Jaune X Weiss - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


(before this even begins I am sorry. I have not watched volumes 5-9 so I am just gonna try my best and not accidentally cause a fuck up. And I am very sorry but I am terrible at characterization so don't be surprised if you're going to face palm. Now then I hope this won't be hot garbage anyway enjoy.. hopefully)

Jaunes breath was shallow as he, ren, Nora, and team rwby stood infront of cinder who sat on top of a Grimms corpse. Her gaze locked on ruby as she grinned.

Cinder: finally. I figured you would never show.

Her eye glowed as wind surrounded her. She stood and began floating in the air.

Cinder:I'm afraid I won't be letting you through. Now ruby be a dear and fight me. I still want to pluck out one those eyes you have.

Ruby reached for crescent rose before jaune stepped forward and grabbed ruby's shoulder.

Jaunes: ruby we don't have time to fight her. You need to get to Salem. I'll stall her.

Ruby looked at him confused before looking at cinder.

Jaune: ruby just get going. I can manage her.

Jaune smiled softly as Ruby sighed and grabbed his hand. Her staring at him.

Ruby: you Better be careful VB. I promised your sister I get you home.

Ruby let go as jaune removed his hand from her shoulder before stepping in front.

Jaune: hey ren, Nora. I got one last thing for you.

Jaune stared at the two as ren looked at him as he nodded. Jaune out stretched his hand as ren took it and the two shook hands.

Jaune: my last order is that you protect each other. And have a happy life together.

He and ren stopped the hand shake as Nora bear hugged him.

Nora:I'm gonna miss ya fearless leader. Good luck.

Jaune could feel his breath be squeezed out of him as Nora hugged him.

Jaune: Nora. can't. Breathe.

Nora: oh shit sorry.

She let go of him as the group proceeded to run towards the direction of Salem past cinder. Jaune took a deep breath as he took out crocea mors.

Jaune: Weiss.

Weiss turned and looked at him as he stared at her before a small blush crept on his face as he mouthed the words "I love you". Weiss smiled softly as she nodded before following the others. Jaune sighed as he began walking towards cinder.

Jaune: CINDER. I want a word with you.

Cinder stared at him as she scowled.

Cinder: you know me?

Jaune: ofcourse I know you. I'm a huntsmen. Our job it's to recognize and slaughter Grimm and other things and you are most definitely a thing.

Jaune pointed at her with his blade as cinder scoffed at him. Before she opened her hands as a obsidian saber formed.

Cinder: you must have guts of steal if you insult me. I wield the very season of fall. I am the fall maiden. I'm much more than a thing.

Jaune: no. Your only a thing. You may be a maiden but you don't do anything with that. All you do is plunder and destroy. Leaching off of others being a parasite.

Cinder:your just spewing insults. Get to the point.

Jaune: point is. Your a parasite.. we're parasites. It's time we vanish. To be forgotten by history and erase all the stains we left. It's time for us to go.

Cinder chuckled as she floated to the ground saber at the ready.

Cinder: and who's gonna make me go? You? With your pathetic sword and your mediocre semblance. Your going to die the same way that Nikos woman died. Peirced In the heart.

Jaune then ran towards her as she grinned and in a split moment their blade's clashed as jaune stared daggers at her before cinder raised her grimm arm and grabbed jaune by the face and began slamming him into the ground over and over again.

Jaune managed to stop himself from being slammed again as he slashed towards at cinders arm cutting it off. Cinder stepped as she roared in pain as she stared at her missing her before it regenerated as jaune got up and readied his sword and shield.

Cinder growled lowly as she shoved her sword into her Grimm arm as it absorbed it as it transformed into a massive bone cleaver. She immediately sliced for his head as he managed to raise his shield blocking the strike not noticing cinder shove her normal arm into his gut before summoning a gust of wind sending him backwards.

Jaune caught himself as cinder raised her grimm arm as grew in size before she slashed down as jaune rolled away as he got up panting.

Jaune then ran straight towards her slamming into her with his shield as he raised his sword and brought it down on cinder leaving a cut across cinders face before sent him fly with another gust of wind.

Jaune was sent good distance until he hit the ground HARD as he felt something crack as the wind was knocked out of him.

Jaune: ugh... and there goes my pelvis

He then saw cinder hunched over clutching her face as blood started to flow out.

Cinder: my.. my face.. my beautiful face... Your gonna be burned to ashes for that boy!

Cinder glared at him as flames as surrounded her. Jaune stood up and readied himself as suddenly cinders grim arm now in it s claw for shot at him through the flames as he blocked it with his shield before it grabbed the shield as he was pulled towards the flames. Jaune immediately released the shield as he landed and watched as his shield was incinerated by the flames. The a wave of fire was shot at him as he dived away from it. Jaune breathed a sigh of relief before cinder appeared infront of him, her eyes filled with infernal hatred as she immediately socked him in the sending him only for the grimm arm to stretch out to grab him before pulling him back before she threw him into the floor knocking the wind out of him as specs of blood escaped his mouth.

Cinder immediately started landing blow after blow on his face as jaune could due nothing but take the hits. Cinder kept punching before eventually stoping as she floated into the air as flames engulfed her grimm arm as it transformed into the gigantic cleaver.

Jaune tried to move but his body ached as cinder raised her cleaver arm as she started laughing.

Cinder:Your a stupid boy. You fought for your friends and you die. For. NOTHING!

She then brought down the cleaver as it seems to be the end. Jaune closed his eyes as he accepted he's.. he really was useless... Damnit.

But as jaune expected his flaming death nothing came but instead a cool breeze hit his face. He opened his eyes to see a dome of ice protecting him as he saw a large pair of glowing white wings flap as he saw her... The ice queen. Weiss schnee.

Weiss: by the gods you are hopeless arc. Just stay there as I put this mad bitch down.

She pointed her rapier myrtenaster towards cinder as the woman started at her as she removed her cleaver arm as it transformed back to its normal state. Cinder grabbed the corpse of the large Grimm as her arm started to absorb it as cinder was engulfed in flames

Weiss spun the revolver of myrtenaster until it landed on the red chamber as flames engulfed the blade.

Weiss: this is going to be so cathartic.

Cinder then ran at her with her grimm arm outstretched before Weiss stabs through the arms as fire erupted from it before Weiss spun the revolver until it landed of the blue chamber. Suddenly ice spread all over the arm as Weiss pulled away before kicking the arm as it SHATTERED with cinder screaming in pain as she was now left with only the nub of her old her arm.

Weiss: that arm was rather ugly and since your so obsessed with your appearance. I did a favor. No need to thank me.

Cinder stared at Weiss as she started roar in anger as winds Started picking along with flames surrounding as the heat immediately melted the ice dome jaune was protected by.

Cinder started floating as the heat dropped and so did the wind. Before cinder raised her only arm as fire, water, earth, air, and even lightning appeared and circling each other before turning into a sphere of pure energy.


The sphere was flying right towards the ground as Weiss and jaune went wide eyed. Weiss turned the revolver to the purple chamber before thrusting towards the spheres direction as the sphere stopped before being sent towards cinder as her eyes widened in fear as she could not escape as the sphere made contact with her and proceeded to ERUPT in a blast as Weiss turned to the blue chamber again and ran towards jaune as she formed a multi layered ice dome as the blast decimated. The entire field as the Dome was melt in the blast but managed to hold long enough for jaune and Weiss to survive.

Jaune stared out as everything on the battle field was gone.. just wiped in a blink of an eye. He breathed heavily before speaking in a Shakey voice.

Jaune: we.... We did it... We beat cinder ha.. HAHA!

jaune immediately hopped up ignoring the pain as threw his arms into the air as he shouted in victory.

Jaune: WOOHOO! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT CINDER?! I BEAT YOU! I... I... I didn't beat her.... Right.. you beat her Weiss.

Jaune turned to Weiss as he outstretched his hand.

Jaune:well done... You... You did one hell of a job.

Weiss smiled softly at him as she grabbed his hand and shook it.

Weiss: you atleast tried jaune. Now then.

Weiss immediately hugged him which caught jaune way off guard.

Weiss:never be that stupid again. Atleast ask Ren and Nora to help.

jaune chuckled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Jaune: sorry.. I just wanted to make sure you all had as much back up as possible. I mean otherwise ruby would be toast

Jaune sat down as he groaned in pain.

Jaune: gods I'm gonna be on wheels for Abit.

Weiss: let me guess you got curb stomped.

Jaune noded as Weiss sighed before sitting on his lap.

Weiss: so. Now that, that's dealt with. I wanna talk for Abit.

Jaune: about what? You finally filing a restraining order.

Jaune laughed Abit as Weiss looked at him not amused. Jaune looked away as he rubbed the back of his neck before Weiss grabs his chin.

Weiss: let's get this clear dolt. For the past year you have made attempts to court me. All which may I add failed. But then this war came and ended the courting for obvious reasons.

Jaune: yeah. Man I was a dumbass maybe whenever I start trying to get a girlfriend again you can help me out by letting me know if I'm just not catching a hint.

Weiss sighed before lightly slapping him.

Weiss:there won't be any of that jaune. Because I'm feeling generous... I wanna give us a chance.

Weiss looked at him in the eyes as a soft blush crept on his face again.

Jaune: you mean your actually.. agreeing to a date?

Weiss nodded as jaune did a mental back flip as his face was bright red as a huge dopey grin was only face. Jaune then shook his head snapping and to reality.

Jaune: um... Thank you. Alot

(Ok. Very sorry that I most likely accidentally fucked up the characterization. I just wanted to add something to here and this is the only thing I could think of because I Can not draw for SHIT. Anyway hope you all atleast got to laugh at how bad this probably is.) (Also if you got the reference comment 🦇)

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1 year ago

So long arc

(au where rwby characters take the place of king Arthur characters. I am so sorry.)

Jaune felt the pirece of a blade as he saw Oscar his eyes a deep black with red pupils as his sword pierced jaunes chainmail armor. Jaune felt the blood trickle from his body as Oscar looked at him before smiling.

Oscar: Camelot falls oh king jaune. And I am the ruiner.

Jaune felt blade leave his body as he fell to the dirt as a woman appeared before him. Salem. She grabbed Oscar by the shoulders and the two vanished leaving jaune on the ground as hole made by sword was left in his abdomen. He felt his breath fading as a figure stood over him before kneeling down. The great wizard. Ozpin.

Ozpin: my king. You need to be taken to the ever after your wounds are too grievous in the mortal world-

Jaune: where is my wife... Where is Weiss.

Ozpin: she has been escorted to the ever after now please we must get you there now.

Jaune:no... My time has come and gone...Camelot... Is finished... Take my blade to the lake of Nikos.. she has been expecting it's return.

Ozpin looked at him before nodding as jaunes life left his eyes. Ozpin took a deep breath before picking up jaunes corpse and crocea mors. The war that raged was faded out as ozpin carried jaunes limp body to a small boat with a cloaked figure sitting inside. They removed their hood revealing themselves to be Glynda good witch one of the nine queens of the fay. Ozpin placed jaune onto the boat.

Ozpin: the king has passed. Please take him to his wife. So she may grieve.

Glynda:very well. I will accept my old friends request. Good bye ozpin.

Glynda began to ferry the boat across the sea as ozpin sighed. He clutched onto crocea mors as he stood and began walking into the forest.

Weiss sat upon to shoreline of the ever after with Ruby and Ren standing behind her keeping watch. Weiss looked out to the sea hoping.. praying to see the boat arrive.

Ren: my queen do not fear. the king will show soon. I'm certain of it.

Weiss looked at Ren with a fragment of regret in her eyes. Ruby looked around and saw a boat appear before pointing at it.

Ruby: ship ahead. It appears to be glynda's boat.

Weiss shot up as she saw the boat heading for the shore. Her eyes widen as she felt relief in her heart as soon the boat landed as Weiss saw jaune.. laying on the boat a sword wound in his abdomen. Weiss looked on in horror as Glynda picked up jaunes limp body.

Glynda: ozpin has requested I hand you to him so you may grieve.

Weiss ruby and Ren all stare in disbelief as jaunes lifeless body was held in the days arms. Weiss took jaune from the fay and sat up the sand as she gently held his head as tears began to drip from her eyes.

Weiss: I.. I wish to be alone.

Ren and ruby noded as them and Glynda left as Weiss began to cry as she clutched onto the golden locks of jaune. The tears hitting his skin as she covered her mouth.

Weiss:you... You absolute dolt.. you said you would survive.. you promised that we could spend the rest of our lives together.. and now look at you.. your gone.. and I could have stopped it...

The hugged him as she began to sob.

Weiss: I wish this never happened.. I wish you let me fight by you... But you stopped me... We could have lived.. but you.. you said you wanted me safe... You are such a dolt and... And I'll never get to do the things we did... Never feel the warm embrace.. never feel the joy of watching you spar with your knights as you all are in a drunken stupor.. I'll never get to have you.. because you wanted to be a true knight... Your a fool arc..

She pulled away as her eyes were Abit red.

Weiss: and I will still love you...

She planted a soft kiss upon him as she sat there. Alone with who was once the man she loved.

Back with ozpin he arrived at the lake his face a scowl as he lifted crocea mors.

Ozpin:lady of the lake.. your champion has fallen. As his final wish you are to receive the item of crocea mors.

The water rippled as a woman with red hair in a golden emerged. She raised her arms as ozpin released the sword as it floated to the woman.

Pyrrha: until the next king of Camelot arrives I will hold on to this. thank you ozpin.

The woman floated into the lake as ozpin sighed to himself. Before leaving and sitting by a tree.

He rest there for eternity.

(oh jeez this was not fun. Even if it's a lot shorter than vanish this took a while. Because one I have no idea if this idea already exists and of who I would put in place of the actual character. And of course I did go a tad bit off the story of Arthur. For instance all 9 queens of the Fay ferry him to Avalon, Avalon in this case is the ever after. I am so sorry this was probably very confusing and very bland. This idea just popped into my head so I decided to write it. If this is a thing I'm going to try and find the list of characters and who they take the place of. Because good Lord this was not fun.)

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1 year ago


(I think I'm gonna phase out of my previous style and go into my normal writing style but I want yall to decide so ill put the poll in the end of this fic. Also merry Christmas everyone)

To say Weiss was incredible was a major understatement, atleast for one jaune arc. Despite the constant flash freezing she does to him he keeps trying... She didn't enjoy the constant attempts. She wouldn't nor shouldnt allow him to get to her, knowing her luck it's probably a facade. The moment he has her is the moment she gets trapped again.

Trapped like her own home was.

Trapped, Locked away and only released so others may gloat they were in her presence.

Trapped, and suffering.

But yet today, on the start of Christmas break no less. It was different. Her team, was out either with family or spending time with the other two.

Meanwhile Weiss? Weiss was in the library bored as looked for a nice book to read before stopping on... A children's book? A book made for children amongst the arsenal detailing the history of huntsman and huntresses. This... Intrigued Weiss, she grabbed it and pulled it out and read the title "the brave dragon"... Strange.

She decided to take it to the back of the library and began to read.

"a long, long time ago. A dragon who's heart was as beautiful as a diamond soon had it be frozen by the king of dragons. The once elegant and courageous dragon turned to isolation and bitterness. The humans that ones befriended it turned to its enemies with the dragon destroying it with its icy flame. The beautiful land and help cultivated was now A reduced to nothing but white hot ash. And so that dragon stayed alone and bitter. Until one day, a knight arrived to find this dragon, to require it's help, as the Greatest warrior of the knights home was gone, so the knight came to it and begged only to receive nothing but refusal and the dragons fury. Eventually the knight left causing a growing emptiness in the dragons frozen heart. Eventually the dragon would fly to the knight as it saw the knight fighting a giant bird that terrorized the people. With the bird striking the knight gravely wounding him and as the bird was about to strike the dragon would stand in its way as its heart was engulfed with flame as it forced the beast to return to its flock as unbeknownst to the dragon, it's cold heart had finally been allowed to melt. Soon after days of worrying the knight was able to finally return and thank the dragon for its bravery."

And the story ended there as Weiss was a tad annoyed for some reason. She didn't know why but something about the fact the story ended abruptly just... It bugged her. Weiss would sigh as she got back and put the book away as she noticed someone else coming through the library.. someone that should probably not be at school during the break.

One jaune arc was looking at the books in the shelves as he seemed indecisive as Weiss watch out of morbid curiosity before hearing another pair of footsteps as cardin and the rest of his flock entered and were chatting about something related to "putting fanaus bitches in their place" or whatever braindead idea they had.. which was somewhat ironic as one of the members, lark had shown attraction to a faunus. Regardless Weiss paid no more mind than what they deserved as her curiosity was now on jaune as he grabbed a book about the history of huntsmen fighting styles as he was walking toward the exit before being met with cardin.

"hey there jaune-jaune, how's your back feeling?" Cardin spoke as he had a smug look on his face as jaune just grumbled. "L-look cardin I don't have time for you and your crows, now may I please pass through?" Jaune spoke as he attempted to keep his voice steady as he tried to squeeze through before cardin put a hand on jaunes shoulder as cardin leaned close to his ear. "I dont think i feel like it. Besides.. I wanna use my favorite punching bag." Cardin spoke softly as jaunes face went pale, Weiss watched on expecting to see pyrrha show up to tell them to knock it off but so far.. nothing. Jaune stepped back and raised his fists as weiss raised an eyebrow as she didn't hear what cardin said but whatever it was jaune was preparing to fight.

"I'm not doing this cardin. I-im done with you." Jaune spoke as cardin just smiled before punching him in the gut as jaune opened his mouth shout in pain but nothing escaped his mouth.

Cardin then proceeded to grab him by his hair and kick him in the face as jaune stumbled back into a book shelf.

Weiss felt a pit in her stomach as she balled up her hands into a fist as something in her wanted to just grab Cardin and shove him into the ground. Weiss didn't know why she felt like this.. but she needed to keep her cool and wait for pyr-

"no invincible girl save you from this jauney-boy." Cardin taunted as he grabbed jaune by his shirt but before anything else could happen Cardin was flash frozen in a block of ice as his goons and jaune looked to see Weiss pointing myrtenaster at cardin as she had a scowl on her face.

"sometimes pyrrha, I worry your care for the dolt is rubbing off on me" Weiss thought to herself as she lowered myrtenaster. "Your boss will unfreeze soon. I advise you take him to your dorm and make sure he releases that dolt." Weiss spoke calmly as his goons nodded and picked up their frozen leader as he released jaune before they ran off. Leaving a confused jaune as he adjusted his posture as he stared at Weiss as he was about to say something.

"don't.. I shouldn't need to do your job of defending yourself." Weiss interrupted as her voice was cold with her turning away and walking out before arriving at her dorm as her face was red.


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7 months ago

I think the reason I connect to Jaune of all characters is because I can relate to the feeling of inadequacy. Ofcourse the character isn't perfect and I get why people just don't like him but I can't agree. Ofcourse that's just a shitty opinion and of course obviously my opinions are garbage. Any way my glazing aside-

Ok I know normally this is a really small (even compared to the shitposts) Rwby shipping post buuut-

A chat

Setting: jaune is currently helping Weiss move into her temporary apartment.

Jaune: hey Weiss?

Weiss turned to look at jaune as she hummed. She held a box in her hands before setting it down a stack of boxes.

Weiss: hmm?

Jaune: if you were sent back in time and put in our beacon, would you still.. you know dislike me during that time?

Weiss: well depends, would it just be me or would all of us be sent back?

Jaune: just you.

Weiss: hmm.. well id certainly still be annoyed with you. But I wouldnt be.. as harsh as my younger self. I would tell you to stop flirting and just try being friendly with me and then see how that goes.

Jaune: huh.. alright then. anything else outside of me?

Weiss: well this ones obvious, tell pyrrha to ask you out. Atleast then I wouldn't be annoyed. And apologize to Blake profusely for a lot of the things I said.. and ofcourse make sure to check in on ruby.

The room went quiet as jaune simply nodded.

Jaune: so-

Weiss: jaune, since you did ask that I think It's only fair that I ask you a question.

Jaune: huh, that seems fair. Fire away.

Weiss turned around fully to face him.

Weiss: if you went back in time.. what would you do?

Jaune: let's see, I would try harder in my classes, I'd have enough with Cardin's bullshit a lot earlier.. and I'd be honest with my team and you guys.. outside of that I'd stop flirting with you.. I got a lot of things I wish I could fix.

Weiss: but obviously.. what's happened, has happened.

Jaune: no going back.

Weiss: speaking of no going back, since we've finished up for today I say we go visit Ruby.

Jaune: alright then, you sure I should come with? It's.. been awhile since me and her actually talked.

Weiss: I think it do you both good.

Jaune just simply nodded as he amd Weiss soon walked out the front door but not before-

Jaune: hey Weiss.. thanks for putting up with me

Weiss: your welcome.. and your not that annoying anymore. Besides, outside of that, your a good friend.


When I check to see the reblogs I better see "WE ARE SO BACK" (kidding obviously I'm not that good at writing fics)

..you mothafuckers-

I Think The Reason I Connect To Jaune Of All Characters Is Because I Can Relate To The Feeling Of Inadequacy.

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