ena-113 - forever and always tired
forever and always tired

I do things sometimes. (✿╹◡╹)ノ alt is @trinket-pile (https://www.tumblr.com/trinket-pile) Playing Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact, and Wuthering Waves ... in that order + Love Nikki :)

55 posts

Ena-113 - Forever And Always Tired


some FaeHyrule incorrect quotes cuz why not.


Twi: -hurt-

Lege: shit, we’re out of healing potions

Rule: -spits in hands, then pats wound- no problem

Wound: -heals-

Twi: -dead eyed stare- what

Rule: -shrugs- comes with the genetics i guess


Sky: -ran out of thread to stitch up his shirt-

Rule: -hands over a spool of exactly matched thread-

Wars: -can't get a blood stain out of his scarf-

Rule: -reaches into one of many pockets and takes out a small vial and cloth- this should help

Wind: how are you always so prepared for the weirdest of things?!

Rule: ya never know what's gonna happen when you're stuck in a rainstorm in the middle of nowhere, no shelter around other than a monster camp, while being chased down for your blood. ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

The chain: ( O-O)


-Elegantly written sign-

Rule: gibberish.

-sign scribbled in shorthand-

Rule: oh cool, a pharmacy! they don't have any potions though, just herbs.


Rule: I wish I had your upbringing… unfortunately, I'm civilized.

Wild: I- what??


the thing this somewhat goes with but you don't have to read: FaeHyrule-1


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More Posts from Ena-113

2 years ago

I want to make a team consisting of Jean, Barbara, Diluc, and Eula. I want to name the team either Deity's Downfall or ViveLaRevolution.

My reasoning is that they're the descendants of those that helped kill Decaradian, a god.

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1 year ago

Barbatos' Envoys

Genshin au idea:

Barbatos' envoys. Lookalikes, appearing every now and then, meant to help the people when the archon couldn't. Reintroducing old songs to remind them of any forgotten pasts, and crafting new songs to tell them of the future. They often take it upon themselves to also keep people from putting words into barbatos' mouth, and debunking any false information. Just like any citizen, an envoy is free to do as they please. It would be weird to chain down a symbol of freedom with unnecessary duties if they do not wish to do it. They may look human, but so does barbatos. The people have decided envoys are basically spirits. No one has ever seen an envoy look younger or older. No one has ever seen one be born or die. They simply appear and disappear with the wind.

The origin of this is that people long ago (before cannon/ in-game time) noticed that venti is practically identical to barbatos. Rumors started to spread, and to keep people from guessing his true identity, Venti came up with the envoy idea. He didn't want to make the people feel stifled by the presence of their archon, to walk on eggshells around him and offer their first born when he trips.

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2 years ago

LU Hyrule Head Cannons

the brain adores fae, especially elves. so might as well yeet some hyrule head cannons into the void. :) it kinda just became an AU along the way. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hyrule is open about being a fairy. He doesn't state it explicitly though.

Dem big ‘ol irises. He hides ‘em behind an illusion. It glitches and stutters when he needs to focus on other magic tho.

Magic aura or somethin: amber when calm, pink when mad. (?)

Ayo, what if fairies’ colors represented what emotion they feel the most. :0

Maybe unreliable though, seeing as colors mean different things to different people/cultures.

And if they feel something strong enough, they’ll change color. Then turn back afterwards.

Can make anything edible, can eat anything. Doesn't mean it's appetizing.

Cloak idea: dramatic hood :), and/or high collar?

 goes fully around the body, but can fold back. Like- clasps on the inside and inner edge that when put together, it kinda drapes over his shoulders and folds inwards behind him. Dark leather-brown w/ gold stitching.

belts, pouches, all the storage >:D

LU Hyrule Head Cannons

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2 years ago

♤♡♧◇ This is part two of FaeHyrule-1. Please read that before this. Or don't. ♤♡♧◇

“Ew. Sticky.” The voice of Fay drifted like an omen after being suddenly dropped like a hot potato into another Hyrule.

“Huh?” came the ever so elegant response.

It was weird a non-link was portaled with them. This never happened before.

A moment of confused and awkward silence passed before clarification came. "The surrounding magic: it’s sticky."

This was the answer to the question verbalized, but not the one they all had. Ordon stretched on around them, the eerie lull of night settling in on the heroes.

Twilight began to move and the others followed. All except Fay, who vanished without a sound before they could do a head count.


After setting up camp, Fay emerged. He looked slightly uncomfortable as he brushed off seemingly nothing from his tunic and pants and slowly sat to a croutch.

“I suppose it makes sense that you feel so sticky now.” Fay commented, staring right at Twilight.

“Umm… What?”

“What do you mean he feels sticky?” Legend inquired, “If anything I’d say he feels dusty from all the dirt and that pelt, but not sticky.”

“It's the magic. In the air, the ground, the plants, even in Twilight himself. It feels sticky and seems to leave a bit of residue on whatever it touches. It almost feels like eating too much කැරමල් … err, caramel…?”

Wild looked up from his boiling pot at whatever language seemed to resonate and ring in Legend’s head. Four tilted his head with a gleam in his eyes, and Time might’ve reacted based on a small twitch of his hand, but none of the others seemed to react.

“So, “ Fay spoke once more, “Can I have your names? And a possible explanation for this… kerfuffle?”

The chain all looked at each other, then zeroed in on Sky. To his credit, said hero did nothing but blink.

“Oh! Yes, of course! I’m Sky, that's Time, Twilight, Wild, Warriors, Legend, Four and Wind” Sky introduced, pointing to each as he said their names.

Fay expected the tethers of given names, that small twist of magic emulating small candlelights of lifeforce, indicating he now held a thread connected to that person’s existence. What he didn’t expect was how bright and strong the flames would be, not that he'd do anything with them.

“Although, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you those are just nicknames.”

Fay hummed in interest, wondering what made nicknames so powerful, and turned to fully face Sky. The other brought his fancy sword from beside him and onto his lap.

“We’re actually all named Link, “ Sky continued, “Reincarnations of the hero’s spirit from across time. We all fought to save our lands, some of us more than once, but this is the first time we’re doing it as a group. Our current theory as to why we were all gathered is because Hylia needs us all to fight off some big, horrible evil. Though the only evidence we’ve got of that evil are the black-blooded monsters.” Sky seemed saddened by their lack of progress, but tried to hide it with a pleasant topic change.

“Enough about us, care to share anything interesting about yourself?”

Fay hummed, “Well I suppose it's only fair if we trade. I was also originally called Link. I do prefer Fay though. It’s been my name since I met Pond mother. Link never really quite fit.”

“Umm, ” Sky stammers, not sure what, if anything, to say to that. “Okay,” he settles for, the word coming out a bit hollow-sounding.

“So why Fay?” Wind, ever the conversationalist, steamrolls on through the others’ momentary social glitch.

“It’s easier to slip under the radar with. I don’t remember much being Link but sacred sunlight above do you know how worked up people got when they would hear my name? It’s like no one could decide whether I was a plague personified sent by their demons or a god of life that came to rid the world of all inconveniences.”

“Rude” sniffs Wind in a comical and overdramatic charade. Though with a blink, Wind’s face fell into shock.

“Wait! Link!? You’re a Link! Holy fuck no wonder!”

A small, pitiful “language…” came from Twilight. His voice was snuffed out by Wind’s jubilated rambling, though a snort and a couple huffs let him know he was, in fact, heard.

“So I’m guessing we don’t need the whole Fi ceremony?” Warriors joked.

“Good thing too, ” Sky said back in a more exasperated tone than Warriors would expect, “‘Cuz his hero title is Hero of Hyrule and I think that’s just a disaster waiting to happen.”

♤♡♧◇ Plot? What plot? I was supposed to have one of those? And be consistent? Huh? Anywho, my focus is on Hyrule being a fae, not a cohesive world. Juggling all nine of ‘em is hard, blink and you'll miss it time and four. Note: Fae language is google translated Sinhala, it's not accurate or exact in what I want to say. Sorry, it's just pretty. ♤♡♧◇ Kudos to my sister who beta read and helped me get words outa my brain. <3

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