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The flap of Butterfly wings... Index
Once upon a time, Hiccup had a best friend and Toothless a mate. But through his decision to pick Berk and Astrid over them, they lost the girls. In one world Hiccup and Leandra lived their lives away from each other…yet destiny is a funny thing. Their first story "To Belong" was just one of endless possibilities and this here is another one. Will Hiccup and Leandra finally be together? Or will destiny repeat itself?

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The flap of Butterfly wings...
Once upon a time, Hiccup had a best friend and Toothless a mate.
But through his decision to pick Berk and Astrid over them, they lost the girls.
In one world Hiccup and Leandra lived their lives away from each other…yet destiny is a funny thing.
Their first story "To Belong" was just one of endless possibilities and this here is another one.
Will Hiccup and Leandra finally be together?
Or will destiny repeat itself?

I know I said in the previous chapter that this would be a new version of My War but then my brain went: What if it's a mix of Together, We Map the World and My War? SO Hiccup-Runeaway Fanfic and them after their traveling the world need to return to Berk to avoid the end of the world!
Also, the first half of the chapter comes from Chapter 5 from To Belong.
So enjoy!
Chapter 1: Runaway's
“Astrid, Toothless, and Starchaser. Toothless and Starchaser, Astrid.”
“They are so not charmed to meet you!”, adds Leandra dry and pets her growling dragon.
Astrid backs away, eyeing Hiccup, Leandra, Toothless, and Starchaser together with pure disgust. She turns and runs for the village.
“We're dead.”, deadpans Hiccup.
Satisfied with Astrid's departure, Toothless and Starchaser turn away. Leandra flicks her long black hair and turns to their baskets.
“Where do you think you're going?”, asked Hiccup the Night Furries and then turned to Leandra who picked up her basket. “And what are you doing?”
“If I remember right, we wanted to leave stupid Berk. Just getting my stuff.”
“Lee, you can’t be serious. Astrid is going to tell everybody about Toothless and Starchaser!”
“And? It’s not like we stay here. Let her blab about it all she wants. No one is seeing us again.”
From Hiccup comes only silence.
Frowning Leandra turns to her best friend and sees the fight in him.
“Hic, Hiccup, please no! Let us just go! What has Berk ever done to us besides making us feel miserable? We will be much happier in Spain with my Abuela or we can even see the whole world! Think about it, we will be free finally!”
The boy looks at the ground and makes a fist. He needs to make a decision now.
In another world, Hiccup chooses Astrid and Berk over his lifelong friend, who loved him unconditionally, setting things in motion which would separate them forever.
But this is not this world!
Hiccup saw a beautiful blue butterfly fluttering past him.
The boy had a feeling that destiny, his and Leandra's destiny was about to change with his decision.
Why is he even thinking about running after Astrid and making her see the truth about dragons?
She was a Viking, a perfect Viking girl who always ignored and even looked down on him.
Now she even hated him for being better at Dragon Training!
And he really thought he could change her?
If the years of bullying and the indifference of the adults taught Hiccup one thing, that all thought HE should change because they were right.
Only Leandra didn't want him to change.
She accepted him for who he was!
He could never choose her over stupid Berk.
"You are right.", he told her and grabbed his own basket. "Let's get out of this dump!"
His best friend gave him such a brilliant smile, that Hiccup felt himself blush.
He never saw her this happy.
"I know you wouldn't leave me hanging."
The black-haired beauty gave him a short hug and a kiss on the cheek before she mounted Strachaser.
Blushing red, Hiccup touched his cheek. His skin burned formally.
When they were little Leandra had given him cheek kisses, but this...this was different.
It made his stomach all tingly.
That's when Toothless with a huge gummy smile came to him, nudging him.
Was his best bud mocking him?!
"Hiccup!", called Leandra from Starchaser back. "Come on get going, before Astrid brings all Berk back here!"
Oh right!
Still blushing, he mounted Toothless and they flowed into the sky.
Towards freedom.
When Astrid reaches the village she makes haste to find their chief.
She can’t believe, no actually, scratch that she can totally believe that Hiccup made friends with a dragon. She feels like throwing up.
How could he do such a terrible thing?!
She didn’t care for Alvarez, she was a foreigner, no Viking, and she could never understand what honour it was to fight dragons who invaded them.
But Hiccup should! He was even their heir! The next chief!
Hah, he was a fraud and a traitor to all humanity!
He never was a Viking!
She finds Stoick talking with Gobber in the Great Hall. He seems so happy, surely because Hiccup was given the honour to slay the Monstrous Nightmare.
It didn’t sit well with Astrid that she had to take this away from the chief. He deserved a better and worthy son.
And what did he get?
A species traitor, who chooses them all over a dragon.
Like she goes into battle she makes herself ready to tell anything.
The night sky is beautiful today.
Were the stars always so bright?
Was the moon always so pretty?
Or was the world beautiful now, because they were finally free?
Leandra takes a deep breath and lets it out.
All her worries, all her sadness, all her struggles.
They will stay on Berk.
On this miserable rock, she had to endure for ten years.
She would have turned crazy if she didn’t make friends with Hiccup.
The black-haired girl turns her head to her best friend who flies beside her on Toothless.
He also seems…serene, and calm…like a huge burden was taken from him.
And it actually was, he didn’t need to kill the Monstrous Nightmare, he didn’t need to be the heir of his father, and he could finally be himself without worrying about disappointing someone.
Now he was only Hiccup.
A boy who loved to invent, learn new things and spend time with his best friends.
A Night Furry and a Spanish girl, who never treated him like he was useless.
Leandra was right, should Astrid tell his father about Toothless and Starchaser, they would never return to Berk.
They would make the whole world their home.
But first, they wanted to make a stop.
“So how long will it take us to go to Spain?”, ask Hiccup Leandra.
“If I study the map of my father right and how fast our dragons are flying and need breaks, maybe a week, two tops.”, answered Leandra.
“I can’t wait to see how you grew up.”, tells Hiccup her exited.
“Oh guys, you are going to love it. The colours, the lifestyle, the food! The village of my Abuela is on the seaside so Toothless and Starchaser can eat plenty of yummy Mediterranean fish!”
The Night Furries practically salivated at that, which made the Riders laugh.
“Do you think we are far away enough from Berk?”, wonders Leandra.
“Let’s fly for a bit more.”, tells her Hiccup. “Just to be sure. Toothless, Starchaser, you guys can still go on, right?”
From the dragon come agreeing huffs.
And so they fly under the starlight sky, full of new possibilities.
Meanwhile, on Berk, it was pure chaos.
Stoick didn't want to believe that his son was a traitor, that even Leandra was one, but one thing was clear.
Both children had vanished without a trace.
"I keep telling you, the flow away on their dragons.", spat Astrid, who was beside her parents.
Her mother told her to be still, which made Astrid pout.
Why didn't anybody believe her?
Instead, they had a search party going on for the traitors.
She hates that she is so young and no one will listen to her!
When she will slay the Monstrous Nightmare, they will have to believe her!
“Uurgh, I’m so tired.”, groans Leandra from her makeshift sleep place.
She has her head buried in her pillow and Starchaser wing wrapped around her like a blanket.
Her Night Furry cooed at her, giving her a gentle nuzzle.
Hiccup, who is like Leandra, cuddled up to Toothless yawns.
“Today was crazy. Let’s sleep in before we continue our travel to Spain.”, he proposes.
“Good idea.”, mumbles Leandra and cuddles up to her dragon.
Not even a second later she is in dreamland.
The boy chuckles at the soft snores his best friend makes and cuddles himself to Toothless too.
His dragon crooks at him.
“You will see bud, this will be an awesome journey.”, he whispers to his dragon, petting his snout. “Maybe we can find more Night Furries. So you and Starchaser aren’t alone anymore.”
At this, Toothless cooed.
Finding more of his and his mate’s species would be wonderful. They may have each other, but they still miss the flock they grew up in.
It doesn’t take long for the boys to fall asleep.
The last one to fall asleep is Starchaser.
She looks in the direction where they came from, this Berk.
The place that hurt her girl and also her boy.
Starchaser hopes with all her heart that these people will get what they deserve.
“What kind of giant-ass tree is that?”, ask Leandra fascinated.
They are flying over a great big forest, bigger than the one in Raven Point, but this tree takes the cake.
It nearly reaches this high up where they fly.
“Don’t know Lee.”, answer Hiccup also fascinated with the plant life. “I never saw something like that or read about it.”
“Oh, I wanna look at it, you think we can take a break?”
“Well, I don’t see why not, it’s nearly lunchtime. What do you say, Toothless and Starchaser?”
From the dragons come agreeing sounds.
So they take their lunch break under the enormous tree.
Leandra can’t help herself and enters it through the hole in the trunk, Starchaser follows her girl without thinking twice.
“Don’t hurt yourself.”, calls Hiccup, sitting by their fire with Toothless to her.
“It’s a tree, what can it do to me?”
The inside of the tree is really…creepy.
Even Starchaser is hissing at the small pool of water which is inside the tree trunk. Leandra guesses the water isn’t pure enough to drink.
Why else would Starchaser hiss at it?
A bit disappointed the girls rejoin the boys.
“And?”, asks Hiccup.
“There is a little pool of water in it, but Star hissed at it like it was an eel, so we better not touch it.”
Hiccup agrees and the humans start to pack their things.
They ate and explored a bit that was enough.
If they wanted to reach Span in a week, or two they needed to be on the road so to speak.
Hiccup puts his last thing away when he hears it.
The sounds of someone who is breathing heavily.
His company seems to hear it too because they stare in the same direction he is looking.
Not a second later some stumbles out from the bushes. Leandra gasped shocked and even Hiccup couldn’t help himself.
A girl.
A bloody dirty girl with an arrow sticking out of her shoulder, not older than ten perhaps falls on the ground before them.
She has blond hair with a band on her head and a simple dress.
Her eyes are blue.
There is so much pain in it, so much suffering and sorrow, that Hiccup wants to cry.
The girl looks at them and their dragons with a resigned look. Like she is expecting them to kill her.
This doesn’t sit well with either of them.
“You poor sweetheart!”, coos Leandra at her and slowly kneels down beside her to not spook her. “Who did this do you?”
“Can you help her, Lee?”, asked Hiccup, looking around for the danger the girl ran away from.
Their Night Furries are alert, staring into the forest too.
“Maybe. But whoever did this to her, has to be near, we should take her with us.”
It’s like the gods or Leandra’s god wants to prove her words right since they hear the barks of dogs, the galloping of horses, and the shouts of men.
“She has to be here!”
“She can’t hide from us!”
“You will pay in the name of Fritz!”
“Let’s go!”, commands Hiccup practically.
He and Leandra help the younger girl up and get her on Starchaser. The little girl let it just happen, without a fight, without a word.
Leandra grips her around the frail waist, making her sit before her.
Hiccup jumps on Toothless and the five fly up in the sky right on time, before one of these men breaks into the bushes.
They wouldn’t be safe here.
They needed to find an isolated island or something.
Leandra and Hiccup just hoped the younger girl would survive this long.
Hiccup was sitting with Toothless and Starchaser by their new campfire. He was staring at the flames and thinking about what happened in the last few days.
After they took the little girl with them, they found fast a little uninhabited island and made camp there.
They chose a cavern for it, so they would be protected from the elements.
Leandra didn’t waste time and used all her healing knowledge to help the unknown girl.
This was five days ago.
She still hadn't woke up.
His best friend said that their guest had lost a lot of blood, and she needed time to regenerate it.
But he had seen the fear in Leandra’s brown eyes. The fear that the little girl wouldn’t make it. That all her efforts to save her life were for nought.
Hiccup self didn’t know how to handle all this. Healing was Leandra’s field and he didn’t want to make her more hopeless by voicing his opinions.
As he had seen today the little girl, she seemed even more white than before.
This couldn’t mean anything good.
Frustrated he throws a little stick into the flames.
Toothless, whom he was leaning on, made a question sound.
“Just thinking, bud.”, he assured his Night Furry. “Don’t worry.”
Even Starchaser, cuddling up on Toothless’s side, gave him a wary look.
He grinned crookedly at the dragons.
That’s when Leandra stepped out of the cave after her hourly check-up on her patient.
Hiccup just looked at her. He didn’t need his best friends to use words.
“Her heartbeat is normal and she breaths better. She got even a bit of colour back. I’m sure, she will make it.”, said Leandra and leaned herself on Starchaser.
“That’s good, Lee. Any idea what we should do after she wakes up?”
“Asking her if she has family we can return her to, but seeing she has been hunted down…”
The boy understood.
“You are afraid that she doesn’t have anyone who would take her back because she was treated like a criminal.”
“Yes.”, signend Leandra. “Even if I can’t comprehend what crime a ten-year-old child could do, that allows such a manhunt for her.”
Yeah, but he could imagine a few things.
The Vikings on Berk weren’t like this, but he knows from his fat- from Stoick that other Viking tribes are ruthless with humans. Even more so if they did a crime in their eyes. It didn’t matter how old the person was.
Our quartet stays silent, each of them with their own thoughts occupied when they hear someone coming out of the cave.
It’s the girl, Leandra’s fur blanket wrapped around her, looking at them with confusion and a bit of fear.
“Ah, you woke up!”, calls Leandra, standing slowly to not spook her. “How are you feeling?”
Silence is her only answer.
Leandra titles her head, while Hiccup and the dragon try their hardest not to stare at the girl.
“What’s your name?”, tries Leandra with another approach.
Again only silence from the girl.
Not knowing what do to now, Leandra turns with a pleading look to Hiccup. He gets it.
“Do you understand us?”, he asked the girl.
Finally a reaction!
A tiny nod.
“But you can’t talk right?”, guesses Hiccup and gets a bad feeling when she nods again. It’s probably not sensitive to ask, but he needs to know. “Are you a thrall? Did your master cut off your tongue?”
“Hiccup!”, hisses Leandra.
How can he ask her if she is a slave? And if someone hurt her that bad? Leandra knows that other Viking Tribes have them and call them thralls, Berk never had them, they cared more for their dragon killing.
The little girl experienced enough trauma for her whole life!
Her hiss turns into a gasp and even their Night Furries crook shocked when the little girl nods.
Hiccup is the only one who stays calm, the lessons about Viking Culture Stoick gave him, help him to handle the situation better.
“Can you write?”, he wants to know. “Maybe your name?”
As an answer, the ten-year-old kneels down on the ground. With her pointer finger, she writes the runes of her name.
“Christa, that’s a pretty name. I’m Hiccup, this is Leandra and the golden-eyed dragon is Starchaser, and the green-eyed Toothless. No one is going to hurt you, Christa.”, he promises her.
Christa looks with vacant eyes at him. No child should have such a look on them.
She writes on the ground: The Eldians were hunting me, the chief Fritz orders it so. Why did you intervene? This was my punishment for freeing the pigs.
“Did I read it right, you freed pigs and they hunt you down like one?”, repeats Leandra shocked. “This is not a punishment this is cruelty!”
Starchaser and Toothless grumble in agreement.
“Eldian and Chief Fritz? Stoick told me that Fritz likes to hurt his thralls and slaughter whole villages.”, explains Hiccup to them.
“What an asshole and that’s still too nice of a word for this trash of a human being!”
Hiccup agrees wholeheartedly and turns back to the confused Christa.
Confused is better than the death look she had going on.
“Christa, Fritz has no power over us. No one has.”, tells Hiccup her. “We and our dragons are free and decide our own way in life.”
The blonde-haired girl stares at them for an eternity it seems, before she writes: You…are truly free? No masters?
“Yes, you will be safe with us, Christa.”, assures Leandra. “No one will come for you, you are free.”
Christa turns formally into stone. A single tear rolls down her cheek and Hiccup and Leandra can’t even look that fast as the girl runs back into the cave.
“Well…that could have gone better.”, signs Hiccup.
Leandra and the dragons nod.
Can you guess who Leandra and Hiccup just saved and which Anime I just made not exist? :D
We will meet more characters from different fandoms and also a bunch of OCs, hope you are okay with it.
Till next time.
The flap of Butterfly wings...
Once upon a time, Hiccup had a best friend and Toothless a mate.
But through his decision to pick Berk and Astrid over them, they lost the girls.
In one world Hiccup and Leandra lived their lives away from each other…yet destiny is a funny thing.
Their first story "To Belong" was just one of endless possibilities and this here is another one.
Will Hiccup and Leandra finally be together?
Or will destiny repeat itself?

Chapter 2: Freedom
The next few days our dragon riders try to coax out the scarred and confused Christa.
She had to be for a long time a thrall, she mislearned what it meant to be free.
What it meant to not be hurt for the singles thing.
Trying to get her to eat or doing something nice for her, was too much for the girl.
She couldn’t handle it.
Hiccup and Leandra were starting to get desperate.
How could they help this traumatized child, if they didn’t have a clue how to even work through such terrible experiences she had to endure? What they had suffered on Berk was a joke against Christa’s life.
At night when they slept, Christa stood often up and sat down out in the cold.
She didn’t understand Hiccup and Leandra at all.
Why were they so nice to her? Treated her like a human being?
She was a thrall and nothing more.
Anybody could do with her what he wished.
That’s when the dragon with the golden eyes would join her, Starchaser was her name and sat beside her without touching.
The dragon only purred to her.
Like she was singing a lullaby to a babe.
Like her father once did, before the Eldians came for their tribe.
This…she could handle.
Since the dragon didn’t talk, didn’t want to do something for her, wanted to take care of her.
Starchaser just sat with her and purred. Expecting nothing in return.
Before the Eldians came she remembered that her village had been raided sometimes by dragons too.
It was tiny raids, but still a hassle for her people. Her father told her to be careful around dragons, that they would kill you given the chance, yet neither Starchaser nor Toothless was hostile.
They were loving towards each other and their riders and respectful around her.
But given what she had lived as a thrall for the Eldians it shouldn’t shock her that dragons were much kinder than humans.
So that’s why she let Starchaser sit with her.
Sometimes for hours long, while the others slept.
Never tried the dragon to touch her.
She was just near her.
A comforting presence that Christa nearly had forgotten what it felt like.
After a month of living with Hiccup and Leandra on the vacant island, Christa touched Starchaser for the first time.
She had seen the day before how Leandra had given her dragon a good scratch and pet session and…something like curiosity came to the surface.
Christa wanted to know how Starchaser felt.
It was scaly and warm…and comforting.
Starchaser just stayed still and let Christa pet her to her heart’s content. The little human girl was scarred like a rabbit, you needed to be careful around her.
Now, when they were alone together Christa always gave Starchaser pets.
First came the purring to show her that she liked the pets.
Then came the leaning on more for more pets.
Then begs for more pets.
Two more weeks passed and Christa could pet Starchaser as Leandra did.
It was an amazing feeling.
She didn’t know that Leandra was standing in the shadow of the entrance of the cavern and saw her petting Starchaser.
Leandra got an idea and hoped it would work.
The next day Leandra sat on Starchaser’s saddle and petted behind her.
“Come, Christa, let’s take a morning flight.”
Hiccup and Toothless were shocked to see that the little girl still carefully walked up to the girls and actually sat down behind Leandra!
Sure she wasn’t touching the other human but had no problem holding into the saddle or Starchaser.
Smiling happy that the first phase of her plan worked, Leandra gave Starchaser the go-to fly.
So they flew up the sky, high where the clouds were.
Christa was feeling things…she couldn’t describe them.
No wait…it felt a bit like before her tribe was attacked by the Eldians.
Full wonder she touched the clouds.
Is that what Leandra and Hiccup always felt when they rode their dragons?
This feeling…was it freedom?
A tear escaped Christa’s eye.
Was she truly free now?
After the first successful flight together, Leandra took now Christa always with her to her morning flights with Starchaser.
It seemed to do wonders for the girl.
Later when she talked with Hiccup about it, he agreed that Christa probably was just like them.
A dragon rider at heart.
Maybe her own dragon could help her?
“It’s so crazy, I really hope it works.”, mumbled Hiccup to Toothless.
It was now six months after they had saved Christa and our quartet with their guest flow together over the Barbaric Archipelago.
They were looking for a herd of wild dragons, in the hope, Christa would bond with one, which in turn would her help to fight against her inner demons.
“I see some Deadly Nadders!”, called Leandra back to them and pointed at a clearing. “Should we try?”
“Why not?”
So they made their dragons land near the Nadder herd.
Christa looked at them in question. She didn’t get why the flow till here and were now near wild dragons.
The girl trusted Starchaser and Toothless, but wild dragons were something different.
“Christa, do you wanna see how one befriends a dragon?”, asked Leandra softly.
They wanted to show her how to make friends with a dragon.
This…this sounded nice.
Shyly she nodded.
Hiccup and Leandra smiled at her.
She still was not used to seeing people smiling at her.
“All right, then watch closely how Hiccup will do it.”
With that Hiccup carefully walked up to the Nadders.
The dragons stared at him curiously. A human who didn’t attack them on sight was not the norm.
A blu-ish Nadder was close to him. So Hiccup did what he did with Toothless long ago and waited for the Nadder.
After a few seconds, he felt its snout.
Smiling he petted his new Nadder friend.
Christa was astonished.
Incredible so you made friends with a dragon?
That’s when she saw something shimmering on the side. For the first time in a long time, she got curious and walked up to it.
“See, Christa, that’s how you make a dragon friend!”, told her Leandra smiling. She turned to the girl beside her. “Do you want to try-“
Leandra stopped herself from talking as she saw that Christa wasn’t beside her anymore.
No, she was petting a dragon.
But not a Nadder.
“That’s a Changewing!”, shouted Hiccup in disbelief, what Leandra thought.
The blond-haired girl didn’t even notice that Leandra and Hiccup were freacking out behind her, feeling truly happy after a long time as she petted her new dragon friend.
As she inspected the shimmer it had turned into a big brownish dragon, who had titled his head curiously at her.
When her blue orbs meet the dragon’s yellow one, Christa feels something strange but wonderful.
Like she had found something she had lost.
She had done it like Hiccup.
Touching the dragon gave her even more of a strange and welcoming feeling.
The dragon liked her pets, purring at her.
Could she take the dragon with her?
Yes, she could.
It came gladly with her and Hiccup, Leandra, and their Night Furries.
So Christa flows for the first time in her life a dragon and feels true freedom.
Up in the sky, where the clouds were, she was just a girl with a dragon.
No slave.
No burden.
No coward.
Just a normal girl.
It meant she was really, really free finally.
She wasn’t a thrall anymore.
After Hiccup told her, that her dragon friend was male, she knew what to name him.
Frihet, freedom.
Two weeks after Christa tamed Frihet, Leandra, and Hiccup asked her if she wanted to travel with them to Spain.
It was high time for the Night Furries riders to be back on the road, but they wouldn’t leave their new friends behind.
Christa didn’t need long to think about it.
Of course, she would stay with them, follow them.
Her village was no more.
She didn’t have a death wish to return to the Eldians and their mad chieftain Fritz.
There was no place she could go besides into the unknown.
No, she rather stays with her friends. That is what Leandra, Hiccup, and their Night Furries were for her and Frihet.
So two dragon riders became three.
In the early morning, they started their journey to Spain.
Our trio flows for some time above the clouds, thinking nothing bad as Toothless' and Starchaser’s ear plates perk up. Frihet also gets tense, he sensed it too.
The dragons glance over their shoulders to see a disturbance in the blanket of clouds.
A strange and arresting masked warrior rises from the clouds, standing upon something unseen. It's armour and cape flap in the buffeting turbulence.
This warrior eyes the dragon riders, pulling up alongside them.
The teens and the young girl sense the approaching figure in their periphery.
“What in Thor’s name…”, Hiccup trails off as he sees the masked warrior.
Is he dreaming?!
“Is this person flying?”, shrieked Leandra shocked out loud, what he thought.
Little Christa hugs Frihet’s long throat tighter, while her dragon purrs at her in comfort.
The warrior stares blankly at them, tilting his head in curiosity while cutting a menacing silhouette.
Then, just as gradually as he rose, the warrior dips back beneath the clouds, disappearing.
“Okay. No sudden moves!”, tells Hiccup his friends.
Suddenly, the warrior explodes out of the clouds before them, standing atop a large unknown dragon.
They circle the three dragon riders forcing them to tread air. The warrior points a staff toward Hiccup, unnervingly, as he returns to face them.
“Hold on, hold on!”, yells Hiccup.
“We are dragon riders like you, we come in peace!”, adds Leandra.
Christa nods her head rapidly.
Toothless, Starchaser, and Frihet growl in warning.
Suddenly, they're ambushed from behind.
Hiccup, Leandra, and Christa are plucked off of their dragons by other dragons and carried off.
“Toothless!”, screams Hiccup for his dragon, who can’t fly on his own.
Starchaser and Frihet try to reach to falling down Night Furry but get ambushed by other dragons too.
The last what our three dragon riders see is Toothless who falls into the ocean.
Hiccup shivers in the claws of the dragon, surrounded by the strange flock full of breeds he's never seen. He looks back for Toothless, now long gone.
“HEY! YOU LEFT MY DRAGON BACK THERE! HE CAN'T FLY ON HIS OWN! HE'LL DROWN!”, growls Hiccup at the masked warrior, who leads the dragon flock.
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO STARCHASER AND FRIHET?”, yells Leandra for herself and Christa.
The young girl shivers also in the claws of her dragon kidnapper and has to fight her tears.
First a human prisoner and now a dragon one?
Wasn’t she free?
Why did this happen?
The warrior offers no response to them, seemingly immune to the cold as he leads the dragon flock across the polar night an alien landscape, harsh and foreboding.
Out of the fog looms epic ice formations, jagged, and spiked, like an impregnable fortress.
The young dragon riders would be sure in awe if they weren’t currently worried for their dragons and themselves.
The dragon flock dives into its jagged folds. The wild ride suddenly gives way to multilevel, cavernous chambers made of ice and columns of basalt rock.
It's heavily populated with dragons of all kinds, looming in the shadows.
Leandra, Christa, and Hiccup get dropped in the centre.
Both teens help Christa up, who formally clings to Leandra for protection. The older girl hugs her back, trying her best to comfort her.
Hiccup knows he isn’t built like a warrior, but he would protect the girls as best as he could.
He stands before them calling out into the darkness: “We have to head back for my dragon! Also, give my friends their dragons back. Christa needs Frihet.”
As to prove his point he hears how Christa whimpers, as best as she can with a cut-out tongue.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.”, mumbles Leandra to her. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”
A hissing dragon closes in, sniffing, leering, and aggressive.
Hiccup holds his hands up to show he isn’t armed, then puts a handout and looks away.
The warrior watches keenly from the shadows, as the dragon coo curies at Hiccup, before he touches with his snout the hand of the young boy.
Several aggressive dragons close in behind the three dragon riders. Hearing their hisses, Leandra pets Christa on the head and says to her: “Just do what you did with Frihet. You know that dragons are our friends.”
Still, a bit frightened Christa lets go of Leandra and does as the older girl says.
Leandra does the same too.
After a few heartbeats, both girls feel a dragon snout in their hands.
This seems to calm down the other dragons as well.
The warrior tilted his masked head, curious. He dismounts his dragon and approaches Hiccup and the girls.
“Who are you?”, asks Hiccup.
Christa is again hugging Leandra who looks at the warrior in caution.
“You must be a dragon rider like us, why did you kidnap us?”, she wants to know.
He circles them in silence, taking them in.
This boy who is clearly from a Viking village, the tanned girl in a Viking dress but clearly a foreigner, and the little scarred girl in a dress who seems a bit too big for her. Clearly, it belonged to the older girl once and was sewn to fit the younger one.
“Do you even understand what we are saying?”, wondered Hiccup frustrated.
In answer the warrior whirls and hammers his staff.
In response, three large dragons ascend from the depths, carrying Toothless, Starchaser, and Frihet.
Hiccup and Leandra say the name of their dragon relieved, while Christa smiles big.
Toothless is dumped on the ground next to Hiccup, sopping wet. Hiccup rushes to him, petting him reassuringly. Toothless coos in relief.
“It's okay. I'm glad to see you, too, bud. You really had me worried there.”
Next Starchaser and Frihet get dumped before their riders.
Christa just hugs Frihet tightly, who wraps himself formally around her, while Leandra gives Starchaser a lot of kisses on her head.
“Oh Star, thank the lord, you are okay!”
Her dragon nuzzles her in a way that spells that she is glad that Leandra is okay too.
The warrior rattles his staff at a nearby dragon.
In response, it and the surrounding dragons produce firelight from their throats, spotlighting the three dragon riders and their dragons.
Then he sets down his staff and shield, and approaches Hiccup, cautiously and animal-like.
Toothless snarls and circles Hiccup defensively, but then instantly yields to the stranger's outstretched hand. With a quick, disarming gesture, the warrior lays Toothless down in a state of bliss.
Of course, Starchaser wants to protect her mate, but the same trick works on her too.
Now two blissful Night Furries lay on the ground.
Frihet gets ready to spit his acid, yet one upward gesture from the warrior, and he is a blissed-out dragon too.
Hiccup and the girls are astonished.
The warrior's hand continues toward Hiccup's face. He recoils, but the warrior persists, finding the faint scar on Hiccup's chin, glinting in the firelight.
Their kidnapper gasps and retreats a few steps.
“Hiccup?”, says surprisingly a female voice, shaking with emotions. “Could it be? After all these years? How is this possible?”
“Uh, should I... should I know you?”, asks Hiccup and looks to Leandra and Christa who shrug their shoulders at him.
They haven’t the faintest idea what is going on right now too.
“No. You were only a babe...”, starts the strange woman who slowly removes here mask.
A beautiful woman with green eyes and her auburn hair in three braids was hiding behind it.
Leandra and Christa look from her to Hiccup and back.
These two… look like they could be related!
The woman’s eyes meet Hiccups, equally wide-eyed and aghast.
“... but a mother never forgets.”, she ends her sentence.
Hiccup stammers, tongue-tied, aghast.
Christa has wide eyes and blinks.
Leandra is the only one who sums up the situation in perfection: “What the heck?!”
Our three dragon riders run after the woman through tightly winding corridors.
“Hold on! Wait just a minute! Come back here!”, calls Hiccup after her.
“This way. Come.”, is the only answer of the woman.
“You can't just say something like that and run off! You're my mother?! I mean, what the -- do you grasp how INSANE it sounds?!”, he shouts after her. “I have questions!”
“We all have questions. Didn’t you tell me your mother was eaten by a dragon?!”, reminds him, Leandra, holding hands with Christa, so she can keep up with them.
They follow Hiccup’s supposed mom over the difficult terrain. Together and helping each other clamber over a tall rock.
“That’s what everyone told me back home, I mean-“
He is lost for words as he sees where they are now.
A giant ice chamber teeming with ferns, waterfalls, hot springs, and thousands of new dragons.
Even Leandra and Christa stop walking with their chins on the floor.
Neither of the three has seen something that beautiful.
Their dragons join them, curiously looking around.
Hiccup spots his….mother clinging to a basalt overhang, watching him and the girls.
“This is where you've been for 15 years?”
“You believe her!”, whisper-shouts Leandra shocked, and even Christa gives him a look alla are you crazy?
“She looks how my father always described her.”, he gives them one reason. “Also she knows my name. Leandra, you didn’t use my name the whole time we were here with her, so how else should she know it?”
The two girls look at each other and then shrug.
Well, they can’t say anything against it and so long as Hiccup’s mom didn’t hurt them they would accept this.
Crazy as it was.
Hiccup’s mom nods from her perch answering the question of her son.
“You've been rescuing them.”, declares the boy.
She nods again, this time with a smile.
“I wanna add an uff to it.”, pipes Leandra up.
Christa nods in agreement.
This whole thing got crazier by the minute!
Hiccup’s supposed dead mom wasn’t dead but a dragon rider, like them, and a dragon rescuer.
“You're not upset?”, ask him his mother unsure.
“What? No. I don't know. It's a bit much to get my head around, to be frank. It's not every day you find out your mother is some kind of crazy, feral, vigilante dragon lady.”, blabs Hiccup what comes to his mind.
He is still reeling too, okay?
She chuckles, and using her dragon's wing, lowers herself to the ground like a skilled acrobat.
“At least I'm not boring... right?”
“I suppose there is that... one... specific... thing...”
Excited dragons rush up to greet the three dragon riders and their dragons. The humans pet a few, marvelling at the vast dragon utopia before them.
“Maybe it’s time we introduce ourselves.”, says Leandra and grins crookedly at Hiccup’s mom. “It’s not every day you meet the dead mom of your best friend. I’m Leandra Alvarez, it’s nice to meet you…erm…Mrs. Haddock?”
Mrs. Haddock gives her a reassuring smile.
“Please a friend of my son can call me Valka.”
“Valka, okay, noted.”
“And who is the little one?”
Valka crouches down to see into Christa’s eyes, she is approaching her as one would do with a baby dragon.
“That’s Christa…mom.”, tests Hiccup for the first time calling her this. “She is a former thrall, her old master cut out her tongue so she can’t talk.”
“You poor dear!”, Valka gasps. “No one will hurt you here, I promise.”
Christa gives her a shy smile.
That’s when Frihet snuggles up to Christa like he wants to say just try it and I will acid you back to the stone age.
“Incredible, you three made friends with dragons.”, can’t Valka help herself to say.
She never imagined her son would become a dragon rider. When she thought about him, she hoped he was more like his father. No one should be like her on Berk.
But these three weren’t on Berk.
Valka wonders what the story is behind this.
Asking now wouldn’t be wise, besides she was so curious about the two Night Furries before her.
“Can I... ?”, she asks her son and Leandra for permission, who nods at her.
She pets the two black dragons, who nuzzled her softly.
“Oh, they are beautiful. They may be the last of their kind.”
“Then it’s good that they are mates.”, explains Leandra. “Green eye is Toothless Hiccup male dragon and gold eye is Starchaser my female dragon. And our Changewing friend is Frihet, male too.”
“Night Furrie hatchling I would love to see this.”, gushes Valka, inspecting the talons as Toothless and Starchaser roll onto their backs, nuzzling her.
“And look, he's your age! No wonder you get along so well.”
Hiccup smiles, astounded by Toothless' affection for Valka.
“Our girl here is actually older, seventeen. How old are you Leandra?”
“Sixteen, Valka.”
Leandra gives her dragon a smug look.
“So you are older than me, heh Star.”
Starchaser gives a little huff.
“Toothless your mate is older than you? Do you have a thing for older girls or what?”, jokes Hiccup with his dragon, who huffs also at him.
Meanwhile, Valka checks Toothless teeth. They recede into the gums at her touch.
“And retractable teeth? Ah! How did you manage to—“
“--I found him in the woods. He was shot down and wounded. Starchaser found us a few days later.”
Valka winces and offers a sympathetic nod as she stands to caress a few of her own rescued dragons.
“This Snafflefang lost his leg to one of Drago Bludvist's iron traps.”, she tells the kids, who look at each other in confusion. Who is this Dragog Blood Fist? “This Raincutter had her wing sliced by razor netting. And this poor Hobblegrunt was blinded by a tree snare... then left to die alone and scared. And what of this? Did Drago or his trappers do this, too?”
“Yes, dears?”
“Who is Dragog Blood Fist?”
The older woman blinks at them before she turns white as a sheet.
“You kids don’t know? Drago Bludvist is a madman who captures dragons! He is a vile human being who does anything to get his hands on dragons. I still don’t know why he does it. He doesn’t kill them…he just keeps them in cages.”
“Asshole!”, declares Leandra.
Christa frowns and Hiccup nods in agreement.
“Heh. Well, the crazy thing is...”, starts Hiccup to explain to his mom Toothless condition. “I'm actually the one who shot him down.”
His mother glares, confused.
“Because he wanted to be a Viking.”, adds Leandra. “Turned out he isn’t on and doesn’t want to be one.”
“What did your father think of your Night Fury friend?”
“I will never know… Me and Leandra actually run away from Berk and saved Christa from being hunted down like a pig.”
Valka blinked at the sheepish grins the kids gave her.
“All right, I think we need to sit down and talk. Come with me.”
The humans and the dragon riders are all around sitting in the cave Valka has turned into a little flat.
Hiccup and Leandra are finishing their tale, Christa drinking a cup of tea Valka had made for her and the older woman listening attentively.
“…And that’s about it. We were on our way to Spain before you snatched us up Mom.”, finishes Hiccup.
Valka can’t help but shake her head and smile bittersweet at him.
“To think you are just like me. You couldn’t kill a dragon. I hoped for you that you were more like your father, no one should get through what I expired on Berk, but hoping was fruitless.”, she signs.
“Valka do you mind telling us your story?”, asks Leandra. “I think it’s only fair.”
Of course, she would and the two teenagers and child listened to Valka’s story of the faithful night that changed her life.
“…It broke my heart to stay away, but I believed you'd be safer if I did.”, she ends and you can clearly see the remorse in her eyes.
If she only had known what her son had to endure without her, that he was like her…she would have snatched him and Leandra up and Christa too.
Hiccup considers his mother’s tale, then raises his eyes to hers, seeing the sting of remorse.
“How did you survive?”
Here she smiles and pets her owl-like dragon.
“Oh, Cloudjumper never meant to harm me. He must've thought I belonged here...come I will show you.”
So they follow her out again to the edge of the raised natural terrace, overlooking the steamy oasis with its flowing hot spring waterfalls.
Half-submerged in the warm lake below, a massive white dragon with pronounced, mammoth-like tusks rests benevolently on the banks, his stately countenance like that of a lion surrounded by his pride.
“Dios mio, it’s huge!”, can’t Leandra help herself.
Hiccup is speechless, while Christa’s chin is on the floor.
“In the home of the great Bewilderbeast.”, continues Valka her sentence from before. “The alpha species. One of very few that still exist. Every nest has its queen, but this is the king of all dragons.”
Dragons land and bow reverentially to the Bewilderbeast. Valka gestures to the spiked ice ceiling that acts as a sweating greenhouse.
“With his icy breath, this graceful giant built our nest. A safe haven for dragons everywhere. He protects us. We all live under his care. And his command.”
“Incredible.”, declares Hiccup, while Leandra and Christa nod in agreement.
They pass an eggshell-littered nursery.
Hatchlings dart out of it, greeting them excitedly and inciting chaos. Toothless, Starchaser, and Frihet are overwhelmed by their manic picking and scratching.
Cloudjumper baulks and sends them scattering.
“All but the babies, of course...”, chuckles Valka, as the hatchlings clamber on top of the Bewilderbeast and play on his massive tusks, despite his authority. “... who listens to no one.”
The Bewilderbeast lets out a frosty snort, sending off the youngsters to spread more mischief.
Now awakened, the Bewilderbeast raises his gargantuan head to take a closer look at the three young dragon riders, coming eyes to massive eye.
Valka bows in his presence, as do Toothless, Starchaser, and Frihet.
“I've lived among them for 15 years, Hiccup, Leandra, and Christa learning their ways, discovering their secrets...”
The gentle giant dragon acknowledges Hiccup and the girls with another icy snort, slicking back Hiccup's hair in a frosty veneer. Icicles are formed on the dresses of the girls.
The older woman laughs.
“He likes you three.”
“Dios mio.”
Christa smiles just happy.
“You kids must be hungry.”, says Valka to them.
“Uh, yeah. I could eat.”, agrees Hiccup.
“Me too!”, tells also Leandra.
Shyly raising her hand, Christa means she could eat too.
“Good. It's feeding time.”
Christa is actually Ymir Fritz or as I like to call her more Ymir the founder from Shingeki No Kyojin or Attack on Titan.
My headcanon is that King Fritz, this bitch ass motherfucker cocksucker, gave Christa the name Ymir after Ymir the Norse Giant God since Eldians are based on the Vikings.
Christa is her real name I believe because when Frieda read the story of the devil and Ymir to Historia she called the girl Christa.
It makes sense that the direct descendants of Ymir and King Shit knew the real name of Ymir the founder.
So she will be called by her name Christa and not the slave name Ymir.
I choose the Changewing for Christa as a dragon because I think a dragon who spits acid is really cool and special for our Christa.
I was tempted to call him Eren, but Frihet-Freedom is better. XD
Tatakae! XD
I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Till next time my loves .3.
oops aot spoilers
If only they went to McDonalds that day

Can please do a Aot characters x Black reader with the ability as goddess madoka powers(her power level is on wiki) and is from modern world please
Attack on Titan ~Characters with a black reader with Madoka's powers~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the manga
Some information about the reader:
- Reader is about 1.40 m (about 4'6 feet) tall;
- Some of reader's powers are healing, death, fate and time manipulation, invisibility, reality warping, weapon creation and they can know the past, present and future;
- Reader accidentally teleported themself to the world of AoT and decided to collaborate with the Survey Corp to help and save Eren and the others.
At first Eren was super intrigued by you because of your powers, and he was very flattered you wanted to save him, even if he didn't know what from. He asks you many times to reveal the future to him, but you always refuse; however, this doesn't affect your friendship, which will always remain strong. The last time you'll meet him will be on The Path, where he'll ask you not to change his history.
Armin is super fascinated by your world! He continues to ask you questions about the sea and everything else he saw in his grandfather's book. You spend a lot of time together, in fact he ends up falling in love with you: he always tries to be close to you and help you as much as he can to settle into their world; in addition, he blushes whenever you flirt with him. After Eren's death, you'll travel with Armin as an ambassador between Paradis and Marley, though you'll soon settle into a house in Paradis and live there until your deaths.
At first Mikasa didn't like you: she thought you told a lot of lies and you were an enemy infiltrated to kidnap Eren; furthermore, she was also a little jealous of the attention he gave you. However, after you clarified your true intentions, she started to like you. Nevertheless, your friendship will end when you refuse to bring Eren back to life and she claims to hate you.
First Jean was interested in your powers, then he started to appreciate you, especially after you consoled him due to Marco's death. Yours is one of the strongest friendships of all the ones you have: when you aren't with Armin or Connie and Sasha, you're with him either training (he claims fighting with you is helping him to beat Eren) or telling him about your world.
Sasha and Connie love you! Thanks to your invisibility, you help them to play a lot of jokes. You three are the troublemakers' trio. However, this trio will dissolve after Sasha's death, about which you'll continue to torment yourself for all your life: because of the battle in Liberio, you had wasted all your energy and were unable to heal her. Connie told you over and over again it wasn't your fault, but your feelings of guilt...
Ymir likes you're true to yourself: even if you come from another, much more modern world, you never adapted your behavior, but you behaved as you did in your old world. This is something she greatly appreciates in a person. You two quite early developed a nice friendship, although not too honest, since she never told you her secret (even if she never knew you can see the past and future).
Historia was initially shy about talking to you: in fact, your only interaction was when she asked you not to resurrect her if she died. Now she loves you so much, because you helped her to consider herself more and to abandon her suicidal tendencies. When Ymir died, she came to you for comfort. When she became queen, she asked you to stay beside her in the palace, but you refused, telling her you wanted to stay in the Survey Corps with Armin and the others.
Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt love you a lot and they appreciate you very much. Their appreciation for you began after you chatted one night during the training period: you knew they were Marley's spies, but you never blamed them, indeed you consoled them when they felt lost and destroyed. They became so fond of you they wanted to take you with them to Marley, but they didn't do it, because you didn't want it. After Eren's death, Annie and Reiner will want to spend with you all the time they've missed over the years.
Meeting you is one of the events Levi remembers more and that make him smile the most: when he introduced himself to you, you hugged him tightly and told him you were sorry for what he had been through and he was really strong for having endured everything; afterwards, you even told him Furlan and Isabel would be so proud of him, and he actually almost burst into tears. You two have a great brother-sister relationship, even if it bothers him a little that you already know everything that's going to happen.
When they first met you, Hange wanted to analyze you. However, they soon began to ask for your help with their research and, like Armin, they became very interested in your world: in fact, they insisted so much you join their team, but you refused it to be with your friends; despite this, they never held it against you for it. However, one event will probably stick in your mind forever: they refused to have the eye injury treated, claiming it must be a sign of their inability to react and counterattack a sudden attack.
Erwin sees you as an invaluable resource, both for your powers and the effect you have on enemies and allies. In fact, your protection (always entrusted, coincidentally, to Armin he ships you) and Eren's is at the center of his plans. Although he has accepted you can't reveal the future, shortly before he dies, he'll ask you to tell him what's in Eren's cellar; at his desperate tone, you'll tell him this, and he'll die in peace.
At first Gabi and Falco considered you an enemy, but then you protected them from being beaten and thrown off the airship due to Sasha's death, and they were amazed: Falco had immediately thanked you, surprising everyone on board; Gabi had opened her mouth wide, but no sound had come out of it. They were even more shocked when you invited them to your and Armin's house to find a way to bring them back to Liberio. Thanks to all the time spent together, they now consider you and Armin as big siblings.
Porko and Pieck had thought you were special from Reiner's stories, but, since you met, they're certain of this. The first was shocked when you saved him from Eren's fury during the battle in Liberio; the second was surprised you had cared for Reiner in Shiganshina District and treated him with a kindness that was almost alien to her. Eventually, Pieck will become one of your best friends, especially thanks to your embassies, so much so she'll become the godmother of one of your children.
Like Pieck, Zeke was also impressed by how you took care of Reiner, although you knew he was the enemy and your companions scolded you, and also how he, and subsequently Eren, talked about you. However, except for this meeting, you two had no other interactions, so you always remained an enemy to defeat for him.
Ymir Fritz admires you so much for saving her from King Fritz! She treated you for a long time as if you were her mistress (you took her away from her previous master, so she thought she should serve you), although you had already told her several times not to do this. However, with little difficulty, you managed to get treated like an equal, and you two soon became friends. When she dies, you'll see each other in The Paths.
I truly apologize for not posting sooner. Unfortunately I had problems with my account and wasn't able to log in for about a month. Anyway, I hope you liked it!
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
Attack on Titan ~Characters with a reader with Madoka's powers~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the manga
Requested by: @happybunny999
Some information about the reader:
- Reader can know the past, present and future and they're able to control the Coordinate and all worlds, universes and timelines;
- Reader teleported themself to the world of AoT and decided to collaborate with the Survey Corp.
Eren was both intrigued and scared of you: he feared you were an enemy spy and you could betray them, but he also wanted you to help him to control the Coordinate. He didn't know what to do! Finally, convinced by his superiors, he decided to talk to you. A friendship soon developed between you two, but this will be broken when he infiltrates Marley and treats you badly.
Armin is the one of the trio who's most open to dialogue and friendship with you. Certainly, at first he too was a little hesitant about talking to you, but soon your behavior dispelled his doubts about you; so, you two became friends. Now you spend a lot of time together: you talk to him about your world, he about his.
Until Eren didn't know whether to talk to you and suspected you, Mikasa, unsure whether to talk to you or not, stared at you from afar and monitored you. However, even after Eren becomes your friend, she'll still remain very cold towards you, as she'll never fully trust you.
Jean loves training with you even if he always loses and hearing your stories about your world. He'll always remember the first time you two met: that time, he tried to flirt with you, but you didn't even consider him; you quickly shook his hand and went to talk to Sasha and Connie. He confesses that was his greatest failure.
Sasha and Connie are probably your closest friends. They immediately opened up to you, even though their friends and superiors were against it and more suspicious. They want to spend a lot of time with you and are very curious about your world. Connie is the person who adores you the most because you managed to make his mother human again, and he'll never thank you enough for that.
At first, Ymir was only impressed by your powers; then she was also staggered by your character: she was shocked by your understanding and by the fact you never revealed anything to anyone, despite knowing her past. When she needs someone to vent to, she comes to you because she knows you'll never tell anyone what she says.
Historia is impressed Ymir is with you so much. Furthermore, thanks to Ymir, she was able to meet you. She appreciates your wisdom in giving help and advice: in fact, whenever she needs help, she always comes to you. In addition, she totally trusts you.
Annie really enjoys training with you: she thinks the more she trains with you, the more she'll improve. Furthermore, she used to try to spend time with you, so that she could trick you and kidnap you more easily; however, over time she grew very fond of you, and so she didn't want to hurt you anymore. After Eren's death, she'll want to spend a lot of time with you.
Reiner and Bertholdt feel very good when they talk to you: they appreciate your listening skills (in fact, you don't judge them despite everything they've done, you listen to them patiently, you console them when they're feeling bad or if the weight of their actions weighs on their conscience...) and your advice. Plus, they adamantly refuse to kidnap you.
Levi treats you like his little sister, and loves you dearly. He's overprotective, and, in some ways, also affectionate and loving. After Eren's death, you'll heal all his wounds, both those caused by the explosion and those he received during the last battle, and he'll be very happy about it. Furthermore, he'll ask you to live in Marley with him.
Hange and Erwin love chatting with you, especially about your world. They appreciate your help with both their inventions' progress and their plans. Hange comes to ask you literally everything whenever they can; Erwin is a little more reserved, and he tries not to put too much pressure on you with his questions. Both, in their own way, try to protect you.
Ymir Fritz is surprised about your first meeting: while she was in The Paths, you appeared in front of her, starting to chat with her naturally. At first, she didn't talk to you, but, after a lot of convincing from you, she started to open up and talk. She really appreciates your company, as she has been alone for a long time. Just before disappearing forever, she'll thank you for keeping her company.
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
Attack on Titan ~Characters with a reader who brings all the dead back to life and rules the world~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the dead
Requested by: @happybunny999
Eren loves you very much, not only because you were able to bring his parents back to life, but also because you helped him to control his powers. He'll appreciate you reviving everyone he kills: he'll feel slightly better. Plus, when he comes back to life, he'll love trying to make up for all the mistakes and crimes he committed and he'll continue to thank you.
Armin understands why you save everyone without distinction, and he appreciates you so much for it. He'll feel very happy when you save Bertholdt and Erwin, since he'll no longer feel the weight of their deaths on him, and Eren. He hope one day you won't have to resurrect anyone anymore.
Mikasa appreciated you when you brought her parents back to life, but she'll appreciate you even more after you resurrect Eren. However, at first she hated you because you also resurrected her enemies. She didn't understand why you did it, and she was one of those who were against allowing you to act freely: she believed you needed to be carefully monitored.
Jean thought Marco was one of the unjustly dead, so, after you brought him back to life, he literally ran to hug you and burst into tears. Now he's at your complete disposal: do you need help? He's there for you. Do you need a shoulder to cry on? He's there. Do you need something? You'll have it right away.
Sasha's closest relatives aren't dead, so she doesn't have some sort of "debt" to you, like most soldiers. However, she still values you very much, especially since you don't think of yourself as better for your power and you don't treat others with superiority. She acts with more bravado because she knows you'll always save her.
Connie and his family are grateful to you: you saved their entire family! Whenever he can, he invites you to eat with him as thanks, because he thinks it's the only thing he can do for you and because his little siblings adore you and ask a lot of you. Like Sasha, he acts with more bravado ("Even if I die, she'll save me!").
Ymir doesn't care about you: she doesn't care who you save, as she's uninterested in anything but Historia. However, she'll appreciate you brought her back to life because then she'll be able to spend more time with her beloved.
Historia feels safe when you're on her team during expeditions because she knows no matter what happens, you'll save everyone. However, she made you promise you wouldn't save her if she died, but she'll change her mind after you bring Ymir back to life. When she becomes queen, she'll want you by her side, but she'll also let you go on expeditions to save soldiers.
Annie considered you dangerous: she never cared about anything other than fighting, so she didn't understand the reason for resurrecting the dead. Furthermore, she had seen the influence you had on others, and she therefore feared at some point you might change her goals. However, after she has grown fond of some of her companions (Armin), she'll appreciate you, especially when she discovers you've brought her dead warrior companions back to life.
Reiner always felt the full weight of his actions, which led to the death of many innocent people, so, after you resurrected everyone, he felt lighter and better. However, like Annie, he had noticed being around you was making him softer, so he always tried to stay away from you. Nevertheless, after Eren's "death", he'll appreciate you for all the lives you saved, and he'll thank you for saving his comrades, especially Marcel and Porko.
Unlike his two friends, Bertholdt loved you very much from your first meeting: according to him you were a sort of goddess, not only because of your very powerful and beautiful power, but also because of your humble and sweet character, which led you to save them, the enemies, too.
When you brought Furlan, Isabel and his mother back to life, Levi was shocked: he was a mixture of happiness and disbelief; he ran to you and hugged you tightly, crying slightly. Now he has officially become your bodyguard: he'll always protect you, even dying for you (you'll resurrect him anyway).
Hange loves, loves being with you and asking you questions about your power: they're very interested in knowing its exact workings and scope and limits. They love your kindness, even if they had previously told you they would have preferred you didn't save all the enemies, but you had very kindly made them understand how everyone is innocent in that world.
For Erwin, you're a very important resource, even more than Eren, not only because you bring people back to life, but also because of your knowledge. He'll appreciate very much you resurrected his father, whose death he always blamed himself and whose burden he always felt, and himself, because in this way he'll be able to satisfy his greatest desire, that of seeing the cellar of Eren's house.
Falco burst into tears when you brought his brother back to life: he literally ran into your arms, crying and still thanking you. He already appreciated you before, since your name had already spread in Marley with the warriors' return, but now his respect for you has skyrocketed. He wants to spend as much time as possible with you, asking you questions and being "pampered" by you.
Porko was shocked when he found his brother alive, telling him he had been brought back to life by a girl, in front of him. That day he promised himself he would find you and thank you properly, even if you were with the enemy. So he did: after being devoured by Falco and brought back to life by you, he went to you and thanked you (although with quite a bit of difficulty) both on his own behalf and that of his brother.
Thanks to you, Zeke met his father, who had expressed the desire to be able to make peace with his eldest son, again, and he was also able to see again what he considered his father: Xaver. He feels grateful to you, because he managed to make peace with his real father and his half-brother, and he also promised you he'll do anything to pay off what he considers his debt to you.
Ymir Fritz sees you as a reference figure, almost like a sister. Since you've ruled the world since its dawn, she often asks you for help with her powers. Furthermore, when she's with you, she feels considered: you're the first person since the fall of her kingdom who considers her as a human being, who defends her from King Fritz.
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Attack on Titan ~Characters with a black reader like Neo-Queen Serenity~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the death
Requested by: @happybunny999
Some information about the reader:
- Reader can magically heal the sick and injured and bring the dead or an entire world and its population back to life with the Silver Crystal.
Probably, Eren is intrigued by you and your powers and he finds they're complementary to his: he destroys and kills, you create, heal and give life. He has a sincere feeling of affection for you; he also wants to protect you, especially during expeditions. Before he dies, he'll want to see you to tell you he loves you and to ask you not to bring him back to life after his death.
Armin is completely fascinated by you: he's interested in your appearance, your powers and your character. He's the one of the trio who wants to spend more time with you to know more about you; unlike Eren, he would rather be close to you than protect you from afar. In fact, he uses any excuse to be with you.
Mikasa can't stand you: she's wary of you because she thinks you're a spy who'll deceive and betray them. Whatever you do, she always criticizes you; she does everything to keep Eren and Armin away from you and to face you in fights, which you always win, increasing her hatred for you. After Eren's death, she'll never want to see you again: she won't forgive you for not saving Eren.
Jean has appreciated you since you brought Marco back to life. Both quickly became your closest friends along with Armin, and you and Jean often spend time together. He's your protector and your shoulder to cry on and he does everything to make you happy. The more time passes, the more he'll become a big brother figure to you.
Sasha and Connie quickly became fond of you. They like to play with your Silver Crystal, but they're often scolded by you or their superiors either because they lose it, or because they risk breaking it. After Sasha dies and you bring her back to life, both will run up to you and hug you tightly, thanking you. At the end of the final battle against Eren, they'll ask you to live with them.
Ymir and Historia were very wary of you, especially the first, who kept the second away from you for fear you would harm her. However, it was Ymir who first opened up to you after you gave a beautiful speech about life to her beloved, who had asked you not to bring her back to life if she died. After you bring Ymir back to life, they'll often invite you to have tea with them.
Annie thought you were dangerous, especially for her and her companions, because she feared you could take away their powers or nullify all their actions. Like Mikasa, she also wants to train with you, especially because she realizes she's improving a lot since fighting you. Eventually, after you beat Eren, she'll start to like you more than before, even if you two will never be best friends.
The more time passed, the more Reiner and Bertholdt became fond of you. They feel lighter in your company, as if they were normal boys; furthermore, they appreciate you're saving everyone, both allies and enemies. When you bring Bertholdt back to life, both will want to take you to Marley, but they'll accept your refusal and beg you to be safe.
Levi was weirded out by you: he didn't understand how you could be so kind and how you could bring everyone back to life, including enemies. However, he soon began to appreciate you and realized no one is totally wrong or right in their world. He'll be very happy after you heal all his wounds, and he'll thank you so much.
Hange and Erwin love talking to you and discovering your powers more and more, even if in a different way: the first analyzes you (not like their titans, though) and studies your Silver Crystal, the second often chats with you. In the end, before dying, both will ask you not to bring them back to life, saying their death would have been necessary for their companions' growth.
Ymir Fritz didn't understand you: she has always been trained to defeat and kill enemies, but you save everyone without distinction. Now, she understands you slightly more, although not completely. She's very interested in your powers, since you're both special; whenever she can, she spends time with you, chatting and hanging out with you.
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Attack on Titan ~Characters with a reader with outworldly powers~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the manga
Requested by: @happybunny999
Like you, Eren too has enormous, very powerful powers, so he understands you in a way. He always finds himself in tune with you and loves to talk and exchange opinions with you about your powers. You two have established such a close friendship (in fact, you're the only one who can convince him to do or not do something) he'll ask Armin to protect you before dying.
For Armin you're very similar to Eren, especially due to your powers. In fact, he cares about you as much as he cares about him. He's also interested in you and in your powers because he thinks they could save everyone and you could convince Marley to talk to Eldia and not to fight against it. He'll want to protect you after Eren entrusts you to him.
Even for Mikasa, you and Eren are similar, and she appreciates you very much for always saving and keeping him safe. She wants to fight against you to improve and to be able to save Eren too and, when she needs help to convince him not to do stupid things, she comes to you for help. After Eren's death, she'll want to be with you, since she considers you like a sister.
Jean loves training with you, especially because you teach him tricks to beat an opponent in an easy to understand way. Probably, he's one of the few who doesn't try to protect you: he regularly fights against you, he knows how strong you are and you can protect yourself very well on your own and would defeat all those who should attack you.
Sasha and Connie always ask you for help with their pranks! It all started when you collided with them while they were running away: you made them invisible with your powers, and from there you became their "partner in crime". After Sasha's death, Connie will be closer to you ("I've already lost her, I won't lose you too.").
At first Ymir wasn't interested in you, but then she started to appreciate you more and more because you saved and helped Historia several times. She regularly comes to you for advice on combat and how to best use her titan powers. Furthermore, shortly before dying, she'll entrust Historia to you.
Historia wasn't interested in you at first either, but she started to gain confidence quicker than Ymir when you two were put together in hand-to-hand combat. She's grateful to you for all the times you saved and helped her and, after becoming queen, she'll ask you to become her bodyguard.
Like Jean, Annie too loves to train with you, although she does it not so much to improve to be able to defeat as many giants as possible, but to be able to defeat you and then take you to Marley. However, it'll be after seeing how you fight fiercely to get Eren back with you again she'll deeply admire you.
Reiner and Bertholdt think you know they're actually spies, in fact one day they even tried to capture you, but they didn't succeed; nevertheless, they're actually very surprised you never reported them. Therefore, they still try to capture you, even if all their plans fail. Ironically, the more desperate their attempts to bring you to Marley, the more you'll form a sort of friendship!
Levi has always been very protective of you. At first he was this only because Erwin told him so, then he started to become very fond of you and protect you because he wanted it. During Survey Corp's expeditions, he orders you to stay close to him and not move away from him (once you did, and he was terribly anxious you might die).
Hange and Erwin are very intrigued and interested in your powers. You're always at the center of their plans, especially in Erwin's, since he considers you a very important resource: in fact, he wanted to protect you, so he entrusted you to Levi's protection. Instead, unlike Erwin, who prefers to protect you from afar, Hange prefers to be close to you, especially talking to you about your powers.
Ymir Fritz was very surprised the first time you two met, especially due to your powers. She often asks you for help in controlling her powers, and she's always very happy to spend time with you. In fact, after she dies, she'll be really happy you'll be able to meet her in the Paths and, before disappearing after Eren's death, she'll thank you for always being with her.
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anyway i hated this chapter 😆👍 if everyone doesn't turn back to human in 139 like i'm convinced they will, i'm fucking leaving this planet.
gabi's development down the fucking drain because she's a mindless titan now — i'm not even a diehard gabi stan, but the thought of her process of disillusionment regarding marley's propaganda only being for nothing is tbh crushing
the pointlessness of pieck becoming a warrior for her father's treatment and only earning him borrowed time since he becomes a titan anyway
jean and connie literally surviving everything that's been thrown at them until this point as normal fucking humans
falco's promise to protect gabi
reiner not going through with his suicide attempt and him surviving all the times he's put his life on the line for the sake of other people since returning to marley
annie seeing her father for a total of 10 seconds before he transforms (and he even manages not to roast annie who was literally a foot away when it happened, mind you, for some reason — i know she'd heal from it quick as anything, but it bugs me, personally)
. . . what was the point of all that when in the end it all results in the titan shifters being eaten by the ones they care about the most? the titan shifters' time was just limited and there's no hope for them so we just need to resign ourselves to their fate?
i'm hoping that ymir herself will break the curse even if it's only because of a weird reason, namely mikasa giving eren's decapitated head just 2 seconds of lip-on-lip action (and i absolutely do not understand why she cares so much about mikasa kissing eren . . . can someone get this kid some primetime tv)
i believe that a story must give the reader some satisfaction, no matter how gruesome and tragic it is, and i personally have never been further from it.
also, i have never hated the time loop theory more than i do now because it seems highly probable ((to me)) and gives the option for either
an open ending if eren is considered to have failed to stop the cycle of conflict and it fucking repeats AGAIN and we're just supposed to imagine a world where eren was successful. isayama gets to leave us with no concrete, canon endings for the characters
or closed ending — ymir likes the kiss, apparently (😒) so she helps eren "succeed" this time by bringing back everyone? and everyone would have apparently learned their lesson about not perpetuating violence against other "races" after they died i guess. i only have the vaguest possible idea of how that would even work (and if it does happen i don't think my brain would be able to take it anymore)
which lets isayama keep everyone in the dark during the wait between the penultimate and the final chapter. i hate it here

Me convincing myself, that good things will still happen to the cast.
This aged well 😚

Me convincing myself, that good things will still happen to the cast.
Okay first I wanna address a couple things before I jump right in. This is all my PERSONAL thoughts on how it COULD end, but I’ll be happy with however Isayama ends it. These are just some ideas I’ve had so most of it will be fragments. Also please no hate.
Let’s jump on in

Okay so what I’ve been thinking is what if somehow the group ends up back in the place where Ymir is.
Eren or even Ymir brings them there i don’t know I don’t care just they are there
And like while Mikasa, Armin, Jean and the other adults are arguing with Eren trying to convince him to stop
I want one of the kids, Gabi or Falco. Hell it can be both.
Personally I’d like it to be Gabi.
( and before anyone starts shit about Gabi killing Sasha. Gabi is a twelve year old brainwashed child that saw people she cared about get killed. So she did what most people would do. Got revenge. Y’all really be hating on a child while Eren is committing literal GENOCIDE. )
Anyway back to what I was saying
I want Gabi to talk with Ymir.
Somehow she learns about what really happened with Ymir.
And I want her to talk with Ymir telling her she understands Ymir’s hatred and sadness
Gabi tells her how she felt a similar hate. How for years she hated and cursed her ancestors and the people inside the walls
How she became a warrior so she could inherit the Armored and free her people from their “history”
And how she’s killed some of her own kind because she’s been brainwashed by Marley into thinking she’s of devil blood.
She talks about when she killed Sasha and the pride she felt at the time
And tells her what she learned when she was inside the walls.
About how she felt when Sashas father and Mikasa saved her from being killed. How she learned that the people inside the walls weren’t actually devils and that everything she had been taught was a lie
And the guilt she felt after she learned all this
This is where it gets really iffy
Ymir could have sterilized every Eldian alive right??
So theoretically what’s to stop her from I don’t know....
Taking away the power of the Titans?
So Gabi tells her that she won’t demand or order Ymir to do anything. Gabi says she is not her master and that Ymir is no longer a slave
But that she has a request. That Ymir can choose whether or not she wants to accept this request.
She asks Ymir if she could please stop the rumbling. To please rid the world of the Power of the Titans. To make it so no Eldian, Marleyan, or any other race or creature can ever transform into a Titan again.
And then Ymir smiles at her and nods.
After she’s done it Gabi hugs her and thanks her
And when she pulls back Gabi looks Ymir in the face and says
“Now I think it’s time you finally rest”
And that’s kinda where my train of thought ends
So in conclusion I love Gabi Braun and I don’t think she deserves any of the hate she gets.
Please feel free to leave your own thoughts. Just make sure that you respect other’s opinions even if they don’t align with your own.



5) Eremin

James Arthur - train wreck
4) Jeankasa

Can't help falling in love - haley reinhart
3) Yumikuri/Yumihisu

Ruth b - dandelions
2) Eremika

Illenium echos - every piece of me
1) Levihan

Vancouver sleep clinic - someone to stay
This is the last time we are going to see Ymir.

I knew it was going to be painful but this is just too much.
She looks so sad and soulless she doesn't even look like Ymir...
Seeing her like this is very hard, you can see from her face that she doesn't want to die.
Ymir probably thought about Historia until the end, I'm sure she thought that she wanted to see Historia one more time and yet she kept her promise and died for what she believed was right. And I love her so much for that 😭😭

Ymir was one of those characters whose story is just perfect. From the beginning till the end her whole story line was perfect

She was one of the most honourable characters in snk and one of my favorite characters 💔

132 chapters and I still miss her so much...
(Sorry for my english)
Why do I feel like this is so true 🤣🤣🤣😍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😍😍🤣


@lenok993 I feel like he would react like this

in light of the last chapter of attack on titan coming on april 9th, i wanted to talk about the constant reoccurring theme of the story.
due to the vast amount of people, perspectives and interpretations vary. freedom is something everyone wants but have differing definitions of. when you first think of that word you may think of eren’s true love, the opportunity to express yourself, to become whatever you want to be, and etc. attack on titan displays the various ideas of freedom.
admittedly, i could be wrong because my interpretation of these characters may be different from others.
eren yeager. FREEDOM !!! YEAAA !! but to him, what is freedom? at the start of the story, freedom is living with nothing holding you back, not living in fear of titans. but the existence of titans means never going beyond the walls, lions constantly peering over mice. but his idea of freedom changes after the kiss of true love.

a new understanding is gained. he is blinded by revenge. but is it his revenge or is it someone else’s? ymir, the slave to the king and now a slave to her own misfortune. driven by anger and vengeance of the world. why did she have to be ostracized? why did it have to be her? revenge is freedom in her mind.
carla yeager, a woman who believes that people are born special and not made special. she finds that freedom is being who you are. she doesn’t seek something to make her special. when grisha and sadis talk about the “special” people in the scout regiment, carla scoffs. she portrays a mundane view of freedom.
erwin smith, a man who seeks the truth. what is freedom to him? avenging his father? atoning to the deaths he lead many to? no. it’s to find out the realities of the world that was stripped from the people of the island. although he never fulfills his idea of freedom, he was able to rest. even if he had all of this need to understand, he accepts what he knows. is that freedom? is acceptance freedom? i don’t know myself.
throughout the time when eren had the founding titan, ymir sees eren. ymir understands eren. i believe this story is to depict empathy, not mere sympathy. whether you agree with how eren or ymir or carla or any other character’s viewpoint on freedom, isayama wants you to understand. omg count how many times i’ve used that word.
each character experiences different things, each character responds to things differently, and each character can be seen as human. the variations of people are depicted throughout characters of attack on titan.
the supposedly “last panel” in the first picture above, is a man holding a child saying “you are free”. there are lots of theories on who these people are, but the most interesting aspect, to me, is how that child is free.
in the end, what is freedom? what is it to you?
v <3