Henry | he/him | if you’re going to try, go all the way.on hiatus
825 posts
Hizerain - Tumblr Blog

Gothic Cathedral by the Waterside, 1813 (detail) ~ Karl Friedrich Schinkel
spent a lot of times with schemes and have finally made the trek back to stacks, which was the initial goal (the initial goal was to go into operations research but then i had a very nice teacher)

*approaches straight couple* wait, so which of you soaks a nut in water for months and which one uses a chisel?
it's been a long week... pass the serre x grothendieck yaoi

I'm attempting a comeback of sorts, attempting to use this account as a way to document and create accountability. I do notice I'm quite resistant to the visual nature of most studyblr and studyblr adjacent content. Of course this isn't necessary, but it is the general way such content presents itself. As is usual, I'm attempting to find my own balance within existence. Currently I'm working through the entirety of 'The Rising Sea: Foundations of Algebraic Geometry'. I hope to get around part IV done this summer and finish the book before the end of the calendar year. It's going alright. Beside that I have a small note I'd like to write up about a theorem and I'm playing around a little with skew braces. So much mathematics and so little time.
![text id: [ Memory fades, memory adjusts, memory conforms to what we think we remember.]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c8622534891f221e7a4f3d8be56cf78a/6fb68e4349234717-7d/s500x750/ba7366706f1429fe70a24e17381ad188931c9c5d.jpg)
― Joan Didion, Blue Nights

keto so easy
california bans riemannian geometry because it is kinda white supremacist to put a metric on a manifold. florida bans topos theory becuase grothendieck was Woke

if you consider the body a geometry, that means it is able to be transformed
I think I see a lot of people trying to do category theory with sociology concepts and you just shouldn't do that. You know math isn't real, right
theres a popular brand in canada called no name brand and it manufactures everything you can imagine in a grocery store and it kind of makes me feel like im in a world no one bothered to do much world building for
an old drunk man told me to enjoy my life and have fun because I’m only 24 and I have so many years and so much life ahead of me and then he went “and you know what? in ten years when you’re 34 you’ll still be young and have your whole life ahead of you” and it was really comforting to me
May I present to you for consideration, this picture of Margaret Atwood testing a non-combustible edition of The Handmaid’s Tale with a fucking flamethrower

It's been a while. I'm not exactly present, not exactly gone. I've changed a lot, I'd like to think grown on the good days and adapted on the worse days. I've stopped feeling the desire or urge to really document life in the way that any kind of social media inherently promotes. At times I do miss it, I enjoy the visual diary this account has become, though I cringe at times when looking back at older content as I imagine most people do, but at the same time it is difficult for me to remember to document things and then keep up with it.
Either way, summer's come. I'm working on some small research project, working through a major textbook, learning a language and at times occassionally attempting to relax.

Dither Cru
[Video Description: at the doorstep of an old man's house in Porto, Portugal, on a street through which a pride parade is marching, a young marcher trades her progress pride flag with the old man of the house for his Portuguese flag, which the young marcher then wraps around her own shoulders. They briefly hug each other tightly before the young marcher rejoins the pride parade. The old man waves his newly acquired pride flag, gives the young marcher in the crowd a thumbs up, and blows kisses to the crowd, and the crowd cheers him on. The old man and several members of the parade are visibly emotional, and the person behind the camera is audibly sobbing between cheers. End Video Description]

Source | picture taken by Manuel Fernando Araújo
[Image Description: a close-up of the old man from the video, hugging his new pride flag. He has short grey hair, is wearing glasses, and has a big grey mustache covering his upper lip. He's wearing a beige shirt. His face is scrunched up and red as he looks over the crowd in front of him, which is blurry in the foreground, and hugs his flag, visibly overcome with emotion. A tear rolls down his left cheek. End Image Description]
This old man, possibly in his late 60's, was seen in Porto last Saturday, the 29th of June 2024, waving a Portuguese flag on his doorstep while a pride parade marched past. He was the only one around waving a Portuguese flag.
In a video on Instagram published the following Sunday, singer Mara Nunes, who participated in the march, explains why the people in the crowd were initially wary of him. Waving a country's flag at a pride parade is often what anti-LGBTQIA+ nationalist protestors do, and people thought he might be one of these nationalists.
The old man, at one point, waved over a young marcher, Lily Martins, one of Mara's friends. The marchers stopped and waited with baited breath as Lily approached him, ready to defend their friend, if necessary. The old man told Lily, "It's for you," as he draped his Portuguese flag over her shoulders. Lily gave her own Progress Pride flag to the old man, and they hugged tightly before Lily rejoined the crowd.
"The entire march had stopped. We stayed there for a good while, very emotional," recounts Mara. During the trade, the old man held up the flag and pointed at his heart. "It's a pity he didn't say much. He asked if the flag was for him, hugged Lily tightly, and thanked her, weeping."
your Kurrentschrift is beautiful !! I looked through your blog but wasnt able to find any other pictures of it, just the one small snippet of it in the background of another photo. do you have any other pictures of it you would be willing to share by any chance ?
I'm afraid I don't. I wrote my journal in Kurrent years ago but that particular book has been lost to time.
Why do you use fountain pens? Isn't it inconvenient to do maths with fountain pens?
I prefer the writing experience of fountain pens. It isn't particularly inconvenient and whatever slight friction they do introduce I consider worth it.
In particular I have very flexible joints so the complete lack of pressure required to get a steady line out of a fountain pen is something I value highly.
![A tweet by anti-trans lobbyist and historical revisionist, Joanne Rowling, edited blackout-poetry style. Resulting text reads, "This man is king, currently a king of a man, i am losing." She is retweeting a quote by David Tennant at the British LGBT Awards, which reads, "It’s [the anti-trans movement] a tiny bunch of little whinging fuckers who are on the wrong side of history, and they’ll all go away soon".](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f8230a1dee428d2f247e26529d5c5b7c/e1d267b9613d5cac-db/s500x750/6d51f03e2854c41e1ab210a69d0667333be072a2.png)
J.K. Rowling: This man is king, currently a king of a man, i am losing.

recently there has been so much more things on my mind 🖋️ reblog is ok, don’t repost/use