infoglitch - that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.
that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.

I write what I want, and what I want, is rwby because I am mentally unwell. but I cover it up by trying to be ✨ F U N N Y ✨

553 posts

So Fun Fact, I'll Never Consider Myself A Critic Sheerly Because I Just Don't Have The Brain To Write..

So fun fact, I'll never consider myself a critic sheerly because I just don't have the brain to write.. anything else outside of me throwing a tantrum. Because I will say it here a majority of the critics have my fucking respect... That said that won't stop my steaming pile of shit takes.

Glitch's terrible, terrible, no good, sewage waste takes #1

The moment I hear someone call jaune a self insert is the moment I either get up from the table and walk away, or I flip the table.

I will try to calmly elaborate if I'm asked.

  • mxballerrs
    mxballerrs liked this · 6 months ago

More Posts from Infoglitch

7 months ago

Let's see..

Glass armor

Torched Guard

Smouldering Knight

Or (and here's a real weird one)

Ashened swords.

Having trouble coming up with a name for the Toxic KnightFall AU... any Ideas?

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6 months ago

I'm... Curious.

Want a pokemon egg?

Every person who reblogs this will have a Pokémon egg in their submissions and a few days later a Pokémon will hatch from the egg.


The Pokémon will be submitted based on their blog. It may be shiny or even a legendary. (Have your submissions open and only reblog, likes do not count.)

7 months ago

Don't know if this was asked yet but what are you 5 favorite shows that you draw inspiration from

I've kinda said it

God let's see.

1. Gurran lagann.

2. Batman beyond.

3. Yu-Gi-Oh.

4. Ben 10.

5. RWBY.

Id say JJK but that's more recent and hasn't made huge waves in my stories.

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7 months ago

I think the reason I connect to Jaune of all characters is because I can relate to the feeling of inadequacy. Ofcourse the character isn't perfect and I get why people just don't like him but I can't agree. Ofcourse that's just a shitty opinion and of course obviously my opinions are garbage. Any way my glazing aside-

Ok I know normally this is a really small (even compared to the shitposts) Rwby shipping post buuut-

A chat

Setting: jaune is currently helping Weiss move into her temporary apartment.

Jaune: hey Weiss?

Weiss turned to look at jaune as she hummed. She held a box in her hands before setting it down a stack of boxes.

Weiss: hmm?

Jaune: if you were sent back in time and put in our beacon, would you still.. you know dislike me during that time?

Weiss: well depends, would it just be me or would all of us be sent back?

Jaune: just you.

Weiss: hmm.. well id certainly still be annoyed with you. But I wouldnt be.. as harsh as my younger self. I would tell you to stop flirting and just try being friendly with me and then see how that goes.

Jaune: huh.. alright then. anything else outside of me?

Weiss: well this ones obvious, tell pyrrha to ask you out. Atleast then I wouldn't be annoyed. And apologize to Blake profusely for a lot of the things I said.. and ofcourse make sure to check in on ruby.

The room went quiet as jaune simply nodded.

Jaune: so-

Weiss: jaune, since you did ask that I think It's only fair that I ask you a question.

Jaune: huh, that seems fair. Fire away.

Weiss turned around fully to face him.

Weiss: if you went back in time.. what would you do?

Jaune: let's see, I would try harder in my classes, I'd have enough with Cardin's bullshit a lot earlier.. and I'd be honest with my team and you guys.. outside of that I'd stop flirting with you.. I got a lot of things I wish I could fix.

Weiss: but obviously.. what's happened, has happened.

Jaune: no going back.

Weiss: speaking of no going back, since we've finished up for today I say we go visit Ruby.

Jaune: alright then, you sure I should come with? It's.. been awhile since me and her actually talked.

Weiss: I think it do you both good.

Jaune just simply nodded as he amd Weiss soon walked out the front door but not before-

Jaune: hey Weiss.. thanks for putting up with me

Weiss: your welcome.. and your not that annoying anymore. Besides, outside of that, your a good friend.


When I check to see the reblogs I better see "WE ARE SO BACK" (kidding obviously I'm not that good at writing fics) mothafuckers-

I Think The Reason I Connect To Jaune Of All Characters Is Because I Can Relate To The Feeling Of Inadequacy.

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7 months ago
You Stood Before The Dragons Den. As You Entered You Saw A Ring Of Fire Surrounding A Large Crystal Egg.
You Stood Before The Dragons Den. As You Entered You Saw A Ring Of Fire Surrounding A Large Crystal Egg.

You stood before the dragons den. As you entered you saw a ring of fire surrounding a large crystal egg. As there laid upon it, the young of the monster you came to slay.

The kragscale dragon. Magnus.

13/13 hp



You have three options



-pet him

Fucking thank you @randomness-of-arts1220 for this sick gift. I'm naming him Magnus and he shall forever be on my fucking desk either in his egg or out and about.

Best B-day gift ever and it's 2 days early!