SHE/HER! !MINORS DON'T INTERACT! Hi, and welcome to one of my many fanfiction sites.English isn't my first language, but it doesn't stop me from creating new stories!I'm in a lot of fandoms.I love OCs and Reader-Inserts.I'm sure you will find something to your liking. :DSo please show a poor author some love and leave a review! Even an emoticon makes me happy :DI'm also on:-Wattpad-Fanfiction.net-Quotev-Ao3-Tumblr-DeviantArt-TikTok-Ko-FiIt's always EmpressOfTheSun Or Empress_Of_The_Sun_Writer ^^I'm now also a Streamer/Let's Player!You can find me as: PixelettaGames!
266 posts
To Belong
To Belong

She was the weird foreign girl, he was the most useless Viking in the history of Berk. Together they were just Leandra and Hiccup. Two best friends who searched for their place in the world. Would their search for it unite or separate them?

Chapter 6
It was early morning.
Leandra was sitting on a cliffside. Her legs dangling from it, under her the ocean. She swung her legs, watching the ocean under her.
She really should eat something. She would need the energy for the hours-long flight she would take with Starchaser.
If they were lucky, they would only need one to two weeks before they reached the village in Spain where Leandra’s Abuela lived.
So why did she just stare at the ocean and didn’t do anything?
The black-haired girl closed her eyes, tears flowing down her cheeks.
And she thought she had already cried enough.
Leandra just didn’t get how Hiccup could betray their friendship like this! All just for stupid Astrid, who suddenly liked him?
That was fishy.
Either Astrid always liked Hiccup and hide it because it was more important to her to be the perfect Viking girl or she wanted something from him.
Like becoming chieftess.
Else couldn’t Leandra explain Astrid’s change of mind. You don’t go from hating someone else guts to liking them just because they took you on a magical dragon ride.
Anyway, both reasons were so…wrong.
She never cared what others thought of her friendship with Hiccup, he was the only one who was friendly and wanted to get to know her when she and her father were stranded on Berk. Of course, she started to like him too and accept him with her whole heart.
Hiccup was a good person.
She didn’t stay friends with Hiccup because she wanted to become chieftess one day, she stayed his friend because she just liked him.
It was simpel like that.
A loud sign leaves her mouth and she wipes her tears away.
God, it sounds like she is in love with Hiccup…but she isn’t!
She…she just wanted to stay by his side!
Nothing more.
Yet, he preferred Astrid over herself.
Maybe Leandra put always more into the friendship than Hiccup? He choose Astrid and Berk over her and a life they could live in peace with their dragons.
So deep down he really was a Viking, like he always wished.
Dear lord, she really sounds like a heartbroken lover.
New tears sprung from her eyes. Her head and heart hurt.
Was she maybe a bit too strict with this?
With him?
As a best friend, she should be happy that his crush showed interest in him.
And yet, it didn’t sit right with her.
It was all wrong.
But was it wrong because of the reason she thought or because…it was not her on Hiccup’s side?
The black-haired girl opens her eyes and stands carefully up.
The wind whips around her, making her long black hair fly and the skirt of her dress ballow.
Under her crash waves against the cliff.
Her sight is directed where Berk is.
“I’m really…a fool.”, she mumbles to herself. “Starchaser, girl, let’s go!”
She turns and runs to the little forest where her dragon is taking a break.

Hiccup day was just crazy.
He couldn’t convince his father that dragons were good beings, no, he gave him with Toothless a way to find the Dragon Nest.
And with it the giant of an evil dragon who waited for her next meal.
Then when he lost hope, Astrid motivated him again and he teached the other teens to ride the dragons from the Kill Ring.
He already had wondered where Leandra and Starchase were. Was she so angry that she didn’t show up at all?
As they flew to the Dragon Nest and still no Leandra in sight, he got worried.
His best friend wouldn’t just leave without a word?
She wouldn’t separate Toothless and Starchaser like this?
She wouldn’t…leave him?
But as he was facing now the dubbed Red Death dragon he had to admit to himself…maybe Leandra really left last night.
And he just let her.
Damn, he couldn’t think about this now, he had to take down the Red Death.
As Toothless got ready to Plasma Blast again the giant dragon the familiar sound of a Night Furry approached reached their ears.
“Night Furry, get down!”, yelled Gobber.
Hiccup’s heart nearly leaped out of his chest from relief as he saw who came riding on a Night Furry to help him.
It was Leandra with Starchaser!
He could hear the amazed voices from the other Vikings on the ground, but he just had eyes for his best friend who made her dragon attack the Red Death.
“Lee!”, he yelled and felt a happy tear fall down his cheek.
She came back!
“Hic, I’m sorry!”, she yelled to him. “I was stupid.”
“No, I was stupid, I should have talked with you and not just let it go, believe you just needed to calm down.”, he yelled back.
“Let’s agree that we both were idiots.”, she called grinning and he nodded.
For now, this would be enough.
They had to take care of a giant dragon.
Toothless and Starchaser fly now side by side and you could hear how they cooed happily at each other.
“That thing has wings!”, tells Hiccup them. “Okay, let's see if it can use them!”
“On it, Hic!”
Hiccup and Leandra pull their dragons into a turn.
They plummet, gaining tremendous speed. The wind buffets them as they target the Red Death at supersonic speed.
Together Toothless and Starchaser unload plasma blasts against the Red Death's head.
It goes down with a rumble as they climb anew.
The Vikings shield themselves from the dust of the fallen monster as its wings unfold and extend.
The Night Furry riders look back as they put distance between them.
“Do you think that did it?”, wonders Hiccup.
Suddenly, the enraged behemoth rises into the frame flapping its wings furiously. A daunting sight.
“Dios mio! It can really fly!”, say’s Leandra astonished.
Our quartet dives into the tangled sea stacks, they weave through the rock like rabbits through a briar.
The Red Death snaps at them, but cannot reach them. The dragon riders pull ahead, while Red Death smashes through the canopy of rock and pull in behind Toothless and Starchaser.
It burst through fifty-foot formations like they were saplings.
Stoick, Gobber, and the Teens watch as Hiccup, Toothless, Leandra, and Starchaser streak past, weaving through sea stacks. A moment later the Red Death smashes the sea stacks to dust in hot pursuit. The Vikings’ mood is quenched.
The best friends and their dragons can't slow the monster down. Hiccup eyes the clouds above. An idea hits him.
“Lee, do as I do, all right!”
“Okay, I trust you have a plan!”
“Don’t I always…don’t answer that! Okay Toothless, Starchaser time to disappear.”
Toothless and Starchaser pull into a steep climb, heading toward the clouds.
“Come on bud!”
“Go, girl, go!”
The Red Death follows, closing in fast.
“Here it comes!”, warns Hiccup, hearing the gas. Leandra just nods, she is ready.
They narrowly dodge a column of flame and smoke. They reach the low-hanging clouds and pierce them.
The monster follows, immediately losing them in the hampered visibility.
It roars irritably.
From out of nowhere, Toothless dives from the right side, and Starchaser from the left at the huge dragon, blasting and puncturing a hole in each wing.
They are gone again before the dragon can get a shot at them.
Again and again, they dive in, using the clouds to hide and surprise as they puncture the monster's wings.
It bellows in frustration and whirls around, unleashing fire blindly, in all directions.
Hiccup sees the glow of fire cutting toward them.
“Watch out!”, screams Hiccup.
Leandra and Starchaser can dodge it, but the random blast clips Toothless' tail.
It's heavily damaged.
“Oh no!”, shouts Leandra.
“Okay, time's up.”, declares Hiccup. “Let's see if this works.”
He pulls Toothless into a turn. Leandra and Starchaser follow. They fly directly into the Red Death's face, taunting it.
“Come on! Is that the best you can do!?”, calls Hiccup.
“My Abuelo is way fitter than you and he is dead since 10 years!”, joins Leandra.
Toothless and Starchaser utter insults too, and they jackknife into a steep dive. The Red Death pursues.
The Night Furries beat their wings, racing faster than they have ever gone before. Our quartet stays just ahead of the Red Death no longer trying to evade it.
Hiccup glances back to check the tail, it's disintegrating.
“Stay with me, buddy. We're good. Just a little bit longer.”, he whispers to Toothless, so he doesn’t alarm the girls.
The Red Death closes the gap. Hiccup tucks in and hold Toothless steady, Leandra following his example, allowing the monster to set its sights on them.
It narrows its eyes.
“Hold, Toothless.”
“Starchaser, get ready.”
The Red Death opens his mouth. The familiar gas hiss emanates from his throat ignition is coming.
“NOW!”, yells Hiccup and Leandra together.
Hiccup hits the pedals hard as Toothless extends one wing. Starchaser mimics her mate.
They pivot in place, hurtling directly into the Red Death's mouth.
Toothless and Starchaser fire point blank down the monster's throat. Its amassing gas is ignited, backfiring into the monster, erupting in a chain of blasts throughout its body.
Our four burst from the clouds, the Red Death hot on their tail, exploding from within. It glances forward and sees the ground rushing up. It throws open its wings attempting to put on the brakes, but the punctured, damaged wings can't stop its momentum.
As the Red Death chokes on the expanding fireball, he sees Toothless and Starchaser suddenly pull out of the dive, streaking up, past its head.
The Red Death hits the ground, head-first. In the biggest explosion, Leandra ever saw.
Leandra and Starchaser weave through the monster's massive backplates, wings, and flailing legs, the boys behind them. The expanding fireball races toward them, about to swallow them. They manage to clear the obstacles. Leandra sees the monster's massive club tail careening toward them.
Starchaser dodges it with elegance, they are safe!
That’s when Leandra looks behind her for Hiccup and Toothless.
The giant club tail clips Toothless, tearing Hiccup from the harness and sending him tumbling against the backdrop of the fast-approaching fireball. Toothless struggles with all his might to reach the unconscious Hiccup.
But the fireball swallows them both!
“HICCUP!”, scream Leandra with all her might and tries to get Starchaser to fly after the boys. “Star, Star! What’s wrong?! We need to help him!”
But her Night Furry stays stationary in the air, closing her eyes and cooing apologetically to her girl. She won’t risk her life.
The dragon just turns her head away. She knows her mate can survive the blast, she just hopes he got Hiccup in time.
Leandra can’t help but cry.
She didn’t makeup with Hiccup and now…now…
Ashes rain down on them. Leandra is flying Starchaser over the island in search of Hiccup and Toothless.
She finds Toothless on the ground his saddle vacant of Hiccup!
“No!”, she shouts and makes Starchaser land.
She runs up to Toothless, looking for Hiccup, while Starchaser nuzzles her knocked-out mate.
“Mister Stoick!”, calls Leandra for Hiccup’s father.
The chief reaches them and puts a hand on her shoulder.
“Lass, are you all right? Where is Hiccup?”
Tears fall down her cheeks.
“I’m fine, but Hiccup…”
Leandra can’t speak anymore. She buries her head in her hands and wails in earnest for her best friend.
Stoick own heart hurts, but he embraced the girl, who had been for years the best friend Hiccup could ask for, and looks defeated at the two Night Furries. Leandra hugs him back with all her might, crying into his shoulder.
The chief might be not her father, but both feel the same pain right now.
“Oh, son...I did this...”, signs Stoick sorrowfully, his own tears falling down his cheeks.
Astrid pushes through the crowd, her eyes welling up. Followed by Gobber. They flank Stoick as he holds the crying Leandra in his arm.
Behind them, a ring of Vikings forms, keeping a respectful distance. As the dust and smoke clear, a ring of wild dragons can also be seen, gathering just behind and between the Vikings.
Toothless stirs and groggily rolls his head toward Stoick. Starchaser lieks her mate’s head, cooing at him.
Their eyes meet.
“I'm so sorry...”, apologizes Stoick to the dragon.
The dragon seems to understand him and unfolds his wings, revealing Hiccup, unconscious, clutched safely against his chest. Stoick's eyes widen.
Stoick lets go of Leandra, who is looking hopeful at his son.
He scoops Hiccup into his arms. Listens to his heart and bursts into relieved laughter.
“He's alive!”, he cries happily. “You brought him back alive!”
The crowd roars. Followed by the dragons. The Vikings look around to find themselves surrounded. Leandra throws her arms around Starchaser who is giving her a big dragon smooch.
Stoick leans close to Toothless, meeting him eye to eye.
“Thank you... for saving my son.”
Gobber looks Hiccup up and down: “Well, you know... most of him.”
Stoick glances back at him. Gobber shrugs, redirecting his eyes toward...
“Dios mio!”, shouts Leandra as she sees it too. She gets her pouch from Starchaser saddle and kneels down beside Hiccup. “I will see what I can do, Mister Stoick!”

Two weeks later Leandra opens the door to her house, her back to the village, and letting Starchaser out.
“Be mindful of his head!”, calls Sigrùn from inside the house.
“I will!”
Leandra turns around. She is wearing a cloth criss-crossed on her body with a tiny bundle on her chest. Softly Starchaser nuzzles the bundle and a tiny tanned hand grabs after her.
“Ah, ah, ah, Ulf. You are way too tiny for a dragon.”, she cooed at the little baby.
Her newborn brother looks at her with big blue eyes, from Sigrùn, and his little tuft of black her, like her papi and her, sways in the calm breeze.
After the battle of the Red Death, a lot happened.
As Leandra with Ulf and Starchaser make their way toward Hiccup’s house, like any day these past weeks to see if he is alright and ready to wake up, she can’t help feeling happy to see the transformed Berk.
Dragons and Vikings get along and live in harmony.
It was crazy.
Even crazier that her neighbors now wanted to hear her opinion on things, mostly dragon related since she is the second first dragon rider in the history of Berk.
And also helping to defeat the Red Death made her now an honorary Viking.
Not that she cared that much about it. Still, it was nice to not be anymore the weird foreigner but the dragon rider Leandra.
But the best thing at the moment was her little brother. Leandra never thought she could have loved her sibling as she did now, but after Sigrùn gave birth to him a week ago, she was armored with Ulf.
Maybe because she helped Gothi bring him to this world and was the one to hold him first, it didn’t matter in the end.
She felt a bit better about her decision to return to Berk.
Oh, she wouldn’t give up on her dream to return one day back to her Abuela, but for now, Berk was okay.
Maybe after Ulf was older, like five, she would go and see the world.
Leandra would make things evolve naturally.
She would know when it was time to go, for real this time.

Hiccup still couldn’t believe what a new world he woke up to as Astrid came up to him to jab him in the arm. He recoils with a grumble.
“That's for scaring me.”, the girl says matter of fact.
“What, is it always going to be this way?”, he grumbles. “Cause I...”
She grabs him aggressively and then kisses him. Hoots and hollers follow.
“... could get used to it.”, he says dreamily with a beating heart.
His dream girl kissed him, wow!
Maybe he was indeed dead.
That’s when a familiar voice calls up: “Hey, get a room you two!”
The other Vikings laugh at this.
Frantically Hiccup searches the crowd for…
“Lee!”, he yells happy, seeing his best friend all right with Starchaser on her side…and a baby strapped on her chest….
Erm, what?
His best friend gives him a soft smile.
It is bittersweet and tears seem to twinkle in her eyes, but as fast it was there, it is like Leandra switched gears and has a teasing smirk on her lips.
“Next time you two should kiss in private, my little brother is too young to see such things.”
“Little brother.”, say Hiccup excitedly and walks over to her. A little tanned baby with blue eyes and a tuft a black hair looks at him. “Aww, he is so cute, Lee.”
“His name is Ulf. Say Hi to your uncle Hiccup.”
She makes the baby wave at him, which makes the whole crowd coo at them.
Hiccup laughs and carefully embraces Leandra, mindful of the baby between them.
“I’m so glad you came back.”, he whispers to her.
He doesn’t see how Leandra fights with her emotions, closing her eyes, a single tear, escaping.
This was the way it was supposed to be. They are best friends and he is with Astrid more.
She could handle her feelings. They would go away one day. Leandra was sure.
“And I’m happy for you, sorry that I was so angry for nothing.”
They let go of each other and Ulf babbles cutely.
That’s when Gobber presents Hiccup with a rebuilt saddle, rigging, and tail.
“Welcome home.”, he simply says to him.
Suddenly, Toothless pounces on the crowd, crushing several unsuspecting Vikings under his weight. Starchaser seems to laugh.
“Night Fury, get down!”
Toothless eyes the new tail excitedly, tongue wagging. Amidst the groans and grumbles, Hiccup, Leandra, and Astrid exchange sheepish grins, while little Ulf waves his tiny hand around.
Leandra sits on Starchaser’s back, Ulf secure on her chest, and looks at Hiccup as he tries out the new tailfin and paddle. Astrid is with her dragon Stormfly between them.
This…is Berk.
Leandra watches how Hiccup and Toothless fly up into the sky, Astrid giving chase after them.
She looks with a resigned smile after them. Starchaser cooes at her in understanding and Leandra wipes a tear away.
With one arm she holds Ulf close to her chest and pets Starchaser’s side to give her the signal to fly.
Vikings and dragons who fought against each other made this little rock now their home. It doesn’t look like much, but I have a feeling it will become something spectacular.
Hiccup and Astrid race their dragons through the village under eaves, over rooftops, down cliff-sides, and between ship masts. It's a high-energy, romantic dance of sorts. Leandra follows them, still looking defeated at them, hugging her baby brother closer to her.
I don’t know how long or how much I’m going to see of this. I know my place is elsewhere. Up here in the sky, I’m truly happy and my unwelcome emotions for my best friend don’t get in anybody’s way.
Hiccup and Astrid’s fellow recruits join them as they take to the open sky, rocketing far above the village. The Northern sky swirls with blazing, multicolored dragons.
Hiccup and Toothless break from the pack, spinning into the blinding sun.
Leandra, Ulf, and Starchaser also break from the pack, but don’t follow Hiccup and Toothless.
They go in the opposite direction, away from them, away from Berk.
Just flying over the ocean.
The black-haired girl cuddles her brother closer and looks determined before her.
At the endless ocean and where it would lead her.
One day, I will leave. I will spread my wings and fly. I will return to my grandma and then…see the whole world. Then the world just got bigger when you ride on a dragon’s back! Endless possibility, endless decision. Only one thing is clear, I can never act on my feelings for Hiccup. Not only would it destroy our friendship, but I can’t be chained even more to Berk. It will be already hard to leave my little brother behind and keep Starchaser from Toothless, I don’t need a partner. I want to be free. More than anything.
With a sign Leandra turns Starchaser back to Berk. Ulf babbles at her and she kisses his tiny forehead.
For now, my place is here…but I will truly find where I belong.
Where Starchaser and I belong.
One day, in the future.

And the first movie is done :D
How much do you hate me right now?
It broke my heart to not make Hiccup and Leandra canon, but I can assure you.
I don’t read HiccupXOC stories for nothing, I was never a fan of Hiccstrid, so that ship will sink.
Just Leandra and Hiccup aren’t ready for each other.
For a lot of reasons, mostly because Leandra doesn’t want to be chainend to somebody she wants to explore and meet new people and not settle down with the first person she loves.
She thinks it is not healthy, since she doesn’t have many choices in Berk for a partner.
She thinks she likes only Hiccup because he is the only one who is her friend.
The same you can say for Hiccup in canon I totally believe that Hiccstrid only works cause both don’t have better choices in a partner. That’s why I stay away from FFs where Hiccup runs away and still gets with Astrid.
Erm no sir, ma’am, person, Hiccup totally would fall in love with someone else cause he would meet people who actually like him for him and don’t need a magical dragon ride to change her mind.
Also, can we talk about how Astrid is clearly a trophy wife for Hiccup? The boy gets at the end of the movie all he wants, the village loves him, his dad too, the girl he likes shows interest and he has friends.
All he ever wanted.
Just like that, cause he showed them dragons were awesome.
Astrid needed even less to suddenly like him.
I hate the Trophy Wife trope with all my being and Astrid who was the whole movie this proud Viking warrior girl deserves better.
So Hiccstrid will sink in the next book and Leandra and Hiccup after they both did a lot of growing and changing will get together.
I want also to add that Hiccup was also a way to forgiven to anybody, the teens bullied him and then they are in the end the best of friends.
Village treated him like shit, it's okay now, they like me.
Hiccup has to work through all of this before he is ready for Leandra.
He needs to understand that this all isn’t actually healthy to forgive and forget like that and only like someone because she is the only VIKING choice the others would accept and you can stomach.
I hope I could explain myself.
We will have Gift of the Night Furries, see what I did there, and then maybe one or two original chapters to touch these points.
To set for the next book which will take in Race to Edge, since Leandra and Starchaser will leave at the end of this book and travel the world and do the growing they need.
Also, 3 years in the future when they are all 18.
Now that I wrote my first smuts I will probably write for Hiccup and Leandra too. .//////.
For everybody who wants to know Hiccandra is their shipname :D
So see you next chapter and I hope I could explain myself and my decisions.
Have a nice day/night, my loves
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More Posts from Empressofthesunwriter
Making Waves

You are a young mermaid, not ready for your adult responsibility when you find a secret underwater tunnel that leads to a secret cove. You couldn’t imagine how your life was going to change because of it. HiccupXMermaid!Reader

Chapter 8: Wedding Bells
Two weeks later after Hiccup woke up it was time.
You looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe how good you looked in the wedding dress, the kind Viking woman of Berk did for you.
Since merpeople didn’t use clothing and neither you nor your mother know how to sew the mothers of your Viking friends volunteered to make you the dress.
You had a pretty flower crown on your head with pearls braided in your hair, thanks to your mother.
The dress was white, with a square hemline and long sleeves. Wave motives were stitched on the bottom of the dress, to never forget where you came from.
A white fur was placed as a cape on your shoulders.
Golden bracelet on your arms and a golden necklace was your jewelry.
You saw how your parents came up behind you. They also wore festive Viking garb since it was your wedding day.
Your mother gripped one of your hands and your father wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
Together you three looked into the mirror.
Your father had tears in his eyes, your mother smiled brightly and you were formally vibrating with excitement.
Then it began.
Your father led you through the festive and celebrating crowd to the stone mural where Viking weddings were held.
You saw Hiccup in his own wedding attire. Your heart stopped nearly, how dashing he looked in it.
He was looking at you like you were a goddess, tears streaming down his beautiful green eyes.
Beside him was Toothless who gave you his best gumless smile.
You saw how Stoick and Gobber were trying to stealthy wipe away their tears but failed miserably.
You couldn’t help it and smiled more.
This was so…amazing.
You reached Hiccup at the altar and your father put your hand in his.
You both stared at each other with loving eyes, gripping your hands tightly.
Gothi the village elder put a ceremonial cloth over your joined hands and touched it then with her staff.
You were now married.
Hiccup put a hand on your cheek, while you leaned in and you two kissed under the eyes of the whole Viking village and also your coven.
The celebrating crowd was so loud only to be triumphed by Toothless exiting shooting a plasma blast into the sky, that rained down on you guys in pretty sparkles.
Ah’s and oh’s were heard.
You couldn’t care less.
You just kept kissing Hiccup till you couldn’t breathe anymore.
After your long kiss, Hiccup picked you up, bridal style, and twirled you around.
Your happy laugh could be heard over the cooing crowd.

Now that dragon killing was over, there was one thing Vikings were good at.
At this was making party!
The plaza was full of dancing couples, laughing friends, excited dragons, and tables full of dishes.
You and Hiccup were dancing too, it was like when you were children once, just this time you were much better with it.
You couldn’t help but note how well your new Viking family and your coven got along together.
Okay, you saw some of your following merpeople scratch themselves because of their clothes, yet anybody got along swimly.
Fishleg told excited a group of your friends all about dragons.
Astrid was actually dancing and you swerve flirting with a female friend of yours.
Snotloud had an arm wrestling competition going on with some of your male friends.
Ruff and Tuff entertained with their shenanigans some of the little merpeople children you had babysat on occasion.
Toothless was enjoying scratches and treats from your best friend.
Stoick and Gobber had a drinking competition going on with your parents. Your mother was the only one who still could stand and laughed in triumph over the groaning males.
You pointed this all out on Hiccup.
He just picked you up and twirled you happily around more.
You were two worlds.
Now one family.

The second time you slept with each other was in your brand-new house. Since Stoick was still chief, he stayed at the house where the chiefs lived and till Hiccup took over you would live in this house.
But Stoick had told you, he would give Hiccup and you time before becoming chief and chieftess.
You should enjoy the first years of your marriage without stress and maybe raise your first child in peace.
Hiccup and you were more than okay with that.
Your house was big enough for you two, a Night Furry, and for at least two children.
But tonight it was only you two in the house.
So no one would wake from your moans and Hiccup growls.
It was just the second time you had sex, but Hiccup already picked up a few tricks.
He rubbed your clit in time with his deep thrusts. Making you a moaning mess.
You practically felt how your wetness was drooling out at your pussy. Making dirty squelch sounds in time with the thrusts.
“Harder!”, you begged him. Arms wrapped around his neck. “Oh, Hiccup harder please!”
“Anything for you.”, he huffed, capturing your lips in a messy kiss and pounding into your flesh-puffy walls with eagerness.
You keened and stretched his back in pleasure.
Yes, this was it!
Just like that!
Suddenly you get flipped around so you are on your hands and knees.
Oh by the seven seas, this angle drives Hiccup cock only deeper into you!
You grip the bedsheets with your hands. Your head is through back and you moan shamelessly
“Fuck, pearl, aah!”, curses Hiccup, which turns you on more. You never heard him curse. You feel how you drip more out of your hole. “You are so tight and wet.”
You can feel how your orgasm is fast approaching, so you whine and impale your pussy hard and fast against Hiccup cock.
“Fuck, Hiccup!”, now you curse too.
That is when he gives the biggest and hardest thrust which brings you finally over the edge.
You scream his name so loud that you worry for a second that the neighbors hear you, but it is nothing against the amazing feeling as Hiccup shoots his semen into your willing and greedy pussy.
You coming made him come too.
Tired you both fall down on the mattress, Hiccup careful he doesn’t land on you.
You both breathe hard and smile at each other like the lovesick fools you are.
“Wow.”, you say together and laugh.
“Much better than our first time.”, hums Hiccup and puts a bit of hair behind your ear. “This time we come together.”
You hum too, then decide to sit on Hiccup’s lap.
He says your name questionly.
You lick your lips and get help from the pleasure shiver that rakes your body as you see how hungry Hiccup follows this motion.
“What ya say Viking-Boy you ready for round two?”, you purr seductively.
The harding dick which pokes your ass now is answer enough.
Nonetheless, he growls back: “Give me your worst, Mermaid-Girl.”
And that’s what you do for the rest of the night.
You both fall asleep as the sun rises.
No regrets on either side.

A few days later you are throwing up in a bucket.
Hiccup is holding your hair out of your face, while you probably leave all your guts in the bucket.
You hear Toothless croon worried, but the Night Furry doesn’t dare to come near you. You have a feeling he doesn’t like the smell of vomit.
Well, who would?
When you are sure you are done, you lean heavily back on Hiccup who cradles you carefully.
“I’m never drinking Yak milk again.”, you proclaim.
How in the seven seas the twin got you even to taste it you still wonder.
Hiccup kisses your sweaty temple.
“Come on, I will bring you back to bed.”
“But don’t you need my help with training the dragons?”
“The gang will help, my beautiful wife needs her rest more. Besides I’m sure tomorrow you will feel better.”
You don’t feel better tomorrow.
Or the next day.
Or the next, next day.
A whole week of throwing up makes you march up to Gothi to see if the Viking healer knows what’s up with you.
If she didn’t you would ask the healer of your coven.
Strangely the idea to transform into your mermaid form doesn’t sit well with you.
You wonder why.
So you explain to the old wise lady what is wrong with you. She touches your stomach, makes some other weird tests, and then she has a diagnosis for you.
You faintly hear the voice of your mother in your head as she told you, she and your dad only needed two shots to get pregnant.
God fucking dammit.
Great, now you think about that again.

“Pregnant?!”, yells Hiccup who seems in utter disbelief.
Meanwhile Toothless is nosing your stomach and grumbling at it. The dragon seems very excited.
Your husband is in shock.
“I know, it’s a bit too early.”, you admit sheepish and pet Toothless head. “But we wanted kids.”
Hiccup falls beside you in your bed, caressing your cheek.
“Of course, pearl, I’m just…wow.”
You see the tears in his eyes before they can fall.
“Come here you big softy.”, you coo at him.
Hiccup hugs you side ways, mindful of Toothless snout on your stomach, and cries happy tears on your shoulder.
With your other free hand, you pet now Hiccup head.
You are happy your boys took it so well.
And you can’t wait to meet your child in nine months.
You hope he or she will look like Hiccup.

Of course, I had to write the wedding night, now I wrote my second smut!
I hope it was better.
And yeah we are having a baby, place your bets on what it’s going to be! :D

N.K. Magical Girl-Form
Here is N.K. transformed from my South Park FF. I used the Glitter Cure Maker to make this.
All credits to them.
The Stick of Truth

Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski

Chapter 3: First Summon, Gas-Mask, and Drug Dealers, oh my!
You guys 'member when in the last chapter I said how this game would be a full Final Fantasy rip-off if I can summon in the future something?
Well, guess what happened?
At first, me and Leo just enter City Wok, because I got the munchies and wanted to check out the noodle soups of this place.
Somehow we got robbed into beating up a lot of little Mongolian kids in the Tower of Peace since the parents of them have conquered Mr. Kim, the owner of City Wok, the week before.
Then we had to beat up the parents.
I admit I felt kind of like Mulan doing this.
Also, I got a new kickass bow.
Yet, how in the name of Isis, is the whole city involved in the whole LARPing these kids here do?
Anyway, for beating up all the Mongolians, Mr. Kim not only became my Facebook friend, but he also gave me a little Gong so I can call him to beat up my enemies.
Besides bosses.
Since they are too tough.
Again, I ask how this works?
I think I have just to try it, then I will see.
South Park is the weirdest town I ever lived and I have a feeling I haven’t even seen the weirdest shit yet!
After this little adventure, we finally reach Jimbo’s Gun. Behind the counter is a tall chubby man in hunter gear and a shorter guy with sunglasses, who only has one arm.
These two make just only for the looks an interesting duo.
“Well hello there Jimbo and Ned!”, greets Leo cheerfully.
I give them a nod.
“Afternoon gentlemen.”
“Well! What brings you here today? Business or pleasure? Or vengeance?”, ask the chubby guy, which Leo whispers is Jimbo.
“Sweet, sweet vengeance!”, I answer with a maniac chuckle, which only seems to disturb Leo.
Jimbo and Ned just grin.
“You've come to the right place.”, tells me Ned, speaking into a voice box.
He sounds like a robot!
If he had the voice of the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future I would have been sooooo happy. Then again I’m not currently playing a children’s card game and trying to attack someone with Obelisk the Tormenter.
“Howdy there!”, Jimbo’s voice shakes me of my thought. “Haven't seen you before. You must be the new kid that moved to town - and you're into huntin', huh?! Well, my boy, you've come to the right place!”
Again, I’m currently Link, but again someone doesn’t see I’m not a boy. Or my cosplay is more than amazing, or there is something in the water that makes the people here stupid.
Well nearly everyone.
I try to correct Jimbo, but against his talking like a raging river, I can’t get a word out.
I only get that he has something against Democrats, wants to sell me a book about hunting here in South Park and oh, he can sell some weapons to me.
At this, my eyes check the counter before us and I see it.
A beautiful katana.
Oh hell yeah, time to get my Demon Slayer game on!
“I want a gas mask, this beautiful Katana, and sure give me this hunting book.”, I tell Jimbo.
“Oh, sure New Kid, but your level is too low for the Katana.”
“It’s so unfair!”, I cry at Leo, waving the gas mask around.
“We will get the Katana later for you N.K., you just have to level up a bit.”, he reassures me.
We are on our way back to the Security Guard and I can’t even enjoy that I will be ready for this motherfucker because Jimbo and Ned are part of the whole shikt with levels for weapons like us kids.
I want the Katana now!
Not when this whole game is nearly over!
I need to come up with a plan to get it!
Mmh, maybe I can buy it normally if I go to the shop with my normal clothes on…?
Sadly I can’t try it right now, since it’s time to kick someone in the Kuribohs.
I pull the gas mask on my face and command practically: “Leo, you let me handle this. This asshole will feel all of my burning rage!”
So I stalk over to the Security Guard and call: “Hey, pigheaded, dickless, lurd of tard, I’m back!”
He doesn’t waste time to pepper spray again, but this time nothing happens.
I see the fear in his eyes and it is delicious like chocolate.
“What the fuck? Oh NO!”
I don’t wait that we get transported to the battleground ala Final Fantasy. I make my promise come true and kick him with all my might in the Kuribos!
Aka. his balls.
He falls down, clutching his jewels, whimpering pathetically.
“Move... along.”
“Never test me again bitch!”
Satisfied at his cowering, I take off the gas mask and smile brightly at Leo.
“Let’s go, little bro.”
Leo looks sympathetic at the Security Guard before he rejoins my side.
“Y-You are really scary big sis.”, mumbles Leo at me, while I ring the doorbell of Token’s home.
“It’s part of my charm.”, I jest.
Well, a bit.
Security Guard had it coming.
The door opens and a black kid opens the door.
…Don’t tell me his name is a goddamn pun-!
“Oh yes, hello I’m N.K., you must be Token.”, I say and hand him Cartman’s letter. “I’m the new mage of Kupa Keep and Lord Fatass wants me to fetch all his warriors since the elven took the Stick of Truth.”
“Nice to meet you N.K. I’m surprised that Cartman lets a girl play with us.”
At this Leo and I wince. It’s nice to see there is another person who has eyes in his head, but…
“His chubbiness thinks I’m a dude, so can you…”
“Of course. Hang on a second.”
Token closes for a second the door and after opening it again he is in his Kupa Keep get-up. Wow, he dresses fast!
“Thank you for thy message, traveler! Your secret is safe with me. I shall make haste to Kupa Keep!”, he announces, then turns to his right and calls: ”Mom! Can you drive me to Eric's house?”
And closes again the door.
I shrug my shoulders and mentally strike him from my list.
One warrior recruited, two more to go.

The next warrior recruit (who gets the reference gets a cookie) is a boy named Tweek Tweak, since we can’t simply just go and grab Craig from school and I ask Leo if he is messing with me about his name.
Who names their kid like that?
And why?
Were they on drugs? (No pun indeed)
With any hour passing South Park gets weirder.
Leo assures me that it’s really his name and with a sign I follow him to Tweak Bro. Cafe. A cafe owned by Tweeks family if you didn’t get it. But I’m sure we all here are smarter than Cartman by a mile.
We pass the cinema and I stop Leo by grasping his arm.
“Oh look! They play Asses on Fire 2!”, I squeal happy. “Did you watch the first one?”
“Yeah, I did. You like Terrance and Phillip, big sis?”
As an answer, I start to sing the well known song from the first movie: “Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka! You're a cock-sucking, ass-licking uncle fucka! You're an uncle fucka, yes it's true! Nobody fucks uncles quite like you!”
Leo laughs happily and joins me.
“Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka! You're the one that fucked your uncle, uncle fucka! You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn, You just fuck your uncle all day long!”
“Suck my balls!”, I end the song happy giggling.
“Oh I wish we could watch it now.”, confesses Leo. “I bet it’s better than the first.”
“Well, I was planning to watch it with my parents. I’m sure you can tag along when we go!”
My little brother lights up like a Christmas Tree.
“I promise!”
I wrap my arm around his shoulder giving him so side-way hug. We continue our way to Tweek Bros Cafe.
“Psst. Pssst, hey. Over here.”
I ignore this weird older dude hiding behind a tree between the cinema and the cafe, I got no time for this shit and enter with Leo the cafe.
The cafe is cute, but the smell of the coffee is a bit strange.
I can’t put my finger on it.
My parents and I are avid coffee drinkers, so I’m familiar with its smell, so this strange smell, makes me frown.
And yes I know I’m 11 I shouldn’t already drink coffee, leave me alone! I need my coffee or I don’t function.
I wanted to get a cup, but this smell turned me away. That doesn’t stop me from going up to the counter to ask for Tweek.
The older gentleman greets me in a calming soothing voice which throws me off a bit.
“Welcome to Tweek Coffee. Coffee made with ingredients supplied by local organic suppliers. It's local coffee. Brewed locally.”
I swore I hear soft background music.
Are we in a commercial?
I blink rapidly to get my bearings back.
“Erm, hello sir, is Tweek here? We want to ask him to play with us.”
“Hello there.”, Mr. Tweak greets me. “If you're looking for Tweek, he's in the back room, unattended. Unattended, like a pristine meadow known only to the wild horses that graze there. Would you like to try some coffee? It's fresh, like a sun-dappled cornfield ready for harvest.”
“Eh no thanks, another time…”
I nearly drag Leo to the backroom to get away from this coffee dealer. It’s just soooooo weird.
In the backroom we find who must be Tweek, wearing a little apron and with a broom cleaning the room.
“AHGHGHGH! How am I supposed to do all this?! There's no way, man! Starbucks has like eight employees! Here it's just me!! GAHGHGH!!”, he talks frantically to himself, twitching here and there.
Oh dear, what is his problem?
I get my answer when I see him chuck down a whole cup of coffee like some Tequilla shot.
He didn’t even blink.
I don’t know if I should give him kudos or be scarred for life.
“Hello, Tweek?”, I call out to him.
The poor boy lets out a shrill shriek.
“AHGHGHGH! Who are you?!”
“Sorry didn’t mean to startle you.”, I talk to him in my most calm and reassuring voice. “I’m N.K., new in town and also the new Mage of Kupa Keep. Lord Tub of Lard calls all his warriors to the castle to reclaim the Stick of Truth from the elves.”
He doesn’t stop twitching, even after I had him Cartman’s letter.
“NOW?!?! The guys need me now?! Oh, there's no way man! I have WAY too much to do! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ALL THIS?!”, he screams in my face, shaking me by my shoulders.
“Wowowow, calm down, Tweek. Can Leo and I help you somehow? Maybe we could help you clean.”, I suggested, taking his hands from my shoulders and caressing them gently to help calm him down.
It seems to work since Tweek takes a deep breath to get his thoughts under control.
Well mostly.
He is still twitching and shaking.
“You could go get the four o'clock delivery for me?!”, he asks.” If you do I can finish here and then - and then I'll still have time to play! PLEASE!”
Me and Leo look at each other and he nods.
“Sure thing Tweek. Where is the delivery?”
“It's at Kenny's house - like always! Y-you give them THIS - They'll give you the delivery!”
He gives me a piece of paper.
“PLEASE! Would you?!”
“Consider it done.”
With that Leo and I leave the backroom.

I can’t even describe what I’m feeling when I see where sweet, sweet Princess Kenny lives.
I feel sad and angry on her behalf.
No one should live in a dump like that.
“The princess family doesn’t have much money, huh?”, I mumble, kicking an empty beer bottle away.
Leo hears me anyway.
“Kenny and his family were always poor. He is actually the poorest kid in school.”, he explains to me.
“This sucks.”
“Agree, but don’t pity him, Kenny hates that.”
“I wasn’t going to.”
Still…it hurts me to see this sad excuse of a house and think how cold and dirty it has to be in there.
I wish I could help somehow…
Since we came here on a mission, I ignore my desire to help Kenny and his family somehow and knock on the front door, which probably saw better days. It feels like the door is going to crack under my knocks.
The door opens and a red-haired woman with a green I’m with stupid T-Shirt stands before us.
That’s for sure Kenny’s mom.
She has the same pretty blue eyes as her child, just they seem tired and lifeless. Looking at her, I bet she was once a beautiful young girl, but whatever happened to her made her now look older and defeated.
“What?”, she croaks at us.
“Hello, ma’am.”, I addressed her and hand her the letter Tweek gave me. “We are here to pick up the delivery for Tweek Bro.”
“Oh, this isn't for me. This is for the nice people who are renting the guest house out in the back.”, she explains to me, handing me back the letter and a key to this guest house.
“Thanks for your help ma’am.”
“You are a nice girl, goodbye.”
I admit it makes me feel giddy that Kenny’s mom seems to like me and even can tell I’m a girl. These are some brownie points for her.
Me and Leo make our way to the guesthouse, which is actually a garage, and…yep we are in a junkie hideout.
Awesome, just awesome.
I’m not touching anything in here.
I don’t want to get tetanus or hepatitis or some shit.
“Yeah, yeah. We got the package for Tweek Coffee. You got the envelope?”, say’s one of the three junkies to us.
They are two males and a female.
I swore, I formally feel the drugs and sickness coming from them.
“Uh, these witch doctors must be cooking up a secret potion. I wonder if it's a healing potion...”, voice Leo his thought and I can just stare at him.
Didn’t he get what this person actually are?
How innocent is he?
“Stay close and don’t touch anything.”, I whisper to him before I turn to one of the junkies and hand him the letter. “Here.”
No time for pleasantries, I want to get out of here, before I catch something nasty.
“Hey... that's not the usual kid that picks up the package.”
“Huh? Oh shit. It's a COP!!”
Our little adventure in the garage ends with beating up the three junkies and then getting the Tweek Bro delivery ourselves.
Once we are out of the garage, I search in my little backpack for the hand sanitizer I know I have and wash myself and Leo with it as well as I can.
“Nasty, nasty, nasty!”, I shudder. “I don’t want to get any sickness that will eat my brain!”
“Big sis you are rubbing the hand sanitizer in my face! It hurts.”
“It’s for your own good, little bro!”
After what feels like an eternity I’m satisfied and stop cleaning us.
Leo’s face may be red as a lobster now, but he will be thankful later for it.
With that, I drag him back to Tweek Bro Cafe. We hand over the delivery to Tweek, who gives it to his father and Mr. Tweak dumbs it into the coffee.
Yep, I’m never gonna drink that. Now I know why it’s smells so funny, it has drugs in it.
At least Tweek gets permission to play with us.
That makes now two warriors recruited.
We could hand it back now to Kupa Keep but I ask Leo if we can explore the town for a bit.
I mean, the Stick is not going anywhere.
Also, our third warrior recruit is still in detention.
We have some time.
My little brother is okay with that and we start our exploring.
Time to get familiar with my new hometown.
The Stick of Truth

Codename: Dovahkiin Part 1!
N.K. is angry at her parents. Not only did they move again, no, but they moved into a snowy hicktown named South Park! She was sure she would hate it there, yet surprisingly she gets to participate in the epic RPG the kids play and falls for the human princess and the elf king. Who is friend, who is foe and which side should she choose?
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski

Chapter 1: Quiet little mountain town
Dear Dairy,
so here we are again.
Moved after a few weeks in Seattle now to this shitty little town named South Park in buttfucking Colorado.
I already hate it here.
It’s a tiny hole, in the middle of nowhere, right at the Meridian of misery and suffering.
This town doesn’t even have a Game Stop!
How the hell I’m supposed to get new cards for my YU-GI-OH! Deck and buy new games and anime merchandise?
Back to Amazon, it seems.
Gosh, I bet these people don’t even know what cosplay is!
Why did we need to move again?
I was happy in Seattle.
I had a nice group of friends and hot Serena Matthews wanted to go on a second date with me!
And yet, poof, again, my nomadic parents had us moved.
I will never understand them.
I’m only eleven, my body started puberty and I can’t outlive it because my parents get this urge to randomly move us from here to there.
This is such bullshit!
I wanna be a pre-teen, watch anime and talk about it with friends. Play Duel Monsters and beat asses. Cosplaying and playing video games and dear heaven kiss girls, boys, or whatever!
Serena was such a good kisser!
And her red hair was so lovely!
In this hicktown, there aren’t for sure bisexual people like me. Or god forbid lesbians. I don’t think I will like the straight dudes in this town.
I’m allergic to straight.
Okay, jokes aside, why this little shit town?
Couldn’t we move to California, if it was so necessary to move?
I just want to again live on the ocean side.

A loud knock was heard on my door, followed by my Mamma’s voice: “Sweetie? Hon, you all dressed?”
I look up from my Dairy. I’m sitting against my bedframe, knees up, balancing my dairy on them, and writing about my woe.
I close it with my red glitter pen between the two pages I wrote for today.
“Yes, Mamma, you can come in.”, I let her know.
Not a second later both my parents enter my room.
“Hey, princess. How do you like your new room?”, ask me my Papà.
I look around the half-finished room with the still-to-open cartons. It was bigger than my room in Seattle for sure.
“It’s all right.”, I decide.
This makes my parents smile happily.
At least they are happy.
“I know it's a big change for all of us, but ... princess, do you ... REMEMBER why we moved to this quiet little mountain town?”, wants my Papà to know.
I frown and rub my head.
That’s actually a good question.
It is all sort of a blur.
I have this sometimes. That I forget things, and can’t remember them.
Don’t know why, it has always been like this.
I learned to live with it.
The most I remember from our last day in Seattle is asking beautiful Serena for a second date and she agreed. Then going with my gang to Game Stop to buy some more children’s card games and then…then I was in our car and my parents told me, that we are moving to South Park.
Yeah, that’s about it.
The rest is a black blurb.
I rub my head harder and feel a headache forming. It’s better to stop thinking about it.
“Because you got the itch to move again.”, I answer my parents with sass.
Normally I would get called out, but strangely my parents seem to be happy about it and are whispering to each other. I can’t quite grasp what they mumble to each other.
A frown forms on my face.
If this is not suspicious, I’m straight.
“Uh, sweetie, we want you to have lots of fun here.”, turns my Mamma back to me. ”Why don't you go out and make some friends?”
“Right, get outside and PLAY, princess. Like ... like normal kids.”, adds my Papà.
“Why do you have to say it like that?”, I wonder and frown deeper.
My Mamma gives Papà a little whack on the head, which makes him whine and rub the hurting spot.
“Don’t listen to your Papà, he is just being silly, right, Chris?”
“Sure, Kelly.”
“We've got some money for you on the kitchen counter, sweetie.”, informs me, Mamma. “Just ... be back before it gets dark.”
Not like I have anything better to do than to whine at my dairy. Maybe I walk will do me good. I hardly doubt I can make friends with these hicktown children.
I’m way too queer for them.
So I put my dairy on my night table and nod.
“Of course, Mamma. I love you both.”
Even if you drag me around all of America.
“Yeah, we love you too.”, say’s Papà for both of them and they leave my room with small smiles on their faces.
I put my hands in the pocket of my pink hoodie and sign.
Well, let’s go, shall we?

I sigh loudly and watch how my breath turns white in front of me.
I’m not fucking Elsa and the cold fucking bothers me anytime!
My parents know I love warm places more, but no we had to move to this snowy hicktown.
I hate everything.
I’m glad I put my black jacket over my hoodie and gripped a pink wool hat before I got out of the house.
Dear Ra, how can people survive in this climate?
I walk down the little path to the sidewalk and for the first time today, something interesting happens.
On my left side, a little barricade is up, with a red flag, and written on it is No Humans.
Well, that IS unexpected.
What could this mean?
I decide to go right, maybe I will find some clue about what that is about.
That is when I see two little fourth-graders, one dressed as an elf and the other in a long blue robe, fighting against each other.
These little dudes seem to give their all.
“You shall die by my Warhammer, Drow Elf!”, yells the blond-haired boy.
“Nuh-uh!”, disagrees the Drow Elf.
“I banish thee to the forest realm!”
“No way, I banished you first! AHA! You can't hold out much longer!”
“Help! Somebody!! I can't hold out much longer!! Heeeeelp!”
This is all very interesting I decide and has surely to do with the sign I saw. Are they LARPing, perhaps?
Anyway, this hicktown turned exciting from 0 to a solid 8.
I must know what this is about.
But for that, I should help the little blond dude.
So I grip the Drow Elf by his clothes and tear him away from the blond boy.
“Hey, no fair. That's cheating. I'm gonna tell my mom.”, whines the Drow Elf and runs away.
Probably to his mom.
The little blond-haired boy smiles up at me, I’m at least a head taller than him, and says: “Thanks, kid. I didn't realize he had a health potion. My- my name is Butters the Merciful. I'm a paladin. I live right next door to you. We should be friends!”
LARPing, called it!
I can live with that!
“It’s whatever.”, I wave Butters off. What kind of name is this anyway? Weird. “And sure let’s be friends.”
This makes the little dude happy and I get a new Facebook friend. Why this always happens when I meet new people I haven’t the faintest idea.
It’s one of a weird me things that I don’t get.
“Now that we're friends, you should speak with the Wizard King! He's been talking about your arrival. The Wizard lives this way. In the green house, over there.”
“Sure, why not?”
Not like I have anything better to do and I like LARPing. It is really fun.
So I follow Butter, while he asks me questions.
“Hey, where are you from?”
“Was born in Washington D.C., but never really lived there.”
“Where'd you live before moving here?”
“Do you like Colorado?”
“To snowy for my taste.”
“Why are you wearing your hair like that?”
“I like bob-cuts. Long hair takes way too much time to groom it.”
“You don't talk much, do ya?”
“That's ok, I can talk for both of us!”
You surely do Butters. The little fourth grader is amusing. Really happy-go-lucky it seems.
We reach the green-colored house and my new friend knocks. A little fat kid who tries his hardest to be a wizard opens the door.
With my super detective skills, I detect that this must be the Wizard King. Yet, Butter screams it to the heavens.
At least they seem dedicated to their LARPing.
“So, you are the New Kid.”, guesses the Wizard King right. “Your coming was foretold by Coldwell Banker. I am the Wizard King. But the time for talk is not nigh. Let me show you my kingdom.”
“All right.”, I just say and follow the two smaller boys into the house.
“Ohh, who's your new friend, Eric?”, asks a brunette woman the Wizard King.
“Shut up, mom, not now.”
The Wizard King or Eric seems to be kind of a dick. I would never talk to my parents like that.
“Hello, ma’am, nice to meet you.”, I greet her with my best smile.
She can’t even answer as Eric tells me that she isn’t part of the game and I shouldn’t talk to her.
Wow, rude much?
He is a dick.
Still, I follow him and Butter to his backyard. I’m way too curious about what’s there.
“Welcome ... to the Kingdom of Kupa Keep!”, presents me, Eric, his backyard.
I must say, you see that the kids tried to make their best what they had and it’s kinda okay. Can’t expect a masterpiece from 10 years old.
So I simply say: “Nice, dude.”
The answer pleases Eric and he gives me a tour. First, he leads me to the Armory where a brunette boy with a silver helmet stands.
“Our weapon shop here is tended by Clyde, a level 14 warrior.”, tells me, Eric.
I give Clyde a wave and we move to the stables.
“Here you can see our massive stables, overseen by the level 9 ranger Scott Malkinson, who has the power of diabetes.”
What kind of power is diabetes?
From what I know it is a really huge hassle.
I nod to Scott and follow Eric to…Princess Zelda?
The person now before me wears a costume and a blond wig which reminds me a lot of her.
Is Link somewhere too?
Princess Zelda rip-off twirls one of her fake blond locks around her finger and gives a soft giggle.
She pats her eyelashes at me.
I have a feeling she is flirting with me…well she has really beautiful blue eyes from what can I see since her face is covered mostly by her orange parker.
“And here, of course, is the breathtaking and lovely Princess Kenny. The fairest maiden in all the kingdom.”, presents Eric her. “Don't ask why Kenny wanted to be a chick, it's just how he seems to be rolling right now.”
Ah, so the princess is actually a boy!
So either he/she is genderfluid or attracted to more than one gender or both since she is clearly hitting on me.
I’m damn happy that there is at least one queer kid in this town!
So nothing bad with flirting back.
I give her a wick and she giggles more behind her hand.
Nailed it.
I decide to talk to her.
“Hey beautiful, how it’s going?”, I ask her and path my own eyelashes.
Again she giggles cutely and…she wishes for a flower? Her speech is so muffled thanks to the parker that I only understood a part.
Where do I get a flower now?
I look around the kingdom and see a daffodil. That we will do!
Quickly I pick it up and present her the flower with a bow.
She gasps happily, taking it.
“A daffodil for me?? Teeheehee, you shouldn't have.”
“Its beauty is nothing against yours, your highness.”, I flirt, which makes her wave her hand before her face and I can see that she is turning red.
Still got it.
“Hey New Kid are you done now? We got shit to do.”, calls the Wizard King for my attention.
I send the princess a kiss and join up with him and Butters.
“You have been sought out, New Kid, because humans everywhere are in great danger. I need something from you and, in return, I am prepared to allow you into my kingdom. I know you are very excited. It's time for your first quest, but first - please tell us thy name.”
“I’m Novella-Karin Campo. But people mostly call me N.K.”, I introduce myself.
Both Eric and Butters stare at me. What’s up with that look?
“That’s a really-“
Butters can’t even finish his sentence, as Eric starts to laugh like a manic holding his chubby belly.
“Hahahaha, that’s the douche’s name I ever heard for a dude! Hahaha, New Kid, your parents must fucking hate you. Hahaha!”
…Did he just call me a dude?!
Oh jeez, not again!
People sometimes mistake me for a boy, I don’t know why.
I clearly look like a girl, even if I have a bob cut!
For Ra Sake, I already need to wear a bra! And both my ears are pierced!
Why is this happening again?
I open my mouth to tell chubby that I’m female and identify as one, as I see how Butters shakes his head and makes Aport-the-mission signs.
Clearly, I shouldn’t correct Eric.
Oh, I have a feeling, and also thanks to Butters, that Eric doesn’t let girls play with them.
But I wanna play with them.
So I have to pretend to be a boy.
Oh well, if Kenny a boy can be Princess Zelda, then I a girl can be Link. I still have somewhere my old Link cosplay from last year’s Comic-Con.
It’s not tragic.
Eric finally calms down from his laughing and grins wicked.
I don’t like this face.
“You know what N.K., since you already have a douche name I think it’s fitting for you to be called…Douchebag!”
I grit my teeth and fight against the urge to punch this fuckers face in.
What one endures, just to not die of boredom!
“You will now choose a class: Fighter, Mage, Thief, or Jew.”
“Jew?”, I repeated confused.
How can be Jew a class in a LARPing, isn’t it more a religion?
“Jew, huh? So I guess we'll never really be friends.”
“No, I was just surprised to hear that!”, I tell him. “I take the mage.”
“Then we welcome to our kingdom Douchebag the Mage!”, proclaims Eric.
Butters cheers for me, meanwhile I plan how I can take revenge on Eric for dubbing me Douchebag. If I ever get the chance to kick his ass, I will take it, whatever I have to do!
Butters hands me the Mage gear and I decide that I definitely will go home and put one of my cosplays on.
I have a beautiful Dark Magician Girl Cosplay, sadly I think I should probably go with Link for the time being.
So long till I get what beef Eric has with girls and how I can make myself so valuable in this game that he doesn’t kick me out from it.
It is quite clear that Eric calls the shots here.
Just my luck.
Now he wants from me that I get a weapon, so I walk over to Clyde.
“Would you like to see my wares, weary traveler?”, ask me the brunette boy. “Perhaps you would like to hear tips and rumors for two dollars?”
I have a feeling that this is a scam, so I just ask him to show me his weapons.
Sadly it seems I can only buy the twig since the weapons have levels and my level is apparently too low.
I give the kids this, they are really creative.
With my new weapon, I return to Eric. Time to learn how to fight!
Don't rush if you have a headache.
I am a huge fan and I will be patient for any chapter that you write.
The headache is more metaphorically, but thank you :D
I will try to no stress out myself so much ^^