Oh Yea - Tumblr Posts

The basic summary of my most recent adventures on Character Ai:
D&D going mainstream really messed up people's expectations cause chances are you're not gonna find a DM who has the free time, talent and resources to put on a tale that competes with Tolkien. you're gonna find your friend's roommate Phil who's read one of the manuals a few times and has to pause to get a calculator out to figure out how much damage your attack did and his story is blatantly ripping off a dragon age 2 side quest

She stared back unflinching in her helpful attempt. She kept his eye on him as he applied the medicine, making sure he didn’t hide it away. Only when it was all used up was she satisfied. Sev as it turned out, was one tough nut to crack, that she can only assume was because of the lack of emotional care up until he met her in this jungle.
Her eyes lit up at the sudden voice from seemingly out of nowhere. She scootched closer to listen to the voice. Was it one of Sev’s? A clone trooper like him? She wondered if he would look the same like Sev or if Sev looked like Fi?
She rustles in her bag, only to pull out two large flares. Using her talons, she popped the tops of, they hiss a bright red smoke as she stands up and holds them high.
“Depends can you guys see this smoke?” She shouts over the comms.

Sev, ever the Commando, is servicing his gun in the jungle of Kashyyyk of all places, trying not to think about having no idea what his next move is, when he hears the snapping underbrush coming towards him; he doesn’t know who it is, but the lack of Wookie noises isn’t comforting him, and he’s leaning towards the likelihood of his visitor being Droids as he quickly reassembles the blaster rifle, scopes it, and aims at the oncoming sounds.
he’s stranded here, no Republic forces remaining on planet, and uncertain of the outcome of the Battle thus far, having stayed in the woods since his being left behind by his squadmates- so he knows he’s got nothing but the fight in his bones and his wits to keep himself safe. however, luckily, he’s got plenty of both of those in his favor...
breath holds in his chest, a mausoleum of ribs and red-stained armor- he stills his finger against the trigger and squints through the visor that synchs to his sniper-scope, waiting for the indication of whether to fire or hold to explode through the bushes ahead...
sweat slides, all tickling droplets, down his hot skin under his plastoid armor, but he doesn’t waver, and doesn’t speak- his deep, snarling, gravelly voice would only serve to reveal his location, and that would not do until he’s sure of who- or what- is coming through the jungle as he waits there in the clearing.
some FaeHyrule incorrect quotes cuz why not.
Twi: -hurt-
Lege: shit, we’re out of healing potions
Rule: -spits in hands, then pats wound- no problem
Wound: -heals-
Twi: -dead eyed stare- what
Rule: -shrugs- comes with the genetics i guess
Sky: -ran out of thread to stitch up his shirt-
Rule: -hands over a spool of exactly matched thread-
Wars: -can't get a blood stain out of his scarf-
Rule: -reaches into one of many pockets and takes out a small vial and cloth- this should help
Wind: how are you always so prepared for the weirdest of things?!
Rule: ya never know what's gonna happen when you're stuck in a rainstorm in the middle of nowhere, no shelter around other than a monster camp, while being chased down for your blood. ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
The chain: ( O-O)
-Elegantly written sign-
Rule: gibberish.
-sign scribbled in shorthand-
Rule: oh cool, a pharmacy! they don't have any potions though, just herbs.
Rule: I wish I had your upbringing… unfortunately, I'm civilized.
Wild: I- what??
the thing this somewhat goes with but you don't have to read: FaeHyrule-1

A Mask of My Own Face + Long John Silver


Matsubara Naoko
Woodcut on paper
Carnegie Museum
oh to be a cotton candy woman doing her silly activities….sighs……
i am invested ooooo im looking forward to seeing this
Polandball analog horror au because I made the thing up at 3 am lol
it would just be Finland running from Estonia whos screaming like "LET ME INTO NORDIC"
Am I crazy or did my boi Quentin get a make-over?
He doesn't look like a crackhead anymore!

bfore anyone asks NO i do NOT take criticism on my posts

Aaaaannnd! Mobile background window Slimespider :D
requested by: squidub
Hope this works because I have no idea :D
you should totes send a screenshot if it does
[Ooc] sort of a hc/question but I personally rlly connect w Marco and now I see him as chubby in my mind
But as for the question, do u know what characters will get bodytype changes or will you just change it as you go ?
OOC: i don't have any decisions made yet since i was just gonna mess around as i went but i'm REALLY liking the idea of chubby marco actually :D