hellosoysauce - hello soy sauce
hello soy sauce


323 posts

Feelings Are Beautiful.

Feelings are beautiful.

I love being connected to myself and being able to feel with all my heart. This is relatively new for me, this process and living everyday with an open heart and open soul.

It's quite extraordinary!

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3 years ago

This Dark Night of the Soul certainly strips you bare. I'm having one of those crazy moments so I'll share something I reflected on.

I'm not going to lie, there are times where I wish he would just try to see us from a higher perspective. Not from this male, female, 3d relationship construct viewpoint.  See who we are, who we truly are.  Look beyond the physical.  Remember us. Know us. Feel us. Believe. Believe because it's all true.  Remember him, remember who he is! Remember why he chose to come here.

It definitely was not to just exist. Work, rest, sleep, eat. There's more! So much more!

We are magnificent.  Yes we are that special. We are bound you and I. We were bound before we came into being onto this Earthly plane.  We have purpose here.  We are meant to be here together and help the world to heal, just by being together we achieve that.  Should we activate our purpose, know that our light is powerful and enduring and shines into the great vastness of the Universe.

Think of the period of time in which we were around each other's energy and reflect on the time where we are not. Do you notice a difference in your own energy and that around you? Compare the differences. Did you not feel the power and intensity of our energy together? Did you achieve greater things? Things you wanted seemed possible, not only did they become possible but they manifested for you quicker than usual.   That's not even half of how powerful we are designed to be. 

I choose to exist in a different vibration, higher frequency. When I think back I can't seem to 'see' him anymore. He comes up like an idea I once had in the past. I don't recall him in the physical sense anymore. I think the realities we exist in, simply there's just too wide a gap between the two. To recall details would take me too long and the effort too much, I'm happier in the higher vibrations.


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3 years ago

The energy of relocation is particularly strong. This may happen anytime within a 3year window. It would all depend on how I used the 'time' during that window. Obviously 'everything' has to align and divine timing in play.

I welcome my new new path.



Everything is going to change very instantly and you will feel a strong pull towards the ocean.



3 years ago

I have many goals.

I Have Many Goals.

This is one of them.

This energy is powerful!

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3 years ago

You were born surrounded in light.

You cannot hide.

You are meant to be living out in the world. Do not shrink yourself to fit society moulds or expectations of you, or your expectations of yourself. Courage and bravery and dare course through you!

You were created to live and love with your whole heart.

It's time to show up and be seen.
