hellspawnblr - Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr
Just your average 25 year old guy enjoying Tumblr

155 posts

Come On Guys I Know Sound Like A Broken Record But We Are So Close But So Far We Need That One Vote Here

Come on guys I know sound like a broken record but we are so close but so far we need that one vote here are the people that haven't support net neutrality so please call them and email them we have until April so do what you can to save net neutrality

This Is The Next Move To Restore Net Neutrality

This is the next move to restore net neutrality

If it feels like you’re fighting battles on every side, you’re not alone. The struggle is terrifyingly real. But we can still make this year the best possible version of 2018 it can be. There’s a new opportunity in to restore strong net neutrality protections: The Congressional Review Act.

What is the Congressional Review Act?

The CRA lets the House and Senate repeal administrative laws—rules and regulations set by governmental agencies—with a simple majority in both houses. The resolutions can’t be blocked by leadership, amended, or filibustered.

This congress has used the CRA more than any other to overturn regulations that protect vulnerable people and the environment, but this time we can use it for a good purpose—to reverse the FCC’s decision and restore net neutrality.

We just need #OneMoreVote

Battle For The Net has secured commitments from 50 senators. One more and we can take this fight to the House. These are the targets:

John Kennedy (Louisiana) | 202-224-4623 | Email

John McCain (Arizona) | 202-224-2235 | Email

Orrin Hatch (Utah) | 202-224-5251 | Email

Dean Heller (Nevada) | 202-224-6244 | Email

If you live in these states, we need you. Even if you don’t, you can still help the cause.

Go to battleforthenet.com to write or call your representatives.

Tell them to support the “Resolution of Disapproval” and overturn the FCC’s December 14 “Restoring Internet Freedom” vote. 

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More Posts from Hellspawnblr

6 years ago

Come on guys we need to work together to stop the FCC chairman from taking net neutrality away please call your representative and senators April 23rd is not that far away guys do you want to pay for every website you go and to have slow internet this will affect everyone so please take a couple of minutes of your time to help save net neutrality please guys we only need one vote to overrule the FCC plan so help people like me to save the internet

Net Neutrality Dies On April 23

We just need one more vote to overrule the repeal of Net Neutrality

Please contact your Senators and Representatives urging them to vote for the CRA (Congressional Review Act)

List of Senators onboard for protecting Net Neutrality:


The Senators in red are the ones who are currently not voting so convince them to vote for the CRA: https://www.battleforthenet.com/scoreboard/

Text “RESIST” to 50409 to send an email to your Senators/Representatives! Tell them to vote for the CRA and give them details to persuade them on why Net Neutrality is so important and why it should be preserved. You can also call at 202-224-3121.

Script for phone calls:


Now get to it!! We only have until April 23rd to keep our Internet freedom otherwise.

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6 years ago

Come on guys we need to get this story back on top and we to stop ajit pai from taking net neutrality if net neutrality taking away a lot of artist or small business but mostly everyone will be affected by this so please reblog this and spread the word and find representative or senators that haven't join the fight to save net neutrality and contact them tell them why we need to save net neutrality so please help people like me and others fighting to save net neutrality

We NEED to get Net Neutrality trending again.

This is enough. Ajit Pai has already succeded MULTIPLE TIMES and you can expect the full removal of net neutrality on APRIL 23RD OF THIS YEAR. We can still contact our senators, we can still fight as hrd as we can, but even though 23 states are suposedly suing for the repeal of this, we need to help it along.

In case people forgot what Net Neutrality is: it is a series of laws that ensure everyone free and fair access to the internet. Without them, you will be charged for the sites you use on top of an already high internet bill. This means creators like us cannot post and be seen. Thia means that smaller schools will havebto switch to out of date text books. This means that starter IT projects that could make our lives better will die because noone can support an online presence that noone can afford to see.

And the list goes on and on and on. I have frienda who have to make their livings through commissions and working online because of multiple health issues. I have friends trying to publish books, post art, post voice acting snippets that will not be seen without these laws.

Please support Net Neutrality and contact your senators!!! This is so important to everyone you know, AND WE JUST NEED ONE SENATOR TO TURN THE TIDE!!!

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6 years ago

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7 years ago

Come on guys we have to get this repeal please call your senators and representatives I beg you please call right now forget the email just keep calling to save net neutrality so what ever you are doing right now let go for a couple of minutes and please call

Guys We Got A Lot Going On Political Wise Now But This One Is One Issue That Should Have Been Cut And

Guys we got a lot going on political wise now but this one is one issue that should have been cut and dry and done. Call your rep ASAP so they don’t forget to do this. Probably mention this would be the easiest legislation they would ever pass and get done

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