gaykai27 - gayboi

I write mxm and mxg!n you can make requests and I will try to write it. my ao3 account is GayKai_27

16 posts

Gaykai27 - Gayboi - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

Yall so I have just started sorts writing on Ao3 and tell me why I have had a panic attack at school, gotten sick twice at school, and now my school got a bomb threat this Ao3 authors curse is so real yall

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1 year ago

Petition to bring back the mishapocalypse for 2023

Reblog if you agree.

Petition To Bring Back The Mishapocalypse For 2023
2 years ago

Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.

I'm trying to prove something.

2 years ago

11th Doctor x G!N reader

Females dni plz

Warning:mentions of self harm

I was scolding myself for doing it again when i said i would stop and spacing out so I wasn't paying attention and didn't hear the doctor calling my name as well as Amy, Rory, and River but then the doctor shook me and I snapped out of it "hmm what is it?" I say and they all look at me with a concerned look "are you alright you were spacing out" the doctor says as he starts inspecting me looking for any signs of ms being hurt and I start freaking out a little knowing sooner or later he would notice and I jump up and say "yeah fine just tired so imma go back to bed sorry" and I can see the disappointment on their faces since today was supposed to be a hang out day but the doctor had even more concern on his face "alright just tell me if you need anything and don't try to hide anything from me cause we all know I'll figure it out, now go on get some sleep" he says anyway and I nod and I see rivers face when I'm turning, she knows I know she does now I just hope she doesn't say anything to him he'd be disappointed in me "make sure to eat too you haven't eaten yet" she says when I'm almost gone I just keep walking and I walked straight past the bedroom and to the library I checked my pocket and I have my phone and headphones and so I grabbed the first book I saw and sat down put my headphones in and started the music then opened the book and started reading.

I finished the book and got another and another then by the time I heard it I had already finished five books I took out a headphone listening making sure it wasn't just my music already feeling on edge going over the many possibilities of what could have happened when I hear the doctor yell my name the worry in his voice makes me both anxious and relived that it was only him but when he yells again I decide that it might be best for him not to find me since I don't hear river ot any of the others and he might have found out and I don't want to see the look on his face so I'll just hide and wait until he forgets so I run up the ladder of the library and go out the door behind one of the bookshelves and run in the opposite direction of his voice with my anxiety getting worse with every turn of a corner thinking he will be there and finally I made to where I wanted to, the pool, I know I probably should have went somewhere else but I didn't know where so I turned off the lights made sure I didn't have any electronics on me and jumped in and I hid at the wall nearest the door so he has less of a chance of finding me and at this point I have tears in my eyes I don't know why I'm so scared but I do, the shame of having to admit to harming myself to him and having to explain it is terrifying and I hear him again "Kai I know your in the tardis she would have told me if you left now come on out I just need to see" and I could hear the fear and sadness in his voice it is what makes my tears start to come out of my eyes or it's the water burning my eyes but I don't come out of hiding cause then we will talk about it and that involves feelings and I don't like talking about mine, I find it embarrassing but when I look up I see him looking for me around the pool and when he sees me I can tell he wanted to just jump in and hold me but I swam to the other side and ran as fast as I could to my room he almost caught up but slammed the door in his face and locked it sitting against It and I could tell he slid to the floor on the other side "Kai please we need to talk it doesn't have to be face to face I know how you can get but please you don't have to do this alone I can help you and so can river and rory and even Amy probably could so please just say something I'll take anything at this point" the emotions in his voice make my heart ache for making him feel like that "I'm sorry" I whisper and I can tell he heard me because he let out a relieved sigh "you did nothing wrong emotions can be difficult and you found a way to deal with it even if it's not a good way" he says and I stay quiet knowing if I speak my voice would come out wrong and would give away that im crying "we don't have to talk about this if you don't want to but just promise me you won't do it again please" and I nod my head in response but then remember that he can't see me so I say "promise" and my voice comes out wavy and a little squeaky "can I come in now?" He asked after a while of silence I don't speak I just get up and open the door he gets up as well and comes inside my room and pulls me into his arms and we stay like that for a minute before we both silently decide to go lay on the bed and he starts humming something and so I ask him what song that is and he says "it's a lullabye from gallafrey, do you like it?" I nod my head and he keeps humming and I fall asleep thanking river since she probably told him.

2 years ago


2 years ago

10th Doctor x G!N reader angst/fluff

Oh my gods when will he shut up? He's been talking for 30 minutes. I think to myself because Davros is really annoying and I'm pretty sure he knows I'm thinking shit about him because he looks at me with a flare and says "are you dizzy yet, y/n?" He adds extra venom to my name and that has the doctor panicking "what did you do to them? If you hurt them in any way I swear I will-" and he gets cut off by Davros saying "oh well I didn't have to do anything to them your little companion did all the work for me and they have been for awhile, isn't that right?" And now everyone is looking at me but I don't speak I just stand there looking at the ground hoping they would just look away and forget everything but that didn't happen and they all just kept staring and waiting so I let my mind drift hoping it would take me somewhere nice and just as I was in a peaceful place, a meadow with two moons in the sky, I got called out of my trance by my mother, Jackie Tyler, "y/n I always knew you were too weak but starving yourself I mean that's just pathetic!" She yelled at me with other means things for awhile before the doctor finally said something "OH SHUT UP LIKE YOU ARE ANY BETTER YOUR CHILD IS THE GREATEST THING IN THIS UNIVERSE AS WELL AS EVERY OTHER BECAUSE THEY DID ONE THING THAT YOU COULD NEVER DO, THEY LOVED, THEY LOVED THE UNIVERSE WITH ALL THEY HAD EVERY LIVING BEING THEY LOVED EVERY SINGLE ONE AND THEY EVEN LOVED YOU SO I AM PROUD OF THEM I AM SO VERY PROUD BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH AND YET THEY STILL KNOW HOW TO AND WILLINGLY LOVE EVERYTHING NO MATTER IF IT WILL HURT THEM OR NOT THEY TAKE THAT CHANCE BECAUSE THEY ARE EXTRAORDINARY AND BRAVE BRAVER THAN YOU COULD EVER BE SO YOU JACKIE TYLER ARE PATHETIC AND NOW THEY GET TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO BE LOVED BECAUSE I LOVE THEM" And for a second everything went quiet but I could hear his hearts beating as fast as they could and I knew in that moment that I love him too and that I will be the only one the ever be able to keep the promise 'I'll stay with you forever' because now I know I need to stay if not for the doctor then for myself because I have always needed him and now I know he will always need me and then we escaped dropped rose and Jackie off in the parallel universe put everyone back where they should be and sailed off into the stars holding onto only two things each other and that promise that no one else was ever able to keep but now someone will and that someone is me.

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2 years ago

Elijah mikaelson x g!n reader sexting


I was in a "meeting" with the salvator gang wishing it would be over not just this meeting but the pretending of us being friends and being nice to them when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I see it's from elijah and no one is looking at me and probably won't even think of me unless they need me as bait or something close to that so I open our messages and my breathing hitches just for a second-before I fix it not wanting any vampire to ask me what's wrong- because I see he sent me a text saying nothing more than "I want you to be on your knees in front of me" and I reply back elijah "I'm busy not rn plz" and I know he won't stop- he loves doing this and if I'm being honest so do I- so I put my phone in my lap waiting for his response and when I get it I read "but why would I when doing this would get you home faster then I could fuck you just how you like" and I curse him in my mind hoping none of the vampires hear my heartbeat speed up "now don't tell me you've got cold feet?" And for some reason that sends shivers down my spine just imagining his voice, him whispering that in my ear "not cold feet I just don't know what to say other than that" I reply hoping that for once he will leave it be because I don't think I can handle it this time but instead he sends a voice chat "you know I can't listen to that rn" and he sends a text "then listen to it when you can but for now I shall tell you all the different ways I will fuck you when your in my sight" and as soon as I read that he Is typing again and I know this will be the worst and the best thing ever and his next text is longer then the rest it reads "as soon as you get inside I will throw you against the wall and devour your mouth then I will turn you around and suck and bite on your neck while opening you up right in the living room where anyone could see us then I will take you to the couch and fuck you slowly at first making you whimper because it will be both to much and to little then I will have you on your stomach while I fuck you harder with my hand around your throat or in your hair pulling you towards me while marking you as mine and then I won't let you cum until I'm almost done with you then I will give you everything at once while I cum deep into your precious little hole and that whole time i will be telling you how good you are for me how you are ment to be mine and only mine, hows that sound darling sound good?" and I only notice I'm not breathing when stefan asks if everything is okay "yeah everything's fine sorry I just forgot to breath I guess" I sat while chuckling a little making damon scoff and mumble stupid human can't even breath properly and stefan throws a book at him for it and for once he doesn't catch it and it hits him on the head making everyone laugh and I send a respond to elijah "if you don't I will rip you apart with my teeth love" Then I put my phone away and thankfully soon after that it's over and we get to leave and in my car I pull over a good ways away from everything and pull out my phone pulling up our messages again and play his voice message from earlier and its says- well more like moans-"fuck y/n get home now please I need you mhmm" Then it cuts off and with that I can't wait that long I dial his number and he picks up "yes" he says already sounding out of breath "elijah I can't wait please just talk I need to cum now I can't wait" and on the other end I can hear him chuckle then he says "get here I can promise you it's worth the wait" Then he hangs up and I speed all the way to his house and luckily no cars are outside so I'm hoping no one is home and as soon as I walk inside he pounces just like he said he would

2 years ago

William Afton x G!N reader nsfw

Warnings: smut, murder?

I have worked for Mr.Afton for a few months now and it's been pretty calm but then again I've never worked the night shift but today I have to work a double shift so day and night, should be fun "y/n hey I heard you got the night shift today why are you here now?" Mr.Afton says "oh well I'm working a double shift need some extra money" I respond and for some reason I think he looked angry but he didn't say anything he just walked away "okay bye then I guess" that was weird oh well

That night

I can't believe they had all those weird rules like it's just dark outside not that much of a difference I do my rounds walking through the halls when I hear a noise from a room that is usually locked so I look through the crack of the door and see Mr.Afton hovering over the person that assigned me the night shift and he looks scared and then I see why Mr.Afton is holding a knife and the next thing I know he is plunging into him with not a single drop of remorse I can see and since I don't want to be next or caught since it would be awkward for him to see that it made me horny. I try to run and I barely get a few feet when I get yanked by my shirt and pushed up against the wall thankfully with my back to him he's holding my hands above my head with one of his and the other is pushed against my back and he leans into my ear and says "well now what am I gonna do with you? hmm, baby?" Making me shiver from his words and his breath on my neck "I won't tell anyone I promise" I say making him chuckle "now why would I believe you? That's what anyone would say, anything to get out alive, right?" He says in response and getting closer to me and all I can think about is his body heat, my breathing gets heavier and I'm hoping he doesn't notice but I know he does when he leans in chuckling a little and takes his hand that's on my back and moves it around my waist and to my thighs then up towards pulsing core and push against it with the heel of his palm also pushing me against him to where I can feel his own hardness against my ass "looks like someone is excited" he says still massaging me through my pants while also pushing me against him "I'm not the only one" I say kinda slurred because of his hand then he stops and i think he's going to drag into the room and kill me and it doesn't send any fear through me instead I feel my core pulse but he doesn't instead he unbuckles my belt and pulls down my pant along with my underwear nd strokes my hole with a wet finger making me gasp in shock then squeeze his hand that I now realize is holding mine entagling his fingers with mine he starts kissing my neck at first sweet and gentle while he pushes a first finger in then he starts nibbling as well while stretching me out with a second finger and by the third finger he has turned my head and is kissing me hard he let my hands go to put his on the back of my head but I keep them on the wall just lower so I'm holding my self up and able to push against his fingers and moan into his mouth when he curls his finger and they hit that spot deep inside me then he stops and takes his fingers out and wipes them off and unbuckles his pants and pushes them down right above his knees along with his boxers and he nibbles on my ear before saying "you would care if I was inside your ithout a condom now would you puppy?" And I shake my head no just wanting him inside me I've been waiting months for this I am not going to back out just because of protection plus he is most definitely clean and he lines his lengthy cock up with my hole and pushes in with one hand on my waits and the other gripping the front of my neck not squeezing hard but just enough for it to be a struggle to breath and he slides in and out of me slowly just teasing me then I can feel the exact moment he loses that patience his cock twitches inside me as I squeeze around his cock and he starts moving harder and faster

hitting that spot inside me making me moan loudly hoping the other workers don't hear then William says "don't worry sweetheart be as loud as you want no one else is here, now go on scream for me" and I let go letting out all my moan being as loud as my body wants me to be knowing this is exactly what he wants because he goes faster and he moves both hands to my waits to get a better grip to fuck me into the wall I feel his breath on my neck he's panting and he bites my neck hard I can tell he just wants everyone to know I'm his and I love it "is this what you always wanted? Huh you always wanted to be fucked by your boss? Be destroyed from the inside our by me, huh? You've always been so good for me and look at you now being obedient letting me fuck you into this wall even after I killed someone infront of you and am Atilla covered in there blood and it's stringing your clothes and your not complaining about it such a good obedient thing only for me and no one else ever right puppy?" He says still pounding into me "yes only yours no one else's I wanna be good for you please let me be good sir please" I practically whimper "of course" he says making me cum hard and clench around him. He thrusts a few more times then cums deep within me and starts kissing my neck lightly as if trying to sooth me through kisses and when he pulls out I almost fall tot the floor barley able to think properly and he picks me up and takes me to a room I don't know where I was to busy nibbling on his neck but he lays me down and right before I fall asleep I hear "if you ever try to leave ill kill everyone you have ever loved and then you so stay and have good dreams my little pet" and it doesn't make me scared and alert like it should but instead it makes me calmer and I soon drift into a deep sleep hoping he is there when I wake up

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2 years ago

God!Chuck Shurley x Male!reader nsfw

Females dni plz


Chuck shurley god

"I can't believe Becky called us here just so she could see Sam like wtf we have things to do" I thought to myself as we head inside "but I could use this time to have some fun" thinking to myself I could tell the boys were confused as they took in their surroundings but I knew right away what was going on and I find it wonderful how laughable their faces are and as chuck is on stage I think to myself "now or never I can't wait to see his reaction" and I use my magic to touch just faintly against his tip he twitches but thinks nothing of it just like everyone else and I keep doing it getting more reactions from him that the audience doesn't seem to notice he is really good at holding in his reactions "well then we will just have to try something else" I think then I use my magic to stroke his length and push against his rim not wanting to pass it but just wanting to tease him he let's out a groan and covers it with a chuckled choke almost which gets me smirking to myself and he looks at me and I hear his voice in my head "stop it" and so I put into his mind "make me" and with that he starts playing with my hole and tip making me suck in a breath then grit out to sam and dean "I'm going to the bathroom" and then run out knowing I can't hold in noises when he pleasures me and I'm hoping that he gets the q&a over with but I know it will be another 15 at least and so I hide in the bathroom locking the main door behind me and I try to keep quiet while he continues to play with me now starting to twist my nipples and everytime I get close to cumming he either stops touching me or squeezes around my base tight not allowing me to cum while he's not there with me to enjoy it luckily that only happened twice before I hear the door unlock and see him walk through and he sees me kneeling on the floor looking wrecked and being flush red with my hands stuck behind my back since he didn't want me to touch myself and cum he pulls me up and bring me into a stall then he pushes me back to my knees and unbuckling and unzipping his pants and dulling them down only enough to take out his enormous dick already hard from me teasing him and him imagining what I looked like we don't speak so I know he wants us not to talk since it might get us caught "I know you've been bad but I want you to suck" he thinks into my mind making me almost drool and I grab his dick and put the tip in my mouth sucking lightly then he puts his hands on my head and grabs my hair tight and pushes my head down to his pubes and holding me there until I almost pass out then he takes me off and watches as I pant and hold onto his legs with my head against his thigh then he lifts my head up and pushes it back toward his dick and this time I go all the way down by myself but I keep moving only slowly until he starts moving my head faster by his grip on my hair I can feel it hitting the back of my throat but luckily I don't have a gag reflex and he knows that he's always known just like I've always known he was God from the first moment I saw him I could feel the power dripping off of him no matter how hard he tried to hide it and now he was using that power to fuck me senseless and it was working I could barley think by the time he was pulling my mouth off his dick which is still hard telling me he hasn't cum yet then I hear in my mind "get up and stand against the wall I wanna be inside you already" and I obey then I also hear "always obeying just like my good little bitch should" and my knees go weak from hearing those words and I feel him unzipping my pants and he pulls them down along with my boxers to sit around my ankles and he pins me against the door spreading my legs apart and he makes lube appear then he lubes up his fingers and starts by sticking just one in and I start to make a noise but is stopped by his hand latching around my throat cutting off me from making any noises and he sticks in another finger roughly scissoring me open while he bites the little space of skin that is now uncovered.

He adds a third finger and this time he's going slow still half pissed at me for what I did to him while he was on stage then he takes them out and wipes them on his jeans and takes his hand off my throat and moves it to my waist along with his other one and when I lay my head on his chest he takes the opportunity to kiss me sweet and gentle and nothing like the way he's been treating me and then he pushes his slick cock inside my hole and I let out a whimper trying to be silent and right as he was all the way in the door opened "really chuck you left the door unlocked!" I think yell towards him then I hear dean and sam start talking "he's not even in here wow what a reliable guy I keep telling you we should stop bringing him sam" "yeah well he gets us out of bad situations so Bobby wants us to take him everywhere" I hear sam respond to dean then chuck starts moving again not fast enough to shake the stall but enough to make me want to cum right there on the spot "he's weak we don't need him following us around he doesn't even look at women or men for that matter like wth is wrong with this guy" dean says which I almost chuckle to since I'm being fucked hard into a stall then chuck speeds up and I almost moan but he puts his hand over my mouth and now he's going fast enough to shake the stall and he lifts my leg up getting a better angle and hitting my prostate head on over and over again making me moan loud enough for them to hear and with that they ran out of the bathroom "so good for me not making a noise except for when I wanted you to see I knew you could be a good boy I knew you could be a good boy for this at least you have always been a little whore for me always wanting me to fuck you until you can't even speak anymore you'resuch a good little whore for me aren't you" I hear chuck think to me making me see stars "I know you're close baby I know you're so close and I know you want to cum but you've been bad haven't you you teased me on stage just to get to cum well now it's not going to happen" and with that I felt something on my dick and I look down to see he put a cock ring on it stopping me from cumming and with a few more hard thrusts he cums deep inside me and with a snap of his fingers we were clothed and cleaned up and he unlocked the stall and left leaving me painfully hard

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2 years ago

Elijah Mikaelson x male!reader nsfw

Females dni plz


I was alone in the house for once my best friend had gone out for a girls night or something and so I let my thoughts wonder and of course they led to him I thought about him talking at first the conversation we had when we first met then it drifted to conversations that have never happened him talking about how much he loves every inch of me my eyes, my hair, my stomach, my thighs, my di- too far we can't go there I scold myself then I think about him telling me about his day what he did as if he was there then I imagined him touching my face brushing my hair out of the way then my neck telling me how much he wants to kiss every inch of me fuck it already gone this far when I imagine him unbuttoning my clothes I do it so it's real and when he touches my nipple I follow it I(he) takes off my shirt and throws it on the floor I(he) moves down to my pants slowly unzipping them then pulling them down and throwing them across the room along with my boxers then taking my dick in my(his) hand stroking it slowly and I would slide my thumb across the slit making me whimper loudly and soon I went a little faster not being able to think about anything except how I wish he was here and moaning his name when I squeeze my tip when I heard something from my door I snap open my eyes and see him standing there leaning against the doorway with his hands in his pockets and his legs crossed I jerk the covers to cover me and can feel my face heat up "Elijah um I-uh let me explain?" I say making him chuckle which sends shivers down my spine "there is no need to explain y/n" he says as he walks over to my bed toeing off his shoes and taking off his over coat "do you want me to get undressed, get on the bed with your legs around my waist, use my fingers to open you up, then fuck you until you can't walk anymore?" He asks which makes me blush harder and makes my mind go blank for a second until he makes a questioning sound bringing me back

"I-um I do but I think I should tell you I-uh" I start but start to get embarrassed so I stop and Elijah says "go on y/n your safe with me" and that made me try again while looking down and fiddling with my hands "I've never slept with someone before" he huffs a breath close to a laugh but not one "if you still want to I'll go gentle. I would never hurt you darling" he says looking into my eyes with such love I think my heart might explode "please" he starts unbuttoning his shirt and takes it off throwing it on the floor then starts unzipping his fancy ass pants and putting them next to his shirt leaving him only in his boxers and throws the covers off of me then he crawls onto the bed and spreads my legs and wraps them around his waist just like he said he would and he leans down and presses his lips to mine placing his hands on my hips rubbing my sides and slides one of his hands up to my collarbone he doesn't push down he just keeps it there and he pushes his tongue against my lips silently asking me to open open them for him and I gladly obey and he pushes his tongue into my mouth exploring every part of my mouth his hand moving down to my chest to roll my nipple in-between his fingers making me suck in a breath once he take his tongue out of my mouth then he moves his head to my neck and starts sucking on it trying to find my sweet spot and soon finding it making me gasp I put my hands on the back of his head pulling him closer making him chuckle and then ask "are you ready for me to open you up for me?" To which I nod my head yes and he reaches over to my nightstand and opens the top drawer and pulls out my lube "how-uh how did you know that was in there?" I ask and Elijah just kisses me and says "I saw that over there and was just hoping it was there" Making me blush and look over and see my dildo sitting on the floor from where I threw it after I was done with it last time and Elijah just kisses my cheek and says "don't worry nothing to be embarrassed about darling"

turning my head back towards him then sitting up putting lube onto his hand warming it up then he looks at me while he presses a finger on the rim of my hole not yet pushing in but pressing enough to make me squirm with his other hand he starts rubbing my stomach as a way of soothing me "it'll feel good soon I promise" he says as he presses his finger in slowly watching my face for any signs of distress as he continues watching me moan and whimper under his touch and reaching my hands above my head to grab at the headboard and arching my back as he adds another finger scissoring me open and as he adds another finger he freezes once he sees and pulls them out and is about to touch my face with them but stops and uses his other hand wiping away the tears and says "hey I didn't hurt you did I? I didn't mean to" Then he sees me smile and I start laughing "no you didn't it felt amazing I don't know why I'm crying I want more please Elijah" he is surprised by it at first but then smiled and went to lube up is hand again but I stop him and say "no I need more than that please Elijah I want you inside of me please" so he stops and thinks about it for a second before saying "we don't have a condom-" and I cut him off and say "it doesn't matter just please I don't care i just want you" he hesitates for a moment but continues when he sees the pleading look in my eyes and he grabs the lube and spreads it on his cock only slightly wincing at the coldness before lining up with my hole and pushing in slowly until he was all the way in not moving except for leaning down to kiss my lips the resting his forehead on mine and looks at me asking if I'm ready and I shake my head yes and he starts moving slowly my hands find their way to the back of his head pulling him in to kiss me while he slowly picks up his speed and he lifts me up with him to where I'm sitting on him getting a better angle and making me moan into his mouth then he moves his mouth

to my neck pressing open mouth kisses on my sweet spot and I feel his fangs against my neck I push his head closer and moan and this surprises him. He pulls away and asks "do you want me to bite you? Want me to leave bite marks all over your skin? Mark you as mine for everyone to see? Hmm is that what you want, baby boy? Want to be only mine for all eternity?" Go faster with every question I just let my head fall backwards still holding his head trying to get him to take the hint and he does he leans forward elongating his fangs and bites my sweet spot then licks it clean still thrusting into me he moves one of his hands to wrap around my shaft and stroking it in time with his thrusts making me moan loudly "fuck-Elijah I'm so close ngh please" he then moves to have his mouth next to my ear and whispers "Then be my good boy and come for me" and with that I tip over the edge releasing on his stomach and mine clenching around him making him cum deep inside of me biting my neck adding to the pleasure of my climax he stays still for a second then starts peppering kisses everywhere he can reach whispering how good I was for him then he pulls out if me and lays me down on my back then goes and gets a wet washcloth and a glass of water handing the glass to me and wiping me down with the cloth and when I was done with the water he sets it down on my nightstand and throws the cloth with the rest of our clothes when he's done with it and crawls into bed next to me and wraps his arms around me pulling me close and after awhile he says "I know this might be a little too soon but I love you y/n" which makes my heart flutter then I respond "I love you too I always have. I will love you, always and forever, Elijah" which makes him chuckle and which confuses me "what was it something I said?" I asked, to which he replied "no it's fine. Always and forever." And then he drift off into sleep

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2 years ago

Eddie munson x G!N reader masturbation

Females dni plz

Warning:nsfw, masturbation, sub eddie if you look closely

You invited Eddie over because you were bored. You didn't think it would go this badly. Currently he is lying on your bed looking bored out of his mind while you are sitting on the floor being bored out of your mind. "So wanna watch a movie? I could go get snacks for us at the store?" You decide to say and he says "alright just don't forget to get some monsters and sweets not just spicy" and with that you are out the door and in your car leaving him alone in your room which he thinks is a good thing since he has been trying so badly not to get hard while he thinks of all the things you could do to him shit shit shit not now God why does he do this to me eddie screams at himself for getting hard but after awhile of sitting there on your bed with your smell in the air he can't help but touch himself a little imagining it's you palming him through his jeans before he snaps himself out of it thinking it would be really bad dif you caught him doing that and never speak to him again so he goes to the bathroom and locks the door turning on the loud as ac so you don't hear him if you get back and he's not done yet he sits on the toilet and unzips his jeans pulling them and his boxer down and takes his dick in his hand not moving just yet but rubbing his thumb over the slit thinking it's something you would do to him then he starts moving his hand slowly up and down twisting has hand and the closer he gets the faster he goes trying his hardest to not moan biting down hard on his bottom lip almost making it bleed "ngh y/n" "yes eddie" you call back making him freeze he doesn't know how he didn't hear your car pull up or you walking up the stairs "Eddie is everything alright" you ask starting to get worried "um I was just wondering if you got the good monsters" he says still slowly strocking himself not wanting to get caught but still loving the idea and your voice "yeah I did. Are you okay?" You ask as he's reaching his climax "yea-ah ngh" he tries to respond but gets cut off by moaning from his climax "Eddie I'm coming in" and that's when it hits him he didn't lock the door properly so you open It and see him sitting there cum on his hands and thighs a little bit on his face panting and red you freeze "I've always wanted to see you like this but I wasn't expecting it to be today" you say surprising him "get cleaned up and let's watch the movie I got Buffy the vampire slayer" you continue then walk off like nothing even happened

2 years ago

Rainsford x General zaroff nsfw

Females dni


Rainsford was sitting in the tree thinking he was safe. He thought he had lost him. He was wrong. Next thing he knew the general was pulling him down from the branch and pinning him to the trunk with him facing him. So this is how I die bastard wants me to face him while he does it damn it why did I think he would be good for me might as well do something to throw him off he thought and so he leaned in and put their lips together and the general froze thinking of what to do next. And next thing you know he is deepening the kiss and trying to pry open rainsford's lips and devouring his mouth disconnecting only to breath and then their mouths are back on each other but this time the general moves to his neck and bites and sucks until he finds rainsfords pulse point making him moan and whimper but try to keep himself quiet not wanting to give the general anymore satisfaction from it since he is a murderer "keep those sounds from me anymore and I'll kill you right on the spot, darling" said the general making rainsford let out a whimper not daring to hold back from fear of dying and this ending "that's it good boy" the general says now moving his head to look at Rainsford seeing his disheveled look and pleading eyes I have never seen eyes like that at least not for me the general thought but not daring to show affection and look weak "take off your clothes and get on your knees, rainsford" the general said making the other man confused and startled "its either that or death, love, you decide" and after that rainsford was quick to comply feeling embarrassed about showing so much to someone for the first time. Then general zaroff starts unbuckling his belt and pulling them down only enough to show off his 6 inch dick making rainsford both scared and even more turned on "don't be scared you can touch it you've been good" the general says and so he does he reaches out and takes his girthy dick in his hand and gives it a few strokes before the general puches his head towards it in a silent way of saying suck please and he from now on wants to listen to every command

given to him by zaroff no matter if silent or not so he leans forward and put his mouth on the tip trying to get a feel of how it would stretch his mouth and jaw and with zaroff getting impatient he pushes rainsford all the way down and only sucks in a breath before he is ruthlessly fucking his face and whispering how good he is and feels around him but stopping when he is about to cum and hears the other choking so he pulls his head away and says "stand up and turn around I am going to fuck you against the tree unless you want to go back to hunting that is?" Raisnford shakes his head and gets off his knees and does exactly as the general said. With rainsford up against the tree legs spread apart waiting for what's bound to come but it's not what he expects instead he feels a wet finger press against his hole not going in but pressing on the rim making his legs shaky and his hands try to find a place to hold onto so he doesn't fall "oh god" rainsford says to which the general replies "God can't help you now" before sticking his finger into his hole and pushing against his prostate which makes rainsford moan loud and scratchy music to my ears the general thought now moving inside of him curling his fingers and adding another over and over until he thought it was enough leaving rainsford barley coherent only mumbling please and more over and over until the general took out his fingers wiping them on his pants before taking his aching member in his hand and moving to line up with his hole and press against not going passed the rim just yet but putting enough pressure to make rainsford whimper and that alone makes him push all the way inside and giving no time at all he sets a brutal pace that makes the other scream and plead but neither know whether it is to stop or for more but the general hopes it's the one he's going with and so he goes faster and harder making rainsford whimper and moan "general, general ung please"

"use your words or I can't help you"

"I want to cum please please let me cum general!"

"Well since you asked nicelyif you can come only from me fucking you and no help then I won't stop you" and that pleases rainsford because he starts mumbling "thankyouthankyouthankyou" before cumming with a scream and clenching his tight hole around the general making him thrust one last time before cumming deep within him with a groan it took them awhile to regain feeling in their bodies but when they did they pulled away from each other and the went back to the mansion and lives happily ever after and the general agreed to no longer killed humans and when he got bored he would chase rainsford down and when he caught him, he would fuck him into ablivion.

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2 years ago

9th doctor x gn!reader nsfw

Female dni

Warnings: making out, and smut

Also this might be bad because it's only my second post 🙃

I wonder when he will be back I'm getting bored of just washing dishes and doing normal things I want adventure and fun thinking as they are washing the dishes when they hear a familiar noise the tardis turning off the sink and running to get ready and running to where they think the noise is coming from almost running into the man himself if he didn't get stopped looking up at him before saying "doctor oh how I've missed you! Where have you been?!" The doctor chuckled a little at the excitement in their voice "I was traveling, thinking, just needed a little bit to wrap my head around something." Making the other person tilt his head and put on a confused face before asking "wrap your head around what?" The doctor didn't answer just smiled took their hand and started walking towards the tardis. Making the other person even more confused.

At the tardis

When they are both inside is when they ask again "doctor what have you been thinking about exactly? You still haven't told me" making the doctor get an almost sinister grin on his face making the younger of the two feel fear and horny at the same time. The doctor started walking towards the other keeping eye contact making the other take a few steps back until they were against the doors and the doctor was face to face with them "you" was all he said before grabbing y/n and crashing their lips together into a slow and loving kiss making the younger of the two freeze before kissing back only breaking apart when they push the doctor away making him put on a confused face before realizing it was because they were out of breath. Stopping and sitting for a second and letting y/n catch their breath and come back from whatever other world their mind went to before the doctor broke the silence by saying "so how do you feel?" Confusing the human with him voicing that asking "About what?" "Um about me I guess." Making them remember that the doctor had just confessed to them "well I've been thinking about you too and I really like you a lot." Making the timelord blush a little before saying "so does that mean you will go on a date with me?" Saying that made a ping of confidence and something else conjure inside the other allowing him the strength to flip their leg over the doctor's "we could do that or" they said as they got closer to his ear "we could do something else?" Making the doctor blush at what he was insinuating "well it's been awhile since the last time I ever-" y/n cutting in saying "it's alright I haven't ever" getting a little shy after saying it out loud "oh well then I guess we can learn and relearn together then?" Leaning in to kiss them again meeting each other halfway.

With the kiss getting heated the doctor's hands find their way to y/n hair and y/n's find the doctor's waist pulling their hips together grinding making them both pant and moan "wait wait" the doctor says trying to stop the movements and succeeding and making y/n confused and scared they did something wrong "let's take this to the room,yeah?" The doctor says easing the others worries them both standing up and walk to the room barley able to keep their hands off each other so they decide on kissing the doctor's neck and trying to tease his nipples through his shirt making his knees weak so they stop still trying to get them both in the bedroom and soon they are inside the room with the doctor up against the door trying to get his shirt off but struggling when the doctor is gripping their hips grinding them against him distracting them enough for the doctor to flip them around and put the other against the door kissing them then steeping back and taking off his shirt making the other do the same then walking towards them again and put his lips against their skin searching for that spot only knowing he found it when they let out a strangled breath and reach their hands to tug on the doctor's hair trying to connect their lips but the doctor take their hands and puts them above their head and breaking away from their neck to say "i wanna get you ready for me" and the other only responding by shaking their head.

The doctor leading them both to the bed laying them down and placing his hands on the belt looking up for permission making the other shake his head before unbuckling their pant and pulling them down along with their boxers making them shiver by the cold but quickly warming up when the doctor started kissing the inside of their thighs and rubbing their sides before stopping his lips to ask "if your ready get the lube out of the drawer next to you" and the other thought about for a second before reaching over to open the nightstand and grabbing the lube and handing it to the doctor who took it thankful that they weren't having second thoughts before opening the bottle and moving the other to be in his lap facing towards him with their arms around his neck going in for a kiss and as soon as their lips connect the doctor let's out a noise close to a whimper and he starts lubbing up his fingers and warming it before rubbing a finger on the outside, making the other twitch and he continues but not for long before he is pushing a finger inside to the first knuckle barley moving his finger around with y/n now hiding In his neck biting him when he moves out "be gentle please" the doctor says chuckling. Feeling that they are now ready he adds a second finger doing the same but after awhile starts making a scissoring action to open them up having them now squirming on him and moaning into his neck and slightly rocking their hips toward his fingers making the doctor think they were ready for a third finger going faster this time and deeper until it was almost to the fourth knuckle y/n now moaning loudly and whimpering "please doctor!" "I know just wait a second" he says before pulling his fingers out and putting y/n on their back on the bed then getting off the bed and finally taking off his pants and reaching into the drawer and pull out a condom before ripping it open and rolling onto his dick and getting back on the bed and pulling y/n into a kiss then getting the lube and putting some on his length before hovering over them looking into each other's eyes asking a question and all the other does it nod before whimpering a "please" and that's all he needed for him to push into them slowly rubbing his chest for comfort "move please I need this" y/n practically moaned after awhile making the doctor's hips move automatically jerking into them making them moan more than before. The doctor continues snapping his hips out and back in having y/n kneeing "doc-tor I-" y/n tries to say but is cut off by the thrusts "I'm clo-" getting cut off again by themselves cumming catching them both off guard the doctor stops thinking you shouldn't go anymore because they finished but then they say "keep going" Making the doctor confused "I want you to cum too so please" assuring him that it's ok so he starts off slowly then picks up speed and is soon chasing after his own orgasm making one last hard deep thrust cumming in the condom wishing it wasn't there so he would be able to see it dripping out of them but quickly stops those thought to pull out, take off the condom and get a wet wash cloth wiping down y/n and himself before climbing into bed again cuddling next to them "I love you" is the last thing y/n hears before going into a deep slumber.

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2 years ago

Castiel x Dean x male!reader nsfw

Females DNI

Warning this is my first fic so it might be bad also NSFW

I thought I was alone in the bunker since most of them had gone on hunts so I was listening to music and dancing around the bunker with my eyes closed when suddenly I feel two pairs of arms wrap around me and I open my eyes and see dean in front of me and so castiel must be behind me I check and see it was "hey I thought you guys left like everyone else?" I said "oh we were going to but another hunter took the case so we headed back" dean said "oh ok" I said trying to hide the fact that I was getting hard from the fact that cas was biting and sucking on my neck but when he got to that spot I whimpered a little and that made dean chuckle then say "I was wondering when you were going to give in" Then he attacked my lips and when cas found that spot and moaned it gave dean the opportunity to stick his tongue into my mouth fighting for the dominance he already has "let's take this to the room just incase someone comes back" cas says stopping his attack on my neck. When we get to the room they take no time to push me on the bed and start getting undressed telling me to do the same. "Get on your hands and knees" says dean and I immediately obey I hear the drawer opening and look over to see cas getting out the lube and condoms (practise safe sex people) then hand them over to dean and he gets on the bed infront me "suck" he says talking about his big girthy dick infront of my face and I do taking in a little at first then cas takes control holding the back of my head setting his own pace. Dean is behind me lubing up his fingers and warming it up before he's shoving a finger in me almost making me choke on castiel "relax it will feel good soon sweetheart" dean coos while trying to stick in another finger making me moan around cas making him whimper and that send deans patience out the door making him put on a condom and lubing it up and put his veiny cock inside me already setting a brutal pace making me moan and send castiel over the edge shooting his load down my throat which I swallow gratefully and dean bites down on my shoulder making me lose it and cum all over the sheets clenching around dean making him cum with a groan. After awhile he pulls out and take off the condom and go get a wet towel and two cups of water assuming he already drank his handing the water to me and castiel and wiping himself down the us and we take off the sheets and sleep on the bare bed not wanting to get new sheets at the moment. "Goodnight my loves" I say right before falling into a deep sleep.

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2 years ago

Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.

If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals