Bsd Chapter 109 - Tumblr Posts
Fifteen, sixteen, twenty-two…

He loved him until the very end.
I just done a post about how bones did skkk so dirty have some sleep and then wake up to the new that chap 109 is OUT
I was rushing to read this chapter cause I have school but I don't care and here is my fast reading reaction to the chapter (yes iam in my "back to school" day and yes it is early do I like going to school early-no cause all i was doing when I was in school right now is learning the rules and school history)
Warning again spoiler for chapter 109 (there are manga panel)

I was like NO SIGMA NO DON'T DO IT BABY HIS TRICKING YOU HIS ABILITY IS KILLING ANYONE WHO TOUCH HIM SIGMA NOOOOOOOO ( look at his poor hand shaking he just a 3 years old asagiri what did children done to you)

Oh hi aya how are you wait-OH SH*T RIGHT IT THE END OF THE WORLD BUT LOOK HOW BADASS SHE IS (you know I was thinking how the world caves in could be a good edit song for this)

This panel feel quite familiar I just gonna post about it later, look at aya she is experiencing psychotic applause her for pushing the table though it look quite heavy (is this the right word I trying to convert what she experiencing but I think it just some hallucination advice)

SIGMA BABY NOOO HE JUST EXPERIENCING SOME AFTER SHOCK CAUSE HE LOOK LIKE HE FAINTED BUT I DON'T KNOW IF FYODOR KILL HIM YET (I gonna be delulu I think that sigma just fainted from being information overload like atsushi)
Fyodor look so baby girl in that one panel help

UHHHHH ASAGIRI WHAT GOING ON CHUUYA IS NOT OUT OF HIS VAMPIRE AND DAZAI IS DEAD?!!! (I was so shocked my mind can't comprehend what is going on so I guess the chuuya eyes theory is out and dazai is uh gone but I just scrolling to tumblr for a bit and people say he not dead yet and look at the crack at the wall I think we just being delulu again)

.... I have no word for this panel like I have no word ( I think there is something off about chuuya here do you think that it related to the clone theory that he is not chuuya but just a clone I see a post that say why fyodor need to say a reason for chuuya to stop like he a vampire now and he listen to fyodor too)

Even though I say he is a baby girl I still think he an asshole (don't judge me I was having a mood swing because of the chapter here there so much going on)
There will be a continuing for this reaction also I think I need help cause tumblr only let me have 10 limited chapter so I need to link two post together but I don't know how so I'm just gonna repost this the add the second one
Here part 2

So if you see part 1 the the you know that this is a continue for mine bsd manga reaction so yeah this is a separate post now I think I gonna link this in part 1 idk how to get this post link I think you need to go on Google then get it and add in if you know how to link a post together comment if you want and thank for the help
I kinda know how to do it now here part 1

Ok back to the reaction
Warning again bsd manga spoiler (there are some people who don't like to be spoiled so I just gonna put the waring twice)

I must say the design of the one order is quite cool and scary that made me think it is use to be a person cause that how fukuchi sword was made right?!! And the three eyes do you think it mean something (not me ignoring the literally end of the word)

I must say asagiri is very good with cliffhanger do you guy think that bram are just gonna fall with sword cause he having nothing to hold him right now and the table is very heavy this method is just like getting rid of the bad tooth but this is just get the sword out of bram (if it work does that mean that chuuya gonna see dazai dead body and akutagawa seeing atsushi disablement figure gosh the angst potential)
The bsd fandom is so weird and ridiculous yet so sad and angsty at the same time and i love it, at first we just being mad at bones for ruining the skkk chapter 88 scene to chapter 109 is out and chaos ensure
I was done doing my reaction for chapter 109 and I see some post like "NONONONONONO DAZAI IS NOT DEAD HE STILL ALIVE" and being speechless about what happening , theory and analysis,people thinking about another scenario where there are just being lovely dovey happily ever after, bsd fandom going from "BONES I HATE YOU WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" to " WTFFFF IS GOING ON", people being slapped in the face thrice tenfold hundred fold??? for being in the good omens fandom, jujutsu kaisen fandom then bsd fandom (I hope there are a meme about you should never ask what happen to August 3rd,2023 for people in those fandom or people who all in the three fandom), people just doing fanart, people seeing last panel (I mean the three sokouku generation panel) or any panel they like and think "wow homo", it being trending because of chap 109, and dazai stan threatening the author because of what happen ( which is not very nice and i know this because of a post i see while scrolling through bsd tag, dazai tag count too i guess), etc
We really need someone to make a history book about the bsd fandom cause we do so many questioning stuff like cursed name on tiktok (i mostly see them on tiktok and i didn't see them anywhere else though), bsd characters x random object, mpreg, the bsd x tr fandom thing ( I was trying to hold my laughter while thinking about that), then we have bones ruining chapter 88 to the chaos of chapter 109 and many more i think but I don't remember that much
This fandom is like a mood swing and I love it so much

The bsd fandom just collectively said "what in the jujutsu kaisen is this" when seeing one order
Asagiri really take a page from jujutsu kaisen
(Did he take one look the prison realm and decided to take note)
Are you still depressed by chapter 109 don't worry just go on tiktok or ao3 and they will brightening your day
The difference between skk nation and skkk nation when chapter 109 was released on August 3rd
Skk nation:

They are a variety of skk stan that when seeing this
there are the "dazai will live" one, the "theory and analysis" one, the "I will pull out anything to prove that dazai is alive" one, the "finally that hoe is dead" one, the "dazai hater", the "destined to be what dazai" one, the "this will be a good angst material" one, the artist, the editor, the "dazai will die" one, the "screaming to the void" one, the "wondering what is going on" one, the "delulu" one, the "fanfic writer" one, the "there are no chapter 109" one, the " that didn't happen they are married and are living happily ever after" one, the one who is coping, the "depressed" one, the "are you happy asagiri" one, the one who don't care, the one who are just enjoying the chaos, the one who just join and don't know what is happening, the "meme" one, the one who got triple combo because they are in the good omens jjk and bsd fandom, the "wow we did we just got trending because of what happening right now" one, the "we still trending that chapter really broke us huh" one, the "that gay" one, the "You guys know that we are falling for the same trick that asagiri pull in chap 101 right" one, and many more
( I know that there are more but I just mainly see the "dazai will live" one, the "delulu" one and the "theory and analysis" . There are one that are kinda out of context and i also want to put more but i just gonna stop here, you can add them if you want)
Skkk nation:

So uh skkk stan reaction to this is quite the same so I just gonna sum this up in three letter
(If you want to be more specific here are the skkk stan more specific reaction when they see this:
The "look at how rashomon is wrapping around atsushi waist and how slu- I mean how fine it is" one, the "another reason on how rashomon can be use at a bondage" one, the "they are gonna make out" one, the one who say that atsushi being tied up so tighly and telling akutagawa it not time for "it", the one who commented that akutagawa is carrying atsushi bridal style and saying they are getting married, the "look at how gently or slowly akutagawa is elevating/lying down his bf" one, the "wow that couldn't be even gayer" one, etc while ignoring how injured atsushi is and that akutagawa might gonna turn him to a vampire or just kill him
So yeah to sum it up the skkk nation reaction to this was "wow that gay" but more specific)

So how are we feeling about the new chapter guys??
This chapter was so asmfgclkykd.
Can't it be September already
Bungo Stray Dogs, Chapter 109 Translation
In the Small Room (5)

Final three pages here!
Bungo Stray Dogs, Chapter 109 Translation
In the Small Room (5)

Final three pages here!
The gaydar is off the charts

I spent the last couple days getting this together.
Okay so I spent several hours analysing if Dazai could be dead or alive. Here are the facts. (I am definitely not in a river in Egypt)

Ok, so here we see four gunshot wounds.

And here there are still four 'cos Chuuya. Now, Dazai just got shot point blank in the goddamn skull and is talking. Bit sus. Now you might say 'Oh, but that's for dramatic effect', you are entirely correct. However. In this page...

This man is still pulling goofy facial expressions. This suggests that even though it looks to us and Dostoyovesky that there is no way out.
Now when we look at this panel...

Out of the four shots, only three left impacts in the wall. Two shoulder shots and the rib shot. The impact from the headshot is MISSING.
Now this may be because the bullet has lodged itself in Dazai's brain, but some recoil is to be expected, no?. And here

Minimal blood from the wound aswell.

You'd also assume, that since the bullet was shot point blank, the bullet would go through the head, as the other bullets left IMPACT CRATERS even through flesh. which bring me to my next point.
This means that it is either, a) stuck inside Dazai's brain, b) deflected somehow, or c) it's a red herring.
To conclude:
No impact crater from the headshot.
The bullet did not pass fully through Dazai's skull (suggests that there may be something obstructing the bullet, or Dazai has a thick skull, or Dazai's brain ate it.)
It's still unclear whether he is alive or not but this man is armed to the teeth with plot armour so BETTER WAIT TILL SEPTEMBER LOL.
Who am I fucking kidding, I can't wait until then. I will go back to posting incorrect quotes and boring existence.
A theory (I hate it)
Been reading Romeo and Juliet way to much. Found some interesting parallels. Dazai (Juliet) dies. Romeo (Chuuya) sees the dead Juliet (Dazai) and goes, right, imma kill myself. Then, Juliet (Dazai) wakes up and goes, oh shit, imma kill myself. BUT THIS ONLY WORKS IF AYA'S PLAN WORKS.
Sigma is basically Mercutio (He dies)
Aya may be Friar Lawrence, with the plan, but it may not work.
Fyodor would be Tybalt (Kills Mercutio, gets killed by Romeo)
The Decay of Angels would be the Montagues (Fyodor is Tybalt) (Romeo is Chuuya, who is under the control of the DoA)
The Armed Detective Agency would be the Capulets (Because of Dazai)
*Chapter 109 floating around like a DVD screensaver*
Chuuya: Dazai, what are you doing? Dazai: Just writing my will. Chuuya: Why? Dazai: Because I’m planning to die soon. Chuuya: Don’t be stupid. You can’t die. Dazai: Why not? Chuuya: Because… because I need you, okay? Dazai: Really? You need me? Chuuya: Yes, damn it. Now stop writing that nonsense and come here.
I swear this is a crime. We've only barely recovered from chapter 110, and NOW Bones wants to animate chapter 109?
Is this not an elaborate plot?
Is BSD Bollywood?
The recent BSD chapter remind me a lot of silly, dramatic Bollywood films, that are actually enjoyed by Japanese people today.
-There is a goofy dancing scene
-Main character gets shot (dramatically) and still has a whole monologue
-There is an evil uncle who wants to end the world
-Some random child 'dies' but is fine because their dad brought them to a hospital real quick
-Really dramatic confession scenes
Asagiri, my man, please tell me there will be a happy ending or we will disown you.