Hellenic Gods - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

I hear Hermes in the noise of a train when it stops in front of my platform.

I hear Apollo in the loud bass line in a song.

I hear Poseidon in the snorting of horses as they go past a car.

I hear Dionysus in the laughter coming from the bars.

I hear Ares in the noises of pride parades and protests.

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8 months ago

I shall remember,

May I not forget,

Apollo the archer.

The gods tremble at him

When he enters the house of Zeus,

They spring up when he comes near them,

They all spring up from their seats

When he stretches back his bright bow.

Only Leto waits beside Zeus who loves thunder.

She hangs the bow on a golden peg

Against a pillar in his father's house.

Then she leads him to a seat.

His father gives him nectar in a golden cup,

He welcomes his dear son.

The other gods greet him and then sit down.

- Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo

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8 months ago
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi

A picture from when I was on the way to Delphi

I felt Apollo's presence so strongly all the way to and at Delphi. We went to his temple and I got some photos. I hope I can go back here again. <3

A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi
A Picture From When I Was On The Way To Delphi

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5 months ago

Father Ares is a kind god to me. He has given me the strength to keep going - no matter how hopeless things seem. I hope he gives me the courage to continue to do what I need to despite the family and society that never cease to push back against my existence and joy.

Hence, he and Father Zeus are the only gods (as of now) I call 'Father' although I am devoted to, worship, and recieve support and blessing from other gods (Apollo, Hermes etc.). Both Father Zeus and Ares' guidance is more similar to the stern yet gentle encouragment from a father-figure, always there to tell me to 'get back up and fight'.

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5 months ago

To the Gods you are not sinful, guilty or unclean. You are you, unique in every facet of your existence.

The Gods hold grace for you. Existence is not immoral.

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5 months ago

Beginner Witch's Guide: Crystals

Today's witchy lesson is on crystals! Specifically, crystal shapes and their meanings, types of crystals and their meanings, and what you can use crystals for in your practice!


Basic Crystals and Their Meanings:

Clear Quartz -> Clear quartz is known for its ability to amplify intention and magnify the energy of other stones around it

Selenite -> Selenite is good for cleansing and purifying the area and objects around it

Amethyst -> Amethyst provides a peaceful and relaxing energy

Carnelian -> Carnelian is known for boosting creative energy and allowing for better creative flow

Rose Quartz -> Rose quartz is known for supporting and amplifying love of all kinds (self love, romantic love, platonic love, etc.)

Pyrite -> Pyrite (also known as 'Fool's Gold') is known for drawing in success and fortune

Obsidian -> Obsidian sucks in negative energy from the surrounding space providing protection from unwanted energies and negativity


Crystal Shapes and Meanings:

Cube -> Cube shaped crystals are often tied to grounding and would be good to use during meditation or meditative spellwork.

Sphere -> Sphere shaped crystals are thought to be more balanced with the energy they emit, splitting it evenly in all directions. They are good to use in grounding work (like meditation) or for protective spells/energy.

Pyramids -> Pyramid shaped crystals are most commonly associated with the idea of communing with celestial bodies or with the universe. Pyramid shaped crystals would be beneficial to use in deity worship or working with deities for spellwork.

Tower/Point -> Tower and point shaped crystals are known to amplify intention and point it in a certain direction. In my opinion, they are the most universally helpful shape and so can be used for a variety of spells.

Palm Stones -> Palm Stones are flat disks of stone that can be placed in one's palm and are often used to provide soothing energy. When placed in the palm they can be rubbed to provide therapeutic relief in moments of anxiety.

Cluster -> A cluster is a mix between a sphere and a point. The energy is emitted in all directions, but not evenly. They are most beneficial for spells and powers you want amplified, but don't need to be even or concentrated in one particular area.


General Crystal Tips:

When purchasing crystals, make sure the ones you are buying are coming from reputable, ethical sources and are actual crystals!

Before letting any crystal come in contact with the sun or with water, make sure it is safe to do. Some crystals are known to leech harmful chemicals or elements into water when submerged while some will just erode away in minutes. Some crystals can also fade if left in direct sunlight for a long time (amethyst is one of these so keep that in mind!)

If you do not like working with crystals, think something works better for you than crystals, or simply are just not interested in working with crystals, they are not necessary for the craft! Crystals (like any other witchy tool) are optional but can not only provide useful energies or attributes, but also just look super cool and are great to put on altars or in spaces around your home!


Well, that's all for my beginners guide to crystals! There are so many more crystals out there with their own unique shapes, attributes and energies that I suggest going and doing more research as you start to collect crystals! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out, I love talking to people and love making new friends <3

Valete my friends! :3

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5 months ago

Sexual relationships with your gods are valid

I saw a post not too long ago speaking on intimate relationships with your gods and also the idea of “god spouses.” And while it’s fine to have your own opinion and express that I felt like it dismissed the relationship one may have with a sexual deity or even one that’s not primarily thought of to be sexual!

There are so many gods that help others feel comfortable enough to live freely in their bodies, masturbate, be with their loved ones and more. Why dismiss or undermine that because you believe you can’t have a more intimate relationship with a deity?

Gods are what they need to be for you. A friend, lover, partner, sibling, parent, best friend, teacher, mentor, what have you. The gods can absolutely touch you. Is it rarer than one may think? I personally don’t think so. And yes this does get into some harder conversations about spiritual psychosis and being wary of those symptoms. But I believe people know what they feel.

And who really cares if your god didn’t actually make you come. You felt connected to them in that moment, you did that for them, in one way or another. That’s valid. Don’t let others tell you differently or dismiss your experiences.

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5 months ago

Lady Nyx/Nox deep dive, straight to the point info

Lady Nyx/Nox Deep Dive, Straight To The Point Info

Lady Nyx is wonderful, her beauty even ascends the stars, May we respect and adore Lady Nyx as a goddess and as a wonderful mother.


Herbs • Dahlias, Cannas, Some lobelia, Night-blooming jasmine, Moonflowers, Datura, Tuberose, Evening primrose, Queen of the Night epiphyllum, Herbs that only grow at night, black leaves, black flowers, Blackthorn, Cypress, Holly, Juniper, Locust, Pomegranate, Witch Hazel, Comfrey, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Lavender, Mugwort, Patchouli, Primrose, Vervain, Nectarines, Dragon Fruit, Morning Glory, Nightshade, Roses, Lilies, Poppies

Animals• Horses, Owl, dogs, bats, black bulls, Blue Jay, Crow, Sparrow, Snake, Turtle, cat

Zodiac • your moon sign. 

Colors • Black, Dark blue, Dark green, Dark Purple

Crystal• Obisidian, Morion, Jet, Hematite, Onyx, Black tourmaline, Black Sapphire, Black moonstone, Black agate, Shungite, Black calcite, Eye Agate, Amethyst, Andalusite, Apophyllite, Cat's Eye, Hematite, Moss Agate, Moonstone, Petrified Wood, Smokey Quartz

Symbols•  Black wings, Dark clouds, Black fog, Egg, New Moon, Stars, key, veil, poppy, serpents, owls.

you can wear in their honor• you can veil in their honor, PJs 

Deity of• Night, she is the personification of it

Patron of• Night, Sleep, Death, the Fates, Nemesis, Old Age, Darkness, Light, Motherhood, Magic, Mystery, and the unknown;

Offerings•  Black candles, Poetry or songs related to the night, Images of the night sky, Beef, Milk, Black flowers, Black fruits, Dark red wine, Black animal votives, Dew (the one that gathers after sunset), Dark feathers, Dark liquors/beers. Black Tea/Coffee, Symbols of Her children (ex-torch, skull, scissors), Black fabric/veil/cloak, Dark chocolate, Honey/molasses, Viniq (shimmery liqueur that looks like a galaxy in a bottle)

Devotional• Go star gazing, donate to owl shelters, go to the zoo to see her animals, draw her, listen to a playlist for her, go camping under the stars, go glamping to look at the stars, Take a night time walk, Get a good night’s rest, Learn a new star or constellation each week, Stay up late, do something you enjoy without fearing the dark, Sleep with your windows open, Burn a candle that represents the stars, Sleep in every once and a while, Watch an astronomy documentary, Be extra polite to those who have to work the night shift, Wear dark colors, Learn about which animals are active at night in your area, Go for a night drive, Do divination at night, Listen to music with your headphones in, Use silver, black, and gold glitter, Plant some flowers that only bloom at night, Use a star/constellation app, Read the House of Night series, Watch the evening light fade away into darkness (you can do this in your window, or watch a lapse on YouTube of it), Wear more things with the stars or planets on them, Defend someone who is vulnerableble, Turn your electronics off a couple hours before bed each night, Drink an herbal tea with cinnamon before bed, If you’re staying up late already, make your night productive. (Ex- Complete some homework, tidy up your room), Keep a dream journal, Learn how to identify owls by their calls, Make the night sky your screensaver/home screen, Wear scents that remind you of the night, watch a video of the stars, and sleep with stars in the background.

Ephithets• Bringer of Night, Mother of Daimones, Mother of the Cosmos, Subduer of Gods and Men, Mother of Mysteries, The Dark and Shining, The Winged, of the Great Shadows, Dressed in Stars, Dew Bringer, of the Witching Hour, 

of the Deep and Silent Dark.

Equivalents (alike but not the same)• Nótt (Norse), Selene (Greek), Hecate (Greek), Nox (Roman), Nyx (Greek), Al-Qaum (Arabian), Nabatean (Arabain), Itzpapalotl (Aztec), Metztli (Aztec), Tezcatlipoca (Aztec), Khonsu (Egyptian), Nut (Egyptian)

Signs they are reaching out• Sudden fascination with stars, seeing her Symbols and attributes all of the sudden, a pull to her and the night.

Vows/omans• None, maybe wedding vows, but many say she just has Erebus as a boyfriend, not a husband.

Morals• Unkown, but most suspect Morally grey.

Courting• Erebus (darkness)

Personality• She is motherly and protective of her children, 

Home• Tartruas 

Mortal or immortal • immortal 

Fact• The first Deity to exist, 

Roots• Gaia, Birthed at the beginning of time, lived in Tartarus. 

Parentage• Chaos 

Siblings• Gaia (goddess of the Earth/mother nature), Erebus (god of darkness), Uranus/Ouranos (god of the heavens), and Tartarus (god of the underworld).

Pet• The two/four horses pulling her chariot 

Children • Aether and Hemera (Day) by Erebus (Darkness), Thanatos (gentle death), Hypnos (sleep), she also made the spirits - the Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife, and Pain. Aether, Moros, Apate, Dolos, the Keres, the Moirai, the Hesperides, Oizys, Momus, Philotes, Geras, Eris

Appearance in astral or gen• In ancient art Nyx was depicted as either a winged goddess or charioteer, sometimes crowned with dark mists.

Festivals • Wiccan Yule, Wiccan Samhain, Winter solstice, you can do a ritual for her on the full and dark moon, but there is a feast you can hold in her honor, which is called Lemuralia.

Day • her time is Twilight, Dusk, and Midnight, and her day is Monday  

Season• winter 

Direction• north 

Status• Primordial Goddess of night, even Zeus fears her, one of the first primordial beings alive, she was there for the creation of the universe.

Planet• Moon

Her Tarot cards• Death, Temperance

Scents/Inscene • Myrtle, Camphor, Patchouli, Lavender, watery, musky, earthy

My opinion • She is a very hard divine being to find information on, I hope this helps, but I've never met her before, I assume she's great, my friend says she is kind and calls her ‘Mother’ 


In general

Beautiful, black-eyed Nyx, cloaked in darkness, older than old, daughter of misty Chaos, mother of great and mighty spirits, I call to you. Ever-present one, you live in the shadows; we know you in the dusk, in the comfort of the night. Broad-winged Nyx, you clasp the hand of bright Hemera, each eve and morn, you greet her with love and sorrow for only in those moments may you embrace your child. Goddess, awesome one, in your realm are we all unblemished, in your realm do lovers’ promises ring true, in your realm are all things possible, if only until daybreak. Nyx, I honor you.

Small prayer 

“Nyx, mother of the night, mother of sleep, mother of death: Might your darkness embrace me Might your energy caress me Might you be mine and Might I be yours Blessed be.“

In general 

O ancient Goddess, born of Chaos and steeped in shadow, I honor you now and always. With eyes which have watched the beginnings of all that is, see us now embracing your sleep and mystery. With power that strikes fear into the hearts of the most revered of Gods,

I remember your strength when I am searching for my own. In the starless night where light shines not i will give my thanks to your Greatness, And surrender to the dark.

Links/websites/sources • Nyx - Greek-Goddesses Wiki - Fandomhttps://www.theoi.com/Protogenos/Nyx.html mystical-sleepy-musings <a href="https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/nyx/">Nyx – Greek Goddess of The Night: https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net</a> - Greek Gods & Goddesses, June 10, 2018 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyx https://www.theoi.com/Protogenos/Nyx.htmlhttps://www.britannica.com/topic/Hypnoshttps://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses/nyx/https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/nyx-goddess-0017255 https://www.worldhistory.org/Nyx/https://gods-and-demons.fandom.com/wiki/Nyx https://www.moonfallmetaphysical.com/s/stories/nyx-greek-goddess#google_vignette https://www.moonfallmetaphysical.com/s/stories/nyx-greek-goddess#google_vignette https://mythopedia.com/topics/nyx https://oldworldgods.com/greeks/nyx-greek-goddess-of-the-night/https://www.vintageisthenewold.com/game-pedia/what-does-nyx-goddess-look-like https://aminoapps.com/c/hellenistic-polytheism/page/item/nyx/Vn7V_bmCvIP7XMLvlKzJJbl2lGY55JLxDZhttps://thebacchichuntress.tumblr.com/post/127160005123/offerings-to-nyx/amphttps://www.tumblr.com/heatherwitch/161308460295/nyxhttps://tuiliel.tumblr.com/post/139053552874/epithets-of-nyx/amphttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_night_deities https://greekpagan.com/category/prayers-2/nyx/#:~:text=older%20than%20old%2C%20daughter%20of,the%20comfort%20of%20the%20night.Magickal Spothttps://magickalspot.com › nyxGoddess Nyx: Prayers, Symbols, Books & More [Guide]https://www.tumblr.com/moonlitmagic/189775766368/prayer-for-nyx


Lady Nyx/Nox Deep Dive, Straight To The Point Info

This post is payment to my friend @briislame

May Nyx cover you with the calmness of night.

I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.

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5 months ago


What is Aphrodisia?

Aphrodisia is a festival to honor Lady Aphrodite, specifically Her epithet Aphrodite Pandemos (Lady of All)

When is Aphrodisia?

We don’t know exactly when Aphrodisia is or was in ancient times. Some things that came up in my research were: the third week in July to the third week in August, the summer solstice, and July 13. Because I personally need a specific date to celebrate, I will be celebrating on July 13, which happens to be tomorrow.

Traditional Celebrations

Traditionally, to start the festival, a dove was sacrificed to purify Her temple, and a statue of Her would be brought to the sea and washed, followed by a procession. Feasts were very common during Aphrodisia.

Modern Celebration Ideas

So of course we probably can’t sacrifice doves and parade a statue of Her from a temple to the sea nowadays, but there are many ways we can still celebrate Aphrodisia. These are a few ideas, you don’t have to do all of them or any at all.

🐚 Purify Her Altar

🐚 Spend time with Her

🐚 Bake something

🐚 Offer a libation or some sort of food

🐚 Do whatever makes you feel close to Her

🐚 Offer incense and/or light a candle for Her

🐚 Have a self-care day

🐚 Spend some time researching Her

I will be wearing a color that reminds me of Her, lighting Her candle, enjoying the small things in life, spending time with my partner, painting my nails, listening to music that reminds me of Her, and I may watch a romance movie. I will try to bake something or offer her something if I can.

Remember that no matter what you do for Her, or even if you don’t do anything extra at all, She will be happy. You do not need to do any elaborate celebrations or offerings in order to please Her. Just do what you can, Lady Aphrodite understands ❤️


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5 months ago

i work with aphrodite, of course i try not to insult peoples looks i work with aphrodite, of course i wished that i was a typical sorta pretty but then she helped me realize beauty comes in all forms i work with aphrodite, when she says something. i do it. her war epithets will always be there. i work with aphrodite, of course when i laugh i do it in her honor i work with aphrodite, of course i look through her epithets in awe i work with aphrodite, of course shes linked with the ocean but im no where near flowing water

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5 months ago

The Pillars of Hellenic Polytheism

edit: I have just been told that the creator of these “pillars” was extremely bigoted and homophobic and that these pillars are not viewed in a positive light by many hellenic polytheists, so I would like to acknowledge that. I would like to apologize for not looking more into them but I will keep this post up in order to let more people know about the origins of these pillars as I’ve seen a whole lot of posts lately about them- that may just be me though.


Grace, Appreciation, Gratitude


Hospitality, Generosity, “Guest-Friendship”

(Deep Dive Post)


Wisdom, Knowledge


Reverence and duty towards the gods


Self-Improvement, Excellence, Brilliance


Purity, Purifying oneself (Khernips, veiling)


Self-Control, Sound Mind, Balance

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