heyitspersephone - It’s Persephone
It’s Persephone

The main blog || she/they/he || trying my best

852 posts

A Spoder-Boi

A Spoder-Boi

A Spoder-Boi

More Posts from Heyitspersephone

4 years ago

My mom: you guys never really picked each other up or dumped each other out of seats

My sister: that sounds like something I would do

Me: yeah, that’s so out of character of you




Sister: it’s national girlfriend day, where’s your girlfriend Percy


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4 years ago

I’m about to have a fun afternoon.

So my trainer’s bf cheated on her. She broke up with him. He’s holding her stuff hostage until she agrees to talk with him. Which she refuses.

She trains; for free mind you; three college linebackers, a college wrestler, two martial artists, a body builder, and… wait for it…. a Navy seal. We’re gonna go get her shit for her.

This should make for an interesting story.

4 years ago
A Request From A Friend

A request from a friend

Bonus, time lapse:

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4 years ago
Dere You Go
Dere You Go
Dere You Go
Dere You Go
Dere You Go
Dere You Go

dere you go