Divinetiming - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Live in your truth.

Remember who you are.

This isn't as easy as it sounds. It takes alot of courage to truly want to remember who you truly are and delve into the depths of the unknown, your subconscious.

It will be confronting. It will be uncomfortable and you will experience a whole range of emotions and it will be intense, for some it could also be painful.

I know for certain though, that when you start remembering who you are, you will continue wanting to know more. Have the courage to look your own fears and ego in the eye and let it go. Release it all and transmute it back into the Universe, into the highest forms of love and light.


Let go.

Trust in the Divine Plan.


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4 years ago

I want you to remember that you are Divinely guided and you are in the swing of life which is pulling you towards The Flow.

Everything is in Divine order right now, and all that is coming into your life is for Divine reason.

You can truly find the silver lining in all the things you find to be a struggle right now because of where it is leading you.


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4 years ago

Trust your intuition, that gut instinct. It tells you how you feel about a situation before you can even think about it. It indicates to you before you can even see it in the physical plane.

Some things are not meant to be known intellectually, but are meant to be experienced energetically.


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4 years ago

Show me a sign

Send me a butterfly

Make it the colour of your eyes


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3 years ago

I am forever changed since meeting my twin flame and I have evolved so much spiritually. Yes, I have been busy doing alot of my shadow work...

I know what it is to love unconditionally..

How it is gentle. How it is passionate and intense. How it is unifying. How it's ever forgiving and non judgemental. How it is inclusive and gives permission and freedom as a reflection of divine love.



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3 years ago

It has been an amazing day! I'm always blown away by Spirit and The Universe and the level of healing and releasing they guide me through but today's was next level!

Today has truly been life changing. I've experienced so much clearing, releasing and healing today, I feel over the moon. I feel so blessed.

One major release was to do with the TF. Happy to share it and I'll try to keep it short;

Our TF relationship started like every other you can read about with all the key words like intense, passionate, meant to be, felt like we knew each other from another lifetime, got along, ying and yang etc. You get the jist. Eventually the relationship dynamic changed. He did things. And he kept doing things. It was his pattern, I saw it, I knew it. He didn't and always denied it. He was totally oblivious to it, didn't think he had triggers or patterns or any self sabotaging behaviours. So I knew very well why our relationship started to slide and diminsh. It was inevitable.

Our TF relationship always had aspects of deceit and deception in it.

I've healed and I've released much from this relationship. I've actually let go of my TF as impossible as that feat may seem. In mediations today I was guided to release further residue energies from this (there will always be more) relationship. This time it was important for me to connect to the exact moment which was the catalyst for the relationships change of dynamic.

When the 'unbalancing' first appeared in our relationship, we were in a cafe, it was during lunch break. We worked together and earlier that morning, I had discovered that he was deceiving me, lying to me and cheating on me. I read explicit messages between him and another woman. I saw explicit and sexual photos. I watched explicit and sexual videos that they exchanged. I was heartbroken. Actually heartbroken doesn't even exemplify what I felt or what I was experiencing then.

Back to that exact moment the energy shifted. We were sitting in the cafe together. He said sorry, and by this time he had probably said sorry a few times. But this one time he said it, I remember feeling an enormous shift in energy at that exact moment but I didn't know why. Now I do. It was the exact moment that our TF relationship would find its unbalance. We had little hope for success after that because neither of us had enough awareness to properly heal ourselves, heal the relationship etc to find our centre again in ourselves and our TF relationship.

The energy changed because when he said 'sorry', I accepted it. I accepted it knowing that his 'sorry' was not an 'accountable sorry'. I accepted it knowing that it was a 'manipulators sorry', a 'problematic sorry'. Yes, I was aware of all this but yet I accepted it. He did not know this type of 'sorry' would be the trigger for him to keep this behavioural pattern perpetuating. He was not aware what type of 'sorry' he gave me as he was unaware of his triggers, patterns and self sabotaging behaviours. He absolutely believed that his 'sorry' was filled with genuineness and he believed that he said it with the best intentions too.

In that moment I wanted to believe in him too. I wanted him to know that I believed in him too (and secretly had hoped we could work on healing his traumas too). I wanted him to know I wasn't going to give up on him (and again secretly I hoped this moment would be a catalyst for him to see his cycles and sabotaging ways).

So in that moment I accepted his 'sorry'.

That day I didn't feel like being near him. But I also knew I could not be without him. Such is the TF relationship!

That was a little longer than what I thought I would give.

I just want to end this by giving thanks to the Universe for all of my experiences, for this moment, for their guidance today in my releases and healing. I am very grateful and so blessed. I AM.



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3 years ago

You are reborn!

You are reborn!

Enjoy this new place you are in. It doesn't need a name but if it were to have a brief one, it can be called Balance.



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3 years ago

Take the journey to find the universe within you.

Take The Journey To Find The Universe Within You.

The light within me is the same light within you.

The love that I am is the love that you are, the love that we are.

Allow the expansion of your heart.

Allow all the feelings to move through you.

Allow yourself to feel all the uncomfortable feelings and allow them to move through you. Small feelings and big feelings from deep deep within will start to surface. You may not be able to recognise them or identify them yet, but they will rise to the surface and they will be released.

Feel them and breathe. Let it come and let it go. This is the natural process.



GIF: nasa

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3 years ago

I allow feelings to move through me.

I Allow Feelings To Move Through Me.

"Like a water of emotion in the most beautiful sense, the reason why you are here, truly, is to experience these great beautiful emotions and feelings which has made a river through your being. No longer dammed or blocked by the illusion that your mind has created to keep you safe.

Feel your chakras breathe air as this water hits them. They have been deprived of the emotional energy of water. The element of water now nurtures and allows for the chakras to drink up all that they were lacking. They are vibrantly spinning now. All of them are online as you have done all the other work besides this one element. This water element is what you lacked in your life.

Fire, water, air, earth all transpiring at once in a beautiful hallelujah moment."


When the waters were released within me, the water looked very similar to this image. I will never forget this experience. I am still in awe.



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3 years ago
There Are No Coincidences Or Accidents.

There are no coincidences or accidents.

Every moment is perfect and is exactly as you planned it before you arrived here.

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3 years ago
Someone Once Told Me This Lifetime Would Be My Last Incarnation. I Believe Them Because They Were More

Someone once told me this lifetime would be my last incarnation. I believe them because they were more than a 'someone', they were Spirit and also its probably no coincidence that my life has been jammed packed with everything including the kitchen sink! I had to get through everything to make sure I wouldn't be returning.

I actually felt relief when that was revealed. Relieved that I wouldn't be back ever again to experience these feelings and emotions, sometimes they were so hard and complex and at times beyond painful and heartbreaking. Of course with all lows, there were highs too and I had some wonderful times, the best of times. As I'm now getting older, something happened to that sentiment, I grew to appreciate all of my experiences, became grateful for them and I can honestly say, I wouldn't change any of it.

I'm a little older and a little wiser and I try find joy in every moment of perfection. These days I live in trust and happiness and my world is filled with love, compassion and light. I'm excited for many more moments and lots of new experiences as I turn the pages to another new chapter.



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3 years ago

Remembering sunsets.

Remembering Sunsets.

And dreaming biggest.


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3 years ago
Today This Happened Above Me.

Today this happened above me.



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3 years ago

I felt a significant shift of energy today. I've been waiting for this to happen for some time, a really long time.

Recently I've been given many signs from Spirit that something would be happening. These 'signs' always showed him so it wasn't hard to guess whose energy would be involved when this 'something' would be happening.

I'm still feeling the new moon energies because today brought up thoughts of the past, him in particular. I thought about the time he said he used to love me, but not anymore. I remembered when I waited for him in the rain and he wouldn't meet me. I remembered those tears. I remembered how easily he used to lie to me. I remembered he never chose me. I remembered disappointment and sadness, and I remembered rejection.

I felt a major energetic shift earlier tonight. Layers disintegrating and seemingly disappeared. It made me feel connected to all aspects of myself again, united. This shift has finally severed any and all residue energies of him. This is significant because he and I share the same over soul, as twin flames we are two in the physical but at the soul level, we are one. So this is massive.

I cannot recall him anymore, sure I have an idea of him like there's a silhouette behind foggy glass type of thing but I cannot remember him beyond that. Isn't this interesting? It's incredible to me. Perhaps an energetic shift occurred at the collective level too?

I am so grateful to the Universe for its guidance and keeping me on my highest path.

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3 years ago

Today I received some guidance from the Universe.

Today I Received Some Guidance From The Universe.

Out there in the Universe space of somewhere, there is an idea that is meant for me. And I am now trying to align with it. I'm guided to it and I've been told I just need to do more daydreaming.

I suppose I knew all arrows were pointing this way but it's nice to have confirmation.

'Let your mind wander in a natural state, let it wander, let it shift, let it daydream.....we want you to do more daydreaming. Get the ideas flowing from within you.'

Change is exciting.

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3 years ago
hellosoysauce - hello soy sauce

"Your future is beyond your comprehension."

When you are gifted a message like this one, what have I got to lose?!!


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3 years ago
Everything Is Happening In Divine Order.

Everything is happening in divine order.


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