Rwby Jaune Arc - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Weiss laid in her bed as she grumbled to herself before a door opens as jaune steps in. He had the same dorky smile he always greeted her with as Weiss smiled back at him.

Weiss: jaune, how was your parenting class today?

Jaune: it was... Interesting

Weiss: how so?

Jaune: well... The others there were REALLY friendly for some reason. One even tried to give me her number.

Weiss could hear in her own mind a CRACK as her eye twitched.

Weiss: excuse me, one did what again?

Jaune: one gave me her number and... Ok now I realize what they were actually doing.

Weiss: jaune... When I get out of this hospital you, Wryan and me are going to be living Vale... Because I'm about to murder some whores

Jaune: uh snow angel maybe you shouldn't-

Weiss: arc. I've made up my mind

Jaune immediately shut up as he nodded. He knew all to well if she used his last name she was not happy... But for some reason seeing her being protective of him, Made his heart skip a beat.

Gods he loved this woman.

A Lamb Among Hyenas

Jaune: *Entering Parenting class and smiles at some single moms* Hi!

Mom 1: You're new~ What's ya name?

Jaune: Oh, I'm Jaune, and I, uh, got a baby girl,

Mom 1: Welcome, this is a safe space

Jaune: *Smiles and nods* Thank you

Mom 2: Totally! Does... your wife work? Or...?

Jaune: Oh no, we're uh, not married right-

Mom 1: Good

Jaune: ... Uh, she' still in the hospital-

Mom 2: Oh I'm so sorry! What happened?

Jaune: C-Section, There was some complications

Mom 1: hopes she makes it

Jaune: Yeah... she's at the ICU, she's getting better

Mom 1: Poor thing- Can I bring you dinner?

Jaune: ... No... thnak you though, that's very nice...

Mom 1: You sure~?

Jaune: Yeah

Mom 2: You don't want that dinner *Glares at Mom 1* Woman can't warm up a hot pocket, I'll give you my number in case you need, Anything~! What's your number?

Mom 1: My number is I like Anal

Jaune: *Stunned* AYE! WHOA!

(How does your ship react?)

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10 months ago

Bleiss just glared at the possessed knight. He grip on her twin axes only tightened as she walked towards him.

Bleiss: the man I want is Jaune Arc. A caring man who only wants to be better than the man he is, the same man who has fought time and time again for his friends and family. Not some Pussy who's controlling MY darling like a puppet. You could NEVER be like him. You took advantage of him in his current mental state and for that-

Bleiss pulled out berta before chucking it at The CuriousKnight with him dodging narrowly avoiding it, tho it was clear it was meant to miss.

Bleiss: you shall be given death. You mothafucker.

(oh shit I completely misread it.)

CuriousKnight, but C.C. possesses your Jauneship.

CC: I am the person you want most, so you can love me forever!

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8 months ago

Falling dusk (a Lancaster story)

Chapter 1: a beacon in the dark.

Ruby's feet trudged through the black sand as she carried crescent Rose on her back. With jaune not to far behind as he carried crocea mors on his hip and ember Celica on his right arm.

Ruby's torn cloak billowed behind her revealing gamble shroud was attached to the back of her waist.

"how much farther until we reach beacon?" Jaune asked as his breath was ragged. Ruby kept going as jaune followed, she was completely ignoring him.

"ruby! Are you listening?" Jaune spoke again as Ruby kept walking her once silver eyes now a dull black. Jaune grumbled softly as he managed to catch up to her and grab her shoulder.

"RUBY." He said sternly as Ruby turned to face him her eyes narrowing at him. Her face contorted into a scowl. "We have a few hundred miles left until we reach beacon, and we will still a few hundred miles when we finally leave vacuo. YOU ASKING QUESTIONS ISNT HELPING" Ruby finally answered as her voice was cold. Jaune simply looked at her and nodded.

"alright.. we will have to camp soon. How much longer do you think we can last with just our aura?" Ruby questioned the blonde as jaune sighed, closing his eyes before eventually opening them.

"we got 6 days left then our auras are drained we'll need to find more rations soon... Who knows we might find some cookies." Jaune jested but ruby just sighed and looked away.

Eventually the two set up camp as jaune sat opposed to Rwby as she had taken out her sisters scarf and held it close.

Jaune sat quiet just allowing silence to fill the void. Before finally he asked the question he knew he would ask eventually after.. after Armageddon.

"what happened to us.." jaune asked as Ruby just looked away. "Now isn't the time jaune" she would mumble.

"there is no time left rubes, we are left HERE! Time doesn't exist anymore- Life doesn't exist anymore! so- what happened to us?! We were practically linked at the hip when we started. But now- Now I can't tell if I'm even your friend anymore. Let alone your partner..." Jaune pressed on as Ruby just looked away. She didn't want to entertain this conversation.. not at all.

Jaune took a breath before sighing. "I'm just... I'm tired.. I still worry about you rubes but I'm at the point of just giving up. Everyone is gone, my sister's are gone, my parents are gone, your family is gone, all of our friends are gone. Reduced to either ash or Grimm.. I cant keep going like this-"

"I CANT KEEP GOING LIKE THIS EITHER! BUT IM NOT THE ONE BITCHING ABOUT IT!" Ruby interrupted Jaune as she stood up. Her face was only darkened by the growing shadows.

"YOU THINK I DONT WISH WE WERE BACK AT BEACON, BACK TO BEING KIDS WHO JUST WANTED TO FIGHT MONSTERS?! I DO! I do! There is never going to be a day where I hope this is all just a nightmare. That I will wake up at beacon being late to Ms. Goodwitch's class, with my sister, my teammates, my friends waiting for me! I wanna go back to the way things were just as much as you do!" Ruby continued her eyes glowing as hot tears ran down her face.

"but what the hell am I supposed to do when reality is that this is REAL. This is our destiny. To try and find the remaining relics in hopes that we can undo this or at the least stop Salem! You wanna know what happened to us?! We broke a part because you can't handle reality!" Ruby shouted out as she knew some parts of what she said were wrong but she knew the majority was right.

Jaune just sat there. As much as he wanted to protest he figured it only escalate things. And this point, things could not be allowed to escalate anymore.

"alright.." that was all jaune could mutter as Ruby just looked at him. Before she sat down.

As the two were about to just continue the rest of the night in silence a light shined in the sky.

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7 months ago

What's ya type?

("wow another otp post? How original. What's next getting on your knees and begging for reblogs?".. fuck you.)

Neptune reclined in his chair as he, Ren, Sun, and jaune were taking a break mid session of Gungeons and Grimm. Neptune grabbed a can of Prof. Spicer.

Neptune: alright guys. This is an extremely important question.

Jaune: what is it?

Sun: it isn't that stupid "woman or tree" thing again is it? I nearly got my head torn off for answering it.

Ren: that's because you chose neither. You said and I quote "id rather have a persimmon"

Neptune: guys! Quit thinking about history. I'm saving that for drunk philosophy night. The question is, what type of man or woman is your type? Starting with you Jaune, answer correctly and maybe your character will survive this campaign.

Ren: you realize I'm the gm right?

Neptune: ah right, well regardless answer the question.

Jaune: well-

Jaunes scroll started buzzing as he answered it.

How does your jaune otp respond?

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7 months ago


Jaunes body.. ached as he stood amongst the corpses of grimm, crocea mors laid on the ground broken along with his shield. He wanted to just lay down.. lay down and wake up to something else, before he felt a hand softly glide up and down his back as he grumbled softly. It was her.

"looks like I finally caught up to you roach~" the woman spoke slyly as her human hand soon stopped at the center of his back.

Jaune could have turned around and hit her, atleast get in one good shot, but he was so.. exhausted. He then heard footsteps as he looked up to see.. Pyrrha.

Jaune went wide eyed as he looked at her. The same smile on her face as her emerald eyes seemed to shine.

"I.. can't keep going. I'm sorry pyr's" jaune muttered as Pyrrha simply raised a hand. Before she did a thumbs up. Before she pointed.. as jaune saw ruby rushing in before she stopped looking on with horror.

Jaune felt something click as he realized something.. something that made jaune scowl at. She's going to be stuck in this cycle.. shes gonna get herself killed. But then jaune decided to speak to Ruby as his body started to burn.

"Ruby.. you got this from here" jaune spoke with a sweet smile as Ruby rushed towards him before finally-

A burst of flames erupted from Jaune's body as Ruby went pale. Her eyes went wide as she stopped running.. more accurately stumbled. Falling onto her side as she felt her eyes begin to water.

"JAUNE!" Ruby screamed as cinder just simply grinned from ear to ear. Before she heard Ruby release Another scream.

"just who the hell are you, CINDER?!"

Cinder turned look at the girl as the sadistic grin was still plastered on cinders face.

"NO NEED TO SCREAM RUBY! I CAN HEAR YOU JUST FINE!" cinder responded as she could see something in Ruby's eyes. Hate. Pure. Unrefined. Hatred.

(hot take: If jaune should die, I firmly stand that his death should be important to Ruby's character.)

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6 months ago

(I bet y'all mfs don't remember when I created rouge for the rose reaper and dork knight series did ya? Well guess what-)

Dork Knights Rose Remorse!

I'll finish this angst war with a critical blow to you, @epic-arc this is and always will be the glitch cycle!

Jaune sat alone, his appearance much older as he appeared in his 60's as he sat in a chair on his cabins porch, looking at a field of Roses and sunflowers.

A young man walked up to him, his hair black, eyes azure blue, wearing a red t-shirt and black jacket as well as white jeans. He sat beside Jaune as the now old huntsmen smiled.

Rouge: the garden looks good.. I'm surprised you planted the roses so close.

Jaune: well.. your aunt and mother were always close..

Rouge: yeah.. how is Aunt Blake doing?

Jaune: we talked.. she's on the end of her rope.. I worry for her

Rouge: you worry for everyone old man.. so.. are we gonna talk about mom?

Jaune: Rouge.. I know it's been awhile-

Rouge: dad! It's been months.. you need someone to talk to. And I know you haven't talked to Aunt Blake or Mrs. Schnee.. you can't bottle up your grief!

Jaune: I'm not! I just.. your mother was.. she was my everything.. she made every day feel like I could live.. she inspired me after Beacons' fall.

Rouge: that doesn't mean just because she's gone you should shut everyone out.. when have you last talked to great uncle Qrow? When have you talked to Mr. Pine?!

Jaune:.. I don't want to discuss this anymore.

Rouge: she was your wife, but she was my mother.. I know how much it hurts.. or at least I can try! We both know mom would kick out asses for mopping!

Jaune: I said-

Rouge: how long until you realize you can't just shut people out dad?! How long until you realize you're shutting me out?!

The air went still as jaune sat there. He would look at his son as for a moment he could see both himself and his wife in his son's eyes.

Jaune:.. it just... It hurts.. it hurts because she doesn't get to be here, because she had to go on that mission, that one mission to destroy the relics! It.. it isn't fair, she was 55!

Rouge: and I was 16 dad. 16. It wasn't fair I lost my mother and it wasn't fair you lost your wife.. but im not about to let her death ruin my family.. your 61 dad, she died 4 years ago... You need to move on.

Jaune:.. I miss her.. so much.

Rouge sighed as he placed a hand on his father's shoulder.

Rouge: i miss her too dad.. I miss her too.

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6 months ago

True love.

Apologies everyone I was in the middle of questioning if I was bi or if I just wanted to fuck a femboy. Anyway time for fucking ANGST- wait.. shit this isn't angst this.. this is it, the one ship I can't make fucking depressing! BLACKGUARD!

@spahhzy, @epic-arc you are all in my domain. I welcome you, to blackguard paradise.

The only place where you heathens understand-


True Love.

(also I'm sorry but Bleiss's real name should be Bellamere. I will make a fuckin petition and FORCE EVERYONE to sign that shit, I actively refuse to acknowledge her by a shitty name choice. Is this me acting like I'm big shit because I wrote like 4 blackguard fics prior to this? Yes.. but also because I'm sick of Bleiss's name being just Bleiss. LET ME BE DELUSIONAL.)

Jaune laid beside his wife as he combed a hand through her hair. The woman he loved was humming softly as she cradles their infant son.

Jaune: hey.. Bellamere?

Bleiss: hmm, Yes darling?

The black sheep of the schnee family looked up at jaune. Her magenta eyes being filled with that same love he saw days, weeks, months, years, decades ago.. he saw it constantly in her eyes. And it always made his heart skip a beat.

Jaune: I.. I'm glad you didn't give up on me..

Bleiss: darling-

Jaune: I promise I'm not shitting on myself.. thank you Bellamere.. thank you for loving me, for having faith in me.. even when I let.. even when I let that cat possess me.

Bleiss: Jaune.. sweetheart, I want you to listen to me.

Bleiss managed to turn without waking the sleeping baby in her arms.

Bleiss: I want you to understand something, all those years in Beacon, those years you and Weiss helped me reconnect with my family, the years we spent together in the ever after. every single one of those years. I will gladly go through it again. because I love you.

Bleiss moved a hand and cusped her cheek.

Bleiss: and no matter what, I will always love you. Now and forever.. and even if I went through more hell than those years brought.. as long as you and our child would be there for me at the end. I'd gladly go through it. Because you, my sister's, my brother, my mother, my own child.. all of the people I have grown to care for.. you are all worth more than the world to me.

Jaune's face heated up as a smile crossed his Face. As he leaned in and kissed the one woman that stole his heart... and gave hers in return.

Jaune's eyes stared at the gravestone as he held his son's hand. The young boy crying. While jaune barely managed to choke back tears.

The date didn't matter, the rest of her name didn't matter. As all jaune needed was to see her first name and nickname on the grave.

His wife.

His partner.

His everything.

Was dead.

But as jaune wanted to just.. vanish he looked to his son, the boys pitch black hair and azure eyed reminded jaune.. he still had someone to be there.

The next few years would hurt, they would never hurt less but to Jaune all that matters was that his son still had his father.

And an Arc never leaves his family.

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6 months ago

Just a man.

(look, I've been listening to epic: the musical and I can't stop thinking about adult jaune seeing a baby cinder and struggling on whether he should kill her or not. So you all have to suffer now.)

Jaune didn't know how, nor did he care. As he found himself in a room in front of a baby's crib as he saw her. A sleeping baby with burning amber eyes staring at him. The eyes Jaune grew to know, and despise.

He unsheathed crocea mors as he raised it above his head. Blade pointing down, ready to be blunged and end it.

Jaune took a deep breath as after a minute he dropped his sword as it hit the wooden floor. Jaune fell to his knees as he looked at the child. He knew what she would become but-

Jaune: I can't hurt you.. but I want to so badly..

Jaune looked at the baby as he carefully reached in, the infant grasping his finger as she giggled. Jaune almost smiled at the sound as he thought back to a brighter memory.

Jaune laid in bed as he held Ruby close with the red reaper clutching their 5 year old son.

Jaune: he's so.. peaceful, just years ago he was crying his head off.

Ruby: well it's not like a lot can't happen between being 9 months old to 5 years.. makes you remember how much time there is in life.

Jaune: yeah..

Jaune brought a hand towards their son as he combed it through his hair. It was pitch black, with red peppering it.

The young boy stirred slightly as he shoved his head in closer. With Jaune having a warm smile.

Jaune: he's going to be a great man.. I can already tell.

Ruby: well, his parents are two huntsmen sooo..

Jaune: id more say his parents are a novice huntsman and exceptional huntress but.. sure thing rubes.

Jaune stared at the infant before carefully picking her up and cradling her.

Jaune: I should.. I should hate you with every fiber of my being, every ounce of my soul.. but you.. I can't.. I know why I should.. you grow up into.. her. But you're just a girl, an innocent child.. you almost look like..

Jaune pressed against the wall before sliding down onto the floor, sitting. He crossed his legs and began stroking the infant's head.

Jaune couldn't tell if he was holding the woman whose neck he wanted to wrap his hands around and watch the light leave her eye.. or a daughter.

Jaune released a hick as tears began to roll down his cheeks. He released another hick before he began to sob.

Jaune: dear oum.. dear oum how could I hurt a daughter?..

The ending doesn't have to be set in stone, right?

@spahhzy @epic-arc get your asses over here, this war ain't over yet.

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5 months ago

The Greater good.

Jaune looked at the infant as she held onto his finger with her small hands. Jaune looked back at his sword. It glinted in the moonlight as he knew what he had to do. He stood up holding the young girl.

Jaune: forgive me.. for I am just a man.

He placed the infant cinder back in the crib as he grabbed Crocea Mors. His eyes were dry of tears but they still demanded to keep weeping. He lifted the blade over his head. As he looked at the infant. He hesitated before he closed his eyes.

There was a loud crash as jaune now stood, his sword covered in blood. He fell to his knees as he avoided looking at the destroyed crib.. and the murdered infant.

Jaune:.. I.. I had to do it.. I needed to do it, to save my friends.

Jaune released another hick as he began to turn to dust. He fulfilled his mission.. he did it for the greater good.


Just a man.

(look, I've been listening to epic: the musical and I can't stop thinking about adult jaune seeing a baby cinder and struggling on whether he should kill her or not. So you all have to suffer now.)

Jaune didn't know how, nor did he care. As he found himself in a room in front of a baby's crib as he saw her. A sleeping baby with burning amber eyes staring at him. The eyes Jaune grew to know, and despise.

He unsheathed crocea mors as he raised it above his head. Blade pointing down, ready to be blunged and end it.

Jaune took a deep breath as after a minute he dropped his sword as it hit the wooden floor. Jaune fell to his knees as he looked at the child. He knew what she would become but-

Jaune: I can't hurt you.. but I want to so badly..

Jaune looked at the baby as he carefully reached in, the infant grasping his finger as she giggled. Jaune almost smiled at the sound as he thought back to a brighter memory.

Jaune laid in bed as he held Ruby close with the red reaper clutching their 5 year old son.

Jaune: he's so.. peaceful, just years ago he was crying his head off.

Ruby: well it's not like a lot can't happen between being 9 months old to 5 years.. makes you remember how much time there is in life.

Jaune: yeah..

Jaune brought a hand towards their son as he combed it through his hair. It was pitch black, with red peppering it.

The young boy stirred slightly as he shoved his head in closer. With Jaune having a warm smile.

Jaune: he's going to be a great man.. I can already tell.

Ruby: well, his parents are two huntsmen sooo..

Jaune: id more say his parents are a novice huntsman and exceptional huntress but.. sure thing rubes.

Jaune stared at the infant before carefully picking her up and cradling her.

Jaune: I should.. I should hate you with every fiber of my being, every ounce of my soul.. but you.. I can't.. I know why I should.. you grow up into.. her. But you're just a girl, an innocent child.. you almost look like..

Jaune pressed against the wall before sliding down onto the floor, sitting. He crossed his legs and began stroking the infant's head.

Jaune couldn't tell if he was holding the woman whose neck he wanted to wrap his hands around and watch the light leave her eye.. or a daughter.

Jaune released a hick as tears began to roll down his cheeks. He released another hick before he began to sob.

Jaune: dear oum.. dear oum how could I hurt a daughter?..

The ending doesn't have to be set in stone, right?

@spahhzy @epic-arc get your asses over here, this war ain't over yet.

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5 months ago

It will still come.

Jaune stood up as he cradled the young fall maiden to be.

Jaune: maybe I can change you.. maybe I can make you a better person.. make you more than the person you were.

Jaune grabbed Crocea mors from the ground, before sheathing it was he grabbed the blanket from the crib. He wrapped it around cinder despite her already being covered in a blanket.

He began to walk out of the house, holding cinder in his arms. As the world went white.

Fifteen years later.

Jaune watched on in horror as his daughter stood in front of their burning home. Cinder stayed back at him with those same dead eyes he saw before.

Jaune: cinder.. what did you do?

Cinder: I did what I was supposed to.. I became the monster you wrote of..

Jaune: you.. you read my journal?!

Cinder: of course I did.. I was just thinking it was fiction but something.. clicked. Something I know all to well.

Jaune stayed silent as he looked down, anger boiling up but it wasn't directed at his daughter.. but himself.

Jaune couldn't even fight as he felt a sword struck him, ending his life.

Just a man.

(look, I've been listening to epic: the musical and I can't stop thinking about adult jaune seeing a baby cinder and struggling on whether he should kill her or not. So you all have to suffer now.)

Jaune didn't know how, nor did he care. As he found himself in a room in front of a baby's crib as he saw her. A sleeping baby with burning amber eyes staring at him. The eyes Jaune grew to know, and despise.

He unsheathed crocea mors as he raised it above his head. Blade pointing down, ready to be blunged and end it.

Jaune took a deep breath as after a minute he dropped his sword as it hit the wooden floor. Jaune fell to his knees as he looked at the child. He knew what she would become but-

Jaune: I can't hurt you.. but I want to so badly..

Jaune looked at the baby as he carefully reached in, the infant grasping his finger as she giggled. Jaune almost smiled at the sound as he thought back to a brighter memory.

Jaune laid in bed as he held Ruby close with the red reaper clutching their 5 year old son.

Jaune: he's so.. peaceful, just years ago he was crying his head off.

Ruby: well it's not like a lot can't happen between being 9 months old to 5 years.. makes you remember how much time there is in life.

Jaune: yeah..

Jaune brought a hand towards their son as he combed it through his hair. It was pitch black, with red peppering it.

The young boy stirred slightly as he shoved his head in closer. With Jaune having a warm smile.

Jaune: he's going to be a great man.. I can already tell.

Ruby: well, his parents are two huntsmen sooo..

Jaune: id more say his parents are a novice huntsman and exceptional huntress but.. sure thing rubes.

Jaune stared at the infant before carefully picking her up and cradling her.

Jaune: I should.. I should hate you with every fiber of my being, every ounce of my soul.. but you.. I can't.. I know why I should.. you grow up into.. her. But you're just a girl, an innocent child.. you almost look like..

Jaune pressed against the wall before sliding down onto the floor, sitting. He crossed his legs and began stroking the infant's head.

Jaune couldn't tell if he was holding the woman whose neck he wanted to wrap his hands around and watch the light leave her eye.. or a daughter.

Jaune released a hick as tears began to roll down his cheeks. He released another hick before he began to sob.

Jaune: dear oum.. dear oum how could I hurt a daughter?..

The ending doesn't have to be set in stone, right?

@spahhzy @epic-arc get your asses over here, this war ain't over yet.

Tags :
5 months ago

The monster of man.

Jaune sat there for what felt like.. hours. He cradled the young cinder fall. He stood up still holding her. As an idea came to him. He grabbed Crocea mors and sheathed it. He looked at the infant as he had a small smile on his face.

Jaune: maybe I can avert your fate.. and give you something better.. maybe I could do something.. drastic.. let's leave here, and get you somewhere safe.. somewhere you'll be given a good family.

Cinder couldn't remember anything of her real family. All she knew was that they left her with her current family. As she was getting dressed with her younger brother jaune.

Jaune: I still say you don't have to come with me.

Cinder: well I can't risk you doing something stupid.. especially if you're set on your path.

Jaune: well.. I can't exactly argue with that.

Jaune and Cinder looked at eachother. Jaune could tell the question his sister was asking in her eyes.

Jaune: I'm sure Cinder... I need to do this.

Cinder: need, or want to?

Jaune:.. need.

Cinder simply not as once they were dressed they set off to the bullhead. To beacon academy.

Just a man.

(look, I've been listening to epic: the musical and I can't stop thinking about adult jaune seeing a baby cinder and struggling on whether he should kill her or not. So you all have to suffer now.)

Jaune didn't know how, nor did he care. As he found himself in a room in front of a baby's crib as he saw her. A sleeping baby with burning amber eyes staring at him. The eyes Jaune grew to know, and despise.

He unsheathed crocea mors as he raised it above his head. Blade pointing down, ready to be blunged and end it.

Jaune took a deep breath as after a minute he dropped his sword as it hit the wooden floor. Jaune fell to his knees as he looked at the child. He knew what she would become but-

Jaune: I can't hurt you.. but I want to so badly..

Jaune looked at the baby as he carefully reached in, the infant grasping his finger as she giggled. Jaune almost smiled at the sound as he thought back to a brighter memory.

Jaune laid in bed as he held Ruby close with the red reaper clutching their 5 year old son.

Jaune: he's so.. peaceful, just years ago he was crying his head off.

Ruby: well it's not like a lot can't happen between being 9 months old to 5 years.. makes you remember how much time there is in life.

Jaune: yeah..

Jaune brought a hand towards their son as he combed it through his hair. It was pitch black, with red peppering it.

The young boy stirred slightly as he shoved his head in closer. With Jaune having a warm smile.

Jaune: he's going to be a great man.. I can already tell.

Ruby: well, his parents are two huntsmen sooo..

Jaune: id more say his parents are a novice huntsman and exceptional huntress but.. sure thing rubes.

Jaune stared at the infant before carefully picking her up and cradling her.

Jaune: I should.. I should hate you with every fiber of my being, every ounce of my soul.. but you.. I can't.. I know why I should.. you grow up into.. her. But you're just a girl, an innocent child.. you almost look like..

Jaune pressed against the wall before sliding down onto the floor, sitting. He crossed his legs and began stroking the infant's head.

Jaune couldn't tell if he was holding the woman whose neck he wanted to wrap his hands around and watch the light leave her eye.. or a daughter.

Jaune released a hick as tears began to roll down his cheeks. He released another hick before he began to sob.

Jaune: dear oum.. dear oum how could I hurt a daughter?..

The ending doesn't have to be set in stone, right?

@spahhzy @epic-arc get your asses over here, this war ain't over yet.

Tags :
1 year ago

Ren sensing Jaune while on his way to his position.

Jaune trying to contact Ren after date night with Ruby.

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7 months ago

Is it just me or the volume 9 ost is just perfect? I was saving the songs that i liked while watching this whole show and the most songs that i saved are from volume 9. Its either that or im just a sucker for this show which is also most likely but WHO CARES! I just finished the whole series in two days 😎😎😎 and after hearing the ost i wanna go back and watch it again just to pay attention more.

Also its fascinating to see how much the animation quality got better and better each season. Like in the first season they didnt bother to animate the NPCs but now! And dont even get me started on this story!

I cant believe im just finding this show and not sooner! I envy all the people who started watching this series early on and actually experienced these changes and upgrades! you guys must feel so proud! I know i am even tho im a two day old fan 😅😅😅😅 BUT THIS WAS PERFECT AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

imma probably write some stuff abt this show too like i did for tdp and i dont even know where to start!!! Theres so many places i wanna talk about!!!!


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1 year ago

Pyrrah vs. CRDL rematch

While Jaune saved Cardin from an Ursa Major, Jaune still forged his combat records to get into Beacon Academy. This was why Jaune's severe injuries during a mission when Pyrrha was not around came as no big surprise to anyone.

Desperate, Pyrrha could only turn to Cardin Winchester for help with the medical expenses, to which Cardin agreed if Pyrrha would allow Cardin to show her one good night on the town.

Pyrrha managed to endure Cardin's assault early on. However, when the rest of team CRDL joined in that evening, Pyrrha's Amazonian body and warrior spirit gave out soon after. Overwhelmed by CRDL's insatiable appetite and debauched lust.

In the end, Pyrrha was draped between Cardin and Dove like a prize deer. Broken, exhausted, and her magnificent figure glazed in a mix of her and CRDL's filth. Her alabaster pale skin was also swollen red after hours under the roughly assertive attention of CRDL's expert hands. The photos taken of the evening were distributed to some of Cardin's close friends in the hospital wing where Jaune was convalescing.

A package was prepared for Jaune as a get-well gift. After all, what were friends for?

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1 year ago

CRDL vs. Kali Belladonna

Kali had no idea how allowing CRDL into her bedroom would have protected her family from harm. She had long forgotten why she had accepted Cardin's challenges and succumbed to his taunts. All Kali knew now was that she was barely a workout for the youthful strength of Cardin Winchester, and barely a hurdle for CRDL at once.

If Kali was younger, she may have been able to do something about CRDL. There was no doubt that Kali still retained her skills and experience that made Ghira her husband and Jaune Arc her lover. But she fought CRDL like a young woman and was destroyed by CRDL who had more experience than Kali in that department.

In the contest of lust and will, CRDL showed Kali her place in the bedroom. It was at CRDL's feet, spread across her sweat-stinking bedsheets like butter on toast. Her soft, helpless body was battered into limp jelly by the hardened, and battle-forged weapons CRDL possessed. More powerful and enduring than anything Jaune or Ghira had equipped. Her mind, too was broken after that fierce fight. Overpowered, pushed far beyond any limits she could have ever possessed, Kali had begged for mercy until she lost her ability to speak, then screamed until her voice broke like the dam between her legs all over the wedding and family photos strewn around the bedroom.

Kali was so broken that when Blake found CRDL leering over her mother's shattered frame, and when CRDL offered Kali a chance to finally rest in exchange for her daughter, Kali fell asleep to Blake's screams as CRDL turned their dissatisfaction unto the younger Belladonna ...

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1 year ago


Professor Jaune Arc's patience with the three most obnoxious girls ended one fine day, and he dragged them to the counselor's room to put the fear of authority into the three smug little brats.

Jaune had then made the mistake of laying his hands on one of the girls. It didn't matter who, but he was offered one chance; make them cum before he did or clear out his desk in the morning.

"No~! Gonna cum~! Wait, please~!"

Jaune had fought valiantly, but he was just one man against three of the most experienced girls in the school.

Heroically, he pinned the dusky Emerald Sustrai and, with a powerful thrust, splashed Emerald's juices down the side of a nearby desk.

With brute strength and luck, he subdued Cinder Fall and dampened her fire with ropes of cum across Cinder's cold face.

However, that tribute to his male ego was too reckless, and Jaune was exhausted when he faced Neo Politan.

His body was paying now for her over-eagerness in the earlier rounds. When Jaune engaged Neo, his legs turned to jelly and buckled at the knees while Neo's legs held steady as marble pillars in a proud letter 'A' against Jaune's impotent invasion of her ivory-cold body. Neo's wide hips and slender belly clenched, tight, and wet around the tortured muscles of Jaune's long, weakened shaft, which caused white spots to flash in his eyes as Neo's womb milked him from root to tip.

The sounds that filled the classroom as Jaune and Neo grappled made Jaune nauseous with dread and pleasure. At his peak, Jaune would still be too weak to overpower the girl and he was now too tired to counter her thrusts.

In a hoarse voice, he cursed Neo to clear his mind from the soaked, sticky sensation that clung to his hips like wet film. He pressed close and spat vitriol into Neo's ear, spanked her ass, cast aspersions on her virtue, and called her every kind of whore from Arkansas to Salem, Massachusetts until Neo's relentless rhythm strangled Jaune's voice into a strangled, helpless whine.

Neo laughed and relished Jaune's slavish worship of her incomparable body. Her scent was a mix of vanilla perfume, strawberry sweat, and feminine triumph, which set Jaune's brain abuzz like an agitated hive and eroded Jaune's will. Jaune had proven himself worthy prey, but his masculine fury was ultimately impotent compared to Neo's experience, her consummate skill, and a figure that would have put Aphrodite to shame.

The game was over once Cinder and Emerald recovered, pressed their sweat-slick bodies against Jaune's back, and dragged Jaune down to the floor. Jaune bucked and kicked like a downed antelope. Neo stared hungrily at Jaune's cock, hard to the point of uselessness, then smiled at Jaune as she ran her long tongue once up the tortured length of wet, exhausted muscle.

Jaune squealed and tried to shove himself into Neo's mouth, but the girls had let him go, and they laughed as he scrabbled across the classroom floor, looking for warm flesh to press his cock against.

"Please~! Have mercy~!"

Jaune then sobbed as he was forced to cum in his hand just like he did when his mother caught him in flagrante with his first lingerie catalogue.

Broken, Jaune held his useless meat as it bled white between his soft thighs, and he begged that the girls let him slink away with some measure of dignity intact. Unsatisfied, Cinder and Emerald had their revenge for Jaune's temporary victory over them, while Neo took her own trophies from her latest victim. The photos of Jaune's defeat would ensure the punishment of the three girls, but Jaune's humiliation is something he could never recover from. He would never again earn any respect from his students and peers, and all Jaune could do was leave the Academy in shame for the rest of his days.


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9 months ago

Jaune Arc Ai Covers

Jaune Arc Ai Covers

Check this out. It's pretty amazing.

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