Poppy Sweeting - Tumblr Posts
Poppy: Hey Ambrose, where's Sebastian?
Ambrose: What, do you think I have a tracking spell on him or something?
Poppy: ....well do you?
Ambrose: Yeah hold on
Me: I don't know who Odysseus' canon love interest will be
Odysseus "heart eyes" Carrow every time he looks at Poppy:

Sometimes a family is you, your necromancer/dark-mage-adjacent twin, your redhead almost boyfriend, your twin's boyfriend/your roommate, your twin's situationship, the girl you saved a dragon with, your almost boyfriend's aunt, your ex police officer teacher, your twin's best friend, and your twin's situationship's sister
Demeter Somerset and the Ancient Magic
Long before Harry Potter stepped into the halls of Hogwarts another young witch fought against Dark Forces.
Her name was Demeter Somerset and this is her story.

Yeah, I can't stop making new stories, it's a sickness. But I just can't concrete long enough to finish one story, I get writer's block. T.T
So have the first chapter of my Hogwarts Legacy Self-Insert/Character story!
Demeter Somerset had been a normal girl...well as good as normal when your mother was a real-life witch.
Thanks to her Mom Demeter knows quite a bit about the Wizarding World.
She read the Daily Prophet, like the London Times.
Enjoyed walks in Diagon Alley, as in Piccadilly Circus
Chocolate Frogs were no strangers to chocolate bars.
Yes, Demeter had a good grip on both the worlds she belonged to thanks to her parents.
But she admitted, the brunette girl always wanted to go to Hogwart, like her mom, and study to become a full-fledged witch.
Sadly her 11 birthday came and went and no letter from Hogwart arrived.
She was a Squib it seemed.
Her muggle father tried to console her the best he could, she could still be part of the magic world thanks to her mom and mom's side of the family, like he was.
Her witch mother had been sad like her and both had hugged each other tight.
Demeter felt like a broken toy.
Why her?
Why does she have to be a Squib?
In muggle London you didn't count much as a woman, but in the Wizarding World, she could have been anything!
Life was so unfair.
Years passed and slowly Demeter accepted her status as a squib.
It's not like it would change from one day to another.
Till it did.
Full of excitement and happiness Demeter watched her mentor, Professor Fig, packing their carriage which would bring them to Hogwarts.
When a few days before her 15th birthday her Hogwarts letter arrived, the whole Somerset family cried.
It was unheard of to go to Hogwarts at such a mature age, however Demeter didn't care!
She didn't care!
She was a witch and would learn at Hogwarts!
She wasn't a squib but a Half-Blood.
Maybe there was a God, who took pity on her and made her awake her magic powers.
Anyway since she was really far behind in Hogwarts curriculum the Ministry of Magic as the board of Hogwarts Professors made her meet Profoessor Fig who had taught her over the summer basic spells.
The wand was not hers, yet it had been amazing to do magic!
It was a thrill Demeter never wanted to miss again.
And now on the 1st of September, she would finally step into Hogwarts.
Okay, so she didn't have imagined her first day at Hogwarts if you even can call that like this.
Seeing strange traces of Magic, the Dragon Attack, then Gringotts, the Vision in the Pensive and also Ranrok?!
Yeah, no, totally crazy.
At least she managed to get sorted into a house.
Just like her favourite Aunt Peony!
The common room was exactly as her aunt had told her.
So warm, and comfy, in golden hues and pretty plants everywhere.
Demeter felt right at home already.
The girls she shared her bedroom with seemed nice enough.
As she fell asleep in her bed, she hoped she would make a lot of friends in her House.
The next day, was her real First Day at Hogwarts.
After she talked with some of her fellow 5th-grade Huffelpuffs, Poppy, one of the girls she shared her bedroom with, told her how Professor Weasly was waiting for her.
Demeter already licked the Deputy Headmistress, way more than their Headmaster Black who had banned Quidditch this year.
She had wanted to try out for Quidditch.
Anyway, Professor Weasly gave her a magical special book to help her with her studies.
So she had to wave Revelio at anything that could be interesting and would learn more about Hogwarts and the Wizarding World.
It was really cool.
After Professor Weasly showed her how the Floo Flames worked, Demeter talked a bit with Professor Fig.
He had found something in the medallion from Gringotts and would tell her when he knew more.
For the time being, she should concentrate on school.
So Demter had her frist lesson.
Charms by Professor Rohen.
A black girl from Gryffindor whose name was Natsai Onai waved her over to her table.
Glady Demeter took place beside her and they chatted a bit.
Natsai or Natty was a nice girl.
The Charm Lesson with Professor Rohen was amazing.
Not only did learn Demeter Accio, no they even played Summoner Court on the school grounds.
Somehow Demeter managed to beat Natty and got her House points.
As the hour was nearly over she chatted more with Natty and learned about Uagado and how her new friend could actually do magic without a wand!
Then Professor Rohen called Demeter over explaining to her how to catch up on her classmates her professors would give her special assignments.
Well, she could only nod and then made her way to her next lesson.
Defence against the Dark Arts had been a favourite subject of her mother, so Demeter was curious how it would go.
When she stepped into the classroom she saw a Gryffindor boy and...and a really good-looking boy from Slytherin having a match.
The Slytherin boy had a devilish handsome smile as he fought against the Gryffindor.
Demeter felt herself getting warm and a blush formed on her cheeks.
Oh no, she wouldn't start to crush on someone just because they were hot.
She came here to study, not to have a romance!
The brunette was brought back from her inner tumults, when Professor Hecat arrived, saving the Gryffindor from getting crushed by a huge dragon skull.
Then Demeter learned a new spell Levioso, which she should now use against the handsome Slytherin boy?
Okay, God was cruel!
"Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome.", said the Slytherin boy to her.
Demeter bit her lip and got ready for the Duell.
He may be hot, however, she would show him how good she was already!
And indeed she showed him.
She won!
"Not bad for a beginner.", told her Slytherin boy. "You give as good as you get."
She just smiled in thanks, as he walked past her.
Oh, her heart was beating so fast and not only from the duel.
After Prefosser Hecat talked to her, and then dismissed class, Demeter walked with shaking knees over to the Slytherin boy.
Finally, she knows his name.
Sebastian Sallow.
They talked and...maybe it was wishful thinking but Demeter had a feeling Sebastian was flirting with her.
He invited her to the secret Dueling Club in the school and when he told her how he would meet her somewhere unsanctioned...that tone and that look...oh god take her now!
Maybe it was only in her head, but okay she was gone.
She was already so gone.
Aunt Peony was right about Hufflepuff and Slytherin: they formally flocked to each other.
The best example was her aunt herself, whose husband Uncle Desmond had been Slytherin too.
And her mom, a proud Gryffindor had warned her to not lose her heart to a Slytherin.
Yeah, when she wrote her letter home, she would only tell her Aunt Peony what was going on.
She surely could help her, determined if Sebastian was really flirting or if it was just his way of talking.
Whatever it may be, Demeter had a feeling her school year would be really interesting.
Really, really interesting.
Demeter Somerset and the Ancient Magic Index

Long before Harry Potter stepped into the halls of Hogwarts another young witch fought against Dark Forces.
Her name was Demeter Somerset and this is her story.

A Bouquet of New Beginnings Chapter 8: "Royal Fern"
Flower Language: Fascination
Summary: Artemis continues with her first week of school, and does reconnaissance on a certain library.
Excerpt below the cut (the full chapter can be read through AO3 Link above):
Poppy was, by all impressions, pleasant and quiet. The latter she could relate, so she gathered every ounce of social ability and made to start a conversation, or at the very least, ask if the seat next to her was available. That was the intent, most definitely. Until the brown ball of something in Poppy’s arms, with giant, round, brown eyes jetted out a long, whip-like tongue.
Right at Artemis.
She dodged instinctively with a quick neck tilt; it cracked gloriously loud. Loud enough Poppy turned toward her and gasped.
“Oh! So sorry, Gerald’s a bit excited and, um, are you alright?”
“Yes, yes I’m fine,” mustered Artemis as she looked down at the ball of fur. “Is the seat available?”
“Oh, of course!” Poppy exclaimed, seemingly surprised. “I’m Poppy. Poppy Sweeting.”
“Artemis Loreley, pleasure to meet you.”
“Likewise. Oh, this is Gerald. He’s a puffskein. I think he likes you.”
Artemis and Gerald the Puffskein locked eyes before he let out some sort of croon. She supposed he was cute enough, previous transgression of tongue lashing forgiven as her fingers tickled his – assumedly- chin.
“He seems very nice.”

A Bouquet of New Beginnings Ch. 17 "Calendula"
Floriography - Health & Trouble
Summary: A month into the new school year. Professor Weasley checks in on progress, and Poppy invites Artemis for some moonlight rescue.
Below is an excerpt of the chapter; full chapter can be viewed from AO3 link above.
The beds of green slowly shifted to red, gamboge, and brown to welcome autumn. Students brought out their warm cloaks and jumpers to welcome the cooler months ahead. This particular afternoon, Artemis sat across from the redhaired Deputy Headmistress in her office. Fresh cups of earl grey wafted their elegant steam as the snow-haired girl rested her hands, right over left, in her lap.
“Miss Loreley, thank you for coming to see me so quickly.”
“It was no trouble, Professor Weasley,” responded Artemis quickly. Her palm tingled from the slight rub of her thumb against the hidden scar.
“It’s been a little over a month since you’ve come to Hogwarts, and I wished to check in on your progress. May I see your Field Guide?”
Artemis dutifully pulled out the tome from her school bag with both hands.
“How have you been adjusting?” Professor Weasley asked as she began to flip through the pages.
“Well, ma’am.”
A perfect blend of bitter and sweet swirled her mouth with her tea.
“I’m glad. I was starting to worry, since you’ve shown up to breakfast only once.”
She swallowed; the liquid felt like molten lava. Her gaze fell to the liquid surface. Reflected back was her carefully neutral façade. The additional Glamour Charm hid the increasingly darkened under eye circles.
“I eat light in the mornings, Professor.”
“I see. Well, you certainly keep yourself busy. Hospital Wing volunteering, the Briar Greenhouse, and I’ve heard you’ve taken to extra broom lessons with Miss Reyes. Nurse Blainey has also expressed that you wish to undertake the next Asclepius Record.”
A small smile stretched the Deputy Headmistress’ lips. Artemis wondered if this woman had ears in every crevice of the school.
“Collectively, all the professors of the mind that you are rapidly catching up to your classmates. You’re making great progress. Well done.”
Artemis’ gaze moved toward the desk as another sip of earl grey glided down her throat.
“Professor, may I ask a question?”
“Of course.”
“The room I stayed in my first night… did it disappear?”
No matter how many times she’d passed by that hall, the door never reappeared. Professor Weasley lifted an eyebrow before she chuckled softly.
“I’d wondered when you were going to ask me. Frankly I’m surprised it took you as long as you did.”
Artemis gave a sheepish smile. “I wanted to make sure I’d not been mistaken.”
“Hm. Very well. Nurse Blainey did mention the lack of a… what was it… a Healing mannequin? Perhaps the Room will have it.”
“The… Room, Professor?”
The professor held the Field Guide toward her. “Yes. Come, I’ll show you.”
Artemis followed the Deputy Headmistress without hesitation; her heels clicked as the clumps of students parted the halls. Professor Weasley’s overwhelming presence dulled her own as she followed in the taller woman’s shadow. The seventh-floor corridor wasn’t far, and there were no students there.
“Now, walk past this wall three times, and focus on something you need. To make it simple, how about somewhere to focus on the Asclepius Record?” Professor Weasley suggested warmly and gestured her arm toward the hall.
Artemis began. To and fro, her soft treads barely made a noise on the castle floors. Her mind, however, went broader than the Asclepius Record. She needed somewhere that could offer her all the Healing texts available, including texts in the Restricted Section, for herself, for Professor Fig, for Henry, for Anne even. Somewhere to train her Healing magic. Somewhere to go that wasn’t the Witty Pear if she were ever hurt, but couldn’t raise Nurse Blainey’s suspicion.
A… clinic.
Slowly, a dark cherry wood door unfurled itself from the middle of the greyed brick, and Professor Weasley gave a noise of awe.
“Well done! I do have to say, I’d never seen a wooden door before. Go on in,” encouraged the professor.
The door opened inward to something akin to a hexagonal conservatory. Some sort of conjured sunlight warmed the room from the kinmokusei glass mosaic on the ceiling. Half of the walls were made of clear glass, and beyond was a glade that closely resembled her mother’s glade. The solid walls were painted a pale sky blue, two of them nearly covered by the dark cherry bookshelves full of every other Healing text possible – delightfully, in both English and Japanese. Two Healing training mannequins stood in the corner, where the floor was tiled unlike the rest a light English Oak.
An overly large desk with an overhead glass cabinet stood against another wall, filled with potion vials and other equipment. Hanging baskets hung on the sides, and she was pleasantly surprised the ones already filled contained dwarf roses, lavender, and mints. There was an interesting-looking quill with a bronze ink bottle that stood on the side of the desk under the soft lamp light.
Artemis breathed out in awe. “What is this place?”
“This is the Room of Requirement,” started Professor Weasley. “It’s a room that changes to fit the seeker’s needs. I requested for a comfortable bedroom for you to rest in your first night.
Now, you’ve made quite a canvas for yourself. A rather interesting Desk of Description as well.”
“Desk of Description?”
“Yes. I’m sure you’ve come across a few things you didn’t know what they were; whenever you do, place it here and it’ll tell you what the item is.”
“So, like the Information spell?” Artemis asked.
Professor Weasley nodded. “Yes, though much more powerful. I daresay you could use this space to catch up on your other studies as well. Perhaps take one of those training mannequins to Nurse Blainey?”
“I- yes, Professor, thank you.”
“Speaking of studies… I noticed that Professor Fig has put in a few requests for outdoor excursions,” started Professor Weasley. “He marked them as introducing you to the land’s history and learning to immerse yourself into wizarding communities. Now I must ask… is any of this related to what happened with the dragon attack?”
“Not at all, Professor,” lied Artemis smoothly.
A moment passed between the two before Professor Weasley gave a small, tired smile.
“I see. Now, I shall let you get acquainted with your space – you’re free to use this space as you please, though I do ask you continue to adhere to the school rules.”
“Yes Professor. Thank you, for trusting me with this.”
“You’re welcome. I did, after all, show you this on your first night; I’m sure you would’ve figured out the secret sooner rather than later. Use it well,” said Professor Weasley warmly.
Artemis nodded as she watched the redhead leave. Once the door shut, her shoulders slumped in relief. Lying had been necessary but it left a bitter taste in her mouth. She reached into the legside bag and pulled out the mysterious palm-sized box that she’d gotten from the bottom of the Black Lake. She couldn’t believe it’d been a full month since she’d picked this up.
Inside sat three, translucent stones, fashioned into ear pierces onto their velvet bed. The moment she touched one the stone changed colour until it was an iridescent blue-green with a silvery shimmer on the inside.
<<How odd,>> gasped out Artemis before she placed the box onto the desktop near the ink and bottle. Bronze runes lifted from seemingly nowhere as they encircled the box in a flurry before they coagulated into a piece of parchment where the quill wrote at a furious speed. Once it had been completed, she read the words scrawled in bronze ink.
Secret Sharer
Mid-Tier artefact, commonly used to communicate between individuals telepathically if they are within a half-mile radius. Once attuned, the stone will change to the colour of their magical core. Resets upon return.
Artemis hummed as she picked up the Secret Sharer box, and repocketed it. She supposed, on occasion, it paid to explore the lakebed. Perhaps she’d invite Richard again when he came back. Or Nerida now that they’ve started floating practise in an enlarged bathtub.
But for now, she had Healing texts to read, and a mannequin to practise on.
Her fingertips glided across the book spines until she found Duality of Healing Arts, and began to read. She’d been going to the Restricted Section on twice a week with Sebastian, and had been chipping away at its contents slowly. Now, she had the luxury of reading it at her own pace without the constant threat of Madam Scribner, Peeves, or any myriads of ghosts. The contents were not as Dark as she would’ve thought, considering where it had been located, but it did touch on the ‘other’ side of Healing arts – necromancy. Artemis scrunched her nose in distaste.
The dead should remain dead, rest from the life they’d been living.
A particular spell, however, caught her attention. She pulled the mannequin manual and tapped her wand on the rune she needed. Suddenly, the mannequin was heavily lacerated - the chicken blood flowed freely in abundance onto the tiled ground. She pointed her wand, aglow in soft green light, and attempted in a sing-song incantation.
“Vulnera Sanentur.”

A Bouquet of New Beginnings: Chapter 21: Field Poppy
Summary: A run-down with Professor Fig about what happened in the witch's tomb. And a little outing with Poppy to rescue a certain Hippogriff.
Floriography: Avoidance of Problems; Good & Evil
Full Chapter: [AO3] //7.0k words
Excerpt Below:
The reverie of Halloween continued into the night as the patrons of The Three Broomsticks were in relative levels of sloshed. In contrast, Artemis slinked under her disillusionment up the stairs to the private room. She’d done her best to clean up the stench of dead that clung onto her clothing, but she thought maybe it was just the permeating smell of candied alcohol and aforementioned drunkenness of the patrons that made her go unnoticed.
“Come in,” called out Professor Fig’s voice as she knocked on the door of the private room. She snuck in and got rid of her disillusionment just as the door clicked shut.
“Godric’s heart! Artemis what on earth happened?!”
How bad did she look, she wondered, for his eyes to widen so much, for him to rush to her like that and tightly grip her shoulders.
Artemis slowly shook her head. “I… I think I need to sit. May I have some tea?”
“Right, of course. I’ll be right back.”
Her mentor guided her to the nearest stool. When he left, she let out a shaky breath as she pulled out the whittled buttercup spoon out of her bag. Her body folded so her forehead touched both the spoon and wand handle in her hands. Her hands now shook almost as violently as they had when she’d killed that Loyalist.
Professor Fig returned quickly with a fresh pot of chai. The familiarity of sitting across from him with a warm cup of chai in her hands finally calmed her. She was safe.
The professor waited patiently for her to start, and once she did, she couldn’t stop. The horror of the tomb, the helm, the fight, and those poor inferi and even that poor Ashwinder. Her eyes didn’t move from her chai the entire time.
Professor Fig sighed. “Artemis… nobody. Nobody. Should see and go through what you did. What was Lodgok thinking?!”
“He tried to go in, sir,” offered Artemis weakly. “He really did. But the second he tried, the tomb clearly burned him or something. I didn’t tell him about the details; he doesn’t need to know.”
Professor Fig looked unconvinced with his furrowed eyebrows.
Artemis sighed. “I agreed to go, sir. We need a spy inside Ranrok’s Loyalists to funnel information. Admittedly, it was a lot more than I expected, but I handled –”
“– it’s not about your ability to handle situations, Artemis. I know you are more than capable. It is the fact that you have been placed in these situations in the first place that is concerning,” interrupted Professor Fig. He fiddled with his wife’s scarf. “Though, I daresay yesterday would not have been a good day for you at the castle had you stayed.”
“It wasn’t, but I couldn’t figure out why. None of my diagnostics made any sense.”
Professor Fig pulled out an ancient, slim book.
“I’m sure Nurse Blainey wouldn’t be able to pull the diagnostic either in this instance. The reason it wouldn’t make sense is because it isn’t a healing cause. It’s because you’re a clairvoyant. At least, from what I could gather from this and a nice chat with Professor Onai – she’s a renowned Seer. I did not tell her of your situation, do not worry.”
Artemis closed her mouth; Professor Fig continued.
“It seems Seers have a… similar problem on certain days of the year. There was a rather lengthy lecture attached to it, but this and combined with this tome I found, it seems clairvoyants that lean toward er, the less warm-blooded, experience troubles when the Veil is thinnest between life and death. It depends on the region, but in our case –”
“– Halloween,” finished Artemis. It made sense why Professor Fig insisted they meet here, and how she felt much better after leaving Hogwarts for the day.
“Precisely. Hogwarts is, ironically, the worst place to be on Halloween, what with all the ghosts. How did you… feel?”
“Like a bone-chilling death on legs. But when I left, and when I took care of the inferi, I felt much better.”
“I see. I haven’t found anything yet, but if there’s anything to mitigate that for next year, I shall let you know. It would be a travesty if you miss the Halloween Feast the next couple of years. Now, I suggest you still avoid the inside of the castle until after midnight, though the grounds might be fine. I could pay Sirona another night’s worth of coin.”
Artemis shook her head. “I’d like to test the grounds theory, professor. I have somewhere we could go.”
“After a nap, I think,” said Professor Fig as he yawned. “Sleep is important.”
A few hours later, when the sky was about as bright as any greyed November sky in the Scottish Highlands could be and she smelled like frankincense instead of death, the pair arrived at the Briar Greenhouse. The familiar click of the key and a few incantations unlocked one of her sanctuaries.
“Welcome to the Briar Greenhouse, Professor,” she said warmly.
Where there used to be rampant weeds and fungi, there were proper flower beds and pots for healing potions and teas. The tree had been transplanted and now in its stead grew an impressive selection of sunflowers, dahlias, and enchanted roses. The ground floor now flourished with the safer plants, while the second had plants with much deadlier consequences. Everything from cordoned off hellebore to field poppies, and even a flaming bush kept separate resided with the drying station. Hanging baskets hung filled with dwarf roses, extra herbs and hanging vines stretched along the railings. Finally, the rotten barrels and boxes were replaced with sturdy ones that could serve as seating if needed, though mostly it functioned to hide the entrance to the Witty Pear.
Artemis watched as Professor Fig passed by it without notice as he circled the ground floor – a success on the Notice-Me-Not. Or perhaps it was because the professor’s eyes were widened in awe at everything.
“Artemis… I read the reports from Professor Garlick of your progress, but this is incredible. What are these?” Professor Fig asked as he pointed toward the little corner with the dying bramble.
“Those are the witch’s briars that were originally here. I kept the three that were still salvageable; the soil is well-maintained and the dead bits were trimmed. So when the Keepers teach me how they revived Feldcroft, I have something to test it on,” explained Artemis.
Though she had no idea when that would be, considering their current agreement. Professor Fig hummed with a smile.
“I see. I presume this is where you spend much of your time on weekends?”
“I – yes. But it’s… yes,” said Artemis, not bothering to come up with an excuse. Truthfully, she split her time between here, the Room-Clinic, and the Witty Pear for her alone time on the weekends.
Professor Fig patted her gently on the shoulder.
“There is nothing wrong with some time alone, Artemis. I am not here to lecture you on that. However, I do have to caution that, when you do get busier with exams and our continued search… to not neglect your friends. I have to say, I was rather impressed by how a few of them inquired of your absence yesterday.”
Artemis averted her and gently touched the briar stems as her cheeks heated. She would have to apologise, especially to Sebastian; he wouldn’t have been fooled by Professor Fig’s ‘ruins’ research.
“They’re good people.”
“They are. Now, how about I deliver you breakfast and lunch here today, and you enjoy a Saturday outside with your friends tonight?”
Getting her hands dirty as she tended to her plants was a balm compared to last night’s events. The warmth of the greenhouse, collecting ingredients for potions and teas, and eating both breakfast and lunch with Professor Fig on the sturdy boxes was a true delight. But with another nudge to ‘perhaps go outside,’ she got the message – alone time was done for today.
But as she walked with no particular destination other than not inside, Lodgok’s parting words flitted back.
She sounds like a loose end.
The more they churned, the more they made sense. From what little understanding she had of goblins, they were thorough – the degree of Gringotts security attested to that. But more than that, why put a curse on someone instead of killing them if they found out something?
Why let Anne live? What was the purpose?
“Oh, hey Artemis.”
Artemis lifted her head as she came face to face with Andrew and Leander.
“Heard you didn’t go to the feast last night; Sallow threw a fit,” said Leander.
“I was out on independent study,” lied Artemis smoothly. “Sebastian threw a fit?”
“Well, a fit is probably overexaggerated,” said Andrew with a relaxed smile, “he did ask around to see if we knew where you were. Muttered about you being a diricrawl. Ominis seemed to agree.”
“Natty commented on it too… before she was rightfully disgusted with Garreth shovelling candy,” huffed Leander.
Andrew turned to her. “By the way, did the paints help?”
“Oh, they did! Thank you for teaching me,” thanked Artemis genuinely.
If he hadn’t had the paints or the patience to teach her, Anne’s tea tin would’ve been drab.
“Always happy to help a fellow artist.”
Leander quirked up an eyebrow. “You paint?”
Artemis teetered her head. “He paints, I sketch.”
“If you want to paint more, I’m happy to accept another into the fold,” said Andrew.
Artemis offered a hand. “Trade you pencil for paint?”
Andrew laughed as they shook on it. “Deal.”
“Alright you two,” interjected Leander before he pointed his thumb toward the Summoner’s Court. “Artemis, I challenge you to a game. See if your win against Natty wasn’t just luck.”
Artemis beat Leander both rounds as Andrew served as referee.
“How? How are you so good at this? And Cro –” Leander bit his tongue as they set up for a third round.
Artemis lifted an eyebrow. “I don’t think it’s a matter of skill. I just need to concentrate more.”
“Mm. I mean, everyone learns Accio in their first year, right?”
“And how to duel?”
Leander nodded slowly. “Right…?”
“So you’ve had four years to get accustomed to it; you do it automatically. I still need to think about each step. Does that make sense?”
“I suppose… so you’re saying I’m not concentrating enough?”
“No, I’m saying that’s what I am doing, because I need to.”
Leander seemed to consider her words, and opened his mouth –
“Artemis!! There you are!!”
Artemis, Leander and Andrew turned. Poppy rushed toward them, her bag bouncing harshly against her leg. She looked slightly dishevelled and wore a similar garb to their Biscuit excursion. The three exchanged a look as Artemis and Leander climbed down from the platform.
“Poppy? What’s wrong?” Artemis asked, and had to consciously stay still as Poppy snatched her wrist.
“Come with me, please.”
There was no room for discussion.
“Right, um, see you two later.”
She faintly heard the two boys bid goodbye. Poppy’s pace right now neared a jog as she pulled Artemis toward the familiar glade.
“Poppy, what’s g–”
“– Highwing’s missing!”

A Bouquet of New Beginnings Chapter 22: Vine
Summary: Another nightmare, a conversation on Unforgivables, and a calmer introduction to the Undercroft.
Floriography: Connection & Friendship
Full Chapter: [AO3] //6.5k words
*There are trigger-warnings in this chapter. Below excerpt does not contain the items, but read carefully if reading the full chapter.*
Excerpt Below:
Artemis looked up from the boathouse docks as her feet dangled above the Black Lake. Natsai came over with a few bottles of water and pumpkin juice in her arms.
“What are you reading?”
“Alice in Wonderland,” said Artemis as she slipped the purple hyacinth bookmark inside. “A fun read.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” Natsai took a seat next to her. “Poppy said she’ll join after getting a few more snacks. I’m glad to see that you are doing better than last night, my friend.”
“Motion sickness is a bane.”
Natsai gave her a sympathetic look as she gestured toward the small basket. “How did you manage to bring lunch this early?”
“I made it,” answered Artemis plainly.
“You…made it?”
“I mean, it’s just throwing together sandwiches, but yes,” explained Artemis as she opened the small basket. Deek had been more than happy to get her the ingredients, especially after introducing him to all the beasts this morning. “Plus, I didn’t think our conversation would be good for the Great Hall.”
“True,” agreed Natsai. There was a pause. “So, about what you asked last night.”
“About you being a gazelle?”
“No, about my uniform,” said Natsai sarcastically as Artemis chuckled. “Yes, about being a gazelle. How did you know?”
“Poppy and I saw a gazelle hanging around the Hog’s Head. Frankly we thought Harlow’s poachers had brought the gazelle from Africa. Then I saw the gazelle melt and change into a person that looked like you, but then that would be barmy right? Because we were in the forest. But then you were actually there, and really, how many gazelles are running around Scotland,” said Artemis.
Natsai laughed brightly. “Of course, the first people to spot me is you. Does Poppy not know?”
Artemis shook her head. “She was facing me when you turned back. I’m assuming that’s magic?”
“Yes, yes,” laughed Natsai as she placed a hand on her chest. “I’m an animagus.”
Natsai nodded. “It’s a branch of self-transfiguration not often practised in Britain, and not taught at Hogwarts. It’s a complicated process, but I can change into a gazelle at will. Professor Weasley has… ‘gently discouraged’ me from it, or discussing about the subject since it’s considered dangerous here, but I find it freeing.”
“Sounds very handy, especially for a quick escape.”
“Somehow I knew you’d say that,” said Natsai. “I’d been sneaking around the Hog’s Head more so recently but have been travelling around the forest since last year – it reminds me of when my father ran with me back in Matabeleland. My father transformed into the most beautiful giraffe.”
Artemis recognised grief like a glove. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you,” said Natsai. “It’s been a few years but, some days, it is harder than the others. Running as a gazelle helps me to feel closer to him.”
“Did you choose to become a gazelle?” Artemis asked as Natsai shook her head.
“Oh no. When you go through the process, you become the animal that represents your personality. My mother is convinced that my form is a gazelle because I adapt well to any situation. I believe it is because I can sense danger and keep my wits about me. I would appreciate it if we kept this between us. My mother and I are both registered because we need to be, but I’d rather not have everybody know.”
“Of course,” Artemis readily agreed. “But in return, could you show me some wandless magic? Just until Poppy comes.”
“Truly? Well, you’re easy to please,” teased Natsai as she pointed to Artemis’ book. “I can do better. I’ll teach you basic wandless magic, especially since you asked me to show you our first Charms class, and I’ve been neglecting you.”
“Really?” Artemis asked; she didn’t think her friend would teach her.
“Of course! Wandless magic isn’t too different aside from the obvious. There’s no spell that is tied to a particular hand gesture, but there are tendencies. Levioso.”
Natsai held her hand out, palm up, and gently curled her fingers as the book levitated from Artemis’ lap. Artemis watched with fascination as the Gryffindor did the same movement for Accio, and the book went into Natsai’s open hand.
“But because there’s more overlap, the intention becomes much more important, and knowing where your magic comes from. At Uagadou, before we learn how to cast magic, we learn how to gather magic into our palms. Like this.”
This time, she held both her palms up, and Artemis gasped mutely as she watched a ball of red with golden hues coagulate. It reminded her of the colour of the Secret Sharer. Natsai spun the magic as it floated and expanded, flicking like a fire before extinguishing it.
“Try it,” encouraged Natsai. “Hold your palms up like you’re cupping water. Then, concentrate getting your magic from your core to your palm, and hold it for as long as you can.”
“Um… any guidance on that, Professor Onai?”
Natsai guffawed. “Please don’t. I feel like my mother.”
Artemis rolled her eyes as she chuckled. “Teacher Natty?”
“Acceptable. When I first learned, I thought about the savannah and running. How my heart would pump, the golden beauty under the sun, and the freedom I felt. I imagined my heartbeat pumping the blood – and my magic – into my palms. Maybe something like that?”
Artemis hummed as she looked down at her hands – an illusion of matching, unmarred palms. Since Natsai’s magic was the same colour as the Secret Sharer, theoretically, hers would be as well. She closed her eyes slowly. She enjoyed running through the forests around home, but that didn’t seem right.
No, what it sounded like was the need to direct and control her magic. Maybe it was like preparing to plant the garden, to find the perfect bit of fertilised soil. To dig just enough to plant the bulb. The more she imagined her the process of planting through the Briar Greenhouse, the more she felt her magic tingle throughout her body; like it needed room to breathe. She imagined how she felt when she first stood at the greenhouse entrance with everything finally planted.
Breathe In. Two. Three. Four. Out. Two. Three Four.
As she breathed out, a cooling sensation coursed from her chest through her arms, and centred in her palms. Keeping the slow, controlled breathing, she opened her eyes and let out an elated gasp as a blob of iridescent blue-green shimmered with a silvery hue within her hands.
“That’s it Artie! You’re doing great!”
It only lasted for three seconds before the warble fizzled away, but Natsai clapped cheerfully.
“You did really well! Not many people can get it in the first try, and certainly not for that long. It gets easier with practise, I promise.”
“How long do I need to be able to keep it before moving onto spells?” Artemis asked.
Natsai hummed. “Our professors had us hold it for three minutes. Our first spell, by the way, was levioso.”
“I’ll keep working on it then,” agreed Artemis.
Natsai held up her fist; Artemis bumped hers.
“And I will help you of course.”
“Artemis! Natty! Sorry I’m late!” Poppy’s voice carried as Natsai and Artemis lifted their heads. In her arms was a large bag, undoubtedly filled with sweets. “The house-elves were really nice and gave us the rest of the Halloween desserts.”
Poppy sat to Artemis’ right with an excited huff, and Natsai chuckled from her left. With sandwiches and sweets in hand, the three started their cobbled outdoor picnic. The November air was crisp and cool, though it didn’t feel that way with the company kept.
“Highwing’s safe. The place I had in mind worked,” started Artemis.
Poppy beamed. “Really? What about the other hippogriff? And the thestral?”
“Them too.” Artemis nodded. “I can bring Highwing out anytime you’d like.”
“Thank you. Truly, both of you. Let me know if either of you ever need help.”
Natsai and Artemis both smiled.
A few moments of silence passed before Artemis brought up the question.
“The spell that Harlow casted… the one with the green light… it killed that owl, didn’t it?”
In the lake’s reflection, Artemis saw Natsai and Poppy both pause in their reverie as they looked at each other. A small fish popped above the surface momentarily.
“It’s called the Killing Curse,” started Poppy.
Artemis whipped her head toward her. “The what curse?”
“The Killing Curse,” sighed Natsai. “An Unforgivable.”
“… unforgivable…?”
“It’s a collection of three of the most powerful Dark curses,” continued Natsai. “We learned what they are last year, obviously just the name and what they do. The green one last night is the Killing Curse. Avada Kedavra. The effect is self-explanatory – instant, painless death.”
“There’s also the Imperius Curse and the Torture Curse. Imperius, or Imperio, puts the person completely under someone’s control. And the Torture Curse, Crucio, well… it’s also self-explanatory. Intense, excruciating pain,” explained Poppy.
The memory of the red crackling lightning by that Ashwinder as she cackled at the centaur’s pained screams flitted back. Artemis pressed her thumb against her scar and let the pain keep her steady – that witch had cast a torturing curse on the centaur.
“Who would make such spells?” Artemis managed to squeeze out.
Poppy huffed. “A medieval sadist. If you can believe it, they weren’t always illegal; they became illegal in 1717.”
“That’s less than 200 years,” pointed out Artemis.
“Morality took its time,” said Natsai bitterly. “They can’t be blocked, so you have to be able to stop the cast beforehand or dodge it. Otherwise… you suffer. Or, die.”
Poppy picked off a bit of her sandwich and threw it for the gathered fish. “The one good thing is that not everyone can cast Unforgivables. Because they’re so… you know, powerful, whomever casts it needs to have a high level of skill and willpower. Remember I said the creator was sadistic? The curses are more effective if the castor has a clear, deep desire to use it. They have to mean it. Mean that they want to hurt someone, want to control someone, want to kill someone.”
“What happens if someone casts it? Consequentially, that is.”
Natsai swallowed her sandwich bite. “Azkaban. Lifetime, plain and simple.”
“But only against humans. Apparently, they don’t count as ‘unforgivable’ if cast on beasts or other beings, like goblins,” spat Poppy.
Artemis blanched. So the witch cursing that centaur was legal? The Depulso she’d casted suddenly didn’t seem strong enough… not that the witch could do that anymore. An arrow to the neck tended to put a stopper to things.
“Is that… it?” Artemis held her hand up as both girls looked at her incredulously. “I mean. The effects are horrid, yes. But, does it hurt the caster? Other than their conscience, if they have a shred of it left. It just, it seems like it’s more than just morality and some degree of sadism that made it Unforgivable.”
Natsai and Poppy both looked at each other before Natsai sighed deeply.
“According to Professor Hecat, successfully casting an Unforgivable on a living soul damages the caster’s own soul and magical cores.”
“Like we said earlier, you have to mean it. That means it’s premeditated, and if we’re talking about the Avada, that’s premeditated murder,” finished Poppy.
Poppy’s acorn eyes were steeled, and she was subtly hugging herself. Artemis didn’t comment.
It's about - Hogwarts Legacy
No because,
-It's about Sebastian who would prefer us to take him for granted than to leave him, it's about the fact that he would litteraly die for us.
-It's about Poppy who trusted us enough to make us meet Highwing. Poppy who let us become her very first friend and trusted us with her childhood.
-It's about Ominis who trusts us with his life, and would prefer to suffer than have us suffering.
-It's about Garreth who always informs us first about his new potions idea, Garreth who'd do anything and everything to see us smile.
-It's about Natsai who trusted us with the history of her father's death, about Natsai who jumped in to save us because she was scared we would die.
I am actually working on a Sebastian x reader one shot so to wait take this random idea that I just got, before I finish the fic and release it, take all care, you're all beautiful, wish you the best <333

Gosh, sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I’ve been in a bad headspace the past month, but now I’ve dragged myself out of the hellhole. Will be replying to your mentions and then posting this abandoned WIP I’ve been working on veery soon. I’m 98% done with it!
In the meantime enjoy this WIP of eye screenshots 😋

Sneaking friends into the Room of Requirement 👀 Guess what each of them are saying/thinking?
✨🎃Hogtober Day 9 : Hufflepuff🎃✨

✨🎃Hogtober Day 14 : Animagus🎃✨

Version with names :

I just saw that I forgot Professors Onai and Garlick... 😑
Well…let's just say that Garlick would probably be a stick insect hiding somewhere, and it's Onai who takes the photo 😅
a headcanon
calls himself misunderstood genius
lots of "your aunt..." jokes threw at him
especially from Sebastian
when it comes to trying new potions of his making he wants Ominis and Sebastian to drink it first
" they're Slytherins after all, right? ;)"
has this gryffindor pride in him, especially when it comes to Onai doing something cool
nice to everyone
is mom of the group
likes to hold hands and talk about friendship
in constant fight with Sebastian as to who is bolder, but neither of them will admit it
is the one that can tame Garreth (when needed)
always up for some nice library study-session
referring to your friends-group with some cringey name in his diary
pretty easy-going but when someone starts talking about history-related topic he's passionate and I mean PASSIONATE
will throw punches (!)
the one who wants everybody to be reasonable
gaining some self-confidence while spending more time in the group and it's so nice to see him flourish and be more relaxed :)
has opinion on everything
helpless crush on MC
acts a little bit sulky when MC is roaming through some ancient tombs with Onai and not him :((
likes to tease everyone except for Poppy
if you put bored Sebastian and Garreth in the same room expect unexpected
funniest one-liners that cracks everyone up
always telling loud and clear he won't share his homework!!!!
*ends up giving it anyway*
is the closest with Sebastian and MC though he like everyone from the group really
often agreeing with Amit when it comes to this *being reasonable* part
can't be angry at Sebastian for more than 1 day
everyone from the group is protective of her
learning Gobbledegook from Amit
spending a lot of her time in MC room of requirements (in one of the vivariums ofc)
invites everyone to her grandmother over the summer and it's the nicest time ever
looking adorable when angry
you can find more of my works about hogwarts legacy ♡here♡
a.k.a one saturday night... (a headcanon)
is all over the place
lots of bro hugs
the one who wants to sing
and he's doing it loudly may I add
not a single thought behind those eyes at the end of the party (he's very drunk)
very excited about the whole ~party~ situation
lots oh happy hands-clapping
doing some cool wandless magic just for the sake of it
teasing everyone softly
and is the one who wants to dance
the life of the party
is up for everything and is laughing all the time
W I L D !
and effortlessly funny
sadly the first to get knocked-out
sleeps peacefully on the sofa for the half of the night
only to be disturbed by Garreth bonding a tie around his forehead with a bow on top of it
the one to smuggle the alcohol
dirty and bold statements that make Onai and Ominis raise their eyebrows in confusion
plus points when Amit covers his mouth #scandalised
but Sebastian just want to impress MC, ok? and it's complicated when he's drunk...
blushes a lot when MC is near, of course
"so...wha..whaad you think of meee?"
lots of finger-pointing
teasing Garreth (making Sebastian proud)
when girls start to compliment him he loses all his composure
*cutie hihi*
is the one who is the best dancer
very gallant when drunk treating girls like princesses and always agreeing when they want to dance with him
soon Garreth want to dance with him too, holding hands, swirling and all
heart-throb of the party
laughs a lot
and everyone thinks she's totally adorable
with puffskien on her lap
cleans-up the mess
in charge of food
you can find more of my works about hogwarts legacy ♡here♡
HL Incorrect Quote #100
*in the Room of Requirement*
MC, bursting in: I finally did it!
Sebastian from the sofa: Did what?
MC, holding up the Field Guide: I finally found all the pages!
Natty, looking up from her book: THAT'S why you've been casting Revelio everywhere?
MC: Yep! And not only that, but I also found all of those Demiguise statues!
Poppy, while petting Highwing: ...is that why you've been taking cat naps all around Hogwarts?
MC: Yep.
Ominis, from a lounge chair: For the record, sleeping on the floors of Hogwarts are not as bad as you would think.
MC: Oh, and I found ALL of the Astronomy tables!
Amit, by a telescope: You did?! I hope it wasn't too dangerous...
MC: Nonsense! I've dealt with a whole lot worse than some mongrels and spiders. This was a piece of cake.
The group:
MC: And don't get me started on those bloody Merlin trials... But I did all 95 of them!
Sebastian, horrified: 95???
MC: Yes! It was not worth the pints of coffee and tea I downed, but I have done it all!
The group:
MC: I need to sleep. *keels over onto lounge*
The group:
Ominis: The more I hear about what MC does, the more concerned I get.
**MC staring longingly at Sebastian across the room being idiotic**
Poppy: So why aren’t you and Sebastian dating again?
MC: Because I’d destroy him…
Ominis: Trust me, he’d definitely be into that.
Poppy: Oh gosh, I wish I got more sleep. I only got six hours! Sebastian: Six? I only got three! Ominis: You guys got sleep? MC, stumbling into the room: Hi, what year is it?
Poppy: I’ve always wanted a pet.
MC: Poppy, you do realize you can’t keep it, right?
Poppy: But MC, he’s so cute. Why can’t I keep him?
MC: Poppy… it’s a dragon. We cannot keep a DRAGON.