fictionfixations - The Fiction Archives
The Fiction Archives

Fixations on fictional subjects in the form of rants, writing prompts, head canons, and so on. We'll see where this leads us. (They/Them) (The banner is from r/place 2023)I make impulsive posts because I get struck with ideas late at night and don't schedule my posts because I like seeing my mistakes in real time /hj.

993 posts



hi so

i dont think i ever said this

so i have access to MCC Island and like

NO ONE TOLD ME THERE WERE YOUTUBERS HOLY FUCK-- so like a few days ago i was on this huge game grind playing for hours and I've seen Jojosolos, Olivesleepy, Fruitberries, Seepeakay, Martyn, i think there was someone else too in one of the lobbies but I cant remember them in various different games like TGTTOS, Sky Battle (a lot of sky battle for a quest), and some in a lobby ? i dont think any were in hole in the wall or battle box. if they were, i didnt notice lmao


no but today i saw Wilbur?? holy fuck man, but we were in TGTTOS and it wouldve been awkward trying to ask for a screenshot mid-game but then I think he left after it ended D:

wilburs like the only youtuber out of that list of youtubers ive seen that i actually watch lmAo--


i think he was wearing the lmanburg skin aAaa

sorry im fanboying a lot? i dont know man it doesnt feel real because theyre just THERE, and its always in and out ?? like they dont really pay attention to anyone else lol (well theyre focusing on the game i mean- i wouldnt be surprised if they turned off chat or something) but you just dont really expect to actually meet them, and be in the same lobbies and stuff aAaa

bro please tell me someone has mcc island, i kinda wanna play it with someone so we can share input lol

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More Posts from Fictionfixations

2 years ago

hi so i just remembered this minigame thing that happened too

okay so before the trials and shit

THERE WAS THAT GUN GAME that was i think russian roulette? Dont remember the name but you had to choose where to put your bullets and then choose between shooting dummies and people- and like basically you can only shoot a dummy and person once ofc so you have to be careful with the placement so you shoot the dummies and not the people? and i fucked that up so many times i swear

no cause i think it played this audio everytime you did and it was.. unsettling and i just kept thinking 'oh shit' and i think that was when i realized how truly fucked this was? and i was losing my mind because i kept fucking messing up and i think a lot of it happened because i kinda just messed up with how i loaded the bullets? so then i actually technically cheated because so i loaded the bullets and then took a screenshot

Hi So I Just Remembered This Minigame Thing That Happened Too

i found my msgs from when i was fuckin panicking and before that was just 'I DID IT ALMOST PERFECTLY AND THEN THE LAST ONE I FAILED' sobs

OH OH and then loud noise if failing and then it just goes 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' so that wasnt fun for my mental health [apparently i was boutta hyperventilate, who knew?]

bro it was stressful as fuck and im SO glad we dont have to do that again but its shitty that it had to be done and that really did wonders and got me into that mindset of not wanting to kill anyone and panicking and shit except I think Sara handled it a lot better then I wouldve with a gun ..until she shot someone but hAHA thats not canon!

YTTD Thoughts

i cant even try to think of every trigger. YTTD is a death game. There are children. I'm warning you there, be fuckin careful, and if you don't think you can handle it please skip this post.

So- Honestly I forgot about this for awhile because I don't actually interact in the YTTD fandom (I wouldn't even be surprised if I ended up missing some update for like the next chapter part thingy)

but then I was scrolling on my tumblr and saw a YTTD crack post and realized 'oh yeah'

and now I'm here

Honestly??? That game was all sorts of fucked, and not in the mean and offensive way. I mean..

So I'm not gonna lie and say I remember everyone's name, because I don't, BUT WHAT THE FUCK-

okay, yes, hi, death game- I liked Danganronpa, I liked this too- EXCEPT EVERYONE WAS AT DIFFERENT AGES???? Well not everyone everyone, BUT THERE WERE CHILDREN- Children, Adults, Elders, HOLY FUCK

And then remember professor whats his name? THAT FIRST VOTE WAS SO FUCKING FUCKED

it gives me shivers just thinking about how the metal of the collar burned at him until his head gave way and he became decapitated, head falling into his student's arms


i didnt really think about it though because i was in focus mode, meaning i dont realize how triggering shit is until i go back to think about it (also because not much actually triggers me, ive become desensitized to this shit)

but holy shit.




okay i think i was dumb because -- okay so i think his card made it so he had to be voted out to win and i dont think he got voted out ?

but i was dumb and i didnt realize who had which card until joe said something about how i didnt vote for him and realized ..



jesus fuck

and then i think in the next part where we got to the next floor or something ? ?? so .. i kind of liked it, with the minigames, though it was hard as fuck and only served to make me even more nervous? (THAT DANCE GAME WAS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT RECORDING IT ISTG- WHAT THE FUCK ??? i even tried writing it down but i couldnt do it so i googled it and people were literally just recording it and going back to see what it was ???)

but so the coin thing

with the hallucination thing- i think there was a sanity bar? something like that. I actually didn't wanna go to the other doll person who I think set the bar back down or something- and honestly, I don't actually like horror, well playing horror, and theres very few horror games that I can deal with, but like.. I liked the hallucinations. Also I think I got a bad ending because it was too high and looking at the wiki I did ? I think Gin found me or something but I was gone.

So then I went back to my save and went to the person thingy and got rid of it and then i found out i kinda liked that ? i dont know, i have very messed up and unhealthy intentions when i play games and when my character is unstable and shit i make it worse

i really liked the bad ending i got when i think i did the thing three times ?

i like angsty stuff no matter how much it makes me cry

i actually dont remember which chapter and part had what in it but so

one of the things where we were in trial

okay so many things happened the fuck ? okay wait no i think.. so the one with the least and the one with the most points were fuckin put on this wheel thing ? (GIN SOBS) Because so Gin didn't want to take anyones tokens like the fuckin sweetheart he is

but i


that was awful because i was actually attached to gin hard and i just.. NOOOOO

there was so much shit happening there i just cant (I ALMOST TOOK TOO LONG?? IM SORRY)

and then, okay so so later wtiht e h

i dont remember where but in a trial we had to vote either Kanna or Sou. (there was another option but that led to a bad ending according to the wiki)



and so i

im a sucker for villains i voted kanna off BUT IT WAS SO HARD- AND WE COULDNT VOTE ANYONE ELSE?? SOBBING


i just.

im so fucking sorry kanna

it was awful i cant

but then theres more and like

okay so there was Midori in this thing and we were in this game I think it was named like some food thingy- banquet or some shit i dont remember but we were preparing with the other dolls of i think of people who used to be alive that were connected to us then

uhm. i fucked up the minigame lol so my counterpart kinda died (I DIDNT REALIZE HOW TO PLAY????? sobs i missed something and so i think i overcharged someone)

but so then there were these coffins (before that I think Keiji was fuckin trapped in the coffin? AND BURNING OR SOMETHING? I DONT REMEMBER I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD AND I THINK HE SURVIVED SOMEHOW LIKE HOLY SHIT)

but so there weere teh coffins and another game

where you had to guess and had to try to get midori- i dont.. so there was i think a light hint thing that told you whether there was a doll or a human inside, but i dont remember what midoris was.. i think both midori and gin (YES BECAUSE I THINK GIN WAS IN THERE AND WE COULDVE KILLED HIM)

and i just


no cheats buds


bro i think i got almost literally every other doll besides midori and gin

and then i think.. maybe eventually I got midori? i think gin survived thankfully, i dont think i could forgive myself if i killed gin (I dont actually remember- i did record my gameplay and I might have to go back and shit but like i dont even want to know, man)


okay so there was so much more shit with this whole sibling thing with Alice and Reko (I think either both of them died or one of the other did i dont fucking remember what happened- which i know is possible but i just dont remember what i got unlucky with. I think Alice died.. ?)

and theres other stuff

like the fucking MAGNETIC CEILING IN THAT ONE ROOM AND THERE WAS I THINK REKO OR SOMETHING WHO WAS TRAPPED- oh wait i think reko died (because the metal collar that everyone has remember)



theres so many fucking choices that you could do that its just

holy fucking shit man sobs

yttd was a bumpy ass rollercoaster of twists and turns

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2 years ago

why does this make sense-ish

honestly i feel a little like we're overthinking it, like uhh

game theory trying to find lore in like Unus Annus and Markiplier saying something about people trying to find and see something that isnt there or something like that, cant remember the exact words D:

but i see

also holy fuck the lores just getting more complex trying to actually make sense of one thing LMAO???

confused af about Fundy's existence (from Wilbur n Sally.. ??)

okay so. one line has actually gotten the thoughts working

Confused Af About Fundy's Existence (from Wilbur N Sally.. ??)

so actually i dont know if thats part canon but for an odd reason ive seen that in multiple fics and stuff that happens a lot thats similar as fuck is usually canon?

so.. i just (this is so cursed, im sorry if this wasnt actually canon sobs)

having gone through body science stuff in school a bit ago i now realize that this makes zero sense, because if he were to reproduce asexually, then logically, whoever is reproduced out of that would be an exact copy of wilbur since thered only be one set of genes

BUT he fucked a salmon (or did a salmon fuck him? im so confused sobs) BUT REPRODUCES ASEXUALLY?? which doesnt make sense because reproducing asexually means only one parent but if you were to reproduce sexually thered be like reproductive organs for that purpose... i dont know man there are cursed stuff where wilbur got pregnant with fundy?? I DONT KNOW WHY IT HAS TO BE PHRASEd SO WEIRDLY-- i dont know man but i hear the toe on the most

i cant believe this is the part of the dream smp lore that is stumping me the most

..besides philza canonically fucking a smart fridge … ??????

ALSO ALSO can we talk about how wilbur either fucked or was fucked by a salmon, their child had been reproduced asexually (again, dont know if thats canon but it might as well be sobs.)

AND THEN CAME OUT A FUCKIN FURRY FOX HYBRID ?? but there was a salmon and a human/siren/avian-hybrid, whatever people imagine wilbur as a hybrid of as the parents?

no but guys what

can anyone give me an explanation that genuinely makes sense

i mean a lot of people imagine sally a salmon-hybrid but i think that wilbur has stated somewhere that it is indeed a fish and not a hybrid or something? I DONT KNOW ANYMORE my memory cannot be trusted.

theres like so many scenes in so many different fics where tommy says that wilbur fucked a salmon and wilbur corrected him saying that she was a salmon-hybrid and i just


i dont think theres a logical reason to this

i think its just better not to question the logistics of how the fuck that happened..?????


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2 years ago

Honestly think i needed this clarification. While I do know the difference, I am learning some stuff here, and understanding the hermit fandom here and a little bit anywhere else a bit better?? I don't really interact with the community of any fandoms much but this definitely helps since I'm a DSMP fan who's migrated to Hermitcraft and such. I don't think it ever really hit me that c! and cc! don't necessarily mean anything to the content creators themselves and that there isn't actually a difference to them since in a way they are just playing minecraft normally with friends, while the Dream SMP is semi-scripted with their own canon (c!) characters. It's like one of those things you don't really notice until someone points it out to you.

I've been kinda trying to get more into the community though so really glad this appeared on my dashboard, since any other instance of a fandom I've been in, I don't actually do anything with the community, and I'm just kinda there until I get sweeped away by another fandom, and the cycle repeats.

Kinda a little dumb though in my opinion when they went against Cleo, who is a hermit?? Who the non-shippers were like hanging onto every word to like add to probably a whole doc bullet-point list of everything anyone has said? I mean I'd like to think the ones who really did care and were worrying about if the CCs were not comfortable with this understood when Cleo said that-? I mean I wasn't there so I can't really say anything, but I think the non-shippers were kinda just pushing their own believes that 'nO! THiS isNT RIGHT' and eventually getting blinded by that fact to where they did the thing to even a CC who has to do with the boundaries, or at least a part of it.

It makes me feel kinda glad I've been able to avoid all of the topic sides of the fandom (and being able to avoid any harrassment from anyone), but I also haven't posted or written of anything that might be boundary breaking..? Anything I might've was over either a fictional character from a video game, a book series [with a ship that's either almost happened or is technically canon], and that was it, and now I've kinda joined the fanfic writers of the whole thing about RPF and Non-RPF [is there a word for that?] thing and the whole shipping situation (which honestly I haven't actually seen anything?) but in the Hermitcraft and Dream SMP fandoms (there are others but it either branches off of one of the fandoms, or is smaller and kinda dead)

I've just been probably lucky enough for any possibly shippy mcyt fics to be in a non-explicit way, and therefore the non-shippers and the shippers can think of it as either as a ship, or not as a ship? or maybe I've just been lucky with the people that find my content, idk

though hopefully nothing will happen? i dont wanna jinx any of us though but like..

Hermitcraft to me has always had a much more relaxed vibe, and I'd like to think the fans reflect that vibe as well while having energetic moments and stuff. In that way, I've seen much more fluff then I have angst. (honestly the discourse that happened then doesnt necessary match this, but not all fans match the vibe of a show. There are probably hardcore hermit fans though somewhere.)

Dream SMP though is a lot more tenser at times while there are some funny bits, the roleplay there gets really dark sometimes, and I think some of the fans are a little hardcore? I think fans of any fandom tend to adopt some of the qualities of it overall. In this way, I have seen more angst then I have fluff- kinda. It's an odd mix, but I think there are more dead doves, where people delve more into the disturbing bits of the SMP.

I think though, that the Dream SMP has a pretty big fandom [it had a big popularity boost. for hermitcraft though im not sure], and therefore the toxic non-shippers have a harder time trying to do anything and therefore eventually stop at one point maybe? i dunno. maybe its a 'out of sight, out of mind' scenario

but for the hermits, I think it might be a little more personalized?? you dont need to watch everyones pov to get a grasp of every single persons story that then leads into anothers story in the dream smp to be able to understand the entire storyline. You can just watch a hermit of your choice. I think in that way that a lot of them tend to stick to a single creators fandom, like Grian's for example with Evo and the third life series and then just his hermitcraft series from his POV, where I think a lot of people kinda just interact with Grian watchers instead of branching out and actually going into the hermitcraft fandom and interacting with other hermit watchers.

This way, while I think the fandom might be a little close-knit, that things might get a little out of hand when they actually go and branch out to see what the fandoms up to and come across shipping content which I think almost everyone is told is just wrong, and while that is correct (< you shouldnt act out without knowing if the creator is okay or not okay with it), I think just has people going against each other due to their beliefs, like religious beliefs for example, that having sex before marriage is a sin or something (I'm an atheist, so I apologize if I get anything wrong- I think its in Christianity though... Well for some people?-) which gets to really heated debates when questioning really if something is right or wrong, which then leads to the backlash given to Cleo when her thoughts conflicted with a persons belief.

This is all just theory and speculation though. It sucks that what happened then happened, but the least we can do is prove that we've changed? That we can actually handle this now and that we understand that if we don't like shipping, just don't look at it? Don't interact, don't send death threats and all of that??

If a CC ever does decide to interact with us again (I think Bdubs has been in like Hermit twitter and I think maybe tumblr too..??? I dont know) we should try to show that we can manage and won't give such an uproar against their opinions regardless if they go against our own or not.

if something does happen though, I'll be a safe spot- Anything discourse related will most likely be me asking what's happening?. I won't really talk about triggering topics unless I put a warning and therefore you know what you're getting into. I'll just kinda be sticking to my occasional fic recommendations, my own fanfics, headcanons, thoughts, and all the like if you kinda need to fill your dashboard with non-discourse related stuff.

thank you for reading this lol-?? go give the original some love tho

hi vaguely serious messy post about hermitblr and new members and just. letting everyone know that we’ve had history with cc interaction on here before that i think would be useful for people to learn about

Trafficblr/Hermitblr has seen a lot of growth lately, largely in part from people migrating over here from the DSMP side of MCYTblr. This in of itself is completely fine! New people jumping onto the bus with us are always welcome, and the growth of the community as a whole is really nice to see.

However, I have noticed a lot of these newer blogs sharing the same very specific behaviours, and if possible, I’d like to just make a few things about the community and our history clear. Because this isn’t DSMP, and the CCs here handle content creation and their own fanbases very differently to them.

While I’m not going to go in-depth on 2019 since I don’t have nearly as much information about it as other people do, I would like to say that back then, Hermitblr was kind of an active war zone. It was comparable to how Hermittwt is now, with infighting about shipping and similar topics being the norm (however in Hermitblr’s case many of these argument were far more personal due to the smaller fandom size). What I want to point out specifically however, is when one of the CCs, Cleo, was thrown into the community infighting. I don’t remember the specifics of it, but she was sent an ask asking about shipping, and her opinions on it, and eventually dealt with so much backlash that she was forced to leave the site entirely (this post here has a slightly more comprehensive summary, if need be).

Hi Vaguely Serious Messy Post About Hermitblr And New Members And Just. Letting Everyone Know That Weve

I’m just a little concerned, because there seems to have been a slight increase in that demographic of people recently. Specifically, members of the community who want to rely on CCs to dictate what happens in fan spaces; for them to give us bullet point lists of what their exact boundaries are for every single situation.

This rarely ends well. As in, it almost always just causes infighting and hostility. There will always be people making content that will “break boundaries”, regardless of any creator’s wishes. However, this is usually mitigated by the fact that many of these CCs aren’t on Tumblr (at least not anymore….mostly). The problem arises when members of the community attempt to act as Heroes Of Justice, and go out of their way to send asks to other blogs, informing them exactly of how they’ve broken the boundaries of some 40 year old adult. This is all despite the fact that said adult will….never see whatever post went against their wishes. It just encourages policing and this weird superiority….thing, where despite the lack of content creators, people are still fighting to make sure that the site is clean from any possibly upsetting posts.

I say this all while also acknowledging that many of the creators in this sphere also don’t have a very comprehensive understanding of how fandom interacts with their “characters”. To them, “shipping” has always been RPF, and there are so many other aspects of the community that simply can’t be explained easily, as they haven’t been immersed in this culture like we have. This is to say that asking for “boundaries” is likely to get you a very confused and unhelpful answer, as the Hermits have always had a very different way of interacting and viewing their fanbase than the DSMP creators do. There is no “c!” or “cc!” to them, to put it simply.

Essentially, the Hermits are adults. They’ve been doing content creation for years, and I can guarantee you they’ve seen worse things in their lives than art of their Minecraft character kissing another Minecraft character. They’ve dealt with this shit before, and if they wanted it to stop, they’re free to make a post about it whenever want. And yet, they haven’t. They leave fandom up to us. Boundaries and rules and infighting and just…all of that? Let’s leave it to the Twitter users, please. Post what you want, make sure to tag your posts correctly, and we’ll all be fine. 

Also, while I’m going to try not to rehash any discourse about inviting CCs to Tumblr, I also do just want to implore you guys to consider that the environment on Hermittwt is partially the way it is because of the active presence of the Hermits there, with people flocking for attention or a single notice, and obsessively checking posts to make sure they’re not potentially “boundary-breaking” and such. Please just consider that many people are here to avoid the dynamics of that site. Tumblr is a site for fans, not for the CCs. So we create content here for ourselves, and not for them. Having creators join almost always leads to the culture of their fanbase on here changing, with content posted in the maintags being catered more towards them rather than the fanbase. (This isn’t to say that they can’t join!! But at least keeping in mind why many of us are here in the first place and weighing that against potential CC interactions would mean a lot).

I fear that my point may have been lost a little bit, but I hope my explanation at least brings a little bit of light to why many members of the community here are wary of Creators coming over to the site, and also of how many newer blogs tend to treat the CCs. Hermitblr has had some really bad history in the past when it comes to this stuff, and seeing newer fans bring over similar ideas from DSMPblr just worries me a little bit.

TL:DR - Just…please treat the Hermits like the adults they are, and keep in mind they have a very different dynamic with their fanbases to the DSMP creators. Asking for “boundaries” and granting CCs control of the fanbase will likely lead you nowhere; attempting to police fanspaces here just brings up bad memories of times when Hermitblr was a much more miserable place to be in. Plus, if you want CC interactions, please just go to twitter. Nobody here wants to deal with an attempted “cleanse” of the site to make it more palatable to CCs.

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2 years ago

Wishes and Family / DSMP Fanfic [Magic AU + Minors-centic (AND VARIOUS OTHERS)] / Thoughts
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Basically magical au stuff where so theres these kids and teenagers that go missing and its basically so they're probably either dead or ran away.

Basically, so there's two of these fuckin orb things called Exde and Onhe I think? THERES A DIFFERENCE THOUGH! You can't correct me on that because I am awful at spelling.

So they make these contracts with usually pretty young humans because when theyre on like the first growth stage, or so being able to comprehend emotional situations and all that stuff is when magic is at its most powerful.

They are identified by like a bracelet [I think its silver] on their arm and a sort of.. pattern i cant remember on I think their middle finger, on the nail.


Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled, Drista, George, Eret, and like a LOT of others that I can't remember at the moment are called Mags, or 'Magicals' though they don't use that term.

Basically they have like this whole magic thingy

and they get this by making a contract with either Exde or Onhe. Exde I think is the more honest one who actually speaks about EVERYTHING that has to do with becoming a Mag, while Onhe will leave out details that have to be figured out, or you die, because becoming a Mag means you see, in which there are fuckin hordes, chunk thingies i cant remember the name of, mobs, aghhh

The story explains it pretty well while being pretty vague at the start so I'll leave it to the story for you learn from there

its really good though so id recommend it!

spoilers-ish \/

holy fucking shit wilbur you dumb fuck what are you doing why did you say that

oh god


aHAIUHDwDWHishud cause so holy shit stuff is still happening and its like barely been a day and waht the fuck oh shit

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2 years ago

Blog Masterpost (..mostly)

Updated 3/8/2024 Ordered in Oldest-Newest

(btw requests are open, please give them lmfao 🙏 /hj)

To check on my other fic recommendations since im no longer updating this, for all of them I tag #fic rec, #fic recommendation, #fanfic rec, #fanfic recommendation

fandoms that correspond with a post are tagged with that fandom of course

i dont think im gonna keep up to date with this anymore..?? Fic Recommendations

The Children's Rebellion/Revenge (DSMP Space AU - Tommy-centric) by Aria_Cinabun

His name was Tommy Innes, and he was born to touch the stars. Of course, touching the stars was going to have to wait, because he'd lost that dream the moment his parents had died when he was ten years old—the moment he had watched that starship explosion and felt a bit of his heart die with them. He'd lost that dream when he was transported to prison and then to a place called Pogtopia. He'd lost that dream when he watched hundreds of children starve on the streets of Pogtopia. When he and two friends become the lone survivors of the Red Planet's Genocide. When they were rescued, and he was captured again. But maybe—maybe one day, he would regain that dream. Maybe he would hunt down the mass murderer that had executed his friends and gain his revenge—but that day was not now, and now he sat in a prison and stared at the faraway stars. Perhaps there would be people that he could call family again. People he would see again—people whom he had lost years ago. One day. Because he was an Avian, born to be forever alone amongst broken stars. And Avians did not fall unless they wanted to.

Longing for home (DSMP x No Trauma AU - Tommy-centric w/ SBI) by Hydre

When Tommy entered the abandoned building, it filled with life as soon as the teenager took a step forward. Cracked walls were covered with photos, the collapsed stairs were suddenly in perfect condition. And from the room came Wilbur's voice, warm and inviting, devoid of the note of madness that now lurks in his every word. "Welcome home, Tommy." Or; During a late night walk Tommy stumbles upon a ruined old cabin. When he tries to investigate it, coming inside, turns out it's like a door to another dimension, where his family is whole and happy and his problems don't exist.

Wishes and Family (DSMP Modern x Magic AU - Minors-centric [AND OTHERS]) by A_Non_ymousWriter

"-ase be forewarned that your child may be in danger because of the entities 'Ohne' and 'Exde' who are known to contract with children and teenagers. We have yet met an adult 'Magical'. All 'Magical' can be easily identified by the silver bracelet and a colored square on their middle fingernail-" Dropping his soda, Tommy stares at the television while his father and two older brothers stare at him. Stare at the silver bracelet on his wrist and his middle fingernail. "Tommy?" Phil says slowly, a look of disbelief and denial on his face, "Did Tubbo really give you that bracelet?" ----"Tubbo." Tubbo kept his hands behind his back, looking at the wall, guilt and panic growing in his chest as his father, Schlatt, looking desperate and tired. "Tubbo, tell me you're not- Tubbo show me your hands." Tubbo takes in a deep breath, shoulders trembling as he kept his hands behind his back. That's confirmation enough. "Tubbo." --- Ranboo didn't have anyone, he lived alone in his apartment. Which is kind of perfect as he welcomes Tommy and Tubbo inside, both looking haggard and teary-eyed. They ran and came to him. He hugs them both and comforts them.

It's Not Arson, It's Team-building (DSMP Camp AU - TNT Duo-centric) by Bellwether3

Just as he was about to go through the papers, he heard a creak from Cabin 15. He looked up eager to see who he would be sharing his time in the woods with. Whoever was about to cross his path would determine everything about the summer he was about to have. Oh no- Oh God no- Scratch every optimistic thought he had leading up to this point because standing right in front of him was a person who changed everything. The most annoying, entitled, arrogant brat on the property was standing in front of him. “Hello Quackity.” said Wilbur Soot. Or Quackity and Wilbur are summer camp counselors assigned to cabins right next to each other despite their rivalry, and it only gets gayer from there.

The Hermit Archives (HC/MCYT TMA AU - Grian-centric ft. A lot) by Sixteenthdays

A collection of statements from the archives of the VOID Institute.

Switchblade (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by Cacid

"I’m only two minutes late!” Izuku protested. Had he missed the start of an important test? None of the national, standardized tests were supposed to happen this month and even being two minutes late to one of those wouldn’t elicit this sort of reaction. They were discussing their career interest forms today, but that was it. Nothing time-critical was supposed to be happening. “Midoriya, you were reported missing a week ago. No one has seen you for eight days. The police have been combing the city for you.” "I’m sorry. What?” Midoriya Izuku went missing for a week and turned up in a back alleyway with skills he's never even heard of and no memory of how he came by them. He resigns himself to never learning the truth of what happened to him, but he shouldn't waste this chance should he? He could become a hero with reflexes like these.

Datastream (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by TarynMcT

Datastream is known by most of the Underground Heroes and many of the better Spotlight Heroes as a master of surveillance, able to supply information, co-ordinate back up when overwhelmed, they call on medical support when there are injuries, even call in a hero's takedown on occasion. To one Underground Hero, though, Datastream is better known as Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta's nephew.

Complicated Creation (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by Elemental

Midoriya Izuku is medically quirkless, not technically homeless, perpetually exhausted and doing his damned best despite it all. He also sees spirits, which might be cool if not for the fact that a) no one else does, b) they really don't like him very much, and c) he's pretty sure the heroes now think he's a villain working for the League. Aizawa Shota just wants to take down Overhaul, rescue Eri, keep his students alive, get some rest, and find out how this Deku kid knows things he absolutely should not know about his personal life and the Shie Hassaikai case. Unless Nighteye's right, and the kid really is a villain.

Sharing is Caring (MHA Soulmate AU - Midoriya-centric) by Itslivybear

No one knows why, but fifty years ago, people starting getting soulmates. You would find them because you could use their quirks, albeit a weaker version or for far less time than them. Izuku knows he has not one, but two soulmates, something only 1% of people have, but he's quirkless. They don't deserve to be saddled with him, if they can even find him. Then All Might offers him an opportunity to be a hero, and suddenly he has a quirk that he desperately has to hide. Even now, he doesn't feel like he deserves his soulmates, Bakugo helped hammer that home throughout his life. Too bad for him they go to his school, and they aren't about to give up on him now that they know he exists.

Blank Canvas (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by jokeraddict0

All his life, nobody truly believed in Midoriya Izuku's dream of being a Hero. Not his mother, his childhood friend, his classmates or teachers...not even the Number One Hero believes in him. What is a Quirkless boy to do? Show the world it's wrong, that's what. Finally, after years of no one believing him, there was one man who did. After All Might left Izuku on a roof with the answer of 'no', one man who was not a Hero finally told the boy, "I believe you can become a Hero." Izuku wants to prove the man right. Short version: One person, who is NOT a Hero, finally tells him yes, and Izuku decides to become a Hero through the Support Course, making friends along the way.

Beyond the Broken Horizon (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by JoWithTheFlow

About a week after that, All Might asked Izuku if he was aiming for the hero course at UA. The question was so sudden that Izuku nearly dropped a microwave on his toes. The truth was, if All Might had asked him that a week ago, there would have only been one possible answer to that question. All Might had gone to UA, UA was the best, so Izuku was going to go there too, if he could. But things were a little different, now that he was going to receive All Might’s Quirk. “No,” he said, decisively. All Might looked caught off guard, which was a very rare expression on him. “No?” he echoed, like he couldn’t believe it. A laugh bubbled out of Izuku’s throat. He honestly couldn’t believe it either. “No,” he repeated. ___ Or, All Might tells Izuku about All for One before he gives him One for All, and everything changes.

Razzmatazz (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by xylophones

Izuku has plans for everything. He plans out what to say to the cashier when ordering coffee, he plans out his homework before even opening his textbook. He has a whole ten-year plan for how he’s going to get into UA’s hero course and get his hero license fully quirkless. He plans for every wild, unlikely scenario he can think of because his anxiety gets so bad if he doesn’t go through every possible outcome, every way his life could landslide into disaster–– but Izuku never planned for this. For once, he doesn’t have a plan and he doesn’t have time to think of one. All he can see is Yagi-san’s lined, kind face looking resigned as he stares down the villain in his shop. Yagi-san, who is the closest thing to a father figure Izuku has ever had. Izuku doesn’t think. He just moves. (Or: Izuku saves the number one hero, gets a hero license way earlier than anyone wanted, realizes that maybe hero society isn’t as great as he thought it was, and everything just kind of falls apart from there.)

Give Me my Tomorrow With Your Yesterday (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by sensibleshroom

Izuku has lived a million lives. He has seen the secrets of other universes, he has made magic, he has lived a life where all he sees is the possibilities that belong to everyone else. What happens when he is given his own possibilities?

Burn Your Wings (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by oWhiteKiwibird

Izuku inherited his parents’ quirks, but he swore he’d never use his fire. He knows first hand how—bright, burning, scorching, painful, terrifying, destructive—it is, after all, and Izuku promised (promised his crying mother, promised his burning self, promised the laughing memory of his father) that he’d become a hero who stops that kind of despair. Even if he has to burn his own wings to do so. But when someone with the exact same problems, fears, and pain shows up... Izuku can't help but try to heal them. And in doing so, he himself may be healed too.

Swallow the Stars (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by constellationqueen

For years, Izuku suffered through life at the Facility – a villain-run research lab that experimented on Quirkless children. For years, Izuku watched his siblings slowly disappear, one by one, until he was taken into the room that killed them. Strapped to a table, Izuku was forced to stay awake as a dismembered piece of a god – powerful, broken, screaming, and cold – was pushed under his skin. Piece after piece, day after day, Izuku underwent surgeries and experiments until finally, eventually, every part of the god rested within him, powerful and angry and waiting for the perfect moment to lash out. Izuku spent years waiting for a hero to save him, but it turns out that all he needed was the right amount of pain for him to be able to save himself. With the help of a god, of course. The doctors should have known better than to mess with powers they couldn’t control. -- Or, the story where Izuku is forced to be the host of an eldritch god, and Aizawa is more than willing to take him in and keep him safe.

Candor (MHA AU - Midoriya-centric) by OwlF45

It’s the third time Izuku’s hit the pavement face-first.He’s so close to pulling himself up to his knees when a pipe slams through his lower back and pins him to the concrete. His breath leaves him all at once. He tries to scream. He can’t.And the rest of the building falls on him in a burst of smoke and dust. His eardrums shatter, he lays flat against the pavement, spitting red globs of blood, and he tries not to remember red eyes and white hair and—Izuku’s ears pop. Or: The Hero Commission passes a new code that requires all heroes to complete a mental simulation test. For Izuku, the consequences are catastrophic.

De Anno Luctus (PJO x Marvel - Thanos Snap Aftermath) by silverbird6

For once, Percy’s life isn’t a Greek tragedy because of his godly relatives. No, this time it was aliens. In a world where superheroes and demigods coexist, the gods are not as all-knowing as they might think and demigods and mortals alike must rise to the challenges of a new, more dangerous world.

Rise of Cardinal (Batman - Anti-Hero - Tim Drake-centric) by JustThatOneGirl1815

When Tim Drake was 17, he faked his own death. Three years later, a new guy has entered Gotham, with hacking skills that outmatch Oracle’s, a blade sharp enough to cut through bone, and a penchant for disappearing better than the Batman himself. And he’s making a mark on the villain population of Gotham. He leaves no evidence behind, nothing to mark himself by, only the remnants of his kill and a name: Cardinal Or, there wasn't an true anti-hero Tim Drake story on AO3 and therefore I had to write it myself.

Take It Back Now Y'all (Batman - Time Travel - Tim Drake-centric) by TimTheToaster (tabletoptime)

There was absolutely no way this sunshine was from Gotham in April. Not possible. Which meant, Tim was no longer in Gotham, in April. (In which Tim finds himself in the past, and tries to do the right thing. It's more complicated than he'd like.)

Scientific Method (Batman x Harry Potter - Tim Drake-centric) by vogon_poet

It’s not like he’s surprised a magic school exists— that’s probably only a seven on the scale of “crazy things Tim Drake has seen”. No, Tim’s just surprised he’s enrolled.

alone at the edge of a universe by Sarcastic_Metaphor (PJO - Percy Jackson-centric)

The sea is not unlike the abyss; it is deadly, destructive. It hides secrets in its depths and threatens even those that know it well. The sea easily swallows life with no trace left behind. The sea can be quite similar to oblivion. But when the mood strikes them, both the oceans and the abyss can be tempted to create life instead. Or, a complete AU rewrite from pre-canon through all five PJO books: Percy is born a little less human and a little more otherworldly than healthy. With powers he was never meant to have, and a third parent he never wanted, the plans that the Fates originally made for him will be torn asunder.

🔞Harem of a Necromancer by BittersweetAlias, KimpatsuNoHoseki (Harry Potter x Anita Blake)

Harry Potter travels through the world of Anita Blake, book by book. His choices in life change events in the series in unexpected ways. A Harem and Necromancer series starring Harry Potter. Edward never expected a chance encounter in a pub to change things so much. With a new invested interest, lives in St. Louis would never be the same. No one warned Jean-Claude about British wizards. Even if they had, nothing could have prepared him for what Harry would bring to his community. Micah never realized how easy it would be to find sanctuary or family. He wasn't prepared for green, ice blue, sapphire, or color changing eyes.

Last Wishes by i_am_the_imposter_syndrome (Batman)

After dying with the rest of the Bats, Dick is surprised to wake up at all, let alone eight years in the past. Not that he’s about to question this miraculous opportunity. This time around, Dick knows exactly what’s coming, and he’s going to save everyone. Then Ethiopia happens. Batman is too late again, but now it’s Dick who pays, and his second chance at life is over almost before it’s begun. Almost. When Jason finds the list of names among Dick’s things, he’s a little confused. Dick liked helping people, but these children don’t seem to have anything in common, and what Dick wrote about them makes no sense. The kid next door can’t really be stalking them, right? What is a ‘Gnomon’ and why did Dick need answers about it from some social worker? Most bafflingly, who are Cass and Dami and why did Dick scribble FIND!!! next to their names with no further details? It’s too late to ask now, but one thing’s for certain: Jason’s going to fulfill the last wishes of the brother who gave his life to save him, even if it means being chased through Gotham by some blondie wearing purple. It’s what Dick would have wanted. And if he finds a family along the way? Well, Dick would have wanted that, too.

Awake and Unafraid by rebelwriter6561 (TMA)

Martin's new job at the Institute isn't what he was expecting. Along with Tim and Sasha, he's struggling with a disorganized Archive, no direction from their slightly-devious boss, and the growing feeling that they're in danger. Which is not helped by the cryptic warnings from a far too-knowing voice on an ancient tape recorder calling themselves the Archivist.

Too Much Time by hix (TMA - Time Travel)

Lost and alone at the end of the world, Jon decides to try one last idea. It goes wrong, as his ideas usually do, when both the Web and the Spiral decide to interfere with what he’s doing. For once the disaster goes his favor. Mostly. He wouldn’t have chosen to go back in time to when he was eight years old. He certainly wouldn’t have chosen to catch Elias freaking Bouchard’s attention before he’s had a chance to do anything. And he cannot believe that his luck is so monumentally bad that he gets adopted by the man who wants to use him to end the world. Jon has to figure out how to keep Elias away, while saving his friends and the world. And hopefully growing old enough that he can go anywhere on his own and be taken seriously.

where there's a will, we make a way by bubonickitten (TMA - Time Travel)

"So, what does happen if an Eye learns to See within itself? What happens is this: the Archive Beholds the Watcher – and the Watcher blinks first." ________________________ Jon goes back to before the world ended and tries to forge a different path.

leaves too high to touch (roots too strong to fall) by OllieoftheBeholder (TMA - Time Travel)

“’re from the future. In the past. Why?” “You want the short answer or the long one?” “Short,” Martin says after a moment’s deliberation. “Until I decide if I trust you.” The other nods, as if he expected that answer—which, well, if he really is Martin from the future, he probably did. “To stop the world from ending.” They have one last chance to fix this - one last chance to prevent the Eyepocalypse, to save the world - to save their world. It all hinges on which is the greater force: greed...or love.

See the Line where the Sky meets the Sea by The_Floating_World (TMA - Vast!Jon)

When Jon is a child he looks into the infinite abyss of space. The Vast looks back into him.

on laughter-silvered wings by ThatOnePlatypus (HP x KHR - Harry is Skull)

My spin on the Harry-is-Skull AU trope. [1] Dumbledore thinks Harry is in Spain with the Dursleys. The Dursleys thinks he's spending the summer with 'his lot'. And maybe Harry feels a little guilty about lying to them and to his friends about his whereabouts. But if they don't want to tell him what's going on with Voldemort, then he doesn't have to tell them he's taken up stunt-biking, right ? Harry-is-Skull AU. [2] After the curse was broken, Colonello hoped to rekindle his romance with Lal Mirch. After being rejected, he's not sure what he's supposed to do anymore. Enter Skull. - “Okay,” Skull said, nodding as though the shrug had been a whole novel on his feelings. “Want to talk about it, or want me to get my secret stash and get wasted?” “You have a secret stash?” Colonnello couldn’t help but ask, disbelieving. “Duh,” Skull said, looking a bit amused. “How else do you think I coped all those years with you lot?”

just an outsider in the end. by リリス - riris (arurun) (Ass. Class 😭 - OC reincarnated into OC in universe. its good)

"Look, I really didn't mind the fact that I died and reincarnated into Ansatsu Kyoushitsu. I didn't really mind that you gave me a hole in the heart. That was a real dick move, but I didn't complain. So god, Void, whatever, I'm sorry I punched a student. Please recall my demotion into Class E. Please, the moon literally just exploded and I don't wanna be there!" Kuma-sensei did not belong here. He knew better than anyone else that he was just an outsider.

Burn Me With Fire (HP x KHR - Mentor!Xanxus - Harry gets a spine) by Shadowblayze

After the encounter with Quirrell, Harry's world drastically changes. In (sleep) comes a foul-mouthed man with a healthy amount of disregard (of reality). Or, where Harry meets a man who could somehow talk while encased in ice, and his world tilts, spins, and implodes.

The Fairy and the Angel (will kick your ass if you call them that) by IndigosAbyss (Yuri!!! on ice x PJO - Yuri Plisetsky & Nico di Angelo-centric)

Yuri Plisetsky was as normal as you could get. Sure, he was soon going to be an internationally acclaimed Russian figure skater as soon as he was old enough to qualify, but other than that, he was normal. Then he found an Italian boy wearing an aviator's jacket, passed out near the local rink, and suddenly, things... changed. Well, it wasn't obvious at the time. Hell, after the kid left, with a promise to write him letters, he hadn't really been expecting anything except a close friendship and probably a lawsuit as soon as he figured out which kinda neglectful parent leaves their narcoleptic ten year old alone in an unfamiliar country. But Nico di Angelo was an enigma, who brought trouble no matter how hard he tried not to, and chaos inevitably followed. i.e Yuri and Nico are pen pals. Yuri is concerned. Nico is trying not to concern him. It is not working.

The Bat Shaped Bird by Bekbek (Batman - Tim Drake-centric)

Beneath Gotham there is something. Anyone who spends time with their feet on the ground can tell you that much. At the surface level it's goons and scared street kids. Beneath them are the sewers, haunted by endless appetites and the scraping of hide against stone. Beneath that is glowing green, craving warmth of blood and rage, hunting for its host. And even further beneath that is something other. Above Gotham there is something. Anyone who spends time in the city can tell you that much. In the shadows of tall buildings or on outcrops of stone there was movement. Flashes of color or shadows taken form. Ever watchful eyes following the movement of the cities beating heart. Some feared what was above, some feared what was below. But for one... well one craved both.

Trials of Change by Espoiretreves (Naruto Time Travel - Sakura-centric)

Haruno Sakura made a promise. Looking in the eyes of her Shisou and the reanimated Hokage, she took on the most important mission of her life. Go back in time and try to prevent the 4th Shinobi War. Now, Sakura is back to her 5-year-old body, with all the knowledge and haunting memories of the future. She vows to keep her precious people safe and stop certain events from happening, without altering the timeline too much. The trials her emotions and logic put her through have her questioning her very existence, but for the sake of peace, she has to push forward. No matter what.

All Roads Lead by Macchiato_Dreaming (Naruto OC - Tensei / Sand Siblings / Suna-centric)

Generally speaking, one does not personally meet the King of Hell after death unless one has fucked up tremendously in life. Someone becomes no one becomes a prince in the Land of Wind. Tensei of Sunagakure has a hit list, a god of the underworld breathing down his neck, and plenty of time to figure things out while he tries to make this house a home. Hopefully.

Until their leaves fall off by stereden (Naruto Reincarnation - Senju Nawaki-centric)

The first time Nawaki realizes something is wrong, he’s three years old and alone in the room in the attic of the orphanage. That’s not my room, he thinks. “Naruto, do you want to go to Ichiraku’s?” Hokage-jiji asks him when he visits him. That’s not my name, he thinks. Because he’s pretty sure his name is Senju Nawaki. It takes him a while to understand what happened. He died, he remembers one night, waking up screaming from a nightmare that shakes him to the bones because it’s not just a nightmare, it’s a memory, and he remembers running ahead of his team, seeing, too late, the wire as he trips it, and then fire, sound and pain, so much pain, and it hurts and it hurts so much and then… Nothing.

Those Last Few Memories by Ourliazo (KHR Oneshot - Arcobaleno)

In one future, the Arcobaleno band together and try to fight off the Anti Tri-ni-set radiation.

Fixing it before it broke by A_N_O_Nyme (TWST Time Travel - Kalim-centric)

After things takes a turn for the worse during the overblot fight Kalim finds himself suddenly back to his first year right when the first term exams results drop. This is for him the unique opportunity to stop Jamil from overblotting and give him the freedom he wished for. Even if it means Kalim had to end their friendship. It’s not like Jamil would be hurt by it, it had been one sided all along, right? Jamil was secretly freaking out, how did Kalim figure out he lowered his grades on purpose? Since when did that dense idiot pick up on those things? And he didn’t want to be friends anymore?! What was going on here?!

AUs, What-Ifs, Headcanons, & Basically Writing Ideas Dreamtale Twins [Stone Dream] Headcanon Genshin Impact [Cyno & Dottore Meeting] Collei Headcanon (Over Cyno & Dottore - Genshin Impact) Figurines (Dead Deku AU ft. Wonder Duo - MHA) Presence Perception (Izuku's Quirk - MHA) Villain/Vigilante Misunderstanding ('Villain' Deku AU - MHA)

Series & Character Thoughts & Theories (SPOILER WARNING!) The Reckoners Ending [Book Series] Double Life Session 5 [Grian's POV] YHS Taurtis [EP 54] Double Life Session 6 [Scar's + Grian's POV] Next Life Series Hopes King of Scars / Grishaverse [Book Series] The Blackthorn Key [Book Series]

ShadowHunters [Book Series] Helluva Boss S2 Ep1 SCU!Tommy Maniacal Double Life [Group 2-Session 1] Your Turn To Die -Death Game by Majority- [Game] Sam & Colby Ghost Hunting w/ Wilbur & George 3.2 Genshin Archon Quest Samsara Cycles Took No Time? (Genshin Theory) The Owl House Ending (Thoughts)

Bungou Stray Dogs: 55 Minutes (Light Novel - Thoughts HEAVY SPOILERS)

The Vale: Shadow of the Crown (Game Recommendation)

My Fics Posted on Tumblr (..just go to my AO3. I don't post half of 'em here.) Baiting the Guard Dog (Genshin Impact - Cyno & The Doctor-centric) "Let the world completely forget me." (Genshin Impact - Alhaitham-centric) And When You See Me // Just Promise You Won’t (MHA - Midoria-centric) Til I’m the Only One Left Alive // Whether or Not You Hate This Me // It’s Not My Turn to Die (MHA x YTTD - Midoriya-centric)

All of your assumptions start to look presumptuous / If you only took a look around (MHA x BSD - Ranpo-centric) [Speak no Evil, Hear no Evil] (jjk x Assassination Classroom - Inumaki-centric) Follow the Leader (MHA - Midoriya & Second User-centric but i still believe this lie will set me free / it’ll be, as i dreamed, the truth, you will see (that is my belief) (PJO x Batman - Nico di Angelo-centric)

edge of the water (PJO - Percy Jackson-centric)

I know what I look like to you ([A/B/O] Batman/Red Robin - Tim Drake-centric)

For a body without wings like mine / I've been told that hell is a good place for me (HP x Anita Blake - Harry Potter-centric) I know / you want something new / But what else can I do? (Batman - Tim Drake-centric)

Batboys Weekend 2023 in pursuit of knowledge (TMA)

SCU x DSMP Crossover Fics

SCU!Tommy gets revived in C!Tommy’s place in prison.

An Unexpected Visit

A New Start

Interlude: The Hotel

Echoes of a Past Unknown (1/2)

DSMP Archive Statement Fics (The Archivist's Tarot Deck)

Where I'm @ online

They/Them (Nonbinary) / Pronouns

@fictionfixations / Tumblr (You're already here) Pr1nce_Thcseus / MyAnimeList Night (夜) / YouTube UTMVNightLight / AO3

Pr1nce_Thcseus / Twitch

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