hades-999 - Hades 999
Hades 999

174 posts

5 Years Later Rebooted

5 years later rebooted

5 Years Later Rebooted

Rizegreymon22's art

After I saw these two take on of Ben's Chimerain form, I tried to figure it out what could be the differences


Sucker punch

5 Years Later Rebooted

Kuro the artist's (5yl)

His elastic body allows him to do enchanted movement; like hight jump or stronger punches

This also makes him more resistant to hits, because his body absorbs the blows

Besides, he posess enchanted strengh

He can swim, breath underwater and transform into a giant, octopus-like monster


Smaller in size

Possibly weaker

Doesn't posess any other superpower



5 Years Later Rebooted

Offical alien from Reboot

Posess an impressive strengh and durability

Able to shapeshift his arms separeted tentacles

Can shoot lasers from his eyes

Not flexible, but still agile


Less agile and a little bit bulky

He doesn't posess aquatic form

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More Posts from Hades-999

5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Pinky promise 🥀

Steven Univers Future is suspended for a while (hope just for really short), but until it gets back, here is a theory for you;

There is the "Super Steven" who usually called Pink Steven

Theory Time

Seemingly, he can call it on porpouse, but sometimes it just comes by strong emotions

It's openly stronger and have some more power than Steven know about

It's clearly Steven's heritage from Pink Diamond (and strangly, I would say not from Rose...).

Also, it appeared after "Change your mind" maybe, because Steven accepted his Diamond side than

Theory Time
Theory Time

It's known Pink was the youngest and smallest Diamond and the others handled her as their daughter/younger sister

Also, they give her everything what she wish for. The only exception was her own planet......

And we know she was very upset because of this, angry enought to broke her own Pearl....

And here comes my theory. Do you remember this:

Theory Time

It's looks like a corrupted White Diamond. I mean....like corrupted by something...pink

We already know, all of the Diamonds can force Gems to do something. I mean;

Blue: can make anybody sad, drain or nullifie their powers, some of them defuse 'cause of her

Yellow: can poof gems and fusions, forcing them reforming or contains them in bubble as long as she wishes

White: she can makes anybody obey her, with full control

All together: we don't know what they capable of, but they made almost every single gem corrupted on the planet

Theory Time

But what about Pink? Maybe she can do the same.....

What about those thing, what happened while Steven was pink? Those where very impressive....

Do you remember these:

Theory Time

When Steven wanted everybody stay, they can't go away. Smokey asked for one more minute and she got it.....

So, all together, Pink/Steven has the power to makes her/his wishes come true. And, I don't know from what reason, but maybe Steven will force White to do what he wants to do

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5 years ago

Fun fact 😸

Snow blue

I found some interesting thing about Steven Univers Future, so I would share them with you 😁;

First, "Snow day" is the first episode where Steven is already 17 year old

Garnet knowledge is effects her future vision, as Shappire said multiple times previously. However, it seemingly change if he forgot something (it not change the timelines, just the number of the possible futures what she sees)

Steven is now a vegetarian, and he was already for three month

Now we know fusions can shapeshift (ok, Garnet does it previeiously, but her relationship is special, technically she is alredy one gem.…)

However we not see fusions' real forms, but we know at least one thing; Sugilite's shade now covers all of her eyes

One of the most oblivious but most surpriseing thing: Garnet wanted to win this game so badly to unfused just because of it

Fun Fact
Fun Fact

So, in "Why so blue" we get to know Lapises made to destroy planets, call it Terraforming (it's funny, because Terra is actually Earth, but they are aliens......)

Took the conclusion, on other planets were oceans or great amount of water what they could use (or at least on those where the life already appeared. It's logical, because -in short- only water can protect the very simple life forms when a planet is forming)

They also can control mud

Lapises not creates wings from their gemstones, they store somewhere in their body. Or maybe creates water from their gemstones as other gems store their weapons there, but in that chase they wings' place not effected by their stones' positsion

They don't need for their wings to fly, just to control it

After that episode, I'm sure Lapises based on anime characters:

Just look at their apperace

They usually very dramatic, behave excessively; sometimes childish and silly, other times serious, drastic, sometimes even revengeful

They form the water as a kind of energy, using for destroy, manifest weapons. And they can learn each other's teachniques ridiculously fast and easily

Lapises don't take serious nobody until he/she showes his/her true power, but after that they honor or fear it

Fun Fact

Fun Fact
Fun Fact
Fun Fact
Fun Fact
Fun Fact

Tags :
5 years ago

Fun facts 😹


So, I realised one thing: the seria treat Cannonbolt as Hell. And why? Let me explain;



First, he is the 11th alien who was ever used

Secound, you hardly found any other transformation who appeared in every form in all the frendchiles. But literally:

Fun Facts

The classic seria (he even replaced Ghostfreak in the intro)

Also as Ben 10.000's

Alien force

He was used in the crossover "Heroes United"

Got an Ultimate form

Appeared in Omniverse (even in flashbacks)

Rolleway (Ben 23) and Gwenonbolt (Gwen 10, just fun name, not offical)

He also an useable alien in the Reboot

He was Omni-enchanted

Got an Omi-kix

Also, there is Wreckingbolt

Interesting fact 1: The original designe of him was totaly different

Fun Facts

Interesting fact 2: he was in the original ten, but the creatores replaced him with Diamondhead

Also, there was a pun about this; in the Reboot S1 E1/ Waterfilter, Ben was about to choose an alien for his Niagara waterfall - jump. While he was selecting, he saied the next; "Diamondhead; no, Cannonbolt; yes"

In the Reboot, Ben used Cannonbolt as the first transformation, such as Kevin, who used Wreckingbolt

Maybe it's just my personal oppinion, but he can thank his popularity to the panda-like appearance

But all together, I like this rolly-polly warrior and glad we can see him in various ways, weaponized and armored. So, let's rock and roll 😎

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5 years ago

Hi, guys. I newer reblog anything usually, 'cause what not mine it's not. But this video is amazing, and I want to;

Share it, to more people can enjoy it

To give the apriciasion to the artists who did this fantastic thing.

Enjoy, and please, if you like, like the original, not mine!

Have a nice day! 🙂

hades-999 - Hades 999

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5 years ago

By the way who is your favorite Steven universe character

Before I choose my favorite, I need to nail it down: I love all the characters in the show in a way or an other, so I only can tell wich ones are grab my attention for some reason;

So, it depends on. As a fusion, the best one is unquestionable Garnet. Strangely, I didn't loved her in the begining, she were too cold and ..... Feelingless. But I think she could overcome of her "how this whole fusion thing gona work......" problem, and now she are the funniest one (two). I also love Sunstone, Sardonyx and Smokey. They got the line and the style 😁😎

By The Way Who Is Your Favorite Steven Universe Character

As a single character? Harder question. I like Amethyst, because her shapesifting ability and because she is purple (my favorit colour) and I appreciate Peridot, because (it's just mine oppinion) she was the only one in the show who changed side willingly and not because Steven/Rose=Pink Diamond. For the same reason, I like Pink Diamond, but her backstory is not fully uncovered, I think, and we barely know her. Wich is a good thing.

By The Way Who Is Your Favorite Steven Universe Character

Also, I'm interested by Snowflake Obsidian, but she doesn't get enought screen time, so I can't judge it.....

By The Way Who Is Your Favorite Steven Universe Character

But, to be honest, and anwser your question;

My favorite gem is Spinel. I love her designe (both), her powers (I would be a Spinel too) but the most, her backstory. And I absulutly can understand her, because I'm (just like her) a very loyal person, and I was left alone, too. But.....some day.....somehow......she could love again ❤️

By The Way Who Is Your Favorite Steven Universe Character