grisastro - Gris Astro
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Alien Sun ☀️ Mermaid Moon 🌙 Dinosaur Rising ⬆️

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Mermaids Guide For The Astrological Aspects

Mermaid’s Guide for the Astrological Aspects

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Aspects 101

Mermaids Guide For The Astrological Aspects

Planets Aspects

Sun Aspects

When it comes to the Sun and its aspects, it's all about the inner you, your personality and your ego.

Conjunct: Your self is emphasized

Opposition: Focus on self-perception and others

Square: Tension and challenge with your personality

Trine: Harmony and ease with your personality

Sextile: Help in expressing your ego.

Sun/Moon: Inner needs and feelings intertwined with self-expression

Sun/Mercury: Self-expression and creativity intertwined with information processing and idea exchange

Sun/Venus: Self-worth and creativity intertwined with partnerships and social activities

Sun/Mars: Purpose and creative expression intertwined with drive for action and assertion

Sun/Jupiter: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with philosophical and spiritual beliefs

Sun/Saturn: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with hard work and perseverance

Sun/Uranus: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with freedom and individuality

Sun/Neptune: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with sensitivity to the inner world and imagination

Sun/Pluto: Creativity and self-expression intertwined with embracing change and inner depths.

Moon Aspects

When it comes to the Moon in astrology, any aspect it makes accentuates your emotions.

Conjunction: Emotions are at the forefront

Opposition: Awareness of both your and others' emotional states

Square: Emotional challenges and tension

Trine: Transform the energy of negative and positive feelings into productive things

Sextile: Opportunity for positive emotional expression, boosted confidence.

Moon/Mercury: Feelings and instincts intertwined with information processing and self-expression in words

Moon/Venus: Feelings and instincts intertwined with appreciation and creation of art, beauty, and pleasure

Moon/Mars: Feelings and instincts intertwined with pursuit of desires and passions

Moon/Jupiter: Feelings and instincts intertwined with seeking knowledge, finding meaning, and connecting with purpose

Moon/Saturn: Feelings and instincts intertwined with responsibility, perseverance, and learning from challenges

Moon/Uranus: Feelings and instincts intertwined with embracing change, taking risks, and thinking outside the box

Moon/Neptune: Feelings and instincts intertwined with empathy, creation, and accessing deeper aspects of psyche

Moon/Pluto: Feelings and instincts intertwined with facing the shadow self, navigating intense emotions, and undergoing personal growth.

Mercury Aspects

When it comes to Mercury, any aspect you see is all about the mind.

Conjunction: Mind is front and center

Opposition: Can mess with the head or give a new perspective

Square: Mental gears grind and cause tension

Trine or sextile: Easy, flowing mental vibe.

Mercury/Venus: Seeks to harmonize mental processes and communication with social and creative expressions.

Mercury/Mars: Strong drive to assert ideas and communicate effectively, but may struggle with impulsiveness and argumentative tendencies.

Mercury/Jupiter: Mental abilities and communication skills influenced by exploration and intellectual pursuits.

Mercury/Saturn: Mental abilities and communication skills influenced by a disciplined and strategic approach to thinking.

Mercury/Uranus: Communication style marked by need for intellectual stimulation and innovation.

Mercury/Neptune: Communication style influenced by sensitivity and intuition.

Mercury/Pluto: Communication style marked by ability to uncover hidden truths and depths.

Venus Aspects

When Venus is in the picture, it's all about love, siren!

Conjunct: highlights your loving nature.

Opposition: brings a wake-up call about your feelings towards others.

Square: challenges your ability to love.

Trine/sextile: make love easy and flowing.

Venus/Mars - values, love and beauty align with drive and action-oriented nature.

Venus/Jupiter - values, love and beauty align with life philosophies.

Venus/Saturn - values, love and beauty linked to a sense of responsibility.

Venus/Uranus - value, love and beauty linked to individuality and differentiation.

Venus/Neptune - value, love and beauty aligned with dreams and aspirations.

Venus/Pluto - value, love and beauty marked by intensity and desire for emotional connection and transformation.

Mars Aspects

When Mars gets involved, it's all about energy and aggression.

Conjunction: intense energy and drive.

Opposition: reveals motivations, either your own or others'.

Square: a challenging aspect that brings out aggression.

Trine: smooth flow of motivation and energy.

Sextile: positive energy that can be channeled into something great.

Mars/Jupiter - drive and action-oriented nature amplified by sense of expansion and optimism.

Mars/Saturn - drive and action-oriented nature molded by discipline and focus.

Mars/Uranus - drive and action-oriented nature inspired by innovations and revolutions.

Mars/Neptune - drive and action-oriented nature inspired by dreams, sensitivity, and intuition.

Mars/Pluto -drive and action-oriented nature marked by intensity and desire for power and transformation.

Jupiter Aspects

Any aspect to Jupiter accentuates expansion, philosophical reasoning and protection.

Conjunction: emphasizes growth, expansion, and optimism.

Square/opposition: create tension between desire for more and the reality of the situation.

Trine: indicates natural talent or ability for growth.

Sextile: provides opportunities for positive growth.

Jupiter/Saturn - desire for growth is grounded by practicality.

Jupiter/Uranus - desire for growth is inspired by innovation and revolution.

Jupiter/Neptune - desire for growth is inspired by dreams, intuition.

Jupiter/Pluto - desire for growth is marked by intensity and desire for transformation.

Saturn Aspects

So, when it comes to Saturn, you're gonna wanna pay attention because there's probably a lesson in there for you. This planet is all about concentration, discipline, and getting your life together in a tangible way.

Conjunction: the above principles are important to you.

Square or opposition: challenge in taking responsibility.

Trine or sextile: provide smoother opportunities to learn and concentrate with Saturn.

Saturn/Uranus: balance structure and stability with change and innovation.

Saturn/Neptune: links structure and stability with spiritual and emotional grounding.

Saturn/Pluto: transforming and intensifying the need for structure and stability through personal growth.

Uranus Aspects

Alright, so any aspect to Uranus is like a wake-up call that shakes things up, frees you from the norm, and brings surprises.

Conjunction: it brings out your creative drive.

Square or opposition: make you more independent and rebellious.

Trine or sextile: let your inventive side shine and make it easy for you to do your own thing.

Uranus/Neptune - the need for change and innovation is challenged and inspired by creative and visionary thinking.

Uranus/Pluto - the need for change and innovation is transformed and intensified by personal transformation.

Neptune Aspects

Any aspect to Neptune should be seen as a connection to the spiritual realm and the imagination.

Conjunction: emphasizes the power of imagination and creative potential.

Square or opposition: challenge you to deal with illusions and confusion in your life.

Trine or sextile: provide opportunities to connect with the spiritual realm and use your imagination in a positive way.

Neptune/Pluto - the need for spiritual and emotional connection is transformed and intensified by their transformative experience of personal growth and evolution.

Pluto Aspects

When it comes to any aspect of Pluto, you can expect some deep transformation, power struggles, and revelations.

Conjunction: highlights a sense of intensity and depth.

Opposition: may bring power struggles and bring awareness to your innermost desires and fears.

Square: where you may face challenges and obstacles that test your strength and character, and it can help you transform into a stronger and more self-aware person.

Trine or sextile: provide opportunities to channel the transformative energy of Pluto into positive action, making it easier to connect with your inner power and personal growth.

Mermaids Guide For The Astrological Aspects

Signs Aspects

Sign that Conjunct

Aries/Aries - highlights initiative, assertiveness, and confidence.

Taurus/Taurus - highlights grounding, stability, and a focus on material and sensory pleasures.

Gemini/Gemini - emphasizes communication, learning, adaptability, and versatility.

Cancer/Cancer - emphasizes emotional sensitivity, nurturing, and instincts.

Leo/Leo - highlights themes of self-expression, creativity, confidence, and leadership potential.

Virgo/Virgo - emphasizes practicality, attention to detail, analytical thinking, and a focus on health and self-improvement.

Libra/Libra - emphasizes themes of balance, harmony, diplomacy, and a focus on relationships and aesthetics.

Scorpio/Scorpio - highlights themes of intensity, secrecy, and a focus on emotional depth.

Sagittarius/Sagittarius - emphasizes themes of adventure, exploration, optimism, and a focus on expanding one's horizons through knowledge and experience.

Capricorn/Capricorn - emphasizes themes of ambition, discipline, responsibility, and a focus on achieving long-term goals through hard work and perseverance.

Aquarius/Aquarius - highlights themes of innovation, individuality, eccentricity, and a focus on progress and social change.

Pisces/Pisces - emphasizes creativity, compassion, and spiritual awareness.

Sign that Sextile

Aries/Gemini - emphasizes quick thinking, adaptability, and a desire for new experiences

Taurus/Cancer - emphasizes the importance of security and comfort in life.

Gemini/Leo - emphasizes communication, self-expression, and creativity.

Cancer/Virgo - emphasizes the need for emotional security and stability to create a practical, efficient, and nurturing environment.

Leo/Libra - emphasizes the need to balance self-expression and harmony in relationships.

Virgo/Scorpio - brings a focus on analysis and depth, leading to a drive for self-improvement and transformation.

Libra/Sagittarius - combines the urge for harmony and balance with the desire for expansion and exploration.

Scorpio/Capricorn - highlights the need to balance emotional intensity and power with practicality and responsibility.

Sagittarius/Aquarius - emphasizes a focus on individuality and personal freedom within a social context.

Capricorn/Pisces - emphasizes the balance between practicality and spirituality in achieving one's goals.

Aquarius/Aries - emphasizes a need for individuality and progressive action in pursuing one's goals.

Pisces/Taurus - is about balancing practicality and creativity in order to bring about tangible and meaningful results.

Sign that Square

Aries/Cancer - represents a dynamic tension between the assertive, independent energy of Aries and the nurturing, emotionally sensitive energy of Cancer.

Cancer/Libra - emphasizes finding balance between emotional needs and interpersonal relationships.

Libra/Capricorn - emphasizes finding balance between relationships and ambition, and learning to prioritize responsibilities while maintaining harmony with others.

Capricorn/Aries - emphasizes the tension between ambition and action.

Taurus/Leo - emphasizes the balance between material stability and creative self-expression.

Leo/Scorpio - highlights the tension between the desire for recognition and the need for personal transformation.

Scorpio/Aquarius - emphasizes the tension and integration between deep emotional intensity and the need for intellectual detachment and individuality.

Aquarius/Taurus - emphasizes the tension between unconventional, innovative ideas and practical, reliable approaches.

Gemini/Virgo - emphasizes the practicality of communication and the ability to analyze and synthesize information by yourself.

Virgo/Sagittarius - highlights the balance between attention to detail and the bigger picture perspective.

Sagittarius/Pisces - emphasizes the connection between faith and spirituality in both an expansive and mystical way.

Pisces/Gemini - emphasizes the need to balance intuition and logic.

Sign that Trine

Aries/Leo - is an explosive and dynamic combination that encourages bold self-expression and a desire for attention and recognition.

Leo/Sagittarius - signifies a strong desire for self-expression and a passionate pursuit of one's beliefs and ideals.

Sagittarius/Aries - can be summed up as a combination of fiery independence, adventurous spirit, and a desire to explore and expand one's horizons.

Taurus/Virgo - indicates a practical and hardworking approach to life with a focus on material stability and a desire for perfection in all of life.

Virgo/Capricorn - emphasizes the practical application of skills, hard work, and attention to detail in achieving long-term goals.

Capricorn/Taurus - emphasizes the practical and material of life, encouraging stability and persistence in pursuing financial and career goals.

Gemini/Libra - emphasizes communication and harmonious relationships.

Libra/Aquarius - involves a strong desire for balance, justice and fairness in society, as well as the need for intellectual stimulation and unconventional social connections.

Aquarius/Gemini - brings a dynamic and intellectual energy that stimulates communication, innovation and originality.

Cancer/Scorpio - brings intense emotional depth and psychic sensitivity to the forefront of one's experience.

Scorpio/Pisces - can bring intense emotions and powerful intuition, making it good for deep inner work and spiritual exploration.

Pisces/Cancer - highlights emotional depth and sensitivity, nurturing and empathy.

Sign that Oppose

Aries/Libra - highlights the need to balance independence with cooperation and to find harmony between personal desires and the needs of others.

Taurus/Scorpio - creates a dynamic tension between the desire for having everything for yourself or being free of anything that can give you problems.

Gemini/Sagittarius - is characterized by a tension between the desire of a little bit of everything or everything of a little bit.

Cancer/Capricorn - is the fight between what your inner child wants and your super-ego order.

Leo/Aquarius - highlight what your rights and duties are.

Virgo/Pisces - is a fight between being perfect or complete.

Mermaids Guide For The Astrological Aspects

Houses Aspects

Houses that Conjunct

1st house/1st house - emphasis on self-expression, identity, and personal power, potentially leading to an increased sense of confidence and self-awareness.

2nd house/2nd house - emphasis on material possessions, resources, and values, potentially leading to a deeper understanding of one's relationship with money and financial stability.

3rd house/3rd house - emphasis on communication, learning, and mental activity, potentially leading to heightened intellectual curiosity and a strong desire for knowledge.

4th house/4th house - emphasis on emotional, familial, and domestic energies, potentially leading to a strong sense of rootedness and emotional security.

5th house/5th house - emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and pleasure-seeking energies, potentially leading to an increased desire for fun and enjoyment in life.

6th house/6th house - emphasis on health, work, and service-related activities, potentially leading to a heightened sense of responsibility and a focus on practical matters.

7th house/7th house - emphasis on partnership, harmony, and balance-seeking energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for meaningful connections and relationships with others.

8th house/8th house - emphasis on transformation, shared resources, and intimate connections, potentially leading to a heightened awareness of deep emotional and psychological patterns in oneself and others.

9th house/9th house - emphasis on expansive, philosophical, and travel-seeking energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for adventure and a deeper understanding of the world and one's place in it.

10th house/10th house - emphasis on career, ambition, and public image-related energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for recognition and success in one's professional life.

11th house/11th house - emphasis on social, community, and friendship-oriented energies, potentially leading to a strong desire for camaraderie and a sense of belonging in a larger group or organization.

12th house/12th house - emphasis on spiritual, subconscious, and hidden energies, potentially leading to a heightened awareness of the inner self and a strong desire for solitude and introspection.

Houses that Sextile

1st house/3rd house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between self-expression and communication, potentially leading to a strong ability to articulate oneself and a desire to explore new intellectual pursuits.

2nd house/ 4th house - signifies harmonious connection between material possessions and emotional security, potentially leading to a strong sense of comfort and stability in one's home environment.

3rd house/ 5th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between communication and creativity, potentially leading to a strong ability to express oneself artistically and a desire to share one's ideas with others.

4th house/ 6th house - signifies a harmonious connection between emotional security and practical responsibilities, potentially leading to a strong ability to balance self-care with work and service-related activities.

5th house/7th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between creative self-expression and partnership, potentially leading to a strong desire for romance and a tendency to seek out relationships with those who share similar creative interests.

6th house/8th house - signifies a harmonious connection between practical work-related activities and transformative, psychological energies, potentially leading to a strong ability to facilitate change in oneself and others through service-oriented work.

7th house/ 9th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between partnership and higher learning, potentially leading to a strong desire for connections who share similar intellectual and philosophical interests.

8th house/10th house - signifies a harmonious connection between deep transformation and professional ambitions, potentially leading to a strong ability to use one's personal power and resources to achieve success in one's career.

9th house/11th house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between higher learning and social connection, potentially leading to a strong desire to connect with like-minded individuals and expand one's intellectual horizons through group activities or networking.

10th house/12th house - signifies a harmonious connection between professional ambitions and spiritual exploration, potentially leading to a strong ability to incorporate one's spiritual values into one's career and public image.

11th house/1st house - represents a harmonious flow of energy between social connection and personal identity, potentially leading to a strong desire to express oneself within a larger community or group and a sense of belonging.

12th house/2nd house - signifies a harmonious connection between spiritual pursuits and material possessions, potentially leading to a strong ability to find value in non-materialistic experiences and incorporate spiritual practices into one's daily life.

Houses that Square

1st house/4th house - indicates a strong challenge between one's sense of self-identity, self-expression, and personal style with their family roots and upbringing.

4th house/7th house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for emotional security and stability within their family life and their need for harmony and balance in their partnerships and relationships.

7th house/10th house - indicates challenges and conflicts between one's need for harmonious relationships and their ambition, career goals, and public image.

10th house/1st house - indicates conflicts between one's public image, career goals, and social status with their personal identity, self-expression, and independence.

2nd house/5th house - indicates conflicts between one's personal values, material possessions, and financial security with their creative self-expression, hobbies, and romantic pursuits.

5th house/8th house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for creative self-expression, romance, and pleasure with their need for intimacy, shared resources, and transformational experiences.

8th house/11th house - indicates conflicts between one's need for intimacy, shared resources, and transformative experiences with their desire for social change, group involvement, and future-oriented goals.

11th house/2nd house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for social change, group involvement, and future-oriented goals with their personal values, material possessions, and financial security.

3rd house/6h house - indicates conflicts between one's desire for intellectual stimulation, communication, and short-term goals with their daily routine, work environment, and health habits.

6th house/9th house - indicates conflicts between one's daily routine, work environment, and health habits with their beliefs, higher education, and spiritual or philosophical pursuits.

9th house/12th house - indicate conflicts between one's beliefs, higher education, and spiritual or philosophical pursuits with their unconscious patterns, spiritual transcendence, and self-sabotage tendencies.

12th house/ 3rd house - conflicts between one's unconscious patterns, spiritual transcendence, and self-sabotage tendencies with their desire for intellectual stimulation, communication, and short-term goals.

Houses that Trine

1st house/5th house - the individual's personal identity and sense of self are intertwined with their ability to creatively express themselves and enjoy leisurely activities.

5th house/9th house - the individual explores new horizons through creative pursuits, where artistic and playful expression is intertwined with a desire for philosophical and intellectual expansion.

9th house/1st house - the individual's personal growth and expansion through the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, where the individual's sense of self is intertwined with their philosophical and spiritual beliefs.

2nd house/6th house - the individual focuses on practicality and productivity, where the individual's financial and material stability is intertwined with their work ethic and ability to provide service to others.

6th house/10th house - the individual career and professional success through hard work and dedication, where the individual's daily routines and work ethic are intertwined with their ambitions and aspirations for success in the public sphere.

10th house/2nd house - the individual financial success and stability through a fulfilling career, where the individual's professional aspirations and public image are intertwined with their ability to generate income and accumulate material possessions.

3rd house/7th house - the individual's ability to express themselves and gather information is intertwined with their relationships with others, particularly in one-on-one interactions.

7th house/11th house - the individual's ability to engage in harmonious relationships is intertwined with their aspirations for social and community involvement.

11th house/3rd house - the individual's ideas and communication skills are intertwined with their aspirations for involvement in groups and organizations.

4th house/8th house - the individual's sense of security and roots are intertwined with their ability to delve into the mysteries of life and navigate transformative experiences.

8th house/12th house - the individual's ability to face their fears and embrace the unknown is intertwined with their spiritual and psychological growth.

12th house/4th house - the individual's innermost feelings and psychological well-being are intertwined with their need for seclusion and introspection.

Houses that Oppose

1st house/7th house - the individual's sense of self is intertwined with their ability to form partnerships and engage in one-on-one interactions with others.

2nd house/8th house - the individual's ability to accumulate wealth and possessions is intertwined with their capacity to navigate intense psychological and emotional experiences.

3rd house/9th house - the individual's ability to gather information and exchange ideas is intertwined with their philosophical and spiritual growth.

4th house/10th house - the individual's sense of security and home life is intertwined with their public image and career goals.

5th house/11th house - the individual's ability to manifest their unique talents and interests is intertwined with their aspirations for involvement in groups and organizations.

6th house/12th house - the individual's daily work routines and health habits are intertwined with their need for seclusion and introspection.

Mermaids Guide For The Astrological Aspects


astrologyexplained on tumblr

[28 ]MARCH, Marion D.; McEVERS, Joan. Curso Básico de Astrologia: VOLUME I - Princípios Fundamentais. Tradução de CARMEM YOUSSEF. São Paulo: EDITORA PENSAMENTO LTDA., 1999.

[30] Iapetite on deviantart

[31] wildfireresources on deviantart

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More Posts from Grisastro

2 years ago

Astro Observations 4 (+ placements I find Attractive at the bottom)

- [ ] Mars-Venus Conjunction (or at least in the same sign) indicates popularity? In my observations, they are a YouTubers, Influencers, content Creators, Insta Models.

- [ ] Sun-Uranus people I’ve met, most of them are LGBTQ, also me (is it a coincidence??)

- [ ] Also Aquarius Risings I know, most of them are LGBTQ

- [ ] Have you ever attracted enemies or people who hated you for no reasons? Do you have any planets in your 12th house??

- [ ] Your chart ruler should never be overlooked. Its position and aspects tell a lot about you. I found one website that really accurate 👉🏻

- [ ] Is it only me? Who find Aries Rising Men have a ton of sex appeal.. it’s like there’s a fire in their eyes, a warrior eyes, very sexy, very firery. I know one friend who is Aries Rising and also Mars Square Rising together. I wanna F him😂

- [ ] Are Gemini stellium a gossiper?

- [ ] You tend to be attracted to people who share the same Moon sign or at least find them interesting and wanna know more about them.

- [ ] From my observations, People with Venus Conjunct Mars are always in a relationship. They don’t stay single for too long. When they break up with someone, not too long and they will be in the next relationship. Maybe because it’s not so difficult for them to attract love interest since they are really attractive and easy to be around.

- [ ] Is it true for Venus in 12th house native that you just know what it feels like to be heart broken even if your heart never been broken before? Or you just know what it feels like to fall deeply in love or beloved by someone even if it’s never happened before? They said that Venus in 12th house has learned every lessons about love (1-11 houses) from the past lives.

- [ ] I have interacted with 2 persons in my life who has interceptions in their charts, and it felt like there’s an imbalance in their personality, lack of something I can’t pinpoint, I dunno, something missing in their personalities. ( both of them are unaware and not into astrology tho, and I believe that if they were , they would fill the hole by working on something)

- [ ] I think that the Sun sign that easiest to spot is Aquarius Sun. They are everything but generic.

- [ ] In my opinion, I think the most egotistical placement if undeveloped is sun in the 1st house.

- [ ] Also, sun in the 1st house natives, most likely to have the same sign as their rising. People with This placement give off the Main Character energy. Strong character, and people see you as a leader, and of course you have a great leadership skill.

- [ ] There’s always some people in your workplace or school who seen as different and unique. Check if they have Uranus in the 1st house. And if it’s happen to make a Major aspect to the their Sun, their uniqueness is even amplified and more apparent. It may not be so obvious but people will have an idea that they are not like others.

- [ ] Also look at the house that the Sun and Uranus sit in may give you more insight. For example: if they have Uranus in the 1st house and Sun in the 10th house ( which squaring each other), their work could be unique and offbeat. Very outstanding!

- [ ] Not only Scorpio IC that have a tough and traumatic childhood, but Also Aries. ( need to see the whole chart though)

- [ ] Gemini Risings look young and got bright eyes like a child.

Lastly, what BIG 3 combination you find most attractive and/or what placement in a birthchart you find irresistible and why? Share with me 😊

Placements I find charismatic

- [ ] Venus in Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Aries

- [ ] Mars in Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Gemini

- [ ] Moon in Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra, Aries

- [ ] Sun in Taurus, Aquarius, Pisces, Libra

- [ ] Mercury in Libra, Virgo, Pisces

- [ ] Fixed Risings (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus), Sag and Cappy!

- [ ] Venus-Uranus, Venus-Pluto, Mars-Pluto, Sun-Uranus, Moon-Pluto, Moon-Uranus

- [ ] Venus/Sun/Mars/Moon in 8th house

- [ ] Mars/Uranus in 1st house

- [ ] Uranus in 5th house

- [ ] 11th house Stellium, 8th house Stellium, 5th house Stellium

Tags :
1 year ago



hi guys 💗 ive tried to make a masterlist in the past but i didnt like how it looked. im trying again but just with a few posts, mostly the ones i enjoyed the most working on. not a professional astrologer! just a 22 year old who has been fascinated by it for many years & sometimes likes to rant💕✨

besos y abrazos para todossss here they are in no particular order:

-`♡´- planning with astrology

-`♡´- ALL my random astro observations

-`♡´- venus in the 8th house observations (still adding on to it)

-`♡´- love & romance observations

-`♡´- mars signs and aspects observations

-`♡´- venus and where you could meet your soulmate

-`♡´- family in astro observations pt 1 and 2

-`♡´- random astro sex observations 18+

-`♡´- when I met the rising signs (first impressions)

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-`♡´- how the mars signs can reclaim their power

-`♡´- boosting your confidence with the 2nd house

-`♡´- manifesting with the 11th house

-`♡´- work and money astro observations

-`♡´- zero degree in astrology


(  ̳• · • ̳)

/    づ♡ love, ramona 💗✨

1 year ago

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2 years ago

Astro Observations

- [ ] Venus conjunct Ascendant in Leo (Leo Rising) are just simply King/Queen. They exude Royalty Vibe.

- [ ] No matter What your rising sign is, if you have introverted Moon sign, you usually are an introvert.(not always tho)

- [ ] Mars RX people repress their anger inside and causes them depression.

- [ ] Scorpio moon people exude Scorpio Archetype.

- [ ] Venus in 12th house people are artistic at Soul Level.

- [ ] Sun square Uranus natal want to make sure they are different from the rest whether the way they dress or their posts on social media.

- [ ] If you ASC ruler resides in the 2nd house, people see you as a rich person or comes from a rich family. You look expensive no matter how you dress especially if your ASC ruler is the Sun(Leo Rising)

- [ ] Sun in 8th house people have strongly Scorpio Vibe. I know someone who has Sag ASC, Sun in Leo in 8th house, but He is really a Scorpio.( also his moon is Scorpio)

- [ ] Venus Trine Mars natal are just naturally Charming in Social Situation or at work. (Not sexually charming but likeable in my opinion, some find them sexually attractive though)

- [ ] Venus in Aries in 5th house = PLAYBOY/ PLAYGIRL.

- [ ] Venus in Aries in 5th house rush in and flirting with you and then also can leave you as quick.

- [ ] Uranus in 5th house natal is really Unique and weird in an very interesting way.

- [ ] Positive Sun-MC aspects, people see you as a successful person in your life in general ( either career or personal life)

- [ ] I’m sorry but Venus Square ASC people, you are beautiful but seem like you feel unsatisfied about your look (from the inside) and it shows. It’s like you don’t know exactly what fit your personality well in term of fashion sense. You should know how beautiful and charming you are, you really need to work on that and when you overcome it. The stage is yours.

- [ ] Leo moon, you are fun and loving. But if undeveloped, you tend to seek attention and validation from people.

- [ ] Any Planet Aspects to ASC( Conjunct, Square, Trine, Sextile, Opposite) affect your Appearance and physical traits in some way. For example, Pluto Square ASC can darken your rising and also has Intense gaze just like Scorpio.

- [ ] Mercury in Libra in 3rd house, you have good writing skills and also talkative when you’re with friends or coworker.

- [ ] Virgo risings look neat, clean, handsome/beautiful. To simplify, they look perfect. And also they Are observant, curious and very honest people.

- [ ] Mercury-Pluto, Pluto in 3rd house can kill you with words

- [ ] Venus-Pluto are se*y A F

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1 year ago


personal planets version


domicile: the planet is in it's home sign (comfortable)

exaltation: the planet is elevated (comfortable)

detriment: the planet is opposite to the home sign (uncomfortable)

fall: the planet is opposite to the exalted sign (uncomfortable)

when a planet is in domicile or exaltation it means the planet is comfortable in the sign it is in. this results in:

the placement becoming powerful (strong)

the placement being "too much" (overabundance of the planet's energy)

when a planet is in detriment or fall it means the planet is uncomfortable in the sign it is in. this results in:

the placement becoming weak and poorly expressed

the placement becoming "embarrassed" with how to behave or express itself (leads to coping)



domicile in leo, exalted in aries

♡ why it's powerful: confident and focused on the self as the sun wants to be.

♡ why it's too much: self-absorbed and places themselves at the centre of attention and situations (without the consideration of others).

detriment in aquarius, fall in libra

♡ why it's weak - aquarius: focused on society, ideals and groups (other people) and not the self and only knows who they are in relation to (their knowledge on) these things (which is other people). feels left out - alienated or isolated, black sheep.

♡ why it's weak - libra: insecure and focused on other people and seeks approval from others to validate identity. self-unaware and only knows who they are in relation to other people (who they're around or who they idealise).


domicile in cancer, exalted in taurus

♡ why it's powerful: secure, unfiltered emotional expression. easily defined emotions which can be translated effectively - "predictable" and expected emotions. treats (takes care of and spoils) themselves easily. naturally trusting.

♡ why it's too much: overindulgent in order to seek comfort, doesn't easily understand different emotional expressions, ruled by their emotional life (moody to the outside world). naive and too easily emotionally attached.

detriment in capricorn, fall in scorpio

♡ why it's weak: hard relationship with the mother, insecure and restricted emotional expression. secretive and suspicious. afraid of allowing themselves to seek out comfort. doesn't form close connections easily.


domicile in gemini (extroverted expression) and virgo (introverted expression), exalted in aquarius

♡ why it's powerful: quick thinkers and active communicators. • gemini: easily communicates with all people • virgo: highly effective planners and clever strategists • aquarius: lightning bolt epiphanies, understands different forms of information easily.

♡ why it's too much - gemini (extroverted expression): talks too much and too quickly (misses words, tells stories in the wrong order, lies etc.). says the wrong thing, can't be silent (offends and overshares).

♡ why it's too much - virgo (introverted expression): too practical (overly focused on plans and details), nagging, particular, pedantic.

♡ why it's too much - aquarius: easily defined by their knowledge - god complex.

detriment in sagittarius and pisces, fall in leo

♡ why it's weak - sagittarius: meaning over facts (and turns personal experiences into facts), unable to explain themselves effectively and tells stories in a confusing way.

♡ why it's weak - pisces: says one thing but means another, naive communicators (can be easily lied to), logic easily swayed by emotions.

♡ why it's weak - leo: one-way communicators, doesn't understand what others are saying easily, dramatic and ineffective storytelling.


domicile in libra (extroverted expression) and taurus (introverted expression), exalted in pisces.

♡ why it's powerful - libra (extroverted expression): connects easily with others, easily understands others' needs and wants, sharing and fair to others.

♡ why it's powerful - taurus (introverted expression): understands security and earthly matters, understanding of and appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, naturally sensual.

♡ why it's powerful - pisces: easily able to connect and empathise with others, flexible and adaptable to the lives of others, sharing and giving.

♡ why it's too much: lacks independence (needs possessions or other people) • libra: people pleasers, overly focused on romance • taurus: hedonistic and hoarding (possessive) • pisces: easily loses themselves in others.

detriment in aries and scorpio, fall in virgo

♡ why it's weak: self-concerned, can't easily open up to others and share. • aries: too selfish for give and take with others • scorpio: love has conditions (can't naturally give of themselves) • virgo: too critical of other people, perfectionistic and unaccepting.


domicile in aries and scorpio, exalted in capricorn

♡ why it's powerful: go after what they want straightforwardly, stands up for themselves, good energy and not lethargic about their goals.

♡ why it's too much: selfish and goes after what they want at the expense of others. • aries: blunt and inconsiderate (their rights over your rights) • scorpio: easily jealous of others and revenge-seeking (wants to tear others down, their rights over your rights) • capricorn: ruthless. can be extremely malicious and cruel, doesn't care who they hurt to achieve their goals even more so than aries and scorpio.

detriment in libra and taurus, fall in cancer

♡ why it's weak: procrastinating, lazy and can't stand up for themselves (sometimes needs others to stand up for them or needs others to help them do things - doesn't want to do things alone) • libra: stands up for others and causes but not themselves, feels the need to manipulate others to get their way, passive • taurus: inappropriate anger (anger simmers for long periods - is patient until they explode, creates unclear boundaries with others), passive about going after what they want • cancer: can't stand up for themselves and throws tantrums instead, argues too emotionally.