empressofthesunwriter - Writing FanFics By Moonlight, Winning Followers By Daylight.
Writing FanFics By Moonlight, Winning Followers By Daylight.

SHE/HER! !MINORS DON'T INTERACT! Hi, and welcome to one of my many fanfiction sites.English isn't my first language, but it doesn't stop me from creating new stories!I'm in a lot of fandoms.I love OCs and Reader-Inserts.I'm sure you will find something to your liking. :DSo please show a poor author some love and leave a review! Even an emoticon makes me happy :DI'm also on:-Wattpad-Fanfiction.net-Quotev-Ao3-Tumblr-DeviantArt-TikTok-Ko-FiIt's always EmpressOfTheSun Or Empress_Of_The_Sun_Writer ^^I'm now also a Streamer/Let's Player!You can find me as: PixelettaGames!

266 posts

The Queen's Gambit Will Return!

The Queen's Gambit will return!

Hi guys, I just want to tell you, that I'm currently reworking on this story and will probably soon post new chapters, but I have currently troubles uploading them here.

So please go to my other FF sites to read and comment ^^

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    0the-bad-guy0 liked this · 6 months ago

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5 months ago

The Queen's Gambit: The Story

The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.

When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.

With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.

As it should have been.

The Queen's Gambit: The Story

Okay, Real Talk!

What is wrong with my YU-GI-OH! story the Queen's Gambit: The Story?

Be brutal.

I can take it.

I want to know why I get clicks but no comments, besides from my dear friend Light guardian35 (I LOVE YOU, MY CUPCAKE!).


Chapter 15: Enter the Castle

Kihana was worried.

Not only for Yugi but also for her dear Sehrazat.

After the duel with Seto Kaiba, both small duelists were absent-minded.

Yugi kept staring at the door to Pegasus Castle and Sehrazat gripped her Milliunmin Fragment tight in her hands.

It was clear not only Yugi was in shock after his duel with Seto Kaiba, but also Sehrazat.

The white-haired beauty suspected Sehrazat wanted Afya to answer why her other ancestor, Yami, would risk the life of another to win in a card game.

Whatever Afya had told her, it had deeply shocked Sehrazat.

For the first time in her life, Kihana didn't know what to do. Sehrazat didn't react to her, or Maja or Sadiye.

Same with Yugi, he didn't react as Jonouchi wanted to give him his Star Chips to enter the castle, nor as his best friend tried to punch him.

Then Mai Kujako arrived.

Since she felt in debt to them, she wanted to give Yugi the extra Star Chips she collected.

Again, Yugi didn't react, which angered Mai. She challenged Yugi to a duel for the Star Chips, but surprisingly, Anzu stepped forward to duel in Yugi's place.

Finally, Sehrazat reacted.

"Wait, guys.", she said loud and clear, stopping anyone. "This is not something a duel can fix...this is something Yugi and I have to talk out with Yami and Afya."

Of course, Mai mumbled who these Yami and Afya were, however, no one gave her an answer.

Sehrazat stepped to Yugi, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Yugi, do you hear me?"


Yugi reacted to Sehrazat's sweet voice.

He looked at her, his purple eyes still full of fright and terror.

"I know you are scared.", began Sehrazat and took his hand squeezing it. "But I will be with you...we have to face them."

The boy gulped and then... slowly nodded.

Sehrazat gave him a sweet smile and asked him to close his eyes, which he did.


When Yugi opened his eyes again he was with Sehrazat in a long corridor. On the left side were two rooms, which sent an aura of innocence and calm over him.

On the right side were two closed doors, with an Eye of Horus in the middle.

They were mysterious and dark.

He squeezed her hand in comfort.

"Where are we?", he whispered silently, afraid that something might jump out of the shadows of this place.

"Remember when I told you how Puzzle and Fragment are connected?"

The boy nodded.

"Well, this is the mental scape we share and with Afya and Yami. The innocent rooms are our Soul Chambers, while the dark ones are the ones of them."

"So...we are really doing this?", he mubled, unsure.

Gently Sehrazat turned his head towards her.

Her topaz eyes shimmered otherworldy.

She was so beautiful and were she gently caressed his cheek, the skin burned.

"We can't run away from them.", she told him. "Afya and Yami are parts of us. Let's at least give them a chance to explain themselves. Remember all the good things Yami did for you, as Afya did for me. I...I don't want to be afraid of them."

Yugi signed and put his hand over hers.

"You are so courageous Sehrazat, I admire you for this."

She gave him a sweet and shy smile.

"Will...will you stay with me?", he asked.

"Forever.", she promised.

Both felt these words meant much more...they could feel how their relationship changed.

It was their promise, the core of their partnership.

Staying on each other side...forever.


Strangely it felt like they did something familiar...a long time ago...and when they were other people...


The battlefield was chaos.

Damn Dartz and his cursed monsters!

He already lost sight of Critias and Hermos.

Where was his beloved Sophist?

Then a golden shine caught his eye and Timaeus raced and fought his way to her.

Sophist's golden sword slashed and hacked, her once beautiful golden armour was full of enemy blood.

"Timaeus!", she screamed as she saw him.

He screamed her name back: "Sophist!"

They stood side by side now, back to back, facing the incoming enemies.

"Will you stay with me?", she asked.

"Forever.", he promised.


Princess Yanara walked into the Palace Garden.

She had a feeling where her little brat of a cousin was hiding.

No, she shouldn't call him this right now, not even in her head.

Aunt Amunet's death, his mother's death, had hit them all hard.

She found the big vase he liked to play hide and seek with Mana and looked inside.

There he was, her cousin and fiancee.

Rolled into a ball and cried his little eyes out.

Yanara's heart bleeds seeing him like this.

Even if she didn't want to marry him, he still was her family.

In a way, she DID love him.

Gently she placed her hand on his spikey locks.

Tearful he looked up, the proud smirk and the confidence in his purple eyes were gone.

Both said nothing as she just caressed his hair.

When her father had died, he had done the same for her.

It was better than the empty words of sympathy the adults spouted.

"Will...Will you stay with me?", he asked with a choked voice.

"Forever.", she promised.


Sehrazat and Yugi blinked in confusion at each other.

What were these memories they have seen and felt?

"Man, this place just got weirder.", found Sehrazat, which made Yugi laugh.

She smiled, happy to have made him laugh.

Yugi gave this amazing girl a loving look.

He felt how his feelings for her got deeper.

As she held out her hand to lead them to their Yami he took it without hesitation.

Wherever she would go, he would follow her, because she gave him the courage to face anything.


Even if Yami's Spirit Chamber was a Labrinthy with traps behind the countless doors, a few rooms were normal.

He also had a bedroom.

Afya and he just lay together in his big lavish bed holding hands...for more, they didn't feel like it.

The guilt of causing Yugi and Sehrazat pain weighed heavy on them.

But...it seemed to be the only option at the time.

Sacrifice Kaiba to get into the castle to save Yugi Granpa and Sehrazat's Mother's soul.

They may be ancient spirits, however, they had to learn a lot, it showed.

That's when Yami felt how someone or more someones entered his Spirit Chamber.

He sweetly called out to Afya.

She understood him, without saying more.

Hand in hand they got out to the room.

It was time to face their Hikari's.


Yugi would lie if he said he wasn't in aww at Yami's Spirit Chamber.

A maze, full of stairs and doors that lead to who knows.

It perfectly reflected the mysterious nature of Yami.

"They are coming.", whispered Sehrazat to him.

Indeed a door on the left was opening.

The two young to-be lovers held each hands tighter, as the royal couple came towards them.

As the four stood before each other, for a moment no one said a thing.


"We 're so sorry.", cried Afya, putting a hand on her heart. "We never wanted to make you scared of us."

Yami took over: "I didn't think...no I only thought about getting you into the castle, Yugi, for your grandfather's sake. I know this is not an excuse, but even if we don't remember a lot of our past some things still linger. Like the thought that sacrificing one life to save another is worth it."

"Or you sacrifice a whole flank of your army to save the rest.", added Afya.

Her husband nodded in agreement.

"What we wanted to say.", they said together and then bowed before them. "We are sorry. We still have to learn a lot about this new world."

Sehrazat and Yugi looked at each other.

They felt that their spirits were truthful.

"Thank you for not lying to us.", said Yugi. "Please don't bow before us. We wanna talk eye to eye."

Immediately the royal couple stood straight.

"I think, Yugi and I get your points. In war, this is probably the only way to save some people.", admitted Sehrazat.

"But this is not war.", reminded Yugi. "I can't and I won't pay with another life for my grandpa's one and Sehrazat wouldn't for her mother. Maybe if it had been a different situation, we would, but it was a card game."

Sehrazat nodded.

"All in all the situation was out of control. Kaiba was desperate and used this against us. The only way was to stop the duel."

"Yes, we see it now too.", spoke Afya, for herself and her husband.

All four smiled at each other.

They could feel, how their bonds repaired themselves.

"So...we are good, Yugi?", asked Yami.

The younger boy nodded and held his fist out.

"We are good, Yami."

Both grinned and made a bro's fist and then high-fived each other.

Meanwhile, Afya and Sehrazat hugged each other tight, relieved they had each other back.

"Now your turn pops!"

The pharaoh couldn't look so fast as he had an armful of Sehrazat.

She hugged him.

A sweet forgotten feeling came up to him. He swore he heard the beautiful laugh of a little girl and felt her soft arms before he hugged Sehrazat back.

The girl was his descendant, his flesh and blood and the closets Afya and he had in a child in this modern world.

Of course, he loved her.

Yugi smiled happily at this scene before him, Yami and Sehrazat looked really like father and daughter, as he felt how Afya hugged him and kissed his forehead.

Surprised he blinked up to her, a tiny blush on his cheeks.

The queen laughed softly.

"You aren't our flesh and blood like Sehrazat, but we love you too Yugi. You are also our child."

"You are too kind Afya.", he told her, but hugged her back.

Finally, all was good between them all.


The others stared at how Yugi and Sehrazat held hands with closed eyes for a few moments before they opened them with relieved smiles.

This made hope return in each heart.

They must have cleared things with Afya and Yami.



With a big thank you to Mai Yugi took the Star Cips from her and they made their way into the castle.

The Hair Guy was waiting for them before the entrance door.

"You guys? You collected Star Chips?"

"Yeah!", said Mai.

"But only five more participants are allowed to enter the finals."

So Mai, Kihana, Sehrazat, Yugi and Joey stepped forward showing him their full Dueling Gloves.

"And we're the five.", proclaimed Mai.

"We met the requirements.", added Jonouchi. "So there's nothing you can say."

Smiling Joey walked past Hair-Guy, the other duelist following him.

"Excuse us.", smiled Mai and was so kind to open the entrance door with her Star Chips.

"We finally reached the castle.", said Yugi happy.

"It felt really like two years to stand here now.", mussed Sehrazat.

Our Duelist waited for the others to join them, but Hair-Guy was sadly not that stupid.

He saw they had no Star Chips, one was even a little girl!

Only thanks to Mai's charms and her heavy bag which hit Hair Guy in the face, the whole group could enter.

They followed the long corridor, coming to a stop at one of the balconies of a marmour hall.

There were other duelists already on the balcony.

Beside Bandit Keith, there was Dinosaur Ryuzaki and a good-looking boy with black hair and a tan, wearing a leather jacket and simple jeans with sneakers.

No...Sehrazat started to shake and hide behind Kihana.

"Sehrazat?", whispered Kihana. "What's wrong."

"L-Look.", was the only thing she managed to whisper back.

As Kihana saw the other boy, she understood why Sehrazat had reacted like this.

They both know this asshole!

A growl came from Kihana and she wanted to bite and claw him.

He would never again get close to her Sehrazat!

The others, beside Sadiye, who also recognized the boy and stood now at the site of her sister to protect Sehrazat, squabbled with Bandit Keith.

Joey tried to punch him for entrapping them in the cave, yet the older man was stronger.

"An entertaining sideshow is about to start.", told Bandit Keith.

"You guys should take a look.", added even Dinosaur, who already looked down from the balcony, like Asshole.

Making sure Asshole didn't see Sehrazat, all looked.

There was Seto Kaiba on a metal gangplank!

Bandit Keith said how a duel between him and Pegasus was about to start.

And sure enough, there was Pegasus.

Kaiba wanted to use his Duel Disk to battle Pegasusu, however, the creator of Duel Monsters played dumb, as if he didn't have a clue how it could work.

Then he told Kaiba if they really should use the Duel Disk someone else would play for him.

And this someone else was...Mokuba?!

Finally, all made sense.

Pegasus had snatched Mokuba right from Seto's nose and was now keeping him hostage.

That's why Kaiba pulled the stunt in his duel with Yugi and Yami to kill himself.

Kihana understood this as a big sister herself really well.

She would do for Sadiye and Sehrazat anything.

So Seto and Pegasus played in a normal duel arena.

The whole duel was a joke, till Pegasus pulled out Toon World.

Even Sehrazat, who still hides behind Kihana and Sadiye from Asshole, was shocked.

Toon World was the rarest and most powerful card in Duel Monsters.

Of course, Pegasus would keep the only one for himself.

His toons destroyed Kaiba's monster and then it got just humiliating, as Pegasus managed to get a Blue Eyes from Seto and turned it into a Toon.

Seto, Kihana and Sadiye made all the same disgusted faces.

Kihana felt even offended on behalf of Blue Eyes White Dragon.

This was so wrong!

In the end, Seto lost and Pegasus took his soul, as he did with Yugi's grandpa, Sehrazat mother and Mokuba.


Scared Sehrazat trembled from nerves in one of the bathrooms of Pegasus Castle.

She couldn't believe Asshole was really here!

Her past was catching up to her.

But why now and here?

Till now, thanks to Kihana and Sadiye, he hadn't seen her, but dinner would be served soon and all Duelists, as the non-duelists, had to participate in it.

Maybe she should just stay here and ask Kihana to smuggle some food to her.

That's when the door opened...and He stepped inside!

"When I saw the two Schariq's I wonder why I didn't see you, doll.", he grinned like the slimeball he was at her. "Must say you still are tiny but your amazing tits are bigger."

"L-Leave me alone, Javier!"

Javier Alphonso, stepped closer to Sehrazat, grinning wider.

He loved that he still had power over her.

"Come on, doll.", he took a strain of her hair and inhaled its smell. "We were so good together. I miss your titfucks."

With all her anger Sehrazat showed him away, she felt how Afya wanted to take over, to protect her, but she had to do this alone or he would forever haunt her.

"We were NEVER really together!", she shouted. "You used me as a fucktoy and had 4 other girls too!"

"Oh come on doll, you were my favourite you know that."

A loud slap could be heard and Javier had Sehrazat's handprint on his cheek.

He blinked surprised...the doll he knew would have never done this.

"You got feisty...I like that!"

"Fuck yourself!"

With this Sehrazat ran out of the bathroom, tears streaming down her cheeks.

For now, she had managed to fight against him...the dark blue-haired girl hoped she would still have it for the rest of the tournament.

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6 months ago

The flap of Butterfly wings... Index

Once upon a time, Hiccup had a best friend and Toothless a mate. But through his decision to pick Berk and Astrid over them, they lost the girls. In one world Hiccup and Leandra lived their lives away from each other…yet destiny is a funny thing. Their first story "To Belong" was just one of endless possibilities and this here is another one. Will Hiccup and Leandra finally be together? Or will destiny repeat itself?

The Flap Of Butterfly Wings... Index


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

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6 months ago

Demeter Somerset and the Ancient Magic Index

Demeter Somerset And The Ancient Magic Index

Long before Harry Potter stepped into the halls of Hogwarts another young witch fought against Dark Forces.

Her name was Demeter Somerset and this is her story.


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6 months ago

The flap of Butterfly wings...

Once upon a time, Hiccup had a best friend and Toothless a mate.

But through his decision to pick Berk and Astrid over them, they lost the girls.

In one world Hiccup and Leandra lived their lives away from each other…yet destiny is a funny thing.

Their first story "To Belong" was just one of endless possibilities and this here is another one.

Will Hiccup and Leandra finally be together?

Or will destiny repeat itself?

The Flap Of Butterfly Wings...

Yeah, I'm back with Leandra and Hiccup it's a new version of My War since To Belong ended with Leandra happy in China. 

For all of you who liked this ending better, you can ignore this fanfic, for all of you who want Hiccup and Leandra together, this is the right fanfiction!


Long ago when he was still a young lad, Hiccup had a best friend.

Her name was Leandra, a foreign girl and outcast like him.

Together they faced their agemate's bullying and the adult's indifference.

Then when he shot down Toothless, Leandra was with him.

She was with him when he freed Toothless.

She was with him when he got to know Toothless.

She was with him when they met Starchaser, Toothless's mate, who became Leandra's bonded dragon.

Along the way...he made a mistake.

It took him a long time to realise it.

As Astrid found out their secret...he could have flown away with Leandra...with the only person who ever loved him as a Hiccup!

Who never demanded he change, because she liked him the way he was.

Sadly he was a stupid 15-year-old boy, still with a crush on Astrid and hope in his heart he could change Berk's mind about dragons, that he run after the blond Viking girl.

And with this simple decision, Leandra walked her own way.

Sure, she helped against the Red Death and stayed till he woke up from the fight...however Leandra left with Starchaser Berk and never returned.

It was like Hiccup had a hole in his heart.

Not a day passed where he didn't look for a sign that she returned.

However, years passed and even Toothless left him.

Hiccup married Astrid and had two kids.

It...it was nice.

It was okay.

This was how it was supposed to be.

Then Ulf returned, from his own world travelling, the grown man and little brother of Leandra and talked with Hiccup.

"She is really happy.", told him Ulf as they drank together a cup of meat. "She married a Chinese woman named Xia and Starchaser stayed with her. Oh, and she has ten adopted kids, six girls and four boys."

"Did she ask about me?", couldn't Hiccup help but ask.

"Yeah...she was happy for you, she didn't say more, only that it was good that you let her go since she is happy with Xia."

With burning eyes, Hiccup drank his cup.

"Yeah, sure, I love the kids and Astrid."

Ulf didn't seem the least convinced but said nothing, just gave him a friendly shoulder pat.

That night, while Astrid and the kids slept, Hiccup looked out one of the windows.

He wondered how this all had to come to this.

He lost both his best friends.

His dragon.

And the girl he realized too late he loved.

His feelings of regret were nearly crushing him.

But what he could do?

Nothing, long ago he took the decision which led to Leandra's departure.

He still remembers the goodbye letter she wrote to him.

Dear Hiccup,

when you read this I'm on my way to Spain.

Other than you, I didn't forget how the people on Berk treated us, I will not play friendly with a bunch of lairs and assholes!

Go live your little perfect Viking Life with little perfect Viking Bride Astrid and make lots of little Viking Babies.

You showed me clearly how I meant nothing to you.

We could have run away together with Starchaser and Toothless, be free from all this, but I guess I didn't know you really.

All the times you cried on my shoulders because your dad was so hard on you and the other bullied you, you seemed to have forgotten.

I didn't and I will never.

I will never forgive them.

Hiccup...you were my shining light in the darkness that was Berk for me.

I love you, like really love you, but I know you will never love me back.

You showed me this clearly.

And I deserve someone who loves me unconditionally.

So this is my goodbye to you.

I will always love you Hiccup and never regret the time we shared.

Forever yours,


He had read that little letter so often that it was all crumpled.

She said she would always love him...he had hoped till his wedding day she would come back and sweep him away, yet it didn't happen.

Leandra managed to move on.

She had a wife and children and her dragon and didn't seem to miss him one bit.

Hiccup signed, looking at the stars.

He heard once, that many different worlds existed, built from different discussions they took.

The chief hoped with all his heart that at least one Hiccup and one Leandra stayed together.

He clearly failed.

With another deep sigh, he joined Astrid in bed.

It was time to move on and forget.

Nothing would change.


The flap of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane.

One small decision can change your whole life.

We can never know what the outcome is, but the thought that different realities exist where maybe we are happier can console someone.

Hiccup and Leandra didn't manage to be together in one reality.

But what about another one?

Are they even meant to be?

One thing is clear...in this timeline, the Butterfly Effect will cause more than a hurricane.

It could bring doom or salvation.

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