372 posts
Hi, Again, I Love It When You Do These!
Hi, again, I love it when you do these!
Congratulations on 50 followers! You deserve it and more!
I would like a Double Trouble Drabble, with either a poly ending or you pick the ending from Mha. I use xe/they/it/he pronouns. I'm 18, a May Taurus, around 5'3 so I'm the perfect height for a arm rest. I kin Amajiki, shigaraki, fanon Denki, yamaguchi, suga and kenma (sorry if that's a lot of kins, they are my top). I would like to say I'm reall good a baking but I can only really bake basic stuff well, eg:cakes, Brownies, cookies. I have gotten really into doing puzzle books and most of the time I'm watching a film, TV show or reading fanfic. In a relationship I want someone who will listen to me talk about my interests with finding me annoying, I would also love to get tattoos and piercings together. I would also love to just have days in binging movies and they have to like 'Back To The Future' as its my favourite movie and my favourite anime is 'Sk8 The Infinity' . I would say my love language is giving physical touch and quality time and receiving words of affirmation. I don't have any gender preferences but I do have preferences for the villans but it's not that big of a deal.
Thank you!

For this event, I match you with Himiko Toga and Mirio Togata
I’ve matched you with toga before, and I wanted to give you a match that would contradict the villain because I think villain x heroes are interesting. I also wanted someone closer to your age in case it would make you uncomfortable to be matched with a younger person. So I knew I wanted to match you with people who have golden retriever energy, which toga has, and most of your kins seem to be shipped with sunshine so I match you with Mirio. Also, let pretend that the villain hero thing doesn’t affect this relationship much. Lastly, I’m sorry that Toga’s may seem a little stalkerish, it was the best way I could come up with mostly because I imagine you as a citizen.

As a villain, I’m not able to interact closely with them, but I’m able to watch. I’m not trying to be creepy but I’ve never felt so nervous to approach someone. I’ve tried introducing myself but every time I feel like I looked like an idiot, and it’s not like they’ll remember my face, cause it’s never the same. I plan to introduce myself today but with my real face. I watch as xe sits outside a coffee shop, they have a box with them and I can’t help but wonder what’s in the box. I take a deep breath and prepare myself to approach them, but then I see someone else take a seat with them. I watch as they conversate, the blonde man looks familiar. Soon I watch as it takes the box and opens it, I feel so intrigued as I wait for someone to pull out whatever is in the box. I watch as the blonde boy pulls out a cupcake, its a simple yet cute decorated cupcake, gosh I wish I could sink my teeth into one. The fact that the cupcake is homemade makes me want it more, I didn’t know they baked sweets, it’s not shocking since he is such a sweet person. I’m normally a jealous person but I don’t feel jealousy toward the person sitting across from xem, the only thing I’m jealous of is that he gets to eat those delicious-looking cupcakes, I wouldn’t mind sitting with the two of them.
Even though I would like to sit with the two, I wait for them to be done with this meet-up. I follow it to their next location, using my skateboard to keep up. They enter an old-looking building, and I follow. When I enter a find them looking at moves for the 1980s, he picks up what looks like back to the future, they have good taste. I try to approach them but my nerves get the best of me and I move to a different aisle. I become distracted by the interesting puzzles and puzzle books. I reach for one of the books when my hand bumps into another’s hand, I began to apologize but am stopped when I see that the hand belongs to xem. I’ve looked into their eyes, it’s nice to be close enough to see them. “No it’s fine, it was my bad”
Bad, I wouldn’t use that word to describe our encounter
“Thanks but I think I’m also at fault, is there a way I can apologize”
“Well I don’t think it’s your fault but if you feel that bad then you can apologize in whatever way works for you”
This might work
“Well I can’t think but ill give you my number a social’s so if you need any help you can contact me”
I write down my info and xe instantly put it in their device and text me, I see as they change the name to “cute blonde” They think I’m cute, maybe I have a chance

“You got this, it’s the fifth date, you’ve done it four other times, nothing different. Well accept today is the day I want to ask xe to be official.”
I stand in the mirror already dressed and ready for the date, I look nice and koozie, perfect for a stay-in movie night date. Gosh, I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous, come on, pull it together man, they like you, he said it.
My phone is always loud, knocking me out of this rabbit hole of insecurities. I reach to check it, a smile returning to my face when I read that it’s from it.
Armrest: Hey I was wondering if I could invite another to our date
My anxiety returned, I thought I couldn’t get more nervous but, another person. But it’s fine, we’ve talked about our stance on monogamy, we both expressed not having a problem with others being a part of our relationship. It’s not that I don’t want to meet this person but I was nervous just to ask them to be official with me when another is there
Me: I’m not against but I want to know who and why, if that not too much.
Armrest: It’s the girl I’ve been on a few dates with, I told you about her right
It has told me about the other person xe is seeing, and I would be lying if I didn’t say I was intrigued by the stories of this person.
Me: Ok I wouldn’t mind meeting them today but I need to talk to you in private today at some point
There that should do it. I look at the time and realize that I need to start going I finish getting ready and head out.
When I arrive I knock and wait for an answer I hear his voice call out
“Come in, were in my room”
I enter take my shoes off and head to xe bedroom, when I enter I see the person I’ve my heart goes crazy for, they’re snuggling up with another blonde, they must have a type. It’s an adorable sight, the person I don’t know yet looks familiar, has their arms wrapped tightly around him, the girl’s head resting on their torso, hair all over her face, it is almost laughable. The two of them are focused on the screen, I turn to see the beginning of an old movie playing, I look and see a disk box labeled ‘back to the future I figure that’s the movie’s name. I notice a plate of cookies on the nightstand, no doubt made by made them, I move to eat some.
Chewing on one I stand watching the movie and decide to make sure I’m correct.
“What we watching?”
Both of the people in the bed answer, in a whisper voice, not wanting to interrupt the movie
“Back to the future”
I was right
“I’ve never seen it”
They both snap their head toward me, one of them pausing the movie, both of them speak in unison again
They look at each other then back at me, the blonde that I don’t know shakes their head p and pulls me into the bed
“ well we can’t have that”
“Is it really that good?”
The blonde mocks me
“Is it really that good?”
They turn back to it, and speck the rest of her sentence to xem
“You sure this is the guy you into, I mean he’s cute but he doesn’t seem to have taste”
I decide that I don’t want to take this heat without defending my self
“it’s an old movie, ok. And’ll have you know I have taste. Evidence one, I fell for this fabulous human. Evidence 2 I love its cooking, I mean have you had these cookies.”
I see the blonde about to say something, but when the movie starts up she goes back to watching and snuggling. I also become more relaxed, grabbing another cookie and placing it behind his back.
At the end of the movie I leave the room and signal for xe to follow me, they do. I take a breath, I’ve got this
“ you wanted to talk” Damn I love their voice
“Yeah, I just, I wanted to ask you something”
“ I want to be official, with you!”
I watch as their face lights up and then fall, I wonder why
“I would love that, but I really like toga to and if that’s a deal-breaker then I don’t know...”
I frantically replay truthfully
“It’s not, I swear, we’ve talked about this and if I’m being honesty toga seem cool, I wouldn’t mind going on more dates with them as well.”
I hope that came out well, I really like it and I think toga would be a great addition to our relationship after I get to know her better
“Really, good because I like you both. So will you be my boyfriend?”
Yes yes yes, ok calm down
“Yes, I'd love that.”
I think the three of you would have a group chat either called blonde squared or blond cubed, its a math joke, squared if you’re not blonde and cubed if you are.

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More Posts from Gremlin-writes-angst
Loud obnoxious confident blonde
A/N:there is curssing and crying and talk of feeling unlovable and lots of spelling mistakes because i wrote this then posted , not edited at all
Kami: DONT TELL ME IM WRONG. I WASNT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM. Okay I know that, I don't want you pitiful lies
Mina: Denki ...
Kami: No listen. When i feel for eijiro, he feel for bakugou , a load ,obnoxious ,confident , blonde. After i got over him i started to fall for another guy, but midorya didn't fancy me, he fancied a loud blonde who is confident and obnoxious, aoyama. But apparently, that wasn't enough, third times the charm right. No, because as i grew close to hitoshi, i fell for him, even after telling myself that i cant, that it will end like all the others. And maybe i should switch career paths, become a physic or something because you know who hitoshi is out on a date with right now. FUCKING MONAMA, THE MOST OBNOXIOUS, LOUD, CONFIDENT BLONDE.
Denki is screaming and crying in the end, mina is frozen unsure of how to comfort him.
Kami: So what's the problem, im a confident blond and im loud and obnoxious, so why did all of them fall for the others that are so similar to me. there no other reason other then im romantically unlovable, I cant take another heartbreak mina, it hurts, so much, and no one is here to hold me, or to love me, to tell me they love me.
Mina moves to hold her crying friend
Mina: I love you Denki
Kami: it not the same but can you continue to hold me, just for a little long
Mina: As long as you need
i dont know why i thought it would be a good idea for me , a person with deppresion and no motivation for things i love, along with rejection sensittive dysphoria, to start a tumblr blog
Do you still have slots open for matchups?
Yep there is plenty of slots open for you, and any one else who send in a request with the correct Info, so don't be afraid to send one in
Attack on Tuition
An Attack on titian Modern College au
Sorry if it's too American, I’ve only ever lived in America so that’s all I know.
Let’s start off with the main three Eren, Mikasa, and Armin
So in high school, Armin got a job at a Starbucks inside a target, eventually, Mikasa decided that she also needed a job and Armin told her they were hiring at his work so they then worked together, they are often the only two who work during their shifts.
They still have these jobs when they move to a college close to their hometown. By now Armin is a shift manager of Starbucks. And Eren has realized that he needs a job and his friend always talks about their job so he tries to get a job at the same place.
Eren tried his best but he ended up works at target instead of Starbucks in target. He hates that he has to wear red, he thinks it’s a stupid color and that being a target cashier is the worst job.
He spends his break at Starbucks complaining that he doesn't get to work with his friends
Back to Starbuck pair. Armin often works the cash register because he's better around people while Mikasa makes the drinks. Armin actually attracts some people, he's the cute barista at Starbucks that you think likes you back( he doesn't).
Even older women see Armin as the cute barista and try to flirt with him. he plays along for tips and is afraid that if he doesn't they'll Saturn Karen on him. I've actually thought of a small scenario that has 100% happened
Older divorcee soccer mom who is also a regular
Armin: Good afternoon Karen, how can I help you today
Karen: Oh I guess it is afternoon Armin, I'll have my regular for the kids, and I'm gonna try something new, any recommendations
Armin: Well of course are you looking for something bitter, sweet or maybe something fruit based
Karen: Definitely something sweet, do you guys have anything that is as sweet as you, I doubt it, your are just too sweet
queue Mikasa rolling her eyes
Armin: oh why thank you, I would suggest the strawberry funnel cake frappuccino
Karen: Well if you’re suggesting it then, of course, I’ll try it.
Mikasa: Armin I don't know how to make that yet
Armin: oh well ill make her order, just finish ringing her up
Karen looks back to the cashier, after checking on her children and getting her credit card out.
Karen: Oh where'd Armin go
Mikasa: He's making your drinks for you. I can finish ringing you up ma’am
Karen: Well you don't have to take that tone with me I was just wondering
Mikasa: *sigh* Sorry ma’am, what size would you like that frappuccino, and will that complete your order
Karen: A grande and Yes that's all for today
Mikasa: Your total is --.-- ( idk)
Karen: that's outrageous, it’s normally less than that
Mikasa: well today you ordered something different
Karen: but I got a small size than normal so it should cost less than normal
Mikasa: well the frappuccino cost more than your regular drink because there more ingredients along with it being a special item
Karen: well it shouldn't be that high
Mikasa: would you like me to edit your order, maybe change the size of something
Karen: no ill just pay for this, and you should smile more and talk nicer, people will like you better that way, like Armin.
Karen pays for her drinks and goes to sit and wait. Mikasa now avoids the cashier job as best as possible.
Moving on to Ymir and Historia
Ymir and Historia went to the same high school.
Ymir’s parents were both military and moved a lot, at the end of 8th grade they moved to a small town, where they stayed for four years/ till Ymir graduated.
This small town was historians home town, and she had never gone far out of the county her town is in.
In high school the two meet and fall in love, becoming high school sweethearts.
in junior (11th grade) year the two already plan to move in together after graduation. But things go amiss when Historia is forced to go to an ivy league college across the country and Ymir, doesn't have the grades or money to follow her.
the two break up and don't stay in touch. It’s too painful for the both of them to only be friends.
Ymir takes a year before going to college, earning money for the future, she applied to as many as she could, and by some fate ended up at the same college as Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, Reiner, Berthold, and Annie.
She becomes close with these people, and eventually builds a band with 2 of them, as much as she didn't expect or want she was in a band with Eren and Berthold. Ymir is a bass player and singer and she needs at least 1 guitar player along with a drum player, and Berthold was the only person who wasn’t just decent but surprisingly amazing at the drums. While Eren tried to be a drummer thinking it was cooler. But he has no talent as a drummer but when Ymir asked if he already knew how to play an instrument he plainly explained that he plays guitar, and she had him play and as much as she disliked it, he was better than the other guitar players she was looking for.
Also, Mikasa will sometimes help with duets or background vocals. And later on, they meet Annie and she becomes their second guitarist.
So Ymir’s band has started to grow some fans and historian finds out about this band and watches a video only to find that the leader and singer is her ex. Historia still loves Ymir and now that she knows that there is a way to see her again she had to try. so she researches the band’s upcoming shows, and plans a way to get plain tickets without her parents knowing it’s too visit her ex.
She decides she wants to surprise Ymir so she doesn't tell her.
Historia watches Ymir and her band performs, she’s so enthralled by Ymir and the love that she feels for her. shes doesn't even realize the songs are mostly about her.
At the end of the show, Ymir is sitting at the bar ( not drinking) when a short blonde female approaches her, started flirting. the short blonde isn't Historia but Historia can see and hear this interaction. So when Ymir not so kindly rejects the girls by saying
"I’m not interested girlie"
Historia hears a flirtatious tone behind Ymir’s voice, the same tone that Ymir used to use on her. So Historia doesn't approach her, she just leaves, realizing that she has no claim to Ymir.
the truth is Ymir put no flirtatious tone behind that sentence, her flirtatious tone and serious tone are basically the same, Historia was mistaken.
Ymir only realizes that Historia was at one of her shows a few weeks later when she receives photos ( that were taken of the band and crowd for future posters) and recognizes her ex-girlfriend in the crowd. She is unsure how to feel, she was happy but also disappointed and angry that Historia never approached her
Oh also Jean, Connie, and Sasha all went to the same high school but Connie goes to a fancy private college that's less than an hour away from jean and Sashas collage, jean and Sasha make fun of how he has changed ( he has elbow pads on all his sweaters).
that's it for now and I made a playlist of what I think Ymir’s band sounds likes
Ymir and the Cadets link!!!