Sort Of Canon - Tumblr Posts
A/N: If ya’ll could leave comments letting me know how you like this, that would be great. Criticism welcome also! Enjoy reading and re-blog as you please. Don’t post my work on other sites without credit though... that's common sense. Or it should be... Enjoy!
Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Being raised in the Burrow while knowing you’re not one of them by blood made it difficult when you were younger, but as you grew up alongside Ronald it turned out to be quite easy to fit in. Despite looking nothing like your family, you were a Weasley. You are a Weasley. You told yourself that while looking in the mirror and brushing your white hair each morning. Your mom, Mrs. Weasley, she told you to let her cut it so you wouldn’t have to walk around with it constantly falling into your face. You of course denied each request, loving the ability to swing your hair at your brothers when they annoyed you.
Waking up to your brothers scrambling downstairs alerted you to breakfast being ready. You sat up in a hurry and rolled out of bed, stumbling into Fred on your way out of your room. You squeaked as you slammed into his side, both of you laughing before you heard your mom yelling at Ronald to not hog the bacon. A gasp left you as you pushed Fred to the side, his footsteps following you as you stumbled down the stairs to the kitchen to smack Ron upside the head. After smacking him and grabbing the bacon you claimed your seat next to Percy.
The rest of the family settled in and began to eat, everyone thanking Molly for the food while conversation began to fill the silence. You looked around the table at the abundance of orange hair before you realized that Pig wasn’t pecking at your hand for bacon. Confusion settled on your features as Arthur caught onto your expression.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
You shook your head and took another bite of bacon, “Pig isn’t pecking my hand off for bacon. He’s normally always here with us.”
The rest of the Weasleys agreed and began creating theories for a few minutes. You sat finishing off your bacon when you heard the frantic flapping that always accompanied Pig. You glanced toward the window and panicked,
“Clear the table! It’s pig!”
Dishes clinked against each other as a space was cleared for his catastrophic landing. Pig head planted into the plate of scrambled eggs that wasn’t moved out of the way quick enough. Fred and George mocked the bird as Percy gathered the letters from him with many pecks to his hand. The letters were handed out to each Weasley, Ron and you gasping and ripping open your Hogwarts letters. You jump from your chair and scream little “yes”’s while the twins squish you between them in a Weasley bear hug. Ron does the same but when the twins turn to him, they speak in unison and give him rough head pats.
“Ickle Ronnie-kins got his Hogwarts letter~ He’s a big boy now!”
Molly gasps from her position at the sink, turning around to gather you and Ron into a hug.
“We must head to Diagon Alley immediately! We need to get the both of you a wand, and some supplies that we no longer have.”
Chatter spread around the room again as you were picked up by George who tossed you to Fred before the latter and former smothered you with advice on how to choose your friends. Most of it made you scoff because it mainly consisted of pulling pranks on people until you made a friend, there was no way you were doing that, you figured that wherever you got sorted you would make friends based on your common ideals.
Ron grabbing your hand to drag you upstairs pulled you from Fred’s arms and your thoughts. You stumbled after him while he chatted away about how he was going to be the best keeper and then join the Chuddley Canons while becoming the Gryffindor prefect in 7th year and winning the house cup for the Gryffindors. You stayed silent as he pulled you into your room, sitting you on your bed and taking up his spot behind you with your hairbrush.
“What about you? Do you think you’ll become prefect for Gryffindor as well?”
Sighing and shrugging you winced at a particularly hard tug to you head,
“I don’t know- Ouch Ronald! Be careful!”
“Sorry Y/N.”
“Anyways, I don’t know which house I’m going to be in-”
Ron cut you off, “Course ya do! Gryffindor like the rest of us!”
“We don’t know that Ron. I could be Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw... maybe even Slytherin! It’s impossible to know until the sorting ceremony. So.. let’s just drop house discussion.”
You felt the disappointment in Ron at your reaction to the houses but he got his pep back when you started on Quidditch,
“I don’t think I’ll try out... ever. I’ll leave that to you, Fred and George... ok? I want to stick to studying. I doubt there will be free time between classes.”
Ronald groaned and gave up on your hair, stomping out of the room with heavy steps until Molly yelled up for whoever was stomping to stop. Watching your brother go and finishing the task of brushing your hair, you focused on the floor. It wasn’t quite focusing though as your mind went blank thinking about what house you might end up in.
A few minutes later, after zoning back in, you heard crashes coming from the twins room and sighed. You were usually in that mess but after hearing Percy scream at them, you were glad you were in your own room. Molly called for the family to gather a little while after the screaming stopped from Percy. Footsteps bounded down the stairs as you were pulled by the arm to the stairs. Being used to the twins grabbing you and picking you up more than the rest of the Weasley family ever had, you sighed and clung onto George.
“Hurry up now Weasleys! We need to head out too Diagon Alley for some school supplies for your sister. Everyone gather around, remember to speak clearly now. Percy, you’re first, come on now,”
Molly patted him on the back as he stepped forward to the grate in the fireplace. You watched him grab a handful of floo powder and call out Diagon Alley. He was gone in the next second and the twins were already lined up with powder in their hands.
“Alright, Fred. You next, dear.”
“Yes mum.”
Fred disappeared in green flames as Percy had, George followed, then Arthur went. Then Ronald, and it was finally your turn. You stepped up to Molly from the corner of the room where you were covering your eyes as the rest of the family went through. Your hand curled around the soft powder from the jar, Molly smiling at you encouragingly as you were rarely allowed to be out in public for fear of someone accusing your family of kidnapping...for whatever reason. A small smile crossed your lips while you closed your eyes and spoke as clearly as you could,
The swoosh of green flames engulfed you as you felt a pull at your navel. You grunted when you landed on the grate of the Leaky Cauldron fire place. Stumbling and coughing, two hands grabbed you from the grate, the top of a twins head being the first thing you see when you open your eyes.
“Put me down! I want to walk!”
The twin holding you chuckled as you smacked his head while the other chimed in,
“No can do,”
The one holding you, Fred, you realized, did the normal twin thing and finished off the sentence.
“You’re too fragile to let out into the world Y/N~”
Molly stepped from the grate to hustle over and smack Fred on the shoulder.
“Let the girl walk. You know she rarely leaves the Burrow with us. Let her enjoy herself.”
Fred set you down and you jumped on the spot. Molly gathered you in a big Weasley hug to which you groaned. Once out of the hold, you ran up to the front of the group where Arthur stood chatting with Percy. They both glanced at you and Arthur sent you a smile but Percy immediately began the conversation again. You sighed and glanced around for Ron, finding him standing by the door.
“Mum! Can I go with Ron to Honey Dukes?! Please?”
Your body spins in a full circle until you’re facing Molly, her face lit up with that motherly smile.
“Fred, do go with your siblings. Make sure they don’t get into any trouble while they’re running around out there. We will be headed to Flourish and Blotts for a few books. Meet us in front of Olivanders in half an hour. Am I understood Weasleys?”
Affirmative responses chorused from the family. Percy and Arthur walked out of the shop together, George and Molly following to head out for the books. Fred smirked at you and Ron. That smirk was never good... not even when it was on your face and not one of the twins’.
“Off we go little siblings. We’ll get your candy and then head Zonko’s joke shop. And we don’t tell mom about the joke shop. Got it?”
Ron nodded his head as you did yours. Ron grabbed your hand before Fred could say another word and pulled you away to the candy shop. Your eyes flicked around the alley in awe. It never failed to take your breath away, even if you had only been here a few times. The streets slowly cleared of people as you ran through them with your brother on your arm, screaming ‘sorry’s’ as you brushed by people.
“Ronald slow down! We’ve passed Honey dukes!”
Ron just laughed you off and ran faster after hearing Fred yelling at the two of you to stop. You kept running, glancing back to watch Fred struggle to rush through the leaving crowds as the sky darkened. While glancing back at Fred, you ran straight into Ron’s back when he came to a stop.
“Ronald! You’re a brick wall! Why did you...”
You paused as you looked back to your brother but after you realized you were no longer alone with Ron, you froze up. The sneer that met your gaze alongside the blank face beside it made you tug on Rons arm subtlety. The head of white blonde hair meeting your gaze furrowed your eyebrows. As Fred slowed to a stop beside you, he realized the situation and began to nudge you behind him.
“Weasleys.”, the man sneered at your brothers, “Who in the good graces of Salazar let you out of the pig pen?”
You stood behind Fred with growing anger at the man. A small growl left you as insults began to spew from the man, accusations and names being called as your brothers stayed still. You stepped from behind Fred despite his nearly silent pleas for you to stay back. Pushing Ron behind you to Fred, you faced the man head on, staring up at him with a glower on your face.
“How dare you? You have no right to just insult my family! You’re nothing but an old man desperate for attention because his wife doesn’t love him!”
The man stared at you with shock hidden behind a blank face. The woman beside him stared at you with this look in her eyes. You couldn’t place it exactly but you knew it wasn’t disgust.
“You insolent child. You have no idea who you are speaking too. Filthy blood traitors deserve no ability to speak to a pure blood. Get out of my sights and never show your dirty faces here again!”, he looked down at you for a split second during his rant before he was focused on your brothers once more, “The empty cells in Azkaban are screaming for 6 little pigs to fill them.”
You started shaking in your spot, a hand slowly rising to slap the man wherever you could reach. Before you could even get your hand above your waist, you were against Fred’s chest as him and Ron walked backwards slowly in the now light rain. A glare stayed on your face until Fred turned around to let you go, but that glare only stayed for a seconds as Ron had grabbed your hand and the running began once more. You heard Fred begin to run after you two while yelling for you to stop it already. Giggles left you as you reached Honey Dukes and slid inside. The shopkeeper greeted you with a smile while Fred walked in behind you panting from the run.
“You two rascals better hide tonight. I know where you sleep and so does Georgie~”
You tsked the twin as you gathered some sugar quills in a bag. Ron stood beside you filling a bag to the top with pumpkin pasties, murmuring about sharing some with you later if you got away from the twins. Fred stood chatting with the cashier as you and Ronald gathered another bag full of candy each, your second bag a mix of things for you and the twins to eat when they kidnapped you from your room tonight in retaliation to the running.
Fred payed for the candies and dragged you out of the shop by your hair... gently of course. Ron trudged behind with grumbles and sighs as you made your way to Flourish and Blotts to meet up the family. Seeing George and Molly talking at a bookshelf inside, you wiggled free from the grip on your hair and speed walked into the book shop, nearly bulldozing George in your attempts to hug Molly. His cry of outrage was silenced by Molly’s worrying but his mood changed quite quickly seeing his twin walk into the shop and they broke off to bother some second years they recognized from Hufflepuff or Slytherin.
After gathering the rest of the books, Ron and the twins wandered away to the quidditch shop, which left you with your mom.
“Mum, can we go to Olivanders? I want to get my wand!”
Molly patted your head and led you along the stone path to the old shop. She opened the door for you, pushing you gently inside and out of the rain. You looked around at the dusty floors and wand boxes wondering why it was so dirty. Your thoughts changed when an old... almost ancient man slid out on a ladder from between the shelves.
“Ah Miss Weasley. I’ve been waiting for the day you would walk into my shop.”
You raised an eyebrow at the man in confusion, “I don’t understand, sir.”
He simply chuckled at you and beckoned you forward, Molly ushering you further in before she stepped out of the shop.
“Come up here, child. I need to gather some wands for you to test out and then we can get started.”
You nodded at him but by the time you had, he was already down the row again and gathering a few boxes in his arms. You watched him curiously as he muttered to himself, sliding to the front and stepping from the ladder.
“Ok, try these.”, he slid three wands in front of you, “Just give them each a gentle swish and the rest will be done by the wand.”
You picked up the first one, admiring the details on the handle. Flicking it gently as Olivander had said, but it went horribly as a bolt of light flew past the mans head. He simply ducked and plucked the wand from your hand, handing you the second one in apprehension, moving the third away from your reach. You swished the second wand and watched as a flower pot exploded. Cringing back from the shards and making eye contact with Olivander made you smile sheepishly. Olivander sighed and watched you carefully for moment, gathering the wands together then sliding back between the shelves. He was gone for two minutes before you saw him carrying out two very dusty, ornate boxes.
“Those are very pretty boxes, sir. But why do they look different from all the others?”
The man hummed at your curiosity and carefully opened the pure white box. You stood up on your tippy toes to try and see the wand. When you failed, you stood still and waited patiently for the wand to be handed to you. As it was handed to you, you gasped at the wand.
“What is it made of, sir?”
“This wand... it is one of the rarest to grace our presence in this shop. It has not been claimed in over 30 years. It would be a wonder for you to obtain this wand. You, Miss Weasley, would be the second person to obtain this wand core. We shall see. Now give it a flick.”
You stared at the wand in confusion as you slowly reached out for it. What about this wand was so special that only one other person had a wand of this type? A sigh left you, grasping the wand a little tighter before giving it a gentle flick. Witnessing no destruction confused you, but as you faced Olivander, you realized why. Charlie had told you about many things such as wand lore, mythical creatures, rarest potion ingredients and so on.
“It’s... thestral hair.”
Olivander paused his packing away of the wand you had placed down.
“You are correct, Miss Weasley. The only other wand with such a core is in the possession of Albus Dumbledore.”
You nodded slowly as he opened the other box, humming to himself once more while he pulled the dark wand from the box. This one, you had no idea what it was. So you stared at it in confusion while the old man in front of you chuckled with a cough following it.
“Let’s give it a try before I explain this wands properties to you, Miss Weasley.”
You agreed and grabbed the wand gently, but unlike the other wands, this one sent a tingle up your arm. It caused you to smile and so you gave it a flick. The broken vase repaired itself and the destruction was cleaned in that single swish. Olivander smiled at you proudly and rung up the wand, handing you the box, clear of dust.
“This wand, Miss Weasley, it is special. Just as you are. A beautiful poplar wood, picked from one of the oldest poplar trees out there still. The phoenix feather core is unique. Powerful. It will adapt to your magic and allow you to surge through it. It will never disappoint you, Miss Y/N. This wand will be your savior in many situations to come. Yes it will. Have a good day now, young lady.”
You stared at the wand in awe, nodding along to Olivanders speech, “Thank you, sir. I won’t let it... or you... down. I promise!”
You finished the sentence quickly having noticed the rest of your family standing outside the window, Arthur and the large blonde man from earlier seeming to have an argument. You uttered a quick goodbye, running out of the shop to your dad and tugging on his arm.
“Dad! Dad! Look I got my wand! It’s poplar and phoenix feather! Look at it, Dad. Isn’t it beautiful?”
Molly walked up to your side and guided you back into the family huddle, you showing off your wand from its place in the box. Everyone indulged you with ooo’s and ahhhh’s, but the big blonde man you yelled at was staring holes into your head. You felt the weight of his gaze and turned around in your dramatic showcase to Fred and George, meeting his cold grey eyes with your own. Feeling odd, you tilted your head at the man in confusion and made eye contact with his wife who immediately reached a dainty hand to the mans arm. They then made eye contact, sharing a silent conversation like you had seen the twins do on many, many occasions.
Arthur cleared his throat and directed you all, minus Ron, to head to the Three Broomsticks and have some lunch before you all headed home. Everyone agreed with the idea of food and the twins carried you on their shoulders, pretending to drop you on multiple occasions. You laughed loudly, Percy muttering in annoyance behind you. This was the beginning, you thought, this is the start of my life as a witch.
Discoveries Pt. 2
A/N: This one is shorter because its really just a fluff filler before the main plot continues... enjoy?
Pt. 1 Pt. 3
Sitting down in The Three Broomsticks, you looked around at everyone chatting away with food swerving around tables, sitting in front of people and pieces flying out of over enthusiastic mouths. It made you smile when Molly tilted her head at you when she sat on the opposite side of the long table. Giving her a nod, Ron sucked you into conversation the second he sat down beside you. You both chattered over your new wands and the treats you bought. The Weasley table was calm for a few minutes but calm never lasted in the household, even in public.
A shrill scream made you jump slightly in your chair, your head turning frantically to see what had happened. It didn’t take long to figure out that your mother had yelped because of a nose-biting teacup clamping her nose. You smothered giggles behind your hand, giving the twins a small thumbs up as they high-fived and Percy got up to remove the teacup. The angry muttering of Percy filled the brief silence before Molly’s voice run above it all.
“Fredrick and George Weasley! The garden gnomes are your issue now! As soon as we get back to the Burrow I expect you two out and working, am I understood?!”
“Yes mum.”
Ron laughed loudly at the twins’ demise while you watched Percy struggle with the nose-biting teacup. Arthur stood with a sigh, destroying the teacup and silencing the noise at the table. Everyone quieted down immediately with eyes on Papa Weasley. You watched with a smile as Arthur encouraged the twins with a joyful “good one boys!”. Molly gasped and smacked his arm but the whole family could see the smile on her face when she kissed Arthur on the cheek. Your dad stood for a little longer, talking about how proud of Ronald and you he was, how excited the whole family was to see which house you both ended up in.
It didn’t take long for food to settle on the table, hands reaching, people groaning as their favourite was stolen from under their hands and cups clinking while they filled. The noise settled to casual conversation while everyone filled their stomachs, Ron complaining when you ate the last piece of chicken while he was watching. Fred threw mashed potatoes in your direction but managed to only hit Percy which caused an uproar of laughter and angry yells from the victim of the mashed potato attack.
The mess was cleaned quickly enough by Molly who scolded Fred for throwing food in the first place. The chaos calmed not long after and the table was nearly silent as everyone fully focused on the rapidly cooling food. You kept light conversation with Ron while everyone slowly cleaned their plates, and empty plates were taken away.
“You are definitely a Gryffindor, Ron. You have nothing to worry about! It’s in your blood to be a Gryffindor. I asked mum how many in the family were Gryffindor and she told me that every generation, minus one on mums side, were all Gryffindor! If that’s not fate, I dunno what is.”
Ron sighed at you, shaking his head in exasperation, “But you don’t know how I’ll turn out. I could be a...a Hufflepuff!”
He shuddered at the thought and you laughed loud enough for Percy to send you a glare. You mouthed an apology towards him and turned back to Ron.
“I do know. Every single one of us-”
You cut yourself off when you noticed your family going pale. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, Ron swallowing harshly. That was enough for you to turn your head and freeze. That same man and woman from outside Honeyduke’s and Olivanders greeted you, but with a plus one. A young boy your age was stood proudly in front of them, his cool grey eyes scanning the room as his parents did.
When his eyes met yours, his cocky expression dropped in confusion as your smile had earlier. The boys hand reached back to tap at his fathers, pointing subtly in question. You saw the man shake his head and dismiss the boy, stalking forwards into the pub to gracefully take up a table with a swish of white-blonde hair and black cloak. The woman met your eyes as well before she sat beside her husband just as gracefully while the boy just plopped in a chair. You broke eye contact with the family, shaking your head and making conversation with the twins and Ron while the table was cleared.
A minute or so later, Arthur had paid and gathered the family around the floo. Fred went first, George went after, Percy rolled his eyes and flooed back to the Burrow next. You stumbled through the fireplace into the comfort of your home, running directly into George as he had positioned himself as a Y/N guard. You huffed at him but muttered a thank you, standing to the side to brush off your clothes. You looked up to watch Ron stumble and fall to the floor in front of the floo, Molly coming through and tsking before she whisked away the twins to give them brooms for the gnomes. Arthur came through last, locking down the floo so no one could come through after them and guided you to the living room.
“Dad, what's wrong?”
“Nothing dear. Nothing. I just wanted to ask you how you felt about going to Hogwarts.”
“I mean...”, you paused with a thoughtful hum, ”I’m a bit scared of not being a Gryffindor and disappointing you and mum.. but other than that, I’m excited!”
Your dad nodded with a smile, grabbing your hand gently and patting it, “You will never disappoint us just because of a house. Just go through the sorting ceremony and be proud of your family away from home, ok? We love you very much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, dad.”
You smiled back at him and jumped up from the couch, skipping outside to watch the twins deal with the laughing gnomes. Molly walked back inside when she saw you exit the house, your head being patted on her way. You huffed at the mess it made your hair, continuing on to sit by Ron on a blanket a safe distance from the panicking Fred and George.
“You have to do better George!”
“You do better, Fred! AHHH IT BIT ME!”
Ron dissolved into laughter when George got a gnome stuck to his hand, you following suit when the gnome let out muffled giggles from his place. Watching the gnome swing around, your head went in circles to follow the motions George was making. You got dizzy pretty quickly and gave up, watching with your head mostly stationary. Ron was rolling on the blanket laughing his ass off, his face turning red and tears running from his eyes. You laughed beside him, Fred doing nothing to help his brother until George threatened him with something you couldn’t hear over your other brothers laughs.
The chaos continued until Molly yelled out that dinner was ready. Everyone scrambled to make it inside first so they could wash their hands faster and then grab the food they wanted even faster. That plan failed everyone but you and Ron, who had first picks because you had received your very first Hogwarts letters. Your plate filled with the food you wanted and could eat without issue, you sat back and slowly munched on your green beans, watching the communal plates empty within seconds after Ron finished piling his plate.
Conversation started across the table, Fred and George annoying Percy as much as they could. Molly talked with Ronald about his broom which had broken the other day and you talked with Arthur about life at Hogwarts. It was chatty, it always was. But it was home. All you could wonder was if Hogwarts would feel like home too. You supposed you would find out though, so you relaxed fully and listened to Hogwarts stories' be passed around the table.
Discoveries Pt. 3 ♥
A/N: Yes yes its been a little while but I've been busy okay? and i’ve been fired so emotional things. thank you all for the support so far and i hope this makes up for the wait.
Pt. 1 Pt. 2
Stretching in your bed the next morning, you let out a large yawn as you adjusted to fall asleep again. Turning over in bed, you weren’t expecting the face of Fred to be right next you. You let out a startled scream as he laughed you, your eyes rolling as your shoulders shook with laughter.
“What are you doing, Fred? It’s like 5am.”
“7am. You slept in missy~”
Groaning and flipping to face the other side of the room, your hair swung dramatically with you and into Georges face, who was crouched on the opposite side of your bed, expecting the trouble of waking you up. You screamed again and sat up with a huff, the twins high-fiving over your head.
“Will you two just let me sleep for another hour at least?”
“No can do. You see-”, George started.
“We need to be at Diagon Alley by 8:30.”, Fred finished.
You ran a hand through your knotted hair, partly in confusion and mostly in frustration. When it clicked in your head that you had to get some school robes adjusted, you panicked and half jumped, half fell out of bed. The twins backed your frantic movements with laughter as they walked down to the kitchen, the chatter of impatient and hungry Weasleys filled your ears.
“Why do we have to wait for Y/N to eat?! It’s her fault for sleeping too long!”, Rons muffled voice fell into your conscious and made you speed up your hair and teeth brushing.
Rushing down the stairs, you stumbled directly into Bill who caught you with a sigh.
“Clumsy as always, Y/N.”
You let out an almost ashamed laugh, your arms squeezing around Bill as he wheezed. Arthur walked in behind the both of you and ushered you into your seats as Molly set down the plate of bacon.
“Finally!”, Ron muttered as he grabbed the plate of bacon seconds after it hit the table, his plate piling with food.
Food was passed around between the family, conversation filling the air as you ate silently. Your silent bubble was disrupted when Ron dragged you into an argument between himself and Percy.
“It’s not my fault you have a bloody stick up your ass!”
“I am a prefect, Ronald, which is something that will actually get me into the Ministry!”
Ron shot you a look of ‘oh dear god not this again’ and you laughed.
“Percy, you do realize not being a prefect can get you into the Ministry. You just need good grades and the right classes.”
Percy snapped his glare to you, knowing you were right, and sighed. He had always had a sort of soft spot for you, knowing you weren’t actually a Weasley. Which was a dumb reason to not hate someone but you went along with it so not absolutely every child in the house had an argument with him every other day.
“I suppose you aren’t wrong, Y/N. I just have a better chance this way.”
He turned his nose up at you and you laughed, finishing off your plate just as the rest of the family had. The plates were cleared from the table as everyone dispersed to do their own thing.
“Y/N dear, we must be going if we don’t want to be late. Come now, to the fireplace.”
You brushed yourself off and followed Molly to the fireplace, your hand wrapping around another handful of soft powder. Your eyes glanced up to your mum as she nodded reassuringly. You still weren’t used to it yet and you had a feeling it would take a little while to feel normal and not like you were being vacuum sealed into a plastic bin. With a sigh you threw down the powder and clearly stated “Diagon Alley”, and then you were gone in a swirl of green smoke.
Stumbling from the grate in The Three Broomsticks, you ran headfirst into a solid mass. Panicked, you looked around to make sure you were where you were supposed to be and slowly glanced at whoever you bumped into. Your wide eyes met narrowed ones surrounded by the same white blonde hair from the other day. You took a subconscious step back from the man just as Molly came through the floo, her hands finding your arms as she stumbled lightly into you.
“Mr. Malfoy. If you’d excuse us.”, Her eyes narrowed back at the man as he looked between the two of you, “Come on, dear, off we go now.”
She led you away with gentle hands, your head turning to look back at the man as you swerved through tables. Your eyes met one last time before Molly was tugging you past the door with a firm but gentle hold on your hand. As you met the bustling roads of Diagon Alley, you squinted your eyes at the sun, a frown tugging down the corners of your mouth as you stared at the ground, trying to avoid any ray of sun you could. Leaping between shadows to the fitting, you panted as Molly gently pulled you to a stop in front of Madam Malkins. You sighed and Molly chuckled lightly, her hand taking yours and guiding you in.
“It’ll only take a minute. Don’t worry dear.”
“A minute my butt!”, you exclaimed as you stumbled out of the fireplace in the Burrow, Fred sweeping you off your feet immediately and up to your room where a trunk lay on your bed.
“What is this? Why is my trunk out? What did you do?”
You rounded on Fred and George as soon as you were placed onto the floor, their faces innocent as could be as they watched you with crossed arms and very small smirks of entertainment.
“You need to pack for Hogwarts!”
“We all have. Our trunks are-”
“-Waiting by the front door.”
“Only two are missing~”
You sighed and stared into the empty space, your eyes tracing loose threads along the seam as you nodded.
“Okay, I’ll go bother Ronald after I’m done.”
“That's what we like to hear!”, the twins chorused as they walked from your room to raid the kitchen, if Mollys loud reprimanding was anything to go by.
The packing only took you a few minutes, most of your school things were in a separate drawer as it was so all you had to do was move them into the trunk. You finished your packing with relative ease and an overactive mind, the zipper closing breaking the silence you had been working in. WIth a sigh, you pulled your trunk to the top of the stairs before making your way to ROnalds room to aid him in his no-doubt messy packing. Your suspicions were confirmed when you pushed open the door to encounter the entirety of Rons wardrobe scattered around the room.
“Ron, how? There is no way you had to destroy your room to pack.”
HIs frantic eyes met yours as he scoffed, “Well no, but it felt necessary at the time.”
You hummed and cleared a few spots across the room, handing things to Ron you knew he would want with him. His eyes followed you around when he wasn't haphazardly throwing things into his trunk.
“At least fold things!”, you stomped over to his trunk and folded piece by piece as Ronald sat and watched you with a blank expression until you reached his Chudley Cannon jersey. Then he reacted and grabbed it from your hands with a gasp, his own carefully folding it in a mess. You shrugged and packed it neatly with the rest of his things, the heavier items resting on top of his clothes as the lighter things went on those.
“There. All done.”, you heaved a sigh as you closed the lid of the trunk, the click of the lock creating a satisfying noise in the otherwise silent room.
“Thank you, Y/N~”, Ron grabbed you for an overly tight hug, your hands pushing at his arms as you wheezed for a single breath of air that wasn’t from Ron’s vicinity.
“Ok ok ok! I get it, just get it downstairs with the rest of them!”
Ronald let you go after a moment, his frame moving out the door with his trunk in hand as you followed after him.
“You made it sound like you brought yours down! But nooo look at what’s right here!”, Ron huffed and lightly kicked your trunk as he passed it.
“I said the rest of them! Never included mine!”, you shouted after him as you grabbed your own trunk and carried it down the stairs to see Bill and Charlie in front of the floo.
Molly gave the two a big hug with large containers of sweets being shoved into their hands after Arthur gave them a hug as well, Percy nodding a farewell from the couch as he read through the Ministry’s handbook for rules and regulations.
“Nooooo~!”, you whined, “You can’t leave yet! You like... just got here! We didn’t get to talk about Hogwarts!”
The eldest Weasley boys chuckled and pulled you into their arms for a group hug, tears filling your eyes as they pet your hair lovingly.
“You know we have jobs to get too, Y/N. We can’t stay to see you off.”
You huffed at them and lightly punched their chests as they smiled at you. A small nod moved your hair into your eyes as you grasped them tighter. While you weren’t as close to them as you were the twins, they had still helped raise you in a sense and that created a connection, plus you were their little sister. Blood or not, that created an even greater connection. Still not one large enough to rival that of yours with Fred and George but it was enough.
“Fine. Just send owls, okay? I wanna tell you everything!”
The boys nodded and placed kisses on the top of your white hair, their eyes slightly glossy as yours overflowed with tears.
“We will.”
“Absolutely we will.”, Charlie finished as he guided you to Molly’s embrace, Bill giving a last wave and goodbye to the family as he stepped through the floo with a call of his destination.
Charlie gave a similar exit with a blown kiss towards yourself and your mom as he called out for the Ministry of Magic for Romania, however he pronounced it. Their departure set the family in motion as Arthur ushered everyone into the kitchen to go over the basic checklist of the things you would need for your time at Hogwarts. Most of the list was checked off smoothly, Ron mumbling under his breath that it was unnecessary until your dad reached an item he had forgotten and cursed. That got him a small ass-whooping from Molly as she urged him to go get what he had been missing. Fred and George mocked him as he ran up the stairs, your quiet giggles backing them until your parents shushed you all and continued with the list as Ronald slipped down the stairs to his trunk and frantically packed his wand. The list went smoothly after that, everyone having followed the list to pack, well... you had. The trunks were smooshed in the back of the Ford Anglia with a small extension charm, a suspicious popping noise coming from one of the twins trunks, a huff of air and confetti falling into the trunk as they stood rubbing the backs of their necks sheepishly.
You were all set to head out for Hogwarts, all that was left was getting onto the platform and finding a seat. Easy enough, you told yourself as Fred and George popped confetti onto Arthur as he walked away, their lanky frames sprinting away from a charmed broom as it chased them across the lawn. Easy enough... right?