Autumn Court - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Staring Into Open Flame

Staring Into Open Flame

A tumblr masterlist of all my general Eris Vanserra related one-shots. Links below, but they can also be found on Ao3 :) Click here!

Son of Autumn - Eris Vanserra short one-shot.

Daylight - (Eris Vanserra one-shot) The smallest of stones, the greatest of ripples. Eris learns that Beron is not Lucien's father.

Only Embers - Eris lies to Beron to protect his mother's secret (short one-shot).

Wildflowers - Eris goes to visit Lucien in the Spring Court and instead just bothers Tamlin (one-shot).

Mirrors - The Lady of Autumn has a difficult conversation with her eldest son (one-shot).

Shallow Waters - Lucien spends the day with Eris (short one-shot).

Little Flames - Eris tries to teach Lucien about how to best control his flames (one-shot).

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6 months ago

All You Have Is Your Fire - Part XXV

All You Have Is Your Fire - Part XXV

Find all previous parts on Ao3 :)

Summary: 'I can hear your heart beating through the stone.' For the briefest of moments, Lucien wondered if his mate would know exactly when his heart’s steady rhythm came to a sudden stop.

Note: A huge thank you to the lovely @sad-scarred-sassy who deserves all the credit for the post that inspired me to start writing this :) Another huge thank you to everyone reading! ALSO please look at this post, I gasped it's so lovely. All of @teddyhoneybear's moodboards are stunning <3

Tag List: @anishake / @nocasdatsgay / @mybestfriendmademe / @talibunny30 / @halfbutneverwhole / @wishfulimaginings / @goldenmagnolias / @emmers-bens123 / @cauldronblssd / @xirose / @rarephloxes / @thehighlordishere / @the-darkestminds /

Elain placed a hand on Lucien’s broad chest, stopping him right outside the carved oak door of the fitting room. The fabric of his brocade waistcoat was thick, but she could still feel the warmth of his skin on her palm. 

Elain knew she was blushing at the way his muscles tensed beneath her fingers. She wished for a moment that he was shirtless, the image flashing in her mind briefly before she shook her head to push the wildly inappropriate thought to the side. 

Lucien raised an auburn brow, amusement bright in his russet eye. His golden one whirred softly, the sound so familiar to Elain that she barely noticed. “I can’t even see the dress when you’re not in it?” 

Elain pressed her lips together, fighting a smile. “Sorry,” she said, “not even then.” She pulled her hand away from him, still blocking his path with her body. She knew the fae did not have the same wedding traditions, but she was not about to test fate by ignoring this one. 

Lucien hummed softly, nodding. “You’re that superstitious?” He asked, no judgement in the question, just simple curiosity. 

“It’s bad luck,” Elain explained, chin tilted so she could look up at her mate.She traced the sharp curve of his jaw with her gaze. “I’m very determined to have a nice reception.” 

He smiled, an endearing dimple appearing on his unscarred cheek. Lucien leaned towards her, the action seemed almost involuntary. “Any other traditions I should know about?” 

“That’s the only one,” Elain reassured. She did not mention how most newly married couples in the human realm chose to have rice thrown at them, deciding that perhaps it was something the Autumn Court guests would not appreciate. She was having a hard time picturing Lucien’s brothers tossing grains of rice at anyone, let alone herself. “Now go, I’m already late, your mother and the seamstress were expecting me right after breakfast.” 

Lucien licked his full bottom lip, and Elain found herself tracking the movement. He inched closer, hesitant, but his intentions were clear. She was drawn to him, like a moth to flame, the bond urging her onto the tips of her toes. 

When their faces were a hair’s breadth apart, Lucien spoke, his voice soft. “I’m sure they can wait a minute longer.” 

Elain responded by pressing her mouth to his. With her eyes shut, she could conjure the illusion of privacy, could forget entirely that they were in a corridor where anyone might happen to walk by. 

Elain could not be bothered to care. Each stroke of Lucien’s tongue had her biting back a moan, and when he cupped the back of her head, heat pooled low in her gut. 

Elain braced her arm against the door. 

She could have spent an eternity with Lucien, his touch unbelievably gentle as their kiss deepened. Elain was dizzy with desire, his scent enveloping her, as comforting as any embrace. His canines grazed the skin of her lip, pulling a whimper from deep within her chest. 

Lucien broke their kiss at the sound, and Elain’s eyes snapped open. She glanced around them to make sure no one was walking towards them, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear simply to do something with her hand. It took all of her self control not to grab Lucien by the collar and pull him to her once more. 

“Have fun at your fitting,” he said, his voice a breathless rasp. Before Elain could protest him leaving, he pressed a featherlight kiss to her cheek, turning on his heel elegantly. 

Elain fell against the door, the wood rough through the fabric of her dress. Her knees were weak and she needed the support to keep her steady in Lucien’s absence. She stared at his back, absently bringing her thumb up to her lips. She traced their shape, breaking into a smile as her mate turned around for one last glance. Elain waved as he winnowed, the hallway filling with the golden light of his magic. 

She stayed there for a moment, hearing the Lady of Autumn’s laughter coming from the room behind her. 

Elain did not know how she would manage to get through the rest of the morning if Lucien was on her mind, but as time passed, she was able to focus on what was happening around her. 

Callista had ushered Elain in front of a floor length mirror. It was still difficult for her to refer to Lucien’s mother using her name, but the High Lord’s wife had insisted. With the help of Cora, the seamstress, and her young apprentice, Elain was helped into her wedding gown. 

The dress was stunning, beyond lovely, and more beautiful than any other clothing she had ever seen. Even incomplete, Elain knew that the final product would capture everyone’s attention. 

The bodice was a shining gold fabric, intricate laces in the back tied tightly but not uncomfortably. The sleeves were made of the same material, countless shimmering beads adding sparkle along her wrists. Like Elain had suggested, the long tulle skirts flared around her, highlighting the shape of her figure. Leaves cut from thin sheets of actual gold had been added in a careful pattern onto the gown, and when Elain moved, it looked like they were falling in a gentle wind. In a thoughtful nod to her past life, Cora had managed to convince the seamstress and the Lady of Autumn to keep the long train of the dress free of any colour and entirely white. 

The dress was perfect. Elain found herself unable to tear her gaze away from the mirror as the final details were added and the last few adjustments were made. 

Elain had just gotten back into her everyday clothes when there was a knock at the door. Cora rolled her eyes before Eris’s deep voice travelled through the thick wood separating him from them. “Elain?” 

Callista walked to the other side of the room, placing her fingers onto the handle. She raised a brow in question at Elain, who nodded. As the door swung open, Eris grinned in amusement. There were flames in his amber eyes as he spoke. “Why are you torturing my brother?” 

Elain snorted, forgetting for a moment that there were others present. She waved him into the room, inviting him to come closer. The seamstress and her apprentice slipped through the slim opening, shutting the door behind them quietly. “What makes you say that?” 

Eris shrugged, but he looked entirely too pleased with himself, like a cat that had caught a mouse. “He seemed a bit…on edge, I suppose.” 

Elain felt herself blush, muttering under her breath. “That’s ridiculous.” 

Eris cast a look around the room, gaze falling onto the nearly finished wedding gown. “Ready to be married?” 

Three more days. 

Elain could hardly believe it. To her, it was like she had arrived at the Autumn Court a lifetime ago. 

She nodded, hoping that she looked confident in front of Lucien’s mother. “I think we’ve planned everything.” 

“There is just one more detail,” Callista’s soft voice was commanding, drawing everyone’s attention. “If you could choose someone to walk you down the aisle, it can be anyone you like.” 

Elain paused, furrowing her brow. She considered the human tradition, where only parents were part of the ceremony in such a way. Perhaps her sisters, Elain thought. “Just one?”

“Traditionally,” Callista said with a smile. “Anyone will do.” 

Elain was not going to choose between Nesta and Feyre. Besides, she did not think it would be entirely appreciated by Beron to have another court’s High Lady walk her down the aisle. She looked to Cora, her constant support since they had left Velaris. Her friend made a horrified expression in response, one that made her opinion on the matter dreadfully clear. 

Elain had to hold back a laugh, offering Cora an understanding smile. She could have guessed that the other woman would not have been too keen on such active participation in the ceremony, since she preferred staying out of the spotlight.  

“Eris?” Elain’s decision had been made, and she sincerely doubted he would deny her wish. It was for the best to have the Autumn Court’s heir do this one thing for her, especially since she was entirely certain Beron would approve of it. 

Eris had been looking at Cora, humming distractedly as he faced Elain. 

“Eris, you’ll walk me down the aisle, won’t you?” Her question hung in the air, and she could practically see him turning it over in his mind.

He waved a hand in a gesture Elain could only describe as lazy. “Whatever you like,” he said flippantly, eyes flicking to his mother as he bent at the waist in the smallest of bows. “How can I refuse my only sister?” There was no usual bite to the words, only affection. 

Before any of the women could say anything more on the subject, Eris had winnowed from the room, embers falling to the carpeted ground. Shortly after the prince had left, Elain and Cora followed. 

Callista had encouraged her to spend the next couple of days relaxing and spending time with Lucien, which Elain was more than happy to do. Cora and her walked in comfortable silence back to their chambers, and when no one was around, Elain knocked her shoulder against her friend. 

“You didn’t want to walk me down the aisle?” She asked jokingly, surprised by the frown that fell over Cora’s features. 

“I didn’t think it was fair,” she said quietly, tugging on her braid in a gesture Elain had come to realise meant that Cora was feeling uneasy. 

Elain pulled her to a stop, holding onto her elbow right at the foot of a staircase, making sure no one else was near. “Why would you think—”

“I’m not a lady’s maid,” Cora interrupted, her words seemingly pulled from her as she blurted the statement quickly. The outburst seemed to have shocked them both. Cora’s dark eyes were wide, scarlet staining her light brown cheeks. 

Elain paused, looking over the other woman carefully. She considered the little information she knew about her friend’s life and could only come to one conclusion. “A guard?” 

Cora glanced nervously down the hall, releasing a long sigh as she pulled Elain into the shelter of the staircase. “Not a guard,” she admitted, a glamour falling into place so that no one else might accidentally hear. “A spy.”

It made sense, Elain could admit.

She took the time to go over some of the more obvious clues, hindsight making everything more clear. Understanding Cora would have no reason to lie, but still wanting to have a better grasp of the truth, Elain paused. If Nuala and Cerridwen had come to Autumn, they would have been doing the same. She had probably remained in the dark for her own protection, but the ever familiar frustration at being excluded in important matters washed over her for a moment. 

Cora was good with weapons, could sneak around anywhere, and was an expert at researching. She always knew what every member of the Vanserra family was doing, a fact that Elain had blamed on gossip between the workers in the Forest House. 

A memory flashed in her mind of the first time she had been introduced to the woman who would act as her lady’s maid — Cora glancing towards Azriel, almost as though she had been searching his expression for cues on how to behave. 

Elain took a breath, nodding. “Who were you sent to spy on?” She asked, wanting to understand. Her first guess was Lucien, since the Inner Circle – excluding Feyre – seemed to distrust him wholeheartedly. 

“Not you,” Cora rushed to clarify, hands held in front of her placatingly. “And I’m not supposed to say, Az will kill me if he finds out, but I just…” She shrugged, looking at Elain with an apologetic expression. “I hate keeping things from my friends.” 

The words hung between them, easy for Elain to reject. Even given the chance, she decided she rather liked having Cora as a friend. She raised a brow, offering the other woman a small smile. “So then who are you spying on?” 

Cora was quick to answer. “A certain prince, just in case he’s planning to use you for some nefarious plot.”  Cora laughed awkwardly, “highly unlikely, by the way.”

Elain could have sighed in relief, glad she had at least been right to trust Eris with the knowledge of her visions. She began to walk up the stairs, Cora following after her eagerly. “Are you really from the Hewn City?” 

Although she was unable to see the other woman, Elain knew Cora was nodding. “That wasn’t a lie,” she assured. “Everything I told you about myself was true if you ignore what I do for a living.” 

“And what is that?” Elain turned to look at her, skirts clasped tightly in her hands as they marched up the last few steps. 

Cora wrinkled her nose in distaste. “The High Lord has me gathering information on Kier and his supporters. Very boring, nothing’s changed in over three centuries.” She smiled, the expression suggesting she did not mind revealing a bit more about herself. “The last two weeks have been very exciting for me,” she finished.

Elain barked an inelegant laugh. “I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself,” she clipped, wanting to know more about Cora and correctly guessing she would share out of feeling a bit guilty. “Rhysand sent you?” She confirmed, continuing only once there was a nod in agreement. “I was expecting one of the twins to come, I know Az sends them everywhere.”

“I look High Fae,” Cora said with a shrug. Elain’s eyes flicked to her friend’s pointed ears briefly before her attention was once more on the conversation. “And my mother was a lady’s maid before she met my father.” 

“Was she Illyrian?” Elain asked, noting the obvious lack of wings on Cora’s part. She shuddered, remembering how Feyre had almost died giving birth to Nyx, wondering why Cora was not born the same. 

She shook her head. “My father was part Illyrian and acted as an emissary between the Court of Nightmares and the cities in Illyria, hardly matters since she stopped working once they married.” Cora cringed, ”I may or may not have let the High Lord and Azriel believe I knew what would be expected from a female in this position.” She offered an embarrassed smile, one that Elain returned.  “Not one of my finer decisions,” she admitted. 

Elain had been so interested in what Cora had been saying that she had not realised they had returned to her and Lucien’s shared chambers until they were standing right outside the doors. 

“I’m glad you lied about your qualifications,” Elain placed a gentle hand on Cora’s arm, squeezing affectionately. “But I’m going to have to tell Lucien.” 

“Make sure he doesn’t share the news,” she laughed, sighing. “I should have told you sooner,” she replied, her regret a heavy thing. “I’m sorry, Elain.” 

At the genuine apology, Elain could not help but pull Cora into a hug. Despite being stiff in surprise initially, the spy returned the embrace. “Thank you for telling me now.” 

Once Cora had left to return to her own room, Elain waited a moment outside. She did not like the Night Court’s secrecy and had resented for years the way they all seemed content to shelter her. 

Lucien would never.

The thought came to her suddenly, quick as a shooting star and gone before she could take the time to truly consider it. She pushed the door open, nearly stumbling as she threw herself into the familiar space. 

Lucien looked up from the ancient and worn book he was reading from. There were two neat piles from the library on either side of the coffee table, a steaming mug balancing precariously on the edge of the wooden surface. His hair was tied away from his handsome face, loose strands falling to his broad shoulders. Elain’s attention was instantly drawn to the way he had rolled up his shirtsleeves, the veins on his forearms forcing her to hold back a swoon. 

He smiled as she shut the door behind her. “Did you have a nice time?” 

Elain could imagine her future so clearly, even without being a seer. Coming home after a busy morning only to find her mate sitting comfortably on the sofa, waiting for her arrival. Lucien listened to the things she had to say, constantly encouraging her to do as she liked. He never doubted her abilities, he was confident in her decisions. 

My mate. 

“Do you want to hear something interesting?” Elain asked, watching as he snapped his book shut. 

Lucien patted once on the cushion next to him, the gesture inviting as he replied. “Always.”

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6 months ago
For Day 2 Of @erisweekofficial: Childhood | Legacy

For Day 2 of @erisweekofficial: Childhood | Legacy

Art by @madeleinefjall ( Commissioned by @secret-third-thing

Every future High Lord needs a portrait, don't you think?

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1 year ago

Insecurities (Eris x reader)

A/n: random, completely winging this, typed from my phone, please excuse and mistakes definitely not proof read. Prob a bad title too.

Ok so you and Eris are mates and he is about to try to kill Beron.


⚠️: none?

word count: 1371

Insecurities (Eris X Reader)

You knew your mate was worried; he never closed off his side of the bond unless he thought it was necessary. And Eris almost never thought it was necessary. But with less than a week until Eris planned to kill Beron, you knew he was insecure. But you didn’t know how insecure, so you wrapped up your long meeting with the ambassadors and quickly hurried t your shared room

When you opened the door to your room you were not expecting a ring of fire surrounded Eris and your mate on his knees, body covered with fire.

You hesitated, you were from the Dawn Court and your wings were definitely not immune to fire, nor was your body. Beron had only allowed the marriage because you were Thesan’s cousin and it would secure an alliance with the Dawn Court. But Beron didn’t know you were mates as Eris took great care to hide that. Beron hadn’t threatened you because that would put his alliance on thin ice. Unfortunately being Eris’ mate didn’t make you immune to fire.

You circled around so Eris could see you and started to reach a hand out towards the fire. Eris glanced up, his face stone cold and eyes guarded.

“Leave Y/n, please just leave me alone.”

You would do no such thing, even as his words hit your heart right where your own insecurities were. Does he still want me? Will he stop loving me one day? What if I'm not enough? You pushed the thoughts aside and focused on your mate. Slowly you took a step towards the fire. Another. Another. Until you were right in front of the fire, you could feel the heat of the fire, but it wasn't too hot. So you took another step, the fire immediately split around you.

Eris lifted his head and frowned at the fire as if it had a mind of its own. The fire surrounding his body retreated as you slowly pulled him into you. His back against your chest, one of your arms resting over his sternum, the other arm tangled in his hair. He was so tense that you leaned forward and whispered words in his ear.

"My mate, it may not be fine now but you will grow and heal and it will be better than fine. I love you and nothing you do will ever change that, you are good, you are kind and respectful and have never treated me with anything but. I am yours and you are mine and I love you. I love every part of you and I always will."

Eris hesitated to relax into you and you knew it was because he didn't want anyone to see him like this. Vulnerable and raw. You continued stroking his hair and occasionally whispered soft reassurances in his ear.

But he stiffened suddenly and sat up, not meeting your eyes, shutting you out. "I thought I told you to leave Y/n, if you can't follow that order at least shut the hell up and stop touching me! I can't stand it, you're so needy and you're always demanding something from me. Just go away, let me have a day of peace!"

Eris turned away from you as his words struck your heart deep, but you didn't go. You sat by him for the next few hours as he shouted things at you that went straight through your walls and to your heart. But you stayed and when he fell asleep you picked him up in your arms and set him on the bed. Tucking him in, you glanced at the clock. It was 6am. Shit, you were both already late for your morning meetings.

You left the room with a concerned glance at your mate even as you wondered if he meant his words. You went to his meeting in the night court first and when you got there a dagger was at your throat.

"Who are you? What have you done with Eris?"

You looked up to see the spymaster, you grimaced, "Eris is fine and I am his mate here to meet with the high lord in his place."

The spymaster hesitated before leading you to a meeting room already filled with the night court inner circle. You got straight to the point, "Alright first things first, I don't know when my mate will make his move but I can say with certainty that it will be in less than a week. Eris is stressed and tired and please to not pressure him, I'm not doing much better but I am already late to a meeting with the captain of Eris' loyal soldiers. So please excuse my mate and let him rest."

Everyone stared at you with shock before Rhysand nodded, "Tell Eris to come meet with us when he is ready, we have the supplies he asked for. And you can go meet with the captain and after that I think you should get some rest."

You smiled at him and nodded, "thank you high lord" before you winnowed out to another meeting.

You gave the captain a similar speech and he nodded. "Tell the Heir to get rest; he can't defeat Beron without strength, and tell him to come at least 5 hours before he makes his move. We need a heads up to be ready. Thank you mi'lady, but may I suggest you cancel the rest fo the meetings today?"

You laughed, "Why is everyone so worried about me? I'm not the one about to attempt overthrowing the throne! And captain, my next meeting is in the night, I should be good. Plus how many times do I have to say you can call me Y/n?

The captain and his soldiers stared at you until one spoke up. "I don't mean to be rude Y/n but have you looked at yourself recently?"

You blinked at the soldiers before nodding, "I suppose I should do that. Thank you."

When you got back to your room Eris was awake and eating breakfast at the desk while reading reports. He glanced up and his face was so cold and devoid of emotion that all your insecurities from his words the night before came rushing back. You stopped at his side and he pulled you into his lap stiffly.

Eventually you dared to speak, "I... did you mean what you said last night? Am I really needy and demanding?"

He stared down at you, expression softening immediately. "No I didn't sweetheart, I had a long day of work and you know what's coming up but I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken it out on you. You are all I could ask for in a mate, you do everything for me and ask for nothing in return. You stayed even when I told you to go because you know me and knew I didn't mean it. But I'm willing to bet everything I said hurt you, and I'm infinitely sorry for that. I will make it up in every way if you can forgive me."

You smiled at Eris, expression slightly pained but you nodded. "I will forgive you Eris Vanserra, and I know my cracked heart will heal eventually, with your help." Eris's answering smile was as bright as the sun. "I also met with the night court," Eris stiffened and you quickly added, "Rhysand wishes to meet with you when you're ready and the Captain needs you to notify him at least 5 hours before you know what so he can get his troops ready. They both told me to sleep as well but I don't understand why...."

Eris looked at you amused and stood up, carrying you to the full body mirror. You blinked at your reflection. There were dark circles under your eyes, your hair was unkempt, you clothes were singed at the edges and there was a little cut on your neck from where the spymaster had held a knife to your throat. You gaped at yourself.

Eris kissed the top of your head, "sleep my little fox, I will be here when you wake and I can start my apology." Your body heated but you smiled at him and drifted into unconscious.

A/n: hope you enjoyed! Constructive criticism, comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated. I swear I actually look at them

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1 year ago

Impossible (part two)

A/n: Good day, actually no horrible day but whatever, Im still writing. Im sorry for the wait guys.

kinda short sorry.

prolouge one three

Pairing: reader x eris, reader x azriel, azriel x eris

Wc: 1000+

⚠️: curse word


Eris’ POV

Eris held back a yawn as he and Azriel waited for Rhysand to show up. He’d begged invited you to join them but you’d merely said you’d think about it before retiring to your room. Technically his room but he hadn’t gone back, instead going to tediously long meetings with his council members. He’d been up more than 14 hours, he had a right to be tired (and to a nap). Next to him, Azriel didnt seem remotely tired even though he’d been up at least two hours more than Eris.

Eris studied the shadowsinger out of the corner of his eye. He seemed relaxed, watching servants go in and out while carrying supplies for a toilet. 

“Are you going to continue watching me creepily or be polite and look away?” The shadowsinger didnt even bother to look at Eris as he spoke.

She’s not yours

Eris sighed, looking away. “Do you love her?”

Now Azriel turned to look at him, face cold. “That’s none of your business, High Lord.”

“It is my business because you are in my court and probably stuck here for a long period of time.” Eris turned to face Azriel as well, face hard as he thought back on the shock of the morning.

Azriel opened his mouth, about to respond when a very angry Rhysand and Cassian stormed through the doors, sending the servants scurrying.

“What happened?”

Eris and Azriel looked at eachother and Eris smiled, shoving the spymaster forward to face his High Lord. Azriel shot him a dirty look over his shoulder and grimaced as he faced Rhys.

“Hello Rhys, how is your evening?”

Rhysand raised one eyebrow, “You’re not usually one to make small talk Azriel. What the Hell is going on?”

“I accidentally made a promise to stay in this room until me an Y/n worked our… problems aside.”

Rhys sighed, strolling forward and pulling Azriel into a brotherly embrace. He whispered into Azriel’s shoulder, “it’ll be fine Az but if she rejects you, let her go. She deserves her happiness as well and if it’s not with you than believe she will choose someone worthy.”

Eris smiled, suddenly glad Rhysand was good with words. He agreed wholeheartedly with the High Lord and really hoped Azriel would follow the advice.

Cassian eyed Eris before joining the group hug, wings wrapping around his brothers. Eris sighed, smile falling. How he wished he had a relationship as whole and strong as that. He had Lucien of course, but he was usually with Helion, learning how to be a High Lord. 

Refocusing his attention on the Illyrian warriors he nodded in greeting to Rhysand and the Illyrian nodded back, albeit warily. Eris couldn’t even blame him for that, he had talked to Morrigan at his mother’s bidding and the two had understood eachother (mostly). But she hadn’t had courage to tell the Inner Court the true story of what happened on that day so until she told them, Eris was still a half enemy.

“Will you take care of my spymaster as long as the lovebirds need to… sort this out?”

Eris nodded, “Will you repay the expenses of building a triple sized bathtub for Azriel?” He smirked as Rhysand eyed the half finished bathtub that was barely 3 quarters of Azriel’s wings spread out.

The High Lord groaned, “yes I will.” But turning to Azriel he mumbled, “that’s coming straight out of your salary.”

Cassian laughed, clapping Azriel on the back. “I finally get payed more then you, brother.”

Azriel mutters something Eris couldn’t hear and the Illyrian’s say their farewells. Azriel watches them go for a while and Eris turns to see how the construction of the giant bathtub is going, still wishing for the impossible (improbable).

She’s not yours.

“You were nice today.” Azriel’s words sound more like a question which honestly offends Eris slightly.

“What do you mean? I’m always nice!”

The spymaster just rolls his eyes and goes to sit against the wall, wings spread out. Eris sighs joining him. “I wasn’t nice, I was civil. But it’s not for anything other than her.”

Azriel visibly tenses, “she’s my mate Eris not yours. The mother paired her with me.”

This time Eris rolls his eyes, “of course, of course. I won’t make a move until she rejects you, after all you are the one who chose Elain over her.”

“Shut it. Why can’t you be civil with me? Why must you be so…uncivil?”

Eris snorts at the choice of words, laughing as the shadowsinger glowers at him. “I cant be civil with you because you’re her mate. Not me. I swear sometimes I can practically feel the Mothers hatred.”

Azriel shook his head his words.

They sat like that for a while before Eris made up some lame excuse to leave which Azriel scoffed at.

Smiling to himself, Eris shifted, starting to stand when he heard a noise that immediately made him hard glance back at the spymaster.

The spymasters head was tipped back in ecstasy and Eris realised that his untamed, slightly curly hair was brushing against the tip of Azriel’s wing. Eris started to pull away but hesitated as Azriel didn’t make to move. He unabashedly took in the spymasters handsome face.

As Eris watched, Azriel slowly opened his eyes to look at his wing where the two touched. Eris froze. Maybe he should have pulled away, what if Azriel got defensive about his wings? Stiffening slightly Eris took a step back and tensely glanced around. All the servants were gone and the remaining fourth of the bathtub had been finished. How long had they been here?

Turning back to Azriel he spoke, “I-”

Their eyes met and something reached out from Eris’s chest, near his heart. Eris blinked, tugging on the invisible string that ended with a certain shadowsinger.

Azriel responded in kind, tugging on the bond as the two males gawked at eachother. They couldn’t be mates, Azriel was already paired with you.

Silence and then Eris practically sprinted out the front door, head spinning from the encounter.

They weren’t mates. They couldn’t be. No. No. This is just some shitty dream that his brain made up.

but… if he was Azriel’s mate and Azriel was your mate. Didn’t that mean you were also his mate?


She might be yours.

Impossible. Right?



A/n: 😁

Reblog, comment or like please! (Or else it will be impossible (improbable) for me to pass my next exam.)


@thelov3lybookworm @profound-imagination @cleverzonkwombatsludge @the-sweet-psycho @impossibelle @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @a-frog-with-a-laptop @stargirl1714 @wallacewillow0773638

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1 year ago

Insecurities (Eris x reader)

A/n: random, completely winging this, typed from my phone, please excuse and mistakes definitely not proof read. Prob a bad title too.

Ok so you and Eris are mates and he is about to try to kill Beron.


⚠️: none?

word count: 1371

Insecurities (Eris X Reader)

You knew your mate was worried; he never closed off his side of the bond unless he thought it was necessary. And Eris almost never thought it was necessary. But with less than a week until Eris planned to kill Beron, you knew he was insecure. But you didn’t know how insecure, so you wrapped up your long meeting with the ambassadors and quickly hurried t your shared room

When you opened the door to your room you were not expecting a ring of fire surrounded Eris and your mate on his knees, body covered with fire.

You hesitated, you were from the Dawn Court and your wings were definitely not immune to fire, nor was your body. Beron had only allowed the marriage because you were Thesan’s cousin and it would secure an alliance with the Dawn Court. But Beron didn’t know you were mates as Eris took great care to hide that. Beron hadn’t threatened you because that would put his alliance on thin ice. Unfortunately being Eris’ mate didn’t make you immune to fire.

You circled around so Eris could see you and started to reach a hand out towards the fire. Eris glanced up, his face stone cold and eyes guarded.

“Leave Y/n, please just leave me alone.”

You would do no such thing, even as his words hit your heart right where your own insecurities were. Does he still want me? Will he stop loving me one day? What if I'm not enough? You pushed the thoughts aside and focused on your mate. Slowly you took a step towards the fire. Another. Another. Until you were right in front of the fire, you could feel the heat of the fire, but it wasn't too hot. So you took another step, the fire immediately split around you.

Eris lifted his head and frowned at the fire as if it had a mind of its own. The fire surrounding his body retreated as you slowly pulled him into you. His back against your chest, one of your arms resting over his sternum, the other arm tangled in his hair. He was so tense that you leaned forward and whispered words in his ear.

"My mate, it may not be fine now but you will grow and heal and it will be better than fine. I love you and nothing you do will ever change that, you are good, you are kind and respectful and have never treated me with anything but. I am yours and you are mine and I love you. I love every part of you and I always will."

Eris hesitated to relax into you and you knew it was because he didn't want anyone to see him like this. Vulnerable and raw. You continued stroking his hair and occasionally whispered soft reassurances in his ear.

But he stiffened suddenly and sat up, not meeting your eyes, shutting you out. "I thought I told you to leave Y/n, if you can't follow that order at least shut the hell up and stop touching me! I can't stand it, you're so needy and you're always demanding something from me. Just go away, let me have a day of peace!"

Eris turned away from you as his words struck your heart deep, but you didn't go. You sat by him for the next few hours as he shouted things at you that went straight through your walls and to your heart. But you stayed and when he fell asleep you picked him up in your arms and set him on the bed. Tucking him in, you glanced at the clock. It was 6am. Shit, you were both already late for your morning meetings.

You left the room with a concerned glance at your mate even as you wondered if he meant his words. You went to his meeting in the night court first and when you got there a dagger was at your throat.

"Who are you? What have you done with Eris?"

You looked up to see the spymaster, you grimaced, "Eris is fine and I am his mate here to meet with the high lord in his place."

The spymaster hesitated before leading you to a meeting room already filled with the night court inner circle. You got straight to the point, "Alright first things first, I don't know when my mate will make his move but I can say with certainty that it will be in less than a week. Eris is stressed and tired and please to not pressure him, I'm not doing much better but I am already late to a meeting with the captain of Eris' loyal soldiers. So please excuse my mate and let him rest."

Everyone stared at you with shock before Rhysand nodded, "Tell Eris to come meet with us when he is ready, we have the supplies he asked for. And you can go meet with the captain and after that I think you should get some rest."

You smiled at him and nodded, "thank you high lord" before you winnowed out to another meeting.

You gave the captain a similar speech and he nodded. "Tell the Heir to get rest; he can't defeat Beron without strength, and tell him to come at least 5 hours before he makes his move. We need a heads up to be ready. Thank you mi'lady, but may I suggest you cancel the rest fo the meetings today?"

You laughed, "Why is everyone so worried about me? I'm not the one about to attempt overthrowing the throne! And captain, my next meeting is in the night, I should be good. Plus how many times do I have to say you can call me Y/n?

The captain and his soldiers stared at you until one spoke up. "I don't mean to be rude Y/n but have you looked at yourself recently?"

You blinked at the soldiers before nodding, "I suppose I should do that. Thank you."

When you got back to your room Eris was awake and eating breakfast at the desk while reading reports. He glanced up and his face was so cold and devoid of emotion that all your insecurities from his words the night before came rushing back. You stopped at his side and he pulled you into his lap stiffly.

Eventually you dared to speak, "I... did you mean what you said last night? Am I really needy and demanding?"

He stared down at you, expression softening immediately. "No I didn't sweetheart, I had a long day of work and you know what's coming up but I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken it out on you. You are all I could ask for in a mate, you do everything for me and ask for nothing in return. You stayed even when I told you to go because you know me and knew I didn't mean it. But I'm willing to bet everything I said hurt you, and I'm infinitely sorry for that. I will make it up in every way if you can forgive me."

You smiled at Eris, expression slightly pained but you nodded. "I will forgive you Eris Vanserra, and I know my cracked heart will heal eventually, with your help." Eris's answering smile was as bright as the sun. "I also met with the night court," Eris stiffened and you quickly added, "Rhysand wishes to meet with you when you're ready and the Captain needs you to notify him at least 5 hours before you know what so he can get his troops ready. They both told me to sleep as well but I don't understand why...."

Eris looked at you amused and stood up, carrying you to the full body mirror. You blinked at your reflection. There were dark circles under your eyes, your hair was unkempt, you clothes were singed at the edges and there was a little cut on your neck from where the spymaster had held a knife to your throat. You gaped at yourself.

Eris kissed the top of your head, "sleep my little fox, I will be here when you wake and I can start my apology." Your body heated but you smiled at him and drifted into unconscious.

A/n: hope you enjoyed! Constructive criticism, comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated. I swear I actually look at them

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2 years ago

The Snow King / DSMP Fanfic [Fae AU - Tubbo-centric] / Thoughts

Completely didn't think about giving my thoughts about fanfiction but then I realized 'oh I should do that' so here I am.

The Snow King honestly has to be one of my favorite fics, but be warned, there will be spoilers. If you want to avoid spoilers, just go on and read it [there's two other works too that belong in the same AU that provide sort of an alternate ending]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The story is, is that Tubbo's friend Tommy gets stolen by the Winter Court (The Fair Folk, or Fae. If you are unaware of who those are, I'd recommend doing research.) to be adopted.

Tubbo of course refuses to let Tommy stay stolen and makes a deal with I believe the king [Phil]. It is to gather the charms from each Faerie Court, and the charms are like artifacts that have.. magic power. stuff. It's been awhile since I've read this fic, to be honest, but I know the basic kinda plot.

There are four Faerie Courts in total- Winter, Autumn, Spring, and Summer. Tubbo of course already gets the Winter charm as a freebie before being sent off to finish in a time limit of two weeks.

I'm gonna be honest. I loved this. I love who is who, how they act, and just aAAaa. I also very much like the alternate ending, because I actually like seeing alternate endings, or thinking of a 'what-if' scenario. Tubbo of course is a smart kid in this fic, but in the scenario of where he fails- Because the courts challenge him to do something to be able to get the charm, or otherwise he gives them his true name which gives the other full control of himself I believe, and kinda.. makes him theirs? They kinda just adopt him, and he becomes a hybrid of their court, like if he stays in the Autumn Court after failing the challenge he grows goat horns like Schlatt.

Did I mention he's like the king of the Autumn Court? And then Dream's the Summer Court, Phil is the Winter Court, and Niki's I believe the Spring court.

Niki's cruel D:

also Dream and Schlatt fight over Tubbo

Honestly I make this sound worse than it really is because I suck at putting it into words so maybe just uh.. try reading it? The series is finished already anyways.

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6 months ago

I firmly believe that Eris and Lucien are not as estranged as they lead people to believe. They are two of the sneakiest people in Prythian.

There are multiple times one brother or the other seems to have information they shouldn’t have that seems like it could have come from the other.

Lucien leaves to address something at the autumn court border during ACOTAR. Likely the person he would have spoken to would be Eris, given that he serves as Autumn’s emissary (and general, he’s a busy guy)

Lucien refers to having spies in the night court (if I remember correctly, maybe it’s the other way around, I’ll update when I find the passage) which leads me to believe it would be Eris since he has the connections to Hewn City.

In ACOWAR, Eris already knows Elain is Lucien’s mate and comments on it at the high lord’s meeting.

In ACOSF, they seem pretty familiar when Eris visits the human lands. I do not buy that the reason he was there was to ask Vassa about if the human queens captured his soldiers.

These two have been passing information for years, possibly the whole time. They might not be friendly but they know how to work situations to their advantage.

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6 months ago
For Day 1 Of @erisweekofficial: Bonds | Bargains

For Day 1 of @erisweekofficial: Bonds | Bargains

Art by Miriam Presas (insta: its.miriart) Commissioned by @secret-third-thing

Eris has spent centuries building connections, finding allies, and pulling the strings from the shadows. What happens if his bargains all start crumbling?

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