godess-dolli - ⠀࣪☆ Lana ݁🪽 ִ
⠀࣪☆ Lana ݁🪽 ִ

𓆩she/they/it ♡︎ Aphrodite worshiper ♡︎ 15 y/o𓆪 ㅤ

72 posts

Trust Your Instincts Ya'll

Trust your instincts ya'll

Should've listened to my instincts when I wanted to tell my girl cousin I'm pagan. Boy cousin respected it and told me to stay safe because he knows very well how our family is. Should've just told him. She already looked at me differently when I told her I wasn't Christian anymore, when I wasn't comfortable praying to the Christian God when our family would beg me just because I'm the eldest grandchild, I don't want to because I don't want to disrespect Him.

I know it's her opinion, I know she has the right to have an opinion.

But for me and many people it's not stupid like how she thinks it is. Such a big blow, ngl.

Aphrodite listened to me that night when I cried. She was there when no one else can hold me.

Hail Lady Aphrodite 🩷

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More Posts from Godess-dolli

5 months ago


What is Aphrodisia?

Aphrodisia is a festival to honor Lady Aphrodite, specifically Her epithet Aphrodite Pandemos (Lady of All)

When is Aphrodisia?

We don’t know exactly when Aphrodisia is or was in ancient times. Some things that came up in my research were: the third week in July to the third week in August, the summer solstice, and July 13. Because I personally need a specific date to celebrate, I will be celebrating on July 13, which happens to be tomorrow.

Traditional Celebrations

Traditionally, to start the festival, a dove was sacrificed to purify Her temple, and a statue of Her would be brought to the sea and washed, followed by a procession. Feasts were very common during Aphrodisia.

Modern Celebration Ideas

So of course we probably can’t sacrifice doves and parade a statue of Her from a temple to the sea nowadays, but there are many ways we can still celebrate Aphrodisia. These are a few ideas, you don’t have to do all of them or any at all.

🐚 Purify Her Altar

🐚 Spend time with Her

🐚 Bake something

🐚 Offer a libation or some sort of food

🐚 Do whatever makes you feel close to Her

🐚 Offer incense and/or light a candle for Her

🐚 Have a self-care day

🐚 Spend some time researching Her

I will be wearing a color that reminds me of Her, lighting Her candle, enjoying the small things in life, spending time with my partner, painting my nails, listening to music that reminds me of Her, and I may watch a romance movie. I will try to bake something or offer her something if I can.

Remember that no matter what you do for Her, or even if you don’t do anything extra at all, She will be happy. You do not need to do any elaborate celebrations or offerings in order to please Her. Just do what you can, Lady Aphrodite understands ❤️


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5 months ago

Hello Friends!

It's been a while, but I've got some news! This past week I've been dog-sitting for some friends of mine and it's been a fantastic opportunity for me to catch up on some rest, relaxation, (pup snuggles!) And learning more about my craft/spirituality.

I've been noticing many synchronicities lately, particularly in numbers and symbols. This month I've been followed around by the numbers 222 and 444. I've seen them on clocks, license plates, timestamps on videos/happening to pause songs at those times, what have you, without actively searching for them. 222 usually pops up when I start to have doubts about my faith/witchcraft journey. 444 pops up most when I'm thinking about my bf/driving to meet him/listening to music that reminds me of him. It's all super weird and super cool!

Other synchronicities I've noticed are signs from the Lady Aphrodite. I've been drawn to the color pink lately, which is new to me (goth kids ftw). Crabapple blossoms are blooming and they're all in shades of pink, magenta and white. I keep finding white feathers floating around me outside and seeing white birds (mostly pigeons, which is odd in itself because there haven't been any flocks living in my neighborhood in recent years). I've also felt this feminine presence when I pray. It is warm, inviting, and also feels very...I dunno how to put it...excitable(?). It doesn't feel like the God I'm used to praying to (Christian God to be specific) because the energy is so playful and light. It's very comforting and I find it to be a nice change of pace from the Christian guilt I'm used to.

And so, to make a long story even longer, I've been leaning into Aphrodite devotion and studying up on the facets of the Goddess/Goddess energy.

Below is a recipe for a strawberry daiquiri I made in her honor, as well as some book marks I've whipped up for the reading I've been doing. And for more fun, I'm making my own tarot deck! So far I've finished the court on pentacles. It's taken me 5 days 💀 ☠️

Hello Friends!

Other things to add, if you're feeling ✨️ fancy ✨️: rosewater? Grenadine? Idk I'm not that creative when it comes to bartending LMAO

Hello Friends!

This is a great book from 2005. At the time of publication, Sylvan was a Wiccan author based in Austin, Texas. She writes about the Mind/Body divide in the US American society and how that effects women and their relationships to their bodies. While I find it a decent read so far, it does have some pitfalls. For one, you do need at least some understanding of the spiritual aspect of Wicca. While I myself do not identify as Wiccan, I do appreciate the thoughts and feelings brought forward. Another is that the book was "exclusively for women," because that is what the author states she can write about most authentically from her own experience as a Cis, AFAB person. I definitely think everyone should give it a read, however, regardless of gender orientation/gender assigned at birth.

Hello Friends!

This next book has been a nice stepping stone for me as a new witch. It has lots of helpful tips and basic ideas as to what magic is and how to incorporate it into your faith and day-to-day life. I find it to be a bit Euro-centric, however, so please keep that in mind.

Both books are wonderful resources, but I do reccomend further reading on all subjects that interest you. Another point goes to Sylvan for this; she lists at least 10 multimedia resources to check out at the end of each chapter.

Hello Friends!
Hello Friends!

My bookmarks, dedicated to Lady Aphrodite <3

Hello Friends!
Hello Friends!

And finally, my tarot cards! I'm so excited to work on the next court!

Overall, it's been a busy couple of weeks for this witch. And if you've made it to the end of this posting I do have a favor to ask! As a new witch, it's quite hard to find reliable AND engaging resources on the craft that aren't so...popculture-y, shall we say. Do you have any recommendations? Please DM me if so! I'm also looking at you, fellow followers of Aphrodite. Do you have any resources that you'd like to share about this Goddess? I want to learn all I can!

Thank you all so much for reading <3 <3 <3 Until next time, take care and Keep Smiling!!!!

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5 months ago

i work with aphrodite, of course i try not to insult peoples looks i work with aphrodite, of course i wished that i was a typical sorta pretty but then she helped me realize beauty comes in all forms i work with aphrodite, when she says something. i do it. her war epithets will always be there. i work with aphrodite, of course when i laugh i do it in her honor i work with aphrodite, of course i look through her epithets in awe i work with aphrodite, of course shes linked with the ocean but im no where near flowing water

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5 months ago

I need some help! :]

I love my deities (greek gods/goddesses) but there's an issue. I hate the idea of asking them for things. I feel like im: -asking for too much -wasting their godly/important time -being disrespectful by asking. So when I want to do prayers that ask for something (even as slight as a good night's sleep) I can't. Am I like right in my position fo not asking the gods for things or am I wrong?? helpppp

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