holyarchistud - HolyArchiStud

architecture grad | studyblr | #holyarchistud

354 posts



I'm really patient with others. Not with myself, but with others. Trust me.

BUT I'm losing my temper to my uni. I've started hated it since third semester. But from the beginning...

I'm studying architecture. For those of you who don't know - there are some ideological trends, experienced by very valuable people in this field. Like Walter Gropius, for example. And you know what triggered me the most? My teachers really respect all of those experiences from the past and all of incredible architects BUT THEY DO EVERYTHING IN COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WAY, acting like they have no idea how to keep students inspired, motivated, how to broaden students' horizons and open minds. There are many "how to teach architecture" things. But professors here ignore all the steps that led the great architects to their success and do the opposite, being aware of these steps. They should try to instill these values in pupils at least a bit. But they don't. They only require being amazing individuals, at the same time they're giving nothing for us and not helping us to grow. I understand that I could demand too much but the ignorance and egoism are probably the worst things where the heart of the field is openness and learning from experience. Most of my values are from books and internet, not from teachers. They don't give a shit about us.

Do you know why I'm writing this today?

Because I was just touched by another (probably it's 736th example) situation of such treatment.

Do you know how many professors who I know, respect students and try to improve their work?

Two. One of them died 3 weeks ago.

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Watch Ted Talks. Not only are these videos filled with so much great information, they are also inspiring.

Think about where you want to be in the future and start preparing for that. If this means that you need to spend hours of your life prepping the perfect resume so you can get a job or internship that takes you a step closer, then so be it. If you want to start your own business I’d highly recommend that you research the hell out of entrepreneurship. 

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Learn a new language. You can do this for free on apps like Duolingo or you can actually go and take courses somewhere. This could help you so much if you plan on doing University abroad or even getting a job there.

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Watch the news, listen to it or read about it. It’s important that we know what’s happening right now and memes can distract us, but try to be informed. Maybe you can make a difference.

Learn a new skill. It’s time to learn something you’ve always wanted to, whether it’s cooking, sewing, art, photography, yoga, mechanics etc. Teach yourself.

Do online classes to boost your grades for University. 

Do online classes because you’re curious. Don’t stifle your curiosity. Curiosity is an asset.

Challenge yourself to do one productive thing every day. Don’t let yourself go to bed without mental stimulation for the day.

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Czytaj dalej

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During My First Month With My Therapist, I Was Given This Worksheet To Read And Work On. She Noticed

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During My First Month With My Therapist, I Was Given This Worksheet To Read And Work On. She Noticed

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4 years ago

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4 years ago
07.09.19 | 11:33am | 1/100
07.09.19 | 11:33am | 1/100

07.09.19 | 11:33am | 1/100

Starting 100 days of productivity bc I’m lucky at the moment if I can go 100 seconds.