Nemo Baklazan - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Ahhhh, I forgot about House Baklazan and House Falk, I love those guys.

Ahhhh, I Forgot About House Baklazan And House Falk, I Love Those Guys.
Ahhhh, I Forgot About House Baklazan And House Falk, I Love Those Guys.

I do absolutely enjoy the fact that we know bugger-all about them (and I really like their designs, Nemo’s a very striking old man and Elek’s got that pudgy nobility vibe that feels like they could be cast in a heroic or villainous light without much difficulty). They’re essentially (narratively) just seat fillers to provide some weight for Gjallarhorn to throw about to show division. Though I really do want to call out house Falk since their family Gundam is the Gundam Gamigin

Ahhhh, I Forgot About House Baklazan And House Falk, I Love Those Guys.

Which, yeah gorgeous design and all that, but it’s armed with a freaking GUN HAMMER (/axe….thing) which is just absolutely wonderful.

Rustal tracks. Quite oddly actually, given that he reforms the corrupt Gjallarhorn into (presumably) an actual merit-based system, which is how Gjallarhorn was originally formed post-calamity war. Hm. Though I’ve talked about this before, it really sells him as the realist versus Mcgillis’ romanticism of the past. Then again, he’s explicitly doing it in service to his own interests, as opposed to Mcgillis playing hero as Agnika Kaeru.

Ahhhh, I Forgot About House Baklazan And House Falk, I Love Those Guys.

I really should go back and properly read IBO Gekko, everything I hear about Zadiel Zalmfort/Zaza Fossil makes me want to read about him (the Dantalion looking as it does also helps).

So I realised something - two things in fact, today when thinking about Iron Blooded Orphans again.

So I Realised Something - Two Things In Fact, Today When Thinking About Iron Blooded Orphans Again.

So, Gaelio, having realised that his Schwalbe Graze isn’t enough, pulls out the Bauduin family Gundam, the Kimaris, with which to fight the Barbatos. Mcgillis (as Montag) expresses amazement that Gaelio did this, and surprise that Gundam’s are fighting one another. However, his tone is rather dry, suggesting that, while surprising, such a situation is not an unthinkable one.

So, could there have been other fights between Gundam’s post-calamity war?

So I Realised Something - Two Things In Fact, Today When Thinking About Iron Blooded Orphans Again.

The other thing is that, while we’re told that there’s 26 Gundam’s known to still exist in P.D. 323, at the start of the series (I *think* it gets pushed up to 31 by the end, since Flauros, Gusion, Vual, Asmoday and Hajiroboshi get unearthed or revealed over that timeframe, but I might have forgotten one), we don’t know for certain that all of the missing ones were destroyed during the calamity war. It’s possible some were destroyed in the intervening 300-ish years, whether by politicking (think the Warren’s and Nadira’s being shoved out along with their gundam’s) or by some other conflict (it’s of course possible that not everyone was completely willing to accept Gjallarhorn’s rule postwar, no matter what the state of things).

So I Realised Something - Two Things In Fact, Today When Thinking About Iron Blooded Orphans Again.

So it’s possible that other Gundam’s have been discovered or lost since the calamity war, and they could have intervened in numerous other conflicts in that time. Mcgillis himself notes that Gundam’s “have appeared numerous times at historical turning points and have been a great influence on the history of man”. Not “the machines that won the calamity war”. It’s of course possible that Mcgillis’ romanticism makes him a biased source, prone to flowery descriptions. But. It does seem to indicate that the Gundams have had influence beyond the Calamity War already by P.D. 323, thus implying other conflicts they’ve been involved in.

I don’t know, it’s just cool to think about (and possible fodder for sidestories set prior to tekkadan’s formation in 323).

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1 year ago

Damn, I really like the idea of “N” being Nemo Baklazan, particularly since we now know there’s a movie in the works - There’s likely going to be a couple of new mobile suits for that, like the custom Reginlaze from the trailer, and Gundam’s are normally a pretty safe bet for this sort of thing. Furthermore, I think the only Seven Stars missing from points on the Urdr Hunt were the Baklazan’s and……. The Fareed’s, I think? (It goes Elion, Falk, Bauduin, Kujan, then skips one to go to Issue, right?)

Damn, I Really Like The Idea Of N Being Nemo Baklazan, Particularly Since We Now Know Theres A Movie
Damn, I Really Like The Idea Of N Being Nemo Baklazan, Particularly Since We Now Know Theres A Movie

What’s also interesting is that the Baklazan Family Gundam is the only remaining Seven Stars Gundam Frame we haven’t seen yet, almost like it’s going to play a part in something.

There is also the point of it being missing from Vingolf, but a) it’s *possible* that that is an animation error and b) it seems that the Issue Family Gundam, the Zagan, is kept in Ratatoskr, so there’s no garuntee that every Seven Stars Gundam is stored in Vingolf (maybe the Issue’s had special privileges, being the head of the Seven Stars and all).

But I do like the idea of the other two Seven Stars Families having stuff going on.

(Also, props for describing Range as “kind of a chump” because that is an excellent description and I love it)

Thoughts on the Urdr Hunt (Eps 1-5)

As of writing, five episodes (each in two parts) of the Iron-Blooded Orphans tie-in game campaign ‘Urdr Hunt’ have been released on the Iron-Blooded Orphans G App. This is currently only available in Japan; I’ve been watching it subbed by Youtuber Trafalgar Log. I thought I’d summarise my impressions so far, since we’ve now had every character who shows up in the opening sequence appear at least once. Spoilers etc below.

Keep reading

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