fdd700 - Writer, though that implies I write
Writer, though that implies I write

Your friendly local burnout

119 posts

Thomas: *isnt Taken Care Of His Mental Health Properly*

Thomas: *isn’t taken care of his mental health properly*


Thomas: *isnt Taken Care Of His Mental Health Properly*
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More Posts from Fdd700

5 years ago

Accepting Deceit Part. 3


WARNING; Sympathetic deceit, a brief mention of blood

Logan liked to think of himself as impartial, not caring about which direction Thomas chose to follow as long as he obeyed the rules and his choices made sense. He thought himself easy to please as well. He wasn’t like Roman, who needed to be rewarded for his actions, or Patton who needed to know everyone was happy with his decision, or Virgil, who just seemed to need constant validation that he wasn’t messing up. He just needed self-gratification and that was enough.

However, he had recently been forced to accept that maybe - maybe - he was a bit headstrong when it came to making decisions that he may be - a slight chance - that he tended to ignore the others. And maybe thats why Deceit left him out. Or maybe it was because Deceit was just afraid of logic because he was literally the exact opposite of what Logan stood for-

But that couldn’t be proven so he wouldn’t keep himself awake at night. 

But he was surprised when Virgil approached the three of them about giving Deceit a chance. He had some logical arguments and he was even more surprised when Roman - yes, Roman - was suddenly in Deceit’s corner. Logan wasn’t mad, per se, but he wasn’t happy. Patton was always too forgiving and easily trusting so Logan couldn’t count on him to have a logical and thoughtful debate on th subject.

So, naturally, he turned to Virgil.

“But I’m just confused, you are -were more than hostile towards him at the start and frequently told him that you didn’t want him around. What’s changed?”

“I never really realised what I was doing. In a way, I responded to the aggression he gave me, and us in general. The only difference was, my aggression came from spite and meanness, he came from his vulnerability,” Virgil explained. “Plus, I treated him as you all treated me at the start. I thought to ice him out would make it easier but it just brings down a lot of feelings onto him that he doesn’t deserve.” 

“But thats the thing, he has also been mean to us, and you can argue that it was out of vulnerability but that still doesn’t exclude his actions and he has to be held responsible,” Logan said.

“But does it excuse our actions?” Virgil asked. Logan blinked at him. “Uh, I’m awful with words. uh,, does him being mean to allow us to be mean back? Like, if someone pushes us, are we allowed push back? Because, if he has to be held responsible, then so do we.” Logan didn’t have a response to this.

“I suppose you make a valid point.”

“Wait, I just shocked Logan into silence? Logan ‘I-always-have-something-to-say’ Sanders got shocked into silence,” Virgil teased before he heard someone calling his name. “Probably princy. He has run out of villains.” 

Logan was somewhat clearer on the situation. But he still wanted to talk to Deceit. He seemed to be targetting Logan - excluding him, not allowing him to voice his opinion. He wanted to understand why, seeing as Roman, who actively tried to fight Deceit many a time, had turned around and was now on his side. He would consider talking to Roman, but he seemed to be busy recently. He would go to Patton, but he as so blinded by his emotions. The thought made him shudder.

So he decided the best person to understand the actions of Deceit was, well Deceit. So, that’s where he headed.


Logan had been down at the dark side’s rooms once before, and it was purely accidental. If you were to consider where the sides lived as a corridor, then Roman, Patton and himself were at the opposite end, Virgil was somewhat in the middle (both metaphorically and physically. Though his room had previously been in the dark sides corner, but as Thomas’ view of him moved, his room did as well, hence as to why he was in the middle) and then the dark sides were at the end. Of course, it wasn’t just one long corridor, but for the sake of simplicity, that would be the best way to describe it.

He continued on his route, thinking over what he would say to the other side. He knew it was important to not get (A) Physically, (B) Emotional or (C) Defensive. Upon reach the side’s room indicated but their emblem carved onto their door, he went to knock but found the door open. He was about to knock anyway, he understood how rude it was to enter a room unannounced even if the door was unlocked, but was stopped by the sound of cries. Through the crack in the door, he noticed deceit sitting with his back to a dark wall, his knees to his chest and tears running down his face. Upon further inspection, he noticed the walls were covered in sentences. The sentences themselves were horrible things, insults, jeers, backhanded compliments, the list went on. Logan, upon realising that even if he did enter the room to help that he would be unsuccessful in calmer the other down, slowly retreated. He had no idea what these phrases meant. Had Deceit written them on the wall? It seemed like a very depressive thing to do, and they clearly had been bothering Deceit, so he couldn’t have done them. Logan figured he has to ask one of the few people who might know. Virgil.

“Well, they’re, uh,” Virgil said, thinking through his words. “They’re things that have been said about that side. It only seems to appear in the dark sides area though. Like, for example, when I was still the villain to you guys, all the mean things you said to me came up on the wall.” Logan nodded, signalling he understood. “So, those things, well they’re things we’ve said and thought about Deceit, whether it's to him, or behind his back, they’ll appear.”

“But only the negative ones?” Virgil nodded. “So when we talked about you-”

“Yeah,” Virgil said, awkwardly shifting in his chair. 

“All of them?”

“All of them.”


“Family meeting?” Patton asked, looking at Roman who shrugged.

“Thats was glas- sorry, Logan said.” Patton just smiled. 

“Alright, Kiddo, thats for letting me know. Have you told Virgil?” Roman nodded. “Well, then let's get going!” As all four of them were seated Logan stood.

“So I’ve called this meeting talk about Deceit.” A tense cloud seemed to sweep over the room. “As I’m the only undecided party-” 

“Bu Patton-”

“-doesn’t hate anyone and will openly accept all of us.” Patton smiled and nodded. “So, I’m what I’m trying to say is that I agree with all you. I think we need to do something, and soon.”

“Yes but what?”

“We need to begin to help Thomas change his viewpoint of Deceit and the dark sides in general.” There was a decline in the tenseness of the room. “But we need to do something now, and I have an idea.”


The rapid knocking on Deceit door made two thing flash through his mind

1) Someone was here to kill him

2) Someone was here to annoy him.

Turned out to be a mix of both, as he opened the door to see Patton, who waved at him cheerily, Virgil, who gave him a half-smirk, Roman, who gave him an awkward smile filled with love, and Logan who had his usual unreadable expression but soft eyes.


“You’re moving.” Logan cut him off. “Roman, you help him pick out clothes, Virgil, you grab the duvet and pillows and Patton-”

“Hug deceit?”

“No-” But Logan noticed that Patton was already hugging the side. Deceit blinked, looking like the group packed up his stuff.


“Your wall. I can’t stand you just looking at it and thinking its true. So, we’re taking you out of here for now. Virgil’s got the biggest room space, so you’re gonna stay with him.”

“But the others-”

“We’re working on that.” There was silence as tears slipped down Deceit’s good eye.

“Why are you doing all of this?” There was a stop in movements as they looked at each other.

“Because we’re a family, Kiddo,” Patton said after moments of silence. “And we don’t leave anyone behind.” With that, the work resumed. Patton left deceit to help pack any knickknacks the side wanted. Logan made him over to the side, handing him a tissue. They both stood in silence, as Deceit regained control over his emotions and Logan looked at the trio packing up his things.

“You’re not a monster.” Deceit’s head whipped to the logical side. “You did bad things, yes. But so as Virgil, and he’s not a monster. I’ve done things I’m not proud of, all of us has. And I’m not saying it'll be easy, but we have to try.” Deceit nodded and Logan, never one for physical contact took Deceit hands and squeezed it for a moment before letting go as if to say ‘you’re not alone anymore’. But Deceit smiled and nodded in reply. ‘I know. Thank you’

Original post / one / two / three / four / five

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4 years ago

Virgil, to the dark sides: let’s start an acapella group!

Logan, without looking up: continuous screaming doesn’t count as acapella

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4 years ago

me during Janus’ rant  about society in SvS the First:

Me During Janus Rant About Society In SvS The First:

if deceit is your favourite side, you’re an anarchist

on an unrelated note: what does yellow go best with?

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4 years ago

I had a dream where Virgil was actually working with the dark sides in order to de-stigmatise them. and like. he pretended to hate them all this time so that the others would come to the conclusion on their own that they were good and in the next ep (in my dream, the next ep was something about Talyn and Joan fighting and Thomas was worried for his friends and felt pressured to pick a side) and like. Janus pops up in place of logan, Remus instead of Roman and Patton pops up like “uhhhhhh, Virgil?” and then virgil pops up and its tense for a second and then the three of them just start laughing, and then virgil goes “lol, i cant keep a straigh face. get it? cause I’m GAY!”

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4 years ago

tell me why my dumbass was thinking about sander sides and I was like

“ah yes. the sides, logan, roman, patton, virgil, deceit and remus. I wonder when remus will reveal his real name”

it took my brain longer than I’m willing to admit to catch up

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