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7 months ago
You Were Created Out Of Sand From The Palm Of Aphrodites Hand. She Formed Your Body, Your Soul, Your

you were created out of sand from the palm of aphrodites hand. she formed your body, your soul, your life out of bits of the sea & shells. every curve, every hip dip, every dimple, & every freckle she placed upon you for the goal to show beauty in various ways. the back rolls you loathe every time you look in the mirror was once a pebble from the ocean that aphrodite saw beauty in. the mole on your cheek was once a grain of sand aphrodite walked in. you were made with honor honey, you were made with a purpose from blessed lady aphrodite. do not be harsh on yourself. love yourself, treat yourself as a sanctuary. so mote it be

You Were Created Out Of Sand From The Palm Of Aphrodites Hand. She Formed Your Body, Your Soul, Your

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8 months ago

Urania deep dive

Lady Urania, The muse and goddess of astronomy, may clouds, the freckles of the sky, remind you of the stars, and Lady Urania.  Lady Urania is an Oceanid,  a minor goddess, and is commonly referred to as Lady Aphrodite, But Lady Urania may be worshiped as an individual goddess and has been seen so in ancient Hymns. I am not a worshiper/devotee of Urania but I know well she is amazing, so please respect her, she is a wonderful goddess, even the birds who sing well even dream of her voice, for when she sings along the Muses, the world stops just to see them play.

Herbs •Moonflower or night gladiolus, any plants that grow in the dark and during the night, the flowers called aster (meaning star).

Animals• Tortoise, (the rest is non recorded so this list is UPG) star fish, ursa bear, 

Zodiac • all, but mostly Aquarius because it is rumored that she was born under that star.

Colors • Dark blue

Crystal• (none recorded so this is all UPG) Sapphires and rubies, as well as rose quartz, spinel and garnet (birthstones), star diopside, star tourmaline, star spinel, star peridot, amethyst.

Symbols• Tortoise (the symbol of domestic modesty and chastity), a golden globe, and a golden rod, stars, Astrolabe, Quadrant, Celestial Globe, Scroll, Lyre, heaven imagery

Jewelry you can wear in their honor• vails, stars shaped necklaces, bracelets, etc.

Patron of• Astronomy, Guiding, Constellations, and the stories of heroes preserved in the stars, she was also told to be able to tell the future by reading the stars while they were being put in place, how to predict the seasons, and how to navigate the sea, Scholars, mathematics and knowledge, some say law and order.

Offerings• globe and compass, Astronomy tools, sail curtains, zodiac charts, moon water, eclipse water, sun water, star imergy, candles that are blue and white/black, gold colored stands, wine, pray, photos of herself, photos of the stars, star charts, globe, astrology tools.

Devotional• Go star-seeing, Read the stars, wish on shooting stars, go camping under the stars, make star charts, go canoeing in a lake and row towards your favorite star, Vail in blue, sing in her honor, dance in her honor, listen to music in their honor, pray, study in their honor, study about them.

Epithet's• Heavenly Dweller and Pandemos (Of All the People) 

Equivalents• Selene, Aphrodite, Asteria

Signs their reaching out• seeing their symbols and names, seeing a sudden drawn to them and stars and astrology

Vows/omans• to be a muse.

Number• 9, she is the 9th muse.

Morals• lawfully natural.

Courting• Apollo, Hermes, Amphimarus

Past lovers/crushes• Apollo, Hermes, Amphimarus

Personality• She often looks deep in thought, wondering about the stars, she is often associated to be serious in hymns. 

Home• Mount Olympus

Mortal or immortal • Immortal 

Fact•  Was there when Lady Persephone was abducted by Lord Hades, she can talk to the dead, and she can protect sailors from sea creatures 

Curses• not being able to remember anything she is association with, being bad at the things she is the patron of.

Blessings• being able to see shooting stars, seeing stars in a cloudy day, having inspiration about the future and about astrology.

Roots• She originally came from Athens, and her cult was rooted there.

Friends• the muses, Oceanids and Olympians

Parentage• Zeus and Dione, or Zeus and Titan Mnemosyne, or Titans Oceanus and Tethys.

Siblings• oceanids, and the muses

Pet• none

Children •  Linos (Urania and the possible dads are, Amphimaros, Apollon, and Hermes), and Hymenaios (Urania and Apollon)

Appearance in astral or gen• Long gorgeous Brown hair, brown eyes in deep thought, pale skin, often shown in a dark blue toga with stars.

Festivals • Museia (Μούσεια) was a festival dedicated to Muses which was held every fifth year on the lower slopes of Mount Helicon in Boeotia.

Season • all

Day • night

Status• oceanid, immortal, high in power and lives in mount olympus 

What angers them• insults

Music they like• everything?

Planet• the Sun, stars are suns! And the planet uranus 

Tarot cards• nine constellations formed around the major arcana cards which have identifying digits from one to nine.

Remind me of• constellations, my music taste, dancing.

Scents/Incense • Iris, myrrh, frankincense, 


To the muses 

O Muses, from whom all stories flow Like the waters of the Hippocrene,

that pours from Helicon’s towering heights onto the sacred planes of Greece; Daughters of Zeus and mothers of song, whose voices sound like chiming bells, heard in the ripples of the stream and the calling of the wind, singing stories older than the many languages of men; Your voices sing within my soul And always have, since I was born, Urania, who in my youth led me to a sacred stream, and turned my face up to the stars; Calliope, who leads me through the lengthy stories that I tell; Terpsichore, who compels my limbs to express what’s in my heart; Euterpe and Erato, who with their sweet voices, charm my soul; Polyhymnia, who speaks to me now, encouraging me to praise the gods; Clio, she who calls my glance back to the rich lore of the past; Thalia and Melpomene, the witty players on life’s stage, who remind me to enjoy the show, and teach me how to cope with endings. Pegasus brought me to you, Once, very long ago. And in that time you’ve taught me well How to sing and dance and write, the many arts of lorekeeping. Sisters, now I call to you– fill me with the voice divine, so that always, always the words will come. 


Links/websites/sources •https://www.britannica.com/topic/Urania-Greek-Muse https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0138%3Ahymn%3D2 https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/MousaOurania.html https://uranialondon.com/blogs/news/urania-the-greek-muse-of-astronomy-and-celestial-poetry#:~:text=Her%20worship%20and%20cult%20were,divine%20love%20and%20spiritual%20connection. https://mylifetea.com/blogs/the-gods/a-brief-introduction-to-urania-the-muse-of-astronomy https://www.tumblr.com/evermore-grimoire/750440089330630656/the-evermore-grimoire-greek-mythology-urania https://www.reddit.com/r/mythology/comments/e76bbn/what_flora_would_you_associate_with_each_of_the_9/ https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/s4u4c3/is_there_any_animal_associated_with_stars/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierides_(mythology)#:~:text=In%20Greek%20mythology%2C%20the%20Pierides,sometimes%20called%20by%20this%20name. 

Lady Urania, The muse and goddess of astronomy, may clouds, the freckles of the sky, remind you of the stars, and Lady Urania.  Lady Urania is an Oceanid,  a minor goddess, and is commonly referred to as Lady Aphrodite, But Lady Urania may be worshiped as an individual goddess and has been seen so in ancient Hymns, even the birds who sing well even dream of her voice, for when she sings along the Muses, the world stops just to see them play.

I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.

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7 months ago


Requested by: @stalkerofthegods

Requested By: @stalkerofthegods

"stay a mystery, it's better"

Requested By: @stalkerofthegods

Hermes Moodboards (2)

Greek Gods Moodboards (4)

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I was absolutely blessed by the spirits this day! I wanted to do something special for the full moon, so I meditated and opened myself up to the spirits and gods for a while. Long story short, during this meditation Lord Hades and Lady Persephone made their presences known and identified themselves as my guardians.

I’ve never felt such power as I did in that moment, and I am truly humbled by their presence and interest in my life. I’ve always felt pulled to these two more than any other gods, and was super interested in them as a very young child. It’s an incredible feeling to realize now that all this time, they were signs of the God’s and goddess’s presence

I am thrilled for my practice to take a turn for the devotional, and to see what the journeys lay ahead with My Lord and Lady

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I thought it might be a good idea for me to explain/organize this blog a bit, and wanted to share some main purposes/goals with this blog

When they made their presence known to me, Hades and Persephone called upon me to share myself, my knowledge, and my kindness with the world. This page will focus primarily on knowledge, and goes along with my efforts to be more social and to be kind to everyone. My goal right now is to write reflections/thoughts on the Divine, and to share my learnings with anyone who would like to know. I’m still getting used to these short journal excerpts because my spiritual journey right now has been primarily dealing with triggering, personal topics that I don’t want to unload on y’all! I’ll also be reblogging helpful advice and information from other blogs, along with some aesthetic and the occasional humorous post!

These posts are just my personal reflections, and a core part of my beliefs is that there is no one true path to the divine. Saying that, I am not asserting my beliefs/interpretations of the world as the only spiritual path to follow, as everyone has their own journey and spirit(s) to guide them!

I’d love for you to follow me along this journey, and would love to hear others’ insights and advice! I’m also always open to new witchy friends, and want to emphasize that I respect all walks of faith as long as they don’t seek to harm others.

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August 20, 2024

I have some ideas for some bigger concepts I’d like to write about, but for today I’ll stick with my perception of Lord Hades and Lady Persephone at this moment in my life.

Lady Persephone has intrigued me for as long as I could remember. I was taught Greek mythology at a young age in school, and I remember being instantly drawn to this figure who was only mentioned in passing at the time. All my teachers taught me was that she was abducted and ate the fruit of the underworld, so she has to go back every year, and thus we get the seasons. Even at a young age I could tell there was more to the story than that, for both Hades and Persephone. As I grew older, I did more research and have always held certain preconceived notions about them, some of which have changed since my spiritual encounters with them:

My first encounter was with Persephone, and I immediately got the sense that her age changes with the seasons. As it is the start of fall now, she appeared to me as a young woman with light brown, braided hair in her late teens/early twenties. Such joy radiates from her, you can feel her smile moreso than see it on her physical form. But this is not all there is to her. I have found that if I begin to think of her too much as a young, innocent figure, she sends me warnings, such as sending a bird to fly into my car. She is an incredibly gifted and powerful force, and her strength increases even more when she and her husband both seek something or desire to send a message. She’s a figure of duality-the all powerful queen of death and the joyful spirit of life.

What has intrigued me the most with Hades is how he has appeared to me during meditations (where I have most of my direct spiritual encounters). Unlike Persephone, the aspect of Hades I have been working (and will continue to work) with has appeared to me as a figure made entirely of shadow. I can’t make anything out about his physical appearance - as opposed to Persephone who has a distinct physical form - but I get the distinct feeling that he is male. My intuition tells me that he does have a physical form he can take, but is waiting for me to give more to him before showing me. This is perfectly fair and reasonable in my opinion, as I have been doing much more work on connecting to Persephone than to him. Mostly that was out of me being intimidated by him, but now that I know they are both present in my life, I must work to honor both of them equally, as they reign.

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August 21, 2024

One of the biggest things that has struck me so far is how little we have remaining from history when it comes to how Hades and Persephone were worshipped. I understand that worshipping Him was a bit taboo, but I’m surprised that I’ve struggled to find evidence of Her being worshiped in isolation from other gods. She’s usually with Demeter.

It seems to me that, other than in a few regions outside of Greece proper, Persephone was mainly worshipped in relation to her Spring aspect, not her role as Queen of the Underworld. I hope I can serve both aspects of her so she’s not limited in any capacity

I feel an urge to give them more of what they have historically been overlooked for: recognition and veneration. Of course there are some stereotypical elements that are associated with them, such as the pomegranate, but I’d like to find ways of acknowledging and praising them that are a bit more individual, tuned to my personal relationship with each of them, as those relationships develop. I think I’m getting stuck in my head and overthinking my struggle to come up with ideas of what to put on their altars, and am overthinking it.

With not as much historical evidence of practices and rituals as other gods may have, I’m going to rely a lot on my intuition and what I gleam from my interactions with them to guide me in what ways are best to venerate Them. I’d love to hear any suggestions you all have or any practices you’ve had experience with that are related! What actions/offerings do you think are appropriate here? I do have a background in history (not much Greek, though), so I do hope in my continued research I’ll find a practice or offering with historical precedence that I can adapt to todays world!

Another thing that’s been on my mind a lot today is that it’s important to me that Lord Hades and Lady Persephone know that I’m seeking to cultivate connections with both of them individually, and not just viewing them as a unit. This is probably just my anxieties flaring up a little in my mind. I’m just in awe that two beings with such power have connected with me, and I want to make sure I do everything “right,” but that’s not really how a practice like this works. There aren’t a set of rules already established for me, especially none set for the 21st century. I need to listen to my gut in my craft, and my gut tells me to focus a lot right now on each of Them as individual gods. Perhaps this means a break from reading about the two of them together and more time meditating on one of them at a time.

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I know most people picture Hades in his very serious, king of the underworld aspect, but he has shown me a ton of his hidden sense of humor.

Like the other day I ordered a little statue of him for my altar. I get the package today and guess what? The package contained 16 of the same statue! I went back and checked my receipt-I was only charged for one but they must have somehow went me a whole pack of them by accident!

It honestly had me cracking up so much like he’s so not subtle and has his unserious moments and that’s what I love so much about working with him

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Are there any other Hades and Persephone worshippers/people who work with them out there who’d like to chat? I’d love to make some friends with a similar interest in the spiritual!

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August 26, 2024

I’m really thankful and grateful to Lord Hades and Lady Persephone for their supporting presence with me over the past few days. I’ve been really drained with a lot going on at work and in my personal life, and today when I sat down to do my morning tarot with them a message came through loud and clear: take care of yourself.

It’s really wonderful to get the affirmation that I’m not imagining it, that they do really care about me and want me to focus on my wellbeing, even if that means spending less time creating more elaborate rituals to celebrate them.

When reading historic texts about the ancient worship of the gods, sometimes it can feel a bit impersonal. But I believe the gods give us what we need, if we ask and work for it. And Hades and Persephone knew I needed some support and permission to relax.

The gods know us all as individuals and care for us as our unique needs call for it, and I just think that’s so beautiful

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What are your thoughts on how often you can call upon the gods? Lately I’ve been starting each day by asking Hades and Persephone what they want me to focus on for that day, and doing a tarot reading. This has been a pretty successful form of communication for us so far, but I’m worried if I reach out to them every morning and meditate on them every night (as I’m doing now) that’ll be too much and I’ll annoy them. What do y’all think?

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🏛Hellenic cheat sheets🏛

Hellenic Cheat Sheets

In construction

Here are some cheat sheets with general information about the Greek Gods which you might find useful in worship but not only!

There is plenty of information I did not include. These are just simple cheat sheets. I could not fit everything in there but this might come in handy if you’re just starting out or want to get to know the Hellenic Gods.

For more information about them, I highly recommend you check out the websites or books I listed in sources!

PSA: Some of the things listed in offerings and associations section are more modern, thus could be regarded as UPGs/SPGs

Hellenic Cheat Sheets

⚡ The Olympians ⚡














Mount Olympus - Home of the Gods


Hellenic Cheat Sheets

🦴The Underworld🦴







House of Hades & the Afterlife

Hellenic Cheat Sheets

🌱 Minor deities & daimones 💫



Phobos & Deimos - bonus info












Mousai [Muses]

Moirai [Fates]

Charites [Graces]

Anemoi [The Winds]

🌾 Titan & Primordial Gods 🌌











👑 Heroes & deified mortals ⚔








If you like my content consider supporting me on: https://ko-fi.com/screeching0wlet

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Things have been very difficult lately. In the spirit of the new moon, I cut off an unhealthy relationship in my life. Even though it’s for the best for all parties involved, I’m having to deal with a lot of anger and resentment from the other person involved.

This has also been trying because, despite how unhealthy our relationship was, this person was my closest and really only friend. Even though I’ve spent most of my life alone, it terrifies me, and I doubt every little step that I take. I also am terrified of them trying to hurt me for leaving the relationship when they didn’t want to let me go.

I thank Persephone for her guidance and support that led me to this decision, and I humbly ask that Hades give me the strength and wisdom to live independently and solitarily

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On today’s episode of Hades being unintentionally funny with his signs:

It’s been a bad day and I’ve been reaching out to him a lot for strength, which is something I do with him relatively frequently (he’s been helping me become stronger and stick to my values more).

Then, my coworker starts absolutely blasting some terrible early 2000s music (she never plays music) and honestly? That nostalgia made me really feel better. I like to think that he had a hand in providing me this small comfort and happiness, but it’s funny to picture him actively choosing an old Taylor Swift song to play lmao

I know most people picture Hades in his very serious, king of the underworld aspect, but he has shown me a ton of his hidden sense of humor.

Like the other day I ordered a little statue of him for my altar. I get the package today and guess what? The package contained 16 of the same statue! I went back and checked my receipt-I was only charged for one but they must have somehow went me a whole pack of them by accident!

It honestly had me cracking up so much like he’s so not subtle and has his unserious moments and that’s what I love so much about working with him

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I love creating elaborate, personal rituals for the gods but there’s also something so divine and beautiful about making magick out of the mundane.

Washing away stale energy in the shower

Brushing my teeth with mint toothpaste for Hades while praying to Him and asking for guidance in speaking the truth

Wearing pomegranate lip balm for Persephone and asking Her to keep the words I say just and fair

Stirring a sigil into my morning coffee for focus and energy

It’s just such an incredible reminder that the gods are everywhere in our lives, that everything is touched by them. And that makes every little mundane part of life so much more meaningful to me

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My full moon messages

Lord Hades and Lady Persephone have been encouraging me a lot recently to share my faith more with others (I haven’t been writing much on here about my relationship with them because it feels very personal and intimate, but if they want me to be more open about my faith, I’ll follow their guidance in doing so!), so I thought this would be a good place to write down the highlights of my full moon divination session with them. I really loved these messages, and they were exactly what I needed to hear, so hopefully they inspire some of you too!

They both want me to work on my selfishness. I cut myself off from others too often, and need to be more aware of how I can help others/the world at large, and act upon those opportunities. They both emphasize that I am under their protection and should not be afraid. They also remind me to cherish the small things in life, and to treat everyone with kindness and compassion. Now is a good time in my life to connect more with nature. I’ve grown a lot recently, and They want me to celebrate that progress and be proud of myself!

In her tarot session, Lady Persephone encourages me to work on letting go of negativity, especially in regards to grudges I hold or resentments I have for the past. It’s not a good use of my time and energy, to be hung up on something that happened years ago that I can’t change, so it’s time to release those negative emotions. This may be something I’ve struggled with for years, but now I am strong enough to start making real progress on changing.

Lord Hades encourages me to keep working with him, especially as I go through transformative periods of my life, but also reminds me that my own power comes from within. I can be a lot more self-reliant than I think, and can use this independence to strengthen myself. No matter how much guidance He gives me, it’s ultimately up to me to make the changes I need to become the person I want to be. Balance is key when it comes to my relationships, in addition to how I live my life in general.

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10 months ago

What really hurts about religious discourse is how much we all have in common. I know being a Hellenist brings me unfathomable levels of warmth and comfort that I can’t find anywhere else. And I know there are people of other faiths that feel that way with their deities.

There’s so much emphasis on who is “right” or “wrong”, but I don’t believe there’s one truth for everyone. We all have such different lives and paths. The way religion is used as a weapon of hate and not a tool for love and compassion will always sadden me.

I may not personally worship every deity of every religion, but I acknowledge that the feeling of spiritual fulfillment that other religions give people is real. That is enough for me to find love in my heart for them all.

If Allah can bring you that feeling, THATS BEAUTIFUL!! If Jesus can bring you that feeling, THATS BEAUTIFUL!! If any deity of any faith can bring you that feeling….THATS BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Personally, I don’t see my religion as an undeniable truth for everyone. I see it as spiritual connection that brings me love and warmth like no other. I know Lady Aphrodite is real in my heart, because I feel her. I can never give you an equation or a fact that proves my feelings, but I know it’s true in my life. How could you look someone in the eyes and tell them they’ll be punished for seeking love and warmth?

I know I’m just rambling, but I just wish we could live in a world where religion wasn’t a competition of who is right, but a way for us to find more beauty and fulfillment in our worlds.

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5 months ago

Beginner Witch's Guide: Crystals

Today's witchy lesson is on crystals! Specifically, crystal shapes and their meanings, types of crystals and their meanings, and what you can use crystals for in your practice!


Basic Crystals and Their Meanings:

Clear Quartz -> Clear quartz is known for its ability to amplify intention and magnify the energy of other stones around it

Selenite -> Selenite is good for cleansing and purifying the area and objects around it

Amethyst -> Amethyst provides a peaceful and relaxing energy

Carnelian -> Carnelian is known for boosting creative energy and allowing for better creative flow

Rose Quartz -> Rose quartz is known for supporting and amplifying love of all kinds (self love, romantic love, platonic love, etc.)

Pyrite -> Pyrite (also known as 'Fool's Gold') is known for drawing in success and fortune

Obsidian -> Obsidian sucks in negative energy from the surrounding space providing protection from unwanted energies and negativity


Crystal Shapes and Meanings:

Cube -> Cube shaped crystals are often tied to grounding and would be good to use during meditation or meditative spellwork.

Sphere -> Sphere shaped crystals are thought to be more balanced with the energy they emit, splitting it evenly in all directions. They are good to use in grounding work (like meditation) or for protective spells/energy.

Pyramids -> Pyramid shaped crystals are most commonly associated with the idea of communing with celestial bodies or with the universe. Pyramid shaped crystals would be beneficial to use in deity worship or working with deities for spellwork.

Tower/Point -> Tower and point shaped crystals are known to amplify intention and point it in a certain direction. In my opinion, they are the most universally helpful shape and so can be used for a variety of spells.

Palm Stones -> Palm Stones are flat disks of stone that can be placed in one's palm and are often used to provide soothing energy. When placed in the palm they can be rubbed to provide therapeutic relief in moments of anxiety.

Cluster -> A cluster is a mix between a sphere and a point. The energy is emitted in all directions, but not evenly. They are most beneficial for spells and powers you want amplified, but don't need to be even or concentrated in one particular area.


General Crystal Tips:

When purchasing crystals, make sure the ones you are buying are coming from reputable, ethical sources and are actual crystals!

Before letting any crystal come in contact with the sun or with water, make sure it is safe to do. Some crystals are known to leech harmful chemicals or elements into water when submerged while some will just erode away in minutes. Some crystals can also fade if left in direct sunlight for a long time (amethyst is one of these so keep that in mind!)

If you do not like working with crystals, think something works better for you than crystals, or simply are just not interested in working with crystals, they are not necessary for the craft! Crystals (like any other witchy tool) are optional but can not only provide useful energies or attributes, but also just look super cool and are great to put on altars or in spaces around your home!


Well, that's all for my beginners guide to crystals! There are so many more crystals out there with their own unique shapes, attributes and energies that I suggest going and doing more research as you start to collect crystals! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out, I love talking to people and love making new friends <3

Valete my friends! :3

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