gaywriterthings - tina belcher supremacy
tina belcher supremacy

just a 🏳️‍🌈 loser who might like Bob's Burgers, SpongeBob, TAWOG, and The Simpsons a bit too much.

57 posts

Question 6 From Parts 1 And 2 For The BB Asks If You Want!

Question 6 from parts 1 and 2 for the BB asks if you want!

1. favorite burger of the day?

easy. "Say It Ain't Cilantro Burger - (Doesn't come with cilantro. Because cilantro is terrible.)"

it's just so unnecessary and so funny. like is it just a regular burger but more expensive?? it's hilarious and i love it

2. Which joke had you crying with laughter?

not so easy. there's so many great jokes in this show it's hard to remember, but i will start crying laughing at just about anything if i'm tired enough. but bonus points if the joke is from tina- if it's her i've got a much higher chance of crying laughing, she's just so naturally funny sometimes and her lines are always golden

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More Posts from Gaywriterthings

1 year ago

i've been very excited to post my @seemoreseymoursbay day 2 art lmao

Romantic Relationship Day

I've Been Very Excited To Post My @seemoreseymoursbay Day 2 Art Lmao

i don't think y'all can understand how much i love these losers ☹️

they're so sweet and silly. i've made compilations about them i've found ways to add their relationship into what bobs fics i could. i absolutely adore their progression from unrequited love to friends to lovers to best friends who i like to think still have crushes on each other but don't make things awkward.

courtney fell first, gene fell harder. like, c'mon, the song he wrote for her in "The Gene & Courtney Show"??? fucking love that ep btw

i could talk about them for quite a while but i did do another art piece for today so i'll shut up

I've Been Very Excited To Post My @seemoreseymoursbay Day 2 Art Lmao


this is a scene from my my fic about him. it was a bit of a sasha character study PLUS DUNCAN because i think he's sweet and i think sasha's gay and i think they're boyfriends. again if you know me i've talked about them before and you know how much i adore the ship. i could talk for a while about them too so i'll just keep this short and sweet and link the fic for y'all <3
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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1 year ago

i've got 3 artworks for @seemoreseymoursbay day 4 because i did nothing for tomorrow!!

Platonic Relationship Day

I've Got 3 Artworks For @seemoreseymoursbay Day 4 Because I Did Nothing For Tomorrow!!

first up tina and susmita!!! this one is a scene from my gene death fic, mentioned in yesterday's post.

tina needs a best friend, especially because the friends in her group really aren't great most of the time. and ever since her introduction in season nine's UFO No You Didn't, susmita seems like the PERFECT person to fulfill that role! i love their friendship and feel like susmita should be a far more prominent character than she is. gene and louise have established best friends, AND TINA DOESNT PLEASE

I've Got 3 Artworks For @seemoreseymoursbay Day 4 Because I Did Nothing For Tomorrow!!


i won't waste much time explaining why, i'll just drop two clips from season four's Fort Night. darryl and louise's dynamic in that episode is fucking golden and i wish they brought it back even just once

I've Got 3 Artworks For @seemoreseymoursbay Day 4 Because I Did Nothing For Tomorrow!!
I've Got 3 Artworks For @seemoreseymoursbay Day 4 Because I Did Nothing For Tomorrow!!

another screenshot redraw! might be my favorite piece of the week lmao.

THIS TRIO IS SO FUCKING GOOD OKAY and the reason i love them so much is season six's Stand By Gene, the episode the screenshot is from. a year ago i compiled their scenes in that ep and posted the video right here, if you want to see why exactly im this crazy about them. (it's only a minute long and i'm mad about it) they're fucking hilarious and simply wonderful i hope they hang out like this again

not to mention that jimmy jr and jocelyn were the original ‼️ friends ‼️ before tammy came along! they were hanging out a whole season before that bitch's introduction. i like to think that even after both tammy and zeke moved to seymour's bay and became best friends with jocelyn and jimmy jr respectively, jocelyn and jimmy jr still hang out often. maybe even have some girly sleepovers together. definitely watching romcoms or hallmark movies during the holidays. and they DEFINITELY gossip and talk shit together (about tammy a lot too). she's like the sister he never had!!

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1 year ago

Finally, I've decided to share the official link to the cover of Stayed Gone from Hazbin Hotel I did with @numberonetinabelcherdefender, who did such a fantastic job as Vox.

They were so wonderful for doing this with me so fast!! And fun fact, they've also made some of the best Bob's Burgers compilations, including the Gene Belcher Being Underrated one that I've talked about here in the past!!

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11 months ago

I think from now on it'll be a regular occurrence for me to advertise whenever the Wagstaff Drama Club releases a new Bob's Burgers cover via @devilh0rnsinc's YouTube Channel!

We tackled Lucky Ducks from The Bob's Burgers Movie, and it was so much fun to do. I got to play the "iconic" role of Carnie #5 (the one who says, "And our misdemeanors, now we sell fried dough and weiners!")

@numberonetinabelcherdefender was also a part of this as Tina, and part of the backup singers. @devilh0rnsinc also was part of the backup singers and edited everything!! All the love in the world shall go to them for editing all of this and making it possible. They're such a wonderful singer, by the way!!

@sydney-sawyerr was also a part of this as Louise, and she did such a fantastic job!!

I would tag everyone else too, but I don't think the rest of the singers have Tumblr!! Definitely go check them out on their other Socials, though!!

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1 year ago

End Of Year Fic-Writer ask meme:

This has been a long, weird year, and if you’re like me, you wrote a whole whack of fic over the course of it. So here’s a bunch of questions to ask about that:

What’s your personal favourite thing you wrote this year?

What’s your least favourite thing you wrote this year?

Which of your fics was most different from what you usually write?

Which of your fics this year was most successful?

Which of your fics do you wish was more successful?

What’s your favourite piece of dialogue you wrote this year?

What’s your favourite piece of description or narration?

Which fic this year was most fun to write?

If you could go back and change something about one of the fics you wrote this year, what would it be?

What, if anything, are you going to try to do differently in your writing in the new year?

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