I Hope This Is Alright - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I'm here to save sad Y/n! I hope you enjoy it :)

Y/n sat in the bathroom, legs up on the toilet, trying not to cry. There wasn't much she could do, she didn't even get rejected after all.

No. She was too scared to do anything, and now she's dealing with the consequences. And boy were her thoughts reminding her of all that.

Two girls walked into the bathroom laughing.

"I mean, did you see her? Like wow he could do so much better."

There was a *bang* as something like a bag was set on the counter.

"Let me guess, someone like you?"

"Ok normally I would say yes, but I'd rather his brother."

"Oh my god. Of course you would."

"I'm serious! He's got this mysterious vibe about him that I love."

"You're so bad for him!"

"Oh, I know. I'm kicking myself in the ass for not asking him out."

Y/n sat there listening. It was easier to listen to a pointless conversation than cry. And besides, who doesn't like a little bit of girl drama?

Though she was wondering who they were talking about. Especially the girl at the beginning of the conversation. The only new couple she's heard of was Atsumu, but the girl he was dating was gorgeous.

She was everything Y/n wished she was.

There was a loud laugh that broke Y/n out of her thoughts.

"Did you see her face when Y/n walked away? She looked pissed!"

"And poor Atsumu looked like his life walked away. But it's his fault. I don't know why Y/n was so upset. It's his loss, not hers!"

Y/n froze. She forgot how fast drama traveled at this school. She was expecting it, but why were these girls defending her? Y/n was the one who was stupid for thinking someone like Atsumu would like her.

The girls were talking again, and this time Y/n made sure to tune in.

"Exactly! I've seen her around, but Atsumu has a glare that could freeze hell, so I never approached her! Although now I regret it."

"Same. I kinda wanna punch the other girl. Did you see how basic she looked?"

"Oh my god, I bet she goes on Pinterest everyday to look up "popular outfits"."

"And that shirt? C'mon! Have some style."

*Another laugh, then a door opens and shuts.*

"Hey bitches."

"Hey! We've been waiting for you! Ready to go?"

"Let's go!"

*The door opens again then shuts.* Y/n sits there in disbelief. Those girls were on her side? And what did they mean by Atsumu's look? There's no way she affected him that much. He barely looked at her, even when she almost started crying.

And she's just "an old friend". He wouldn't call her that if it wasn't true.

Her alarm rang before her thoughts could continue, signaling it was time to go home.


Yea, Y/n was back in the bathroom. On the same toilet. With the same misery.

But she can't get that conversation out of her head.

Maybe she should be a "boss bitch" as some people say, and approach Atsumu head on. Just admit her feelings, get rejected, and be done.

"Easier said than done", an annoying voice said in her head.

But it shouldn't be. They've known each other forever, know everything about one another, this should be easy!

She sighed. It definitely wasn't.

Y/n looked around. Getting rejected sounded better than locking herself in the bathroom though. It was gross in here, it smelled, and yea it was pretty lonely. She missed the Volleyball team. The loudness, the laughing, the smiles.

A flicker of anger went through her mind thinking back to the pitiful faces of the team. She may have been best friends with Atsumu, but she still considered them friends. Why didn't they warn her, or better yet back her up? Like Osamu. She texts him at least once a week! He could've said something, texted her a warning, anything.

But no, instead they let her make a fool of herself in front of the entire school.

That was enough to get her to walk to the cafeteria and slam her hand on the table in front of Atsumu. He glanced up in surprise.

Y/n glared down at him. "Can we talk?"

His "girlfriend" had the audacity to pipe up. "Sorry honey, is there anything you need? We're a little busy", she said while looking at her nails.

Y/n didn't even glace at her. "Oh shut your basic ass up. I wasn't talking to you." Y/n kinda felt bad, she wasn't used to being this up front with people. She was used to sticking to herself, letting Atsumu do the talking.

But the girl opened her mouth again, and Y/n let those feeling go up in flames. "Listen, Atsumu dropped you. Just move on. If you were important, I would at least know your name."

The table was now dead silent. Even Suna was watching, no phone in sight.

Y/n smirked at her. "I would rather people not know my name than girls calling me, and i quote, a "basic ass bitch who gets her clothing ideas from Pinterest". Because honestly? That's just lame." Y/n shook her head in embarrassment.

The girl's eyes widened. Kita looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn't bring himself to. Suna now had a camera out.

Even Atsumu was chuckling quietly.

"Oh C'mon, we all know she's copying you. Look at her skirt. I KNOW I've seen you wear that." Y/n looked at Osamu in surprise. He just winked at her.

The whole table laughed. "I think I have a picture of it even!" Suna said before Kita glared at him. There was a sparkle of amusement in Kita's eyes though. Y/n joined in the laughing.

The girl sputtered. "Babe! Aren't you going to back me up?!"

Atsumu sighed. "Y/n, please stop."

Y/n looked back down at him. "No."

Atsumu looked back up in surprise. "What?"

Y/n stood up straight. "I said no. I'm done hiding in your shadow. I don't know why you decided to replace me, but I'm not going to let that get me down. Because you know what? I had a major crush on you, but now I'm seeing that it was pointless. All you care about is yourself and your image. You could never care about anyone else! So, fuck off and enjoy your new play thing." She flipped him off and the whole table erupted in cheers. Kita was trying not to laugh and was for once failing. Osamu and Suna were laughing so hard they had tears.

Atsumu on the other hand, looked like he got slapped. Or like his heart got broken. But before Y/n could let that worm of doubt in, she walked away.

And damn did she feel powerful.

As she walked out of the Cafeteria though, she bumped into someone. A big someone.

"OH, sorry I didn't mean to bump into you! I was distracted, sorry!" Y/n starting rambling, but was promptly cut off but a deep and very attractive voice.

"It's ok."

This made her look up, and maybe her face was red, because holy SHIT. This man was created by the gods themselves. Was this the man of her dreams? She just wished she could pull that mask off and see his whole face.

She squeaked another "Sorry!", not knowing what to say.

He chuckled lightly. "It's all good. No harm done. I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi."

Y/n got her thoughts in control just enough to say, "I'm Y/n L/n."

Sakusa smiled at her. "I'm here for a volleyball match, could you show me around so I don't get lost?"

Y/n, now calmed down fully, replied with an "Of course!", before taking his hand and leading him around.

Yea, Atsumu was the last thing on her mind.

"Now all of my friends are missing again" - Atsumu

Inspired by the song Tv by Billie Eilish

I'm very obsessed with this song rn and I wanted to write something inspired by it. The whole line is actually "Now all my friends are missing again, 'Cause that's what happens when you fall in love". I chose this line specifically cause it's my favorite line hehe :)

Characters: Bestfriend!Reader x Atsumu

Reader is forgotten by her best friend when he falls in love :/

Warnings: angst, neglect, no comfort


It wasn't a concept y/n really believed in. She wasn't into any of that sappy soulmates stuff. She believed that if you found the one then you found the one. Your soul wasn't bound to another, you just had to find the right person. Though her beliefs were quickly thrown to the side once she met Atsumu. She thought herself silly once she heard his laugh for the first time. She thought herself pathetic when she had first seen his smile. She thought herself stupid when he first touched her, 'cause lord knows she died on the inside. God, she instantly felt a flutter of happiness consume her whenever he was present. Some higher power must've been playing a sick joke on her, because once she met Atsumu "Soulmate" was the first thing she thought of. She could just feel it. Her heart thumping out of her chest, her face redder than ever, and her voice so shaky she could barely get a proper sentence out without stuttering. Atsumu thought it was just normal. Y/n being so skittish. From day one she had been this way. If only he knew.

Y/n and Atsumu would hang out all the time. They'd have movie nights every Friday. They'd build small pillow forts and play fight in the lounge, having to clean up spilled food later.

She'd visit him during volleyball practice. She always brought small baked treats for the team that her and Tsumu had made the night before.

He'd walk her home from school everyday and they'd sleep over at each others houses. They'd fall asleep on each other, tangled up in blankets with their heads so close together anyone who walked in would think they were together. In fac, everyone thought it was weird that they weren't dating already. They were so close. But alas, they were just friends. Much to y/n's dismay. She loved this man, in more ways than "just a friend" should.

So you could imagine how heartbroken she felt when one day he just disappeared. Not in literal sense, he just stopped talking to her. Something was up and she didn't know what. She was concerned for her friend. Was he okay? did something happen? At first she assumed he was just busy. With volleyball tournaments coming up and all. But even when he was free, she'd never see him. She'd ask to hang out, only to be met with a simple "I'm busy rn, sorry"

This went on for weeks. She'd text, he wouldn't reply. She'd visit him, he was never home. She thought she had done something wrong, it tore her up inside thinking of all the possibly ways that she may have hurt the one person she actually cared for. "What did I do?". Maybe she said something? Maybe she forgot his birthday? No that's not until October. She blamed her self constantly until one day, she finally got her answer.

On her way out of school, she bumped into the volleyball team. They were a nice group of people, she used to love interacting with them when she visited Atsumu. They'd greet her with big smiles and a loud shout of her name. It made her day, aside from seeing Atsumu. But today, she was met with pitiful frowns and sad smiles. Were they for her? What happened?

They walked past her whispering small hellos before leaving to practice. Through the small crowd of players she could see a head of golden hair. A smile found its way onto her face "Atsumu!" she yelled hoping to grab his attention and finally speak to him. But as she got closer, she could see him holding someone's hand. The smile on her face slowly faded away. Who was this? A perfectly manicured had clutched his in the way that she always wanted. A head of long dark hair rested on his shoulder like she had always wished hers would. Y/n finally understood his lack of presence in her life. He was with another girl. But she wasn't even "another girl" because all y/n was to Atsumu was a friend.

She was finally face to face with Atsumu. She'd thought this moment would be more joyous, but all she felt was confusion, betrayal and heartbreak. She held back her tears and stood up straight. "Atsumu?" He looked down at her, and his smile faded. Ouch. Y/n winced and averted her eyes from his, because she knew if she looked him in the eyes, she'd lose herself completely. "oh um hey y/n...how have you been?" he spoke with such disinterest, it made her feel so small. Why was he like this? "Um, I- I'm good, a-and -you?" Y/n held her hands in front of her. She played with her fingers anxiously. Before she wanted nothing more than to see him, but now all she wanted to do was leave. "Um I've been good. yeah" y/n nodded her head slowly in response and stood in silence before the girl standing next to him spoke "Um who's this, Tsumie?" Tsumie? "Oh um no one important babe, just an old friend" No one important? Just an old friend? Y/n could feel her heart shatter.

Did she really mean that little?


Sorry for any grammar mistakes, and my horrible writing over all. I was cringing the whole time and decided that I didn't want to continue, so there will be no comfort. Just sad y/n :/

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7 years ago

Jealousy (Jungkook)

Warnings: None

Request from @soshibaby98: Can i request a drabble with jungkook+13 fluff please!! Thank you!!☺☺

13. “Are you jealous?”

Word Count: 1331

Genre: Fluff

•·.··.·• •·.··.·•

Your eyes were practically glued to the television screen. Normally, you’d be quite excited to see your boyfriend opening an awards show, but something this time had you biting your lips until blood was drawn and curling your fingers into your palms until crescent shaped imprints appeared in your skin.

Although the volume was quite low, you were able to hear every word they were saying clearly. It would be absolutely mortifying if one of the boys came in and saw you watching the program again, almost immediately after it ended. It was only a matter of minutes until Jungkook and the boys came back to the dorm, so you didn’t have a lot of time - yet you didn’t even know yourself why you needed time in the first place.

“Hmm, I think you should confess honestly?” Saeron advised, glancing towards the younger boy.

“Saeron, I have something to say to you,” Jungkook said, a certain tone in his voice that made your eyes twitch in anticipation. As Saeron locked her gaze onto him, he looked down and pulled out a single rose from behind him, gently holding it out to her. “Please stay by my side.” A shy smile crept upon her lips as she turned to Soomin and Hoseok in slight shock.

“The confession that makes our hearts flutter,” Soomin commented with a bright smile.

“Stay as you are,” Jungkook continued, prompting Saeron to slowly take the rose from his hand, bringing it close to her face to inhale the sweet scent.

“Ohhh~” Hoseok cooed, his eyes widening along with his smile.

“What’s going on between you two?” Soomin teased. Shortly after, they changed the subject and began to introduce the upcoming performers. A twinge of pain shot throughout your curled figure as you practically forced yourself to look away from the television screen. You knew Jungkook was faithful, and you knew he loved you. He loved everything about you - so why were you feeling this way? Your eyes began to well up at the thoughts of Jungkook dating someone else, but you felt guilty for thinking so. You didn’t own him, and you knew you couldn’t be possessive of him. Torn between your heart and your clouded mind, you sighed and quit the recording, switching to another channel showing a children’s cartoon.

“Y/N! We’re home!”


You scrambled to your feet as you heard footsteps nearing towards the door to your room - actually, Jungkook’s room, where you were secretly hiding out. Your breath hitched as the footsteps grew louder and closer, so in panic, you shut off the TV and quickly rolled into Jungkook’s bed, yanking the covers over yourself and closing your eyes just as you heard the door open.

“Jagiya?” You heard someone call out, immediately recognizing Jungkook’s gentle voice. The muscles in your body tensed up as you heard him walk towards the bed, an innumerable amount of pleas ringing in your head for him to believe that you were asleep. You felt the bed weigh down and the familiar warmth that always radiated off of the young boy’s golden body. A faint voice called out, and although you yourself couldn’t hear what the person was saying, Jungkook replied to them. “Yeah, hyung. She’s asleep.”

“Poor thing, she was probably lonely,” You heard the gentle voice of Seokjin say as another pair of footsteps neared towards the bed, a sigh following. “If she wakes up later, tell her there’s leftovers in the fridge.” The floor beneath Jin groaned as he walked away, the door’s creaking indicating that he had finally left the room, leaving you and Jungkook alone, even though he didn’t know you were awake and wide eyed underneath the covers, anticipating his next move with the accompanying feeling of dread.

You had to stop yourself from sighing out loud once you felt Jungkook standing up, the weight that was previously present now gone. Without any words, he stepped away from the bed and began to exit the room, when your stomach began to twist into knots, the reason unknown but lingering in the back of your mind, out of reach. You shifted slightly, not expecting the bed to creak when doing so. Your breath stopped in an instant, yet Jungkook didn’t come back to you, and instead left the room, softly closing the door behind him.

Wavering for a moment, you pulled the covers off of yourself and sat up, hooking your arms around your bent knees as you turned to face the window, a beautiful array of warm, pastel colors mixing to paint a gorgeous sunset before your cloudy eyes. With your back to the door and your mind wandering off into outer space, you almost didn’t notice when someone had opened the door to the room. Your head snapped towards the doorway and there stood Jungkook, with a glass of water in his hands, holding it like a child would hold their apple juice or favorite toy. The corners of his lips turned upwards at the sight of you, but his smile quickly fell when he saw the redness of your eyes.

“Jagi, are you okay? What happened?” Jungkook asked, scurrying over to you as he set the glass down on the side table before sitting beside you, enveloping you in his arms. With him holding you so close, you couldn’t help but burst into tears. Without questioning you, Jungkook simply held you close to him, his hand on your head as he pressed you gently into his chest, your tears practically soaking his white t-shirt. After you calmed down, sniffles and shallow breaths being thrown around in an awkward pattern, the boy before you spoke up, pulling away to look at you properly. “Talk to me, Y/N.”

“I-I was watching the program… just seeing you with Saeron-“ You choked on your own words before you could even finish. Jungkook sighed in a weary tone and cupped your face in his palms, raising your face before it could drop to hide again.

“Y/N, baby. Are you jealous?”

You nodded and tightly shut your eyes, not even daring to look at him as tears spilled from the corners of your eyes. You swore you heard him wince at your words before you felt a soft pair of lips being pressed to your forehead, his grip on your face firm but still gentle.

“Baby girl, look at me,” He said with such a sincerity in his voice that you couldn’t help but flutter your eyes open, your vision blurry at first, but it quickly adjusted to focus on your boyfriends features, every essence of his being just screaming perfection. “You know that was staged. I can’t look at any other girl without thinking of you. You give me a reason to smile everyday. Please, I want you know I’m yours, and only yours. I love you, Y/N.”

Your mouth hung open, and since you clearly couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, Jungkook took things into his own hands and leaned in, filling the gap between your lips. Sweet, gentle, caring - a kiss surprisingly unlike any you have ever shared before. It was almost like magic, the way his lips moved against yours, with such a gentle but passionate feeling. Disconnecting your lips from his to take a breath, you rested your forehead on his, your eyes to his, despite the heavy feeling of guilt and embarrassment lingering in your chest, when he suddenly spoke up.

“I’m sorry, Jungkook,” You apologized, but you were quickly cut off by him with another kiss, more passionate than the previous but still just as gentle.

“Don’t apologize, jagiya. Please don’t, okay?” When you nodded, you could literally hear the relief in his quiet sigh, the heaviness on his shoulders being lifted off almost immediately. A smile crept onto his face as he quickly pressed another kiss to your forehead, his fingers caressing your soft skin. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

•·.··.·• •·.··.·•

I am so sorry this was sitting in my inbox for so damn long. I really hope you like this, thank you for requesting, and for dealing with my procrastination ♡

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1 year ago

Discoveries Pt. 3 ♥

A/N: Yes yes its been a little while but I've been busy okay? and i’ve been fired so emotional things. thank you all for the support so far and i hope this makes up for the wait. 

Pt. 1    Pt. 2


Stretching in your bed the next morning, you let out a large yawn as you adjusted to fall asleep again. Turning over in bed, you weren’t expecting the face of Fred to be right next you. You let out a startled scream as he laughed you, your eyes rolling as your shoulders shook with laughter. 

“What are you doing, Fred? It’s like 5am.”

“7am. You slept in missy~”

Groaning and flipping to face the other side of the room, your hair swung dramatically with you and into Georges face, who was crouched on the opposite side of your bed, expecting the trouble of waking you up. You screamed again and sat up with a huff, the twins high-fiving over your head. 

“Will you two just let me sleep for another hour at least?”

“No can do. You see-”, George started.

“We need to be at Diagon Alley by 8:30.”, Fred finished. 

You ran a hand through your knotted hair, partly in confusion and mostly in frustration. When it clicked in your head that you had to get some school robes adjusted, you panicked and half jumped, half fell out of bed. The twins backed your frantic movements with laughter as they walked down to the kitchen, the chatter of impatient and hungry Weasleys filled your ears. 

“Why do we have to wait for Y/N to eat?! It’s her fault for sleeping too long!”, Rons muffled voice fell into your conscious and made you speed up your hair and teeth brushing. 

Rushing down the stairs, you stumbled directly into Bill who caught you with a sigh.

“Clumsy as always, Y/N.”

You let out an almost ashamed laugh, your arms squeezing around Bill as he wheezed. Arthur walked in behind the both of you and ushered you into your seats as Molly set down the plate of bacon. 

“Finally!”, Ron muttered as he grabbed the plate of bacon seconds after it hit the table, his plate piling with food.

Food was passed around between the family, conversation filling the air as you ate silently. Your silent bubble was disrupted when Ron dragged you into an argument between himself and Percy. 

“It’s not my fault you have a bloody stick up your ass!” 

“I am a prefect, Ronald, which is something that will actually get me into the Ministry!”

Ron shot you a look of ‘oh dear god not this again’ and you laughed. 

“Percy, you do realize not being a prefect can get you into the Ministry. You just need good grades and the right classes.”

Percy snapped his glare to you, knowing you were right, and sighed. He had always had a sort of soft spot for you, knowing you weren’t actually a Weasley. Which was a dumb reason to not hate someone but you went along with it so not absolutely every child in the house had an argument with him every other day.

“I suppose you aren’t wrong, Y/N. I just have a better chance this way.”

He turned his nose up at you and you laughed, finishing off your plate just as the rest of the family had. The plates were cleared from the table as everyone dispersed to do their own thing. 

“Y/N dear, we must be going if we don’t want to be late. Come now, to the fireplace.”

You brushed yourself off and followed Molly to the fireplace, your hand wrapping around another handful of soft powder. Your eyes glanced up to your mum as she nodded reassuringly. You still weren’t used to it yet and you had a feeling it would take a little while to feel normal and not like you were being vacuum sealed into a plastic bin. With a sigh you threw down the powder and clearly stated “Diagon Alley”, and then you were gone in a swirl of green smoke.

Stumbling from the grate in The Three Broomsticks, you ran headfirst into a solid mass. Panicked, you looked around to make sure you were where you were supposed to be and slowly glanced at whoever you bumped into. Your wide eyes met narrowed ones surrounded by the same white blonde hair from the other day. You took a subconscious step back from the man just as Molly came through the floo, her hands finding your arms as she stumbled lightly into you.

“Mr. Malfoy. If you’d excuse us.”, Her eyes narrowed back at the man as he looked between the two of you, “Come on, dear, off we go now.”

She led you away with gentle hands, your head turning to look back at the man as you swerved through tables. Your eyes met one last time before Molly was tugging you past the door with a firm but gentle hold on your hand. As you met the bustling roads of Diagon Alley, you squinted your eyes at the sun, a frown tugging down the corners of your mouth as you stared at the ground, trying to avoid any ray of sun you could. Leaping between shadows to the fitting, you panted as Molly gently pulled you to a stop in front of Madam Malkins. You sighed and Molly chuckled lightly, her hand taking yours and guiding you in. 

“It’ll only take a minute. Don’t worry dear.”


“A minute my butt!”,  you exclaimed as you stumbled out of the fireplace in the Burrow, Fred sweeping you off your feet immediately and up to your room where a trunk lay on your bed.

“What is this? Why is my trunk out? What did you do?”

You rounded on Fred and George as soon as you were placed onto the floor, their faces innocent as could be as they watched you with crossed arms and very small smirks of entertainment. 

“You need to pack for Hogwarts!”

“We all have. Our trunks are-”

“-Waiting by the front door.”

“Only two are missing~”

You sighed and stared into the empty space, your eyes tracing loose threads along the seam as you nodded. 

“Okay, I’ll go bother Ronald after I’m done.”

“That's what we like to hear!”, the twins chorused as they walked from your room to raid the kitchen, if Mollys loud reprimanding was anything to go by.

The packing only took you a few minutes, most of your school things were in a separate drawer as it was so all you had to do was move them into the trunk. You finished your packing with relative ease and an overactive mind, the zipper closing breaking the silence you had been working in. WIth a sigh, you pulled your trunk to the top of the stairs before making your way to ROnalds room to aid him in his no-doubt messy packing. Your suspicions were confirmed when you pushed open the door to encounter the entirety of Rons wardrobe scattered around the room. 

“Ron, how? There is no way you had to destroy your room to pack.”

HIs frantic eyes met yours as he scoffed, “Well no, but it felt necessary at the time.”

You hummed and cleared a few spots across the room, handing things to Ron you knew he would want with him. His eyes followed you around when he wasn't haphazardly throwing things into his trunk.

“At least fold things!”, you stomped over to his trunk and folded piece by piece as Ronald sat and watched you with a blank expression until you reached his Chudley Cannon jersey. Then he reacted and grabbed it from your hands with a gasp, his own carefully folding it in a mess. You shrugged and packed it neatly with the rest of his things, the heavier items resting on top of his clothes as the lighter things went on those. 

“There. All done.”, you heaved a sigh as you closed the lid of the trunk, the click of the lock creating a satisfying noise in the otherwise silent room. 

“Thank you, Y/N~”, Ron grabbed you for an overly tight hug, your hands pushing at his arms as you wheezed for a single breath of air that wasn’t from Ron’s vicinity.

“Ok ok ok! I get it, just get it downstairs with the rest of them!”

Ronald let you go after a moment, his frame moving out the door with his trunk in hand as you followed after him.

“You made it sound like you brought yours down! But nooo look at what’s right here!”, Ron huffed and lightly kicked your trunk as he passed it.

“I said the rest of them! Never included mine!”, you shouted after him as you grabbed your own trunk and carried it down the stairs to see Bill and Charlie in front of the floo.

Molly gave the two a big hug with large containers of sweets being shoved into their hands after Arthur gave them a hug as well, Percy nodding a farewell from the couch as he read through the Ministry’s handbook for rules and regulations. 

“Nooooo~!”, you whined, “You can’t leave yet! You like... just got here! We didn’t get to talk about Hogwarts!”

The eldest Weasley boys chuckled and pulled you into their arms for a group hug, tears filling your eyes as they pet your hair lovingly. 

“You know we have jobs to get too, Y/N. We can’t stay to see you off.”

You huffed at them and lightly punched their chests as they smiled at you. A small nod moved your hair into your eyes as you grasped them tighter. While you weren’t as close to them as you were the twins, they had still helped raise you in a sense and that created a connection, plus you were their little sister. Blood or not, that created an even greater connection. Still not one large enough to rival that of yours with Fred and George but it was enough.

“Fine. Just send owls, okay? I wanna tell you everything!”

The boys nodded and placed kisses on the top of your white hair, their eyes slightly glossy as yours overflowed with tears.

“We will.”

“Absolutely we will.”, Charlie finished as he guided you to Molly’s embrace, Bill giving a last wave and goodbye to the family as he stepped through the floo with a call of his destination. 

Charlie gave a similar exit with a blown kiss towards yourself and your mom as he called out for the Ministry of Magic for Romania, however he pronounced it. Their departure set the family in motion as Arthur ushered everyone into the kitchen to go over the basic checklist of the things you would need for your time at Hogwarts. Most of the list was checked off smoothly, Ron mumbling under his breath that it was unnecessary until your dad reached an item he had forgotten and cursed. That got him a small ass-whooping from Molly as she urged him to go get what he had been missing. Fred and George mocked him as he ran up the stairs, your quiet giggles backing them until your parents shushed you all and continued with the list as Ronald slipped down the stairs to his trunk and frantically packed his wand. The list went smoothly after that, everyone having followed the list to pack, well... you had. The trunks were smooshed in the back of the Ford Anglia with a small extension charm, a suspicious popping noise coming from one of the twins trunks, a huff of air and confetti falling into the trunk as they stood rubbing the backs of their necks sheepishly. 

You were all set to head out for Hogwarts, all that was left was getting onto the platform and finding a seat. Easy enough, you told yourself as Fred and George popped confetti onto Arthur as he walked away, their lanky frames sprinting away from a charmed broom as it chased them across the lawn. Easy enough... right?

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4 years ago

“  look at me. hey— i’m right here. you’re not alone.  ” ( from Eudora )

[ x ]; accepting!

slim fingers rose up to comb themselves through the young mans hair, a soft sigh escaping his lips. he wasn't sure how they'd even gotten into this conversation— all he did was ask how the others day went and vice versa, but it seemed that she could tell something was off. things had been off for a while now. but blue being blue, there was no way he could tell her that just yet. there was no way he could speak it out loud, because then he would have to admit something was wrong.

he would have to admit his issues were real.

the fairy kept his head down, tousled hair hanging over his eyes. he fiddled with his thumbs a bit before reaching at the hem of his sweater, slightly tugging at the strings that hung from it. he could feel the other staring him down, her line of vision boring holes into the side of his head. blue didn’t have to look at her to know the very worried look she was giving him, but he knew she wasn’t going to force this out of him. she couldn’t force this out of him. she’d simply have to wait until he couldn’t take it anymore-- until it all boiled over before he’d spill the details of the unfortunate circumstances that surrounded his life.

but he liked that. some would argue that thats not entirely healthy, but that wouldn’t have been the point. there was no pressure to speak on things he wasn't ready to speak on. its all entirely up to him. his choice. and he admired it.

“ look at me. hey— “

snapping out of his daze, he slowly turned his attention to the other. glossy eyes gazing over her frowning features.

“i’m right here. you’re not alone.”

his gaze softened, and his chest ached. he knew that, and he was glad. he gave his friend a small, but genuine, smile.

“thank you...”

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5 months ago
 Nata's Brows Lift Slightly In Surprise , Features Flushing Momentarily At Caye's Closeness And The Way

nata's brows lift slightly in surprise , features flushing momentarily at caye's closeness and the way in which he speaks to her. an uncommon mix of confusion and intrigue flooding her body , only for the illusion to be promptly shattered by his provocations about their engagement. quickly she shrugs him off , annoyance clear as day on her pretty face. ‘ i'm sorry , is this funny to you ? ’ the anxiety that has been sitting in the pit of her stomach , gnawing at her ever since her father had announced his plans for her and caye , was now making it impossible for her to breathe. this was an absolute nightmare. and he definitely wasn't making it any easier. ‘ if i didn't know any better i'd say you're enjoying this .... ’ brows knit at him , head cocked in question.

open ͏ ͏ ͏͏ for ͏ ͏ ͏͏ * ͏ ͏ ͏͏ females ͏ ͏ ͏͏ / ͏ ͏ ͏͏ fem presenting plot    *   arranged marriage

Open For * Females / Fem Presentingplot * Arranged Marriage
Open For * Females / Fem Presentingplot * Arranged Marriage

A    broad,    almost    mischievous    grin    appeared    on    Caye's    lips    when    he    saw    his    fiancée    in    her    fancy    dress.    "Don't    look    like    that,"    he    whispered    in    her    ear.    "This    is    our    engagement    party,    shouldn't    you    be    happy?"    A    hand    went    to    her    hip    to    provoke    her    further.    "One    could    almost    think    you    were    forced    into    this,"    he    continued    to    provoke    her,    after    all,    neither    of    them    had    been    asked    if    they    wanted    this    engagement.

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10 years ago

           "No Bruce here, only Hulk," he said as he grabbed Tony's face to look at him. wanting to see the lights fade from his eyes, his lips pulled into a sick and twisted smile. There was only a moment however before Bruce's expression changed to one of horror, his eyes widening and hands moving from his friend to pull at his own. "No, no, not him," he yelled to himself. Hands moving to grab his hair by the fistful.

          It was a moment before he had composed himself, looking at Tony with the same horrified expression, "What have I done?" he questioned to himself.


Tony stared down at the handle of the blade now embedded in his gut in shock. Slowly his gaze dragged up to stare at Bruce - his attacker - in blatant disbelief. Bruce had attacked him. Bruce had stabbed him. 

The billionaire stumbled backwards as blood began to seep from the wound, pain beginning to register. But his eyes remained fixed on Bruce. This couldn’t be happening. This was some kind of nightmare. He was going to wake up. Bruce would never… 

Tony stumbled again, falling to his knees.


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