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Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.

993 posts





THAT REN AND BIG B DEATH. also rip no more secret soulmates BUT AYOOOO????


the stalactite, genius. it was PERFECT- also i have a feeling the series might not last for too long haha -

Red Life Grian [Last Life]

spoilers. I don't know if I should keep adding these warnings but I know someone's gonna go read it anyway even if they know and go 'YOU JUST SPOILED IT FOR ME' even though they probably shouldnt even be looking at any posts related to it till they finish it

Just been re-watching Last Life [from Grian's POV], and I just.

Honestly I really like red life Grian, or more specifically 'villain' Grian, like when he did the enchantment table trap in 3rd Life that killed three people.

I don't know if it's just me, but I honestly really like unhinged and deranged characters with nothing to lose because they've already lost it all kinda deal, y'know?

It's why Wilbur is one of my favorites in the Dream SMP, and same for Dream.

And just seeing Grian with Joel as red lives, I just like to imagine that he's.. smiling. Unsettlingly so as he talks to Martyn and Timmy.

Honestly I don't think there's enough of him causing chaos and being a bit of a sadist, y'know? I mean I love Businessman Scar who swindles everyone out of their valuables, and I'm not sure who doesn't, but then there's Grian who I think plays the villain really well (bonus points if there's one with unhinged Grian and [Totally not a] Scammer Scar as a duo, though technically there was that in 3rd Life as Desert Duo Alliance, I kinda crave more.)

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places for that kind of Grian, but so uh.. yeah.

I do still like though that he has some sort of still care for those who once allied with him and had done him no wrong though, as that's kind of a plus.

It reminds me a little of Technoblade's whole thing with if people are kind to him he repays it tenfold, (aka Grian not going after those who were with him), and those that hurt him or his friends will have that injustice repayed a thousand times over. (cough cough. the book. [cough cough. scar. bdubs.])

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More Posts from Fictionfixations

2 years ago

Catem Pole / Boatem Pole / The Boatem Crew but Cat

See this? Boatem pole but CATS. What if everyone in the boat was replaced by their cat? I do know that Scar, Grian, Mumbo, Impulse, and Pearl have cats. I haven't seen anything that shows Mumbo's cat but I've heard it and I'm trusting that knowledge.

Scar- Jellie

Grian- Pearl & Maui

Impulse- Luna (I think)

Pearl- the wiki says she has three cats WHAT ARE THERE NAMES--

Mumbo(?)- Cat. Unknown name. (I think this cat was left with his parents or something like that, I don't know.)

If this can happen though. Can. For those who have multiple cats, there can just be multiple cats in a boat and it'll be ADORABLE. AAAGh

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2 years ago

Old UTMV Game Idea Concept lol

'You’ll unlock characters as you do missions. I Headcanon that Killer was the first Nightmare recruited. Next is Dust, Horror- [Then possibly Cross] I’d imagine they’d be unlocked as they get recruited. And for the Star Sanses, i imagine there could be a setting where you choose to either be on the bad side or good side (Or Neutral side w/ Swap and Error and probably others). Dream could be automatically unlocked as your starter for that side [but he might be op, so you could probably unlock more abilities as time goes on, or something]. I have so many ideas. I wish it really was a real game but I can’t code. and Nightmare could be unlocked after every bad Sanses has been unlocked too as a bonus :D'

like 98% of this is from some old rant where i talked about it

the 2% is stuff i added beforehand because ive changed how i headcanon things

like cross would probably still be with the bad sanses [OR! He could be the starter for every side regardless, if it's good, bad, or neutral, and then you continue on unlocking characters from there with Cross as the starter?] But before I put Error in with the bad sanses but now he's more of a neutral party alongside Swap

also zero idea how i came up with Dream to be starter before on the good side without thinking about Dream probably being overpowered


well now i can change it to make it better --

i dont really have much else, but itd probably be some kinda fighting mission task game thing

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2 years ago

coliseum / Scarian [3rd Life] Fic / Thoughts
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

okay. so. 1. The author has a tumblr so yeah.

2. HOLY SHIT. okay, so let me explain but you can probably tell from the post I reblogged by reading it, BUT the fanfic is currently still a WIP, and not finished yet. I don't know why the post stops at chapter 9 though, because right now it has 14 chapters.

Third- I do not need to actually explain the plot of the story because the blog is already there and if you can't tell like all my other fic thought reviews, i will very much be spoiling it.


Grian. Watchers. Nothing can go wrong with technically Watcher Grian and I love that, and one of my favorite types of characters are Assassins. I dunno, I just find it interesting, but then we meet Scar and HELL YES. Scar conveniently solving the needing a place to stay problem, and honestly Desert Duo's one of my favorites.

I didn't actually take a look at the tags because I don't spoil myself that way and usually just read the summary (and if I'm still ensure what the summary means I go to the tags, but even those are confusing usually)

So zero idea there was Scarian but that was lovely too (honestly there was this note that said something about Grian and platonic feelings that made me go 'lol haha' and then do a double take like 'wait does he actually have platonic feelings and ive just been misunderstanding?' lMAO but then i think they.. got a little heated..? its not explicit but like.. uh... aNYwAY)

Scar. former mercenary. broke his legs because he misjudged how high a jump was. ow. but i think this was what Grian needed to get in a bit of a more comfortable household? Like cause so, he probably wouldn't be all that used to someone being kind or some shit and would be better with someone kinda like him (a little doubt there, theres always that sort of tension usually between two mercenaries as they both have capabilities to be able to take out the other)

but hed be able to release his tension a little bit with something more.. kind of familiar..? i dont know where I was going with that

And then Grian, who is.. suffering and I am very terrified he is going to die.

ALSO HE HAD WINGS? i dont know but the text where he was on the roof and something about his wings only JUST registered now. okay. that took awhile wtf.

ALSO A TRAITOR? dun dun dunnn

We were all played for fools. BUT GRIAN YOU OBSERVANT FUCK

also scar leaving bdubs (unless it was big b somehow and ive been misreading his name but doubt) free?? i mean. unexpected. i mean the truth being revealed about why was awful but like...

yeah so i dont really think about consequences and i think that says a lot about me

also. grian. attempting to kill scar.


you dont know how stressed that got me because like


but then he didnt and im so fucking glad BUT THEN HOLY SHIT it got.. heated.



Honestly though I thought that the traitor had like ill intentions and was completely against them instead of the story BDubs had instead (ALSO JOEL AND CLEO nooOOOOOO)

and that like.. something something, theyd run out of time and then grian go x-x

i am terrified though. If Grian does die then hes leaving scar alone and i cant bear that thought and i know he has jellie but like


but thats so fucking vulnerable to the pain thats going to be caused if they dont get it fucking done

and also rens either putting on some mask but im pretty sure grian would see through it BUT HE WAS TIRED? and not at the start of course but ren only carried him to his room when grian almost died and oh if youre reading this without reading the fic first then shame on you and haha you will never understand what happened until you read it


also also also also The sound of something shattering, and then the next chapter Grian mentioning that the earring was gone I HAD A FEELING THAT WAS WHAT SHATTERED- i had like a thought that maybe it either just broke when he fell(?? but ren said he pulled him away so he mustve fell against ren so thats no i think) or that it like.. something magic? maybe the clock caused it and i think somewhere in between was like 'what if it was for like his safety and like broke when it was used up or something' like idk, a totem because i cant think of anything else but they also arent red i dont think..? and the earring was red unless i misread the color somehow

BUT THEN SCAR WAS PANICKED i dont know how he was able to tell it broke, maybe it broke on his end too but then what if it was reversed and scar got a near death experience that shattered Grian's? Or is there some sort of magic thing that alerts Scar?? hm..

honestly imagine Grian just fuckin died

thatd be a shitty end but I would like to see an alternate ending possibly. i live and die for angst. because i like angst, but it also kills me and leaves me sobbing

but so so so

maybe ren isnt as his reputation shows him of to be and is a kind guy and its either grian dies or ren dies OR they pull a 180 and go against the watchers but doubt because theyre fuckin gods (i think grian says somewhere that they arent but i dont have any other title that works for them)

so this is a tough situation


im terrified D:

honestly excited to see where this goes but im scared shits gonna happen

its so close to the end but its also not at the same time and its stressing me out (I mean 4-5 more chapters??) BUT SO MUCH CAN HAPPEN IN THAT MANY CHAPTERS

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


ao3 / tumblr tag


(steampunk/fantasy au, scarian, third life retelling) Grian is on a mission: kill the Red King of the Third Precinct. Unfortunately, when he travels to the capital where the king resides, he lands in a spot of trouble with a local merchant when he accidentally destroys the merchant’s shop. After he enters into a contract to help pay off the damages, he discovers that there might be another side to Scar under the silver-tongued salesman— and that he’s not the only one who wants the Red King dead.


scar’s design

chapter six


♠ chapter 1

♠ chapter 2

♠ chapter 3

♠ chapter 4

♠ chapter 5

♠ chapter 6

♠ chapter 7

♠ chapter 8

♠ chapter 9 (in the works)

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2 years ago

Subject MJ-9 / The Chamber / Zedaph


Task 9 - Narrate a Voyage around The Chamber using Three Modes of Transport

Conducted by Zedaph

-------------------- MJ: So Mumbo began on a block. But then he set forth into the wild water rapids of the scientific lab. He battled the currents with extreme grace and elegance as he was once a swimmer of a team. [Subject MJ stumbles on words for a brief moment] He swam for a team at some point. And he has got excellent stroke and is incredibly smooth and just wonderfully elegant in the waves. But then he traveled down battling the currents as he did like a true hero. And he found the superpig! That he then stood on top of. And he said to the superpig: "I know you are normally stationary, but you can begin to move and traverse the land that is this scientific laboratory. And you can, you can step forth pig" He said to the pig, growing progressively more angry. "You can move pig. MOVE PIG!" He said, angrily. Getting progressively even more angry until eventually he decided that this pig probably wasn't gonna move any further. But he will wait! Because he is a patient man. He will wait a little... no? okay.

So he then decided that he would hop off the pig and sneak like this. Unable to battle the current. [Zedaph laughs from the other side of the glass] While sneaking, he decided that this will be his final resting place. And that is where the story ends, in the corner, lying down like a cod. ZEDAPH: The end? MJ: The end. -------------------- Modes of Transport 1. Swimming - When Zedaph mentions this mode of transport, the Subject insists that 'the one thing he is good at' is of speaking about how good he is at swimming. 2. Travelling on a Pig that Did not Move - Subject mentions that it was more of an emotional journey than a physical journey when questioned, stating that "Mumbo was on a journey emotionally" and that "He needed to learn to not let things, that he can't control, annoy him." 3. Sneaking - The Subject justifies himself, stating that he had already committed to it, and had forgotten that he was in the water and therefore, would not get anywhere. Subject continues on and admits that it was indeed an error. Similar to the situation with the pig [3], Subject tries to create a similar situation in which if the sneaking did not count as a mode of transportation, then it would be another emotional journey where '[MUMBO] realized that he had done something wrong.' Subject then justifies himself in that he now knows not to sneak in water, and later states that he does not know why he tried. -------------------- Task Conducted - Unknown Footage Released - 11-19-2021 To Be Reviewed.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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2 years ago

The Snow King / DSMP Fanfic [Fae AU - Tubbo-centric] / Thoughts

Completely didn't think about giving my thoughts about fanfiction but then I realized 'oh I should do that' so here I am.

The Snow King honestly has to be one of my favorite fics, but be warned, there will be spoilers. If you want to avoid spoilers, just go on and read it [there's two other works too that belong in the same AU that provide sort of an alternate ending]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The story is, is that Tubbo's friend Tommy gets stolen by the Winter Court (The Fair Folk, or Fae. If you are unaware of who those are, I'd recommend doing research.) to be adopted.

Tubbo of course refuses to let Tommy stay stolen and makes a deal with I believe the king [Phil]. It is to gather the charms from each Faerie Court, and the charms are like artifacts that have.. magic power. stuff. It's been awhile since I've read this fic, to be honest, but I know the basic kinda plot.

There are four Faerie Courts in total- Winter, Autumn, Spring, and Summer. Tubbo of course already gets the Winter charm as a freebie before being sent off to finish in a time limit of two weeks.

I'm gonna be honest. I loved this. I love who is who, how they act, and just aAAaa. I also very much like the alternate ending, because I actually like seeing alternate endings, or thinking of a 'what-if' scenario. Tubbo of course is a smart kid in this fic, but in the scenario of where he fails- Because the courts challenge him to do something to be able to get the charm, or otherwise he gives them his true name which gives the other full control of himself I believe, and kinda.. makes him theirs? They kinda just adopt him, and he becomes a hybrid of their court, like if he stays in the Autumn Court after failing the challenge he grows goat horns like Schlatt.

Did I mention he's like the king of the Autumn Court? And then Dream's the Summer Court, Phil is the Winter Court, and Niki's I believe the Spring court.

Niki's cruel D:

also Dream and Schlatt fight over Tubbo

Honestly I make this sound worse than it really is because I suck at putting it into words so maybe just uh.. try reading it? The series is finished already anyways.

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