Masamune Shirow
Masamune Shirow
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More Posts from Gremoria411
I do like a lot of Non-Gundam Mecha as well. Gundam’s just the series I have the most experience with and am best able to convey my feelings on.
Just off the top of my head (and I suppose a general thesis statement); I like when the mecha are clearly-defined in universe. I like when we know (or can at least infer) what they’re for, why they were built.
For Example, in Gundam, we have the mobile suit. It’s designed principally for space combat in visual range, due to the jamming effects of minovsky particles. It’s original purpose was ship-killing, Zeon designing it in order to get an edge over the Federation’s fleets. To this end, it is fast (to dodge enemy fire), well armed with weaponry suitable to strike at its intended targets and manoeuvrable (its entire humanoid design is to allow maximum capability for the AMBAC system to assist it with zero-g manoeuvres). Once it was realised that both sides would be using mobile suits, it was armed with melee weaponry for close-quarters fights. Mobile suit development follows with better weaponry (beams, shot lancers etc.), better mobility and better survivability (shields, anti-beam coating, beam rotors etc.). And while this is just Universal Century, most of the other series follow a similar(-ish) design trend (the only exceptions off the top of my head are Build Fighters, G Gundam (both for obvious reasons) and New Mobile Report Gundam Wing (which seems like a bunch of conflicting visions in-universe). Sure, mobile suits are effective in colonies and on Earth, and several are even built with that in mind. But they were designed for space first and foremost, so that’s always going to have an influence. There’s solid, defined reasoning for why they’re there, it’s not just “well we’ve gotta have giant robots”.
But moving on to other series mecha, there’s some I like and some I don’t. I’ve only really seen a smattering of non-Gundam mecha series (and even then, sunrise shows up a lot), so this is mostly just on the mecha designs.
First off, Five Star Stories and it’s Mortar Headds;
I could talk about the forms or the knightly aesthetic or the fact that the hero wins his first fight by pimp-slapping his opponents in a mecha made of gold, or I could just put up some of the designs and let them talk for me. I will fully admit I haven’t read that far into the manga because I absolutely adore what I have read and want to take my time with it (they said, not having looked at it in at least three years). Mortar Headds are bespoke artisanal war machines, each one a tribute to its craftsman as much as a means of destruction. It’s so gorgeous I started work on a Mekton setting based directly on it (which I also haven’t touched in a while, should really get back in that).
Next, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Which for the record, I really liked (though I’ve yet to watch Rebuild). The Evangelion units do look very similar in comparison to other series, but I really can’t fault the design. The Evangelions are built to kill angels and require pilots born post-second impact (so, young). They’re humanoid because they’re essentially piloted as extensions of the pilots own body (hence the synch ratio). As such there’s a visceral, desperate nature to their movements, a sense that any fight they’re in is Kill-or-be-Killed. It illustrates a manic frenecity to the fight against the angels and why such tactics are ultimately necessary. They’re somewhere between humanoid and bestial, almost an abomination unto themselves, which plays into the series very, very well.
Pacific Rim - Jaegers:
As a movie, I found Pacific Rim pretty good. It wasn’t amazing, but I would definitely recommend and it was good enough for me to be interested in the wider franchise. The Jeagers however, were fabulous. Each of them has a unique construction, selling that these are recovered machines thrown together as a strikeforce. It also illustrates them as a multinational team, since while I wouldn’t specifically state that they represent their country of origin, you can certainly understand the expense and I suppose pride at their construction. They’re also really, really weighty. Each blow has power, each movement testifies the massive strength inherent in them. It takes no introduction or explanation that they’re built to fight kaiju, you can tell just from looking at them. And yet, you can also understand that they’re expensive things. You can buy, that no matter their effectiveness it’s just not sustainable as a standing force. But they’re not foolproof. Victories are hard-fought, losses near-irrecoverable, not just in terms of machinery, but also of pilots. Drift compatibility further establishes the titanic weight of these things, humanoid as they are, the mental strain alone is a threat. It just all works together so well.
(I have not seen Pacific Rim Uprising, and I don’t want to. Everything in there just looks too light and floaty, and it hasn’t the spark of the first movie, it’s financial motivation clear as day. The Netflix Anime, Pacific Rim: The Black, isn’t half-bad though).
Darling in the Franxx - Franxx
I feel like Studio Trigger gets a lot of leeway simply because when they make a hit, it’s a *hit*. The Franxx have very feminine designs since the female half of their piloting duos essentially fuse with the Franxx during normal operations. I’m not as big a fan of Argentea and Genista (pink and green, respectively) as the rest, but Strelizia and Delphinium (red and blue) are lovely. Strelizia mostly because it’s top-heavy, lending it’s Lance a lot of impact. The existence of the Franxx is also pretty solid - fight klaxosaurs, because (*spoilers*) they’re essentially reverse-engineered from them. They’re obviously a lot more humanoid and personable than other designs here, simply because they also communicate for their pilots, not just the mecha themselves. I think I like the big heads, since I’m also a fan of the model used by the 9’s force (not pictured, but essentially a slimmed down Strelizia without a face). I also quite like the emphasis on agility, with the multiple skirt thrusters on Strelizia and Delphinium.
Code Geass has its Knightmare Frames
Alright, I have a lot of complicated feelings towards Code Geass (the fact I feel I should mention the fanservice here, but didn’t feel the need to mention it for Darling in the Franxx is one of them) that I’ll probably do a post on eventually, but my feelings on Knightmares are actually very solid - they’re nice, they were the hook that got me into it, but they’re really only here to make some cool action scenes and probably because sunrise felt uncomfortable making something without giant robots in it. You’re not really here for them, per se. Most of the designs I can take or leave, however there are a few I have opinions on. I really don’t like the Vincent (not shown above, the one Rollo uses), since it looks far too much like a Gundam for my liking. The Alexander (top row, white, without wings) is wonderful in pretty much all its forms, suitable for Guerilla warfare behind enemy lines, owing to its light, mobile build and wide variety of equipment. I can also believe it’s easy enough to build that it could be used by “expendable” forces. The Vercingetorix (Second row, gold) is utterly gorgeous, not just because of its gold colouration, but also because it turns into a centaur. Its build is also comparatively simple, favouring mobility and a hefty melee weapon. I do like the variability of the designs, since Knightmare frames run the gamut of one-off custom jobs intended for ace of aces (basically anything built for a Brittanian Knight), Mass-produced units designed for large-scale warfare (Sutherlands, not shown above), to units desperately pressed into service against Brittania (the aforementioned Alexander and the Gekka, top row, teal/green). In summary, they’re nice, but they’re really not the focus (and they start dropping like flies when the superweapons come out).
(I’ll do a separate post on some specific designs I like sometime)
Finally (for now), we come to The Big O’s MegaDeus
Which I’m “currently” watching, and the series that inspired this follow-up post (no spoilers please). While I haven’t seen enough to come down on the “thesis” of the MegaDeus, all the ones I’ve seen are built along roughly the same lines - Titanic pieces of machinery, long hidden away (though I do wish it was easier to find some of the designs, we only get tantalising glimpses of some of them, like Osrail). But they fit in with the city around them, despite their disparate designs, and of course the weight of them is well-communicated. They’re surprisingly evocative designs - the one held by a criminal organisation (*spoilers* Dorothy-1) has a skeevy, untrustworthy design, with lots of underhanded weaponry, whereas Big O itself is stern and its armaments are very direct (so far, anyway).
Most of the Mecha listed here are humanoid, but I do like other mechanical designs too, these were just the options that sprung to mind off the top of my head.
With all the things you've posted looking at the mobile suits of various series, I wondered if you had any specific tastes in mecha design. Are there particular details or design cues that you're especially fond of?
@wordsandrobots, I fully expect to follow this up at sone point (and likely run out of pictures/want to ramble even more), so I’m going to pull it out as a proper post:
That is an *excellent* question, actually, since I hadn’t considered my tastes in such a broad scale before (and well-timed too, since I’ve got a post talking about Gusion in the works). It’s why I typically like talking about design series, since I can compare and contrast within that scope.
I typically focus on Gundam, since I generally like it as a series and there’s a massive variety of designs to appreciate, with a broad range. I’m largely influenced by the Anime, model kits and occasionally videogames, though in a lot of cases I can like a character, and that can lead to a greater appreciation of their mobile suit.
Specific design notes…. I tend to notice them more in the context of an artist - I adore a lot of Ippei Gyoubu’s design touches, from the bright colours to the detailed hands to the panel lines and little touches that you’d never notice. Kazuhisa Kondo has the organic shape and uniquely rounded weaponry and it’s styled in such a way as to apprear blurry, almost ephemeral, like you’re glimpsing it through a haze of smoke and gunfire and dirt, while frantically turning to get away, get away from the conflict. And yet the designs are still recognisable, and in a lot of respects draw from contemporary sources.
I’m similarly fond of Makoto Kobayashi and Kuino Okawara, though I typically struggle to explain how (Makoto Kobayashi tends to have really good composition? I think. So they look simple and detailed all at once, and they’re part of a scene, so it’s what you choose to focus on? And Okawara just makes it look so…. Effortless)
Hajime Katoiki I do like as well, I just struggle to nail down why. I suppose it’s because of how clean his designs look.
Moving away from the preference of artists (and honestly, it’s only that some of their design hallmarks are very distinct), I often have a preference for specific “types” of mobile suit. I talked about this a little in regards to the Code: Fairy designs, but I often find myself drawn to specialist mobile suits over generalist ones. From a modelling perspective, I often like each one to be distinct in a lineup in some way (unless they’re similar models, then I just put them together so the differences show). Often this can just be a distinct weapon, but it’s just as often the form of the mobile suit (the Gusion’s a good example here, since it draws the eye due to its heavyset build, understated colour scheme and giant hammer) or even the colour (see: the Infinite Justice being bright pink). This tends to encompass a lot of close-quarters units (like the Pixy and the Efreets) simply because there’s a lot of ways to do that well. Another reason is that whereas generalist suits tend to show up in large roles throughout the series, specialist ones tend towards “monster-of-the-week”, typically being an obstacle to be defeated or just having one or two cool scenes (like the Efreet Schneid). So I find they stick in my head a lot better.
I can like a lot of designs from a series as well, but of course I tend to have a lot of different criteria as to what designs I like, depending on the suit’s billing and purpose (what makes a great grunt suit and what makes a great protagonist suit are quite different after all). I do very much like a lot of the UC Grunt suits (though I’ll probably touch on that in more detail at a later point), for example, but I only really like one from Anno Domini, the Tieran (since it looks so much like a walking tank as opposed to the spindly nature of the Flags and Enacts). That said, I don’t think that the Flags, Enacts and GN-X’s are bad designs, they’re just not really the sort of thing I like.
In fact, I reckon that’s why I’m particularly fond of Iron-Blooded Orphans’ Aesthetics, since a lot of the units from that series would be close-quarters specialists in any other series. But because melee is so common in Post Disaster, virtually everything carries a nice solid sharp stick. The only exceptions I can think of are Gusion Rebake (which is more of an all-rounder), Flauros (and even that has hatchets that leave cqc a viable option) and Dainsleif Grazes (which only have one arm, so….).
Ahhhh, I forgot about House Baklazan and House Falk, I love those guys.
I do absolutely enjoy the fact that we know bugger-all about them (and I really like their designs, Nemo’s a very striking old man and Elek’s got that pudgy nobility vibe that feels like they could be cast in a heroic or villainous light without much difficulty). They’re essentially (narratively) just seat fillers to provide some weight for Gjallarhorn to throw about to show division. Though I really do want to call out house Falk since their family Gundam is the Gundam Gamigin
Which, yeah gorgeous design and all that, but it’s armed with a freaking GUN HAMMER (/axe….thing) which is just absolutely wonderful.
Rustal tracks. Quite oddly actually, given that he reforms the corrupt Gjallarhorn into (presumably) an actual merit-based system, which is how Gjallarhorn was originally formed post-calamity war. Hm. Though I’ve talked about this before, it really sells him as the realist versus Mcgillis’ romanticism of the past. Then again, he’s explicitly doing it in service to his own interests, as opposed to Mcgillis playing hero as Agnika Kaeru.
I really should go back and properly read IBO Gekko, everything I hear about Zadiel Zalmfort/Zaza Fossil makes me want to read about him (the Dantalion looking as it does also helps).
So I realised something - two things in fact, today when thinking about Iron Blooded Orphans again.
So, Gaelio, having realised that his Schwalbe Graze isn’t enough, pulls out the Bauduin family Gundam, the Kimaris, with which to fight the Barbatos. Mcgillis (as Montag) expresses amazement that Gaelio did this, and surprise that Gundam’s are fighting one another. However, his tone is rather dry, suggesting that, while surprising, such a situation is not an unthinkable one.
So, could there have been other fights between Gundam’s post-calamity war?
The other thing is that, while we’re told that there’s 26 Gundam’s known to still exist in P.D. 323, at the start of the series (I *think* it gets pushed up to 31 by the end, since Flauros, Gusion, Vual, Asmoday and Hajiroboshi get unearthed or revealed over that timeframe, but I might have forgotten one), we don’t know for certain that all of the missing ones were destroyed during the calamity war. It’s possible some were destroyed in the intervening 300-ish years, whether by politicking (think the Warren’s and Nadira’s being shoved out along with their gundam’s) or by some other conflict (it’s of course possible that not everyone was completely willing to accept Gjallarhorn’s rule postwar, no matter what the state of things).
So it’s possible that other Gundam’s have been discovered or lost since the calamity war, and they could have intervened in numerous other conflicts in that time. Mcgillis himself notes that Gundam’s “have appeared numerous times at historical turning points and have been a great influence on the history of man”. Not “the machines that won the calamity war”. It’s of course possible that Mcgillis’ romanticism makes him a biased source, prone to flowery descriptions. But. It does seem to indicate that the Gundams have had influence beyond the Calamity War already by P.D. 323, thus implying other conflicts they’ve been involved in.
I don’t know, it’s just cool to think about (and possible fodder for sidestories set prior to tekkadan’s formation in 323).
With all the things you've posted looking at the mobile suits of various series, I wondered if you had any specific tastes in mecha design. Are there particular details or design cues that you're especially fond of?
@wordsandrobots, I fully expect to follow this up at sone point (and likely run out of pictures/want to ramble even more), so I’m going to pull it out as a proper post:
That is an *excellent* question, actually, since I hadn’t considered my tastes in such a broad scale before (and well-timed too, since I’ve got a post talking about Gusion in the works). It’s why I typically like talking about design series, since I can compare and contrast within that scope.
I typically focus on Gundam, since I generally like it as a series and there’s a massive variety of designs to appreciate, with a broad range. I’m largely influenced by the Anime, model kits and occasionally videogames, though in a lot of cases I can like a character, and that can lead to a greater appreciation of their mobile suit.
Specific design notes…. I tend to notice them more in the context of an artist - I adore a lot of Ippei Gyoubu’s design touches, from the bright colours to the detailed hands to the panel lines and little touches that you’d never notice. Kazuhisa Kondo has the organic shape and uniquely rounded weaponry and it’s styled in such a way as to apprear blurry, almost ephemeral, like you’re glimpsing it through a haze of smoke and gunfire and dirt, while frantically turning to get away, get away from the conflict. And yet the designs are still recognisable, and in a lot of respects draw from contemporary sources.
I’m similarly fond of Makoto Kobayashi and Kuino Okawara, though I typically struggle to explain how (Makoto Kobayashi tends to have really good composition? I think. So they look simple and detailed all at once, and they’re part of a scene, so it’s what you choose to focus on? And Okawara just makes it look so…. Effortless)
Hajime Katoiki I do like as well, I just struggle to nail down why. I suppose it’s because of how clean his designs look.
Moving away from the preference of artists (and honestly, it’s only that some of their design hallmarks are very distinct), I often have a preference for specific “types” of mobile suit. I talked about this a little in regards to the Code: Fairy designs, but I often find myself drawn to specialist mobile suits over generalist ones. From a modelling perspective, I often like each one to be distinct in a lineup in some way (unless they’re similar models, then I just put them together so the differences show). Often this can just be a distinct weapon, but it’s just as often the form of the mobile suit (the Gusion’s a good example here, since it draws the eye due to its heavyset build, understated colour scheme and giant hammer) or even the colour (see: the Infinite Justice being bright pink). This tends to encompass a lot of close-quarters units (like the Pixy and the Efreets) simply because there’s a lot of ways to do that well. Another reason is that whereas generalist suits tend to show up in large roles throughout the series, specialist ones tend towards “monster-of-the-week”, typically being an obstacle to be defeated or just having one or two cool scenes (like the Efreet Schneid). So I find they stick in my head a lot better.
I can like a lot of designs from a series as well, but of course I tend to have a lot of different criteria as to what designs I like, depending on the suit’s billing and purpose (what makes a great grunt suit and what makes a great protagonist suit are quite different after all). I do very much like a lot of the UC Grunt suits (though I’ll probably touch on that in more detail at a later point), for example, but I only really like one from Anno Domini, the Tieran (since it looks so much like a walking tank as opposed to the spindly nature of the Flags and Enacts). That said, I don’t think that the Flags, Enacts and GN-X’s are bad designs, they’re just not really the sort of thing I like.
In fact, I reckon that’s why I’m particularly fond of Iron-Blooded Orphans’ Aesthetics, since a lot of the units from that series would be close-quarters specialists in any other series. But because melee is so common in Post Disaster, virtually everything carries a nice solid sharp stick. The only exceptions I can think of are Gusion Rebake (which is more of an all-rounder), Flauros (and even that has hatchets that leave cqc a viable option) and Dainsleif Grazes (which only have one arm, so….).
Regarding Bael’s Ars Goetia listing; “He maketh thee to go Invisible. He ruleth over 66 Legions of Infernal Spirits. He appeareth in divers shapes, sometimes like a Cat, sometimes like a Toad, and sometimes like a Man, and sometimes all these forms at once.”
Though it’s less about the Mobile Suit and more about Mcgillis, would-be invoker of Bael’s power; Mcgillis concealed his ambitions in Gjallarhorn for years, making himself invisible to everyone, friend and foe alike. He appears in diverse shapes - a Masked Man, a Virtuous Son, a Prospective King. It’s possible that Bael’s listing denotes more about Mcgillis than the suit itself.
IBO reference notes on … the Gundams (part 1)
[Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3]
Or: a spotter’s guide to the Calamity War.
[Note: I tried to post this twice today before figuring out that one of the images was causing it to be consigned to Tumblr oblivion. Apparently a shot of Lt. Crank's gloved hand was too racy for this site. Yeah.]
I said at the time that the fanfic Of Obsessions and Erotemes was written as an alternative to writing an essay expanding on my thoughts regarding the Gundams in Iron-Blooded Orphans. This is probably not strictly accurate, however, and I've been struck by the urge to take a figurative walk through the canonical examples out of the 72 Gundam frame type mobile suits.
I want to focus on the Gundams as they started out during the Calamity War, as far as that is possible, and what this says about the nature of the conflict. I will probably follow up at some point with notes on the mobile armours too, since they are the flip-side of this narrative. As I’ve had cause to mention before, I’m generally content with not knowing too much about the historical event that serves as the basis for IBO’s world-building. I think that adds rather than subtracts from the story. Still, it is fun to play with what we get and piece together an impression of what happened three hundred years prior to the series’ beginning.
For the purposes of not writing a post ten thousand words long, I’ve split the Gundams into three groups based on numerical position in the master list, which is of course taken from the Ars Goetia. Here, I will be drawing on Crowley’s edition.
All images shown here are either borrowed from the Gundam Wiki or are my own screenshots.
As with all my posts like this, spoilers are present for everything.
The Gundam frame
Let’s start with what is under the hood, to whit: the Gundam mobile suit frame.
I covered some of this in my post on the aesthetics of the mobile frame concept, but the most important detail about the Gundam type is how human-like its proportions are, in both limb structure and eye placement. Unlike other frames, this is intended from the start to be used with an Alaya-Vijana system, so designing it to more closely approximate the human form makes a great deal of sense.
At the same time, there is something fittingly demonic about the skeleton, down to the claw-like fingers. However it must be noted that this is specifically Barbatos’ frame; the talons on on the feet are not reflected on the others. Indeed, based on the design work for Kimaris and Flauros, the feet are the part that varies the most from machine to machine.
A Gundam’s power – both in the sense of motive force and superior strength – comes from the twin Ahab reactors making up its torso. It’s the only mobile weapon in Iron-Blooded Orphans confirmed to have multiple reactors, with the implication that this boosts the output beyond simply adding the two together. Indeed, when operating at full capacity against a mobile armour, Barbatos seems barely able to contain its own energies.
Ancillary material states Ahab reactors are made ‘on a plant near a fixed star’, implying a difficult process to begin with (or at least a factory in orbit of the sun). Synchronising the reactors so they run in parallel is adding extra complexity on top of that, which is one of the reasons Gundam construction is a lost art. These things are the peak of mobile suit design and have never been equalled since they quite literally saved the world.
A Gundam, then, is not merely another weapon. It is the maximisation of human capacity, allowing a pilot to exceed their bodily limitations to destroy an inhuman enemy. We don’t know for sure the Calamity War pilots ended up in the same sorry state as Mikazuki (though the taleof Agnika Kaieru’s spirit residing inside Bael carries some interesting implications). But we do know the Alaya-Vijnana places extraordinary pressure on human physiology by its very nature, and the Gundams themselves come with competing limiters as a result. One that disengages in proximity to a mobile armour, allowing the full force of the reactors to be unleashed; another that switches on at that point, to stop this burst of power immediately overwhelming the operator. Only by accepting the danger can the pilot proceed with their attack.
It’s a duality of ultimate strength and ultimate risk that makes the Gundam frames seem like suitably desperate creations. They are the demons that prevented total apocalypse, while consuming their pilots body and soul.
ASW-G-01 Bael
The first king of the Hell, and therefore presumably the first Gundam to have been constructed. From latter machines, there is the suggestion that deployment order did not match the numerical codes, so it isn’t entirely clear if we can solidly say they are numbered in the order they were built. But it seems reasonable to assume that this represents the start of Gundam operational history.
If we can take Bael to exist in the present exactly as it did in the War, it is a relatively simple affair, sporting nothing more flashy than a pair of wing-like boosters (I say wing-like purely because they are not functionally wings; they’re more an elaborate jet-pack). From a design point of view, Bael otherwise matches exactly to the template set by the series’ hero machine, Barbatos: the armour and thruster placement is identical and we may take this to be the default.
The combat philosophy behind this machine appears to be the same too: strike fast and strike sharp. It follows that Agnika Kaieru was the kind to lead from the front. Indeed, kit manual text makes it clear he was self-sufficient in battle, taking down mobile armours solely with his twin swords. Given McGillis holds his own against an entire fleet for a while, this doesn’t feel like a stretch and it certainly explains why the man became such a legend.
The symbol on Bael’s left shoulder is the original Gjallarhorn logo, which more directly presents the source of the organisation’s name: the horn that sounds Ragnarök. This would later be elaborated into the flag used in the present while remaining as a some sort of badge/pin or medal on officers’ uniforms. I find that fitting, that something simple would be built up over time into a grander image, disguising the root truth. In many ways, that sums up Bael’s place in history.
From the Ars Goetia:
The first Principal Spirit is a King ruling in the East, called Bael. He maketh thee to go Invisible. He ruleth over 66 Legions of Infernal Spirits. He appeareth in divers shapes, sometimes like a Cat, sometimes like a Toad, and sometimes like a Man, and sometimes all these forms at once. He speaketh hoarsely. This is his character which is used to be worn as a Lamen before him who calleth him forth, or else he will not do thee homage.
Notably, the sigil used for Gundam Bael’s interface does not simply replicate the 'canonical’ seal from the Ars Goetia but rather reinterprets it.
Clearly OG Gjallarhorn had graphic designers on staff. Also, Bael’s main console screen is of a uniquely narrow design, in a rather elaborate housing. It would seem the cockpits were refined for later models, simplifying things towards a standard pattern seen in Kimaris and Gusion that would itself go on to become the standard for Gjallarhorn 'suits.
ASW-G-04 Gamigin
Pretty much all we know about Gamigin is that it exists, it was originally piloted by Kalf Falk and it made it out of the Calamity War in one piece. Oh and someone in the armoury department was having a laugh the day they issued this Gundam its weapons.
Seriously though, if Bael is the default, this is a heavy-duty model. Gamigin looks a hell of a lot less manoeuvrable, even accounting for the extra thrusters built into its skirt, and its standard-sized arms appear positively weedy compared to the heft of the body and legs. Clearly though, that was a trade-off deemed acceptable for the sake of destructive capacity.
The giant Gatling gun speaks for itself, but the revolver axe is the more interesting item here. As silly as it looks, it’s represents the (presumed) earliest incorporation of Dàinsleif weaponry into a Gundam frame mobile suit.
'Dàinsleif’ is a term used to refer to anything that launches javelin-like projectiles at high speed with the intent of puncturing nano-laminate armour. It’s unclear if the present ban on their use extends to smaller-scale versions like this, which is a point-blank deployment of the technology.
The blunt side of that axe is designed to strike an enemy and fire a spike straight through it. Crude but effective. Or so we can assume given this machine was piloted by one of the first Seven Stars and therefore must have destroyed a great many mobile armours.
From the Ars Goetia (Samigina/Gamigin):
The Fourth Spirit is Samigina, a Great Marquis. He appeareth in the form of a little Horse or Ass, and then into Human shape doth he change himself at the Request of the Master. He speaketh with a hoarse voice. He ruleth over 30 Legions of Inferiors. He teaches all Liberal Sciences, and giveth account of Dead Souls that died in sin. And his Seal is this, which is to be worn before the Magician when he is Invocator, etc.
This is one of several demons with multiple names listed in the Ars Goetia. There doesn’t appear to be any pattern to which was picked as the ID for the corresponding Gundam.
ASW-G-08 Barbatos
Teiwaz are stated to have restored Barbatos to its original state so we can assume the 4th form represents the version that fought in the Calamity War. Given this, it likely used a katana in battle, as the sword Teiwaz provides bears the same logo as the 'suit and we know from their work on Flauros that Gundams store information about their own weaponry (see also Mikazuki’s sudden competence with it when he connects deeper to Barbatos).
Intriguingly, with the retroactive introduction of predecessor designs, it appears Barbatos takes cues from both Bael and Gamigin, which ties these three low-numbered models together nicely. It is also relatively unspecialised in comparison, lacking the features that mark out the previous two. When found, it had a small buckler shield built into a gauntlet on its left forearm, similar to those the 5th form in the series would use. However, there’s no indication if this was used as a mount for mortars like the later version, leaving us with a machine that appears to have been a simple melee combatant.
The absence of gimmicks showcases just how powerful Gundams are in comparison to other mobile suits, at a baseline. In any given fight during Season 1, Barbatos is faster, stronger, and more adaptable than its opposition, and while we see it built up with add-ons over the course of the series, those often seem to get in the way or provide only passing advantages.
Since my focus is on the Calamity War, I’m not going to go into any detail regarding the Lupus and Lupus Rex forms. But I will posit the idea Barbatos’ original pilot was of a different temperament to Mikazuki. If it is indeed their 'ghost’ who comes to his aid in Edmonton – some trace left behind in the system that allows him to understand the katana in the nick of time – they seem to have been a master of that weapon, favouring lethal precision, in stark contrast to Mikazuki’s gradual transformation into an animalistic, living weapon.
(The mace that Mikazuki leads with seems to have been something Maruba bought for possible use if he could ever get Barbatos running, rather than a relic of it previous operations.)
From the Ars Goetia:
The Eighth Spirit is Barbatos. He is a Great Duke, and appeareth when the Sun is in Sagittary, with four noble Kings and their companies of great troops. He giveth understanding of the singing of Birds, and of the Voices of other creatures, such as the barking of Dogs. He breaketh the Hidden Treasures open that have been laid by the Enchantments of Magicians. He is of the Order of Virtues, of which some part he retaineth still; and he knoweth all things Past, and to Come, and conciliateth Friends and those that be in Power. He ruleth over 30 Legions of Spirits. His Seal of Obedience is this, the which wear before thee as aforesaid.
Again, we see a redesign of the seal for Gundam Barbatos’ start-up sigil.
I like the choice to make the lines more dynamic.
ASW-G-11 Gusion
We don’t know if this is what Gusion started out looking like. Gusion was found in a debris zone and passed through various hands before it reached the Brewers, and we know the Brewers’ Man Rodis are custom jobs, more heavily armoured than standard Rodi frame models. On balance, this is probably something they cooked up to fit their requirements.
But gives us an idea of the limits of a Gundam frame’s flexibility. The arms and legs have been stretched outwards from the main body to accommodate the armour load-out. You can see a glimpse of the piston that operates the hip joint under the skirt in the image above, providing a sense of where the legs have been moved. Quite how this works is unclear since we only see the head exposed when the Turbines start deconstructing this form. The fact it does work emphasises just how far the Gundams can be reconfigured. The Turbines even go so far as installing extra arms into the Rebake version given to Akihiro, seemingly with no issues at all.
Gusion also provides an example of the fate suffered by quite a number of the Gundam frames: that of being lost and forgotten after battles during the Calamity War. The figure provided for how many frames are known to have survived is 26, but it’s unclear where that sits in the timeline of IBO canon, throughout which several Gundams are uncovered from previously hidden resting places. Certainly it appears only a minority of such 'suits remain in Gjallarhorn’s custody. While some have most likely been destroyed outright, many may still be drifting among debris fields or buried at the sites of battles from three hundred years ago.
It’s a neat conceit, leaving fertile ground for fanfiction or spin-offs to play on, and underscores that these machines belong to a bygone era most have forgotten about.
From the Ars Goetia:
The Eleventh Spirit in order is a great and strong Duke, called Gusion. He appeareth like a Xenopilus. He telleth all things, Past, Present and to Come, and showeth the meaning and resolution of all questions thou mayest ask. He conciliateth and reconcileth friendships, and giveth Honour and Dignity unto any. He ruleth over 40 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear as aforesaid.
The connection between the machine or pilot and the Ars Goetia descriptions is somewhat variable throughout this list. In some instances there’s nothing obvious at all. However, I love that Gusion bestows honour and dignity because of how beautifully it ties into Akihiro’s arc. This said … I don’t actually know what a 'Xenopilus’ is. My first thought was 'Xenopus’ and a frog motif certainly would explain Gundam Gusion’s appearance. But I don’t think that’s right? Answers on a postcard, please.
That’s where we’ll leave things for today. I will probably post the next instalment sometime tomorrow.
Other reference posts include:
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 1)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (Part 2)
IBO reference notes on … Gjallarhorn (corrigendum) [mainly covering my inability to recognise mythical wolves]
IBO reference notes on … three key Yamagi scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Shino scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Eugene scenes
IBO reference notes on … three key Ride scenes
IBO reference notes on … the tone of the setting
IBO reference notes on … character parallels and counterpoints
IBO reference notes on … a perfect villain
IBO reference notes on … Iron-Blooded Orphans: Gekko
IBO reference notes on … an act of unspeakable cruelty
IBO reference notes on … original(ish) characters [this one is mainly fanfic]
IBO reference notes on … Kudelia’s decisions
IBO reference notes on … assorted head-canons
IBO reference notes on … actual, proper original characters [explicit fanfic – as in, actually fanfic. None of them have turned up in the smut yet]
IBO reference notes on … the aesthetics of the mobile frame
IBO reference notes on … mobile suit designations