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Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.

993 posts

Subject MJ-9 / The Chamber / Zedaph

Subject MJ-9 / The Chamber / Zedaph


Task 9 - Narrate a Voyage around The Chamber using Three Modes of Transport

Conducted by Zedaph

-------------------- MJ: So Mumbo began on a block. But then he set forth into the wild water rapids of the scientific lab. He battled the currents with extreme grace and elegance as he was once a swimmer of a team. [Subject MJ stumbles on words for a brief moment] He swam for a team at some point. And he has got excellent stroke and is incredibly smooth and just wonderfully elegant in the waves. But then he traveled down battling the currents as he did like a true hero. And he found the superpig! That he then stood on top of. And he said to the superpig: "I know you are normally stationary, but you can begin to move and traverse the land that is this scientific laboratory. And you can, you can step forth pig" He said to the pig, growing progressively more angry. "You can move pig. MOVE PIG!" He said, angrily. Getting progressively even more angry until eventually he decided that this pig probably wasn't gonna move any further. But he will wait! Because he is a patient man. He will wait a little... no? okay.

So he then decided that he would hop off the pig and sneak like this. Unable to battle the current. [Zedaph laughs from the other side of the glass] While sneaking, he decided that this will be his final resting place. And that is where the story ends, in the corner, lying down like a cod. ZEDAPH: The end? MJ: The end. -------------------- Modes of Transport 1. Swimming - When Zedaph mentions this mode of transport, the Subject insists that 'the one thing he is good at' is of speaking about how good he is at swimming. 2. Travelling on a Pig that Did not Move - Subject mentions that it was more of an emotional journey than a physical journey when questioned, stating that "Mumbo was on a journey emotionally" and that "He needed to learn to not let things, that he can't control, annoy him." 3. Sneaking - The Subject justifies himself, stating that he had already committed to it, and had forgotten that he was in the water and therefore, would not get anywhere. Subject continues on and admits that it was indeed an error. Similar to the situation with the pig [3], Subject tries to create a similar situation in which if the sneaking did not count as a mode of transportation, then it would be another emotional journey where '[MUMBO] realized that he had done something wrong.' Subject then justifies himself in that he now knows not to sneak in water, and later states that he does not know why he tried. -------------------- Task Conducted - Unknown Footage Released - 11-19-2021 To Be Reviewed.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
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More Posts from Fictionfixations

2 years ago

Ranboo Skin Redesign

Ranboo Skin Redesign


It's probably not the best, lol.

Planet Minecraft
There might be some things that could probably be done better, but I'm not really sure how to do that, so this is my best bet haha. Dow

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2 years ago


Honestly while I was catching up with Grian I think a week ago or something since I was finally getting into his content to where I just watched through all the 3rd Life series [honestly I had zero idea when it happened in between Hermitcraft seasons and didn't want it to be spoiled to me before I even saw it so I just did that and then watched the hermitcraft seasons from Grian's POV]

And in that chaos where honestly I just ignored social media and any messages because I had to actually watch through it or I'd probably never get anywhere and ended up taking a break on a platform to actually fully watch it all lmao-

I just. Chobblesome. I think I was gonna google it but then I just kinda.. forgot? And then I did and like.

..Did Grian actually make a word that's been registered or whatever people do for words to be valid? I dunno I'm just seeing stuff where apparently it was on I think the wikipedia or something at one point, and it's actually on the urban dictionary--


On a funnier note there's like a bunch of the same definition underneath it that I think were meant for different definitions but I don't use urban dictionary so I have zero idea how it works.

Also I've realized the lack of use for the word chobblesome and I just. I've never encountered a fic that uses the word chobblesome [then again, not sure what situation you'd need to be in where a character would need to say it for its meaning], and maybe I'm just looking in the wrong areas.

Also.. what if people just used the word Chobblesome in like some school essay lmao. Do you think the teachers would count chobblesome as an actual word? ..probably not. Would it be funny? Probably. Would we lose points?

Zero idea.

Honestly I don't know if anyone has done it but I kinda want someone to and then post the reaction somewhere, or like if they got any notes or subtracted points due to 'made up word' lmaoo. bonus points if there's like a note somewhere from the person who's doing the work about what the word actually means lmao

(if anyone asks, say it was the man in the chicken costume /j)

Actually that'd probably be really confusing, but just imagine. It'd be like an inside joke for all of us hermits except probably like no one would understand what you mean when you try to use it irl or something haha.

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2 years ago




THAT REN AND BIG B DEATH. also rip no more secret soulmates BUT AYOOOO????


the stalactite, genius. it was PERFECT- also i have a feeling the series might not last for too long haha -

Red Life Grian [Last Life]

spoilers. I don't know if I should keep adding these warnings but I know someone's gonna go read it anyway even if they know and go 'YOU JUST SPOILED IT FOR ME' even though they probably shouldnt even be looking at any posts related to it till they finish it

Just been re-watching Last Life [from Grian's POV], and I just.

Honestly I really like red life Grian, or more specifically 'villain' Grian, like when he did the enchantment table trap in 3rd Life that killed three people.

I don't know if it's just me, but I honestly really like unhinged and deranged characters with nothing to lose because they've already lost it all kinda deal, y'know?

It's why Wilbur is one of my favorites in the Dream SMP, and same for Dream.

And just seeing Grian with Joel as red lives, I just like to imagine that he's.. smiling. Unsettlingly so as he talks to Martyn and Timmy.

Honestly I don't think there's enough of him causing chaos and being a bit of a sadist, y'know? I mean I love Businessman Scar who swindles everyone out of their valuables, and I'm not sure who doesn't, but then there's Grian who I think plays the villain really well (bonus points if there's one with unhinged Grian and [Totally not a] Scammer Scar as a duo, though technically there was that in 3rd Life as Desert Duo Alliance, I kinda crave more.)

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places for that kind of Grian, but so uh.. yeah.

I do still like though that he has some sort of still care for those who once allied with him and had done him no wrong though, as that's kind of a plus.

It reminds me a little of Technoblade's whole thing with if people are kind to him he repays it tenfold, (aka Grian not going after those who were with him), and those that hurt him or his friends will have that injustice repayed a thousand times over. (cough cough. the book. [cough cough. scar. bdubs.])

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2 years ago

Dreamtale Twins / Stone Dream / Headcanon

I like to think that Nightmare maybe after Dream was turned to stone that he does still somewhat care for Dream in his own way, and used to talk to him about his day like one would talk to a grave, telling them about things that happened. It's not that far off actually.

Nightmare comes to terms with what had happened and makes peace with it.

And then Dream wakes up one day and is gone when Nightmare visits (or when Nightmare awakes if he stays there all the time). Haha and then it all goes to shit.

It's pretty short but I think it's a little meaningful. One can only be alone for so long anyways, and even if you're just speaking to no one, it's nice sometimes to just talk about things.

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2 years ago

YHS Yuki Skin Redesign

YHS Yuki Skin Redesign

This is my first time making a skin... It's kinda bad.

YHS Yuki Skin Redesign
Planet Minecraft
A YHS Yuki Redesign. This is my first time making a skin, and there were a lot of things I could've done differently, but I think I did

I have also found out that regardless of whether I'm drawing, or if I'm trying to do a minecraft skin, I can literally never draw pants right lmao.

Also the boots are a bad shade of color compared to the otherwise light color palette aghh

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