I am sitting at a cafe table waiting for my two brothers to come from the washroom, wondering what life lesson the older one is teaching the younger one in his hour of despair. It does not take long. Finally, they make their way towards me.
“Everything okay, now?” I ask.
“Tolerable!” Yoongi sighs. There is a hint of annoyance in his voice.
As soon as they sit down, Jimin begins ranting about all the silly mistakes he had made. His brain was a mess during the exam time so he couldn’t concentrate properly and he had marked the number of bills and coins in South Korea to be five and four respectively whereas the answer is quite the opposite.
“C’mon, Jiminah, everyone knows that” Yoongi grunts mockingly and I glare at him to stop teasing.
I turn to Jimin and, noticing the dark circles and the sharp jawline, ask him, “Have you been properly eating and sleeping, Jiminie?”
“What?” His look was wearied. That answers my question.
I say, “Listen! What you really need is a proper meal and some sleep.” I check the watch on my wrist and calculate the amount of time still remaining before I meet up with Namjoon. “Alright! Let’s go to granma’s place and I’ll cook both of you some hearty meals.”

Driving all the way to granma’s place is tiring to some extent. It is all the more exhausting when you have a passenger talking non-stop about how terrible he’s feeling and how his life is all dark ahead of him as if not getting into SNU means that your life’s over. I understand that all the unnecessary amount of caffeine Jimin had consumed within the last few months had done little to no good to him. What surprises me more is the level of patience Yoongi has for Jimin. Because I am slowly losing my mind right now.
At last, here I am, trying to make some quick healthy lunch for me and my two little ones.
“You're home already?” The youngest enters the kitchen.
Alright. Three little ones now.
I hastily add more water and some spicy ingredients to the soup before turning to speak to Jungkook. “Yes! Just to prepare lunch. Go say hi to Yoongi and Jimin.”
“They're here?” He excitedly leaves without waiting for my answer.
The familiar sound of the boys’ laughter fills the living room. It is carried to my ears which in turns brings a smile to my lips. I prepare the dishes, pour the soup, take the kimchi out of the fridge and finally call Yoongi to help me carry them to the table.
I am surprised to not find Jimin in the dining room.
“Hyung fell asleep so I carried him to my room. He looked so tired. Didn't want to wake him up.” Jungkook informs.
“But the food will go cold when he wakes up.” I say.
Yoongi pulls the sleeve of my shirt and motions me to sit down, “it's alright. I'll just warm them up for him.”
I say, “You start eating. I’m gonna go check on him.”
Yoongi shrugs, “he’ll be alright, noona. We all do.”
I nod a little but my heart does not agree. Jimin is a perfectionist. I know how much it hurts him when he fails to meet his ambitions. And it pains me to even think how this is going to affect him. He is going to be so hard on himself from now on.
I step inside Jungkook’s almost-bare-except-for-a-bed bedroom and find Jimin snoring softly. He looks peaceful in his sleep. Almost angelic other than the fact that he has lost so much weight over the past few months so he looks kinda ill. His eyes have sunken into perfect brown circles and his jawlines look as if it can cut.
I slowly run my hand over his hair as my eyes start to prick. I wish he would stop worrying about being perfect. I wish he knew he was more than his mistakes. I wish he knew how much he is loved.
I quietly go back to eat. Luckily Yoongi and Jungkook are already immersed in a conversation about some comic books that I barely know about. After a few minutes of munching on my food in silence, my phone rings from the kitchen so I have to excuse myself. It is Namjoon.
“Noona! It's already 1:50. Are you sure you can make it in time?” I hear Namjoon's worried voice from the other side of the speaker.
“I'm leaving home right away. You wait for me a little longer. Can you do that?”
There is a moment of silence. Then Namjoon speaks, “of course, I'll wait. I ain't doing this without my lucky charm.”

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My Masterlist
Tag List: @sophiatcha, @lalavione1309, @jwirecs, @missmayaarmy, @sarai-ibn-la-ahad, @ayalies, @karougirl123, @juju-227592, @coffeepurpleu, @dreamerwasfound, @wetfeline, @phthao2406, @hoshi-is-ult-bbg, @bestloverstan, @quixoticbittersweet, @jwirecs-main, @singukieee, @l3aecon, @bangtandoll20, @gabcats5, @latina-girl-18, @kyuupidwrites