I'm trying to be an artist ! :')
24 posts
Hellymelo - Helly Melo - Tumblr Blog

don’t measure a woman’s worth by her clothes - terre des femmes

Why couldn't we get this?!?! Like seriously.


I stand by this statement.
(Twitter: @NicolaLucyArt)
Harley Quinn !

Ok that's funny as hell !

Doodles... :3
The Joker and Harley Quinn \(°•°)/

Arthur Fleck
Hope you like it !0
I live in France, but it looks disgusting compared to Japan... All we need is discipline...
Welcome to Japan
Where cars are parked orderly and in reverse

Where fruits can be cubes

Where people keep left

And lamps have different brightness for double beds

People queue up in lines

Applies to stickers too

Where what you get is the same as the poster

you get waved goodbye..?

Relieving both mind and body


Smooth train operator

No embarrassing knocking or barging into rooms to check out if they are occupied

When you need an extra hand

For the selfiestas

Brolly holders

Because normal manhole covers are too mainstream

Think diagonal

And anytime u need to soak your feet

Where you raise responsible adults, not brats

And luggage is organised in color codes

When you need help after the condom broke

Instant sanitary gratification

Why they are so welcome at football matches

Where water is that clean in the drains

Nuff said

Source: imgur.com

I ranted about this before but I’m trying to take action now, and I poste dbefore but the tags didn’t work. So Indonesia is potentially going to become a dystopic mysoginistic cruel authoritarian nation if this set of new laws get accepted. It’s disheartening that western media tends to ignore all the horrible stuff happening here and I think it needs to stop.
Please, sign this petition and signal boost/reblog this. From the bottom of my heart thank you if you decide to help out in fighting the festering patriachy and power abuse in Indonesia.
I’ll translate the description in the petition to make it clear (annotated by me with red):
My good friends,
In days time, DPR (People’s Representative Council, the one suggetsing the laws. At this point they just abuse power and hoard money through corruption instead of being the people’s voice in this ‘democracy’) and the government will legalize a set of preposterous crimimal laws! After legalizing the revision of KPK Laws (KPK in a national organization responsible to root out and deal with corruption in the government, and DPR tweaked the laws so that KPK has less power over them, alowing them to do their dirty deeds more easily), now they want to approve the revision of RKHUP (book of criminal laws)
“How does that affect me?” If you think so, better check if you’re among the people below. Because in RKUHP, these people are considered “criminals” (based on the draft agreed by DPR at 15 Sept)
Rape Victims - will be imprisoned for 4 years if they want to abort the resulting fetus
Women that have to go home from work late and night, found ‘displaced’ on the streets - Fined for 1 Million rupiah (about 71 USD)
Women who are forced to have roomates that are the opposite sex due to financial problems - can be reported and imprisoned for 6 months
Buskers (street performers) - Fined for 1 Million rupiah
Parking attendants (in many places at Indonesia, parking attendants help you park your car (most not employed by someone so members of the lower economic class), and their income comes fully from what you pay them) - Fined for 1 Million rupiah
Homeless people - Fined for 1 Million rupiah
Abandoned mentally disabled people - Fined for 1 Million rupiah
Journalists or Netizen (generally every Indonesian who uses the internet) - will be imprisoned for 3.5 years for criticizing the president
Parents can’t show contraception tools to their children because they are not the “authorized officers” and will be fined for 1 Million rupiah
Children who are reported to commit adultery by their parents - imprisoned 1 year
The worst part is that we can be punished as criminals whenever they want as a form of “traditional obligation” if considered offending “the law of the people” (this will be used as a front for racist acts. Even now racism against non majority ethinicities and religions such as Chinese Indonesians and non muslims (Being the majority, Indonesia radical muslim figureheads act like a racist prejudiced American pastor would. The situation is like how Christian and white supremacists are in America, the radical figureheads hold much power and oppress people of other political and religious beliefs with mobs of followers they manipulated for their cause.) are prevalent and the higher ups can be biased against our ethincity and so divert justice from us. This will worsen it)
Seriously, “the law of the people” what does that even mean? BS. The RKUHP proposal isn’t even certain and the government admits to have not researched on it! So incompetent right!
And then about corruptors, hmmm, in the revision of the KUHP the punishment for hoarding money for self gain in a way that defies the law for corruptors which was 4 years of prison is changed to be lighter, into 2 years of prison! (Which makes it lighter than rape victim abortion)
How did they make these absurd laws?
At 18 September 2019, the DPR had just performed a meeting with the Ministry of Human Rights for the legalization of RKUHP at level 1 (very near approval)
In spite of that, there is 1 more step to prevent the legalization of the laws, at the Plenary Meeting of the Indonesian DPR.
The President can reject the approval for this absurd set of laws.
Let’s ask the President to reject this RKUHP at the Plenary Meeting of its approval!
Now we can’t keep ignoring this anymore. Because anyone can be imprisoned. Me, you, our family, our friends, our crushes (Indonesia in-joke). #SEMUABISAKENA (#EVERYONECANBECAUGHT)
Sign this petition and share it in your social media. Let’s make the hashtag #SEMUABISAKENA viral so that the DPR can cancel the RKUHP. We don’t have much time.
Long ago we stopped laws that could imprison people criticizing the DPR from being approved. Now we also still have a chance to cancel this preposterous set of laws.
Tunggal Pawestri
I will appreciate it so much if you sign and/or signal boost this. Indonesia is gonna start to become like Gilead from the Handmaid’s Tale if we don’t do anything.
The Amazonian rainforest is being destroyed and no one pays attention.
The Amazon rainforest is being burned, cut down, animals are dying, the sky is turning black and red, the color of the rain is changing, it has been 3 weeks already, yesterday, August 19th, the sky in several Brazilian states turned dark at 3pm in the afternoon. Nobody is doing anything, people in my country are celebrating, fans of this current president are saying this is a good thing for the country and the world, they are laughing about it. Where is the commotion, where are the people crying like they did for Notre Dame, this forest is the life of the world, this forest is our air, the home of many natives, where is the commotion, where are the journalists, where is the news. Jesus fucking Christ, spread the news, talk about it, debate about, alarm people around, do something, because in my country, we don't know what to do anymore, we are desperate. I know that people elected this guy, but there are people in this country that don't deserve this, that place, that forest is our oxygen, is the home of a thousand of animals, innocent people, help us. This is urgent

Regarding the Amazon Rainforest
I barely have followers here, but here we go:

The Amazon Rainforest has been burning for the last 16 days straight. The Brazilian government says the wildfire is caused by the winter itself, since it doesn't rain a lot there... in a rainforest. It is actually, partially true. Winter is indeed a dry season and wildfires may happen, specially close to the Cerrado (a brazilian biome similar to the african Savanna), but what they're not telling us is that:
The deforestation has increased 80% since last year
The native peoples and animals are being slaughtered for their lands (legally protected green areas)
The government is hiding and lying about scientific data, saying that environmentalists and NGOs are communists trying to destroy the nation. They are brainwashing people to think that sustainability is terrible for the economy
Our Minister of Environment is couldn't care less about the environment and is only there to support the livestock producers and give them what they want. The President and his Minister won't put a single dollar on environmental safety
The wildfires are just so huge that its black smoke and ashes reached the skies of São Paulo, a state over 2.000 kilometers away from the Amazon.
We are hostages or our own government
I could just keep going all night about how our environment is being threatened by this new government. We need every single help we can possibly can.
Please don't let this go unseen. Search for yourself, talk to people about it, make noise, be angry and be scared. Let the world know about it and demand action. This is not about Brazil, is about the planet. The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most important biomes in the world, being responsible for the climate, rains, biodiversity, carbon sequestration and life itself.

Princess Leia as a child :3

Hey! I hope you like it ! I really missed her !

Hope you like it ! ;) Yep he is pretty scary...