Astrology Houses - Tumblr Posts
My journey into occult science
1. i was extremely perceptive of others' emotions and thoughts since a young age. i somehow always knew what others were thinking/feeling
2. lifelong paranormal experiences. i used to be scared of ghosts until i finally realized that something deeper was going on. as far as my memory goes, i have always "felt" some paranormal experiences
3. i started browsing psychic and oracle related content at age 12/13
4. started reading astrology since age 15/16
5. started reading vedic astrology since age 19/20
6. started doing witchy things unknowingly (burning papers, handmade tarot cards) since 2020/21
7. i am very strong in manifestation department. since childhood, i somehow "always knew that if it is deep within my heart, this will come true"
8. i have a heavy 8th house. i always knew "that my life transforms and i become a new person with new lifestyle, new hobbies, new personality, new social circle, new stage of life". this was before i had actually read astrology.
9. i started browsing more and more things that turned out to be spiritual in nature
10. my intuition and "pull towards" occult science is finally here.
I have accepted that this is my life path. I was born for this. All the dots, coincidences, innocent acts all connected to occult. I WAS BORN FOR THIS!

Mars in 10th house INSECURITIES

This is my observation of people having Mars in 10th house.
1. They are competitive, hard working, career minded, take pride in their capabilities. They are genuinely interested in work and career and like to deliver their best. What differentiates them from a regular worker is their ambition and passion to reach the heights of their career. They like to be seen as capable and deserving by their peers.
2. But God are they insecure! They are insecure that their profession is not good enough. They resent what they do not have. They feel inferior to those who are well off compared to them. It seems to me that Mars gives them the motivation and potential on the inside, but does not give them the suitable work on the outside. They are not where they want to be. They dont enjoy their job. They dont like it. But they wont show it.

1. Sun in 7th house people dont feel good on their own. They NEED to be in a relationship - probably romantic. They are a dedicated partner and take pride in their relationship. Relationship gives them purpose and meaning in life. They are almost always in a relationship. When in relationship, their partner reflects their feelings back to them and this makes their existence feel alive. They feel seen and valued in their relationship. They have a deep desire to bond and commit to someone. A relationship gives them purpose and strength. They dont have an inner sense of self. They feel like they are empty body and their partner fills them up with light and life.
2. They like to be around other people but unlike sun in the 11th house, they prefer one on one relationship. They are dependent on their close relationships for identity. Since 7th house is the house of marriage, they identify with their married partner. They hide behind their partner's personality because they dont have their own personality. They can be pleasers and try very hard to impress their partner.
3. They must learn to overcome their irrational fear of "rejection/abandonment". They must overcome their need to "be liked by everyone in the world". They must overcome their need to be "dependent on their partner". They might use journal, journal prompt, soul searching, hobbies, work, family, social causes, pets and books to create a sense of self. They must learn to be self confident and REMIND themselves "who" they are because they are sure to forget it.
4. Even then they will feel "invisible". They feel like they are invisible empty and dont know who they are. But self awareness is the key. It is your 7th house sun which is setting behind the horizons and hiding your own identity from you.
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Moon in 8th house and HOBBIES

🌑Tarot cards
🌑Paranormal things
🌑Energy healing
🌑Trauma healing
🌑Dream interpretation
🌑Nature therapy
🌑Psychic abilities
🌑Reading psychology
🌑Channeling their feelings through some kind of art
🌑Aliens and other worlds
🌑Mysteries of universe and what's out there
🌑Sex (Yes, it is a hobby too)
🌑Sleeping (It heals your subconscious mind)
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STELLIUMS IN SOLAR RETURN CHART tips and tricks on what to avoid and how to benefit from them!.

CHECK OUT SEPTEMBER SALE: fixed price on any and all of my readings even solar return chart, INSTEAD OF 44, IT'S 17 DOLLARS ONLY.
If you don’t have a 3 planet stellium, see where you have 2 planets, so for example if you have sun and mercury on the 3rd house and mars and saturn on the 7th read about both houses!.
NOTE: enjoy this post and don’t forget to reblog, thank you for your support, lots of love xoxo!! ₊˚⊹౨ৎ🍊.

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, get a nice haircut, get to know your approach to life more, get to know your direction in life and what may be the next step for you, it’ll be a year of self discovery journey, and it’s the best year to work on your approach of life, you should focus more on your style, see what suits you and what doesn’t, work on your self concept and build your confidence and also it’s the greatest time to find your passion!.
Becoming aggressive, moody or be hard on yourself, becoming critical/judgmental of others and yourself!, not taking care of yourself, shy away from spotlight don’t hesitate to!, becoming way too self centered and thinking that people reactions are because something you’ve done!.
Buy new makeup, perfumes, work on your self worth, start investing money I don’t care even if you have saturn on the 2nd house start a business and earn from it!, since it’s a saving year indicator, one where you look for more stability and comfort, take care of your finances and learn more about how money works!, learn to manage your money right and spend it wisely, become strict!, it’s really good time to start giving old things in order to welcome new ones, like old clothes or possessions, since you may have this urge to keep buying new things, and in order to keep balance learn to donate your stuff, good karma and do that especially if you have saturn!, start singing loudly too it’ll be healing!.
Spend wisely so that you don’t cry at the end of the year, don’t waste the opportunity and reconsider you values, set firm boundaries and goals, also don’t waste time and truly buy stuff you only need!, never put your emotional health and security second place, care more about your feelings!.
Whenever you feel anxious journal, or go on a car ride even if you don’t have a car, call a cab or go on a bus and put your headphones on, but it’s an amazing time to work on how you introduce yourself, or in other words practice how to talk your mind, communicate with people, and how to share your opinions properly!. it’s a great year to learn about the law of assumption, get closer to your siblings or your neighbors, you can buy a new cell phone, get lots of phone calls and even do lots of social activity or finish high school!, if you suck at maths that year is pretty good to learn the basics again and educate yourself on it, also go on short trips find new interests and start a social media account.
DO. NOT. OVERSHARE. learn how to shut up when needed and i know you’ll have an urge to talk to no end but please shut up!, also don’t indulge yourself into gossip it’ll end up being so messy, try to stop overthinking and don’t believe any rumor you hear!, also take care of your siblings!.
great time to go back to your roots, aka work on your family trauma or stuck issues with your family and heal from them!, you may start a new family, become a parent, settle down, buy a new apartment or move from your home, so to have a fresh it’s okay to forgive them!, heal your inner child and read more about such topics, focus on your emotional needs and understand yourself more, if you’re a fem then lean into it more, get closer to your mother, decorate your room, also it’s a great time to buy properties and invest or learn cooking and baking yummy yummy!.
getting into fights with your parents because they’ll get on your nerves alot!, so for your mental health pay them no mind!, don’t keep your place messy.
EVERYTHING, i love love loveee this placement and not just for the romance nuh uh, as a woman who doesn’t even date I’ve had the most fun on year i had 5th house placements, go to concerts, festivals and arcades, party and enjoy your life really, you won’t feel like you wasted your money on these things trust me, go to an art course, go to movie theater!, just go out and don’t stay at home!, also enjoy your talents and get ready for the spotlight!.
hookups, unprotected sex since it might lead to sudden pregnancies, getting lost at new places, getting a bit over the head, be careful of becoming narcissistic or kinda full of yourself!, also choose your romance partner carefully don’t rush into love, because you’ll see the world in heart tainted sunglasses this year!.
Think about getting a glow up, it’s the best time for self improvement, plan a routine and follow it, even if you found it hard to build one before it’ll feel easier this year to stick to it!, greatest time to start a series of new habits, work on your body and focus on your health, try building muscles, bulking, going to the gym or walking more, try to journal, read frequently and heal your skin, do some skin care, also get your body checked, get along with your coworkers and focus more on how to make the best out of your job!, routine will never fail you oh and maybe get a pet too!.
Avoid over stressing/overtiring yourself, ignore your health or hygiene, avoid going into fights with your coworkers, beware of becoming a people pleaser or give more than you take to others, beware of stray animals, don’t go on a very strict diet especially if you have pluto on the 6th house!.
start a business with others, or start your own business, go for that lawsuit, look for that long term partner or take the step for up leveling your current relationship. Incase of getting married enjoy the process of this new era!, it’s the best time to test your partner and see if they’re worthy enough of you!, also enjoy the feeling of becoming extra attractive!.
Beware of getting into useless conflicts, don’t be over concerned of others, beware of love affairs especially if you’re already dating someone, beware of getting scammed i’d say don’t take the step of business partnership if you have uranus or neptune influence on the 7th house.

Embrace new major transformations, get ready for change and allow it!, explore your sexuality more, invest, join the stock market (don’t if you have neptune or uranus), learn spiritual practices because you’ll get more spiritual, best times to learn astrology and tarot, keep secrets, learn more about psychology, do that plastic surgery you’ve had in mind if needed only, also heal your trauma.
Go against the flow and get scared of the rebirth you need to go through, hate the constant change and how intense your emotions could be.
Choose a different college major, adopt new beliefs and focus on your higher education, travel more, good time to visit your grandparents, try to stay with them more, learn a new language, learn about you religion and just literally learn anything!.
Going to a country without any background of their culture is!, see what’s appropriate to do and what’s not, ignore your university studies or just basically getting distracted!.
Time to build your legacy, go all out!, also work on your reputation, time to build the public persona you dreamt of, set long term goals and know what you want to be in the next 5 years, fulfill your responsibilities and get ready for recognition!, also fix your problems with your father, get closer to your bosses, network!, build a professional name and really get serious about building your career!.
Doing things that’s harmful or shady for your reputation, avoid suspicious things this year because everyone will have you on the tip of their tongue. Not taking your responsibilities and your work seriously, disrespecting your bosses, procrastinating, not being professional or efficient.
Networking for your career, become more social, meet new people, change your toxic friends circle, cut who you don’t feel comfortable with!, go out more, learn about the law of assumption, manifest your desires, GET THAT BAG, start a new social media account or an online business and earn from it!, very high potential for success, watch new films, save to buy a new phone or laptop, know what you hope and wish for in the future to aim for it, make your debut in society and share your work and talents, go to parties, donate to some organizations and also join a club!.
Letting toxic people stay in your life this is the best time to cut them, don’t know anything about politics or have any sense of social awareness, be shy and miss lots of opportunities, not knowing you boundaries when it comes to friends and relationships!.
Heal, this is a rest era for you, take some time for yourself and heal, repay your karmic debts, focus more on your dreams and try interpreting them, see the messages they have for you, tame your subconscious mind for your own benefit, become more spiritual and seriously, take this time to explore your emotions more and your inner self, find your peace and find solitude in yourself!, best time to end toxic habits and relationships, basically anything you want to stop, listen to subliminals, affirmation tapes, cherish your privacy and stay private, reflect on the past and break free from what’s holding you back, also sleep more and attempt a healthy sleeping schedule, oh and eat fish lmao.
Repeating old cycle, this is really an opportunity to change!, ignore your dreams, become isolated, become depressed because you’ll trauma will surface so HEAL, ignore your subconscious mind needs and thought patterns, drink or consume alcohol, beware of addictions.

AQUARIUS THROUGH THE HOUSES: where you’re rebellious, the most outstanding and peerless individual.⋆🫐⋆𐙚₊˚⊹🪼♡

CHECK OUT SEPTEMBER SALE: fixed price on any and all of my readings 17 DOLLARS only.
Aquarius is the sign of sudden changes, the sign of unpredictably and where we may feel like we don’t belong or have no desire of following the crowd, that’s why we end up getting repelled by that thing, and find ourselves breaking the rules to make our own path.
NOTE: enjoy this post and don’t forget to reblog, thank you for your support, lots of love xoxo!! ₊˚⊹౨ৎ🩵.

You may have felt the need to constantly change yourself, always have something unique going on, either a new hairstyle, haircut and maybe even naturally you have a unique face, you don’t follow the current fashion style, you have a distinctive sense of style and may prefer to wear vintage things from the past like, wear 90s makeup, or you have a keen eye with you spot trends before they even become a thing. you’re also the type to break traditional beauty standards and public image rules, that may be because you’ve been told and maybe even forced from a young age to act a certain way, project a certain persona of yourself or to possess certain mannerisms, that’s why you hate being picture perfect or just ordinary, you seek uniqueness and rebel in being yourself!, (having pluto on 11th or 10th house may cause that)
Very unique way of handling money, you may have grown fed up with your parents perspective of money for example like: ‘you need to hard work for you money,’ or ‘money is so hard to get that’s why we’re financially unstable’, which stirred this untamed desire within you to challenge it and come up with new ideas to get money, you may work a unique source of money and you may love to keep old antiques!.
You have always felt that you don’t belong in your community, your school (you’ve been unlike your peers, you didn’t follow them, which may have resulted in you being bullied or becoming a loner), or the place you grew up in aka your community and your place on the social pyramid, that’s why you took the matters in your own hands and sooner or later you’ll have this urge to change everything, you may feel this need to climb up your social status which could result in you moving to a rich neighborhood for example, change your environment entirely. You may also be the most unique sibling, they may be your step siblings or you just don’t look like them!.
You didn’t want to follow your family’s path for you it seemed, you didn’t want to be like them or you just wanted to be very unique, your mother may have had some expectations for you but you didn’t want to even meet them. This placement may be prominent in the charts of new money wealth makers, you may change your family status drastically, and you may not want to be dependent on them or their resources.
Very distinctive talents, you date the most unique people and maybe even have a very distinctive taste, you go to many underrated artists concerts, visit unique or unknown places during your vacations and also have some real different interests.
You have a unique routine or a specific lifestyle, your parents may have been chaotic, which made you seek discipline in your life, or very strict which made you seek freedom, either way you have a very unique routine in the gym and in your daily life!, also you may have some unique pets and work ethic!, you may be known as the most creative one between your coworkers.

You are uniquely independent, the most distinctive partner, someone who came to break marriages stereotypes of your family or this generation!, you may hate the idea of codependency,having a traditional partner or relationship, which may result in you preferring not to marry at all!, there’s just something about marriages that you see worthless or just unnecessary, and you may prefer to be on your own, your freedom is your one and only love, since you may be traumatized by your own parents marriage. (Scorpio on the 4th house!.)
Well well, the usual, you may have some unique kinks or sources of income, in other words your job may pay you some money but it won’t be your main source of income, you may know some unique taboo stuff or are interested in some real dark and underrated practices!, you also may be a very unique partner in bed!.
You may feel like you don’t belong to your country, the era you are born in or you may feel very close to another culture than your own. Another thing is that you have been living in another country than the one your parents or you were born in!, I’ve seen this placement occur daily with natives who chose to immigrate and save their families or their own future. Also you may studied a very unique, specific major or went to a unique and underrated university.
Your job is unique, and also your reputation, you may have a very weird and almost taboo public image, which may have nothing to do with the real you!, people say the most flabbergasting things about you, and the rumors you may hear about you make you question everything thing seriously from how bizarre they are lmao, also you may have a unique job of career!.
You’re the most unique one in your friend group, or you just don’t befriend people who look like you, in my head i pictured a group of friends full of rockstars and then there’s you all sunshine and rainbows lmao. You also may have some very rebellious dreams you chase, things that people may feel like they’re impossible for you to achieve!, like to be a millionaire or billionaire!.
You are the most unique when it comes to being spiritual, like these people are the best when it comes to spiritual advice or guidance, your parents may have been so religious or quite the opposite so you had to become spiritual on your own and make your own path, also you guys sleep.. weirdly????, pls stop tossing and turning😭!!.

I was going to title this my “unpopular opinions on Astro placements” but honestly I'm not sure if any of them will be unpopular. Anyways here we go.
-Scorpio placements are not as intuitive as some people say they are. Idk if it's just the Scorpio placements I have met but they just get shit wrong. Like no I am not mad at you I just disagreed with you on something. If I didn't like you or was mad at you it would be far more obvious than just a change in the tone of my voice or closed off body language. One time I had a person just stop talking to me because they assumed I didn't want to talk to them anymore. How did they get that idk...It was so weird bro.
Look at your 4th and 6th house and what sign is in them. Honestly look at the planets you have in them while you are at it. I have mine in Scorpio and Capricorn with my 6th house containing my Neptune. Now I tend to have an interesting attachment to people with Scorpio and Capricorn placements. Separately I will feel alright but when someone has both signs in their big six or whatever I get confusing emotions. Let me go into my examples...
My mother has a Scorpio mercury and Capricorn placement and I didn't get an emotional attachment like you would expect. I came to the realization that I don't love her a couple of years ago. When I was younger I would talk to my mom and such more out of my need for safety which meant to keep my mother in a good mood. Not because I found her as comforting or safe. I don't know about you but I didn't want to accept the idea that I didn't love my mother at first. But it pains me because when I was younger I felt that the reason I did so much for my mother emotionally was because I loved and cared for her, but as I have grown up that was not true. I know that sounds odd but it's just how it is.
Anyways there is also my boyfriend who has a Scorpio sun, mercury, and rising. Along with a Capricorn mars and I felt this intense feeling of comfort and trust with him when I first met him. Which I can't lie confused and worried the fuck out of me. Anyways I love him and that is that. I believe even if we broke up for whatever reason I would still want him in my life because I have made him a part of my family.
Another fun fact about me or even with the houses. I have my south node in Capricorn and in my 6th house. I would love to know if anyone had some interesting bonds with people who have placements with their nodes.
In conclusion (of that whole rambling) Look at the fourth house and the house where your south node resides in and please tell me some of the experiences you have had with people with signs in those placements.
Every cardinal sign (Aries, Capricorn, Libra, and Cancer) is a little bitch. Lol jk maybe...
Disclaimer: I am basing this off of my own experience and honestly if you disagree with me. I would love to hear your opinion. Message me idk it’s up to you
My intense love for scorpio and capricorn placements together
Okay so I have had to come to terms wtih my emotions that get provoked by people with both scorpio and capricorn placements. I believe I can trace this back to my childhood since my mother has a Scorpio mercury and a Capricorn Venus. I would naturally try my best to stay on my mother’s good side so I think it’s funny how now every person I have met that has these placements can affect me in different ways, but together there is something so fucking intense that happens to me (emotionally and physically).
Scorpio placements are an interesting comfort for me. The “energy” that scorpio placements give off tend to make me feel very comfortable. I feel so energized when I meet scorpio placements. It’s a moment because my fourth house is in scorpio so it makes sense why I feel such a comfort right? For instance, my grandma has a scorpio mars and me and her will argue about the most random shit. The thing is that I don’t think the rest of my family understands it entirely. Afterwards my grandma and me will be joking with each other and I feel very close with my grandma. I think people see us disagreeing with each other and think we are mad at each other or something like that. When really it’s just a leo mercury and aries mercury communicating, so there is a lot of passion behind our words. I bring this up as an example because I have always admired my grandma’s passion and comforted by her ability to take charge and speak up when it is needed.
I do feel like her planets and how they are placed in my houses does help me and her bond very well. Her sun is either in my second or third house, and her moon is in my ninth house. If anyone knows more about the sun house synastry I would love to know more about it. But emotionally I have felt like I do expand due to her influence on me. I say that cause the ninth house is usually ruled by sag and sag rules jupiter. Jupiter is all about expansion and learning I think so yeah. Anyways her mercury is in my first house, her venus is in my third house, and her mars is in my fourth house.
Now let me compare that to my reaction to Capricorn placements
Capricorn is in my sixth house so I have had many experiences bonding with capricorn placements. Now the bond isn’t always the most positive or healthy but it is a bond nonetheless. I also want to preface this by saying that my south node is in my sixth house and in capricorn so even though I am pulling my info from my own experiences. I am still not sure how much will resonate since I think the nodes do contribute to my reactions to capricorn placements and such.
Moving on capricorn placements as a whole affect me. For instance, my boyfriend has a mars in capricorn. His way of doing things is definetly a bit different than me with my mars in sag. When he wants to do something he is very consistent and focused. He wants to become better at that thing and usually he doesn’t change or move onto working on something else for a while. Now comparing that to me who is fasincated in learning so much that sometimes I am working on one thing while learning a completly different thing. I tend to move onto things back and forth multiple times but that doesn’t always mean I am completly dropping that thing I was doing earlier. Idk if that makes any sense but yeah.
I do admire his will to be consistent. The only issue that comes up is when we are doing something together that don't really I want to do. Right now I am learning how to drive and he is helping me out with it. There are a couple of times where I will get so stressed out by driving that I will want to stop it. Now he won’t force me or anything like that to continue if I am not comfortable it. Instead he will talk to me through it all very logically and not exactly with the level of expression of passion I am used to. Like he has said to me that the reason he learned how to drive was because “he didn’t want to rely on anyone”. Now that is a perfectivily great reason but that was it. Idk it just felt very earth mars behavior imo.
Let me do another example. Now this one is about someone who didn’t have a scorpio placement but had a capricorn sun. We would work fine in a group but even though they had a taurus moon (I love taurus moons bruh) we didn’t act like buddy buddy. I became a bit more toned down and it was interesting because I met them through a theatre class. Actually I don’t think we really interacted much unless it was class related, but I do believe meeting and interacting with them affected me and my work ethic. I became more focused and overall like a leader rather than a “follower”. I am more or less just a person who helps where it is needed but sometimes I just do my own thing because I hate the idea of following orders from someone I don’t respect on a professional level. Anyways I’ll try to make another post to elaborate on this topic. Time to check for typos or any errors oof bruh
Talk to you guys soon :)
Astro Observations
- [ ] Venus conjunct Ascendant in Leo (Leo Rising) are just simply King/Queen. They exude Royalty Vibe.
- [ ] No matter What your rising sign is, if you have introverted Moon sign, you usually are an introvert.(not always tho)
- [ ] Mars RX people repress their anger inside and causes them depression.
- [ ] Scorpio moon people exude Scorpio Archetype.
- [ ] Venus in 12th house people are artistic at Soul Level.
- [ ] Sun square Uranus natal want to make sure they are different from the rest whether the way they dress or their posts on social media.
- [ ] If you ASC ruler resides in the 2nd house, people see you as a rich person or comes from a rich family. You look expensive no matter how you dress especially if your ASC ruler is the Sun(Leo Rising)
- [ ] Sun in 8th house people have strongly Scorpio Vibe. I know someone who has Sag ASC, Sun in Leo in 8th house, but He is really a Scorpio.( also his moon is Scorpio)
- [ ] Venus Trine Mars natal are just naturally Charming in Social Situation or at work. (Not sexually charming but likeable in my opinion, some find them sexually attractive though)
- [ ] Venus in Aries in 5th house = PLAYBOY/ PLAYGIRL.
- [ ] Venus in Aries in 5th house rush in and flirting with you and then also can leave you as quick.
- [ ] Uranus in 5th house natal is really Unique and weird in an very interesting way.
- [ ] Positive Sun-MC aspects, people see you as a successful person in your life in general ( either career or personal life)
- [ ] I’m sorry but Venus Square ASC people, you are beautiful but seem like you feel unsatisfied about your look (from the inside) and it shows. It’s like you don’t know exactly what fit your personality well in term of fashion sense. You should know how beautiful and charming you are, you really need to work on that and when you overcome it. The stage is yours.
- [ ] Leo moon, you are fun and loving. But if undeveloped, you tend to seek attention and validation from people.
- [ ] Any Planet Aspects to ASC( Conjunct, Square, Trine, Sextile, Opposite) affect your Appearance and physical traits in some way. For example, Pluto Square ASC can darken your rising and also has Intense gaze just like Scorpio.
- [ ] Mercury in Libra in 3rd house, you have good writing skills and also talkative when you’re with friends or coworker.
- [ ] Virgo risings look neat, clean, handsome/beautiful. To simplify, they look perfect. And also they Are observant, curious and very honest people.
- [ ] Mercury-Pluto, Pluto in 3rd house can kill you with words
- [ ] Venus-Pluto are se*y A F
Astro Observations 2
- [ ] Aquarius moon people I’ve met, most of them act against the norm. For example, if most of their co-worker follow some stupid rules in a workplace, they won’t follow that.
- [ ] Leo stellium = strong Leo characteristics (I said Leo because it’s the most obvious one)
- [ ] Pluto trine Ascendant natal are just smooth, get along well with people and also make people feel at ease and calm when being around these natives. They are really charming and people seem to trust them even in the first meet.
- [ ] Also Pluto trine Ascendant from my experience, they don’t exude s*x appeal much. not obvious like conjunction and square ones. S*x appeal is subtle for this aspect(trine)
- [ ] I’ve noticed that some Scorpios (Rising or moon) will try to avoid holding too long eye contact when talking or interacting with people. As if they just know that if they do that, it will make people uncomfortable and intimidated by them. (Not sure tho, let me know if you do this). Also can apply to Pluto-Ascendant harsh aspects.
- [ ] Saturn in 5th house( house of creativity, hobbies etc.) from my experience, the way they express their creativity(art, writing, drawing, fashion) is more refined, well thought out, less messy, not too loud which can be either good or bad. ( I said good or bad because their work could be too analysed . It’s like they don’t express their creativity to the fullest coz they’re too careful which sometimes can be good)
- [ ] Neptune in 5th house or Venus in 12th house usually have great taste in music and films.
- [ ] Venus positive aspects to Moon natal are really caring, loving and always want to take a good care of their loved ones which is really good in a relationship.( if no negative aspects to either the moon or venus)
- [ ] Libra moon men also take a good care of their loved ones too
- [ ] If some aspects you read don’t resonate with you, it might Will one day. I started studying my birth chart and noticed something interesting, some aspects resonate well when I was younger, and some just resonate NOW. It’s about timing of your life, some will resonate once you’ve grown up or evolved!
- [ ] If you have Venus Square Pluto in a really tight orb, I know that you may be jealous and possessive. Not only that, you also ATTRACT envious, jealous people too, either friends, coworkers, lovers. I don’t know how to explain this but it is what it is, it’s your energy.
- [ ] Also Venus square Pluto, what you need to learn in order to have a great relationship is that you have to let go of what you can’t control and love yourself more. ( This is why we study our birth chart. To fix what needs to be fixed in ourself, agree?)
- [ ] No offend, but Mercury Square Ascendant people, if undeveloped, you will annoy people with the way you communicate, you make people feel like your words are against them even if you don’t intend to. You really need to think before you speak, your tone of voice and choice of words are the keys.
- [ ] Once again, Not all Leo Rising are attention seeker. BUT they just attract attention.
- [ ] Most of my Leo rising friends are an introvert.
- [ ] If someone has an intense gaze, they don’t have to be a Scorpio Rising. It can be any rising. Look to the aspects to Ascendant(especially harsh ones to Mars, Pluto, Saturn)
- [ ] But if talking about great deep hypnotic eyes, yeah that’s when you can assume that they are Scorpio rising. Not always though.
- [ ] Pisces Rising has a watery, dreamy eyes. I love that!
- [ ] If you have kitty asteroid conjunct Ascendant, you may act like a kitty only when you are with your boyfriend/girlfriend. ( this is me, how about you?)
Astro Observations 3 (Mini)
- [ ] 12th house stellium people love being alone. They can literally stay in their bedroom for a week or even weeks! (if there’s food in there)
- [ ] One aspect that Indicates low self esteem the most, I think it’s Venus Square Saturn in my opinion. Especially tight orb like 0-1 degree. Doesn’t mean you can’t fix this but You guys need a lot work to overcome this.
- [ ] People who have a lot of aspects from Outer Planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) to personal Planets especially Sun, Moon, Venus, Ascendant, Midheaven are SPECIAL in many ways, they got that something unexplainable, that otherworldly Aura/energy, very powerful, strong magnetism. REAL MAGNETIC. I used to date someone who has 10+ Major aspects and 5 Minor Aspects between Outer planets to Personal Planets. Guys, trust me, YOU WILL NEVER EVER FORGET THEM. A very Special person!. (let’s share yours with me :) how many aspects you have !? :)
- [ ] When you study your own chart. Pay attention to Dominant planets (Top3 planets that influence your chart the most). They all shape your overall energy, personality, character and your life.
- [ ] People with Venus-Uranus aspects are hard to fully commit to a relationship. They don’t wanna lose their freedom unless they are really really crazy about you. BUT be careful! Because they tend to lose interest very quick too(if you got nothing to sustain their curiosity or keep them interested). And this doesn’t mean that they’re not looking for a relationship tho.
- [ ] Fixed Sign Dominant people are se*y in my opinion.
- [ ] People with a lot of harsh aspects are more complex and interesting( more s*xy too)
- [ ] Also even if you have a lot of harsh aspects in your chart, don’t be sad about it coz they helps you grow and become stronger.
- [ ] Virgo Sun Scorpio moon combo may suffer alot from anxiety. They appear and act like an intellectual with logic but what actually drives them is their emotions. It’s the fact! Also, they are the most mysterious virgo. Calm, cool with depth. Men with this aspect are hella s*xy
- [ ] As you already know that Your sign or/and planets in Midheaven shows how you are viewed in public, workplace. And that can be a bit confusing with Ascendant. Don’t get mixed up. You may think that one particular person is a Taurus Rising but turns out opposite.
- [ ] I think it’s true that you tend to get along well with people with the same Rising as yours.
Astro Observations 4 (+ placements I find Attractive at the bottom)
- [ ] Mars-Venus Conjunction (or at least in the same sign) indicates popularity? In my observations, they are a YouTubers, Influencers, content Creators, Insta Models.
- [ ] Sun-Uranus people I’ve met, most of them are LGBTQ, also me (is it a coincidence??)
- [ ] Also Aquarius Risings I know, most of them are LGBTQ
- [ ] Have you ever attracted enemies or people who hated you for no reasons? Do you have any planets in your 12th house??
- [ ] Your chart ruler should never be overlooked. Its position and aspects tell a lot about you. I found one website that really accurate 👉🏻
- [ ] Is it only me? Who find Aries Rising Men have a ton of sex appeal.. it’s like there’s a fire in their eyes, a warrior eyes, very sexy, very firery. I know one friend who is Aries Rising and also Mars Square Rising together. I wanna F him😂
- [ ] Are Gemini stellium a gossiper?
- [ ] You tend to be attracted to people who share the same Moon sign or at least find them interesting and wanna know more about them.
- [ ] From my observations, People with Venus Conjunct Mars are always in a relationship. They don’t stay single for too long. When they break up with someone, not too long and they will be in the next relationship. Maybe because it’s not so difficult for them to attract love interest since they are really attractive and easy to be around.
- [ ] Is it true for Venus in 12th house native that you just know what it feels like to be heart broken even if your heart never been broken before? Or you just know what it feels like to fall deeply in love or beloved by someone even if it’s never happened before? They said that Venus in 12th house has learned every lessons about love (1-11 houses) from the past lives.
- [ ] I have interacted with 2 persons in my life who has interceptions in their charts, and it felt like there’s an imbalance in their personality, lack of something I can’t pinpoint, I dunno, something missing in their personalities. ( both of them are unaware and not into astrology tho, and I believe that if they were , they would fill the hole by working on something)
- [ ] I think that the Sun sign that easiest to spot is Aquarius Sun. They are everything but generic.
- [ ] In my opinion, I think the most egotistical placement if undeveloped is sun in the 1st house.
- [ ] Also, sun in the 1st house natives, most likely to have the same sign as their rising. People with This placement give off the Main Character energy. Strong character, and people see you as a leader, and of course you have a great leadership skill.
- [ ] There’s always some people in your workplace or school who seen as different and unique. Check if they have Uranus in the 1st house. And if it’s happen to make a Major aspect to the their Sun, their uniqueness is even amplified and more apparent. It may not be so obvious but people will have an idea that they are not like others.
- [ ] Also look at the house that the Sun and Uranus sit in may give you more insight. For example: if they have Uranus in the 1st house and Sun in the 10th house ( which squaring each other), their work could be unique and offbeat. Very outstanding!
- [ ] Not only Scorpio IC that have a tough and traumatic childhood, but Also Aries. ( need to see the whole chart though)
- [ ] Gemini Risings look young and got bright eyes like a child.
Lastly, what BIG 3 combination you find most attractive and/or what placement in a birthchart you find irresistible and why? Share with me 😊
Placements I find charismatic
- [ ] Venus in Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Aries
- [ ] Mars in Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Gemini
- [ ] Moon in Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra, Aries
- [ ] Sun in Taurus, Aquarius, Pisces, Libra
- [ ] Mercury in Libra, Virgo, Pisces
- [ ] Fixed Risings (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus), Sag and Cappy!
- [ ] Venus-Uranus, Venus-Pluto, Mars-Pluto, Sun-Uranus, Moon-Pluto, Moon-Uranus
- [ ] Venus/Sun/Mars/Moon in 8th house
- [ ] Mars/Uranus in 1st house
- [ ] Uranus in 5th house
- [ ] 11th house Stellium, 8th house Stellium, 5th house Stellium
Scaryyy but so real
STELLIUMS IN SOLAR RETURN CHART tips and tricks on what to avoid and how to benefit from them!˙✧˖°🥮 ༘ ⋆。˚‧.

CHECK OUT SEPTEMBER SALE: fixed price on any and all of my readings even solar return chart, INSTEAD OF 44, IT'S 17 DOLLARS ONLY.
If you don’t have a 3 planet stellium, see where you have 2 planets, so for example if you have sun and mercury on the 3rd house and mars and saturn on the 7th read about both houses!.
NOTE: enjoy this post and don’t forget to reblog, thank you for your support, lots of love xoxo!! ₊˚⊹౨ৎ🍊.

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, get a nice haircut, get to know your approach to life more, get to know your direction in life and what may be the next step for you, it’ll be a year of self discovery journey, and it’s the best year to work on your approach of life, you should focus more on your style, see what suits you and what doesn’t, work on your self concept and build your confidence and also it’s the greatest time to find your passion!.
Becoming aggressive, moody or be hard on yourself, becoming critical/judgmental of others and yourself!, not taking care of yourself, shy away from spotlight don’t hesitate to!, becoming way too self centered and thinking that people reactions are because something you’ve done!.
Buy new makeup, perfumes, work on your self worth, start investing money I don’t care even if you have saturn on the 2nd house start a business and earn from it!, since it’s a saving year indicator, one where you look for more stability and comfort, take care of your finances and learn more about how money works!, learn to manage your money right and spend it wisely, become strict!, it’s really good time to start giving old things in order to welcome new ones, like old clothes or possessions, since you may have this urge to keep buying new things, and in order to keep balance learn to donate your stuff, good karma and do that especially if you have saturn!, start singing loudly too it’ll be healing!.
Spend wisely so that you don’t cry at the end of the year, don’t waste the opportunity and reconsider you values, set firm boundaries and goals, also don’t waste time and truly buy stuff you only need!, never put your emotional health and security second place, care more about your feelings!.
Whenever you feel anxious journal, or go on a car ride even if you don’t have a car, call a cab or go on a bus and put your headphones on, but it’s an amazing time to work on how you introduce yourself, or in other words practice how to talk your mind, communicate with people, and how to share your opinions properly!. it’s a great year to learn about the law of assumption, get closer to your siblings or your neighbors, you can buy a new cell phone, get lots of phone calls and even do lots of social activity or finish high school!, if you suck at maths that year is pretty good to learn the basics again and educate yourself on it, also go on short trips find new interests and start a social media account.
DO. NOT. OVERSHARE. learn how to shut up when needed and i know you’ll have an urge to talk to no end but please shut up!, also don’t indulge yourself into gossip it’ll end up being so messy, try to stop overthinking and don’t believe any rumor you hear!, also take care of your siblings!.
great time to go back to your roots, aka work on your family trauma or stuck issues with your family and heal from them!, you may start a new family, become a parent, settle down, buy a new apartment or move from your home, so to have a fresh it’s okay to forgive them!, heal your inner child and read more about such topics, focus on your emotional needs and understand yourself more, if you’re a fem then lean into it more, get closer to your mother, decorate your room, also it’s a great time to buy properties and invest or learn cooking and baking yummy yummy!.
getting into fights with your parents because they’ll get on your nerves alot!, so for your mental health pay them no mind!, don’t keep your place messy.
EVERYTHING, i love love loveee this placement and not just for the romance nuh uh, as a woman who doesn’t even date I’ve had the most fun on year i had 5th house placements, go to concerts, festivals and arcades, party and enjoy your life really, you won’t feel like you wasted your money on these things trust me, go to an art course, go to movie theater!, just go out and don’t stay at home!, also enjoy your talents and get ready for the spotlight!.
hookups, unprotected sex since it might lead to sudden pregnancies, getting lost at new places, getting a bit over the head, be careful of becoming narcissistic or kinda full of yourself!, also choose your romance partner carefully don’t rush into love, because you’ll see the world in heart tainted sunglasses this year!.
Think about getting a glow up, it’s the best time for self improvement, plan a routine and follow it, even if you found it hard to build one before it’ll feel easier this year to stick to it!, greatest time to start a series of new habits, work on your body and focus on your health, try building muscles, bulking, going to the gym or walking more, try to journal, read frequently and heal your skin, do some skin care, also get your body checked, get along with your coworkers and focus more on how to make the best out of your job!, routine will never fail you oh and maybe get a pet too!.
Avoid over stressing/overtiring yourself, ignore your health or hygiene, avoid going into fights with your coworkers, beware of becoming a people pleaser or give more than you take to others, beware of stray animals, don’t go on a very strict diet especially if you have pluto on the 6th house!.
start a business with others, or start your own business, go for that lawsuit, look for that long term partner or take the step for up leveling your current relationship. Incase of getting married enjoy the process of this new era!, it’s the best time to test your partner and see if they’re worthy enough of you!, also enjoy the feeling of becoming extra attractive!.
Beware of getting into useless conflicts, don’t be over concerned of others, beware of love affairs especially if you’re already dating someone, beware of getting scammed i’d say don’t take the step of business partnership if you have uranus or neptune influence on the 7th house.

Embrace new major transformations, get ready for change and allow it!, explore your sexuality more, invest, join the stock market (don’t if you have neptune or uranus), learn spiritual practices because you’ll get more spiritual, best times to learn astrology and tarot, keep secrets, learn more about psychology, do that plastic surgery you’ve had in mind if needed only, also heal your trauma.
Go against the flow and get scared of the rebirth you need to go through, hate the constant change and how intense your emotions could be.
Choose a different college major, adopt new beliefs and focus on your higher education, travel more, good time to visit your grandparents, try to stay with them more, learn a new language, learn about you religion and just literally learn anything!.
Going to a country without any background of their culture is!, see what’s appropriate to do and what’s not, ignore your university studies or just basically getting distracted!.
Time to build your legacy, go all out!, also work on your reputation, time to build the public persona you dreamt of, set long term goals and know what you want to be in the next 5 years, fulfill your responsibilities and get ready for recognition!, also fix your problems with your father, get closer to your bosses, network!, build a professional name and really get serious about building your career!.
Doing things that’s harmful or shady for your reputation, avoid suspicious things this year because everyone will have you on the tip of their tongue. Not taking your responsibilities and your work seriously, disrespecting your bosses, procrastinating, not being professional or efficient.
Networking for your career, become more social, meet new people, change your toxic friends circle, cut who you don’t feel comfortable with!, go out more, learn about the law of assumption, manifest your desires, GET THAT BAG, start a new social media account or an online business and earn from it!, very high potential for success, watch new films, save to buy a new phone or laptop, know what you hope and wish for in the future to aim for it, make your debut in society and share your work and talents, go to parties, donate to some organizations and also join a club!.
Letting toxic people stay in your life this is the best time to cut them, don’t know anything about politics or have any sense of social awareness, be shy and miss lots of opportunities, not knowing you boundaries when it comes to friends and relationships!.
Heal, this is a rest era for you, take some time for yourself and heal, repay your karmic debts, focus more on your dreams and try interpreting them, see the messages they have for you, tame your subconscious mind for your own benefit, become more spiritual and seriously, take this time to explore your emotions more and your inner self, find your peace and find solitude in yourself!, best time to end toxic habits and relationships, basically anything you want to stop, listen to subliminals, affirmation tapes, cherish your privacy and stay private, reflect on the past and break free from what’s holding you back, also sleep more and attempt a healthy sleeping schedule, oh and eat fish lmao.
Repeating old cycle, this is really an opportunity to change!, ignore your dreams, become isolated, become depressed because you’ll trauma will surface so HEAL, ignore your subconscious mind needs and thought patterns, drink or consume alcohol, beware of addictions.

astro notes because it's snowing outside and i'm feeling ✨cozy✨
° gemini and sagittarius are class clowns but they still have good grades
° the teacher's pet is probably a virgo or a cancer
° almost all leos date/befriend a cancer at some point
° cardinal dominants always have a responsibility, a place to go and a thing to do
° people who have many planets (4+) on the 3rd-9th house axis are really cultured, smart, philosophical, funny and generally outgoing
° if you have your mc on a taurus degree (2,14,26) or have taurus over your 6th house you will probably have a very comfortable workplace
° scorpio rising women tend to fit into the dark, mysterious and intense stereotype but scorpio rising men are generally the opposite with fair skin and blond hair
° people with saturn in 5th house have a hard time having fun freely without thinking about their responsibilities
° if you have a mutable sign over your 7th house or a mutable mars you might have a hard time figuring out your type or you might not have a particular type you're attracted to at all
° an advice for everyone who has neptune in 3rd house or a mutable mercury; write that thing down or else you'll forget it
° mercury trine/conjunct venus could make someone super good at drawing or have a really pretty hand writing
° chiron in capricorn and/or harshly aspected sun/saturn makes the native underrate their achievements. virgo/capricorn 2nd house/mc/dominance could do that too. virgo is very critical of themself and capricorn always has a greater goal to reach so they're never satisfied
oh wow, this is the end of the post! i hope you took all that with a grain of salt because im not a professional astrologer and these are just my observations. take care