herarcadewasteland - all the blood we spill
all the blood we spill

bina! / '04 / ATEEZ, SKZ and more / 18+

464 posts

Discoveries Pt. 3

Discoveries Pt. 3 ♥

A/N: Yes yes its been a little while but I've been busy okay? and i’ve been fired so emotional things. thank you all for the support so far and i hope this makes up for the wait. 

Pt. 1    Pt. 2


Stretching in your bed the next morning, you let out a large yawn as you adjusted to fall asleep again. Turning over in bed, you weren’t expecting the face of Fred to be right next you. You let out a startled scream as he laughed you, your eyes rolling as your shoulders shook with laughter. 

“What are you doing, Fred? It’s like 5am.”

“7am. You slept in missy~”

Groaning and flipping to face the other side of the room, your hair swung dramatically with you and into Georges face, who was crouched on the opposite side of your bed, expecting the trouble of waking you up. You screamed again and sat up with a huff, the twins high-fiving over your head. 

“Will you two just let me sleep for another hour at least?”

“No can do. You see-”, George started.

“We need to be at Diagon Alley by 8:30.”, Fred finished. 

You ran a hand through your knotted hair, partly in confusion and mostly in frustration. When it clicked in your head that you had to get some school robes adjusted, you panicked and half jumped, half fell out of bed. The twins backed your frantic movements with laughter as they walked down to the kitchen, the chatter of impatient and hungry Weasleys filled your ears. 

“Why do we have to wait for Y/N to eat?! It’s her fault for sleeping too long!”, Rons muffled voice fell into your conscious and made you speed up your hair and teeth brushing. 

Rushing down the stairs, you stumbled directly into Bill who caught you with a sigh.

“Clumsy as always, Y/N.”

You let out an almost ashamed laugh, your arms squeezing around Bill as he wheezed. Arthur walked in behind the both of you and ushered you into your seats as Molly set down the plate of bacon. 

“Finally!”, Ron muttered as he grabbed the plate of bacon seconds after it hit the table, his plate piling with food.

Food was passed around between the family, conversation filling the air as you ate silently. Your silent bubble was disrupted when Ron dragged you into an argument between himself and Percy. 

“It’s not my fault you have a bloody stick up your ass!” 

“I am a prefect, Ronald, which is something that will actually get me into the Ministry!”

Ron shot you a look of ‘oh dear god not this again’ and you laughed. 

“Percy, you do realize not being a prefect can get you into the Ministry. You just need good grades and the right classes.”

Percy snapped his glare to you, knowing you were right, and sighed. He had always had a sort of soft spot for you, knowing you weren’t actually a Weasley. Which was a dumb reason to not hate someone but you went along with it so not absolutely every child in the house had an argument with him every other day.

“I suppose you aren’t wrong, Y/N. I just have a better chance this way.”

He turned his nose up at you and you laughed, finishing off your plate just as the rest of the family had. The plates were cleared from the table as everyone dispersed to do their own thing. 

“Y/N dear, we must be going if we don’t want to be late. Come now, to the fireplace.”

You brushed yourself off and followed Molly to the fireplace, your hand wrapping around another handful of soft powder. Your eyes glanced up to your mum as she nodded reassuringly. You still weren’t used to it yet and you had a feeling it would take a little while to feel normal and not like you were being vacuum sealed into a plastic bin. With a sigh you threw down the powder and clearly stated “Diagon Alley”, and then you were gone in a swirl of green smoke.

Stumbling from the grate in The Three Broomsticks, you ran headfirst into a solid mass. Panicked, you looked around to make sure you were where you were supposed to be and slowly glanced at whoever you bumped into. Your wide eyes met narrowed ones surrounded by the same white blonde hair from the other day. You took a subconscious step back from the man just as Molly came through the floo, her hands finding your arms as she stumbled lightly into you.

“Mr. Malfoy. If you’d excuse us.”, Her eyes narrowed back at the man as he looked between the two of you, “Come on, dear, off we go now.”

She led you away with gentle hands, your head turning to look back at the man as you swerved through tables. Your eyes met one last time before Molly was tugging you past the door with a firm but gentle hold on your hand. As you met the bustling roads of Diagon Alley, you squinted your eyes at the sun, a frown tugging down the corners of your mouth as you stared at the ground, trying to avoid any ray of sun you could. Leaping between shadows to the fitting, you panted as Molly gently pulled you to a stop in front of Madam Malkins. You sighed and Molly chuckled lightly, her hand taking yours and guiding you in. 

“It’ll only take a minute. Don’t worry dear.”


“A minute my butt!”,  you exclaimed as you stumbled out of the fireplace in the Burrow, Fred sweeping you off your feet immediately and up to your room where a trunk lay on your bed.

“What is this? Why is my trunk out? What did you do?”

You rounded on Fred and George as soon as you were placed onto the floor, their faces innocent as could be as they watched you with crossed arms and very small smirks of entertainment. 

“You need to pack for Hogwarts!”

“We all have. Our trunks are-”

“-Waiting by the front door.”

“Only two are missing~”

You sighed and stared into the empty space, your eyes tracing loose threads along the seam as you nodded. 

“Okay, I’ll go bother Ronald after I’m done.”

“That's what we like to hear!”, the twins chorused as they walked from your room to raid the kitchen, if Mollys loud reprimanding was anything to go by.

The packing only took you a few minutes, most of your school things were in a separate drawer as it was so all you had to do was move them into the trunk. You finished your packing with relative ease and an overactive mind, the zipper closing breaking the silence you had been working in. WIth a sigh, you pulled your trunk to the top of the stairs before making your way to ROnalds room to aid him in his no-doubt messy packing. Your suspicions were confirmed when you pushed open the door to encounter the entirety of Rons wardrobe scattered around the room. 

“Ron, how? There is no way you had to destroy your room to pack.”

HIs frantic eyes met yours as he scoffed, “Well no, but it felt necessary at the time.”

You hummed and cleared a few spots across the room, handing things to Ron you knew he would want with him. His eyes followed you around when he wasn't haphazardly throwing things into his trunk.

“At least fold things!”, you stomped over to his trunk and folded piece by piece as Ronald sat and watched you with a blank expression until you reached his Chudley Cannon jersey. Then he reacted and grabbed it from your hands with a gasp, his own carefully folding it in a mess. You shrugged and packed it neatly with the rest of his things, the heavier items resting on top of his clothes as the lighter things went on those. 

“There. All done.”, you heaved a sigh as you closed the lid of the trunk, the click of the lock creating a satisfying noise in the otherwise silent room. 

“Thank you, Y/N~”, Ron grabbed you for an overly tight hug, your hands pushing at his arms as you wheezed for a single breath of air that wasn’t from Ron’s vicinity.

“Ok ok ok! I get it, just get it downstairs with the rest of them!”

Ronald let you go after a moment, his frame moving out the door with his trunk in hand as you followed after him.

“You made it sound like you brought yours down! But nooo look at what’s right here!”, Ron huffed and lightly kicked your trunk as he passed it.

“I said the rest of them! Never included mine!”, you shouted after him as you grabbed your own trunk and carried it down the stairs to see Bill and Charlie in front of the floo.

Molly gave the two a big hug with large containers of sweets being shoved into their hands after Arthur gave them a hug as well, Percy nodding a farewell from the couch as he read through the Ministry’s handbook for rules and regulations. 

“Nooooo~!”, you whined, “You can’t leave yet! You like... just got here! We didn’t get to talk about Hogwarts!”

The eldest Weasley boys chuckled and pulled you into their arms for a group hug, tears filling your eyes as they pet your hair lovingly. 

“You know we have jobs to get too, Y/N. We can’t stay to see you off.”

You huffed at them and lightly punched their chests as they smiled at you. A small nod moved your hair into your eyes as you grasped them tighter. While you weren’t as close to them as you were the twins, they had still helped raise you in a sense and that created a connection, plus you were their little sister. Blood or not, that created an even greater connection. Still not one large enough to rival that of yours with Fred and George but it was enough.

“Fine. Just send owls, okay? I wanna tell you everything!”

The boys nodded and placed kisses on the top of your white hair, their eyes slightly glossy as yours overflowed with tears.

“We will.”

“Absolutely we will.”, Charlie finished as he guided you to Molly’s embrace, Bill giving a last wave and goodbye to the family as he stepped through the floo with a call of his destination. 

Charlie gave a similar exit with a blown kiss towards yourself and your mom as he called out for the Ministry of Magic for Romania, however he pronounced it. Their departure set the family in motion as Arthur ushered everyone into the kitchen to go over the basic checklist of the things you would need for your time at Hogwarts. Most of the list was checked off smoothly, Ron mumbling under his breath that it was unnecessary until your dad reached an item he had forgotten and cursed. That got him a small ass-whooping from Molly as she urged him to go get what he had been missing. Fred and George mocked him as he ran up the stairs, your quiet giggles backing them until your parents shushed you all and continued with the list as Ronald slipped down the stairs to his trunk and frantically packed his wand. The list went smoothly after that, everyone having followed the list to pack, well... you had. The trunks were smooshed in the back of the Ford Anglia with a small extension charm, a suspicious popping noise coming from one of the twins trunks, a huff of air and confetti falling into the trunk as they stood rubbing the backs of their necks sheepishly. 

You were all set to head out for Hogwarts, all that was left was getting onto the platform and finding a seat. Easy enough, you told yourself as Fred and George popped confetti onto Arthur as he walked away, their lanky frames sprinting away from a charmed broom as it chased them across the lawn. Easy enough... right?

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More Posts from Herarcadewasteland

1 year ago

Curious, Darling? (JK Version.)

A/N: Another post inspired by the lovely @kookslastbutton and their page title... as cats step on my keyboard and lacerate my shoulders :)

-Lawyer AU, non-accurate depictions of lawyer work lolol (most of my knowledge is from How To Get Away With Murder)

-(cocky) Defence Lawyer!Jungkook x Prosecutor!Reader

-This fic will contain brief sexual content. 18+ for this one, or just ignore this and read away, you control your internet consumption.

Much love again to the kind and amazing human behind the blog above ♥

Still rushed ish and again slightly dark somehow... but here it is!

Taehyung Ver.


Your case was ruined. Not just any old simple counter evidence, no. He fucked it over. Yeah. Him. The one walking out of the courtroom with a smile over his won case. Did he just let a murderer go free without a single charge? Yeah. That was just the charm of his grayish fluff he called hair and his large boxy glasses that he had narrowed his eyes at you behind when you tried to dispute his own counter question with your next. It could have been the best success of your career, putting away The Moonlight, but Jeon Jungkook just had to pick up the case when the old defense lawyer gave up and quit the case less than 24 hours in. 

You had accepted it gladly, the case a simple open close due to the amount of evidence against the man. You were confident until his polished shoes clicked against the floor of the courtroom behind you. That made you furious. He knew you were working on one of your biggest cases. The two of you kept in touch sometimes, having been a power couple in your university for a year and a bit. Your excitement over such a large case was palpable as you had texted him in excitement after drinking a little too much. And as he stepped past the barricade and made eye contact with you, his smirk creeping over his lips as he ran a hand through his hair, you knew it was no coincidence. 

Throughout your entire relationship it was challenge after challenge, both of you competing to be better than the other in any way you could. More orgasms. More hickeys. More successful cases. More wins at Super Mario Cart. Fastest eating times. Best hair. You had won three of the ones you could think of off the top of your head. Though, the competition for more orgasms that had left you in tears wasn’t all that fair, considering men didn't really have that ability like women. So you accepted defeat with his stupidly perfect face lifting from between your trembling thighs. This was so much different though and as he walked towards you with a swagger in his step, you scowled.

“Jungkook.”, you greeted him shortly as he laughed happily.

“Oh Y/N. It’s a pleasure to see you under the circumstances. I believe you have some complaints though.”, his smirk didn’t drop once and it made you see red.

“We all know that the arrest warrant was fake. A fool could’ve seen the forged signatures. I’m surprised the judge didn’t call fabricated evidence on your forms after the officer showed clear signs of hesitation and disgust! His mother is in the hospital. Not being arrested for assisted manslaughter. Yet.”, you pushed past him with a huff, his words of false comfort powering your walk as you pulled your client with you. 

It was all wrong. Every last piece of his late submission evidence was false and clearly so. It enraged you that his boyish charm and bunny-like smile made everyone look past the fabrications despite impartiality being required by all involved. You muttered to yourself as you told your client to go home and stay home at all costs unless called in by yourself, the judge, or the cops. Even if his mother was dying, he had to stay put. You would not let Min Yoongi go to jail for homicide on multiple counts. You refused. 


A month into the case and you were stressed. Jungkook kept pulling evidence out of nowhere to counter your own and had even managed to create condemning interrogation questions for Mr. Min to answer in the stand. You had witnesses though. Kim Seokjin would go to jail for his crimes and Jeon Jungkook could do nothing, and you meant nothing, about it. His questioning had gone too far, the judge agreeing on your objection to leading questions for your most important witness. A re-do was conducted and Jungkook phrased the questions normally, Yoongi answering truthfully as Jungkook's heavy gaze pierced into your back as you asked your follow-up questions. The jury looked swayed by Yoongi's apparent honesty as he made eye contact with each person and the judge during questioning. The session ended with a new date being sent out a few hours later. It wasn’t too far out, which meant you had to find even more evidence against Kim Seokjin or an innocent man would go to jail. 

Your last resort was… illegal. But it was all you had left as Yoongi lost hope in living a normal life after all this, expecting the pale walls and sloppy meals of federal prison with a heavy heart. 

“I won’t let it happen, Yoongi. I promise.”, you had whispered to him one night as he sat in your office crying. You had every intention to fulfill the promise and if breaking into Jeon Jungkook's home office was the way to do that, so be it. 

The door creaked behind you as you slipped in through the back door. The lock clicked into place after you and you crept forwards. His light snores echoed from the large staircase as you located his office. Slipping into the dark room, you turned on a small desk lamp to see everything he had laid out. Searching through his desk drawers, you found an audio recorder and headphones so you pulled them from the drawer and set them aside to use after you searched his desktop and laptop for anything indicating his false documents.

Everything on his laptop was clear, a few emails from his mom, a few from his witnesses, one from you and three from the accused himself. You sighed and shut the lid of the device, your hands trembling with the weight of not finding anything against him as you rifled through his folders. Police reports, phone receipts, email receipts, credit card receipts and a few hydro bills scattered throughout. Nothing you hadn’t seen. Except for the clear cut on the bottom of one of the phone receipts. A call had been removed from evidence. That was your new goal for the moment, find an un-ripped copy and hope it was enough evidence for the judge and jury to decide to declare Kim Seokjin as guilty.

Searching and searching through physical papers brought nothing so you turned and opened his laptop again, searching through his history for anything regarding phone bills. He was quite dumb for a lawyer, you thought as you pulled open the original document from his history. Scrolling to the last call, your heart stopped. He had called Min Yoongi on the night he was arrested. That was almost detrimental to your case. It could ruin everything and paint Mr. Min in the biggest light of guilt he had been in so far. Closing the document with a sharp breath through your nose, you opened Jungkook's history again to clear it when a porn site caught your eye. A laugh left you before you could catch it, the title “Big tit woman handcuffed and fucked in court” making your eyes water with silent laughter as you pulled out your phone to take a picture of it. Opening the site, you giggled into your hand until you noticed some physical similarities between the “actress” and yourself. Shaking it off with a shiver, you picked up the audio recorder and headphones, flicking through small cassette tapes in order to find one dated in correlation to the night the phone record had mentioned. “7/7/23” written in his bubbly yet messy writing caught your eye quickly. Pushing the tape into the recorder, you hit play with the headphones resting over one ear so you could make sure Jungkook was still snoring away.  His voice filled your ears as he talked about the case he was picking up, you sat through about 3 minutes of a case overview until you caught yourself drifting over to the porn on the screen. With a sigh you fast forwarded until you heard “call”. 

“The accused sent out an outgoing call to Min Yoongi, the prosecution. The call was picked up and lasted a total of 3 minutes and 32 seconds according to the receipt in front of me. Accused refused to detail the contents of the call, so only Min Yoongi may be willing to answer questions regarding this call if I bring it into question. I don’t think I will. My client refused to detail so it won’t be included due to the clear hesitancy surrounding Kim Seokjin's innocence if he had refused to detail a call.”

While you had gathered Yoongi’s phone receipts, Jungkook's copy of Seokjins had been unknown to you (its full form) until now. This withheld evidence could be the turning point of this case. All that was left was to ask Yoongi about the call, bring it to the judges attention and Kim Seokjin was away for life. Your excitement with the recording that you pocketed overshadowed the fading of Jungkook’s snores and the approaching footsteps until a breeze passed over the back of your neck. Turning around swiftly and seeing no-one and nothing gave you further chills than what was caused by the breeze. Focusing back on the screen of porn in front of you, you chuckled as quietly as you could, your hand pressing play without realizing, moans filling the room and covering his footsteps again as he stood behind you. Your only indication that you had fucked up was his laughter against your ear, the almost silent huffs of breathing straightening your back in fear as his large hands circled your own on his keyboard. 

“This isn’t- I wasn’t-”, you stuttered as your heart skipped a beat, his hands running soothingly over your trembling ones. 

“My poor innocent dove. You weren’t watching porn? Or you weren’t breaking and entering while also stealing legal evidence for your own personal gain?”

Your held breath and panicked shuffles in the chair made him laugh audibly as he stood up straight and walked around his desk, leaning against the dark red wood with his hands, your eyes tracing the tattoos before he cleared his throat and your ears finally picked up on the porn still breaking the silence. You stared at the screen with wide eyes until he tsked and hit pause for you, the silence causing a ringing in your ears as he watched you struggle.

“You have two choices here, Y/N. And only two. No negotiations.”, he leaned forward to punctuate his words, “No. Lies.”

Your eyes widened further as you leaned away from him in his leather chair. A slight nod is all he got in response before your eyes fell to his bare chest and the tattoos covering his arm. His large frame shook with laughter as you lost yourself in his body like you were a horny highschooler again. 

“Still in awe? Don’t worry. Your reactions to my body were always my favourite…”, he rounded his desk again to press his cheek to the top of your head, “Though not as good as your reactions to my cock sliding in and out of your pretty pussy.”

Heat flooded your face and you coughed, struggling to get out of the chair until his hands held you still, the porn filling your ears as he pulled the chair away from the desk to make you face him. Your eyes met his sparkling ones as the blush stayed present with the squelching sounds coming from the laptop speakers. A smirk crossed his lips as he pulled the cassette from your pocket, your eyes widening again as you reached for it, his long arm holding it far out of your reach as he could, your hands climbing his chest and shoulders as you grabbed for it in desperation. 

“Please, Jungkook! This is huge evidence! Just because you’re defending the man doesn’t mean you don’t think that the case is better off with it!”

He hummed and let you grab the tape, your relief palpable as you turned back to his desk only to notice a folder with your name on it. You reached for it slowly in slight fear and concern before it was removed from your view with a swift snap of paper.

“Curious, darling?”, he booped your nose with a wide smile, “Too bad. This is not for your eyes even though your name is on it.” 

You sighed heavily and nodded in hesitant agreement. He let you run from his office then, his laugh chasing you out of the door as you clutched the tape to your chest. Stumbling back towards your car as you faced the house, you met Jungkook's eyes as he watched you from the office window. A small wave sent you straight into your car as you sped away as fast as possible while breaking no laws. Settling yourself into bed that night, you trembled and slept with a light on. Something about it all was too unnerving for your anxiety. You fell asleep eventually with heavy eyes and rampant thoughts. What was in that folder?

A few days of nearly no sleep and glances over your shoulder in public led to the last day of court. The new evidence was submitted and accepted into question, Yoongi revealing the contents of the call that condemned Kim Seokjin to rot in jail for multiple counts of homicide and sexual assault. Your celebration with Yoongi at the bar down the road allowed Jungkook to find you and congratulate you with a smirk. As he walked away with your number and your availability for a date, it all clicked. He had meant for you to see everything you had. And you had fallen for it. Right into his trap. Afterall, you were curious, darling

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1 year ago
I Love This Person And If They Show Up On Tumblr And See This, I Hope You Know That You're Such A Bright

i love this person and if they show up on tumblr and see this, i hope you know that you're such a bright light ♥

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1 year ago

Protection Comes At A Cost

A/N: For the wonderful and overly sweet, @orchidyoonkook. It's.... dark ish.... but still your concept and I hope it satisfies your craving for a complete fic even though its a oneshot.

-CEO!Jungkook x Bodyguard!Reader (reversed bodyguard!jk because brain said no, hope its okay still though)

-violence and confusion from my brain. This got sad... and is very fast-paced. curse you, brain


You followed him like a shadow, his safety your only goal as he walked through the streets in his expensive suit with his bouncy, fluffy and downright sinful hair. Your job was simple. Protect Jeon Jungkook at all costs. Easier said than done as he went around town doing the stupidest things. Just last week he had pulled you by your bulletproof vest to watch a drug exchange in the dark alleyway behind a hotel near his office. The men hadn’t noticed your intrusion until Jungkook had laughed at something they said, leading the two of you to be searched for weapons, your silenced pistol and throwing knives being removed from your person as Jungkook was robbed of the money he had in his wallet. 

Attempting to negotiate your way out of the situation led to Jungkook being held back while you were kicked and stomped on until your breaths came out wheezed as blood pooled around your outstretched hand that had been stabbed in the hustle of the whole thing. Your training kicked in soon after and you had taken them down one by one as Jungkook sat and watched you beat the life out of men who had almost done the same to you. Your hand ached further afterwards but broken ribs and a stabbed hand were the least of your worries when Jungkook grunted in pain. At this point in your career as his bodyguard, you had learnt his different noises. This one, even to the untrained ear, was clearly pained. And it made sense when you turned to him after strangling a man with his shoelace to see him holding a bullet wound in his leg. 

The event led to physical therapy for your hand and a large scar running across the inside of it while Jungkook limped through his building with his usual smile and waves. Your paid leave for healing was boring in short, your days filled with Youtube and some Netflix while praying that your boss just stayed within the safety of his building until you were cleared to go back. Your co-workers told you he had done just that, staying in the building except to leave with a group of 6 following him closely. Your relationship with the other 6 was not unknown as you frequently… entangled in the throes of desire with them. Jungkook knew of those days, he always knew everything about you somehow. It never surprised you. He had to keep his tabs on employees to be sure they were being legal and not doing anything dumb. One of these nights is what he approached you with on your return.

“Y/N. My lovely bodyguard and personal assassin~ You see, I’ve been keeping tabs on my guards as always and it’s been made blatantly clear that you’ve been indulging in sexual behaviors with the others. I have no issue with this, just so you’re aware. I’m very glad you’re relieving yourself in that way.”, his jealousy and nervous tone seeped through your ears as his small boyish smile lit up his face, “All I ask is that you don’t do those things in the guard room… with security cameras…”

He chuckled anxiously as he turned his laptop to face you, your own ass being shown to you with the one and only Min Yoongi, hacker and bodyguard, pounding into you. Your face turned red as you coughed, his eyes avoiding yours as you deleted the footage. 

“I am so sorry, Mr. Jeon. It won’t happen again. You have my word. I’m truly sorry you had to see that.”

He mumbled his acceptance with something that suspiciously sounded like ‘I’m not’. Shaking it off, you turned to leave the room, not having to be in the same room constantly when he was secure and very safe. People passed your station with nods and brief conversation of how your hand was doing. “Fine, just stiff.” was your response to everyone who had asked you until your beloved break. 

Entering the guard room was always fun but having that security footage in your mind was making it slightly less fun. The boys greeted you with enthusiasm as always, Yoongi and Seokjin on their breaks with you. Conversation turned from topic to topic as you ate in peace, a smile on your face for the first time that day that wasn’t forced as you relaxed with your friends… with benefits. The truth was, you hated Jeon Jungkook. His cocky smiles and walk made you seethe and the events of the alley made you hate him more. He had caused so many sticky situations for the two of you that you just couldn’t stand him anymore. At first you had enjoyed your work around him but he got more confidence, more money and more stupidity. It evolved enough for you to hate him. And to think you had a crush on him when you started as an intern in business. Bodyguarding, if that’s what you called it, was much more suited to your strengths in the end when you stopped a pickpocket with a blink of an eye, Jungkook not even noticing the old man attached to his pocket. That was the turning point of your crush. If he could be so distant from his body and not feel that, how in the hell would he handle a relationship? The continual decline in his competence in your mind left quickly. It wasn’t difficult to live with though, his constant attention for everyone else giving you reprieve from it until you were alone with him. 

A stab wound was not all you were willing to take to keep him safe despite your hatred for him, but as you chowed down on your beloved pizza pockets, you didn’t care. At least until the building went into shut down and Hoseoks voice filtered into your walkie talkie from his CCTV station in the building. 

“10-33. Copy? 10-33, Jeon in danger.”

You shot out of your chair instantly, hands gathering your gun as you sprinted through the halls, gunshots ringing from above you as you took the stairs 3 at a time. Safety off, you burst through the doors of the 7th floor, Jungkooks office door wide open and his secretary dead on the floor, blood winding down her head to hit the carpet. You shook your head and pushed forward, steps light and finger on the trigger. Stepping into the office with a large stride, your gun was knocked from your hand before you could react, your arms being wrenched behind you as you noticed Jungkook being held at gunpoint by Park Jimin, his biggest competitor. For businessmen, this was extreme, you thought as you were forced down onto your knees. The struggle tired out your captors, clearly not used to being fought so intensely. 

“Now, Jungkookie. We have you and your little pet. It’s either you cooperate with me and accept my deal or you both die in a tragic homicide-suicide.” Park's voice hit you like a wall as you focused on Jungkook's reactions.

Something had happened that you weren't partial too. You didn’t care what per say, just that Jungkook had put himself, and others, in danger once again. He was infuriating you at this point. But you were here to protect him. And that's what you would do. Swinging a leg out to kick the back of Jimin’s leg, he fell forward, gun firing off towards the windows as his head hit the desk. Park knocked out cold, the two holding you were your next focus. Their arms snapped back in unnatural positions, their cries cut short as you punched them once your hands were free. Pain shot through your hand as you punched, the pain making you see white until you were punched in return. The new ache in your pushed you forward as you knocked the men to the ground, Jungkook standing and watching with a proud smirk. That annoyed you enough to swing a man at the large windows, his body flying through it and sailing down onto the street, the screams of pedestrians meeting your ears to let you know he had landed in a grizzly scene. 

“Just. fucking. die!”, you shouted at the last man as you slammed him to the ground.

A slow clap filled the room as you stood straight and fixed your loose hair with a sigh, removing it from your vision. Your gaze snapped to Jungkook in anger as he chuckled and walked around the desk to place his hands on your shoulders.

“That was awesome. We should do that more often!”, he clapped you on the back and started out of the office, his eyes tracing the blood soaked hallway.

A click caught your ears and you froze. Another click. A third. A spin of metal. A click.



Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

Your heart rate picked up as you heard the revolver being loaded for use. Your eyes landed on the guy you body slammed, his breathing very slow. Eyes moving to the other CEO, you inhaled sharply. The revolver in his hand caught the light as he lined it up with Jungkook’s fluffy head of hair. Your mind going blank, you sprinted for Jungkook, his body turning to question you with a large smile until a gunshot rang through the space, your ears ringing as the force of something colliding with your back sent you flying into Jungkook. Bodies tumbling on the floor, you heard a distant laugh that clearly belonged to Jimin. Your hands searched Jungkook for a bullet wound shakily. Weird, you thought, your hands were never shaky. The gasp your boss let out was enough to have you concentrating on his gaze. Following it to your chest, the large red splatter on your shirt and the hole in it was enough for you to freeze again. 

A painful cough wracked your body as you fell off of Jungkook, blood spilling from the corners of your mouth as you lay in shock. 

“Oh.”, you said in a small voice, fingers probing the exit wound. “That's less than ideal-”

A cough ran through you again and you spluttered blood out onto the floor. Jungkook's hands removed your own from the wound, pressure causing you to cough again as your coworkers ran into the hall with varying gasps of surprise and despair. Yoongi was at your side instantly, helping you sit against Seokjin as his hands pressed on the entry wound. Words of comfort filled the space as you coughed some more, distant sirens letting you smile as your head got heavier. A third set of hands held up your head, but noticing the slick feel of them, you gathered Jungkook had instructed someone else to apply pressure to the exit wound. 

“You can’t die on me, Y/N. Not after everything. I won’t allow it. I know you hate me, I know. But I love you. I have since you stopped that pickpocket. You were so cool to me at that moment… I knew I had to gain your affections at some point.”, he trailed off before rambling about every moment his love grew for you.

The alley incident. A shopping mall mishap. The pizza thing and today. Little moments in between had helped his love for you grow but each moment you showed your dedication to keeping him alive, even if it meant a serious injury and possibly a collapsed lung. It made your head spin. Or perhaps it was the blood loss. Either way, as his sweet voice filled your entire being and his eyes traced your features lovingly, you realized that maybe you hadn’t stopped liking him at all. Despite his annoyance and constant want for danger and adrenaline, you loved him like he loved you. It was funny how blood loss and being so close to death let you realize just how much you appreciate something you believed you didn’t. 

“I- Jungkook, I know.”, you paused to cough, “I realize I love you too. Your stupid-”


“Your stupid face and beautiful hair…”, you groaned in pain as someone applied more pressure, “Your dumb jokes in the morning and the spring in your step when we go out somewhere…”

Jungkook chuckled and shushed you, tears in everyone's eyes as your voice got weaker and rougher. His hands cradled your face as you heard people rushing through the building, people shouting over each other at bodies until a paramedic reached your floor. The stretcher following behind him made your heavy head fill with confusion until you glanced drearily over at the blurred figure of Hoseok, phone in hand with a sad smile, acknowledging your unspoken thought.

You were content dying in that moment. You had told Jungkook the truth you were denying yourself, your friends were around you and you protected him. At that point, you couldn’t ask for more. The light people talked about came closer, the comforting cold that came with it drawing you in as your grandparents stood to the side of it. Beckoning you. It was so comforting and tempting, Jungkooks panicked voice as you went limp in their arms falling into the abyss surrounding the light. 

That was where you were supposed to be. You had a feeling about it just nudging you towards it. But you focused. Suddenly you were above the scene. Jungkook nearly sobbing as he shook you and lightly slapped your cheeks to wake you up, Yoongi crying silently as he pressed harder on your wound, Namjoon’s hands on your front now doing CPR as tears trailed down his face. The paramedics lifted you onto the stretcher, your limp hand falling over the edge and into Jungkook's larger palm as you watched from above. It wasn't right. You couldn’t leave him. Not him. Never him. Pushing through the abyss towards your own figure in the stretcher, you reached. You lost sight of everything in the next moment, darkness filling your being as you faded.


Bolting upright in the bed, you gasped, your chest aching with pain as a voice filled your ears. It was frantic, excited, almost overbearing as you heard a more calm voice quiet the voice. 

“Miss L/N. Can you hear me? I’m going to have to ask you to look at me now.”

Your eyes focused slowly, the blue threaded blanket leaving your view as you took a deep breath. That was a bad idea, you thought as you winced and focused on the person with the white coat. Ah. The hospital. You managed to survive it all apparently. Open chest surgery, the ride, your recovery and one more surgery. The doctor ran through basic diagnostics, your eyes were focused on Jungkook though. The bags under his eyes, his thinner frame, weak smile. It was clear he hadn’t taken care of himself during your recovery. Doctor Chen left soon after, your vitals fine and everything functioning well, your stitches closing nicely. 

“You’re awake.”

“You look like shit.”

“Says you, Miss ‘I’m going to take a bullet for you now’”.

You huffed a laugh, careful of your stitches as you swung your legs over the side of the bed. 

“I had no choice. Protection comes at a cost, y’know. This was the cost, so be it.”

Your voice scratched at your throat after so long without use, your hands reaching for the cup of water and Jungkook's hand as you sipped on the cool water. A cough left you and you groaned, Jungkook's arms wrapping around you gently in a hug as he whispered over and over how glad he was to have you in his life. You interrupted him with a small laugh, a smile on your face as you guided him to make eye contact with you.

“This first date kinda sucks, Kook. You’re gonna have to do better for the rest.”

Laughter filled the space, your friends and family came and left and your hand held his the entire time.

Now, years later and walking down the aisle, your daughter bouncing by her father at the altar, you would never not say that protecting him was worth all of this and more. All you had to do was protect your daughter now. And fuck if that wouldn’t be a large task. She took after her father that way.

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1 year ago

okay okay. hear me out. we all need to go give @orchidyoonkook EVEN MORE love and support and virtual hugs for all their hard work going into their book which is being sold in physical copies!! its such a large feat with so much work that has to go into it and to my knowledge they are handmade too? (correct me if im wrong! :)) 

so yoon! you’re such a sweet person and i hope you’re proud of yourself because you absolutely deserve to be! UTWT is such heartwarming story and it deserves alllllllllllllllllllll the praise its gotten and more. (your mom seems so sweet too so hi yoons mom! :D)

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1 year ago

Just sos you knows, AO3 is down under a DDOS attack right now. They’ve been coming back in little blips and then disappearing again. It’s been several hours. (For reference, it’s currently 3 p.m. eastern, July 10, 2023.)


The culprit (as with a few other DDOS attacks recently) is Anonymous Sudan, a group that is likely Russian, not Sudanese. The ‘reason’ they gave–that AO3 is “full of disgusting smuts and other LGBTQ+ and NSFW things,” is thin and probably not completely legit, though still legitimately concerning.

The AS claim: https://twitter.com/FalconFeedsio/status/1678397195039526912

Reporting on AS: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-28/anonymous-sudan-does-group-behind-microsoft-cyberattack-have-ties-to-russia (you can use archive.ph to get this one, 12ft doesn’t seem to work)

As noted here, https://twitter.com/honeyskeleton/status/1678449598703050769:

DDOS protection is expensive especially for a high traffic site like ao3. And it’s uniquely vulnerable as an independent site without ads or other corporate support. SPECIFICALLY targeted bc of its queer works and yet ppl will still complain every time they ask for donations lmao 

So, again, when AO3 comes back online, please don’t go hard with refreshing all your tabs. Please do remember to download fics you love early and often as  you continue in your whole ~reading journey~. And please do support AO3 through a dono or becoming a donating member, if it is possible for you to do so.

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