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Most People Do Not Adhere Toanyreligion - Because At Heart, They Dont Believe What Is Taught By That

Most People Do Not Adhere Toanyreligion - Because At Heart, They Dont Believe What Is Taught By That

Most people do not adhere to any religion - because at heart, they don’t believe what is taught by that belief system is TRUE.

For example, when people see elaborate temples full of candles, incense, and endless statues to strange looking idols, practicing animal sacrifices and performing strange dances, or large cathedrals or mosques they think…Why? What’s the point of going to church service every morning and lighting candles, praying five times each day or following a strict tenant of laws and behavior. None of these things seem logical, acceptable or point to “a way to TRUTH ”.

That leads us to Christianity, which on the surface is the most seemingly un-true and un-believable faith of all. Here is a teaching that claims that a man raised himself from the dead and promises eternal life if you will “eat his flesh and drink his blood” - a non-sensical thought to say the least! Then there are all those other seemingly incredulous Bible stories about the world being created in six days, the Red Sea parting, a talking donkey, and voices from heaven. In this regard, Christianity has all other religions beat for sheer un-believability.

But consider for a moment, What IF Christianity IS TRUE? How would that change things for you personally if that was so?

What if in fact Jesus Christ was God, became man, and came to deliver you from the consequence of sin to bring you into eternal life? What if Christ actually did rise from the dead and ascend into heaven? And because of and believing in that, your eternal destiny would be secure. In that case, that’s a game changer that cannot be ignored.

Faith in God in Christ and in the Bible is indeed a leap of faith and the Bible itself says that “Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please Him (i.e. God)” (Hebrews 11:6)

In the world today there are many “truths” expounded by many, but Jesus said that he was “The way, The TRUTH, and the LIFE.” This message is not designed to convince you, because the only one that can really convince you that this is TRUE is yourself.

SO, If Christianity were TRUE, Would You Become a Christian?


God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
A Car At A Stoplight Had A Bumper Sticker That Simply Said 'Non-Judgment Day Is Coming.' As This Fellow

A car at a stoplight had a bumper sticker that simply said 'Non-Judgment Day Is Coming.' As this fellow pulled away, it raised an interesting question and that was 'How exactly can an event be coming that is NOT coming?' But then pondering more about it, depending on your point of view this statement could be entirely correct!

From the perspective of many, a day of judgment is definitely NOT coming. If there is no god, then it makes perfect sense to be free to live life with impunity without any repercussions for your actions. You are free to 'eat, drink, and be merry' because there are no limits or restrictions on life except the ones you set.

On the other hand, the Bible says something diametrically opposed to that - but with a hopeful twist! While Romans 16:20 says that such a day is indeed coming, here’s the thing – Judgment Day is coming for some but not everyone. Here’s why…

While God is a God of Love, He is also a God of Justice. While we will all cross the threshold of mortality into eternity, when we reach that intersection those that have received a pardon for their sins by standing under the doorposts of the blood of Christ, just as the Hebrews did in Egypt, were “passed over” from that Judgment Day. That means that for those not under the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God (Christ), Judgment Day WILL Come.

So YES, there is a Non-Judgment Day coming for some, but not because you put a bumper sticker on your car, but those that have put their faith in Christ to redeem them from (i.e. pay for) their sins and remove the charges against them that would cause them to stand before that final heavenly court.

If you are “In The World” and not in Christ, then Judgment Day IS coming, but you don’t have to face it.

Agreeing with a bumper sticker will not prevent it from coming. The question you have to ask yourself is “Will You Be Ready When It Comes??”

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
Everyone And Everything Has An End Date.

Everyone —and everything — has an end date.

For students it’s the end of the semester, for workers the end of the week, in business the end of the quarter, and for all of us the end of each year — until the clock starts again.

However at a certain point the clock stops for everyone, and each minute we all move one step closer to eternity.

Eternity is a place beyond time, without end and of infinite duration, and as today’s scripture reminds us, our time on this side of a rapidly diminishing clock is running out, and it is time to wake up to the reality about God’s salvation that will take you beyond time into HIS ETERNITY.

Friend, this is indeed URGENT. You are being invited to God’s freely offered salvation — and No Pun Intended — this truly is the ultimate 'Limited Time Offer' and once it passes, it passes.

Will you make a decision in this hour about salvation, or will you let your time expire without making a choice?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
What Would Happen If You Fell Out Of A Plane? Well, The Falling Part Through The Air Might Be Excitingthe

What would happen if you fell out of a plane? Well, the falling part through the air might be exciting…the crash landing — Not So Much!

In this illustration, SIN is the Falling and HELL is the Crash, but if you are saved from the falling, then there is no consequence of the crash! This is just how salvation works.

You see, salvation is not about God saving us from hell — although that IS the end result. Rather He is Saving Us From (the fall of) Sin by His love and grace for us.

Sadly many people choose instead to ' fall into sin' and the Bible says that they will indeed “Enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season ” (Hebrews 11:25) However it’s not the fall, but the crash at the end of the fall that kills them. Sin was just the vehicle that got them there.

Friend, no matter how far you have fallen through the dark sky of sin, God can and WILL snatch you and pull you back into the safety of Salvation. It is never too late to avoid the crash into Hell. All you need do is ask and trust him to save you and HE WILL.

What kind of landing are you headed for? Is it a smooth landing in heaven or a certain crash to Hell?

It’s your choice to fly solo, or to fly with the Saviour.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

Read over 700 other messages like this at

2 years ago
Whats The First Thing You Think About When You Hear The Word Balance?

What’s the first thing you think about when you hear the word “balance?”

Do you imagine a gymnast on a balance beam, a circus performer walking a tightrope, or riding a bike for the first time?? Or maybe it is all the things you are trying to 'balance' in your life! Isaiah 40:12 says the Lord weighed the mountains…and kept all those in balance! For us often, it’s not that easy!

Now we are by no means God, but many of us are constantly struggling to balance the commitments we take on. In doing so it is easy to feel stretched to the limit, overwhelmed and out of sync with the rhythm of life.

Jesus knew this about us when He said, “If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why are you anxious about other matters?” God will take care of us no matter what comes into our lives. When we feel frazzled and seem to be running in all directions, God is there to be our guide and “balance keeper.”

Whether you work at home or in the corporate world, you may be challenged with finding balance in your life and quickly get disillusioned in today’s fast-paced society trying to accomplish all the things that we feel required to do. It is easy to catch the 'Martha Servant Of Many' syndrome buzzing around doing good works, but consider the balance of Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet (Luke 10:38-42). The only way we can choose the best in all things is to remain in Him. We don’t have any excuse not to do so, especially if we realize that our priority and calling is to honor Him as our Savior and Lord in everything.

Choose this day and your will to approach your Heavenly Father in submission to His wise will and honor Him in all you do, and when you do, the balance will come! Remember He is your all sufficient Lord, El Shaddai, and when you put Him first and not the juggling act, He will help you keep a perfect balance of bountifulness in your life.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
Theres Nothing Cuter Than Babies! Their Expressions Of Wonderment, Inquisitive Nature Of The World, Precious

There’s nothing cuter than babies! Their expressions of wonderment, inquisitive nature of the world, precious expressions and interaction with parents and others are always entertaining and heartwarming – that is…until the first temper tantrum!

That’s right! If you have been a parent or a dotting uncle or aunt, you’ve seen these fits of displeasure, anger and even rage by these budding 'little angels!' Then when the terrible twos come, there are the outbursts of “Mine!”, “NO!”, and “I DON’T WANT TO!!!”

The truth is we do not have to be taught how to sin because we are all born with it. Romans 5:12 says that when Adam sinned, sin entered into the world and all of us have inherited sin as part of our human nature, and with the nature of sin comes the curse of physical death, but also spiritual death. But here’s the Good News (literally the meaning of the word 'Gospel.')

While we were all born into sin, we can be free from it through Christ who conquered both sin and death at His cross. What is required from you to receive this victory over sin and death is simple. Agree with God that you are a sinner, ask Him to forgive you of your sins and decide to change your mind about following your natural sinful ways and yield your life to Christ as the one who directs your life, instead of your natural sinful self.

Is this easy? NO! The life of discipleship (i.e. discipline) to follow Christ requires putting off your old ways and living a life that leads to eternal life. While we will never completely stop sinning and making mistakes in this life, we can through Christ put on his nature and share in his victory over sin and death

We are, by nature, just like those little babies, but as 1 Corinthians 13:11 tells us:

“When I was a child, I Spake as a child, I Understood as a child, I Thought as a child: But when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

Therefore friend, put off the old nature of the temper tantrum of sin and put on the sin redeeming nature of Christ.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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