infoglitch - that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.
that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.

I write what I want, and what I want, is rwby because I am mentally unwell. but I cover it up by trying to be ✨ F U N N Y ✨

553 posts

Hopefully You Don't Mind Me Stepping In And Explaining Myself. Because I Personally Think I Made A Miscommunication.

Hopefully you don't mind me stepping in and explaining myself. Because I personally think I made a miscommunication.

While I still stand by the fact it's not a. Attack against Rwby, more of just an opinion. That is not me saying you are not allowed to dislike his video. Opinions are opinions and are deserving to be heard.

To me he has never once attacked the series, to you anonymous, perhaps he has, that does not change the fact he still has an opinion and much like your own he is allowed to state it. I personally believed he should have watched up to volume 6 (I have actually said that before hilarious enough) but that doesn't change the fact he still had critiques of the series.

Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, that also means that we are entitled to disagree.. that does not mean we act like children and call a video critiquing the series, a hit piece. Nor calling it an attack.

I do feel a tad silly not including the fact people are allowed to disagree, I admit that. But it doesn't change that some people choose to take offense and then counter attack by attacking and harassing someone who may have a different opinion than us.

I apologize that this is going to be seen as rather rude and mean-spirited, I just hope that I explained myself in an understandable and comprehensive way.

And I specifically apologize to you @rwby-confess for just barging in and acting like I've been attacked.

As for everyone, I'll be going.

Confession #206

Confession #206

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More Posts from Infoglitch

6 months ago

What's ya type?

("wow another otp post? How original. What's next getting on your knees and begging for reblogs?".. fuck you.)

Neptune reclined in his chair as he, Ren, Sun, and jaune were taking a break mid session of Gungeons and Grimm. Neptune grabbed a can of Prof. Spicer.

Neptune: alright guys. This is an extremely important question.

Jaune: what is it?

Sun: it isn't that stupid "woman or tree" thing again is it? I nearly got my head torn off for answering it.

Ren: that's because you chose neither. You said and I quote "id rather have a persimmon"

Neptune: guys! Quit thinking about history. I'm saving that for drunk philosophy night. The question is, what type of man or woman is your type? Starting with you Jaune, answer correctly and maybe your character will survive this campaign.

Ren: you realize I'm the gm right?

Neptune: ah right, well regardless answer the question.

Jaune: well-

Jaunes scroll started buzzing as he answered it.

How does your jaune otp respond?

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6 months ago

I'm s-s-s-stuttering!

So like here's a fun fact, so with the apparent proof that I don't like how bmblb was handled and the fact I ship dragonslayer and Blacksun you may assume i just hold a deep hatred towards bmblb.. no actually. It's much weirder

So I don't hate bmblb, which you'd think I would and I wouldn't blame you. But I'm more neutral. I wouldn't touch this ship with a ten foot poll but that's more due to the fear of fucking up when it comes to writing them.. plus also because I'm a straight man who has admitted he can't write women to save his ass and especially sucks at writing queer characters. So you can imagine how intimidating it is to write a combination of both.

But alas my incompetence has come to humiliate me.. because I'm gonna try and write a short bmblb fic.. like really short, like Tumblr fic-


Alright fine I'll get to the meat and potatoes.

I wanna write like one bmblb fic, but to be honest?

Writing Blake and yang is fucking intimidating. Especially writing their relationship.

I say this because I'm a guy right? Straight one too, so I feel like I'm walking a fine line on making it seem I actually care about writing their relationship.. and fetishizing their relationship which.. ya know it isn't exactly a decent thing to do regardless of gender or sexuality.

But that's all.

6 months ago

...SHIT! I deleted the otp post..

6 months ago

Curse technique: S.H.U.T. (Shutting. Heathens. Up. Today.)

"Glitch's technique automaticly causes anyone who it hits to witness the door being slammed in their face. Shutting them up".

I don't need the waifu wars.. not yet.

I'm saving that for when people start arguing who's the better ice themed waifu, winter or neo.

Alright I'm gone

Neo weapon is called HUSH.

Jaune song in Vol. 9 is called QUIET.


Neo Weapon Is Called HUSH.

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6 months ago

A rather curious question.

Jaune: so I was hanging out with Ren, Neptune and Sun right, we were taking a break from a campaign we did for GnG and Neptune proceeded to ask the rest of us on if we'd rather talk to our partners or a tree. I obviously didn't understand so I didn't answer.

Jaune turned in his heel as he carried a tray of freshly made sweets. He would set the tray down and look at his partner.

Jaune: what do you think he means by that? Is it something bad or.. something else?

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