Paula | 18 | Spain | Libra | INFP | Pro Gwyn |
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Gwynrielsupremacist - Our Stories Are Worth Telling - Tumblr Blog

😍😍😍 I'm in LOVE with this piece by daylightgrey
(Permission to post by the artist)
Chapter 3: Nerves
Read at AO3
If Gwyn had thought the day before had been one of the worst of her short but experienced life, she was wrong.
That day promised many more problems.
Especially like asking Azriel if he could go with her to buy a dress and not get ridiculed in front of everyone when he probably said no.
She swallowed hard and clenched her abs, telling herself there were only 2 minutes left until that damn exercise was over and she could go to the library to continue the work that Merrill had imposed on her.
"Legs together, Berdara." Azriel's voice brought her out of her thoughts, turning her head to find him looking back, his face as serious as ever. Forcing herself no matter how much pain it caused her, she closed her legs and continued to support her body, preventing from falling flat on the hard floor of the ring.
Satisfied with the change in position, Azriel turned around and continued giving directions to the other priestess who were doing something that he claimed was wrong.
"I'm sure you couldn't even take the 5 minutes I've been like this." She grumbled disdainfully, moving her arms slightly to release tension, feeling droplets of sweat trickle down the neckline of her shirt, cooling her hot skin.
"Possibly he could endure 20 minutes of plank and then be 3 hours running, then do a series of push-ups and sit-ups." Elián answered.
Gwyneth rolled her eyes: "What part are you on? His or mine?" She protested, looking sideways to find Nesta and Emerie in the same situation, grunting with overexertion, cursing how little stamina they had after 3 weeks of absolutely no exercise.
"You have said a piece of information that was wrong. I have corrected it." He remembered.
Gwyn rolled her eyes again, breathing, blasting air through her burning lungs.
Everything burned.
And she still had to figure out what the hell to do with the ceremony. What dress should she choose? A simple one, gala, what color, with or without lace?
She began to feel her head throbbing, deducing that this was a signal to stop thinking about it and focus on maintaining the correct posture so that the two Illyrians controlling the exercises would not scold her.
She had to do the perfect exercises. She had to get Azriel's mocking smile out when he corrected some movement or posture.
Stupid, damn illyrian.
When the two minutes were up, the three Valkyries flopped to the ground, exhausted and sweating like pigs.
"I'm going to make that bastard sweat when we go to that damn cabin." Nesta murmured, making sure her mate wasn't listening to her from the other end of the circle, which was helping a priestess up.
"That's not fair." Emerie muttered, brushing the dust off her leathers. "You are going to spend at least a week having sex on any surface of the cabin but we have to come here, to this hell."
Nesta laughed softly, shrugging her shoulders as she grabbed one leg, stretching it out.
A hiss came from her mouth, possibly all of her muscles were clenched.
"You should do the same." Elián recommended. "Otherwise your whole body will ache."
"I'm the one who has to go through pain, stop behaving like a worried mother." Elián sighed, avoiding giving an answer.
But anyway, she followed the advice of her voice, grabbing the soles of her feet and stretching as long as she was, hearing with satisfaction how it gently creaked her back, undoing the knots that were in the back, in her muscles.
She stayed in that position for a few more seconds, then jumped up.
Next, she grabbed her neck from one side and gently moved it to the other, removing any knots that might be in it.
Finally, she did the same to her legs, hearing them creak slightly.
She went to the water station, putting her hands in the shape of a bowl and immersing them in the tub of water, to later drink from them, wiping the remains of water with the back of her hand.
She walked over to where Nesta and Emerie were, Nesta lying on her back while Emerie was on her belly, avoiding damaging her hurtful wings.
"We deserved 3 more weeks of vacation." Emerie whimpered, putting a hand over her eyes like a visor, blocking out the bright morning sun.
"We deserved more than 3 weeks. For the Cauldron, they almost killed us, we should have had a whole year of vacation." Nesta said, mimicking Emerie's movement, sighing softly when the sun stopped hitting her eyes.
Gwyn sat on the floor, looking at her friends: "I'd rather be up here. I'd spend all day in the library if not for training."
Emerie dropped her hand, glaring at Gwyn: "Haven't you made any headway out of the library yet?"
Gwyn denied.
She had told them at one point in the Blood Rite that she was tired of being in the library, and that she wanted to go out and discover the world.
Sure, it was easier said than done.
"Everything in its time." Nesta considered, grabbing her friend's hand and squeezing, smiling slightly.
Gwyn smirked, squeezing back and stood up, looking up for Azriel.
She needed to get the uncertainty of the dress once and for all.
Unfortunately, she couldn't find the Illyrian anywhere.
She watched as Cassian approached them, lowering his head in greeting. Gwyn followed suit, asking, "By any chance, you don't know where Azriel is?"
Cassian stared at her, then took a quick glance around the ring, surprised when he saw that his friend had disappeared.
"He was here just now." He muttered, scanning until he gave up, giving her half a grimace. "He will be inside the House, I can search for him if you wish." He offered, but the priestess refused, announcing she would look for him herself.
She said goodbye to her friends, Cassian and the priestess she knew, and entered the House of Wind, letting her eyes get used to the artificial light that hung on the walls.
She began to look from place to place, suspicious of what she might find there.
"It's a simple house, Gwyneth, you won't find anything out of the ordinary." Elián reassured her, but it was of little use, since her nerves were on the surface.
"Why the hell did I say I was going to the ceremony?" She whimpered, feeling her heart beat faster and faster, forcing herself to stop, waiting for her heart to calm down.
"If you don't want to go, it's okay. Nesta will understand." He told her.
She knew Nesta would understand her. She was trying enormously to get out of the library and go to the ceremony, and Nesta wouldn't be mad at her if she finally decided not to go.
But Gwyn would be mad at herself.
After all that she had tried, all that she thought she had made progress, she was not going to let fear stop her from enjoying one of her friend's happiest days.
But for now she needed to sit down, she needed to think.
She didn't know where she was, she saw doors and more doors and torches lighting the hallway.
Where the hell had she been?
She frowned, pretending to remember how she had gotten there.
However, she didn't pay attention to where she was going, she had been too busy trying to keep her from having an attack.
She closed her eyes for a few seconds, calming down, as she decided what she should do now.
Looking straight ahead, she decided to walk a little more, searching for any mark on the wall to guide her, until she found herself at the end of the hall.
She spun around, beginning to hyperventilate, feeling cold drops of sweat running down her back.
"There is no way out. There is no way out. There is no way out." She thought, trying to attack her own thoughts, but she couldn't. The fear she felt in her body paralyzed her.
She chewed on her lip until she felt the metallic taste of blood flood her mouth.
She dropped against the wall, hugging her knees to his chest as she said: "I'm the rock against which the surf crashes, nothing can break me, I'm the rock against which the surf crashes, nothing can break me, I'm the rock against which the surf crashes, nothing can break me.
But, of course, there were many things that could break her.
Being in a dark hallway, lost, was one of them.
She didn't know how long she had been in that position, it might as well have been minutes, it might as well have been hours.
But suddenly she heard footsteps. Footsteps of man, noticing the weight of the steps.
She didn't want to raise her head. She must not raise her head.
She knew that Elián was probably speaking to her, but panic prevented from understanding what he wanted to say to her.
She shrugged even more, praying to get smaller and smaller and smaller until she became invisible, closing her eyes and holding her breath. Who was the man who was coming? What did he want from her? What was he going to do to her?
She listened as the stranger moved, as Gwyn prepared to scream, to fight, or to go limp and pray to whatever god was listening at the time that the man in front of her would think she was dead, leaving her alone.
But what happened was much more different.
She began to perceive caresses, as if feathers were grazing her neck, soothing her nerves, while others settled on her arms and legs, doing the same.
She looked up and found the last person she expected to see right now.
Azriel was looking at her with concern and curiosity.
TAG LIST: @bookish-isha @imsointobooks @shisingh @feyretale @niaacotar @flora-shadowshine @tealnymph24 @trashforazriel @hlizr50 @meher-sumedha @heyovivi @positivewitch @greywarens-magician @sageofthegalaxy @valkygwyn @verifiefangirl @verifiefangirl-mainblog @snickerdoodlechittybangbang @genya-berdara @katekatpattywack @secretlovelybeauty @starbornsinger @sv0430 @deedz-thrillerkilller16
hi besties!
if you want to read a specifical scene of nessian, gwynriel or any other ACOTAR ship, please tell me in my asks! University starts in October so I've time to write a lot of prompts!

OMG I just realized. The main reason why SJM said Gwyn has more pliable bones is not to have a baby with an Illyrian, but to accommodate Azriel’s monster schlong, since he’s suppose to have the biggest wingspan.
*whispers* it’s football sized.
thanks for the tag @positivewitch and @rainbowcheetah512 😗💖

tagging: @bookish-isha @tealnymph24 @daevastanner @feyretale @flora-shadowshine @lifeisingrey and anyone who want to do it ♡!
tagged by @trashbaget @enbyeddiediaz @outrunningthedark and @bybuckley to do this picrew

tagging: @honestlydarkprincess @figonas @evolving-dreamer @eddiediazisascorpio and @anyone else who wants to do it
I've imagined gwyn like omg give me that huge sandwich rn or I'll faint 💀💀
So do I write a gwynriel smut where Azriel’s dick is exclusively referred to as a subway footlong or huge sandwich???
why this is not in a museum? It's art 😂
OMG I just realized. The main reason why SJM said Gwyn has more pliable bones is not to have a baby with an Illyrian, but to accommodate Azriel’s monster schlong, since he’s suppose to have the biggest wingspan.
*whispers* it’s football sized.
the second part of Twister is right here!
tysm for the people who read it and wrote me good comments about it, that helps me a lot to continue writing this sorts of things
and anyone who hasn't read it, I invite you to read it! if you haven't read the first part, you can read it here
ilysm, thanks for reading it, I love you guys so much 😭💖


Read at AO3
if you want to be tagged in my fics, please tell me! 😗💖
yeah, it's all smut, so if you don't like it, please don't read it and refrain from posting hurtful comments, thanks <3
Gwyn swallowed hard, noticing how the little alcohol she had drunk rose throughout her body, clouding her mind.
Was her crush… asking for a second round?
Obviously she knew the double meaning of that, but she couldn't even get the idea that Azriel wanted to have sex with her enter her head.
I mean, yeah, she knew she was kind of attractive, but he?
He was a fucking Greek god.
Emerie ended up going to Morrigan's house, according to her, because they had arranged to finish a project at Morrigan's Design College, although Gwyn guessed they weren't just going to do the design work. She had watched Emerie choosing a set of red lace underwear, one of Mor's favorite colors.
Insecurity entered her body when she remembered how boring the set of underwear she was wearing was.
Perhaps Azriel expected… something more seductive?
"Gwyn, he hasn't even seen you yet, don't freak out." She told herself, but it was of little use.
Right now she was cursing anyone who was listening to her mind for choosing such uninteresting underwear.
Cassian and Nesta went to his room, taking a bottle of tequila and another of vodka, smirking as they left the two alone in the living room.
They were alone.
Azriel and Gwyn were alone.
The crush that she had heavily flirted with less than 30 minutes ago.
She was going to pass out, she wasn't going to take much longer with that mood.
She had to do something, even if she later regretted it.
She couldn't die without having tasted the perfect lips of her instructor.
She looked at Azriel, her eyes slowly dropping from his face to his abs, being somewhat visible thanks to the white T-shirt he was wearing.
She felt waves of heat go down to her core when she saw the long bulge that squeezed the gray sweatpants.
Fuck, was that… thing going to fit inside her?
"Do you like what you see, Berdara?" He asked seductively, running a hand over his shirt, pressing it closer to his hot body.
She felt her mouth salivate the moment she saw the fucking show he had under that shirt.
Shows like this shouldn't not be hidden.
Obviously not.
Grinning lasciviously, she got up from the couch, her hips swaying as she walked over to where Azriel stood, gazing shamelessly over her body.
She knew that blouse easily showed much of her breasts, and she felt fucking good when his gaze fell on them, his eyes darkening with sexual desire to find everything she possessed underneath her clothes.
She stood in front of the boy who stood with his legs half open, looking at Gwyn with delight and sensuality.
He patted his shapely thighs while he looked at her, running his tongue across his lips, asking Gwyn to sit on them.
However, she had better plans.
She swung one leg up onto the couch, swinging so she wouldn't fall off there - it would be fucking embarrassing to fall in such a situation - and after feeling like she wasn't going to fall if she made that move, she flopped down on top of his crotch, both of them groaning as her core came into contact with his hardened member, furious for attention.
She suddenly lost track of time, there was nothing more important than the wonderful sensation of fullness in her pussy.
God, she hadn't even gotten into her, he was going to break her.
She linked her arms around his neck, caressing the fuzz located in the area.
Azriel grunted, laying his head on the back of the couch.
Gwyn purred in satisfaction when she saw that he left the surface of his throat and neck at her disposal.
She approached him, shyly kissing the area.
Her eyes rolled back as the perfume that had apparently been applied entered her nostrils.
Fuck, there was no way anyone could smell that fucking good.
She continued kissing, now with more effort when she saw that Azriel allowed himself to be done, sighing at the attention of her lips.
Smiling, she bit the base of his neck, licking it repeatedly, then nibbling it again.
Azriel's cock pulsed dangerously close to her clit, sending waves of pleasure all over her body.
She felt how the heat was settling in her stomach under her.
Fuck, was her orgasm building now?
The throbbing of her clit was fucking painful, she needed more friction.
She needed that man to give her the attention she deserved.
She began to sway slowly on his dick, slow and sensual movements, while she continued to pay attention to his neck, noticing how shivers ran down his body.
A lascivious smile decorated her lips painted with carmine, seeing how that man shuddered at her touch.
She began the movement of her hips again, combining it with small bounces on his lap, noticing that his erection pulsed and moved violently in his pants.
Azriel grabbed Gwyn's chin, forcing her to separate her lips from the surface of his neck.
"Do you like to see me like this?" He whispered, biting his lip as he gazed at the spot where their bodies nearly met. "You like to know that this fucking erection is for you, right?"
She couldn't think, she couldn't try to speak when that man talked dirty.
Fuck, she loved when men talked dirty.
It was so… exciting.
She nodded quickly, trying to restart the friction in both bodies, however Azriel's palm rested on her hip.
"Speak up, Berdara. You can use that wonderful little mouth you have to talk." He advised her, slapping her buttock hard.
She moaned loudly, dropping her head on his shoulder.
God, did he just... spank her?
He massaged the area, over the fabric that covered the skin, running his fingers over the sore area, then hitting it again.
"Yes! I love knowing that I am the one who provoke you that erection!" She screamed, burying her face into his neck as she waited for another spanking.
However, he stopped.
Gwyn pulled her face away from his neck, frowning as she expected more pounding.
Azriel held up a dark eyebrow, giving her a crooked smile as he rubbed her buttocks, patting them.
"Do you like to be spanked?" He whispered into her ear, gently hitting her on the backside.
"Y-Yes." She moaned as she felt Azriel's large hands on her body, touching her however he wanted.
He smiled seductively, but didn't comment on her fetish.
What he did was get up from the couch with a grunt, lifting Gwyn, who was quickly linking her heels on the small of his back, positioning herself well on his body.
She didn't want to fall, as well as she didn't want to part with that man.
Searching for his mouth, they stared until Gwyn decided it was enough.
She needed to get those lips, if only once in her life.
Therefore, she brought their lips together in an explosive way, their teeth and tongues colliding with each other, battling who entered deeper, who managed to dominate more part of the other's mouth.
Everything was so hot, she noticed how her nipples were eyeing the situation over her blouse.
They were a mass of mouths, teeth, bites, licks.
Gwyn didn't realize when they had started up the stairs, but the fact was that they had started up them.
She assumed they would go to Azriel's room, since Nesta and Cassian would be in their own room.
Anticipation boiled inside her body, moisture beginning to stain the thong she had put on.
Fuck, she needed that man so bad ...
She listened, as she felt Azriel biting hard on her lower lip, as a door opened, entering a room.
Separating to breathe some air, she analyzed where she was.
There was a fucking huge bed, where perfectly Gwyn could sleep with Emerie and Nesta and they wouldn't get to touch all night.
There were two bedside tables, with a table lamp and a white clock.
She couldn't watch much more, as Azriel pulled her gently into the center of the bed, bouncing slightly as she landed on it.
Azriel leaned back on top, careful not to put too much weight on Gwyn, as he kissed her wet, red lips effervescently, feeling the heat settle back on her belly, drowning out her moans as she groped Az's shirt, tucking her hands inside it.
Azriel pulled away, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes as Gwyn continued to stroke whatever skin she could, delighted at the wonderful feel of his abs.
Gwyn began to smile, doing a maneuver that Azriel himself had taught her, grabbing his arm that was near her head and turning it.
Suddenly, Gwyn was the one on top, Azriel smiling at how perfectly his student had made the key.
Gwyn's features lit up with happiness as she saw how her instructor was proud of her.
Azriel put a hand on Gwyn's neck, lowering her head to begin kissing again, more slowly this time, savoring the alcohol and chocolate taste of the dessert they had had less than 20 minutes ago.
The kiss was slow, enjoying the sensation of both mouths in sync as their tongues began a lascivious dance from their mouths.
Azriel ran her hands up Gwyn's torso, massaging her toned belly, then lowered it to her thighs, squeezing masterfully.
His hand was inserted into her inner thighs, so close to where she really wanted him but so far at the same time.
Sh knew her thong was completely drenched from her fluids.
She supposed she should be embarrassed to react that way to him, but please, it was Azriel they were talking about, nothing was enough with him.
Parting both lips, Gwyn grabbed the hem of Azriel's shirt, pulling it over his arms to remove it.
She gasped as she watched the spectacle the man had under his shirt.
A row of perfectly built abs, well-structured pecs, and a V that disappeared into the elastic of the pants.
It made Gwyn's mouth water to think how well Azriel would be gifted in some other intimate parts.
To try to find out, as they devoutly kissed again, Gwyn gently laid her whitish hand over his dark pecs, squeezing softly..
She continued to descend, tracing random figures on his skin.
She smiled into the kiss as shivers ran down the guy's spine, deepening the kiss as he tightened his grip on her thighs.
She lowered her hand a little lower, until she felt the prominent bulge at his crotch, twitching under her hand, demanding immediate attention.
She had done orals on multiple occasions, although she much preferred that the oral be done to her.
However, she needed that cock to be in her mouth.
She needed it badly.
"Gwyn…" He growled through his teeth, guessing what she was thinking right now. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to."
She began to slide back, smiling challengingly until the bulge was very close to her lips, his pants soiled with precum.
"The problem is..." she began, while grabbing the hem of his pants. "I just need to have your dick in my mouth." She pulled down the fabric, his cock coming out of it.
Her throat went dry when she saw Azriel's member.
Fuck, seeing him hidden in his pants was one thing, but seeing him in reality was another thing completely.
It was dark, with veins on the shaft while his head was drenched with precum.
She locked her hand around the base, beginning to move up and down her hand, noticing how Azriel began to tremble dangerously.
"Fuck…" He growled, staring at Gwyn and then at his cock in her hand.
It was so big, even with her mouth and hands around it, she didn't cover the entire area.
She noticed how her clit trembled deliciously, causing her to massage his cock more quickly.
She wanted that wonderful dick inside her. She wasn't going to wait a single moment.
"It's not fair…" Azriel began, pointing to Gwyn's still-on clothes. "You can see me and please me, but I can't do the same."
She looked up at her body and realized it was true.
Her blouse was a little baggy at the bottom, but her pants were still in place.
Masterfully, she unzipped the zipper and unfastened the button that kept them closed, pulling them down until she gave them a shake, throwing them somewhere in the room.
Then she passed the blouse over her head, tossing it in the same direction as her pants.
She was only in her underwear.
She watched as his eyes roamed over her body, locating in the soaked thong, doing little to hide what she was feeling down there.
Having quickly undressed, she resumed her attention, as she massaged it with the palm, she began to lick the tip delicately, savoring the bitter taste of the precum.
Azriel grunted, one hand grasping Gwyn's scalf.
She relaxed her throat, assuming he wanted to fuck her throat, but he didn't do anything else, just let his fingers slip through her coppery hair.
But then she felt Azriel's other hand travel up her ass, grabbing the strap of her panties, pulling it away to give him easy access to her hot, soaked, throbbing slit.
"Please…" Gwyn moaned, wiggling her hips, trying to shove those long fingers she had always fantasized inside her.
"Please that?" He murmured, laying the strip on one buttock as his ring finger circled her slit. He tsked, muttering: "So wet… are you always so wet for me, Berdara?"
She noticed how more moisture came out of her inside at those words.
But she didn't answer, and Azriel, apparently, wanted her to use that little mouth she had.
She lowered her mouth onto her cock, licking the shaft slowly, running her tongue over the throbbing veins, while Azriel played with her pussy lips, groping but never entering her.
"I asked you a question, Berdara. Answer." He ordered her, slapping her pussy with force.
She screamed out his name with pleasure, sure that her vibrations and voice had done wonders on his cock.
She wanted to see how much more she could tempt him.
The more she could provoke him.
Ignoring his command, she put his cock in her mouth again, sucking the tip while rising from it and lowering her hand with force, listening to the grunts of pleasure that he let out.
Smiling, she clicked her tongue at the tip, noting the wonderful taste of precum flooding her papillae.
She was close to coming.
But of course, Azriel didn't want to come in Gwyn's mouth.
The hand that was still taunting Gwyn's entrance finally inserted two fingers into her slit.
Gwyn moaned with his cock on her throat, noticing how it shuddered inside her mouth.
He was poking his fingers in and out of her quickly, at breakneck speed.
She closed her eyes tightly, letting herself be carried away by the pleasure.
With the hand that had previously been tending to Azriel's shaft, she lowered it to her clit, pinching and moving it from left to right, combining speeds to make her orgasm come faster. .
She needed it faster, it was not going to last much longer, the well of pleasure was increasing so fast and she would soon overflow.
But that seemed exactly what Azriel wanted to do, inserting one more finger inside her.
Not being able to breathe well, she pulled his cock out of her mouth, moaning loudly as she began to move her hips, looking where his fingers were thrusting in her, glistening with her arousal.
She felt so good. Those fingers were fucking thicker and longer than her own.
She needed it to go deeper.
She needed his cock inside her. Now.
She saw how his dick was twitching violently.
He didn't have much more left to orgasm.
So she slapped the hand that was playing with her pussy away, freeing up the space, and grabbed the shaft of his cock with one hand, lining up to finally unite both bodies.
However, Azriel grabbed Gwyn's arm quickly: "Condom."
She denied, explaining: "I'm taking the contraceptive pill. And I'm clean. If you are too, we don't have to do it with a condom."
Azriel nodded, confirming that he was clean, and moving his hips up, he lightly tucked the tip into her pussy.
They both groaned at the delicious sensation.
Azriel watched her closely, as he let Gwyn sit, taking his cock deeper, parting her inner walls with a point of pain.
She stopped, opening her mouth for air. It was so fucking big.
"Fuck. You're so tight." He whined, slowly comforting her waist, hoping that she would get used to his size.
However, she needed him now. Even if he broke her in two.
She needed to have him inside her.
So, taking a breath, she dropped completely on top of his cock, crying out loudly when he hit that spot that made her see stars.
Azriel growled, squeezing the flesh of her thighs as he dropped his head to the head of the bed, closing his eyes at the wonderful experience.
"Oh my God, you take me so damn well." He moaned as he watched the point where they connected, his cock disappearing into the folds of her pussy.
She waited about 10 seconds to get used to the fucking size.
It wasn't the first time she'd had sex, but none of her former lovers were as gifted as Azriel was.
She placed her hands on Az's pecs, lifting her hips slightly and then lowering them, getting used to the small thrusts.
Fuck, that felt so damn good.
"Gwyn, damn it, don't stop baby." He asked, lifting his pelvis, accompanying her thrusts, helping her to enter more inward.
The speed of the thrusts was increasing. The pain was still there, but it was almost imperceptible. Now there was only the pleasure that Azriel provided her.
"You feel so fucking good…" He groaned, slapping one of her thighs hard.
She lifted a hand to her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples.
She needed more friction. She was so close to orgasm... She was so close...
"Az…" She moaned. Her legs were sore. She loved and hated riding her mistresses alike.
Understanding what was happening, he rested his hand on her belly, letting it fall until she was hunched over, her hands resting on his legs.
"Hold on." He warned him, grinning lewdly.
Then, he began to thrust like a soul carrying the devil.
Gwyn cried, screamed the name of her lover, moaning.
She knew it was impossible that Nesta and Cassian weren't listening, but she cared little.
The only thing that mattered was how fucking good it felt, Azriel's cock coming out of her and into her pussy with breakneck speed, spreading her fucking wide.
"Azriel!" She screamed when he reached that sweet spot, rolling her eyes up as waves of pleasure came down to her clit.
She lowered her gaze from her body, sweaty from work, to her clit and pussy.
Her clit was damn red, begging for immediate attention, as her slit slipped in and out of his cock, glistening with her fluids.
Leaning his hips down, he hit that spot again.
She was going to fall, she couldn't stand the pleasure that guy was giving her.
It was too much. It was all too much and too little.
It was perfect.
"Are you going to come?" Az asked her, eyes clouded with pleasure as he punched over and over and over the point of her, causing her to rave with pleasure. "Are you going to be a good girl and are you going to cum on my cock?"
She nodded, in those moments she was not able to form any kind of coherent sentence, only little whimpers came out that didn't make any kind of sense.
However, Azriel was satisfied with it, hitting deeper and harder, while a hand lowered towards her clit, granting it the attention that it had been demanding all along.
"Good girl ... Now I want you to cum all over my cock and cry out my name, so the neighbors know exactly who you belong to." He demanded, slowly tapping her clit with his fingertip, teasing her.
He began to wrap his thumb around it, pinching and catching it with two fingers, pulling at it and then letting go.
It only took three thrusts for Gwyn to fall into the abyss of pleasure.
Screaming his name out of her, she touched her breasts forcefully, while wave after wave of pleasure were coursing through her body, Azriel helping her to carry out her orgasm.
She noticed how Azriel let out a growl of pleasure between his teeth, jets of cum spilling into her pussy.
Exhausted, she dropped onto Azriel's chest, both of them gasping for air after the overwhelming orgasm.
She whimpered as Azriel pulled his limp dick from inside her, the feeling of emptiness overwhelming, but Gwyn had no desire for anything other than to sleep on the chest of that man who had made her feel stars.
His hands began to tangle in the sheets, finally covering the two lovers with them, still trying to catch their breath.
"It was…" He started, having to grab some more air.
Gwyn nodded, hiding in the crook of his neck.
She didn't want to leave. She knew she should, but she didn't want to.
Everything had been wonderful to pass up.
Besides, it was her coach, what was she going to do?
"Gwyn?" Her name pulled her out of her thoughts, looking at Az, who was looking at her worried, "Are you okay? Does something hurt? Have I been too harsh?"
A goofy smile appeared on her lips when she heard those questions.
He had been such great at fucking her, and now he cared about her health.
Her heart was beating happily. She was happy.
Shaking her head, she gently kissed his chin.
Azriel sighed, wrapping his arms around her waist, staying that way for a few minutes.
However, that question kept passing through Gwyn's eyes. She must ask him.
"What will happen to our… friendship?"
Gwyn was afraid that this had screwed up their friendship. Perhaps she was attracted to him, but she did not want to lose her friendship.
Besides, maybe that tumble had been just that, a tumble.
"We can remain friends, obviously." He whispered, tangling his hand in the strands clinging to her neck, stroking lightly. "But we can also… take our friendship further, if that's okay with you…"
Gwyn nodded, smiling against his skin: "Does that mean I'm your… girlfriend?"
Azriel smiled alike, looking at her as his entire face lit up with happiness: "I'd be the happiest man if you were."
They both smiled foolishly, staring into each other's eyes. They brought their mouths closer, giving each other a small beak, which led to their mouths joining in a much more passionate kiss.
"Apparently I'll have to thank Nesta for thinking about playing Twister." Gwyn thought, but she put it on the back burner.
Now only Az's lips mattered, both hearts beating at the same rhythm, forming a symphony that ran through the entire room, blocking out any sound other than that of the two lovers.
TAG LIST: @bookish-isha @imsointobooks @shisingh @feyretale @niaacotar @flora-shadowshine @tealnymph24 @trashforazriel @hlizr50 @meher-sumedha @heyovivi @positivewitch @greywarens-magician @sageofthegalaxy @valkygwyn @verifiefangirl @verifiefangirl-mainblog @snickerdoodlechittybangbang @genya-berdara @katekatpattywack @secretlovelybeauty @starbornsinger @sv0430
Read at AO3
if you want to be tagged in my fics, please tell me! 😗💖
yeah, it's all smut, so if you don't like it, please don't read it and refrain from posting hurtful comments, thanks <3
Gwyn swallowed hard, noticing how the little alcohol she had drunk rose throughout her body, clouding her mind.
Was her crush… asking for a second round?
Obviously she knew the double meaning of that, but she couldn't even get the idea that Azriel wanted to have sex with her enter her head.
I mean, yeah, she knew she was kind of attractive, but he?
He was a fucking Greek god.
Emerie ended up going to Morrigan's house, according to her, because they had arranged to finish a project at Morrigan's Design College, although Gwyn guessed they weren't just going to do the design work. She had watched Emerie choosing a set of red lace underwear, one of Mor's favorite colors.
Insecurity entered her body when she remembered how boring the set of underwear she was wearing was.
Perhaps Azriel expected… something more seductive?
"Gwyn, he hasn't even seen you yet, don't freak out." She told herself, but it was of little use.
Right now she was cursing anyone who was listening to her mind for choosing such uninteresting underwear.
Cassian and Nesta went to his room, taking a bottle of tequila and another of vodka, smirking as they left the two alone in the living room.
They were alone.
Azriel and Gwyn were alone.
The crush that she had heavily flirted with less than 30 minutes ago.
She was going to pass out, she wasn't going to take much longer with that mood.
She had to do something, even if she later regretted it.
She couldn't die without having tasted the perfect lips of her instructor.
She looked at Azriel, her eyes slowly dropping from his face to his abs, being somewhat visible thanks to the white T-shirt he was wearing.
She felt waves of heat go down to her core when she saw the long bulge that squeezed the gray sweatpants.
Fuck, was that… thing going to fit inside her?
"Do you like what you see, Berdara?" He asked seductively, running a hand over his shirt, pressing it closer to his hot body.
She felt her mouth salivate the moment she saw the fucking show he had under that shirt.
Shows like this shouldn't not be hidden.
Obviously not.
Grinning lasciviously, she got up from the couch, her hips swaying as she walked over to where Azriel stood, gazing shamelessly over her body.
She knew that blouse easily showed much of her breasts, and she felt fucking good when his gaze fell on them, his eyes darkening with sexual desire to find everything she possessed underneath her clothes.
She stood in front of the boy who stood with his legs half open, looking at Gwyn with delight and sensuality.
He patted his shapely thighs while he looked at her, running his tongue across his lips, asking Gwyn to sit on them.
However, she had better plans.
She swung one leg up onto the couch, swinging so she wouldn't fall off there - it would be fucking embarrassing to fall in such a situation - and after feeling like she wasn't going to fall if she made that move, she flopped down on top of his crotch, both of them groaning as her core came into contact with his hardened member, furious for attention.
She suddenly lost track of time, there was nothing more important than the wonderful sensation of fullness in her pussy.
God, she hadn't even gotten into her, he was going to break her.
She linked her arms around his neck, caressing the fuzz located in the area.
Azriel grunted, laying his head on the back of the couch.
Gwyn purred in satisfaction when she saw that he left the surface of his throat and neck at her disposal.
She approached him, shyly kissing the area.
Her eyes rolled back as the perfume that had apparently been applied entered her nostrils.
Fuck, there was no way anyone could smell that fucking good.
She continued kissing, now with more effort when she saw that Azriel allowed himself to be done, sighing at the attention of her lips.
Smiling, she bit the base of his neck, licking it repeatedly, then nibbling it again.
Azriel's cock pulsed dangerously close to her clit, sending waves of pleasure all over her body.
She felt how the heat was settling in her stomach under her.
Fuck, was her orgasm building now?
The throbbing of her clit was fucking painful, she needed more friction.
She needed that man to give her the attention she deserved.
She began to sway slowly on his dick, slow and sensual movements, while she continued to pay attention to his neck, noticing how shivers ran down his body.
A lascivious smile decorated her lips painted with carmine, seeing how that man shuddered at her touch.
She began the movement of her hips again, combining it with small bounces on his lap, noticing that his erection pulsed and moved violently in his pants.
Azriel grabbed Gwyn's chin, forcing her to separate her lips from the surface of his neck.
"Do you like to see me like this?" He whispered, biting his lip as he gazed at the spot where their bodies nearly met. "You like to know that this fucking erection is for you, right?"
She couldn't think, she couldn't try to speak when that man talked dirty.
Fuck, she loved when men talked dirty.
It was so… exciting.
She nodded quickly, trying to restart the friction in both bodies, however Azriel's palm rested on her hip.
"Speak up, Berdara. You can use that wonderful little mouth you have to talk." He advised her, slapping her buttock hard.
She moaned loudly, dropping her head on his shoulder.
God, did he just... spank her?
He massaged the area, over the fabric that covered the skin, running his fingers over the sore area, then hitting it again.
"Yes! I love knowing that I am the one who provoke you that erection!" She screamed, burying her face into his neck as she waited for another spanking.
However, he stopped.
Gwyn pulled her face away from his neck, frowning as she expected more pounding.
Azriel held up a dark eyebrow, giving her a crooked smile as he rubbed her buttocks, patting them.
"Do you like to be spanked?" He whispered into her ear, gently hitting her on the backside.
"Y-Yes." She moaned as she felt Azriel's large hands on her body, touching her however he wanted.
He smiled seductively, but didn't comment on her fetish.
What he did was get up from the couch with a grunt, lifting Gwyn, who was quickly linking her heels on the small of his back, positioning herself well on his body.
She didn't want to fall, as well as she didn't want to part with that man.
Searching for his mouth, they stared until Gwyn decided it was enough.
She needed to get those lips, if only once in her life.
Therefore, she brought their lips together in an explosive way, their teeth and tongues colliding with each other, battling who entered deeper, who managed to dominate more part of the other's mouth.
Everything was so hot, she noticed how her nipples were eyeing the situation over her blouse.
They were a mass of mouths, teeth, bites, licks.
Gwyn didn't realize when they had started up the stairs, but the fact was that they had started up them.
She assumed they would go to Azriel's room, since Nesta and Cassian would be in their own room.
Anticipation boiled inside her body, moisture beginning to stain the thong she had put on.
Fuck, she needed that man so bad ...
She listened, as she felt Azriel biting hard on her lower lip, as a door opened, entering a room.
Separating to breathe some air, she analyzed where she was.
There was a fucking huge bed, where perfectly Gwyn could sleep with Emerie and Nesta and they wouldn't get to touch all night.
There were two bedside tables, with a table lamp and a white clock.
She couldn't watch much more, as Azriel pulled her gently into the center of the bed, bouncing slightly as she landed on it.
Azriel leaned back on top, careful not to put too much weight on Gwyn, as he kissed her wet, red lips effervescently, feeling the heat settle back on her belly, drowning out her moans as she groped Az's shirt, tucking her hands inside it.
Azriel pulled away, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes as Gwyn continued to stroke whatever skin she could, delighted at the wonderful feel of his abs.
Gwyn began to smile, doing a maneuver that Azriel himself had taught her, grabbing his arm that was near her head and turning it.
Suddenly, Gwyn was the one on top, Azriel smiling at how perfectly his student had made the key.
Gwyn's features lit up with happiness as she saw how her instructor was proud of her.
Azriel put a hand on Gwyn's neck, lowering her head to begin kissing again, more slowly this time, savoring the alcohol and chocolate taste of the dessert they had had less than 20 minutes ago.
The kiss was slow, enjoying the sensation of both mouths in sync as their tongues began a lascivious dance from their mouths.
Azriel ran her hands up Gwyn's torso, massaging her toned belly, then lowered it to her thighs, squeezing masterfully.
His hand was inserted into her inner thighs, so close to where she really wanted him but so far at the same time.
She knew her thong was completely drenched from her fluids.
She supposed she should be embarrassed to react that way to him, but please, it was Azriel they were talking about, nothing was enough with him.
Parting both lips, Gwyn grabbed the hem of Azriel's shirt, pulling it over his arms to remove it.
She gasped as she watched the spectacle the man had under his shirt.
A row of perfectly built abs, well-structured pecs, and a V that disappeared into the elastic of the pants.
It made Gwyn's mouth water to think how well Azriel would be gifted in some other intimate parts.
To try to find out, as they devoutly kissed again, Gwyn gently laid her whitish hand over his dark pecs, squeezing softly..
She continued to descend, tracing random figures on his skin.
She smiled into the kiss as shivers ran down the guy's spine, deepening the kiss as he tightened his grip on her thighs.
She lowered her hand a little lower, until she felt the prominent bulge at his crotch, twitching under her hand, demanding immediate attention.
She had done orals on multiple occasions, although she much preferred that the oral be done to her.
However, she needed that cock to be in her mouth.
She needed it badly.
"Gwyn…" He growled through his teeth, guessing what she was thinking right now. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to."
She began to slide back, smiling challengingly until the bulge was very close to her lips, his pants soiled with precum.
"The problem is..." she began, while grabbing the hem of his pants. "I just need to have your dick in my mouth." She pulled down the fabric, his cock coming out of it.
Her throat went dry when she saw Azriel's member.
Fuck, seeing him hidden in his pants was one thing, but seeing him in reality was another thing completely.
It was dark, with veins on the shaft while his head was drenched with precum.
She locked her hand around the base, beginning to move up and down her hand, noticing how Azriel began to tremble dangerously.
"Fuck…" He growled, staring at Gwyn and then at his cock in her hand.
It was so big, even with her mouth and hands around it, she didn't cover the entire area.
She noticed how her clit trembled deliciously, causing her to massage his cock more quickly.
She wanted that wonderful dick inside her. She wasn't going to wait a single moment.
"It's not fair…" Azriel began, pointing to Gwyn's still-on clothes. "You can see me and please me, but I can't do the same."
She looked up at her body and realized it was true.
Her blouse was a little baggy at the bottom, but her pants were still in place.
Masterfully, she unzipped the zipper and unfastened the button that kept them closed, pulling them down until she gave them a shake, throwing them somewhere in the room.
Then she passed the blouse over her head, tossing it in the same direction as her pants.
She was only in her underwear.
She watched as his eyes roamed over her body, locating in the soaked thong, doing little to hide what she was feeling down there.
Having quickly undressed, she resumed her attention, as she massaged it with the palm, she began to lick the tip delicately, savoring the bitter taste of the precum.
Azriel grunted, one hand grasping Gwyn's scalf.
She relaxed her throat, assuming he wanted to fuck her throat, but he didn't do anything else, just let his fingers slip through her coppery hair.
But then she felt Azriel's other hand travel up her ass, grabbing the strap of her panties, pulling it away to give him easy access to her hot, soaked, throbbing slit.
"Please…" Gwyn moaned, wiggling her hips, trying to shove those long fingers she had always fantasized inside her.
"Please that?" He murmured, laying the strip on one buttock as his ring finger circled her slit. He tsked, muttering: "So wet… are you always so wet for me, Berdara?"
She noticed how more moisture came out of her inside at those words.
But she didn't answer, and Azriel, apparently, wanted her to use that little mouth she had.
She lowered her mouth onto his cock, licking the shaft slowly, running her tongue over the throbbing veins, while Azriel played with her pussy lips, groping but never entering her.
"I asked you a question, Berdara. Answer." He ordered her, slapping her pussy with force.
She screamed out his name with pleasure, sure that her vibrations and voice had done wonders on his cock.
She wanted to see how much more she could tempt him.
The more she could provoke him.
Ignoring his command, she put his cock in her mouth again, sucking the tip while rising from it and lowering her hand with force, listening to the grunts of pleasure that he let out.
Smiling, she clicked her tongue at the tip, noting the wonderful taste of precum flooding her papillae.
She was close to coming.
But of course, Azriel didn't want to come in Gwyn's mouth.
The hand that was still taunting Gwyn's entrance finally inserted two fingers into her slit.
Gwyn moaned with his cock on her throat, noticing how it shuddered inside her mouth.
He was poking his fingers in and out of her quickly, at breakneck speed.
She closed her eyes tightly, letting herself be carried away by the pleasure.
With the hand that had previously been tending to Azriel's shaft, she lowered it to her clit, pinching and moving it from left to right, combining speeds to make her orgasm come faster. .
She needed it faster, it was not going to last much longer, the well of pleasure was increasing so fast and she would soon overflow.
But that seemed exactly what Azriel wanted to do, inserting one more finger inside her.
Not being able to breathe well, she pulled his cock out of her mouth, moaning loudly as she began to move her hips, looking where his fingers were thrusting in her, glistening with her arousal.
She felt so good. Those fingers were fucking thicker and longer than her own.
She needed it to go deeper.
She needed his cock inside her. Now.
She saw how his dick was twitching violently.
He didn't have much more left to orgasm.
So she slapped the hand that was playing with her pussy away, freeing up the space, and grabbed the shaft of his cock with one hand, lining up to finally unite both bodies.
However, Azriel grabbed Gwyn's arm quickly: "Condom."
She denied, explaining: "I'm taking the contraceptive pill. And I'm clean. If you are too, we don't have to do it with a condom."
Azriel nodded, confirming that he was clean, and moving his hips up, he lightly tucked the tip into her pussy.
They both groaned at the delicious sensation.
Azriel watched her closely, as he let Gwyn sit, taking his cock deeper, parting her inner walls with a point of pain.
She stopped, opening her mouth for air. It was so fucking big.
"Fuck. You're so tight." He whined, slowly comforting her waist, hoping that she would get used to his size.
However, she needed him now. Even if he broke her in two.
She needed to have him inside her.
So, taking a breath, she dropped completely on top of his cock, crying out loudly when he hit that spot that made her see stars.
Azriel growled, squeezing the flesh of her thighs as he dropped his head to the head of the bed, closing his eyes at the wonderful experience.
"Oh my God, you take me so damn well." He moaned as he watched the point where they connected, his cock disappearing into the folds of her pussy.
She waited about 10 seconds to get used to the fucking size.
It wasn't the first time she'd had sex, but none of her former lovers were as gifted as Azriel was.
She placed her hands on Az's pecs, lifting her hips slightly and then lowering them, getting used to the small thrusts.
Fuck, that felt so damn good.
"Gwyn, damn it, don't stop baby." He asked, lifting his pelvis, accompanying her thrusts, helping her to enter more inward.
The speed of the thrusts was increasing. The pain was still there, but it was almost imperceptible. Now there was only the pleasure that Azriel provided her.
"You feel so fucking good…" He groaned, slapping one of her thighs hard.
She lifted a hand to her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples.
She needed more friction. She was so close to orgasm... She was so close...
"Az…" She moaned. Her legs were sore. She loved and hated riding her mistresses alike.
Understanding what was happening, he rested his hand on her belly, letting it fall until she was hunched over, her hands resting on his legs.
"Hold on." He warned him, grinning lewdly.
Then, he began to thrust like a soul carrying the devil.
Gwyn cried, screamed the name of her lover, moaning.
She knew it was impossible that Nesta and Cassian weren't listening, but she cared little.
The only thing that mattered was how fucking good it felt, Azriel's cock coming out of her and into her pussy with breakneck speed, spreading her fucking wide.
"Azriel!" She screamed when he reached that sweet spot, rolling her eyes up as waves of pleasure came down to her clit.
She lowered her gaze from her body, sweaty from work, to her clit and pussy.
Her clit was damn red, begging for immediate attention, as her slit slipped in and out of his cock, glistening with her fluids.
Leaning his hips down, he hit that spot again.
She was going to fall, she couldn't stand the pleasure that guy was giving her.
It was too much. It was all too much and too little.
It was perfect.
"Are you going to come?" Az asked her, eyes clouded with pleasure as he punched over and over and over the point of her, causing her to rave with pleasure. "Are you going to be a good girl and are you going to cum on my cock?"
She nodded, in those moments she was not able to form any kind of coherent sentence, only little whimpers came out that didn't make any kind of sense.
However, Azriel was satisfied with it, hitting deeper and harder, while a hand lowered towards her clit, granting it the attention that it had been demanding all along.
"Good girl ... Now I want you to cum all over my cock and cry out my name, so the neighbors know exactly who you belong to." He demanded, slowly tapping her clit with his fingertip, teasing her.
He began to wrap his thumb around it, pinching and catching it with two fingers, pulling at it and then letting go.
It only took three thrusts for Gwyn to fall into the abyss of pleasure.
Screaming his name out of her, she touched her breasts forcefully, while wave after wave of pleasure were coursing through her body, Azriel helping her to carry out her orgasm.
She noticed how Azriel let out a growl of pleasure between his teeth, jets of cum spilling into her pussy.
Exhausted, she dropped onto Azriel's chest, both of them gasping for air after the overwhelming orgasm.
She whimpered as Azriel pulled his limp dick from inside her, the feeling of emptiness overwhelming, but Gwyn had no desire for anything other than to sleep on the chest of that man who had made her feel stars.
His hands began to tangle in the sheets, finally covering the two lovers with them, still trying to catch their breath.
"It was…" He started, having to grab some more air.
Gwyn nodded, hiding in the crook of his neck.
She didn't want to leave. She knew she should, but she didn't want to.
Everything had been wonderful to pass up.
Besides, it was her coach, what was she going to do?
"Gwyn?" Her name pulled her out of her thoughts, looking at Az, who was looking at her worried, "Are you okay? Does something hurt? Have I been too harsh?"
A goofy smile appeared on her lips when she heard those questions.
He had been such great at fucking her, and now he cared about her health.
Her heart was beating happily. She was happy.
Shaking her head, she gently kissed his chin.
Azriel sighed, wrapping his arms around her waist, staying that way for a few minutes.
However, that question kept passing through Gwyn's eyes. She must ask him.
"What will happen to our… friendship?"
Gwyn was afraid that this had screwed up their friendship. Perhaps she was attracted to him, but she did not want to lose her friendship.
Besides, maybe that tumble had been just that, a tumble.
"We can remain friends, obviously." He whispered, tangling his hand in the strands clinging to her neck, stroking lightly. "But we can also… take our friendship further, if that's okay with you…"
Gwyn nodded, smiling against his skin: "Does that mean I'm your… girlfriend?"
Azriel smiled alike, looking at her as his entire face lit up with happiness: "I'd be the happiest man if you were."
They both smiled foolishly, staring into each other's eyes. They brought their mouths closer, giving each other a small beak, which led to their mouths joining in a much more passionate kiss.
"Apparently I'll have to thank Nesta for thinking about playing Twister." Gwyn thought, but she put it on the back burner.
Now only Az's lips mattered, both hearts beating at the same rhythm, forming a symphony that ran through the entire room, blocking out any sound other than that of the two lovers.
TAG LIST: @bookish-isha @imsointobooks @shisingh @feyretale @niaacotar @flora-shadowshine @tealnymph24 @trashforazriel @hlizr50 @meher-sumedha @heyovivi @positivewitch @greywarens-magician @sageofthegalaxy @valkygwyn @verifiefangirl @verifiefangirl-mainblog @snickerdoodlechittybangbang @genya-berdara @katekatpattywack @secretlovelybeauty @starbornsinger @sv0430
THANKS BAE 😭😭😭 I was crying so hard while writing THAT sentence
For a nessian prompt can you do a secret dating one
here's the nessian secret dating 😉 I hope y'all like it
Read at AO3
Nesta let out a high-pitched moan when she felt Cassian's cock collide with that spot that made her see stars, tightening the sheets of the bed she was stretched out on, staring at the ceiling while whimpers came out of her mouth, arching her spine as she screamed the name of her lover.
She knew she had little left to reach the much sought-after orgasm, just as she knew her secret lover was.
Cassian and Nesta had been secretly seeing each other for 2 years.
Although every time they saw each other, kissed or made love, it was as if it were the first time.
The fact that they couldn't be together was a problem though.
Cassian's cock throbbed violently inside Nesta, sending waves of pleasure towards her clit, which was being treated with veneration by Cass's hands, causing spasms of pleasure to run through the girl's entire body.
She detected Cassian hitting her sweet spot for the last time, causing her to fall into a bottomless pit of pleasure and enjoyment, falling and falling and falling.
She wished that would last forever.
As her walls narrowed in the powerful orgasm, Cassian fell off the edge as well, growling against her lover's neck to muffle his cries of pleasure.
They were sweaty and pleased by the satisfaction they offered, but it was never enough.
It never was.
Cassian came out of her, being careful not to overstimulate her, because after that overwhelming orgasm, her body was fucking sensitive.
Pulling up the sheets to cover her naked and sweaty body, she watched sadly as Cassian began to dress, looking everywhere in the room except where she was.
She knew he hated this as much as she did.
Nesta's husband, an overbearing millionaire named Eris, did not welcome his wife being left alone in the mansion, so he hired private security.
Sure, Eris didn't assume his wife would fall in love with his bodyguard.
Nesta shifted in the sheets, laying these on her bare breasts, while she brought her body closer to his, slowly kissing his bare shoulder.
"Eris won't be coming until tomorrow afternoon… You can stay, even if it's just tonight…" she whispered against his skin. She hated to think that their relationship always went that way, trying to get no one to see them.
How bad was it that they loved each other? How horrendous was it?
Nesta knew so. She must be faithful to her husband, that was what they had all told her.
However, she couldn't bear to think of another man other than Cassian touching her.
No man knew her body like Cassian.
He was silent, looking at the shoes that were in the other corner of the room, dropped anyway.
Nesta knew that he wanted to stay with her. If it were up to her, she would send everything to shit and they would both go to some desert island where their love would be received with good arms.
However, that only happened in movies.
Cassian turned, locking his hazel eyes with her gray ones.
He smiled slightly, nodding as he flopped down on the sheets, pulling Nesta towards him, the sheet being the only thing that separated the two lovers.
Nesta knew Cassian would keep the sheet over her body.
The need to touch, to love ...
It was too much.
Everything was too much.
Nesta lay on her side, letting Cassian hug her from behind, spooning her.
He brushed her blonde-brown hair away, slowly beginning to kiss the area, causing shivers to run down her sweaty, sore body.
"I love you so much ..." he whispered softly against her hair, licking Nesta's neck, nibbling at it playfully.
Nesta, in response, lowered the hand that held the blanket draped over her chest, and laid it on top of Cassian's, entwining her fingers with affection and love.
Cassian stopped kissing her whitish neck, burying his face into the crook of her neck, breathing deeply.
They both knew this adventure was not going to last much longer.
She couldn't help but feel her heart clenching at the thought.
When she heard Cassian's breathing turn even, she knew he was asleep.
She turned in her embrace, gazing at her lover's sleeping features with sadness as she ran her fingers over his chin, caressing slowly with deliberation.
Snuggling against her chest, her face well hidden in him, she whispered while kissing the hollow of his throat: "I love you too... Until the stars go out and there is nothing left but stardust, I will still love you..."
TAG LIST: @bookish-isha @imsointobooks @shisingh @feyretale @niaacotar @flora-shadowshine @tealnymph24 @trashforazriel @hlizr50 @meher-sumedha @heyovivi @positivewitch @greywarens-magician @sageofthegalaxy @valkygwyn @verifiefangirl @verifiefangirl-mainblog @snickerdoodlechittybangbang @genya-berdara @katekatpattywack @secretlovelybeauty @starbornsinger @sv0430
For a nessian prompt can you do a secret dating one
here's the nessian secret dating 😉 I hope y'all like it
Read at AO3
Nesta let out a high-pitched moan when she felt Cassian's cock collide with that spot that made her see stars, tightening the sheets of the bed she was stretched out on, staring at the ceiling while whimpers came out of her mouth, arching her spine as she screamed the name of her lover.
She knew she had little left to reach the much sought-after orgasm, just as she knew her secret lover was.
Cassian and Nesta had been secretly seeing each other for 2 years.
Although every time they saw each other, kissed or made love, it was as if it were the first time.
The fact that they couldn't be together was a problem though.
Cassian's cock throbbed violently inside Nesta, sending waves of pleasure towards her clit, which was being treated with veneration by Cass's hands, causing spasms of pleasure to run through the girl's entire body.
She detected Cassian hitting her sweet spot for the last time, causing her to fall into a bottomless pit of pleasure and enjoyment, falling and falling and falling.
She wished that would last forever.
As her walls narrowed in the powerful orgasm, Cassian fell off the edge as well, growling against her lover's neck to muffle his cries of pleasure.
They were sweaty and pleased by the satisfaction they offered, but it was never enough.
It never was.
Cassian came out of her, being careful not to overstimulate her, because after that overwhelming orgasm, her body was fucking sensitive.
Pulling up the sheets to cover her naked and sweaty body, she watched sadly as Cassian began to dress, looking everywhere in the room except where she was.
She knew he hated this as much as she did.
Nesta's husband, an overbearing millionaire named Eris, did not welcome his wife being left alone in the mansion, so he hired private security.
Sure, Eris didn't assume his wife would fall in love with his bodyguard.
Nesta shifted in the sheets, laying these on her bare breasts, while she brought her body closer to his, slowly kissing his bare shoulder.
"Eris won't be coming until tomorrow afternoon… You can stay, even if it's just tonight…" she whispered against his skin. She hated to think that their relationship always went that way, trying to get no one to see them.
How bad was it that they loved each other? How horrendous was it?
Nesta knew so. She must be faithful to her husband, that was what they had all told her.
However, she couldn't bear to think of another man other than Cassian touching her.
No man knew her body like Cassian.
He was silent, looking at the shoes that were in the other corner of the room, dropped anyway.
Nesta knew that he wanted to stay with her. If it were up to her, she would send everything to shit and they would both go to some desert island where their love would be received with good arms.
However, that only happened in movies.
Cassian turned, locking his hazel eyes with her gray ones.
He smiled slightly, nodding as he flopped down on the sheets, pulling Nesta towards him, the sheet being the only thing that separated the two lovers.
Nesta knew Cassian would keep the sheet over her body.
The need to touch, to love ...
It was too much.
Everything was too much.
Nesta lay on her side, letting Cassian hug her from behind, spooning her.
He brushed her blonde-brown hair away, slowly beginning to kiss the area, causing shivers to run down her sweaty, sore body.
"I love you so much ..." he whispered softly against her hair, licking Nesta's neck, nibbling at it playfully.
Nesta, in response, lowered the hand that held the blanket draped over her chest, and laid it on top of Cassian's, entwining her fingers with affection and love.
Cassian stopped kissing her whitish neck, burying his face into the crook of her neck, breathing deeply.
They both knew this adventure was not going to last much longer.
She couldn't help but feel her heart clenching at the thought.
When she heard Cassian's breathing turn even, she knew he was asleep.
She turned in her embrace, gazing at her lover's sleeping features with sadness as she ran her fingers over his chin, caressing slowly with deliberation.
Snuggling against her chest, her face well hidden in him, she whispered while kissing the hollow of his throat: "I love you too... Until the stars go out and there is nothing left but stardust, I will still love you..."
TAG LIST: @bookish-isha @imsointobooks @shisingh @feyretale @niaacotar @flora-shadowshine @tealnymph24 @trashforazriel @hlizr50 @meher-sumedha @heyovivi @positivewitch @greywarens-magician @sageofthegalaxy @valkygwyn @verifiefangirl @verifiefangirl-mainblog @snickerdoodlechittybangbang @genya-berdara @katekatpattywack @secretlovelybeauty @starbornsinger @sv0430
this is when Nesta discovers Gwyn is with Azriel vs when she remembers Azzy has the biggest wingspan HAHAHAHA
nesta finding out about gwynriel:
nesta: OH MY GOD😱
also nesta one second later: oh my gaaawd😏
nesta braiding cassian's hair
thanks for the tag @positivewitch <33

Ok so I found this amazing uquiz, you should try it besties💕 it includes a playlist🤩 what else could we ask for?

Tagging: @bellamyblakru @bookologist @kingandfireheart @emikadreams @dagypsygirl @introvertedscarecrow @woodland-mist @polaroidsintheocean @ssardothien @booksandbeans @lost-in-fictionn @melonpopps @feysand-loml @charityreadsabookanddrinkswine @feysandfeels @highlady-fireheart and anyone who wants to🤩🌟
🌹ship that you have as an OTP: gwynriel. yeah I think is pretty obvious.
💩 I answered here!
💦 I answered here!
💣 I answered here!
ask me!
All the multiples of 4 for ship questions!
💩 ship that you find disgusting: Mal and Alina from Shadow and Bone. Yeah... disgusting
👅 ship that you find most sexy: Prince Wrath and Emilia. Yeah I love them so much and I'm waiting so hard for Kingdom of the Cursed. If you haven't read Kingdom of the Wicked yet, read it!
💦 ship that is taboo: Clary and Jace from TMI. If you have read the books, you know why this is taboo. Yeah, I know they're not brothers in the end, but bro, they loved each other when they thought they were.
💢 ship that is most misunderstood: Cal and Mare from Red Queen? idk I think they're misunderstood, I mean all fandom wanted Maven to end with Mare
ask me!
💋 for the bat boys!
hug: Rhys, I love him so much buuuut you only got from me a hug <3
cuddle: az because he needs it 😆 but yeah I headcannon he's the best at giving cuddles but he doesn't have anybody to give them :(
kiss: cassian because oh gods he's so fucking good at kissing 😉
ask me!
💣 ship that pisses you off: I'm gonna be canceled for this but Jurdan ( The Cruel Prince ). Sorry I didn't like at all their relationship at all, I would prefer Jude becoming the Queen of Elfhame she alone and Cardan idk, being someone who deserve him, because Jude didn't sorry lol
💚 ship that you secretly like: Celaena and Dorian. Sorry I loved them both so much and it would have been awesome if they had finally became endgame, but HEY I love Rowaelin so much, but Dorian × Aelin? HOT
ask me!
🚦- Azriel, Cassian and Rhysand
for the ask thingy
Be stuck in a elevator with: I think I'll choose Cassian, because I think if I'm stuck in a elevator I'll need someone telling me that all would be okay, that someone will come to rescue us, so I think Cassian would do the work haha
Be stuck in traffic with: RHYSAND. I headcannon Rhysand would be the type of guy who is calm in situations like this, and in a traffic jam I also kinda be calm? I don't mind be in the traffic because I'll listen to the radio, so I think Rhys and I would be great in there
Be stuck in the apocalypse with: Azzy. I think he would be calm in that situation. Also, he and I have a same calm attitude so I think we'd get along at the apocalypse. Also, his shadows could winnow us anywhere if things went bad. Also, I love Azzy soo 😫 I would thanked him to be stuck at the end of the world with me haha
send me a question!
send me asks about this I'm boredd 😫
Send an emoji below + three (3) different characters / muses that my muse must pick from! Some choices are considered ns / fw.
💍 - fuck, marry, kill. 💎 - unsex, divorce, revive. 💋 - hug, cuddle, kiss. 💫 - fight, tickle, insult. 🦋 - befriend, adopt, ignore. 🥊 - pinch, slap, punch. ✨ - summon, banish, absorb. 🔗 - handcuff, tie up, pin down. 🦷 - lick, suck, bite. 🗳️ - vote for, vote against, run against. ☕ - get coffee with, go out to dinner with, steal their food. 💤 - sleep with fully clothed, sleep with in underwear, sleep with naked. 💰 - rob a bank with, hide a body with, rat out to the cops. 🚦 - be stuck in an elevator with, be stuck in traffic with, be stuck in the apocalypse with. 🎉 - hang out with, party with, ghost. 🔛 - make love to, have a quickie with, be rough / kinky with. 🍪 - make cookies for, make a five-course meal for, burn all their food. 🔪 - protect, attack, fight side-by-side with. 💬 - SEND IN YOUR OWN THREE OPTIONS NOT LISTED ABOVE!