Gamecube - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago



been emulating gc animal crossing!! it's so silly the mean villagers are so funny x) Love love love it !! Thank you dolphin emulator

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7 years ago
I Got A Copy Of Killer7 On The GameCube! (I'm Loving It So Far!) I Drew Some Doodles Of Dan Smith And
I Got A Copy Of Killer7 On The GameCube! (I'm Loving It So Far!) I Drew Some Doodles Of Dan Smith And
I Got A Copy Of Killer7 On The GameCube! (I'm Loving It So Far!) I Drew Some Doodles Of Dan Smith And
I Got A Copy Of Killer7 On The GameCube! (I'm Loving It So Far!) I Drew Some Doodles Of Dan Smith And
I Got A Copy Of Killer7 On The GameCube! (I'm Loving It So Far!) I Drew Some Doodles Of Dan Smith And

I Got a Copy of Killer7 on the GameCube! (I'm loving it so far!) I drew some doodles of Dan Smith and KAEDE~

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1 year ago

y'know people always ask what you're favorite game is

but nobody ever asks what your least favorite game is

truth be told, that's a much harder question to answer! i'm usually able to wring some enjoyment out of the worst games, if only to laugh at them, explore them in a historical context, or find lessons on what not to do when making a game. even the time i streamed "Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade" – the lowest rated game currently on Metacritic – i got some enjoyment out of laughing at the game with my friend, and i still think of it as one of my favorite early streams!

that means that, generally, my least favorite games sit somewhere in the middle; they're competent enough to not have laughable flaws, but boring enough that i have no desire to finish them. unsurprisingly, i remember very few of these, because they don't leave any impression on me!

so discarding that angle... in the vein of my favorite games of the year being ranked by my favorite memories, the most fun i had – i need to dig through my memories for something so horrifyingly bad that it left a lasting impression on me. and i might just know the answer. so without further ado, here's the story of:

My Least Favorite Game Ever

i like to brag that my first console was a sega dreamcast at any opportunity i can get – it's worth bragging about! that cute little console was way ahead of its time, and i was proud of the library i had built up. sonic adventure 1 and 2, daytona usa 2001, chu chu rocket, rayman 2…

every saturday my friends from the area would come over, and we would all take turns racing each other at sa2 or daytona. my parents would provide us with snacks and drinks – one time they even hosted a daytona tournament! those saturdays are why i love streaming so much, why i love playing mario kart with friends… they were essential to my growth as a kid, and i cherish the memories dearly.

one day, though, we had to move away from my friends in the area, because my dad was graduating and we could no longer live in the apartments on campus. it was a time of great change for many reasons: right before we left, mom found a big gaming deal – we could trade up my dreamcast for a gamecube with a memory card and a free game! so mom managed to drag me to e.b. games and jump on the deal, even though i didn't understand why… my dreamcast works perfectly fine, right?

but it was 2003, and nobody told me that the dreamcast had been dead for two years. few stores carried dreamcast games anymore, and frankly, it was a miracle that e.b. games was offering a trade-up deal this late.

i nervously brought my dreamcast and my precious library of games to the counter. they handed me a list to choose my free game from – just a simple printed list of names, with no covers or gameplay details, no way to look at the back of the box.

i did not recognize a single game on the list.

i nervously tried to back out of the deal, but we were already here, and mom was growing impatient. so i chose the one franchise i recognized – a game called Shrek: Extra Large – and took my new gamecube home.

i HATED it.

the game was dull, short, and crude; it had no life in it whatsoever. i remember 100%ing the game in just the short week between trading everything in and the time we moved. i hated the story, hated the gameplay, hated the music, hated the humor.

i wished i could play anything else… but i had no other games anymore. the dreamcast was my only console, and i sold it all. for this.

worse still, the game had no multiplayer. on my last saturday there, i had to tearfully explain to my friends that i no longer had my beloved dreamcast, so we could not play sonic adventure 2 anymore, and we couldn't even play the one game i did have together.

it stung all the harder when we moved, and i no longer had my dreamcast… or my friends.

as soon as we finished moving, the first thing i did was sell that accursed game. i got a couple bucks back, which was just enough to afford a used copy of Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly – a game that, these days, has a reputation for being glitchy and repetitive.

…and i had WAY more fun with it! the gamecube wasn't a total wash after all!!

before long, i gathered a library of new games i was actually happy with: sonic heroes, crash bandicoot: wrath of cortex… games that most people these days would call "mid." it didn't matter. i was too young to care, too broken myself to notice how broken the games were. i made do.

and then, one day, i finally found Sonic Adventure 2: Battle in the store – and i begged my parents to buy it for me. the void in my heart was finally filled, and the gamecube would go on to become my childhood favorite console.

was Shrek: Extra Large actually that bad? honestly, i don't remember enough about the game itself to speak from experience. wikipedia suggests that it was heavily panned by critics, so it probably was that bad. one day i want to revisit the game on stream and find out for myself…

but does it matter whether it was good or bad? the game is associated with some of my worst childhood memories – trading my familiar dreamcast away, moving away from my friends without getting to play one last game with them, losing everything i held dear as a kid. the game could be an underrated gem, and it would still be tarnished enough that i could never engage with it in good faith.

if that doesn't qualify for "least favorite game," i don't know what does.


one last footnote… i've always been curious about which other games i passed up on when i traded in my dreamcast for a gamecube. what other games were on the list? a broken fragment of a memory says that Luigi's Mansion might've been on there… which makes sense, because i wouldn't have recognized it as a mario game from the name alone! but given that shrek was even on the list, it was probably just a bunch of other underselling tripe.

so if you know of any way to dig back through time for that info, let me know! it would've been in December 2003 at e.b. ɡames (or possibly gamestop?), and i imagine it was a nationwide deal rather than a local one. i would love to go dig through some old promo paper scans or press releases…

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2 years ago
The Exo Controller Final BuildDichroic Spicy Sticks By Lev CustomsPhob Motherboard Assembled By UqfoxBald
The Exo Controller Final BuildDichroic Spicy Sticks By Lev CustomsPhob Motherboard Assembled By UqfoxBald
The Exo Controller Final BuildDichroic Spicy Sticks By Lev CustomsPhob Motherboard Assembled By UqfoxBald
The Exo Controller Final BuildDichroic Spicy Sticks By Lev CustomsPhob Motherboard Assembled By UqfoxBald

The Exo Controller final build Dichroic spicy sticks by Lev Customs Phob Motherboard assembled by uqfox Bald rainbow buttons by 2GhostsGaming White resin cast bottom shell by North Gaming Supply

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2 years ago
The Present Holds Switch Games
The Present Holds Switch Games

The present holds Switch games🎈

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Thinking About The Invisible Gamecube :)

thinking about the invisible gamecube :)

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HANDHELD COUNT: 23 (24, i’ll explain later)



GAME&WATCH (60 variants) GameBoy, GBColor, GBLight, GBAdvanced, GBASpecial, Pocket Pikachu, Pocket Pikachu 2 GS (idk what ‘gs’ stands for), Pokemon Mini, GBMicro, DS, DSLite, DSi, DSi XL, 3DS, 3DS XL, New 3DS, N3DS XL, 2DS, N2DS XL, Switch, Switch Lite (the 24th? the pedometer that came with pkm: heart gold/ soul silver)


Color-TV-game, Famicom, The NES, The SNES, VirtualBoy, N64, iQue Player, GameCube, Panasonic Q (gc dvd player hybrid), Wii, WiiU, Wii Mini, Switch, NES classic, SNES classic

i think nintendo has released more handheld systems than consoles but i check back in later to say if i’m right or wrong

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7 months ago

Please help by donating, sharing, and praying for a fast recovery! We just got some news that might make us be hospitals a few weeks longer than expected!

Dont skip, please help, fundraiser is Vetted and verified: save life in Gaza (palestine) Organized by Maxwell-0.🚨🚨🚨

Hello, my name is Maxwell-0 from Gaza. When I was only 20 years old, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (cancer in the blood and bone marrow). I would like to share with you a little of my life struggle and ask you to give me a little of your time.

My illness came as a shock to me when we were living in the Gaza strip (deir-al-balaa) with my family, After my 20th birthday in a week the illness started to show small symptoms but which were evaluated very quickly. At that time when I found out about this disease my hope was zero, but now with the help of God and people with big hearts I know that I will be able to overcome this disease.

But I cannot win this fight alone. I need your help for expensive treatment, it will include chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. I am aware that this road to recovery is not easy at all, but I will never give up on my dreams and I hope to beat this disease. I am determined to win this battle and continue my life with new strength.

I don't have all the time in the world, I want to believe that there is still a chance in life and the possibility to create a good future for myself, so I need your help so that I can stop the war and genocide, and go to Egypt for more treatment. I am very grateful and I thank the people who are with me and can contribute their little in such a difficult situation. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference to me and my family.

《 Here is the link to donate 》

⚠️ 👇👇👇 ⚠️
Help support Benedict Magere by donating or sharing with your friends.

GOAL: $620/25,000

Please help me and share my story with people. with big heart and soul. I really need help in this fierce battle for Life! Thank you for every kind gesture and thought of yours.🍉🍉🍉

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5 years ago
GameCube Start Screen Montage.
GameCube Start Screen Montage.
GameCube Start Screen Montage.
GameCube Start Screen Montage.
GameCube Start Screen Montage.
GameCube Start Screen Montage.
GameCube Start Screen Montage.
GameCube Start Screen Montage.
GameCube Start Screen Montage.
GameCube Start Screen Montage.

GameCube start screen montage.

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1 year ago
Super Mario Sunshine Poster By @MattVinnie.Many Artists Re-imagine Celebrated Video Games Through Their

Super Mario Sunshine poster by @MattVinnie. Many artists re-imagine celebrated video games through their original work. This illustration contains in it all which I took with me after playing the game all those years ago. No game every captured the spirit of Summer the same as Sunshine. The palm trees are straight out of a Nagai illustration. The blue sky is just the right hue. It's a shame that this artwork will be forgotten in a few days once the internet is done liking it and sharing it. It should be in print.

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9 months ago

An American commercial for ‘Sonic Adventure 2: Battle’ on the Gamecube. Support us on Patreon

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3 years ago

We can’t fail with a color like this.

hay-389 - Welcome! Here’s A Cookie 🍪

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8 years ago

New part of Chibi-Robo is a go-go!

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