This Is Great - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Absolutely love this if you can please make more





Earth 42! Miles Morales x fem! reader

Synopsis! For the life of you , you couldn’t understand why Miles had it out to get you so bad. If it wasn’t for the mid-year seat change, he wouldn’t have even acknowledged your existence.


Genre: light fluff, enemies to lover like troupe, light bully! Miles

Warnings: mentions of violence, foul language, more creeps, that’s it <3

Word count: 3.5k

Authors comment: that’s a wrap folks! This one was super hard for me to write idky, hopefully it still is fitting to the story line! Enjoy <3

Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade


Things with Miles had been different since that night.

Never acknowledging what happened in his bedroom, you two went about the dinner and the past five weeks like nothing happened.

But the way he acted towards you had changed.

Miles became a vacillating wind, constantly switching his direction with the air. His teasing became nicer, more playful than before, he had also become more needy. One minute he was behind you in the crowded hallways discreetly pulling you close, his hands lightly gripping the front of your thighs; whispering how good your ass looked in your uniform, his lips ghosting your neck as he spoke.

The next he was ignoring you when he passed in the halls with his friends, giving you dirty looks if you got too close as he walked by.

It was exhausting having to pretend like his’ hot and cold game wasn’t affecting you.

Truthfully, Miles didn’t know how to feel. On one hand, it was you. On the other hand… It was you.

Regardless of the predicament in his brain, he found himself unable to get his mind off of you.

No matter what hand it was, no matter what time of day, no matter the situation or what he was he doing,

It was always you.

That was the problem. You had enveloped his brain and he despised you for it. He hated that even if he wanted to think of something other than you he couldn’t.

There were more important things to worry about than you. One of those things being the mission he was on right now.

Even as he was running the streets, avenging claws weighing heavy on his calloused hands, you were his main focus.

He was so damn tired of it.

However, he was more tired of not being able to see you when he wanted, to feel you when he wanted.

He hated pretending it didn’t affect him, like you didn’t affect him.

El te ansiaba. You and you only.

So that’s where he found himself after every mission, this one being no different. Scratching the itch, so to speak.

Another late night tapping on your dorm window, beckoning you out into the city’s darkness.

And just like every other night you groggily jeered at him to stop bringing his ass over this late. But you still come out wearing the hoodie he leant you a few weeks back after the dinner; when he was “forced” to walk you home by Rio, even though he planned to anyway. And your shivers “were working his last nerve” so he took his hoodie off and gave it to you, insisting you kept it when you reached the door to your family apartment because “your germs were all over it.”.

He knew good and well he wanted ‘your germs’ all over him.

It was a recurring cycle between the two of you. Throughout the days, depending on how Miles was feeling, you two would be locked in like you were together; or he would give you the coldest behavior.

But no matter how he acted, the nights always ended with him paying for your ice cream from the small shop around the corner that stayed open twenty four hours.

That was the thing, no matter how the day went, it always ended with you two together.

Y así es como él quería que fuera.


If looks could kill, the guy talking to you would’ve been six feet deep. Hell, Miles was ready to do it with his bare hands, no need for figurative language.

The only reason this guy had the balls to approach you was because Miles had chosen to ignore you all week.

Usually you two were seen together, or at least close enough in the halls to where no one dared to approach you. But he decided to “distance himself” from you in hopes to calm the flutters in his chest whenever he was near you, just seeing you would cause his heart to drop to his stomach.

He would brush you off in the classroom, keeping his usual playful banter with you to a minimum. He even went as far as to skip the regular late night meet ups you two had.

Clearly his plan didn’t work.

And now seeing this random guy talkin’ to you, he wish he never did it. I mean this guy was so bold, so cockily talking to you, to his girl.

He wasn’t gon’ have that.

You smiled out your fifth that’s crazy to the guy talking to you. He had yet to even tell you his name, assuming you already knew it. Very bold assumption.

You wanted nothing more than to get out of this conversation. Even with John gone in the hospital, guys still couldn’t catch the hint you wanted nothing to do with them.

“Aye ima keep it real witchu’” the guy paused staring deep into your soul, “ I was wondering if you live up to the rumors?” You blinked a few times. What was he on about? “Homie John was tellin’ me- before ole’ boy came outta nowhere and snuck him” You assumed “ole boy” was Miles, referring to when John nearly died because of him. “John was telling me you gave him a run for his money.” The boy winked. Now you were really confused. What in the hell was he talking about? “Oh come on, you know what I’m talm’ bout” the guy insinuated seeing your confused face. He stepped closer, too close for comfort.

You wished Miles, even though he had been a jerk all week, was near you to prevent this douche from getting any closer. Things like this never happened with him around. “I mean you could show me somethin-”

“She good homeboy. ” As if on cue, Miles' stern voice interrupted the guy, wrapping a hand firmly around the small of waist as he stood behind you. His Versace cologne coursed strongly through your nostrils, his signature smell of warm citrusy teakwood permeating your brain. It had become a smell you could recognize anywhere.

“I believe she can speak for herself bro” the guy said, looking at Miles challengingly. Miles furrowed his eyebrows, staring at the guy like he had said the most ridiculous thing known to man. Because to Miles he had.

Miles nodded his head to the side using it to gesture further down the hallway, far from where you were. “Step.” Miles asserted, voice the most serious you had heard before. The guys scoffed and looked at you, “aye, you know where to find me.”. He winked again and kept walking, following Miles' rather aggressive instruction to leave.

You shook the look of disgust off you face as the guy walked away. Peering at Miles over your shoulder, you finally acknowledging his existence. “Oh so we speaking now?” You questioned sarcastically. You expected him to let go of you, but his hand remained planted firm on your waist.

“What class you got next mami? It’s Spanish right, with Señor Ramos?” He blatantly ignored your question, lightly moving you with the hand he had placed your waist forward, insinuating for you to walk. Scowling, you moved away from his grasp but walked as he nonverbally asked. “Okay first off- how do you know that? You stalkin’ me now?” He rolled his eyes at your rhetorical question. “And secondly, you can’t just come over here after going ghost n’ push up on me like this.” He kissed his teeth, “Chill ma it ain’t that deep.” You scoffed at his nonchalant response. “You know what-”, you cut yourself off, holding a hand up with no real intention. You walked away from him, feeling your irritation from his on and off behavior from the past month finally bubbling over.

Miles stood where you left him, dropping his shoulders with an annoyed sigh.


It finally reached the weeks end, Friday hitting Miles like a train. Unluckily for Miles, you refused to talk to him since your interaction Monday, going as far as to ignore him in the classroom. And not in the way he did to you, not just the usual brush off. It seemed like you were purposely acting as if he died or something; completely pretending he wasn’t there.

He would make fun of you, you would stay silent. He would tug at your hair to annoy you, silence. He would place his hand steadily on the inner of your upper thigh to get some, any kind of reaction from you, silence.

Miles was conflicted. The silent treatment felt a lot different being the one receiving it.

You were affecting him mentally. He had been on dozens of missions as the prowler, working through each of them like a pro. But it seemed like he had never used his equipment in his life on the mission he was on now, his mind being too flooded with thoughts of you to focus.

As he was running along the top of a building, he was suddenly yanked back from the cord attached to his hip. He stumbled back into his uncle's chest, looking back at him through his mask. Switching the mask up as Aaron pulled his own mask up over his face, Miles turned to his uncle confused.

“Aye man. You in or what?” Aaron said irritated. “What you mean unc, I’m right here.” Miles responded, immediately understanding what his uncle was implying. “Yea you might be here physically,” Aaron placed two fingers on Miles temple, roughly tapping them against his head. “But you ain’t here. You only as strong as your weakest link Miles, you know that. Stop playin around or you're out. Understand?” Huffing, Miles nodded.

He had to get it together.


Two o’clock in the morning and the Mission finally finished.

Jumping from building to building, Miles decided to stay out a little longer to clear his head.

He had to talk to you. You had become all he could think of, every day, every night.

It was exhausting to know he was the reason you refused to speak to him. He would do anything to talk to you. Hell, just to see you right now.

Looking down, he caught sight of a familiar figure. His eyes widened slightly, the universe seeming to answer his pleas.


It was a stupid idea. Thinking you could have gotten ice cream alone at 2:30 in the morning was never smart. But as much as you hated to admit, you missed Miles. You missed him so much that all sense of rationale had left. Curse your strong feelings and weak mind.

But you seemed to have forgotten the state of Brooklyn, it being no way shape or form safe. So someone watching you, even though a norm of creepy in New York, was still very unpleasant. You could feel their eyes blaring into your head, staring deeply into your soul without even having to look at your eyes. It was worse when you had no idea where or who they were.

You were terrified to say the least. Whoever was stalking you was good at their job, you had no sense of direction as to their location or what they wanted.

You turned your head around, trying to see if you noticed anyone behind you. As you turned your head foward, you were met with the sight of the prowler staring directly at you.

“OH MY-” you yelled, flailing your arms in fear causing you to drop the ice creams.

He used his claw-covered hand to cover your mouth, raising a finger over his screened face indicating for you to be quiet.

You furrowed your eyebrows but nodded, fear still present in your eyes. He took the claw off your mouth.

“Why you out this late?” The altered voice asked, being the first time you heard the voice behind the mask, even if it wasnt their true voice. You blinked, was this really what he wanted? “Uhm, not to be rude or nothin’” you paused, “but why do you need to know that?”

The man behind the mask smacked his lips looking down at you. “Just answer the question mujer.” The accent rolled of his tongue thick, clearly annoyed. Their response brought a sense of familiarity to you, reminding you of how Miles would get mad at you when you smart mouthed him. You took a moment to closely observe the prowler. Their hair was in two braids down the back of their head, the part visibly clean but frizz surrounded the woven hair from the night's movement. His Jordan’s were clean, surprisingly not creased too deeply even though it was the same pair from your last time you saw him. He stood over you, this time less frightening than the last encounter you had a few months ago.

“You gon’ speak or just keep staring at me?” You jolted lightly at the sound of the altered voice, snapping back to reality. “You know- I don’t see how that’s your business-” “I’m making it my business.” His voice was stern, yet not aggressive. It reminded you all too well of Miles. Furrowing your eyebrows, you tilted your head at the vigilante. It was clear they had no intention of hurting you, otherwise they would’ve already done it.

“Uhhh,” you bite your lip confused. It truly wasn’t the vigilantes business why you were out, but the thought of them becoming actually irritated wasn’t something you wanted to experience. “I was getting ice cream.” Miles looked at the two cones on the ground, seeing his favorite flavor and your favorite melting together, lightly smirking under his mask. “You need two for yourself?” “Well no.” “So who’s the other one for?”. You glared at the prowler, not realizing he could be so damn annoying.

“For my man. But ‘can’t eat em’ anymore cause the ice creams on the ground n’ I only brought a few dollars. I should make you buy me some new ones.” You said accusingly.

Miles took in what you called him, your man. He was lucky his masks didn’t hold expression, because the wide geeky smile under the screen would’ve easily given away it was him.

He was your man.

He hummed, trying his best to not sound any different than before. You nodded impatiently, just wanting to get home. Staring at the spilled ice cream, you huffed defeated. It was clear you just weren’t meant to see Miles; the dropped ice cream and your sudden lack of energy proof of your case.

The prowler sighed, drawing you out of thoughts, “You know there’s creeps out here lookin’ for chiquitas like you. You need to watch where you're going mami.”

You faltered, hearing his words. It was something Miles used to tell you often to tease you.

Before you could process the words, he vanished into the darkness.

Miles watched as you looked around aimlessly, trying to spot where he went. The nickname rolled off his tongue with ease from how much he called you it, a little too easy. From the way you looked at him, knew he almost messed up big time; forgetting you didn’t know he was the prowler.


Three taps were heard on your window.

Who was tapping at your window at 2:45 in the morning?

No other than Miles Gonzalo Morales.

Getting up, you feigned annoyance at the boy staring at you through your window, noting the two ice creams in his hand.

Opening the window, he wasted no time barging in past you. Rude. Sitting on your bed he offered you the cold sweet treat he bought for you. Snatching it from him, you stared at him expectantly.

“Why are you here Miles.” You raised an eyebrow at him.

Even though you wanted to see him less than twenty minutes ago, he didn’t have to know that. So being the petty being you are, you decided to keep up the mad act; unaware of the fact he already knew your true feelings. “Damn I can’t stop by no more?” He asked playfully, man spreading on your bed. “You ain’t stopped by in a hot minute. might as well stop coming all together.” You say stoically, trying your best to remain irritated. He sighed, opening his mouth to say something only to shut it and look away.

He glanced up again as you sat down next to him on the soft mattress.

“Watchu been up to ma?” Miles turned his head to you, leaning back on his elbows with his ice cream in hand. You pursed your lips at him. Who walks half a mile at 2:45 in the morning just to ask such a basic question. “You could’ve texted that”. You quipped. Still gazing at you, he licked his lips, “Yea, I could’ve.”.

A silence fell over the two of you as you began to eat your ice creams.

Miles sighed, taking a break from the partially eaten cone in his hand. “Look mami-” he paused, a soft breath leaving his mouth. “I shouldn’t have gone ghost like that. lo siento.” Shock rose over your face. “Did the Miles Morales just apologize,” you joked, easing the uncomfortableness he had been feeling. “Cállate mujer” he smacked his lips, rolling his eyes.

“Lemme try your ice cream.” He pointed at your already half consumed cone. “You literally have one in your hand.” Furrowing your brows, you pulled the ice cream in your hand closer to your body. He bucked at you,“So?” snatching the ice cream out of your hand, he took a bite out of the waffle cone. You gaped at him, irritated by the fact he took a bite instead of just licking it. His eyes widened looking down at the cone,“Ouh- this pretty good ma.”. licking out of the half empty cone. “Can I have my cone back bro” he looked at you, a sudden glint of mischief washing over his eyes. He licked the ice cream; his tongue curling seductively pulling the ice cream up as he maintained eye contact with you. Your eyes widened at him, your cheeks heating from his inappropriate gesture. Seeing your reaction, a genuine laugh left his throat. “you a freak ma?” He asked cackling. You looked at him incredulously “Oh I’m the freak?” You said sarcastically, “and quiet down before my parents hear you” you said, snatching the cone back from him. He chuckled, licking the tiny amount of ice cream stuck on the side of his lip.

Checking his phone, Miles' eyes widened seeing it read 3:30 am. He hadn’t realized how much time had passed, now passing over from late in the night to early morning. Standing up, he walked towards the window. “Damn I gotta dip, I’ll catch you later.” He turned back to you, “N’ no more ghosting. Promise.” You walked toward the window, preparing to close it once he left. “Promise?”

“Promesa.” He said, exiting out the window. You turned away from the open breeze for a second, taking a moment to look back at your room to see if he left anything,


You turned your head quickly, looking him in the eye. He lightly grabbed your chin through the open frame, bringing your face ever so gently to his. His lips connect to yours, his gentle demeanor enough to make the anxieties of the night fade into mist. Closing your eyes, his hand met your neck softly pulling you closer. A soft gasp fell from your lips, him taking the initiative to deepen the kiss. His tongue quickly won dominance, exploring your mouth as it pleased.

Maybe you were meant to see him tonight.

He smirked into the kiss, a string of saliva keeping you together as he pulled away gazing at you.

“esperado tanto para hacer eso”



Miles sat on his uncle's couch cleaning his gear from the mission he came back from; an innocent lovestruck energy that had been there from the previous days still seeping from his presence. “So who’s the girl?” Aaron asked, a smirk on his face.

Miles looked at him feigning confusion “Ion know whatchu’ talkin’ bout unc.” Aaron pursed his face, smacking Miles on the back of his neck, “Boy you look like you got slapped by a rainbow-Jolly ass-Ian dumb. What's up wit it.” Miles winced from the sting, furrowing his eyebrows angrily as he smacked his lips offended, “Damn relax,” the small smile that met Miles his lips giving away he was far from annoyed. “Yea, I got a girl.”.

Aaron shook his head with a gentle smile, “I knew we was related, thought you had no game there for a hot min.” Miles swatted at his uncle mumbling about how he had more game than him. Aaron laughed,“You know ima’ have to meet her right? If I don’t like her, she’s out.” Miles rolled his eyes, “You gon like her, trust.”. Miles was more than confident Aaron would love you, the real issue being that Aaron might like you more than he liked his own nephew.

A comfortable silence fell over the two as they kept cleaning. Aaron picked up the last of the materials and put them in their rightful place, looking at his nephew, “So, you serious ‘bout her?”

Miles peered up at his uncle, a sincere look washing over his eyes.

“me voy a casar con ella.”




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the prettiest girl at the party

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diego: why does espada call you babygirl

jose: how about we stop talking for awhile

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6 years ago

alright so i have a macdennis theory please everyone gather around and turn your phones on silent for the duration of my lecture

(s13 spoilers ahead)

it’s pretty obvious at this point that mac has Big Feelings for dennis so the biggest question now is whether dennis feels the same. everything between season 1 and 12 has been discussed already so i’m gonna focus on a very specific time frame instead, the last two minutes of season 13′s first episode

so dennis returns and the gang goes back to normal, he calls dee a bird and she’s visibly upset by it, then he asks if mac’s gained weight, which we saw earlier in the episode upsets mac. basically, dennis comes back and insults mac and dee. that’s nothing new, dennis has been a dick to these two for a long time, but this time it’s a clear focus in the short time he was present in the episode.

but why? why mac and dee? because he hates them, right? at least he says he does, but we know he doesn’t hate dee. in the gang broke dee, dennis is the only one not in on the joke and ends up chasing his sister down to say he loves her and begs her to stay. later in the gang goes to hell part 2 dennis tells dee he loves her again when he thinks they’re all about to die

so when dennis insults dee, he’s doing it to cover up that he holds familial love for her. a symptom of BPD is that a person will go to great lengths to avoid perceived rejection or abandonment, so dennis distances himself from his Big Feelings by minimizing them and insulting the people he loves because he’s already expecting rejection from them (something that actually happened both times he said he loved dee). it’s self-preservation

what about when he insults mac? it’s not reasonable that he’d expect rejection since mac is very clearly in love and dennis knows this. newsflash, asshole: BPD isn’t reasonable. actually, mac’s feelings make it worse. if dennis acknowledges them and his own feelings as well, there’s a chance that down the road mac would stop loving him. so instead of accepting his love, dennis rejects mac before mac gets the chance to reject him. this has already happened a few times on the show, most notably in flowers for charlie and PTSDee where he leads mac on to get the validation that those feelings are there but rejects them before anything can happen. again, it’s self-preservation

alright, so back to the last two minutes of season 13′s first episode. dennis returns and insults mac and dee. if this has happened so many times before, why is it meaningful now? because the first episode sets up storylines. clearly season 13 is gonna be different and will most likely delve deeper into the characters. for example, the camera focused on dee’s reaction after dennis called her a bird, showing how affected she was, and while she’s always been upset, the focus hasn’t been on that because it wasn’t going to be addressed.

regarding macdennis, a big focus of the episode was how badly mac had been coping compared to the others. the sex doll could’ve been a cardboard cutout, but it wasn’t because apparently it’s important for the audience to know that mac really wants to fuck dennis. the jokes go on too long and too consistently to be just jokes. so if there was a focus on mac’s feelings for dennis, and dennis insulting him along with dee, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that those feelings are gonna be addressed. why focus on them otherwise?

as a non-macdennis sidenote, i am so down to see dee standing up against the bird jokes and against dennis. something about dennis’ behavior is definitely gonna be addressed this season

anyway macdennis gonna kiss or i resign

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10 months ago

DCxDP fan fic Idea: Danny Fenton's Ex

Danny wants to know that he did not go looking for a fight. He merely wanted to have some of the best hot dogs this side of the USA, in Tucker's words. The human world had changed a lot across differnt timelines but his best friend had assure him, this one was particually tasty.

He planned to pop in, hunt down the street cart filled with buns and meat, then pop out of Gotham. He was meant to visit for less than an hour at most.

He just happened to be at the wrong place and time. It really wasn't his fault! Danny had been minding his own business, using a paper map on the edge of a tall building (his phone had broken in the last ghost fight. Not that it would do any good since it wasn't connected to any living towers), squinting at the streets below, hoping to figure out where he was. The next thing he knew, an angry child leaped out at him with a sword.

Of course, he defended himself! The kid was doing some insane slashes in the air, and Danny had fought enough samurai ghosts to know not to underestimate how powerful a katana indeed was. He had been able to beat the child, encasing his arms in ecto-chains, after a full half hour of combat.

Danny had been dead tired- pun not intended- but just as he thought he was done, a second child had leaped out at him. This one carrying a bo-staff. It took another thirty minutes to beat this one, and just as he was gearing up for a lecture, a third child appeared.

She was wearing all purple and seemed to favor strong kicks. Danny had the bruise to prove it, but just as he could take her down—and stop the other two from escaping since they were attempting to do so—he was attacked by an actual shadow and her red bucket-head friend.

Now, those two were difficult to beat, especially when it was two vs. one. Shadow reacted as if she could predict all of his moves before he even made them, while Bucket Head made incredible shots with his guns covering her attacks.

Danny had already been expelled from his other two fights, so it was a miracle he was able to trick Shadow by allowing more of Phantom to bleed into his fighting style. She couldn't predict the dead!

He ended up on a roof with five children- okay, more like a child, two teenagers, and what could be the early twenties, but they were all young to him. Each was tied up securely with some of his own ecto-chains and glaring- he could feel the hate in their eyes even behind their masks- trying desperately to catch his breath.

"Oh boy, I'm not as young as I used to be. " He gasps between huffs. Maybe Sam was on to something when she lectured them for not having enough greens, normal exercise routines, or even taking vitamins. They really weren't teenagers anymore. "Ugh, I think I pulled something. I need to lie down..."

Just as Danny is allowing himself to slide to the floor, two more shadows jump at him. This time he's far too tired to dodge, and the blue one manages to land a drop kick to his chin. The force has Danny spinning in place, losing his balance, and slamming hard against the roof.

The tied-up children cheer, and if he wasn't a walking bruise right now, Danny would be half tempted to show them all a round two.

"Great Gatsby!" He cries out of reflex, rolling onto his back, ready to take a swing-

"Danny?" a new familiar voice cuts in. The sound is something Danny will never forget, even after all the years they have been apart. He used to fall asleep to that voice, muttering into his hair and warm arms wrapped around him, making promises never kept.

Danny whips his head around to see a man in a bat costume. He squits, studying the strong curve of a very familiar jaw and his voice-

"Wayne?" He blinks. Those lips- so familiar and different all in one- curve into a surprise, but please smile. Yes, that is definitely Bruce.

"Danny, I haven't seen you since-"

"You broke up with me through a letter on the hotel note-pad? A note-pad that I had to pay for since you touched it!?" Danny hisses, suddenly energized with pure, unadulterated rage. The man freezes.

"I, uh, see you're still upset about that." Wayne winces, shuffling on his feet- Bruce Wayne, the little human he found wandering the Infinite Realms, rescued, helped, trained, and had become human again to have the man dump him to "find himself."

Danny knew he found a lot of ladies on his self-discovery trip. He never forgave him. It has been embarrassing to have to return to the Realms to his friends' knowing eyes and his sister's sad shrug.

You knew a human could never understand or live with beings like us. We aren't like them anymore. She had told him. It was bond to end in disaster.

"What is happening?" The bow-staff kid asks

"I don't know, but I don't like it," Blue tells him.

Danny ignores them to glare at the man. "What the hell are you doing here, Wayne?"

Wayne frowns. "You used to call me Bruce."

"I used to do a lot of things, Wayne." Danny stands, gesturing to the group of people he has captured. "Can you kindly disappear again? I'm in the middle of something."

The man makes no move to leave. Instead, he tilts his head. "Those are my children."

"Of course they are." Danny rolls his eyes. "Tell them to not attack innocent tourists-"

"Are you here on vacation? Would you like me to give you a tour?"

The familiar words- the ones from their first date- make rage boil in his core. "Oh, go burn in the worst levels of hell!"

He doesn't stick around for a reply, twisting in a tight circle and ripping a hole into the Realms. He ignores Wayne's call of his name; it's too late- fifteen years too late- and shifts back into Phantom.

He prays he never sees that deadbeat again. Or the family his wife gave him. Not that Danny cares; it's been years, and he could care less what Bruce Wayne and his stupid kin got up to.


"Bruce, I say this with all my heart, what the fuck was that?"

"That was the one I let get away."

There is a moment of silence before Damian speaks up. "I demand to be taken out of my misery. Mercy, kill me now, Drake."

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9 years ago
Someone Please Explain How These Are So Accurate
Someone Please Explain How These Are So Accurate
Someone Please Explain How These Are So Accurate

someone please explain how these are so accurate

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1 year ago

My personal headcanon for some of the recycled dialogue in the Haunted Lost Sectors is that the Ghost and Guardian are playing recordings of previous years comms so Immaru has something to growl at when there’s nobody else on comms. Immaru doesn’t notice this because he’s too busy heckling the Guardian about how dumb we are and how he’s not gonna help us

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1 year ago

I forgot about this, and recently stumbled across it. Tumblr is great, I don't have to do any work and I get what I want.

Alright You Filthy Farm Animals, Come And Eat Your Slop!

Alright you filthy farm animals, come and eat your slop!

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3 years ago

just a short compilation of funny clips i came across while looking through videos for the fancams :)

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10 months ago

i lowkey ship tumblr ♠ twitter now

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8 months ago

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2 years ago

Hal Jordan, being scolded for being reckless and moving without a plan, someone on the JL telling him to “take a page out of Batman’s book”: >:|

Hal Jordan, later that day, watching a random seemingly homeless kid with black hair and blue eyes dumpster dive, deciding he will in fact “take a page out of Batman’s book”: >:)

Danny Fenton, who thinks that this pilot guy is kind of weird, but hey, free food!: :)

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10 months ago

Omg, gay pigeons guys. This is the cutest things ever I want them.

Currently Obsessed With This Gay Pigeon Couple Up For Adoption And I Think Tumblr Will Be Obsessed With

Currently obsessed with this gay pigeon couple up for adoption and I think tumblr will be obsessed with them too.

Currently Obsessed With This Gay Pigeon Couple Up For Adoption And I Think Tumblr Will Be Obsessed With
Currently Obsessed With This Gay Pigeon Couple Up For Adoption And I Think Tumblr Will Be Obsessed With

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9 months ago

I don't think this is really for Tumblr, since it's a TikTok trend. But I put way too much effort into this for it to be ignored on TikTok, so enjoy this.

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6 months ago
Need To See Them Stand Trial NOW!!!!!

need to see them stand trial NOW!!!!!

(template by sweepswoop_ on twitter)

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